SR :: Volume #16

#1501: Great Universe and Paramount

The prairie, stretches to the horizon, wormwood grass half person of high, was very bleak, is very silent, but fills murderous aura now, cold piercing. 大草原,一望无垠,蒿草半人高,原本很荒凉,也很寂静,可是现在充满杀气,冷的刺骨。 Chu Feng is staring at the Yuan Clan remaining people, Heavenly Venerate as well as eight young people. 楚风盯着沅族剩下的人,还有一位天尊以及八位年轻人。 At this time this established Heavenly Venerate whole body tightens, bends/bow the body, probably demon leopard in a chaos, must jump to launch an attack momentarily. 此时这个老牌天尊浑身绷紧,弓起身子,像是一个混沌中的魔豹,随时要跃起发难。 Before me, Heavenly Venerate do not think acted unruly, do not want to run away!” Chu Feng opens the mouth tranquilly, said: Said the Yuan Clan situation to me.” “在我面前,天尊就不要想着撒野了,更不要想逃走!”楚风平静地开口,又道:“跟我说说沅族的情况。” Bellows, the prairie sky drops dozens thick lightnings, all has the mountain is so thick, Yuan Clan established Heavenly Venerate makes a determined effort, takes itself as to direct, tows the void thunder and lightning, he does not hesitate to discard the source, inspiring is close to the Supreme Being Level thunder, wants to divide dead Chu Feng. 一声大吼,草原上空落下数十道粗大的闪电,全都有山岳那么粗,沅族的老牌天尊发狠,以自身为引,牵引虚空雷电,他不惜要废掉本源,引动接近大能级的雷霆,想劈死楚风 Laughable, my Ultimate Chu just crossed most Heavenly Tribulation, your does Heavenly Venerate also want to divide me?” The Chu Feng look is desolate, then to raise head towards sky, shouted: Draws back the powder to me!” “可笑,我楚终极刚渡完最天劫,你一个天尊也想劈我?”楚风神色冷淡,而后抬头望天,喝道:“给我退散!” His tongue splits the startling thunderclap, in the mouth departs as if Ruoxian glow light beam, contains rune, welcomed dozens mountain massif that thick astonishing lightnings. 他舌绽惊雷,口中飞出一片宛若仙芒般的光束,蕴含着符文,迎上数十道山体那么粗的惊人闪电。 Bang! 轰! Finally, in the midair, the thunder is deafening, blasted out void, vault of heaven one dazzling, the magnificently intense light beam is violent, sweeps across the upper air. 最终,半空中,雷霆震耳欲聋,虚空炸开了,天穹都都一片刺目,盛烈的光束暴烈无比,席卷高空。 Chu Feng shouted at to leave the thunder, was defeated and dispersed that thick and terrifying thunder and lightning completely. 楚风喝退雷霆,将那粗大而恐怖的雷电全部溃散了。 Exactly said that the light beam that in his mouth departs routed the lightning, what because only he shows is double Everlasting King Dao Fruit, energy intensity startled fear boundary. 确切的说,他口中飞出的光束击溃了闪电,只因他展现的是双恒王道果,能量强度惊慑此境。 Even if established Heavenly Venerate, is very powerful in this Dominion, but cannot visit Supreme Being Dominion, how and on double Everlasting King Dao Fruit Chu Feng? 纵然是老牌天尊,在这一领域中无比强大,但也还是不能踏足大能领域呢,怎及得上双恒王道果楚风 Since you want dead, delivers you to start off!” “既然你想死,送你上路!” Chu Feng callous take action, the old fogy did not say, here also has Yuan Clan Divine King, therefore his brutal bang killed. 楚风冷酷出手,老家伙不说,这里还有沅族神王,所以他无情的轰杀了过去。 Established Heavenly Venerate goes all out crazily, and urgently scolded: Chu Feng, the demon, you are now insolent, sooner or later must be criticized, this time changed, the one who understands the times may live!” 老牌天尊疯狂拼命,并且急切地呵斥:“楚风,魔头,你现在张狂,早晚要被清算,这个时代变了,识时务者才可活!” Chu Feng has not given him the opportunity, two fists rumble, bang, he blasted out, the dark red blood sprinkles on the prairie, shocking. 楚风没给他机会,两拳轰出,砰的一声,他炸开了,殷红的血洒落在草原上,触目惊心。 Then, Chu Feng stares at remaining eight disciple, so-called young disciple is also only relatively speaking, they must be greatly more than Chu Feng in fact. 然后,楚风盯上剩下的八位弟子,所谓的年轻弟子也只是相对而言,事实上他们都比楚风要大不少。 And, the ages of some people exceeded two thousand years, the achievement Divine King fruit position, after all world really few Chu Feng such monster. 其中,有人的年龄超过了两千载,成就神王果位,毕竟世间真的没有几个楚风这样的怪物。 Has saying that Yuan Clan this crowd of person bones are very hard, then the Chu Feng attempt searches the secret of its soul light deep place, finally touches restrictions, these person all turn into ashes. 不得不说,沅族这群人骨头很硬,而后楚风尝试探其魂光深处的秘密,结果触碰禁制,这些人皆化成灰烬 Regarding this, Chu Feng does not feel the sympathy, did not have the pity, Yuan Clan turns to lifeforms outside All Heavens, worked as guided the party, no regretted. 对此,楚风并不觉得同情,无怜悯之心,沅族都投靠诸天外的生物了,当了带路党,没什么惋惜的。 Yuan Clan, was really insane!” Still Feather sighed lightly. 沅族,真的疯了!”羽尚轻叹。 He knows the Yuan Clan matter, can calm telling Chu Feng. 他知晓沅族的事,可以从容的告诉楚风 Was far more than insane, is simply crazed!” Chu Feng said. “何止疯了,简直丧心病狂!”楚风道。 Yuan Clan, very early turned, found the escape route. 沅族,很早就投靠出去了,找好了后路。 Otherwise, they so will not be bold. 不然的话,他们绝不会这么胆大包天。 Some time ago, azure Copper Coffin crashed from outside territory, Celestial Emperor illuminated obviously in Soul River, great war in distressed earth, no matter True Body whether died, made an appearance eventually. 不久前,青铜棺域外坠落,天帝显照在魂河,大战厄土,不管真身是否死了,终究是露面了。 Even the shadow of emperor is still good, sufficiently fear world, but Yuan Clan dares to kill his descendant, obviously is secure, a say/way arrived black! 即便是帝之影也好,也足以慑世,可沅族还是敢来杀其后裔,可见有恃无恐,一条道走到黑了! This time, Chu Feng kills them to have no pressure. 这次,楚风杀他们没有任何心理压力。 He and Still Feather talked, understood many secret about Yuan Clan, knows their entrances where, some fierce characters of knows this/should clan. 他与羽尚交谈,了解到关于沅族的很多秘辛,也知道了他们的山门在哪里,更知道该族的一些厉害人物。 Yuan Clan, really has the Great Universe Level powerhouse!” Chu Feng knits the brows, about that dissimilar in shape and form and boundless terrifying monster, indeed to the utmost fearful, touches ominous. 沅族,果然有大宇级强者!”楚风皱眉,关于那种形态各异、无边恐怖的怪物,的确极尽可怕,触之不祥。 Even if saw him of magnificent scene, saw that the Great Universe monster still flees immediately, otherwise must die without doubt. 即便见惯了大场面的他,见到大宇怪物也得立刻遁走,不然必死无疑。 Perhaps, There is still one old Paramount!” Still Feather opens the mouth, incomparable serious. “也许,还有一个究极!”羽尚开口,无比的严肃。 There is still one old Paramount?!” Chu Feng shocked, Yuan Clan somewhat was really abnormal, a two big powerhouse, this is what kind of astonishment. 还有一个究极?!”楚风震惊了,沅族真的有些变态了,一门两大强者,这是何等的惊人。 Right, two big powerhouses are their World of the Living's mastery!” Still Feather emphasized. “没错,两大强者是他们阳间的底蕴!”羽尚强调。 The issue of There is still one to terrify person, that is, the Yuan Clan background should be very big. 还有一个更瘆人的问题,那就是,沅族来头应该很大。 Yuan Clan in the word, their ancestors has gone against heaven's will magnificently, perhaps perhaps ancestral land outside World of the Living, hidden the ancestor who anything had not been dying not to settle. 沅族一直在言,他们的祖先辉煌逆天,也许阳间外的祖地,或许还隐藏着什么不曾死掉的祖先也不说定。 A Chu Feng parade is big, Yuan Clan was too strong, but, this clan is a foe, sooner or later must to, nothing fearful. 楚风一阵头大,沅族太强势了,但是,这一族已是仇敌,早晚要对上,没什么可怕的。 Naturally, the premise is, World of the Living will have tomorrow, in the future, to the world the time, such all will say strangely fortunately. 当然,前提是,阳间还有明天,还有未来,诡异给世人时间,那样一切还好说。 Otherwise, when officiating arrives truly, anything ended. 不然的话,主祭者真正到来时,什么都完了。 No matter what said, now must outside three by vault of heaven resist officiating, not knows that two doubtful immortal Emperor Level lifeforms confronts and negotiations how. 不管怎样说,现在还得靠天穹外的三器抵住主祭者,不知道那两位疑似仙帝级生物对峙以及谈判的怎样了。 Perhaps, quick had the result. 或许,很快就有结果了。 Why I felt, Great Universe Level and Paramount are similar?” Chu Feng consults, bends down including nearby Jun Tuo on the prairie earnestly listens attentively, it also thinks knows. “为什么我觉得,大宇级究极相仿?”楚风请教,连旁边的钧驮都伏在草原上认真倾听,它也想知道 It is not Chu Feng usually did not care, but is the knows person are really not many. 不是楚风平日不关心,而是知道的人还真不多。 Because, this Dominion was too profound, World of the Living on altogether does not have many positions outwardly, coming that can count. 因为,这种领域太高深了,阳间明面上总共也没有多少位,是可以数的过来的。 Naturally, if counted in secret could turn time. 当然,如果算上暗中的可能要翻倍。 This Dominion, regarding ordinary Evolver, is Taboo, is the non-solution, the life does not have the opportunity to be close, discussed what understanding. 这种领域,对于普通进化者来说,是禁忌,是无解的,此生都没有机会接近,更谈何了解。 The world are only knows, Great Universe and Paramount is also raised frequently together, this is spreads from the Great Clan mouth. 世人也只是知道,大宇与究极经常被一起提,这还是从大家族口中流传出来的。 However, is some big aristocratic family juniors, is hard to talk clearly, Great Universe and Paramount foundation. 不过,就是一些大世家子弟,也难以说清,大宇与究极的根底。 Because Chu Feng is far from this level too, had not cared, today meets Still Feather, and later might probably very much to this lifeforms, he inquired earnestly. 楚风因为离这种层次还太远,一直都没有太在意,今天遇到羽尚,并且以后很有可能就要对上这种生物了,他才认真询问。 The Still Feather look is complex, many years elapse, their clan declined thoroughly, does not have creature of this level. 羽尚神色复杂,多少年逝去,他们这一族彻底没落了,早就没有这个层次的生灵了。 He sighed lightly, then informed, said: Great Universe and Paramount are actually lifeforms of same level, to this Realm, has been able with immortal that lifeforms expedition, even kills the immortal.” 他轻叹,然后告知,道:“大宇与究极其实都是同一层次的生物,到了这种境界,已经可以与仙那种生物征战,甚至杀仙。” Great Universe and are Paramount lifeforms of same level?” Chu Feng is amazed. “大宇与究极是同层次的生物?”楚风惊诧。 Meanwhile, he also asked: Immortal that lifeforms, they where?” 同时,他又问道:“仙那种生物,他们到底在哪里?” Immortal, belongs to another evolution branch road, my ancestor, once walked is that road, we conceal identity to come here, has to change the Evolution Road line, as the years pass, even the law of ancestor lost unexpectedly.” “仙,属于另一条进化支路,我的祖上,曾经走的就是那条路,我们隐姓埋名来到这里,不得不改换了进化路线,而随着岁月流逝,竟连祖上的法都遗失了。” Helpless Still Feather sighed. 羽尚无奈叹气。 Meanwhile, he told Chu Feng, in the past, this world also had many immortals, what walked was that Evolution Road diameter, but, vanished eventually, was replaced by the pollen route. 同时,他告诉楚风,在过去,这个世界原本也有很多仙,走的是那种进化路径,但是,终究是消失了,被花粉路线所取代。 Immortal, you will notice sooner or later, the immortal of that world was completely different, was different from the past, had been called degenerates Immortal Race.” Still Feather shakes the head. “仙,你早晚会看到的,那个世界的仙完全不同了,跟过去不一样了,已经被称为堕落仙族。”羽尚摇头。 Then, he also explained Great Universe and Paramount issue. 然后,他又解释大宇与究极的问题。 Great Universe and Paramount, are lifeforms of same level, is only the road is somewhat different.” “大宇与究极,是同层次的生物,只是路有些不同而已。” Great Universe, this takes the pollen, after accepting the catalyst evolution, the big eruption causes, the physique meets the variation, has the indescribable terrifying to change. 大宇,这是服食花粉,接受触媒进化后,大爆发导致的,形体会变异,出现不可名状的恐怖变化。 It can be said that this is not controlled, is the helpless choice. 可以说,这是不受控的,是无奈的选择。 Breaks through from Supreme Being, enters a higher level, the issue that the body saves releases comprehensively, became malignant is encumbered, the physique is fearful, is Great Universe. 大能突破,进入更高层次时,身体所积攒的问题全面释放,被恶变缠身,形体可怕无边,就是大宇。 Paramount, is under the relatively modest environment, since Supreme Being breaks through, when enters higher Dominion one condition, the body has not become malignant. 究极,则是相对温和的环境下,从大能突破,进入更高领域时的一种状态,身体不曾恶变。 Generally speaking, no one does not want to walk Paramount Road, this is more appropriate, is more temperate, the road of Great Universe was too crude, will frequently die. 总的来说,没有人不希望走究极路,这才更合适,更温和,大宇之路实在太粗暴了,动辄就会死。 Moreover, its shape also fearsome, making one be hard to accept. 而且,其形态也过于可怖,令人难以接受。 The big eruption and result that after that is takes pollen and mutated fruit , the issue always accumulates! 那是服食花粉与异果后问题总积累的大爆发与结果! Great Universe, if can boil, finally will return to original state, reappears really the figure appearance, but no longer is that the fearful, scared shape. 大宇,如果能熬过去,最终会还原,再现真身形貌,而不再是那么可怕,让人胆寒的形态。 And, once boils, the strength will also be the growth of crude type, will be extremely fearful. 并且,一旦熬过去,实力也将是粗暴的式的增长,极其可怕。 Paramount, is not in light of this thorough safe and sound, cannot guarantee smoothly, during this process, likely will have the mutation, becomes the rotten even indescribable monster. 究极,也不是就此彻底安然无恙,并不能保证顺顺利利,在此过程中,也可能会发生异变,成为腐烂甚至不可名状的怪物。 On the other hand, the body of Paramount lifeforms is normal, can, as the polish of years, in addition oneself strength in meditation enough, painstaking cultivation gets down, can the hidden danger in within the body, the trouble that the pollen and mutated fruit accumulate cut most, even obliterates. 只是相对来说,究极生物的身体还算正常,可以随着岁月的打磨,加之自身定力足够强,苦修下去,能将体内的隐患,花粉与异果积淀下的麻烦斩掉大半,甚至磨灭。 Finally, Great Universe and Paramount actually must unite, these two roads to finally, must experience the bad risk, wants to break through, is aloof this Great Realm, Great Universe, is Paramount, must first normalizing, becoming the space investigates lifeforms to be good!” “最终,大宇与究极其实是要合一的,这两条路到了最后,都要经历凶险,想要突破,超脱出这个大境界,无论是大宇,还是究极,都要先归一,成为宇究生物才行!” Realm, two bifurcations, unite finally, actually this can Great Realm, call it Yu Jiu?!” Chu Feng asked. “一个境界,两条分叉路,最终又合一,其实这个大境界,可以称之为宇究?!”楚风问道。 Right!” Still Feather nods. “没错!”羽尚点头。 Yu Jiu, can actually single regard as Great Realm, because, it is very indeed abnormal, passes very much difficult to walk, once will succeed that strong oddness. 宇究,其实都可以单算一个大境界了,因为,它的确很变态,很难走通,而一旦成功那就会强的离谱。 Yu Jiu, furcation two roads, if did not consider that Great Universe Level body variation, the shape is ugly, in addition will frequently die greatly, actually by the strength, who to be weak who is very difficult to say. 宇究,分叉两条路,如果不考虑大宇级身体变异,形态丑陋,加之大动辄会死,其实论实力的话,孰弱孰强很难说。 Even, Great Universe Level is cruder, if can live through , to promote firm and fierce. 甚至,大宇级更粗暴,如果能熬过来,提升的更刚猛 What a pity, throughout the ages, after the breakthrough, directly causes within the body issue, has no recourse to step onto lifeforms of Great Universe road, finally almost cannot live. 可惜,古往今来,突破后直接就引发体内问题,迫不得已走上大宇路的生物,最后几乎都活不下来。 Then, Li Da, Lunatic Wu, they are not necessarily stronger than Great Universe, when steady that but they walk, breaks Realm initially, has not erupted the serious problem that the pollen accumulates, is a lucky fellow?” “这么说来,黎龘,武疯子,他们不见得比大宇强,只是他们走的稳,初破境界时,不曾爆发花粉积累的严重问题,算是幸运儿?” Chu Feng feels the chin, ponders over. 楚风摸着下巴,一阵琢磨。 Still Feather shakes the head, said: Actually the lucky fellow, that is because, they accumulate enough depth earlier, believes firmly oneself will not break through Supreme Being, after entering a higher level, craftily changes, to walk the Paramount Road upholstery with preparing.” 羽尚摇头,道:“倒不是幸运儿,那是因为,他们前期积累足够深,确信自己不会突破大能,进入更高层次后就诡变,早就为走究极路铺垫与准备好了。” Accumulation enough depth?” In the Chu Feng heart a little lacked self-confidence. “积累足够深?”楚风心中有点没底了。 Yes, absorbs the pollen, takes mutated fruit, this evolution, will accumulate over a long period of time to have problems, many people must settle down in some Great Realm, must whet, must accumulate for a long time to walk very much again, you must pay attention!” “是,吸收花粉,服食异果,这种进化,日积月累下来会出问题的,许多人都在一些大境界要驻足,要磨砺,要积淀很久才会再走下去,你要注意!” When hears this words, the Chu Feng's face was directly green, he evolves swiftly and violently, making Yuan Clan shock, is frightened, deeply feeling him is the monster. 当听到这种话,楚风的脸直接就绿了,他进化迅猛,让沅族都震撼,都惊悚,深感他是怪物。 This is indeed astonishing, according to this speed, will have problems in the earlier period, should craftily change in his current this level, finally he is well. 这的确惊人,按照这种速度,在前期就会出问题了,在他的当前这个层次就应该诡变了,结果他无恙。 But, in the Chu Feng actually heart lacked self-confidence, when he breaks through Supreme Being, when enters the space investigates Dominion, is directly is the Great Universe road? Does not need to choose. 可是,楚风却心中没底了,等他突破大能,进入宇究领域时,是不是直接就是大宇路?都不用选择。 Young, I am unlucky, the whole body grows the red hair, the black wool, how many heads on the navel is then hanging, is full head sarcoma? The whole body is decayed, is covered with the scale, even the head rots, has various problems?!” “年纪轻轻,我就要不祥,浑身长出红毛,黑毛,然后肚脐眼上挂着几个脑袋,满头都是肉瘤子?浑身腐臭,长满鳞片,甚至脑袋都烂掉,出现各种问题?!” The Chu Feng scalp must explode, he is still preparing, a while must copy Yuan Clan these to leave behind opens cave mansion the family property of powerhouse outside, quite makes itself evolve rapidly. 楚风头皮都要炸了,他还在准备呢,一会儿就要去抄沅族那些落单在外开辟洞府的强者的家底了,好让自己迅速进化。 Now but, his actually heart braves the cold air, some have one's hair stand on end. 可是现在呢,他却心底冒凉气了,有些毛骨悚然 Did not fear, anything becomes malignant, what corruption, anything grows hair, I suppress entirely!” Chu Feng a little does not believe in evil doctrines. “不怕,什么恶变,什么腐烂,什么长毛,我统统镇压!”楚风有点不信邪。 Right, Li Da, Lunatic Wu, can kill True Immortal incessantly, limits on Paramount this road?” Chu Feng clearly felt, the two are very strong , to continue these. “对了,黎龘,武疯子,不止能杀真仙,局限在究极这条路上吧?”楚风分明感觉,那两人很强,远不止这些。 :.: :。: High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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