SR :: Volume #15

#1500: The merit is bigger than the day

The opposite is headed by four people, is Heavenly Venerate, moreover is the Yuan Clan this Dominion leader, each one brings several disciple to bring the strong winds behind, brings the sound that breaks open the world space wall, in big snapping, arrives at this place. 对面以四人为首,都是天尊,而且是沅族这个领域的领军人物,各自身后都带着几位弟子带着狂风,带着破开天地空间界壁的声音,在大爆声中,降临此地。 Favored, today we will make the history!” Heavenly Venerate is very faint, said to several disciple behind like this. “看好了,今天我们将创造历史!”一位天尊很淡漠,对身后几位弟子这样说道。 Today, they are going to have the Celestial Emperor mark! 今天,他们将要拥有天帝印记! His is the education, bringing several disciple to come, grows their experiences and stories, has not placed in Still Feather the eye. 他这是现场教育,带几位弟子过来,增长他们的见识与阅历,根本就没有将羽尚放在眼中。 Jun Tuo withered immediately, it many high Realm, bending down were motionless when the ground, words that thinks went out previously says, Pangu opens the world, the Jun Tuo town/subdues world...... it felt that feels hot shamelessly. 钧驮顿时萎了,它才多高的境界,伏在地上一动不动了,想到早先出关时说的话,盘古开天地,钧驮镇人间……它感觉老脸发烫。 The Still Feather complexion also changed, but he is also a man of decision, first hints Chu Feng, do not manage him, although preys independently, should not be wary! 羽尚的脸色也变了,但他也是一个果断的人,第一时间示意楚风,不要管他,尽管放手去搏杀,不要心存顾忌! Waited so many years, finally sought the opportunity, the mark just stripped, injected into your within the body newly, is unstable, could use my clan supreme Supreme Treasure to let take!” “等了这么多年,终于寻到机会,印记刚剥离,新注入你的体内,还未稳固,或许能动用我族无上至宝让取出来!” Yuan Clan Heavenly Venerate is smiling, his full head black hair, seems like the appearance of middle age, blood energy is prosperous, but its real was very obviously old, in the pupil has the great changes intent, this was an antiquity becomes the Heavenly Venerate old fogy. 沅族一位天尊在笑,他满头黑发,看起来中年的样子,血气鼎盛,但其真实年龄显然很大了,眸子中有沧桑意,这是一个上古就成为天尊的老家伙。 He said was very pleased, waited for many years, the desire must achieve finally! 他说的很快意,等了很多年,愿望终于要达成了! Pitifully, previous we neglected time, had the opportunity!” Another full head Hui Fa Heavenly Venerate opens the mouth, he stared at Chu Feng. “可惜,上一次我们疏忽了,原本就有机会!”另一位满头灰发天尊开口,他盯上了楚风 He said that naturally refers when the tripartite battlefield, Still Feather gave Chu Feng the mark quietly, at that time avoided their field of vision. 他所说的,自然是指在三方战场时,羽尚悄然将印记给了楚风,那个时候避开了他们的视野。 One crowd of lower than pigs and dogs things, were your consciences eaten by the wolf?!” The Chu Feng cold sound said, he really does not have the favorable impression to this group of people, too dislike. “一群猪狗不如的东西,你们的良心被狼吃了吗?!”楚风寒声道,他真的对这群人没好感,太厌恶了。 Whom are you saying?!” “你在说谁?!” In four Great Heavenly Venerate rear areas, that more than ten young disciple berated, all cold intent, revealed murderous intention wear a look. 在四大天尊的后方,那十几位年轻的弟子喝斥,全都面带冷意,流露杀机 Chu Feng is disinclined to pay attention to these more than ten people, looks at four Great Heavenly Venerate as before, said: Celestial Emperor, the merit is bigger than the day, rescues Myriad Clans, the resistance is strange, great war Soul River's Bank, the blood puts together in the hells, how many people saved? Without them, has your ethnic group? But your group of sons of bitches, what bloody matter did, is no one taste, without the will of the people, killing the Celestial Emperor's descendant? You court death, tired of living, 100 your such ethnic groups, insufficiently kills, insufficiently repays a debt, this, your entire clan must blast out, must crush, lifts the clan skeleton not to save!” 楚风懒得理会这十几人,依旧看着四大天尊,道:“天帝,功绩大于天,救万族,抵御诡异,大战魂河畔,血拼地府间,救了多少人?如果没有他们,有你们这些族群吗?可是你们这群狗东西,都做了什么血腥的事,没有人味儿,没有人心,在杀天帝的后裔?你们找死吗,活腻了吧,就是有一百个你们这样的族群,也不够杀,不够还债,这一世,你们全族都要炸开,都要粉碎,举族尸骨无存!” Speaking of finally, Chu Feng is explodes drinks to make noise, really lost one's temper, indignation, Yuan Clan was too whether there is ignominious, was too mean, the cold blood is brutal. 说到最后,楚风是爆喝出声,真的动怒了,有无边的怨愤,沅族太可耻了,也太卑鄙了,冷血无情。 After knows Celestial Emperor withers away, in the end they dare to make such person of god altogether indignant matter. 知道天帝消亡后,到头来他们竟敢做出这么人神共愤的事。 When executes! 当诛! In fact, the bang kills them to be hard to be even the world indignant, the Chu Feng chest fluctuates fiercely. 事实上,轰杀他们都难以平天下愤,楚风胸膛剧烈起伏。 Chu Feng, he has also fought side-by-side with Celestial Emperor, naturally, after this is his facial skin, thinks. 楚风来看,他也算是与天帝并肩作战过,当然,这是他脸皮后自认为。 In Soul River there, although he with the aid of the stone jar strength, but that Celestial Emperor also reveals the photo to have the empty body with the coffin board, looks like in Chu Feng, after all has gone on an expedition in the Soul River battlefield together. 魂河那里,尽管他是借助石罐的力量,而那位天帝也是用棺材板显照出虚身,在楚风看来,毕竟一同在魂河战场上征战过。 One was cussed out by Chu Feng, the complexion of Yuan Clan person changed, for these years, but also no one dares to insult, provokes them. 楚风一顿臭骂,沅族人的脸色都变了,这么多年来,还没有人敢这么辱骂,挑衅他们呢。 After all, their root foot terrifying, the background is boundless, otherwise, how dares to move the Celestial Emperor descendant? Because, they are secure! 毕竟,他们的根脚恐怖,来头无边大,不然的话,何以敢动天帝后裔?因为,他们有恃无恐! Cao De, you court death!” Heavenly Venerate opens the mouth coldly spookily. 曹德,你找死呢!”一位天尊冷幽幽地开口。 What you called, who was the father? The father is the ultimate powerhouse, once fought side-by-side with Celestial Emperor, making your ancestor come out to speak with me, your crowd of dog generations do not have the qualifications!” Chu Feng shouted. “你叫什么,老子是谁?老子是终极强者,曾与天帝并肩作战,让你祖宗出来跟我说话,你们这群狗辈没资格!”楚风喝道。 Then, some of his really resentment thought that black dogs, how this son of a bitch handled affairs, even haven't the Celestial Emperor descendants protected? 然后,他就真的有些怨念那只黑狗了,这狗东西怎么行事的,连天帝后裔都没有保护好? However, thinks carefully, he also sighed. 不过,仔细想一想,他又叹气。 Dog sovereign and the others are not easy, oneself are dying, the long years are avoiding, cannot be born, where also knows Celestial Emperor descendant now what condition. 狗皇等人也不容易,自身都快死了,漫长岁月都在躲避,不能出世,哪里还知道天帝后裔现在什么状况。 Dog sovereign and the others, if comes out, the high-sounding talk conduct, looks for the Celestial Emperor descendant, must stare mostly all of a sudden strangely, the consequence can be difficult to expect. 况且,狗皇等人若是出来,高调行事,寻找天帝后裔,多半一下子就要被诡异盯上,后果就更能难料了。 But Still Feather clan concealed identity, no longer was once Celestial Emperor surname. 羽尚一族自己都隐姓埋名了,不再是曾经的天帝姓氏。 Begins, do not make the Celestial Emperor mark consolidate!” “动手,不要让天帝印记稳固下来!” Heavenly Venerate shouted, they came quickly, to obstruct, not to give the Still Feather stable mark the time, such Yuan Clan had the opportunity. 一位天尊喝道,他们之所以这么快现身,就是为了阻挠,不给羽尚稳固印记的时间,这样沅族才有机会。 Persecutes a Still Feather clan, persecutes to death his several children, attempts why, for this Celestial Emperor mark. 迫害羽尚一族,逼死他几位儿女,所图为何,就是为了这天帝印记。 Go away!” “滚!” A Chu Feng fist will rumble, seriously is whole-heartedly, not reserved, that Heavenly Venerate bang flies upside down in the midair, the half body blasted out instantly, blood rain everywhere. 楚风一拳将轰出,当真是全力以赴,没怎么保留,将那位天尊轰的在半空中倒飞,半边身子刹那炸开了,血雨漫天。 This scene shocked everyone! 这一景象震惊了所有人! Who are you?!” Yuan Clan Heavenly Venerate cannot believe simply, this youngster isn't Cao De? How so powerful, fights with the fists to explode Heavenly Venerate, cracking a joke, is this myth? “你是谁?!”沅族天尊简直不敢相信,这个少年不是曹德吗?怎么会如此的强大,一拳打爆天尊,开什么玩笑,这是神话吗? Although the valuable mirror, can monitor here outside the thousand li (500 km), but also can only see the general picture, has not heard the concrete sound. 他们虽然有一面宝镜,可以在千里之外监视这里,但也只能看到大概画面,并未听到具体的声音等。 Therefore, their not knows, Cao De is Chu Feng! 所以,他们不知道,曹德就是楚风 Killed him with joint forces!” Some people shout, actually, they are startled got angry and feared, some heart and galls all are really cold, this is a monster, a youngster, can unexpectedly rumbling rotten Heavenly Venerate. “合力杀了他!”有人喊道,其实,他们又惊又怒又怕,真的有些心胆皆寒,这是一怪物啊,一个少年而已,居然能轰烂天尊 Chu Feng is indifferent, has not given them the opportunity, the second fist rumbled, hit to explode that heavy treasure that was seriously battered Heavenly Venerate took out, bronze ancient spear, made sharp incomparable antiquity Heavenly Venerate disintegrate directly, turned into everywhere the fragment, flew to shoot, making its disciple call out pitifully, by the ancient spear fragment puncture body, died a tragic death at the scene. 楚风冷漠,没给他们机会,第二拳轰出去了,打爆那位受重创的天尊祭出的重宝,一杆青铜古矛,直接让锋利无比的上古天尊器解体了,化成漫天的碎片,飞射出去,让其弟子惨叫,被古矛碎块击穿身体,当场惨死。 Bang! 轰! The Chu Feng third fist rumbles, ray ten thousand, illuminated the trim world, bang hit to explode antiquity Heavenly Venerate that lost/carrying created, thorough die, destroy both body and soul, only left behind faint trace blood mist same place, moreover fast burning down was also clean. 楚风第三拳轰出,光芒万道,照亮了整片天地,轰的一声将那位负创的上古天尊打爆,彻底殒落,形神俱灭,原地只留下一丝丝血雾,而且也快速焚烧干净了。 This method, this scene, shocked everyone! 这种手段,这种景象,震惊了所有人! Three fight with the fists to explode Heavenly Venerate, this with myth, after all this is a youngster, how regardless to see that he has not made great strides forward in Heavenly Venerate Dominion. 三拳打爆一个天尊,这跟神话似的,毕竟这才是一个少年,无论怎么看他都没有迈进天尊领域中呢。 When Heavenly Venerate has the unique aura, the revolution energy, fleshly body or some soul light special symbols demonstrated that but this youngster not. 天尊有独特的气息,运转能量时,无论是肉身还是魂光都有特殊的符号显示,而这个少年并没有。 Still Feather dumbfounded, this youngster was too fierce, he is not knows Chu Feng is outstanding, crossed on the experience when the tripartite battlefield, now, surpasses his understanding completely, has far exceeded its expectation. 羽尚都呆住了,这少年太猛了,他不是不知道楚风出色,在三方战场时就见识过了,可是现在,完全超出他的理解,早就远超其预料。 Did three fists solve antiquity Heavenly Venerate? 三拳解决掉了一位上古天尊 Wants knows, this came from the Yuan Clan old fogy, is absolutely stronger than common Heavenly Venerate, is very difficult to provoke, is true Not just in name only, but also in reality top Heavenly Venerate. 知道,这可是来自沅族的老家伙,绝对比寻常天尊还要强,很难招惹,是真正名副其实的顶尖天尊 But, what did they see? Yuan Clan this Realm's established leader was easily beaten to explode. 可是,他们看到了什么?沅族这个境界的老牌领军人物被人轻易捶爆了。 Jun Tuo Ancient Saint, on the ground, this it really must frighten the urine earnestly time, is not an attire, but really frightened ignorant. 钧驮古圣,埋头在地上,这一次它真要吓尿了,不是装的,而是真吓懵了。 It wants to bellow, the monster, this kidnapper evolved the monster, but also wanted others to live, this also ratio? Thinks that its Jun Tuo Ancient Saint also once prestige illustrious, was now, is unexpectedly ignorant, after don't tell me, really only matched works as the tonic? 它很想大吼,怪物啊,这人贩子进化成怪物了,还要不要别人活了,这还怎么比?想它钧驮古圣也曾威名赫赫,可是现在,居然懵了,难道以后真的只配是当补品了? Yuan Clan, one group of people such as the falling icehouse, all the wool, do not say that other young disciple, is other three Great Heavenly Venerate is also scared, this too fearsome. 沅族,一群人如坠冰窖,全都毛了,不要说其他年轻弟子,就是剩余的三大天尊也胆寒,这太可怖了。 They take action, the result was useless a moment ago, Chu Feng's outside the body leaps the silver white shiny ray, Human King Dominion appears, Myriad Laws Immunity, the attacks of three Great Heavenly Venerate are invalid! 他们刚才出手了,结果没用,楚风的体外腾起银白锃亮的光芒,人王领域浮现,万法不侵,三大天尊的攻击都无效! Chu Feng opens Discerning Eyes, is staring at beyond thousand li (0.5 km), saw a person, is very strong, grasps the valuable mirror, is monitoring this place. 楚风睁开火眼金睛,盯着千里外,看到了一个人,很强,手持宝镜,正在监控此地。 chī chī chī! 哧哧哧 Various ground marks wind to reappear, in a moment ago, Chu Feng take action instantly, has actually used Domain, now bound to lead everyone from vanish same place. 地上各种纹络浮现,就在刚才,楚风出手的刹那,其实已经动用场域,现在裹带着所有人自原地消失了。 However, he does not run away, but to grasping the person of valuable mirror goes. 不过,他不是逃走,而是冲着手持宝镜的人而去。 Some time ago, he once Black Capital, a city whole moved out, the idle talk now is only one group of people. 不久前,他曾经将黑都,一座城池整体搬走,更遑论现在只是一群人。 Let the person unable to respond, was too quick, he bound to lead the people to arrive, appeared before that person of body, lifted the fist to kill on the bang! 让人反应不过来,太快了,他就裹带着众人到了,出现在那人的身前,举拳就轰杀! Bang! 轰! That person has not evaded to draw back, the head hangs the valuable mirror to protect the body, lifted the fist bang to kill unexpectedly, two worlds erupted dazzling rune, the energy large explosion! 那个人没有避退,头上悬着宝镜护体,竟也举拳轰杀了过来,两人间爆发出刺目的符文,能量大爆炸! This person does not avoid, dares such firmly resist, showing is self-confident! 此人并不躲避,敢这么硬抗,彰显自信! In fact, he indeed blocked Chu Feng this fist, although oneself are staggering to back up, but had not been penetrated the body, in Heavenly Venerate Dominion really terrifying. 事实上,他的确挡住了楚风这一拳,自身虽然在踉跄倒退,但是没有被击穿身体,在天尊领域中着实恐怖。 Great Heavenly Venerate?!” Chu Feng is astonished, saw Evolver of this grade of level unexpectedly, is really rare. 大天尊?!”楚风惊异,竟见到了这等层次的进化者,着实罕见。 When he puts down Black Capital, once the accident/surprise knew, in the killer in underground world Black Qilin Organization has Great Heavenly Venerate, is known as the dark big lion. 他扫平黑都时,曾意外得知,地下世界黑麒麟组织内的杀手中有一个大天尊,号称黑暗大狮子。 But today he meets Yuan Clan unexpectedly. 而今天他竟遇到沅族的中的一个。 However wants to come is also normal, Yuan Clan is very strong, immeasurably deep, even the Celestial Emperor's descendants dare brutally to strike a vicious blow, his family mastery absolute terrifying is boundless. 不过想来也正常,沅族很强,深不可测,连天帝的后裔都敢无情地下毒手,其家族底蕴绝对恐怖无边。 In fact, the Yuan Clan person shocked compared with Chu Feng, even can say frightened. 事实上,沅族的人比楚风震撼多了,甚至可以说惊悚。 Such young youngster, obviously felt the life aura is vigorous, how possibly so powerful? This basic...... does not echo! 这么年轻的少年,明显感觉到生命气息蓬勃,怎么可能会如此的强大?这根本……不附和道则! With person who the science and technology walks the civilization, this...... is really unscientific. 用科技走文明的人来说,这实在……太不科学了。 Naturally, it that they have is unscientific, but cannot block them to think like this, like this thinks. 当然,他们这些人存在的本身来说就不科学,但挡不住他们这样想,这样认为。 „Very strong, Everlasting King Dao Fruit?!” Yuan Clan Great Heavenly Venerate expression grave, he looks very young, but also is relatively speaking, is higher than other Heavenly Venerate talent, is truly young, actually also had several thousand years old. “很强,恒王道果?!”沅族大天尊神色凝重,他看起来很年轻,但也是相对而言,比其他天尊天分高,年龄确实较小,其实也有数千岁了。 Meets Chu Feng this monster, such age has the Everlasting King Dao Fruit person, he also can only stare dry/does, thinks the non-solution. 遇上楚风这种怪物,这样年岁就拥有恒王道果的人,他也只能干瞪眼,认为无解。 The average people evolve, before Divine Level, good to add, but more arrived was more difficult afterward, even if the strongest pollen puts at does not dare easily to use at present, feared die. 一般人进化,神级前好还说,可是越到后来越难,即便最强花粉摆在眼前都不敢轻易动用,怕殒落 Does indescribable of Great Universe Level come? Not is only Great Universe Level is easy to have problems, but, takes accumulating over a long period of time of mutated fruit to have much to do with the passing absorption pollen. 大宇级的不可名状是怎么来的?不仅是大宇级容易出问题,还跟过往吸收花粉、服食异果的日积月累有很大关系。 Therefore, many people pay attention especially, does not dare the hurricane to advance vigorously, has a process that accumulates with cooling. 所以,许多人格外注意,不敢狂飙猛进,都有一个积淀与冷却的过程。 Meanwhile, when to certain level, every took the pollen fruit one time is also a narrow escape, each on big stair, elimination rate over 99%! 同时,到了一定层次,每一次服食花粉果实时也是九死一生的,每上一个大台阶,淘汰率都在百分之九十九以上! Therefore, they noticed that Chu Feng is so young, is so powerful, but also has double Everlasting King Dao Fruit, what naturally thinks is the-- monster! 所以,他们看到楚风这么年轻,这么强大,还拥有双恒王道果,自然想到的是——怪物! Bang! 轰! The ground rune twinkle, Chu Feng binds to lead everyone to vanish again, these crosses the number state time directly, was very remote, left that mountain scene lineage/vein. 地上符文闪烁,楚风裹带着所有人再次消失,这一次直接横渡数州,无比遥远,离开了那片山脉。 Because, he has the reason to believe, Yuan Clan monitors the Still Feather person is only the leading troops, the family can not rush in the old monster that World of the Living walks sideways truly! 因为,他有理由相信,沅族监测羽尚的人只是先头部队,家族真正可以在阳间横着走的老怪物还没赶到呢! Related to the Celestial Emperor mark, even if sets out Supreme Being, even old Paramount is nothing unusual, is worth such doing, awakening ancient ancestor is inevitable! 涉及到天帝印记,哪怕出动大能,甚至老究极都不足为奇,值得那样做,惊醒古祖是必然的! Therefore, he led one group of people to disappear. 所以,他带着一群人消失了。 Moreover, these bound the belt/bring people to vanish time several times, finally far away from dozens states, Domain rune that left behind along the way burns down, destroyed the clue. 而且,这一次裹带众人是数次消失,最终远离数十州,沿途留下的场域符文自行焚烧,毁灭了线索。 Finally, they stopped in desolated prairies. 最终,在一片荒芜的大草原上他们停了下来。 Now, we can discuss well, can fight one happily!” Chu Feng said desolately. “现在,我们可以好好谈一谈,也可以痛快的打一架了!”楚风冷淡地说道。 What discussed? Life and death! 谈什么?你死我活! Yuan Clan each and every one has the chill in the air, simultaneously incomparably dreaded, compound stands, alerts. 沅族一个个都带着寒意,同时无比忌惮,并列站在一起,戒备起来。 In fact, if to not prevent the Still Feather Heavenly Venerate consolidated mark, they will not appear early, must wait till family's old monster to arrive absolutely. 事实上,如果不是为了阻止羽尚天尊巩固印记,他们不会这么早出现,绝对要等到家族的老怪物降临。 Like this guarantee is absolutely safe, did not fear absolutely has the accident/surprise. 这样保证万无一失,绝对不怕出现意外。 When the result...... prevents the Still Feather consolidated mark, really had the terrifying the variable, Cao De...... goes against heaven's will! 结果……阻止羽尚巩固印记时,果然出现恐怖的变数,曹德……逆天了! Three fight with the fists my clan established Heavenly Venerate, you are...... Chu Feng!” The Great Heavenly Venerate opens the mouth, his eye pupil like the electricity, guessed the status of opponent unexpectedly immediately. “三拳打死我族一位老牌天尊,你是……楚风!”大天尊开口,他眼眸如电,居然在第一时间猜测出对手的身份。 Good!” Chu Feng nods, reveals the true appearance. “不错!”楚风点头,露出真正的容貌。 When seeking for Still Feather Heavenly Venerate goes to the tripartite battlefield, he can only restore is the Cao De appearance is appropriate. 在寻找羽尚天尊前往三方战场时,他只能恢复为曹德的容貌才合适。 Initially, Chu Feng killed Extreme Martial, mopped up Black Capital, then looking of firm and fierce too Martial Master elder sister's Dao Field, the 5-6 fist the bang killed famous Heavenly Venerate. 当初,楚风击毙太武,扫灭黑都,而后又刚猛的找上太武师姐的道场,五六拳而已轰杀一位负有盛名的天尊 Now, his three fist bang kill the Yuan Clan powerhouse, making this Great Heavenly Venerate associate to is he, but obviously become stronger! 现在,他三拳轰杀沅族强者,让这位大天尊联想到是他,但明显又变强了一些! „Really were you beastly audacity, the conscience make the dog eat? Celestial Emperor protects various clans, insurance All Heavens was well, how many paid, the disciple disciple blood stream must drain away, what you made, did not ask you to return, but did not want such cold blood unfeeling to make the matter that some domestic animals were inferior, you must kill the Celestial Emperor descendant unexpectedly, extinguished completely his bloodlines, was this matter that the person did?!” “你们真是狗胆包天,良心都让狗吃了吗?天帝守护各族,保诸天无恙,付出了多少,门人弟子的血流要流尽了,你们做了什么,不求你们回报,但也不要这么冷血绝情做出些畜生都不如的事,你们竟要杀天帝后裔,灭尽他的血脉,这是人干的事吗?!” Chu Feng reprimanded, is filled with righteous indignation. 楚风斥责,怒火填膺。 Now, but also discussed Celestial Emperor, didn't you feel obsolete? You had a look at this heaven and earth to change, dyes with blood, who wants to manage All Heavens? You come to see!” “现在,还谈天帝,你不觉得过时了吗?你看看这天地都变了,都染血了,谁要主掌诸天?你来看!” The Great Heavenly Venerate opens the mouth, he uses the hand direction horizon, there has three ups and downs, outside the vault of heaven big hole has the sacrifice to appear intermittently, compels the person. 大天尊开口,他用手指向天际,那里有三器沉浮,天穹的大窟窿外更有祭地隐现,迫人之极。 Then, he also said: I urged you also to make the plan early, otherwise was out very pitifully, the skeleton not saved, feared ignorantly, became the corpse servant, became others' puppet, such was more pitiful.” 接着,他又道:“我劝你也早做打算,不然的话下场很可悲,尸骨无存都算好的,就怕浑浑噩噩,成为尸仆,成为别人的傀儡,那样更凄惨。” In a flash, Chu Feng understood, Yuan Clan is secure, dares to handle affairs overbearingly, must extinguish the Celestial Emperor's descendant, this is because has the energy, has turned, in the heart is unhurried! 一瞬间,楚风都明白了,沅族之所以有恃无恐,敢这么霸道行事,要灭天帝的后裔,这是因为有底气,早就投靠出去了,心中不慌! You really damn!” Chu Feng sighed, this kind of person is most ignominious, most hateful. “你们真该死啊!”楚风叹道,这类人最可耻,最可恨。 Clearly, for oneself are living, even if conquered by killing World of the Living, extinguished All Heavens, coming out that they can make. 很明显,为了自己活着,哪怕血洗了阳间,灭了诸天,他们都能做的出来。 This is one crowd guides the party, even crosses, oneself first brandished a sword to the past camp person! 这就是一群带路党,甚至更过,自己先对昔日自己正营的人挥刀了! Meanwhile, he thought that this/should clan at a moderate pace forcing Still Feather, has not drawn out the meaning that dog sovereign, carrion and the others set out for these years. 同时,他想到了,该族这么多年来不紧不慢的逼迫羽尚,未尝没有引出狗皇、腐尸等人出动的意思。 After all, their behind, has a more terrifying backer. 毕竟,他们的身后,有更恐怖的靠山。 What rejoiced is, the Celestial Emperor mark is unique, so long as some people use other thought stratagems to seize, will explode, Celestial Emperor cannot hoodwink! 庆幸的是,天帝印记是唯一性的,只要有人动用其他念头谋夺,就会自行爆开,天帝不可蒙蔽! Until today, they also flew into a rage, was compelled anxiously, thinks the bold attempt, is unstable while the mark, must in the Supreme Treasure stratagem by the clan seize. 直到今天,他们也是急眼了,被逼急了,才想大胆尝试,趁印记不稳固,要以族中至宝谋夺。 How do you want dead?!” Chu Feng asked. “你们想怎么死?!”楚风问道。 The unnecessary words he does not want to say that only thinks that the complete slaughter falls, wants some day to bring Yaoyao to extinguish Yuan Clan together, is a Still Feather clan revenge. 多余的话他不想说了,只想全部屠掉,更想有一天带着妖妖一起去灭了沅族,为羽尚一族复仇。 How the death, you said does not calculate, do not think Everlasting King Dao Fruit was invincible, the father is Great Heavenly Venerate , is not a vegetarian, extinguishes you!” “怎么死,你说了不算,不要以为恒王道果就无敌了,老子是大天尊,也不是吃素的,灭你!” Yuan Clan Great Heavenly Venerate exclaimed, in the meantime, surrounding three Great Heavenly Venerate were also ready, must start together, helping the same race talent character kill Chu Feng. 沅族大天尊吼道,同时,周围的三大天尊也做好了准备,要一起下手,帮着同族天骄人物杀楚风 How Great Heavenly Venerate, killed in the same old way! Right, forgot to tell you, my Ultimate Chu now is double Everlasting King Dao Fruit!” Chu Feng said desolately. 大天尊怎么了,照样打死!对了,忘了告诉你们,我楚终极现在是双恒王道果!”楚风冷淡地说道。 What? Double Everlasting King Dao Fruit...... has never heard! 什么?双恒王道果……从未听说过! However, this being able to support makes the person back brave the cold air, can understand, can understand that his meaning, this fuck...... also went against heaven's will, from the start has not heard this terrifying Dao Fruit. 但是,这架不住让人脊背冒寒气,都能听懂,都能明白他的意思,这尼玛……也太逆天了,压根就没听闻过这种恐怖的道果 Not far away, lies to bend down as in ground Jun Tuo, thorough was scared, it was musing how many levels the old man did miss with this kidnapper? Thinks when goes out the words, path of cultivation in 3000, I will set up the Divine Dao summit...... it to be seriously shameful. 不远处,依旧趴伏在地上的钧驮,彻底的傻眼了,它在暗想,老夫到底与这个人贩子差了多少层次?想到出关时话语,修道三千年,吾立神道巅……它当真无地自容。 „When you......” Great Heavenly Venerate suck in a cold breath, is truly scared, pupil contraction, but without other chose, only has the war. “你……”大天尊倒吸冷气时,确实傻眼,瞳孔收缩,但是没有其他选择了,唯有死战。 Bang! 轰! He initiates an attack, the head float treasure mirror indeed is the rare treasure, sends out trillion wisps of brilliance, this is the Supreme Being Level rare treasure, shines to extinguish the enemy light beam directly, hits toward Chu Feng. 他主动出击,头上悬浮的宝镜的确是异宝,发出亿万缕光辉,这是大能级的秘宝,直接照耀灭敌光束,向着楚风打去。 Chu Feng cold snort/hum, in the wrist/skill Vajra Cutter shines, the bang pounded. 楚风冷哼,手腕上一枚金刚琢发光,轰砸了过去。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 The mirror broke, explodes more than ten pieces, flies to all around. 镜子破碎了,炸成十几片,飞向四面八方 „It is not really solid, but also wants to collect.” Chu Feng regretted. “真不结实,还想收藏呢。”楚风遗憾。 Great Heavenly Venerate is the body is trembling, wants saying that your evil creature, resulted in cheaply also showed off cleverness, destroys my heavy treasure, killed! 大天尊则是身体都在颤,很想说,你个孽障,得了便宜还卖乖,毁我重宝,杀! Bang! 轰隆! Two people collide in together, intense preying, has saying that Great Heavenly Venerate is very strong, far exceeds other Heavenly Venerate, sweeps away these so-called established powerhouses sufficiently, pushes horizontally unpaired. 两人碰撞在一起,激烈搏杀,不得不说大天尊很强,远超其他天尊,足以横扫那些所谓的老牌强者,横推无对手。 However, he also only stops in this. 但是,他也仅止于此罢了。 In each fist mark to the bang process, his both hands fingers/tiger mouth is bleeding time, his body is numb, he cannot withstand that great strength. 在每一次的拳印对轰过程中,他的双手虎口都在淌血,他的身体都在发麻,他根本承受不了那种巨力。 This is a monster! This is he appraises to Chu Feng's, is simply irresistible, his path of cultivation several thousand years, have become Great Heavenly Venerate, if not in the precipitation and cooling, have stepped Supreme Being Dominion. 这是一个怪物!这是他对楚风的评价,简直不可抵挡,他修道数千年,早已成为大天尊,若非在沉淀与冷却,已经踏上大能领域了。 People like him, absolutely were Heaven-Blessed creature, but actually appraises Chu Feng now is a monster, obviously his shock. 他这样的人,绝对算是天纵生灵了,可是现在却评价楚风为一个怪物,可见他的震撼。 Monster!” “怪物!” His mouth and nose in the overflowing blood, was shaken by the Chu Feng's strange strength, must blast out by the arm that terrifying boundless fist mark pounds, cannot block. 他的口鼻都在溢血了,被楚风的怪力震的,被那种恐怖无边的拳印砸的手臂都要炸开了,根本挡不住。 His Heaven-Blessed creature, can become Supreme Being absolutely, moreover is extremely the powerhouse, but has not walked, but also is accumulating. 他这种天纵生灵,绝对可以能成为大能,而且是绝顶强者,但是一只没有走,还在积淀呢。 He is stronger for the future, being insufficient some day is indescribable! 他为的是将来更强,不至于有朝一日不可名状! Now, he regretted, accumulates for a long time makes anything, he who the present monster hits cannot see to live the hope, he must die today here. 现在,他后悔了,积淀那么久做什么,眼前的怪物打的他看不到生之希望,他今天要死在这里了。 Nephew-Apprentice, hang there!” Nearby Heavenly Venerate bellows. 师侄,坚持住!”旁边的天尊大吼。 Although they are inferior to Great Heavenly Venerate to be tyrannical, but, the rank is higher than him. 他们虽然不如大天尊强横,但是,辈分却比他还要高。 Does, three Great Heavenly Venerate rumble again and again fist mark, but actually does not move Chu Feng, was blocked by Human King Dominion of its outside the body, cannot attack and capture, there Myriad Laws Immunity. 奈何,三大天尊连连轰出拳印,但是却打不动楚风,被其体外的人王领域所阻,攻克不了,那里万法不侵 At least, Human King Dominion regarding Heavenly Venerate, is hard to shake the slightest! 最起码,人王领域对于天尊来说,难以撼动分毫! Boisterous!” “聒噪!” Chu Feng cold reprimand, the bang kills to them. 楚风冷斥,轰杀向他们。 Bang! 轰隆! Finally, four fists, two in three Great Heavenly Venerate were hit to explode, blood mist fills the air, in the end the skeleton not saves, destroy both body and soul. 最终,四拳而已,三大天尊中的两位被打爆了,血雾弥漫,到头来尸骨无存,形神俱灭 This makes these disciple completely scared, even if hides is very far, is trembling, in frightened, trembles. 这让那些弟子全部胆寒,哪怕躲的很远,也在颤栗,也在恐惧,瑟瑟发抖。 Great Heavenly Venerate is also mediocre!” Is accompanying this together indifferent words, Chu Feng fist mark like the rainbow, illuminated the world, just like lifting the fist burns Great Realm, lit the universe, was too radiant. 大天尊也不过如此!”伴着这一道冷漠的话语,楚风拳印如虹,照亮了天地,宛若举拳焚大界,点燃了乾坤,太璀璨了。 Bang! 轰! This fist punctures Great Heavenly Venerate, then lets its disintegration, , Yuan Clan Great Heavenly Venerate insisted that blasted out less than hundred moves, die this place. 这一拳打穿大天尊,而后让其解体,噗的一声,沅族大天尊坚持不足百招就炸开了,殒落此地。 „Does Celestial Emperor also dare to bully? Does the Celestial Emperor descendant also dare to slaughter? You are really enough, in the future the extermination of entire extended family is you best fate! Waits for arrival of that day, your clan is doomed incomparably miserably frigid!” Chu Feng said indifferently. 天帝也敢欺?天帝后裔也敢屠杀?你们真是够可以,将来族灭已经是你们最好的下场!等待那一天到来吧,你族注定无比凄凉惨烈!”楚风冷漠地说道。 Then, he looked to other Yuan Clan people, the vision was spooky, said: Yuan Clan, hunting, since you start! I think, I found a road, your clan is very strong, the mastery is immeasurably deep, stockpiles the Supreme Being Level soil texture inevitably, even is the Great Universe Level soil, can grow for my seed germination, making me rapidly rise!” 然后,他看向了沅族其他人,目光幽幽,道:“沅族,狩猎从你们开始!我想,我找到了一条路,你族很强,底蕴深不可测,必然储备有大能级土质,甚至是大宇级的土壤,可以供我的种子发芽生长,让我迅速崛起!” High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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