SR :: Volume #15

#1499: Hope that Yaoyao resurrects

In mountainous region, new grave, old grave several piles. 山地中,新坟一座,旧坟数堆。 Surroundings, the bamboo grove shakes with the wind, the tall and slender leaf blade collides in rustle to make noise together, complements the new grave old earth and setting sun, some little miserable. 周围,竹林随风摇动,细长的叶片碰撞在一起沙沙作响,映衬新坟旧土与夕阳,有几许凄凉。 Chu Feng digs out the new grave rapidly, below does not have the coffin, only has a withered old person. 楚风迅速掘开新坟,下面并没有棺,只有一个枯槁的老人。 Still Feather, he comes astonishingly, should have the prominent position, is now, his inner and outer coffin has not prepared for oneself, lies down in the loess. 羽尚,他出身很惊人,本应该有显赫的地位,可是现在,他连棺椁都没有为自己准备,躺在黄土中。 He does not have a point vitality/angry, probably a corpse, complexion wax yellow, motionless lying down there. 他没有一点生气,像是一具尸体,脸色蜡黄,一动不动的躺在那里。 Chu Feng hugged him, in the heart some do not feel better, this clan within the body flows has day of Emperor Blood, such a miserable fate that finally actually falls? 楚风一把将他抱了出来,心中有些不好受,这一族体内流淌有天帝血,结果却落的这么一个凄凉下场? Still Feather is lifetime, three incomparably outstanding children were all killed by Yuan Clan, he is incapable of taking revenge, the wasting time life, the pain in heart is inconceivable, has not yearned to this world, the body has not died, will bury in the loess, grief! 羽尚一生孤苦,三个无比出色的儿女皆被沅族害死,他自己无力复仇,蹉跎一生,心中的痛苦难以想象,早已对这个世界没有留恋,身未死,就将自己埋葬黄土中,哀莫大于心死! Chu Feng calls lightly, wants to make him recover. 楚风轻唤,想让他复苏。 He was too weak, has no difference from a deceased person, the whole body is icy cold, brings the soil with the aura of surrounding spoiled leaf. 他实在太虚弱了,与一个死人没什么区别,周身冰凉,带着泥土的与周围腐叶的气息。 After for a long time, Still Feather opens eyes weakly, the pollution is atheistic, the lip was split, opens opened, has not made the sound. 好长时间后,羽尚才虚弱地睁开眼,浑浊无神,嘴唇干裂,张了又张,都没有发出声音来。 Senior, all, you cannot such dispirited, probably buoy up!” Chu Feng opens the mouth. “前辈,一切都会好的,你不能这么萎靡,要振作起来!”楚风开口。 During the speeches, he begins rapidly, takes out a soul grass from jade chest, clutches the less than half leaf, immediately has the soul material to overflow, sacred granule, is brilliant. 说话间,他迅速动手,从身上的玉匣中取出一株魂草,揪下来小半片叶子,顿时有魂物质溢出,神圣粒子点点,非常绚烂。 This is the good thing, once wanders about destitute to the outside world, however many people will be jealous. 这是好东西,一旦流落到到外界,会然许多人眼红。 Chu Feng clear will soon admit the mouth of Still Feather to the leaf of dissolution, and helps his refining, a fresh vitality spread following his mouth. 楚风将晶莹到快要溶解的叶子放进羽尚的嘴里,并帮他炼化,一股清新的生机顺着他的嘴就蔓延了进去。 Gets quick results, suddenly, Still Feather within the body had were many many light granules, integrated in his withered spirit, making it send out some brilliance. 立竿见影,瞬息间,羽尚的体内有就多了不少光粒子,融入他那干枯的精神中,使之发出些许光彩。 Still Feather, like the living corpse, the spirit must dissipate for serveral days, the final soul light source is very gloomy, now has been nourished, the fire that such as that will extinguish fills in the firewood , the deflagration, sparkles. 羽尚,这些天如同活死人,精神都要消散了,最后的魂光源头都很暗淡,现在得到滋养,如那将熄灭的火填入薪柴,又快速燃烧,闪耀起来。 At the same time, Chu Feng aids the Between Heaven and Earth energy granule, pours into Still Feather within the body, nourish its fleshly body, his condition was too bad, the spirit is withered, fleshly body is on the verge of death. 同一时间,楚风接应天地间的能量粒子,灌入羽尚的体内,温养肉身,他的状态太糟糕了,精神干枯,肉身濒死。 Soul herbal medicine is astonishing, after most gets down, Still Feather was more sober, was at a loss, puzzled, somewhat looks at Chu Feng lost. 魂草药性惊人,当大半株下去后,羽尚清醒了一些,略带迷惘,略带不解,有些出神地看着楚风 You...... how here?” He somewhat is still murky, oneself did not die, how to see Cao De, or Chu Feng. “你……怎么在这里?”他依旧有些昏沉,自己不是死了吗,怎么会见到曹德,或者说楚风 When the tripartite battlefield, he gave Chu Feng the mark that a Celestial Emperor clan left behind, Chu Feng naturally cannot have any concealment, told him own foundation. 在三方战场时,他将天帝一族留下的印记都给了楚风,楚风自然不能有任何隐瞒,将自己的根底也都告诉了他。 Senior, how you can not have the fighting spirit, but also without seeing own later generation Yaoyao, but also without seeing Yuan Clan destroys completely, buries oneself, this is incorrect!” “前辈,你怎么能毫无斗志,还没有见到自己的后人妖妖,还没有看到沅族灭掉,就把自己埋葬,这是不对的!” Chu Feng is very serious, if a person loses Essence, Qi and Spirit, even if lives, still like good-for-nothing, what also there are in the future? 楚风很严肃,一个人如果失去精气神,就算活过来,也如同行尸走肉,还有什么未来? Hears Yuan Clan, Still Feather turns purple, but the withered lips shivers, opened opened, finally sent out a low roar, he hated, but was also very weak, this life he was very depressing, live was very painful, but was really incapable is three children takes revenge. 听到沅族,羽尚发紫而干枯的双唇颤抖,张了又张,最后发出一声低吼,他有恨,但也很无力,这一生他都很压抑,活的很痛苦,但是真的无力为三个子女复仇。 I can take revenge for you, you look and that's the end, waiting!” Chu Feng is very spirited, said very much overbearingly. “我能为你复仇,你看着就是了,等着!”楚风很激昂,也很霸道地说道。 That self-confidence, did not say, has the power beyond comparison, his whole body is blooming the radiant light beam, double Everlasting King Dao Fruit completely obviously without doubt. 那种自信,绝非说说而已,带着无以伦比的感染力,他浑身都在绽放璀璨的光束,双恒王道果尽显无疑。 „Were you...... Heavenly Venerate?” Still Feather is startled. “你是……天尊了?”羽尚吃惊。 „It is not, but exceeds, Heavenly Venerate I killed several.” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, his knows, Still Feather will bury in underground waits for death, isolates with the outside world, at all not knows recent matter. “不是,但更胜过,天尊我都杀了好几位了。”楚风开口,他知道,羽尚将自己埋在地下等死,与外界隔绝,根本不知道近期发生的事。 When knew that Chu Feng has double Everlasting King Dao Fruit, Still Feather really by heavy of being startled, then in the eye shines with very hot brilliance, he saw the hope. 当得知楚风拥有双恒王道果,羽尚着实被惊的不轻,然后眼中焕发出很热的光彩,他看到了希望。 A youngster, practices shortly, can have such great achievement, heard hearing simply since ancient times, at least did not say in this era is the exceptional case, is rare. 一个少年,修行这么短暂,就能有这么大的成就,简直是古来闻之未闻,最起码在这个纪元不说是特例,也是罕见的。 If gives this youngster time again, increases to Supreme Being Dominion, visits the Great Universe level, at that time, took revenge for him, did not feel timid to with Yuan Clan. 如果再给这少年时间,攀升至大能领域,踏足进大宇层次,那个时候,为他复仇,与沅族对上就不发怵了。 Then, the Still Feather look was also gloomy, how long can he also live? Although under he takes the big medicine to be very astonishing, but side at most can extend life several years to arrive. 然后,羽尚眼神又暗淡了,他还能活多久?虽然他服下的大药很惊人,但最多也只能延命几年到边了。 Senior, don't worry, I said that I can save you, the hell wants to carry off you also first to ask that I did agree.” Chu Feng is very self-confident. “前辈,不用担心,我说了,我能救你,地府想拉走你也都先问问我同意不同意。”楚风很自信。 He makes Still Feather eat a soul grass, nourishes the spirit, immediately makes his within the body such as one group of flame beat, is gradually bright. 他让羽尚将一株魂草都吃了下去,滋养精神,顿时让他体内如一团火焰在跳动,逐渐明亮起来。 About how immortal, puzzles the Evolver biggest problem is the spiritual level. 关于如何不朽,困扰进化者最大的问题就是精神层面。 fleshly body of person can through various methods, for example Between Heaven and Earth some immortal granules, various energy substances, be able to quenching fleshly body, can make it ever green. 一个人的肉身可以通过各种手段,比如天地间的些许长生粒子,还有各种能量物质等,都能淬炼肉身,可以使之“长青”。 But the spirit was different, when a person age is oversized, the spirit dries up, the soul material is thin, oneself really must move toward the deterioration. 但精神就不一样了,当一个人年岁过大时,精神枯竭,魂物质稀薄,自身就真的要走向衰败了。 Spirit and soul light, once is feeble, then Evolver's fleshly body gradual going down hill, depletion gradually, blood energy will also be getting fewer and fewer. 精神与魂光一旦衰弱,那么进化者的肉身也将逐步的走下坡路,渐渐的枯竭,血气会越来越少。 In this world, is very that difficult the soul material found to be able effectively to use massively. 在这个世间,很难找到大量可以有效利用起来的魂物质。 Only if slaughters million creature, creature, can obtain the large expanse of soul particulate matter in groups surely, but, normal Evolver cannot start. 除非屠杀百万生灵,千万生灵,才能获得成片成群的魂物质粒子,但是,正常的进化者下不了手。 Moreover, world will have various Dao Lineage to restrain, will not look on that some people rebel. 而且,世间也会有各道统约束,不会坐视有人作乱。 Therefore, since the ancient times, as long as Soul Light Grotto this place, can have the entrance that probably raises the soul medicine, the incomparable aloofness, dominates above Myriad Clans. 所以,自古以来,但凡像是魂光洞这种地方,能有养出魂药的门庭,都无比的超然,凌驾万族之上。 This time, Chu Feng Soul Light Grotto confiscating family's property, naturally to solve the Still Feather problem. 这次,楚风魂光洞给抄家了,自然能够解决羽尚的问题。 Naturally, this is only for a while, if then can save a life by the soul medicine, then world will have a group of people able to be immortal, existing forever world. 当然,这只是一时的,如果靠魂药便可以救命,那么世间就会有一批人能够不朽,长存世间了。 The different soul medicines, can only prolong life the years of corresponding, cannot solve the basic issue. 不同的魂药,只能延寿相对应的一段岁月,并不能解决根本问题。 Only if oneself enter Great Universe Level, finally solves the indescribable this problem, this can obtain true long incomparable life essence. 除非自身进入大宇级,并且,最后解决掉不可名状这种问题,这才能够获得真正的漫长无比的寿元 The Still Feather eye straightens, what he heard, Soul Light Grotto by the present youngster copying den?! 羽尚眼睛发直,他听到了什么,魂光洞都被眼前的少年给抄了老巢?! This simply with myth, the days that he buries, what did the outside world exactly have? 这简直跟神话似的,他自我下葬的这段日子,外界到底发生了什么? A soul grass gets down, the Still Feather spirit was better, had sat. 一株魂草下去,羽尚精神好了很多,已经自己坐了起来。 Soul grass is anything, here also has the soul to be colored, the senior, refining, is not slowly anxious, this time guarantees your life essence to be sufficient, has the time to promote in Supreme Being Dominion, you along with the strength will increase, but naturally increases big section of life essence.” Chu Feng is very confident. “魂草算什么,我这里还有魂花,前辈,慢慢炼化,不急,这次保你寿元充足,有时间晋升大能领域中,你会随实力大增而自然增加一大截寿元。”楚风很有信心。 His knows, this old person is mainly has a mind to tie, in addition Yuan Clan launched an attack several times, caused heavy losses to him, making his body have the big problem, otherwise, should promote Supreme Being Dominion depending on its mastery. 知道,这个老人主要是有心结,加之沅族数次发难,重创了他,让他身体出了大问题,不然的话,凭其底蕴早就该晋升大能领域了。 This time, Chu Feng brings the soul medicine, in addition went to Soul River, extorts the continuing life medicine that from dog sovereign there, has the huge hidden danger to solve. 这次,楚风带来魂药,加之去了一趟魂河,从狗皇那里勒索来的续命药,就是有天大的隐患都能解决。 Therefore, the senior you could rest assured that raising!” Chu Feng smile. “所以,前辈你放心,养着吧!”楚风微笑。 Then, he takes out a jade chest directly, after opening, inside golden light is rich, surges just like the rosy-colored clouds at dawn, has bowl mouth big flowers in middle. 然后,他直接又取出一个玉匣,开启后,里面金光浓郁,宛若朝霞激荡出来,在当中有一朵碗口大的花朵。 The soul is colored, more astonishing soul medicine! 魂花,更惊人的魂药! Still Feather changes countenance, at the Chu Feng's request, he picks up a golden luster flower petal, under sprinkles the bright light rain, admits the mouth, suddenly his whole body braves the multi-colored sunlight, massive soul material surging forward gets up. 羽尚动容,在楚风的要求下,他拈起一片黄金色泽的花瓣,洒落下灿烂的光雨,放进嘴里,一时间他周身冒霞光,大量的魂物质汹涌澎湃起来。 This absolutely in strong soul! 这绝对是在壮魂! Chu Feng catches up to help the help, the old person after all is a little empty, once bordered on the dead boundary. 楚风赶帮帮助,老人毕竟还是有点虚呢,曾濒临死境。 When a piece after solar radiant flower petal absorption, Still Feather Essence, Qi and Spirit is full, he believes firmly, if will put in order a flower to eat, he will have vigorous Soul Power. 当一片宛若太阳般璀璨的花瓣吸收后,羽尚精气神十足,他确信如果将整朵花都吃掉,他将拥有蓬勃的魂力 The eye that side, silver old turtle Jun Tuo looks at straightens, wants to swallow the saliva, the big medicine that goes against heaven's will can pick, this kidnapper did certainly the important matter of seething discontent among the people, the divine medicine that the pit comes. 旁边,银色老龟钧驮看的眼睛发直,想咽口水,这么逆天的大药都能采摘到,这人贩子一定是干了天怒人怨的大事,才坑来的这种神药 Senior, you looked, I come in a hurry, without brings other gift with enough time, bought only the spirit turtle, makes up for you.” Chu Feng brings the happy expression opens the mouth. “前辈,你看,我匆匆而来,也没来得及带别的礼物,就买了只灵龟,为你补补。”楚风带着笑意开口。 Ancient Saint Jun Tuo becomes dark immediately at present, scalp tingles, this can fuck cook the soup to drink? 古圣钧驮顿时眼前发黑,头皮发麻,这尼玛要给人炖汤喝? Its knows, this demon does not kill him, carries it to hurry along, surely does not have the matter, now the plot revealed! 它就知道,这个魔头不杀他,拎着它赶路,肯定没好事儿,现在图穷匕见! The Still Feather surprise, looked at Jun Tuo, the result old turtle almost frightened the urine, thinks that really must start to eat it, after all this lord just dug from the grave, just empty, indeed needs to make up greatly. 羽尚诧异,看了一眼钧驮,结果老龟差点吓尿,以为真要开始吃它了呢,毕竟这主刚从坟中挖出来,正虚呢,的确需要大补下。 Under mouth...... is forgiving, I damn, my injustice!” Jun Tuo wails. “嘴下……留情,我不该死,我冤啊!”钧驮哀嚎。 Still Feather wants saying that I resurrect, where has what appetite, from the start does not want to eat the tortoise. 羽尚想说,我才复活过来,哪里有什么胃口,压根也没想吃山龟。 You shut up to me!” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, is staring Jun Tuo. “你给我闭嘴!”楚风开口,瞪着钧驮 The old turtle shuts up immediately, has not dared to be hard, whole body silver light flows, spirituality is indeed full, but it actually does not make every effort to succeed now very much...... turns on the water. 老龟立刻闭嘴了,没敢硬着来,周身银光流淌,灵性的确十足,但是现在它却很不争气地……放水了。 Right, this old turtle is not concerned about face, complete...... frightens urinated the appearance! 没错,这老龟不要脸了,完全一副……吓尿了的样子! fuck you! The Chu Feng's face was directly black, thinks that a fist thump dies it, does not need to think, this old turtle is intentionally, is intentionally loathful, abandons loathfully, very eats it. 你大爷楚风的脸直接就黑了,想一拳头捶死它,不用多想,这老龟是故意的,成心惹人厌,让人嫌弃,好不吃它。 You were past one generation of Ancient Saint, once prestige illustrious, overlooked Earth, finally now...... frightens the urine? Whom you deceive! 你怎么也是当年的一代古圣,曾经威名赫赫,俯视地球,结果现在……吓尿了?你骗谁啊! Obviously, Jun Tuo to maintain a livelihood, did not want completely shamelessly, a getting flushed in the face with anger appearance. 显然,钧驮为了活命,完全不要老脸了,一副脸红脖子粗的样子。 It wants to speak.” Still Feather said. “它想说话。”羽尚道。 You said!” Chu Feng opens the mouth. “你说!”楚风开口。 In the past, I killed Saint of Earth, is not two, another is I blows, moreover killed that also because of the homicide my younger brother, past, Earth all was not a good person, once resplendence, once some people bullied foreign country Evolver, I was......” “当年,我就杀了地球的一位圣者,不是两位,另一个是我吹的,而且杀那一个也是因为他杀了我弟,昔日,地球也不全都是好人,曾辉煌灿烂过,也曾有人欺压外域进化者,我不过是……” Saw that the Chu Feng's face was also black, Jun Tuo Ancient Saint hurries a finger/refers of day to pledge that late at night was arrested all sorts of serious oaths to come out by the hell including various may heaven strike me with lightening five times. 看到楚风的脸又黑了,钧驮古圣赶紧指天发誓,连各种天打五雷轰、深夜被地府拘走种种毒誓都出来了。 You give me first to stay at the same time, washed oneself cleanly!” Chu Feng said. “你给我先在一边呆着,把自己洗干净了!”楚风道。 Hears this words, the Jun Tuo face was also green, making it wash cleanly, a while is to make it put into the pot? 听到这种话,钧驮脸又绿了,让它自己洗干净,一会儿是不是要让它自己下锅啊? Chu Feng does not want to respond it, this turtle...... was too disgusting. 楚风不想搭理它了,这龟……太恶心了。 He starts to help the Still Feather refining second flower petal, making his Essence, Qi and Spirit exceed the past, the life level had some promotion! 他又开始帮助羽尚炼化第二片花瓣,让他的精气神超越了以往,生命层次都有了部分提升! Senior, Supreme Being period!” Chu Feng smile. “前辈,大能可期!”楚风微笑。 „, I can also have such a day.” Still Feather sighed, his life, the destiny much was it may be said that erroneous, filled the tribulation and roughness, if were the average person is insane, did not accept. “没有想到,我还能有这样一天。”羽尚叹气,他这一生,可谓命运多舛,充满了磨难与坎坷,如果是一般人早就疯了,接受不了。 I once drew support from Celestial Emperor residual wisp of air/Qi, depends upon an instinct to search, wants Yaoyao that found you saying that I even want to enter Little World of the Dead.” “我曾经借助天帝残留的一缕气,依靠一种本能去寻觅,想要找到你说的妖妖,我甚至想进小阴间。” The short life final time, Still Feather once must enter Little World of the Dead, but actually discovered finally, some bloodlines, some intuition direction, made him go to Yin Province unexpectedly. 生命无多的最后时光,羽尚曾经要进小阴间,但是最后却发现,某种血脉,某种直觉指引,竟让他去了阴州 Arrived there, he was dejected, thorough desperate. 到了那里,他才心灰意冷,彻底绝望。 Yin Province, handing down including Great World of the Dead's to be, is a Dao Sect household. 阴州,相传是连着大阴间的所在,是一道门户。 But has a view, after World of the Living's creature died, can enter Great World of the Dead, but Yaoyao there? 而有种说法,阳间的生灵死了后,才能进入大阴间,而妖妖在那里吗? Therefore, in Still Feather heart gloomy, turns over, to come here disappointedly, in the heart a final wisp read wants not to have, ahead of time buried itself, is accompanying own several children. 所以,羽尚心中灰暗,失望而归,来到这里,心中最后的一缕念想都没了,提前葬下自己,陪着自己的几个孩子。 Past, when distinction, a wisp of emperor was mad dimly, dissipated in Still Feather within the body gradually, he indeed had some powerful intuition. 昔日,分别之际,一缕帝气朦胧,在羽尚体内渐消散,他的确有了某种强大的直觉。 Finally draws such conclusion unexpectedly? 最终竟得出这样的结论? In the Chu Feng heart sends coolly, but is quick he pupil is also bright, said: Perhaps, this is hopes that is at!” 楚风心中发凉,不过很快他又眸子灿烂,道:“或许,这就是希望所在!” Yaoyao crashed the Little World of the Dead's Great Abyss deep place, Chu Feng despaired, always thought that sees her to live very much difficultly again the appearance, even if some day he rescues, perhaps also sees an ice-cold corpse. 妖妖原本坠落进小阴间的大渊深处,楚风都绝望了,总觉得很难再见到她活着出现,哪怕有朝一日他去营救,或许也只是看到一具冰冷的尸体。 But perhaps now, has the favorable turn! 而现在,或许有转机! Yaoyao crashes into Great Abyss, there is don't tell me linking...... Great World of the Dead? 妖妖坠入大渊,那里难道连着……大阴间 This has possibly . Moreover, as if there is relation inevitably! 这不是没有可能,而且,似乎必然有联系! Long before, some people speculated, Little World of the Dead is Great World of the Dead and World of the Living's cushion place, but if Yaoyao finally entered Great World of the Dead from Great Abyss, passing that this can say! 很早以前,就有人推测,小阴间大阴间阳间的缓冲地,而妖妖若是从大渊最终进入大阴间,这能说的通! And, Yaoyao fleshly body has sunk to fall in Great Abyss many years, she and Chu Feng is acquainted, dear friend, but is wisp of soul light, she lost fleshly body in the antiquity. 并且,妖妖肉身早已沉坠在大渊很多年,她与楚风相识,相知,不过是一缕魂光而已,她在上古就失去了肉身 She counter cuts down Extreme Martial, in the following to subdue|grams, crashes into Great Abyss finally, if not die, could and fleshly body fuses the normalizing thoroughly again! 她逆伐太武,以下克上,最终坠入大渊,若是不死,或许能与肉身彻底再融合归一! Perhaps, this female will therefore glow new life, showed in the past her Number One Under the Starry Sky peerless elegant demeanor truly! 也许,这个女子会因此而焕发新生,真正展现出当年她星空下第一的绝世风采! Senior, don't worry, enters Great World of the Dead, did not say that must commit suicide the soul body to be good, but the average person does not suit there environment. But Yaoyao came from Little World of the Dead with me, should be able to adapt to the Great World of the Dead's ice to be cold, can adapt to there all!” “前辈,不用担心,进入大阴间,不是说非要自杀成魂体才行,只是一般人不适合那里的大环境。但妖妖与我都来自小阴间,应该能够适应大阴间的冰寒,可以适应那里的一切!” Chu Feng elucidates, in the meantime, in his heart really had the little expectations! 楚风开解,同时,他心中真的有了几许期望! When so many people who he knows, if which natural talent is strongest, belongs to Yaoyao, what a pity is, she was delayed, antiquity lost fleshly body, stays behind is not considered as soul light, remnant broken obsession that but a wisp will extinguish. 在他认识的这么多人中,如果哪一个天资最强,非妖妖莫属,可惜的是,她被耽搁了,上古时就失去了肉身,留下的都不算是魂光,只是一缕将熄灭的残碎执念 The hope that now...... she resurrects perhaps, really appeared! 现在……她复活的希望,说不定真的出现了! Side, the lower half body of Jun Tuo Ancient Saint really and had some cool feeling, must frighten the urine, who at present this old this is? The Yaoyao ancestor,...... must scare to death the turtle simply! 旁边,钧驮古圣的下半截身体真的又有了某种凉意,要吓尿了,眼前这老这头是谁?妖妖的祖上,简直……要吓死龟了! Senior, under the mouth is forgiving, do not eat me! The old turtle knows Yaoyao, being all right can say with you passing that her, is really the past and present first, the talent is matchless, if she in the past were delayed without the matter, now would have no other person of what matters, world don't enemy!” “前辈,嘴下留情,不要吃我!老龟认识妖妖,没事儿可以和你说说她的过往,真的是古今第一,天赋举世无双,她当年要是没出事儿被耽搁,现在就没有其他人什么事儿了,天下莫敌!” At this point, it has not forgotten to look at Chu Feng secretly. 说到这里,它还不忘偷偷看了一眼楚风 Chu Feng wants to trample it immediately, your what meaning? 楚风顿时想踹它,你什么意思? The old turtle hurries to explain: „It is not, I did not mean that crowd of old fogy anything matters, if Yaoyao entered World of the Living, cultivation lots of time, could now and old Paramount confront!” 老龟赶紧解释:“不是,我是说没那群老家伙什么事了,妖妖如果进入阳间,修炼大量时间,现在说不定能和老究极对峙!” Finally, he discovered, the Chu Feng's face was even more black. 结果,他发现,楚风的脸越发的黑了。 Chu Feng is slanting the eye to visit it, wants saying that I do not dare to put with old Paramount to slaughtering, your meaning despises me! 楚风斜着眼睛看它,很想说,我一直都不敢和老究极放对厮杀呢,你那意思还是鄙视我呢! The Jun Tuo Ancient Saint face was green, said: You two post for first!” 钧驮古圣脸都绿了,道:“你们两个并列第一!” Chu Feng does not want to respond it, this turtle is intentional? Genuinely thinks Yaoyao compared with him. 楚风不想搭理它了,这龟是故意的吧?打心眼里认为妖妖比他强。 He kicks aside the old ghost, then, from own forehead deep place, takes out together the mark forcefully, then pours into to Still Feather within the body suddenly. 他一脚踢开老鬼,然后,从自己的眉心深处,强行取出一道印记,接着猛然注入到羽尚的体内。 You are......” Still Feather want to prevent, but cannot move, held down by Chu Feng, passive receive that mysterious mark wound the mark. “你这是……”羽尚想阻止,但是动不了,被楚风按住了,被动接受了那种神秘的纹络印记。 That was he once gave the Chu Feng's Celestial Emperor mark, now by Chu Feng. 那是他曾经给楚风的天帝印记,现在被楚风又还回来了。 Chu Feng does that to the old person with the sense of responsibility, must live, otherwise the old man fighting spirit is still insufficient. 楚风这么做就是给老人以责任感,必须得活着,不然老头依旧斗志不足。 Furthermore, this was the Celestial Emperor later generation, he does not want to hold like this, furthermore he indeed does not need. 再者,这本就属于天帝后人,他不想这样占有,再者他的确不需要。 That concerns the Celestial Emperor Cauldron concealed place, has the big secret, but, he has stone jar, has golden rune on jar wait/etc., was enough. 那是关乎天帝鼎的藏地,有大秘密,但是,他有石罐,更有罐子上的金色符文等,足够了。 Even if scrip­tures thousand pendulums at present, if practices inadequately, is equally useless. 哪怕经文千篇摆在眼前,如果练不成,也一样无用。 Gives back to Still Feather, if later takes the emperor cauldron, he not necessarily cannot comprehend. 况且,还给羽尚,以后如果取出来帝鼎,他也不见得不能去参悟。 Still Feather must say anything, Chu Feng prevented, said: Senior, you well remains, is really not good, later gives Yaoyao!” 羽尚要说什么,楚风阻止了,道:“前辈,你就好好的留着吧,实在不行,以后给妖妖!” Right, giving them anyone is the same, shares everything!” Jun Tuo opens the mouth at the right moment. “没错,给他俩谁都一样,不分彼此!”钧驮适时地开口。 Chu Feng shot a look at its one, this is only a one by one appreciation, without black face. 楚风瞥了它一眼,这是唯一一次的赞赏,没有黑脸。 The old turtle tight body, relaxed immediately, in the heart secretly thought, this damn kidnapper must scare to death me simply, cannot think that my Jun Tuo Ancient Saint has such a day unexpectedly, must look at the Demon Chu complexion the life, the old turtle I wants to cry. 老龟绷紧的身体,顿时放松了一些,心中暗道,这该死的人贩子简直要吓死我了,想不到我钧驮古圣居然有这么一天,要看楚魔头的脸色过生活,老龟我想哭。 The Celestial Emperor mark is very special, cannot estimate, has the uniqueness, after leaving Chu Feng, the mark winds the record about emperor cauldron and conceals where, completely since he remembers that vanished, enters Still Feather within the body. 天帝印记很特殊,不可揣度,是有唯一性的,离开楚风后,纹络中关于帝鼎的记载、藏于何地等,就全部自他记忆中消失了,进入羽尚的体内。 This thing, can only give to succeed voluntarily, will otherwise explode, no one may plunder. 这东西,只能自愿给予才能成功,否则就会爆开,无人可掠夺。 In this final moment, when the mark will soon vanish in the Still Feather forehead thoroughly, the distant place transmitted the fluctuation, some people are close fast, dash about wildly. 在这最后关头,当印记即将彻底消失在羽尚眉心时,远处传来了波动,有人在快速接近,狂奔而来。 Chu Feng catches up finally, enters Still Feather within the body the mark completely, the pupil opens and closes, is staring at the distant place, the future is bad, this people defend in the distant place absolutely, uses the special treasure to monitor here! 楚风最后发力,将印记全部打进羽尚体内,眸子开阖间,盯着远方,来者不善,这绝对是有人守在远方,利用特殊的宝物监测这里! Yuan Clan!” 沅族!” Only in a flash, the Still Feather complexion changed, the old person usually is very gentle, but now is actually clenching teeth, some face distortions, obviously his mood fluctuating how fierce. 只一瞬间,羽尚的脸色就变了,老人平日很慈祥,而现在却在咬牙,面孔都有些变形,可见他的情绪起伏多么的剧烈。 Very terrifying, the energy fills the air, these people approach in extremely fast! 很恐怖,能量弥漫,那些人在极速逼近! Some people fly high, have the oppressive imposing manner. 有人凌空,带着压迫性气势而来。 Some people dash about wildly on the ground, step on the mountainous region, takes a step another mountain top from a mountain top, making the mountain top blast out one after another, big collapse! 有人在地上狂奔,踩踏山地,从一座山头迈步到另一座山头,让一座又一座山头炸开,大崩溃! Unscrupulous, they come like this, bring the energy of sweeping across the trim world, such as the mountain torrent bursts a dike, if the vastness pats the day, murderous aura is steaming, to nearby. 肆无忌惮,他们就这样呼啸而来,带着席卷整片天地的能量,如山洪决堤,若汪洋拍天,杀气腾腾,到了附近。 You court death, even the Celestial Emperor descendant also dares to bully!” Chu Feng shouts out. “你们真是找死,连天帝后裔也敢欺!”楚风大喝 In his heart the truly anger, raging fire of cavity, did a Still Feather old man clan fall what kind of position? Wants knows, they are the Celestial Emperor's descendants, was too pitiful, all these are do obeisance Yuan Clan to bestow. 他心中确实有一股怒气,有一腔的烈火,羽尚老人一族落到了何等境地?要知道,他们是天帝的后裔,太凄惨了,所有这一切都是拜沅族所赐。 All because of legend Celestial Emperor die, withered away in the years, therefore, some people dare to bully the Celestial Emperor descendant. 一切都是因为传说天帝殒落了,消亡在岁月中,所以,有人敢欺天帝后裔。 Celestial Emperor, is to the big merit biggest respectful designation, even if really died that to superior, his later generation should not be treated! 天帝,是对大功绩者最大的敬称,哪怕那位至高强者真的死去了,其后人也不该被这么对待! Natural justice where? Yuan Clan behavior, really evil and cruel incomparable, make the blood boil. 天理何在?沅族所为,实在歹毒无比,令人发指。 You had not been under family's order, without the attention matter, not knows Celestial Emperor is also living as before?!” Chu Feng ice-cold shouts a question. “你们是不是还没有得到家族的命令,没有关注外界的事,还不知道天帝依旧活着?!”楚风冰冷地喝问。 However, these people have not paid attention, compelled, brings boundless killing intent as before! 然而,那些人没有理会,逼了过来,依旧带着无边的杀意 "hē hē...... ” Chu Feng sneers, he is still restraining, wants to ask some news, result group of people are in turn stronger than his killing intent, should kill seriously. “呵呵……”楚风冷笑,他还在克制呢,想问一些消息,结果这群人反过来比他杀意还要浓重,当真是该杀。 Celebrates the new year, starts diligently, the behind chapter was about to finish. 过完年,开始努力,后面还有一章快写完了。 High-speed writing hits the Sacred Ruins chapter list 高速文字手打圣墟章节列表
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