SR :: Volume #15

#1498: Finally one day

outside territory, dark boundless, only has Copper Coffin clear, at this time big change, all over the body nearly is transparent. 域外,黑暗无边,唯有铜棺晶莹,此时剧震不已,通体近乎透明。 lifeforms of what level?” The carrion asked. “什么层次的生物?”腐尸问道。 Should be...... Immortal Emperor!” The dog sovereign sinking sound said, then in the coffin is constraining of difficult word, thorough silent. “应该是……仙帝!”狗皇沉声道,然后棺中就是难言的压抑,彻底沉默。 That rank is too terrifying, desperate, particularly was aloof so many years lifeforms, day knows accumulates how deep magical skill now, had what kind of method. 那种等级太恐怖,让人绝望,尤其是超脱出去那么多年的生物,天知道现在积淀了多么深的道行,有何等手段。 That is to high the impassable rank! 那是至高不可超越的等级! Normal, a person appears, because the former has dissipated mostly, new emperor displaces, such successor can consolidate. 正常来说,一人出现,前者因为多半已经消散,新帝取而代之,这样后来者才能稳固。 Naturally, this only limits in the common situation, the world of admission length and breadth, or are fully powerful enough, to firm , can also break the common sense, forcefully sublimation, and consolidates itself, eternal does not extinguish. 当然,这只局限于寻常情况下,接纳更为广袤的天地,或足自身够强大,至坚至强,也能打破常理,强行升华,且稳固自身,永恒不灭。 At least, among All Heavens is so. 最起码,诸天间是如此。 Rumor, even if outside All Heavens, this equivalent is to also be hard to break through, the terrifying is boundless, a thought touches, even if died, possibly resurrects. 传言,纵然是在诸天外,这个等阶也是难以突破的,恐怖无边,一个念头触及,哪怕死去了,都可能复活过来。 Really can kill this progression lifeforms, that is most fearful! 真能杀死这个级数的生物,那才是最可怕的! What is most fearful, the dog sovereign guessed, perhaps this lifeforms surpasses compared with it Immortal Emperor partly plans also perhaps, that was really invincible. 最可怕的是,狗皇猜测,这个生物也许比之仙帝超出半筹也说不定,那就真无敌了。 Celestial Emperor, Ok?” The bald man whispered, was somewhat worried, the first feeling was so depressing, somewhat worried, some frightened in the future. 天帝,可以吗?”光头男子低语,有些担心,第一次感觉这么压抑,有些担忧,有些恐惧未来。 Did not fear for oneself, he is worried about his master, the Copper Coffin master! 不是为自己而怕,他是在担心其师,铜棺的主人! If some day, is doomed to have a war, Celestial Emperor can defeat this progression creature? 若是有朝一日,注定会有一战的话,天帝能战胜这个级数的生灵吗? Might as well, he broke through, I felt, he now is Immortal Emperor!” The dog sovereign opens the mouth seriously, is very serious, had the energy gradually, had the confidence. “无妨,他突破了,我觉得,他现在就是仙帝!”狗皇郑重地开口,很严肃,渐渐有了底气,有了信心。 The most important thing is , he once to that Realm, the same step were invincible!” The dog sovereign firm, added like this. “最为重要的是,他一旦到了那个境界,同阶无敌!”狗皇坚定信念,这样补充道。 The bald man also nods, said: Right, my master Ruowei Immortal Emperor, from, when suppresses Above the Heavens and Under the Earth various extra mundane all enemies!” 光头男子亦点头,道:“没错,吾师若为仙帝,自当镇压天上地下诸世外一切敌!” This is a faith, changed quickly believed that was believes to absolute of that man, so long as he broke through, from handling jointly in Dominion was unpaired. 这是一种信念,都快化作信仰了,是对那个男子的绝对相信,只要他突破,自会同领域中无对手。 Celestial Emperor, well, he transformed certainly, evolves to the top level, as before invincible various extra mundanes!” Bald men's loud say/way. 天帝,无恙,他一定蜕变了,进化到至高层次,依旧无敌诸世外!”光头男子大声道。 Celestial Emperor, is not the magical skill and Realm's title, but to the approval of big merit, is to the high honor that the world gives. 天帝,不是道行与境界的称谓,而是对大功绩者的认可,是世人给予的至高荣誉。 Immortal Emperor, that terrifyingly was boundless, that is the magical skill and evolution level to high, knows at present, second to none! 仙帝,那就更加恐怖无边了,那是道行与进化层次的至高者,目前所知,无出其右者! Empress, where?” Carrion opens the mouth. “女帝,在哪里?”腐尸开口。 Because, in his mind, this female shocking past and present, illuminated the trim years, grace and talent peerless, the talent pressed the past and present, true peerless incomparable. 因为,在他的心中,这个女子惊艳了古今,照亮了整片岁月,风华绝代,才情压古今,真正的绝世无匹。 Even, sometimes he believes that female possibly stronger compared with it Celestial Emperor. 甚至,有时候他认为,那位女子比之天帝可能都要强一丝。 But two people are not the rivals, has not disputed. 但两人不是敌手,不曾较量过。 Generally speaking, no one refused to accept that shockingly the empress of years, she is crossing, passes through that single-plank bridge, now? 总的来说,没有人不服那位惊艳了岁月的女帝,她在渡,走过那独木桥,如今怎样了? I think that...... she inevitably is Immortal Emperor, if her achievement, that level were then doomed to end, opening, will not no longer remain for the later generation.” “我想……她必然已经是仙帝,如果她都成就不了,那个层次便注定已终结,不再开启,不会为后人留了。” The dog sovereign is very serious, is very discrete, the bronze bell big eye looks everywhere, unexpectedly some fears, seem like feared that was heard. 狗皇很严肃,也很谨慎,铜铃大眼四处瞄,居然有些害怕,似乎是怕被人听到。 In fact indeed, it from the past to the present, only has so awed a person, that is the white clothing empress, this is rooted in the bone. 事实上的确如此,它从过去到现在,只敬畏过一个人,那就是白衣女帝,这是根植于骨子中的。 To anybody, it is dissolute, including Celestial Emperor, because that is it pursues to nip, in the past under this day who does not dare to nip, without it does not dare lifeforms of lower jaw. 对任何人,它都敢放肆,包括天帝,因为那是它一路追咬过来的,当年这天下谁不敢咬,没有它不敢下嘴的生物 However, to that empress, that really does not dare to disrespect only, is always honest, only has the peace. 但是,唯独对那位女帝,那真是不敢不敬,从来都是老老实实,唯有安静。 I have the means to test, her anything condition, that level, is not does not think that did not read can safely, once various types will read with want to float the heart to have the matter, that a while our crazy read to her, will look will present anything!” The dog sovereign offers advice. “我有办法可以测试,她到底什么状况,那个层次,不是不想不念便可安然,一旦各种念与想浮上心头就会出事儿,那一会儿我们疯狂的对她念,看会出现什么!”狗皇出主意。 Suddenly, in Copper Coffin silent, the carrion and bald men do not dare to build are cut by broken glass. 一时间,铜棺中寂静,腐尸与光头男子都没敢搭碴儿。 Crossing was very long, in Copper Coffin some people open the mouth, said: Will happen one day, they will come back!” 过了很久,铜棺中才有人开口,道:“终有一天,他们会回来!” At this time, First Mountain, nine one also in the opens the mouth, talked to oneself in a soft voice: „The past and present have not had it change, including the creature arrival of maximum level, really clouded over incessantly, must have the big matter, in the future may be desperate.” 此时,第一山,九道一也在开口,轻声自语道:“古今未有之变,连最高层次的生灵都不止一个的到来,真的变天了,要出大事儿,未来或许会让人绝望。” His sigh, then, thinks that said: Certainly will reappear, will happen one day will come back!” 他一声叹息,然后,想到了那位,道:“一定会再现的,终有一天会回来!” When, that left in the past, on the achievement the Immortal Emperor fruit position, the true past and present was invincible! 因为,那位当年离开时,就成就了仙帝果位,真正的古今无敌! Moreover, what is most fearful, shortly after that Dao Fruit initially becomes, struck to kill same level Immortal Emperor at that time. 而且,最为可怕的是,那位道果初成不久,就在那时就击杀过同级仙帝 This is the ancient and modern only record, executes immortal Emperor Level lifeforms personally, this is also ancient land mansion, Soul River, burial pit and other places the back source, must evade his origin to be. 这是古今仅有的一则记载,亲手格杀仙帝级生物,这也是古地府、魂河、葬坑等地背后的源头,都要避讳他的根由所在。 Asked the world, looked out above Firmament, initially the achievement position, who will have this score? In the past was unmatched! 试问天下,遥望上苍之上,初成果位,谁会有这种战绩?当年无人可比! Outside the big hole on vault of heaven, that black boat, that fuzzy human type lifeform, is gradually gloomy, vanished silhouette. 天穹上的大窟窿外,那个黑色的小船,那个模糊的类人生物,渐渐暗淡下去,消失了身影 This time, he locates the failure, was prevented and hoodwinked. 这一次,他定位失败,被人阻止与蒙蔽了。 However, he actually exuded the light laughter, as if also has obtained, looks at its stance, will have the confidence to return very much in the near future! 不过,他却发出了淡淡的笑声,似乎也有所得,看其姿态,很有信心在不久的将来回归! Finally, he disappeared with the black boat. 最终,他与黑色小船都消失了。 In the sky, outside the big hole, the fog is strong, and there is a dim blood light to reappear, gradual is dark red, people not knows had anything. 天空中,大窟窿外,灰雾浓重,并且有朦胧的血光浮现,逐步的殷红起来,人们不知道发生了什么。 Manages you, sticking to one's own way of doing things, can live for day is a day, I should start off.” “管你们呢,我行我素,能活一天就是一天,我该上路了。” Chu Feng sets out, after beating grey lifeforms again, forces in it the jar, then carries Jun Tuo, has made the primary form it. 楚风起身,再次殴打了一顿灰色生物后,将它塞进罐子中,然后拎起钧驮,早已将它打出原形。 At this time, Jun Tuo whole body silver white, one foot is long, the essence rushes, life energy rich being able to melt. 此时,钧驮周身银白,一尺来长,精气澎湃,生命能量浓郁的化不开。 The turtle, this lifeforms makes up the thing inborn greatly, let alone was once Ancient Saint, the present Divine Level spirit turtle, is lives commonly the tortoise of so many years, was extraordinary. 龟,这种生物天生大补物,别说是曾经的古圣,现在的神级灵龟,就是寻常活这么多年头的山龟,都了不得。 Therefore Chu Feng gave to carry it, did not want to eat, but regarded a intention, gift. 所以楚风将它给拎起来了,不是要自己吃,而是当成了一份心意,一份大礼 He now with raising the old mother hen, is carrying old duck, grabs Jun Tuo conveniently, crosses, catches up to the tripartite battlefield. 他现在就跟提着老母鸡,拎着老鸭子似的,随手抓着钧驮,一路横渡,赶向三方战场。 He must see Still Feather Heavenly Venerate, must save others, in the meantime, this Jun Tuo ancient Gui is the food supplement of his extra preparation, remains to the old person the sauce pan soup, makes up. 他要去见羽尚天尊,要去救人,同时,这钧驮古龟就是他额外准备的滋补品,留着给老人煮锅汤,补补。 The tripartite battlefield, becomes two side battlefields now, south Gaze Province has defeated, does not exist. 三方战场,如今成为两方战场,南部瞻州已经败了,不复存在。 Chu Feng seems like a spirit, the silence rushed, he is seeking for Still Feather, was somewhat worried, but also really feared that the old person could not endure this time. 楚风像是个幽灵,无声无息就赶到了,他在寻找羽尚,有些担心,还真怕老人熬不到这个时候。 Then, he was anxious, after investigates secretly, he has known, Still Feather old Heavenly Venerate left half a month ago, unmanned knows its whereabouts, missing. 然后,他就急了,经过暗自探查,他已知晓,羽尚天尊在半个月前就离开了,无人知道其去向,下落不明。 Moreover, according to revelations by insiders, when the old person leaves, is very weak, deteriorates very much, was almost in the oil completely lamp dry situation, therefore declined to detain, departed alone. 而且,据知情人透露,老人离开时,已经很虚弱,很衰败,几乎都到了油尽灯枯的地步,所以谢绝一切挽留,独自离去。 Some people guessed, shortly after his knows life, must go to look for a tomb for oneself, oneself will bury. 有人猜测,他知道命不久矣,要去为自己找个墓地,将自己埋掉。 When hears here, Chu Feng does not feel better very much, this is the Celestial Emperor later generation, unexpectedly falls to this step, finally a making funeral arrangements person does not have, the descendants were killed, finally a lonely person takes a long journey, looks for the tomb for oneself. 当听到这里,楚风很不好受,这可是天帝后人,居然落到这一步,最后连个送终的人都没有,后代都被人害死了,最后孤单的一个人远行,为自己找墓地。 divine light blooms, Chu Feng from vanishes same place, he departs rapidly. 神光绽放,楚风从原地消失,他迅速离去。 Where can go to? Chu Feng is anxious, he thought carefully, defined several regions ; first, Still Feather Heavenly Venerate family's ancestral land ; second, he for several descendant vertical tomb there. 能去哪里?楚风焦躁,他仔细思索,划定了几个区域,一是羽尚天尊家族的祖地,二是他为几个儿孙立的坟墓那里。 Several later generation, some people leave behind the skeleton, but after some people are killed dies, only has the tomb containing clothing without the body. 几个后人,有人留下尸骨,而有的人被害死后,却只有衣冠冢。 Finally, Chu Feng determined that the first destination, is that stretch of lonesome and quiet grave. 最终,楚风确定第一目的地,就是那片幽静的坟地。 The old person once Dao marks that in the family did not extinguish, contained the mark of Celestial Emperor secret to give him, was more natural the words to inform, tells one another everything, Chu Feng knew the cemetery where. 老人曾将家族中不灭的道纹,蕴含天帝秘密的印记都给了他,自然许多话都告知,无话不谈,楚风知晓陵园在何地。 He felt, mostly the final time, old person short life, most misses is own child, oneself grandchild, that several Heaven-Blessed people are outstanding, will accompany them. 他觉得,最后的时光,老人生命无多,多半最思念的就是自己的孩子,自己的孙儿,那几个天纵人杰,会去陪伴他们。 Lonesome and quiet places, beautiful scenery, large expanse of Purple Bamboo Forest drags with the wind, exudes the slight rustling sound. 一片幽静之地,山清水秀,成片的紫竹林随风摇曳,发出细微的沙沙声。 Chu Feng came, several grave mounds that his eyes saw the bamboo grove deep place, had been cleaned up, except the grass, has cleaned Stele. 楚风来了,他一眼看到了竹林深处的几个坟头,被人清理过,除过草,清洗过石碑 But in several old grave banks, a new grave! 而在几座旧坟畔,还有一座新坟! This made Chu Feng's direct be big, after seeing clearly the inscribed text, his grieved discomfort, Still Feather Heavenly Venerate died! 这让楚风的头直接大了,看清碑文后,他心痛的难受,羽尚天尊死去了! He is the Yaoyao family member, then an affable old person did leave the world like this lonely? He is hard to accept, the old person shelters him multiple, he has not repaid a debt of gratitude, but also wants to give him one peacefully and auspiciously and no longer the distressed old age, even wants to seek family member-- Yaoyao for him! 他可是妖妖的亲人,那么一个和蔼可亲的老人就这样孤独的离世了?他难以接受,老人庇护他多次,他还未报恩,还想给予他一个安静而祥和并不再愁郁的晚年,甚至想为他寻回来一位亲人——妖妖 Chu Feng scared, on that Stele is carving is the Still Feather name, the old person really left the world. 楚风一阵失魂落魄,那石碑上刻着的就是羽尚的名字,老人真的离世了。 Life really not complete, would so many disappointingly, the helpless, regrettable place, Chu Feng feels sad and is incapable now, was coming eventually late one step. 人生果然没有圆满,总会有那么多让人失望,让人无奈,让人遗憾的地方,现在楚风心酸而又无力,终究是来晚了一步。 Senior, I came late!” “前辈,我来晚了!” He wants to himself a fist, to be eventually late! 他很想给自己一拳,终究是迟了! Although had many things, but since picks the soul medicine, by the present is about 1-2 days , can only be regrettable, in heart depressed. 虽然发生了很多事,但自从采摘到魂药,到现在而已也不过1-2的时间,只能让人遗憾,心中郁结。 "Um!? ” “嗯!?” Suddenly, the Chu Feng's vision projects divine glow, his present spiritual awareness is how keen, powerful incomparable, soul light sweeps, Discerning Eyes is radiant, understands thoroughly all of grave underearth instantaneously. 突然,楚风的目光射出神芒,他现在的灵觉何其敏锐,强大无比,魂光一扫,火眼金睛璀璨,瞬间洞彻坟土下的一切。 Senior!” “前辈!” Chu Feng is excited, joyful, the heart gloomy mood and haze sweep away. 楚风激动,喜悦,心头的愁绪与阴霾一扫而空。 Old person withered, but the wisp of vitality, had not as if died thoroughly, he is only the heart sorrow, the life is wretched, oneself buried himself ahead of time! 老人枯槁,但是似乎还有一缕生机,并未彻底死去,他只是心哀,一生孤苦,自己提前葬下了自己! Perhaps, his heart half dead has gone, this life to him, the distress are too many, parting forever of several profound hearts, the family member all died a tragic death, his wasting time half a lifetime, wants to revenge is incapable. 或许,他的心已经半死去,这一生对他来说,苦楚太多,几场痛彻心扉的生离死别,亲人皆惨死,他蹉跎半生,想报仇都无力。 Now, he calmly lies down in the grave, a person waited for the final death to arrive. 现在,他静静地躺在坟中,一个人等待最后的死亡到来。 Senior, I saved you, you must believe, I can retrieve Yaoyao, will happen one day, making her come to reunite with you, believed me!” Chu Feng shouts. “前辈,我来救你了,你要相信,我能找回妖妖,终有一天,让她来与你团聚,相信我!”楚风喊道。 Then, he one step arrives at the Purple Bamboo Forest deep place! 然后,他一步就来到紫竹林深处! For the new year, definitely many people blessed to everyone, I was not many said that hope everyone peace and good health pleasant sincerely. 过年了,肯定很多人给大家祝福,我也就不多说了,真心愿大家安康如意幸福。 () ()
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