SR :: Volume #15

#1444: Peak big showdown that shakes World of the Living

Sovereign Wu leave the mountain! 武皇出山 The hibernation of insects sleeps so many years, he has never revealed True Body, on the same day and No.9 fought is also a weapon evolves the empty body, he has become aware the supreme method in the choke-out pass/test. 蛰眠这么多年,他从未露出过真身,当日与九号一战也不过是一件兵器演化虚身而已,他一直在闭死关悟无上法。 Now, because Li reappears, is living the return, he could not bear. 现在,因为黎再现,活着归来,他忍不住了。 Past a strongest big showdown, he suffered a loss, his disciple has been saying freely, Lebanon's sinister hand under the back was the result, but he never argued. 昔日最强的一次大对决,他吃亏了,尽管他的弟子一直在说,黎在背后下黑手所致,可他自己从不辩解。 Because, the battle for a long time, slightly lost/carrying one plans indeed for, he will not go to speak anything. 因为,交战那么长时间,略负一筹的确为真,他不会去多讲什么。 Now, Li comes back from Great World of the Dead? 现在,黎是从大阴间回来的吗? Sovereign Wu blood energy fills the air, direct is shocking, the trim world is resonating, everywhere blood light submerged the northern land, really several times is the past and present only shook the world out of phase. 武皇血气弥漫,直接惊世间,整片天地都在共振,漫天的血光淹没了北方大地,实在是古今仅有的几次撼世异相。 Too scary, shocks World of the Living, even all Old Antique, the old fogies who walked from the prehistoric myth period startled palpitated, intermittent scared. 太吓人了,震撼阳间,连所有的老古董,从史前神话时期走来的老家伙们都惊悸了,阵阵胆寒。 This time Sovereign Wu chaotic day moves, is unapproachable! 此时的武皇乱天动地,无可匹敌! The big hand that only finds out interrupted the years, disrupted the stability of All Heavens, all are crashing, the Order break, the rule obliterates, Great Dao must collapse! 那只探出的大手截断了岁月,扰乱了诸天的稳固,一切都在崩塌,秩序断裂,规则磨灭,大道都要崩了! The legend becomes the reality, the Great World of the Dead's ancient gateway appears, the Lebanese homing, Sovereign Wu attacks, this series of accidents let the World of the Living chaos! 传说成为现实,大阴间的古老门户浮现,黎归位,武皇出击,这一连串的变故让阳间大乱! Bang! 轰隆! A big hand covers the vault of heaven, the monster evil and scary, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth is thundering, Great Dao fluctuates, thousand rules and ten thousand Order rearrangements, are greeting the king probably, summoned Dao Ancestor, respectfully requesting Sovereign Wu to arrive! 一只大手覆盖苍穹,妖邪与骇人之极,天上地下都在轰鸣,大道起伏,千般规则、万种秩序重新排列,像是在迎接君王,呼唤道祖,恭请武皇降临! Hits to explode the space and time, hoodwinks the public! 打爆时空,只手遮天! That big hand of Sovereign Wu arrived, even is separated by trillion li (0.5 km), spanned not knows many Great State, the big hand pierced as before void, arrived above Yin Province. 武皇的那只大手到了,即便相隔亿万里,跨越了不知道多少大州,大手依旧洞穿虚空,来到阴州上方。 This is the invincible posture, Great Influence raises, asked that world who may be a worthy opponent!? 这是无敌之姿,大势养出,试问世间谁可匹敌!? Sovereign Wu leave the mountain, long jab Yin Province, will have the big event. 武皇出山,直击阴州,将出大事件。 Not only this starts to Li , can the Great World of the Dead's gateway attack? 这不光是对黎下手,也要对大阴间的门户进攻吗? ! 呵! coldly snorted, that leaned on silhouette of flag to move, suddenly raising the head, looked to high sky, an arm shook lightly, the flash, was Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, the years flows unexpectedly, calamity. 一声冷哼,那拄着大旗的身影动了,霍的抬头,望向高天,一条手臂轻震,一刹那,竟然是斗转星移,岁月流淌,天塌地陷。 Everyone petrify, the soul was inflexible, what did they see? 所有人都石化了,灵魂都僵固了,他们看到了什么? That Star River is hanging upside down, that Sun is revolving reverse, went against the path, at that time the light twinkling flowed backwards, that universe Star River blotted out the sky, endless Order interwove, passes through the past and present! 星河在倒挂,那太阳在反向运转,逆了轨迹,那时光瞬息倒流,那宇宙星河铺天盖地而下,无尽秩序交织,贯穿古今! The flag in his hand flap flap, a flag surface show/unfolds, must rewrite the history simply, sets up the present age again, all will as if remould. 他手中的大旗猎猎,旗面一展,简直要改写历史,再立当世,一切似乎都将重塑。 Whole world silent, everyone such as the clay sculpture woodcarving, all decides in same place, opens the pupil, is staring at this. 举世无声,所有人都如泥塑木雕般,全都定在原地,睁大瞳孔,盯着这一幕。 This is the peak showdown, is belongs to look disdainfully the World of the Living two Paramount lifeforms peak big showdowns! 这是巅峰对决,是属于睥睨阳间古史的两位究极生物的巅峰大对决! Bang!” “轰隆!” The immortal light soars to the heavens, the Dao Ancestral Matter ebullition, tore World of the Living all of a sudden probably, passed through Thirty Three Layer Heaven! 仙光冲霄,道祖物质沸腾,一下子像是撕裂了阳间,贯穿了三十三重天 People saw, hell Reincarnation Road really appeared, by energy Shining Upon of that peak showdown, various clan creature all as considerable as fuzzy Ancient Road. 恍惚间,人们看到,地府轮回路真的出现了,被那巅峰对决的能量映照了出来,各族生灵皆可观到模糊古路 The same time, Firmament as if also had/left the indistinct outline by Shining Upon! 同时间,上苍仿佛也被映照出隐约的轮廓! Too fearful, this shakes world striking to make various clan many talent desperate, thought that the life is hard to look up to the end of this type of fight road, the disparity is too big. 太可怕了,这震世一击让各族不少天骄都绝望,觉得此生都难以仰望到这种战斗路的尽头,差距太大。 This is not the distance that the time can level, even if makes them cultivation eternally, will never be senile, maintains blood energy to evolve in peak condition continually, cannot take this type of Realm's hundred li (0.5 km) road. 这不是时间能够抹平的距离,哪怕让他们修炼万古,永不衰老,保持血气巅峰状态持续进化,也走不出这种境界的百里路。 This exceeds the big attack of time, is a vacant depressing radiant deduction, making the eminents and many Heaven-Blessed creature of various clans in lose the arrogance at this moment, abrasioned once powerful faith. 这是超越时代的大对攻,也是让人茫然让人沮丧的一次璀璨演绎,令各族的翘楚、许多天纵生灵都于此刻失去了傲气,磨掉了曾经的强大信念。 Really is to make the person praise to the heavens the desperate magnificent war, short actually eternal. 实在是让人叹为观止又让人绝望的辉煌一战,短暂却永恒。 Order disintegrates, rule burning down, ten thousand thunder, throughout the ages all seemed like smelted, the whole world was boundless, as if became a part of great furnace. 秩序瓦解,规则焚烧,万道轰鸣,古往今来的一切都像是被熔炼了,举世茫茫,仿佛都成为洪炉的一部分。 Until all rays abate, subsides gradually. 直至一切光芒消退,渐渐平息。 The world is silent, many powerhouses are still dumb as a wooden chicken, just like losing soul. 天地寂静,许多强者依旧呆若木鸡,宛若失去灵魂。 Dismayful, making person being hard say a word, even such a invincible big collision, Yin Province and World of the Living land has not damaged, is not on the wane including a vegetation, has not crashed including a piece of yellow leaf. 让人惊愕,让人难以言语,即便这么无敌的一次大碰撞,阴州以及阳间大地也没有破损,连一株草木都未凋零,连一片黄叶都不曾坠落。 That striking power, that incomparable power and influence, daring, the evaporation desert, is very absolutely easy, is not a problem completely, is in the present land calm, does not have the thing damage. 那种攻击力,那种无匹的威势,气吞山河,蒸干瀚海,绝对很容易,完全不成问题,可是现在大地上波澜不惊,无物损毁。 This is really astonishing, incredible. 这实在惊人,令人难以置信。 People shock of even more, this is to the energy manifestation that controlled Peak, the assurance of fine went to the peak situation, was wonderfully beyond description to the summit, by far insufficiently. 人们越发的震撼,这是对能量掌控到了极致的体现,精细化的把握达到了巅峰的地步,妙到毫巅难以形容,远远不够。 Without the tiny bit excess energy leaks to injure to the Evolver of mountains myriad things and world, this appeared...... is more fearful. 没有一丝一毫的多余能量外泄去伤损到山川万物以及世间的进化者,这就显得……更可怕了。 On Chu Feng's had ice-cold goosebumps, he is scratching the cold sweat secretly, rejoiced that has not run north World of the Living's, has not gone to the Lunatic Wu main house gate mouth to jump, rejoiced that has stone jar in the hand, may cover up Heavenly Mystery, otherwise estimated that has no good end. 楚风的身上起了一层冰冷的鸡皮疙瘩,他在暗自擦冷汗,庆幸没有跑去阳间的北方,没有去武疯子的家门口蹦,也庆幸有石罐在手,可遮掩天机,不然的话估计没什么好下场。 This lifeforms seriously is terrifying was excessive, chaotic ancient Shejin, really should not appear among really in the world! 这种生物当真是恐怖的过头了,乱古慑今,实在是不该真实浮现于世间! At this time, across World of the Living, many people also recovered, thought that from the beginning as cool as foot, is fearful and apprehensive including some great people, in the heart cast a shadow. 这时,阳间各地,许多人也都才回过神来,都觉得从头凉到脚,包括一些大人物都在心惊肉跳,心中蒙上一层阴影。 The big hand of Sovereign Wu drew back dispersed, but flag of Li also static. 武皇的大手退散了,而黎的大旗也静止了。 Bang! 轰! However, the next quarter sound was bigger. 不过,下一刻动静更大了。 Because, Sovereign Wu reveals itself thoroughly, no longer is only a hand searches, but is True Body goes out of the land of the polar north. 因为,武皇彻底出世,不再仅是一只手探来,而是真身走出极北之地。 In a twinkling, the calamity, the trim World of the Living world could not accommodate his True Body probably, after the eternity, Sovereign Wu revealed Dao Physique for the first time, goes out the place of bitter cold choke-out closed/pass. 霎时间,天塌地陷,整片阳间世界都像是容不下他的真身了,时隔千古后,武皇第一次露出道体,走出闭死关的苦寒之地。 Great Dao, spreads from the World of the Living land of the polar north, the speed was too fast, goes toward the Yin Province penetration. 一条大道,从阳间极北之地蔓延出来,速度太快了,向着阴州贯通而去。 Great Dao is radiant, words that the shining past and present, carefully look, that is paved by the golden energy Great Dao lotus flower completely, forms way that does not extinguish, goes south from the Sovereign Wu entrance! 大道璀璨,照耀古今,仔细看的话,那完全都是由金色的能量大道莲花铺就的,形成不灭的路径,自武皇山门一路南下! Even trillion li (0.5 km) away, in the under foot of this lifeforms, still at all are not anything. 即便是亿万里之遥,在这种生物的脚下,也根本不算什么。 At this time, Sovereign Wu went south, was short Ba battle, entire world is it may be said that peaceful. 这个时候,武皇南下,可谓是短暂的罢战,全天下都安静了。 Everyone is waiting, people knows, a bigger violent storm must come, Great Dao is thundering to tremble, will soon present an unimaginable war, shakes ancient Dong in the present! 所有人都在等待,人们知道,更大的暴风骤雨要来了,大道都在轰鸣颤栗,即将出现不可想象的一战,撼古动今朝! When has not fought, the Lebanese silhouette opens the mouth under Yin Province flag. 未战之际,阴州大旗下的黎身影开口了。 His both eyes are deep and quiet, at this time is very deep, the words have the penetrating power, earth-shaking. 他双目幽邃,此时很是深沉,话语具有穿透力,撼天动地。 I think knows, who the past years started to make the black dog leather bag child to cover on me, stream of abuse.” “我就想知道,当年是谁下手弄了个黑狗皮袋子罩我头上,狗血喷头。” Such remarks, World of the Living regional silent. 此话一出,阳间各地寂静。 People are at a loss for words, is speechless. 人们张口结舌,全都无言。 Some time ago also made people feel pitifully, miserable incomparable, not knows why, Lebanese this words, made people think that immediately the atmosphere completely changed. 不久前还让人感觉可悲,凄凉无比,可不知道为何,黎这种话语一出,顿时让人觉得气氛完全变了。 In this, outside territory, is away from the vast backdrop, in All Heavens in some piece of not knows broken space, black Big Dog was also alarmed early, pays attention to World of the Living, now was also the expression delay. 于此之际,域外,隔着浩瀚天幕,诸天中某片不知道的残破空间中,一只黑色的大狗早前也被惊动,关注阳间,现在也是表情呆滞了。 Has a great remnant bell in its side, a human form carrion bends down above, flows not normal black Emperor Blood! 在它身边有一口宏大的残钟,一具人形腐尸伏在上面,流淌出不正常的黑色帝血 That black dog is very old, the waist does not get up, the tooth almost falls the light gloomily, the hair must fall off cleanly, its expression delay will clench jaws from now on, the only several irregular decayed teeth bite creak makes noise. 那只黑狗很苍老,腰都直不起来了,牙齿几乎落光,毛发暗淡的要脱落干净了,它表情呆滞过后咬牙切齿,仅有的几颗参差不齐的烂牙咬的咯吱咯吱作响。 In the past, whose he did steal fur of half belt/bring blood this Sovereign shed?!” “当年,谁他么偷了本皇蜕下的半张带血的皮毛?!” Its projection fell, the words also surged in the horizon, making many people induce clearly, flash world was peaceful, people were dumbfounded. 它的投影落了下来,话语也在天际激荡,让许多人都清晰感应到了,一瞬间世间安静了,人们目瞪口呆。 Then is that links up on the north-south radiant Great Dao road, Lunatic Wu is footsteps, trading to make average man that is staggers greatly, threw down directly. 便是那条贯通南北的璀璨大道路上,武疯子都是脚步一顿,换作常人那就是一个大踉跄,直接摔倒了。 Even he seemed to be shocked. 连他似乎都被惊呆了。 The words of Li, in addition the elaboration of this black giant beast, making the sad miserable style completely change, could not feel bitterly cold passing again. 黎的话语,再加上这只黑色巨兽的阐述,让悲伤凄凉的画风完全变了,再也感觉不到凄怆的过往。 Although under three dragon war flags, that person as before rickets body, over the face great changes color, but, as if made one not sympathize pitifully. 尽管三条龙战旗下,那个人依旧佝偻着身体,满面沧桑色,可是,却似乎让人不怎么可怜同情了。 However, after some old monsters are in a daze, is actually intermittent frightened! 不过,一些老怪物发呆过后,却又是一阵阵的惊悚! First, some people of appearances that shocks in that only old black dog, not everyone not knows its status, lived the long years, to pass through era Reincarnation lifeforms to understand clearly its status, has not found it ridiculous, but was deep shock. 首先,有人震惊于那只苍老的黑狗的出现,并不是所有人都不知道它的身份,一些活过漫长岁月、贯穿过纪元轮回生物洞悉了它的身份,始终都未觉得好笑,而是深深的震撼。 Some lifeforms heartbeats must stop, because, the background of this black giant beast was too big, had followed truly...... to high! 有些生物的心跳都要停止了,因为,这头黑色巨兽的来头太大了,曾经追随过真正的……至高者! It had followed incessantly Celestial Emperor! 它曾经跟随过不止一位天帝 Thinks deeply again, how many past supreme powerhouses also, whether really died thoroughly? Let suspicion that the person is filled with. 再去深思,那几位昔日的无上强者还在吗,是否真的彻底死去了?让人满心的怀疑。 Did that time really end? Once projected on All Heavens to decline, blocked the way thoroughly! 那个时代真的结束了吗?曾经打到诸天破落,彻底断道! That time, Soul River at the wail, Floating Land of the Four Poles is flying upwards, real hell Reincarnation Road that is never born was burnt down, the avalanche. 那一时代,魂河都在哀鸣,四极浮土都在飞扬,从不出世的真地府轮回路都被焚烧,崩塌一片又一片。 However, is that several people of time, is Supreme Existence the age of emperor, eventually is becomes passing, these people deteriorated, passed away. 然而,属于那几人的时代,属于至高无上的帝者的年代,终究是成为过往,那些人衰败,永逝了。 This dog is also living, is in itself in world biggest miracle! 这只狗还活着,本身就是世间最大的奇迹! It is saying anything, half the skin of belt/bring blood it sheds......” “它在说什么,它蜕下的半张带血的皮……” After some people revolve, always thought that the back is sending coldly, even/including the monsters trembled finally, this black dog ecdysis? From historical record, answer negative. 有人细思后,总觉得脊背都在发寒,连老怪物们最终都颤栗了,这只黑狗蜕皮吗?从史料记载来看,答案是否定的。 It sheds hair repugnantly! 它讨厌掉毛! Some people remember, the history book records it as if to cause heavy losses, by person to peel Guopi. 有人记得,史书记载它似乎被重创过,被人剥过皮。 Now looks like, some people peeled its skin, then did the bang approach Li?! 现在看来,有人剥了它的皮,而后轰向了黎?! Actually what happened, that age was too fearful! 究竟发生了什么事,那个年代太可怕了! This is an unsettled law case! 这是一桩悬案! Making one who even if Li said laughs, that dog clenches teeth is not very heavy, but, this is not a normal and easy past event, the strangeness and fearsomeness, more were pondered that was the person, making in the person heart the ice cold, thought that was scared intermittently. 即便黎说的令人发笑,那只狗咬牙间也不是很沉重,可是,这绝非一件正常与轻松的旧事,其间的诡异与可怖,越是细想越是人,令人心中冰寒,觉得阵阵发毛。 Bang! 轰! In some grand mountains and rivers, there is an ancient powerhouse of prehistoric not to control, own cave mansion crashed a big piece. 某一片壮丽的山河中,有史前的古老的强者没控制住,自身的洞府都崩塌了一大片。 He when thinking deeply, without controlling own powerful internal energy. 他在深思时,没有控制好自身的强大气机 Was the matter of today's was too mainly fearful, various types of calamities streamed , the hearts of some old monsters were chaotic. 主要是今天发生的事太可怕了,各种乱子纷至沓来,一些老怪物的心都乱了。 ka-cha!” 喀嚓!” Same carves, making the matter that the person heart and gall all trembles happen, Yin Province there, the ancient gateway, connects Great World of the Dead's that say/way fearful golden color crack to send out the resounding again, the gateway seems like opening, big change. 同一刻,让人心胆皆颤的事情发生,阴州那里,古老门户,连接大阴间的那道可怕金色裂缝再次发出脆响,门户像是在开启,剧震不已。 When the world person aphonia, in the body sends is cool, some people open the mouth. 在天下人失音,都在身体发凉时,又有人开口。 „The present young people really do not have the quality, your shaking time and time again, shook the space, shakes underground, shook World of the Living, shakes World of the Dead, shook the modern age, shook the ancient times, shaking the time was really sad , he always the noisy senior citizen cannot sleep, was too bad!” “现在的年轻人真没素质,你们一次又一次的震,震了天上,震地下,震了阳间,震阴间,震了现代,震古代,震了时光真忧伤,他么的,总是吵的老年人睡不着觉,实在太恶劣了!”
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