SR :: Volume #15

#1443: da

Li Da! 黎龘 Li three dragons! 黎三龙! Actually is he reappears World of the Living? 竟然是是他再现阳间 At this time meanwhile, the world loses one's voice , has passed through after vast oceans turn to dust activation stone step creature that extinguishes world Great Calamity is shocking, how is this possible?! 此时此际,天下失声,历经沧海成尘、贯穿过灭世大劫的活化石级生灵都在震惊,这怎么可能?! Yin Province, bad fog cage four directions, a broken war flag stands erect straightly, that skinny silhouette looks somewhat emaciated, probably gust will blow will have dropped down. 阴州,大雾笼四野,一杆残破战旗笔直竖立,那个枯瘦的身影看起来有些孱弱,像是一阵风吹过就会倒下。 He is such great changes and thin and pale, sends the silk to hang loose grayish white, some body rickets, are leaning on the flag difficultly, the whole person is lethargic. 他是如此的沧桑与憔悴,灰白发丝披散,身体都有些佝偻了,艰难拄着大旗,整个人暮气沉沉。 Was this past unparalleled powerhouse? 这就是当年的盖世强者? Past, he is one generation of Overlord, the world is difficult to seek the anti- hand, was called prehistoric great sinister hand, was known as continually invincible Sovereign Wu once by badly beaten that he hit. 昔日,他是一代霸主,天下难寻抗手,被称为史前大黑手,连号称无敌的武皇都曾被他打的头破血流。 But now, his condition actually covered is being sad and chilly, lacked the past sharp qi, did not have that type to the strong and overbearing elegant demeanor. 而现在,他的境况却笼罩着悲与凄,缺少了当年的锐气,更没有了那种至强与霸道的风采。 At this moment, his body is swinging falls, stands steadily, momentarily do not tumble on Yin Province this dark frozen earth. 此刻,他的身体在摇坠,站立不稳,随时要跌倒在阴州这块黑暗的冻土上。 His body is not good, fierce of deterioration, this is everyone's feeling! 他的身体不行了,衰败的厉害,这是所有人的感觉! If the time the mighty current, a lot of th like the mist, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, the world vicissitude, what kind of tribulation his these years did encounter? 时光若洪流,千百世如云烟,沧海桑田,人世浮沉,他这些年来遭遇了怎样的磨难? The Paramount body declines, the unbeaten body is decayed, this is his time portrayal! 究极身败落,不败体腐朽,这是他此时的写照! Regardless how to see, he is on the verge of death, supreme graceful bearing where also roar All Heavens vacillation and Great Dao shiver?! 无论怎么看,他都行将就木,哪里还有一吼诸天动摇、大道颤抖的无上风姿?! Now, he is only the late in life old person who blood energy will dry up and soon decay extinguishes. 现在,他只是一个血气枯竭、即将朽灭的迟暮老人。 The contrast, always thought this grade of character is really dismal, the past invincible hero, the present yellow leaf on the wane, making people so unbelievable. 前后对比,总觉得这等人物实在悲凉,昔日的无敌英杰,现在的凋零黄叶,让人如此的难以置信。 The lamentable, past peerless elegant demeanor, lifting the fist may the bang kill incomparable Overlord of all enemies, reduces unexpectedly hence, making one regret, making one sigh. 可叹,当年的绝世风采,举拳可轰杀一切敌的无匹霸主,竟沦落至此,让人惋惜,让人叹。 Really yes, hero late in life...... most pitiful. 果然是,英雄迟暮……最可悲。 That year, one generation of talent, Supreme Existence, radiant, if the scorching sun, the true brilliance were eternal! 那一年,一代天骄,至高无上,璀璨若骄阳,真正的光耀万古! At the present, actually so ends miserably, exactly had anything on his body, this is everyone thinks the knows matter. 而今,却是如此凄凉收场,在他的身上到底发生了什么,这是所有人都想知道的事。 He seems like in big tong, probably is whispering, exudes the sobbing sound, actually what kind of experience, making the life undefeated creature fall to this paddies?! 他像是在大恸,像是在低语,发出呜咽声,究竟怎样的经历,让一生不败的生灵落到这步田地?! Follows his army , did not become the dust, fell for the loess, was only left over him!” On famous mountains some people look into the light language. “追随他的大军,都不在了,成为尘埃,落为黄土,只剩下他自己了!”一座名山上有人眺望轻语。 Pitifully, he was mad swallows the world, lets ten thousand because of him, but trembles, but finally is actually so, is gradually old, will be soon decayed.” “可惜了,他气吞天下,让万道都因他而而发抖,可最终却是如此,垂垂老矣,即将腐朽。” Sees this grade of character, if ends, even if some old monsters that crossed the all ages tribulation all have mixed feelings, some day, will they be more pitiful? 看到这等人物如落幕,纵然是一些渡过万世劫的老怪物皆心情复杂,有朝一日,他们是否会更凄惨? The cold state, place near the Yin Province, Chu Feng both eyes is sparkling, the Super Discerning Eyes lasing has fearful golden rune, is staring at Yin Province there, does Li Da reappear?! 寒州,毗邻阴州之地,楚风双目烁烁,超级火眼金睛激射出可怕的黄金符文,盯着阴州那里,黎龘再现?! How he died in the past, how to appear?! 他当年是怎么死的,怎么又出现了?! Chu Feng believes, the body of this person is hiding the heaven shaking secret, when the past invincible graceful bearing, was the sudden death strangeness, is affecting the will of the people. 楚风认为,这个人的身上藏着惊天的秘密,无论是当年的无敌风姿,还是突然死亡时的诡异,都在牵动人心。 Can make this unbeaten Overlord die a violent death suddenly, definitely related to the conflict of maximum level, had under supreme Evolver the extreme methods. 能够让这种不败的霸主突然暴毙,绝对涉及到了最高层次的冲突,有无上进化者下死手。 Pitiful Li Sanlong, was called as great sinister hand, but actually also die under great sinister hand finally. 可悲黎三龙,被人称作大黑手,可结果自己却也死在大黑手下。 At this time, after the outside world was shortly low and deep, erupted thoroughly soared to the heavens the great wave, the old monster state of mind that regional Sect Lord, many were not born was disorderly. 这时,外界短暂低沉后彻底爆发了冲天巨波,各地的教主,许多不出世的老怪物都心绪凌乱了。 Some people see Li Da, thought of him to the strong striking power, past incomparable power and influence. 一些人看到黎龘,想到了他的至强攻击力,昔日的无匹威势。 He whether really deteriorated, but can also conduct the last war, launches a decisive battle?” “他是否真的衰败了,还能否进行最后一战,发动一场决战?” Some people guessed, his return with difficulty, possibly for big settlement! 有人猜测,他千辛万苦的归来,可能是为了大清算! Perhaps...... will have immeasurable Killing Tribulation! 也许……会有一场无量杀劫 Who killed him? He knows fairly well inevitably, World of the Living wanted the chaos mostly! 谁害死了他?他必然心中有数,阳间多半要大乱了! Meanwhile, many people also realized, this Great Calamity must possibly compared with the imagination also wants fearful ten times of hundred times to continue, he where? Yin Province! 同时,许多人还意识到,这场大劫要可能比想象的还要可怕十倍百倍不止,他在什么地方?阴州 The legend becomes the reality, Great World of the Dead will perhaps soon appear! 传说成为现实,大阴间也许即将出现! Since old times then had the hearsay, Yin Province is the Great World of the Dead's gateway, but Li Da lived is being born from there, killed from Great World of the Dead?! 自古便有传闻,阴州大阴间的门户,而黎龘活着从那里出世,是从大阴间杀回来的吗?! In history the biggest disaster must erupt!” “史上最大的灾难要爆发了!” After having the old monster of prehistoric wants to understand all these, the sound is trembling, felt that greatly incomparable, must present the catastrophe of perishing clan genocide. 有史前的老怪物想明白这一切后,声音都在发颤,感觉头大无比,也许要出现亡族灭种的大祸。 Unprecedented, perhaps the Great World of the Dead's gateway has opened! 史无前例,大阴间的门户或许已经打开! "Dang!" “当!” The mighty bell shakes the soul, such as startled caps and dynamite World of the Living. 洪钟震魂,如惊雷炸阳间 Yin Qi like the sea, blocks the sky. 阴气如海,遮天蔽日。 In that grasps behind skinny silhouette of three dragon war flags, has together the golden crack unexpectedly for the first time presently, the gateway that probably the gold casts, seems like the rock to split. 在那手持三条龙战旗的枯瘦的身影后面,竟有一道金色的裂缝乍现,像是黄金铸成的门户,又像是岩石裂开。 Although is only a slit, Yin Qi is dreadful, forms the curtain of duplicate day! 尽管只是一道缝隙,却阴气滔天,形成覆天之幕! Many people could not sit still, was the Great World of the Dead's ancient gateway turned on by Li Da?! 许多人坐不住了,大阴间的古老门户被黎龘开启了?! You dare!” At this moment, the sound conquers the whole world like golden bell thunders! “你敢!”这一刻,有如金钟轰鸣般的声音席卷天下! The underground world, the places of several darkness, all have lifeforms to open the fearful pupil, and domineering take action! 地下世界,几片黑暗之地,皆有生物睁开可怕的眸子,并且强势出手 Several ray of light bunches, just like the initial ray of splitting heaven and earth apart time, shone the ancient times, understood thoroughly the recent antiquity, clears away the future, was too radiant, became eternal of Between Heaven and Earth. 道光束,宛若开天辟地时代的初始光芒,照耀远古,洞彻近古,又涤荡未来,太璀璨了,成为天地间的永恒。 Several ray of light bunches from the different positions come, to cover Yin Province, covers that golden crack, does not let link up the Great World of the Dead's gateway to open wide thoroughly! 道光束从不同的方位而来,笼罩阴州,覆盖那道黄金裂缝,不让贯通大阴间的门户彻底洞开! At this moment, everyone shocked. 这一刻,所有人都震撼了。 The death of Li Da, how many Dark Source is don't tell me with underground world really related? 黎龘之死,难道真的与地下世界几个黑暗源头有关? That several ray of light bunches are too fearful, will want the seal past and present simply in the future! 那几道光束太可怕,简直是要封印古今未来! Can the manpower unexpectedly so? 人力竟可如此吗? At this moment, Yin Province there, that is leaning on the flag just like the old person of last years of life, probably is sobbing, is depressed coexists with Yin Qi, suddenly take action. 此刻,阴州那里,那个宛若风烛残年的老人拄着大旗,像是在呜咽,暮气与阴气共存,猛然出手 Bang! 轰隆! The flag flap flap, resembles to hang a day of cloud, covering the boundless day is wild, swung broke to pieces the vault of heaven, evaporation the Yin sea, the turmoil the time, all were different. 大旗猎猎,似垂天之云,覆盖苍茫天野,摇碎了苍穹,蒸干了阴海,动乱了时光,一切都不同了。 He blocked several dazzling light beams, the flag horizontal day, isolates all, the there only three dragons appear, the extrusion filled trim Yin Province, pressed and covered world! 他挡住了几道刺目的光束,大旗横天,隔绝一切,那里唯有三条龙浮现,挤压满了整片阴州,压盖世间! ! 嗷! True Dragon roared, shook Above the Heavens and Under the Earth! 真龙咆哮,震荡了天上地下 Li Da, do you dare to open Great World of the Dead? Turning the World of the Living grand mountains and rivers into the gloomy and cold frozen earth, the evolved hell?!” Some person of shouts out, the sound vibrated the highest heaven, spread over all sea, thunder light is simultaneously flaming, winds around in the vaults of heaven. 黎龘,你敢开启大阴间?化阳间壮丽山河为阴冷的冻土,演化地府吗?!”有人大喝,声音震动了九霄,传遍了四海,同时又雷光炽盛,缭绕在苍穹间。 Yin Province there hears the laughter, may seem like actually crying, silhouette under flag remains unmoved, the sidewise compression world, resists the light beam, made crack there Myriad Laws Immunity. 阴州那里传来笑声,可却又像是在哭,大旗下的身影不为所动,横压天地,抵住光束,令裂缝那里万法不侵 World of the Living each region everyone is frightened, not only trembles in this world terrifying confronts greatly, but also feels strongly about the present situation. 阳间各地所有人都惊悚,不仅是震颤于这种世间恐怖之极的大对峙,还有感于眼前的形势。 The past Li Da experience was extremely as if complex, do not attack Great World of the Dead, but actually must open that ancient Golden Gate household now personally. 当年的黎龘经历似乎极其复杂,不是要进攻大阴间吗,可现在却要亲自打开那古老的黄金门户。 Bang! 轰! The underground world, several Dark Source, several lifeforms open the pupil respectively, the Great Dao ripples spreads, the trim world is thundering, the terrifying is boundless. 地下世界,几个黑暗源头,数位生物分别睁开眸子,大道涟漪扩散,整片天地都在轰鸣,恐怖无边。 They have not set out, the light beam that however sends out was more fearful, suppresses Yin Province. 他们没有起身,但是发出的光束更为可怕了,镇压阴州 However, Yin Province there, is leaning on silhouette of flag, although the physique deterioration, some rickets, creaky, but actually blocked once again. 然而,阴州那里,拄着大旗的身影虽然形体衰败,有些佝偻,摇摇欲坠,可却又一次挡住了。 Suddenly, the world loses one's voice! 一时间,天下失声! Is Li Da so powerful? A person may arrive at the world to the strength jointly! 黎龘这么强大吗?一个人可抵天下至强联手之力! Same time, creature of that level, can no one fight with him?!” “同时代,那个层次的生灵,无人可与他争锋?!” „It is not the legend, prestige and position that this really kills truly.” “不是传说,这果然是真正杀出来的威名与地位。” Some place some people whispered, was the old monster, even they deeply felt to shock incomparably. 一些地方有人低语,都是老怪物,连他们都深感震撼无比。 "Suppress!" “镇!” The underground world, several Dark Source there, spread sound that if again still Great Dao vibrates. 地下世界,几个黑暗源头那里,再次传出犹若大道震动的声音。 At this moment, these regions are even transparent, some people of panic-stricken detecting, in several recoveries the back of myth lifeforms, have weak silhouette to reappear unexpectedly respectively. 这一刻,那些地带甚至透明起来,有人惊骇的发觉,在几位复苏的神话生物的背后,居然各自有虚弱的身影浮现。 In several people behind, as if also some people, sit cross-legged before hundred million ten thousand years, sits alone in boredom in the inexplicable place. 在几人的身后,似乎还有人,盘坐在亿万载前,枯坐在莫名之地。 That several shadow bubble, are too nearly unreal, probably meets collapse to extinguish momentarily, will change to the nihility instantaneously. 只是,那几道影子近乎泡影般,太虚幻,像是随时会崩灭,瞬间就会化作虚无。 Several empty such as the shadow of mist, is very unstable, but has the fearful performance, they as if have the induction, fills the silk threads the strength of supreme! 几道虚如薄雾的影子,很不稳定,但却有着可怕的表现,他们似乎有感应,弥漫出丝丝缕缕的无上之力! Across World of the Living, some prehistoric old monsters had to induce, in the famed scenery some activation stone step lifeforms were also afraid, first perceived exceptionally. 阳间各地,一些史前老怪物都有感应了,名山大川中一些活化石级生物也是不寒而栗,第一时间觉察出异常。 Underground world, after several Dark Source, where is that?!” Some people are panic-stricken. “地下世界,几个黑暗源头之后,那又是什么地方?!”有人惊骇。 That is the Paramount energy that several people send out, said from back phantom, several people behind actually also has lifeforms?” Some people are shocked. “那是几人散发的究极能量,还是说源自背后的虚影,几人的身后其实还有生物?”有人震惊。 „It is not right, that is not true lifeforms, are underground world Dark Source several people stealing several phantom or several dead creature Dao Fruit?!” “不对,那不是真正的生物,地下世界黑暗源头的几人在盗取几个虚影或者说几个死去的生灵道果?!” The strength of supreme interweaves, passes through toward Yin Province, rumble the sound shakes the world, probably Order Divine Chain collapsing, Great Dao crashed, must camouflage Yin Province! 无上之力交织,向着阴州贯穿过去,隆隆之音震世,像是秩序神链崩断,大道崩塌了,要将阴州遮蔽! "hē hē! ” “呵!” Yin Province, that leans on silhouette not knows of flag to cry or smile, seems like has the color of satire, he waves the flag again. 阴州,那拄着大旗的身影也不知道是在哭还是在笑,又像是带着讽刺之色,他再次摇旗。 And at this time, his behind crack propagation, further intensified, links up the Great World of the Dead's ancient Golden Gate household to open slightly. 并且这个时候,他身后的裂缝蔓延,进一步加剧了,贯通大阴间的古老的黄金门户在微微开启。 And at this time, had Yin Qi to pass through, had the silver energy transpiration, must extinguish the world simply, swept across the heaven, must evaporation all sea, was too fearful, the World of the Living's rule is therefore breaking! 并且这个时候,有阴气贯冲而出,有银色能量蒸腾,简直是要灭世般,席卷苍天,要蒸干四海,太可怕了,阳间的规则都在因此断裂! Meanwhile, behind when the ancient Golden Gate household, the silver energy rushed, there is lifeforms to open the mouth in the deep place of gateway, Soul Power shook Eight Desolates. 同时,古代的黄金门户后方,银色能量澎湃时,有生物在门户的深处开口了,魂力撼动八荒 One day...... we will come finally!” “终有一日……我们会来!” Time was up!” “时间差不多了!” "hē hē, haha...... ” “呵呵,哈哈……” And finally, its sound becomes the chaotic day to move the place the big laughter, but is accompanying the Yin fog, the ice is extremely cold, was extremely cold, moreover lets World of the Living Order in ruptured, Great Dao must be cut off! 到了最后,其音成为乱天动地的大笑声,只是伴着阴雾,太过冰寒刺骨,太过寒冷了,而且让阳间秩序崩开,大道都要断掉了! Reincarnation Hunter, your back control, not take action!” Underground world, several Dark Source, some people of such shouts out. 轮回狩猎者,你们背后的主宰呢,还不出手!”地下世界,几个黑暗源头,有人这样大喝 Celestial Emperor family...... also some people, but also please recover!” Then, some people make the deafening sound, thunders in Between Heaven and Earth, might awaken some people, suppresses the Great World of the Dead's gateway. 天帝家族……还有人在吗,还请复苏!”接着,又有人发出震耳欲聋的声音,在天地间轰鸣,像是要唤醒一些人,镇压大阴间的门户。 Protects lineage/vein, non- homing!” “守护一脉呢,还不归位!” Bellow to shake world. 声声大吼震世间。 ...... …… World of the Living shakes, was somewhat chaotic, is somewhat flustered. 阳间震荡,有些乱了,有些人心惶惶。 Meanwhile, many people are also startled, as that bellow, some ancient families and influences surface, some are renown, but some have actually never heard. 同时,许多人也在吃惊,随着那一声声大吼,一些古老的家族与势力浮出水面,有些早已举世皆知,而有些竟然从未听闻过。 Hey!” “嘿!” In a World of the Living's forbidden area, the fog is dreadful, this Danger Land is not tranquil today, then has the strange pupil to open, looks into Yin Province. 阳间的一处禁区中,灰雾滔天,这一绝地在今日不平静了,接着有诡异的眸子睁开,眺望阴州 The fog fills the air, strange strength ebullition! 灰雾弥漫,诡异之力沸腾! If Chu Feng here, naturally can have the familiarity, in the past he was suffered dead by this strength, walks Reincarnation Road, rushes to World of the Living, finally gets rid of the strange fog. In another stretch of restricted area, void tattered, is flowing Dark Blood outward, the scene fearsome! 若是楚风在这里,自然会有熟悉感,当年他就是被这种力量折磨死的,走轮回路,闯阳间,才最终摆脱诡异的雾霭。另一片禁地中,虚空破烂,正在向外流淌黑血,场面可怖! ...... …… World of the Living chaos, each region uneasy. 阳间大乱,各地不宁 Teacher!” World of the Living, the land of the polar north, Lunatic Wu several direct disciple are alarmed and afraid, summoned to the golden pupil to darkness in that. “师尊!”阳间,极北之地,武疯子的几位亲传弟子惊惧,冲着黑暗中的那对金色瞳孔呼唤。 There has Sovereign Wu, their teachers, are awakening! 那里有武皇,他们的师尊,正在觉醒! The Great Dao ripples fluctuation is fierce, Lunatic Wu only reveals a pair of golden pupil, is extremely fearful, he is recovering from some hibernation of insects dormancy condition, the terrifying aura chaotic day moves! 大道涟漪波动剧烈,武疯子只露出一对金色眸子,极其可怕,他正在从某种蛰眠状态中复苏,恐怖气息乱天动地! A moment ago his not take action, but now he must move! 刚才他并未出手,而现在他要动了! „Is Li Da, you?” 黎龘,是你吗?” Bang, land of the polar north, an arm that covers the vault of heaven finds out, true hoodwinking the public, toward the Yin Province pressed and covered in the past, Sovereign Wu take action in the world eyes! 轰隆一声,极北之地,一只覆盖苍穹的手臂探出,真正的只手遮天,向着阴州压盖过去,世人眼中的武皇出手了!
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