SR :: Volume #15

#1445: Widely-noted

Who is this? 这又是谁? don't tell me, did the old fogies want leave the mountain on this day? 难道这一天间,老家伙们都要出山了? Listens to his tone to be somewhat big, shook Great Dao to shake the time, was really sad, noisy he could not sleep, which prehistoric old Overlord this was, how to see seems like the big shot in Paramount Dominion. 听他的口气有些大啊,震了大道震时光,真忧伤,吵的他睡不着觉,这是哪位史前老霸主,怎么看都像是究极领域中的头面人物。 At this time, northern was passed through to come by exceedingly high Great Dao, in this time, blotted out the sky radiantly, Lunatic Wu figure steady like rock, lonesome and motionless, crosses the hands behind the back to stand above. 这时,北方一条由通天大道贯穿而来,璀璨于这个时代,铺天盖地,武疯子身形稳如磐石,寂而不动,负手立在上面。 He by a brilliant golden Great Dao carrying/sustaining, extremely fast, but. 他被一条绚烂的金色大道承载着,极速而至。 At this time, everyone saw physique, True Body is not high, but passes the aura that sends to make the heaven tremble, making Great Dao tremble, must have the big of event blocking the way! 此时,所有人都看到了的形体,真身不高,可是透发的气息让苍天发抖,让大道颤栗,要发生断道之大事件! His full head round of silk jet black like black ink, the face of middle-aged person such as the blade truncates, a strength feeling, a pair of golden pupil is especially fearful, is born just like the god sovereign! 满头发丝漆黑如墨,中年人的面孔如刀削般,给人一种力量感,一双金色的瞳孔尤为慑人,宛若神皇降世! Although this person is not very big big and tall, is only the ordinary even slightly short figure, but actually gave people the constriction, with his arrival, the world is rocking fiercely. 这个人虽然不是很高大魁伟,只是普通甚至略矮的身材,但却太给人压迫感了,随着他的到来,天地都在剧烈晃动。 His True Body that trim World of the Living, as if cannot accommodate! 整片阳间,都似乎容不下的他真身 When his golden pupil opens and closes, performing is starry sky ruptured, the big star sinks the picture that falls, extremely fearful, the Great Dao ripples around him spreads, All Heavens seemed like must blast out unexpectedly! 在他的金色瞳孔开阖时,尽是星空崩开,大星沉坠的画面,极其的可怕,在他周围大道涟漪扩散,诸天居然像是要炸开了! This is one generation of invincible lifeforms, was revered by many people are the Sovereign Wu person. 这就是一代无敌生物,被许多人尊为武皇的人。 World, all Evolver feel to suffocate, even if the strength is insufficient, saw him, because Sovereign Wu according to various Between Heaven and Earth! 世间,所有进化者都感觉要窒息,哪怕实力不够,也恍惚间看到了他,因为武皇依照诸天地间 Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, all obviously his True Body! 天上地下,皆可见他之真身 When the strength to this Paramount level, in whose heart read slightly, may touch him, thus Shining Upon has the invincible body of Sovereign Wu. 当实力到了这种究极层次,谁心中稍有念,都有可能会触及他,从而映照武皇的无敌之体。 Great Dao like the flame, winds around outside the body of Lunatic Wu one after another, the light beam is dreadful, is revolving him to revolve like fearful Star River, in ebullition! 大道如焰,一条又一条在武疯子的身外缭绕,光束滔天,又如同可怕的星河在围绕他旋转,在沸腾! This type of aura was too terrifying, strong to is without a peer, to be very difficult to believe that this world will have Bio-Energy to fight with him! 这种气息太恐怖了,强到不可匹敌,很难让人相信这个世间会有生物能与他争锋! He goes south, the true vigorous energy does not reveal, but light/only this type of aura made the day collapse, vault of heaven unceasing blast, rumble the ear-spitting sound resounded through World of the Living. 他一路南下,自身真正的雄浑能量不显,可是光这种气息就让天塌了,苍穹不断的炸开,隆隆震耳声响彻阳间 crying sound, vibrated Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, is really scary, Sovereign Wu incomparable stance shock and awe world! 一路的鸣音,震动了九天十地,实在骇人,武皇无匹的姿态震慑人间! Lunatic Wu came! 武疯子来了! His True Body leave the mountain, after the eternity again Shining Upon in world, on striving for hegemony road whose enemy? 真身出山,时隔千古后再一次映照在世间,争霸路上谁可敌? This time he, even if crossed the prehistoric years, passes through the recent antiquity, arrives at the present age, still no point aged condition, moreover compared with past young, true blood energy like great furnace. 此时的他,即便渡过了史前岁月,走过近古,来到当世,也没有一点的老迈之态,而且比过去更加的年轻,真正的血气洪炉 If sea blood energy soars to the heavens from his crown of the head, swept across the boundless universe, can burn down the length and breadth fully Star Sea! 如海般的血气从他的天灵盖中冲霄而起,席卷了苍茫天宇,足可以焚烧广袤的星海 His internal energy tows the world, the universe is resonating with him, his graces then affected the stability of the world. 他的气机牵引着天地,天宇都与他共振,他举手投足便影响到了天地的稳定。 Lunatic Wu arrives, no first to Li Da take action, but is staring at some position, he is looking for that tone enormous old fogy. 武疯子降临,没有第一时间对黎龘出手,而是盯着某一个方位,他在寻找那个口气极大的老家伙。 Bang! 轰! He shoulders both hands to stand, the thick black sends the silk to flutter, Between Heaven and Earth exudes the fulmination sound suddenly, that is his golden color pupil is the result in the illumination, the puncture is void. 他背负双手而立,浓密的黑色发丝飘扬间,天地间突然发出爆鸣声,那是他金色瞳孔在发光所致,击穿虚空。 Beyond not knows many hundred million li (0.5 km), in Wasteland's border, borders on the place of chaos, a boundless forest blasts out, was routed by the golden pupil light, large expanse of Great Desolate Mountain changes to fine powder! 知道多少亿里之外,地处边荒,接壤混沌之地,一片无垠的森林炸开,被金色的眸光击溃,成片的洪荒大山化作齑粉 This is the prestige of Sovereign Wu Paramount! 这是武皇究极之威! Great distance not knows many Great State, are only the pupil light/only, can create this lethality, extinguishes cuts down a clan to teach is not a problem. 相隔也不知道多少个大州,仅是眸光,就能造成这种杀伤力,灭伐一族一教都不成问题。 That stretch of region, a human form lifeforms broken clothes rotten coat, the urgent matter jumps, the speed to world Peak, jumped to vanish quickly, submerged the impoverishment chaos desolated. 那片地带,一个人形生物破衣烂褂,火烧屁股般跃起,速度快到世间极致,跳起来就消失了,没入不毛的混沌荒芜地。 Stepped on dog deng transporting, met big, the lunatic was not the incarnation, was not spiritual sense obviously, was really really comes out unexpectedly?!” “踩狗屎运了,遇上大个的了,那疯子不是化身,不是灵识显化,竟真是真出来了?!” Before this is he vanishes the sound, was foul-mouthed, running away was quicker than anyone, is separated from the World of the Living's category, ran away to bad and dangerous chaos distressed earth. 这是他消失前的声音,骂骂咧咧,逃的比谁都快,脱离阳间的范畴,逃向恶劣而危险的混沌厄土 Across World of the Living, many old monster are lost in thought that not only the heart is startled in the Lunatic Wu Paramount power and influence, sighed him to have the posture of undefeated seriously! 阳间各地,许多老怪物一阵出神,不仅心惊于武疯子究极威势,叹他当真拥有了不败之姿! Meanwhile, they also feel strongly to run away the agility of that person, unexpectedly runs is so quick, who is he? 同时,他们也有感于逃走那个人的利索,居然跑的那么快,他到底是谁? Previously, that human form lifeforms tone was very big, was, when Sovereign Wu take action, he imageless stamping one's foot travelled unexpectedly, really made people speechless. 早先,那个人形生物口气很大,可是,当武皇出手,他居然毫无形象的跳脚就跑路了,实在让人无言。 Roar! 吼! Bellows, resounds through the vault of heaven, many people see one...... the dog head, appeared in the space, is jet black and gigantic, the hair was about to fall out or off entirely, bit to the Wasteland's border chaos. 一声大吼,响彻苍穹,许多人看到一只……狗头,在天上浮现了出来,漆黑而硕大,毛发快掉光了,一口咬向边荒混沌。 Son of a bitch, you are sick, did I annoy you?!” That, over the face old earth, seems like human form lifeforms that crawls from old Kengzili to exclaim in the chaos in rags. “狗子,你有病啊,我惹你了吗?!”那个衣衫褴褛、满面旧土、像是从老坑子里爬出来的人形生物在混沌中吼道。 However, was quick he to travel, that big mouth almost bit he, swallowed a large area of chaos desolated, he stamped one's foot then does not have the trace. 但是,很快他就又跑路了,那张血盆大口差点咬中他,吞掉了大面积的混沌荒芜地,他跳脚便无踪。 All are turn over to the dust to turn over to the dust to turn over to the earth finally, the era vicissitude, Time River passed away, who can be long-time? Must die, I write the past event for All Heavens, takes down the hero soul toward the background, unearths various era truth, now my being insane person...... passed by.” “一切终是归尘归尘土归土,纪元浮沉,岁月长河永逝,谁能长久?都要死去,我为诸天撰旧事,记下英灵往来路,挖掘各纪元真相,现在我这失心人……只是路过。” That lifeforms ran, this is his final spoken language. 那个生物跑了,这是他最后的言语。 The people are speechless, whom doesn't nip you to nip? First said that stepped on the dog deng, shouted the son of a bitch, flushed that black dog that in the history book recorded...... bad disposition, not biting to death you were strange. 众人无言,不咬你咬谁?先说踩了狗屎,又喊狗子,就冲史书中记载的那只黑狗的……狗脾气来看,咬不死你才怪。 The low and deep roar, the angry unwilling long and loud cry, transmitted from that day, gigantic dog head retrogression, which space also not knows it stayed in All Heavens. 低沉的吼声,愤怒不甘的长啸,从那天外传来,硕大的狗头消退,也不知道它呆在诸天中哪个空间。 Obviously, the long-distance range projection, powerful such as it cannot endure, because it lost the severe wound, moreover is extremely senile and inept, now the waist does not get up, is defending the remnant bell, is protecting the carrion. 显然,远距离投影,强大如它也吃不消,因为它负了重伤,而且太过老迈不堪,如今腰都直不起来了,守着残钟,护着腐尸。 It has died of old age, blood energy was dried up quickly thoroughly, the faith that does not abandon is supporting him, must search, finds a person, revives it is defending emperor corpse. 它早已老去,血气都快彻底干枯了,一股不舍的信念在支撑着他,要去寻觅,找一个人,救活它守着的帝尸。 Although has almost no chance, the hope in heart is extremely uncertain, but it is never-ending for these years, is protecting once master, throughout in running, on road of praying for rescue. 尽管几乎没什么希望,心中的希冀太过渺茫,但是这么多年来它不离不弃,护着曾经的主人,始终在奔跑,在求救的路上。 Even if, had been too tired to move any further, it has not stopped, is moving the footsteps difficultly. 纵然,早已跑不动了,它也没有停下,艰难的移动着脚步。 World of the Living many not knows it, does not understand it, has never heard its legend, may see its this power and influence, is in the heart panic-stricken. 阳间很多人不知道它,不了解它,从未听过它的传说,可看到它这种威势,还是心中惊骇不已。 But person who understands truly, is the sigh, is trembling, understanding that the small number of people looks, blood energy of this black dog use were too few, unexpectedly can also display this powerful power and influence, it in the past fierce? 而真正了解的人,也是叹息,也在震颤,少数人看的明白,这只黑狗动用的血气太少了,居然还能发挥出这种强大的威势,它当年会有多厉害? But that time, how radiant? Wants knows, several talents who it follows shook the world foundation and All Heavens stable Heaven-Blessed creature. 而那个时代,多么的璀璨?要知道,它跟着的几人才是摇动了天地根基与诸天稳定的天纵生灵 Ended, that time went far away, died, does not see like that brilliantly.” “落幕了,那个时代远去了,都死去了,再也不见那般绚烂。” World of the Living, on palatial famous mountains, some people look into the distance, shakes the head there, has the endless feeling. 阳间,一座巍峨的名山上,有人眺望,在那里摇头,有着无尽的感慨。 In a twinkling, some people change countenance, recognize his identity, this doubtful is first ancestor level creature that lives from the last era! 霎时间,一些人动容,认出他的身份,这疑似是一个从上一纪元活下来的始祖级生灵 Even he sighed, even if not know the person who black dog status, still scalp tingles, realized it has certainly the huge background, related to day of Emperor Level Evolver, but the years pass, without creature do not die, what a pity were lamentable. 连他都这么感叹,即便不知黑狗身份的人,也都头皮发麻,意识到它一定拥有天大的背景,涉及到了天帝级进化者,只是岁月逝,没有生灵可不死,可惜可叹了。 From beginning to end, Lunatic Wu does not have the wave not to have the billows, this is fearful, whoever reveals itself, who reveals the trail, he is such, in the heart only I am indifferently invincible! 自始至终,武疯子都无波无澜,这才是可怕的,无论谁出世,谁显露踪迹,他都是如此的漠然,心中唯我无敌! At this time, he had arrived at outside Yin Province, overlooked front Li Da. 这时,他早已到了阴州外,俯视前方的黎龘 Trim World of the Living was peaceful, everyone is waiting , if no accident/surprise, will be doomed to have heaven shaking great war. 整片阳间都安静了,所有人都在等待,若无意外,注定会有一场惊天大战 Widely-noted, across World of the Living the deathly stillness, all Evolver are paying attention, is waiting for! 举世瞩目,阳间各地都死寂了,所有进化者都在关注,都在等待! At this time, Chu Feng where? 这时,楚风在哪里? He already calm and calm...... walked. 他早就从容而镇定的……走了。 Naturally, this is he thinks that if makes the bystander describe, he travels immediately, ran away, is quicker than anyone. 当然,这是他自己认为的,如果让外人描述的话,他是在第一时间跑路的,逃遁了,比谁都快。 Does not have him, this place must turn into extinguishes the world battlefield, doesn't walk to wait for death? 无他,这片地方要化成灭世战场,不走等死吗? Chu Feng before Lunatic Wu just recovered and has not arrived, thoroughly leaves the cold state, crosses void, rushes to go. 楚风武疯子刚复苏、还没有到达前,就彻底离开寒州,一路横渡虚空,远奔而去。 The moment, his Domain technique has not been such Perfection, before Lunatic Wu arrives truly, crosses dozens over a hundred states crazily, far away from the right and wrong place. 从来没有一刻,他的场域技艺是如此的出神入化,在武疯子真正降临前,疯狂横渡数十上百州,远离是非地。 The present old monster moved restlessly, this World of the Living is too dangerous, Chu Feng did a lot of talking, felt should, tame taming, hit remnant hitting remnant. 现在的老怪物一个又一个都躁动了,这阳间太危险,楚风磨牙,觉得都应该,驯服的驯服,打残的打残。 As for white hair female Supreme Being Ling Xuan,...... dashes about wildly to go immediately, did not have the previous calm and elusiveness again, no longer like the immortal, which can also the surging waves cross slowly, takes to one's heels to escape importantly. 至于白发女大能凌瑄,也在第一时间……狂奔而去,再也没有了早先的从容与空灵,不再如仙,哪还能凌波慢渡,撒丫子逃亡最要紧。 How do you also struggle with me?!” “你还怎么与我争?!” Outside Yin Province, Sovereign Wu near the world, the world trembles, All Heavens ten thousand in follow to thunder in his speech sound, with resonates together, Primal Chaos Qi spreads, this scene was too fearful. 阴州外,武皇临世,天地颤栗,诸天万道都在在他的话声中跟着轰鸣,跟着一起共振,混沌气扩散,这种景象太可怕了。 He stands on radiant Great Dao, overlooks under. 他站在璀璨大道上,俯视下方。 In the Yin Province land that skinny silhouette has no spoken language, straightened up the back, the eye, if Divine Lantern, the right hand holds the flag, treats as the lance use, suddenly thorn to vault of heaven! 阴州大地上那条枯瘦的身影没有任何言语,挺直了脊背,眼若神灯,右手持大旗,当作长矛使用,猛然刺向天穹! Of bang, ten thousand like the sea, rush the vibration, after the exceedingly high giant flagpole punctures, the vault of heaven presents a big hole, the Great Dao wail, fierce explosion sound. 轰的一声,万道如海,澎湃震动,通天的巨大旗杆刺过去后,苍穹出现一个大窟窿,大道哀鸣,剧烈轰响。 Suddenly, world all creature feel disaster is imminent, the road of own evolution as if must separate, was nearly punctured by this lance! 一时间,世间所有生灵都觉得大祸临头,自己的进化之路仿佛要断开了,险些被这一矛刺断! The rule obliterates, Order collapsing, calamity. 规则磨灭,秩序崩断,天塌地陷。 In the sky, Lunatic Wu shoulders both hands as before, if from the nihility, he disappears silhouette. 天空中,武疯子依旧背负双手,如若来自虚无,他不见了身影 He avoided the flag, appears in another position, even his broad brilliant path also moves, the carrying/sustaining he, is crossing in the world as before, the entire portrait has not moved, throughout under standing still expansive sky. 他避开了大旗,在另一个方位出现,连他脚下宽阔的绚烂道路也随之而动,依旧承载着他,横贯天地中,整个人像是从来都没有动过,始终静立长空下。 The Lunatic Wu black long hair dances in the air, the golden pupil is very fearful, the Great Dao ripples are intermittent, Order tens of thousands of say/way immortal sword, forward detachment! 武疯子黑色长发飞舞,金色的瞳孔很可怕,大道涟漪阵阵,秩序化出成千上万道仙剑,向前劈去! 100,000 Sky Sword cuts world! 十万天剑斩世间! Bang! 轰隆! A Li Da fist bang to the sky, the fist mark broken day, just like in splitting heaven and earth apart, world Myriad Clans of pressed and covered lowers the head in this occasion, all powerhouses suffocated. 黎龘一拳轰向天空,拳印破天,宛若在开天辟地,压盖的世间万族都于此际低头,所有强者都窒息了。 All sword light are disillusioned! 所有剑光破灭! Together dazzling fist light, just like eternal, passes through ten thousand Great Dao, world is silent! 一道刺目的拳光,宛若永恒,贯穿万条大道,世间寂静! The Li Da's body appears such compelling person in the dazzling ray, although he is very skinny, is very aged, but his present air/Qi swallows the world, descends to earth just like Celestial Emperor, is bravely irreversible! 黎龘的身体在炫目的光芒中显得如此的迫人,他虽然很枯瘦,很老迈,可是他现在气吞天地,宛若天帝下凡,勇不可挡! Trim world Shining Upon has his silhouette, holds up the head to stand, shakes the fist to the day. 整片天地都映照出他的身影,昂首而立,挥拳向天。 Bang! 轰隆! Sovereign Wu is very direct, is to compete with Li Da, similarly is a fist pounds to fall. 武皇很直接,就是要与黎龘较劲,同样是一拳砸落下来。 The world rebellion, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths seemed like by him is penetrated, caved, was extremely terrifying, on swung Star River, got down fear Nine Nether, the whole world is all trembling. 天地暴动,九天十地都像是被他击穿,塌陷了,太过恐怖,上摇星河,下慑九幽,举世皆在颤。 Two people fist bang fall after the same place, makes noise sonorously, sparks fly in all directions, actually that is the Order spark, manifestation. 两人的拳头轰落在一起后,铿锵作响,火星四溅,其实那是秩序的火花,道则的体现。 Hits more than once, two fist lusters like inscription on stone tablet and bronze, quick if the beautiful jade, to the bang , the flowing light dances in the air together, the time spatters in all directions, the chaos ebullition, really seems like in splitting heaven and earth apart. 不止一次撞击,两个拳头色泽如金石,很快又若美玉,对轰在一起时,流光飞舞,时光迸溅,混沌沸腾,真的像是在开天辟地般。 Instantly, two people receive the hand, the world twinkling is silent, ten thousand extinguished probably. 刹那,两人收手,天地瞬息寂静,万道都像是熄灭了。 „Are you also living?” Lunatic Wu opens the mouth finally, this is his first few words, stands on radiant energy Great Dao, overlooks under. “你还活着?”武疯子终于开口,这是他的第一句话,站在璀璨的能量大道上,俯视下方。 Two people contrasts are very obvious, the Sovereign Wu middle age stance, the black long hair is thick, blood energy swept across Above the Heavens and Under the Earth like the sea, blocking the sky, was too terrifying. 两人的对比很明显,武皇中年姿态,黑色长发浓密,血气如海般席卷了天上地下,遮天蔽日,太恐怖了。 Li Da, the body is withered, if not holds up the head, the waist meets the rickets, his full head sends the silk grayish white, is very old, the blood energy dry defeat, clearly is the later years scene. 黎龘,身体干枯,若非昂首,腰身会佝偻,他满头灰白发丝,很苍老,自身血气枯败,分明是暮年景象。 This makes one sigh, one generation of Overlord, in years past forcing world, but now is so old. 这让人感叹,一代霸主,昔年力压世间,可现在却这么苍老。 But Lunatic Wu is rising, is honored as Sovereign Wu, now precisely prosperous year. 武疯子却如日中天,被尊为武皇,现在正是鼎盛之年。 „In the world who can not die? But, the whole world may summon Li Da to come back again!” Skinny silhouette is very tranquil, opens the mouth to respond. “世上谁人能不死?可是,举世都可呼唤黎龘再回来!”枯瘦的身影很平静,开口回应。 In people heart big change. 人们心中剧震不已。 Previously he had said relaxed words, now looks like self-ridiculed, he experienced among the life and death absolutely big sad, has had the bystander unconceivable tears of blood tribulation. 早先他说过轻松的话语,现在看来不过是自嘲啊,他绝对经历了生死间的大悲,有过外人不能想象的血泪磨难。 Died related to the female friend, once followed his troops to change to pou pou loess, oneself also deteriorate, person non- person ghost not ghost is living, blood energy does not solidify, the unmodifiable trend dries up. 涉及到了红颜知己死去,还有曾经追随他的部众都早已化作一抔抔黄土,自身亦衰败,人不人鬼不鬼的活着,血气不固,不可改变的走向枯竭。 Meanwhile, people also think that black dog some time ago words, is not heavy, but does not care, according to its temper, was skinned absolutely is the bitter hatred, the years of blood-stained were difficult to cover the past fearsome situation, its tone is recorded by oneself, do not forget, path Jian also wants to fight to live. 同时,人们也想到了那只黑狗不久前的话语,并不沉重,但绝非不在意,依照它的性子,被人剥皮绝对是深仇大恨,血迹斑斑的岁月难掩当年的可怖处境,它那种语气只是让自己记着,不要忘记,路艰也要争活。 It must bring the emperor corpse to walk, even if will drop down momentarily. 它要带着帝尸走下去,哪怕随时会倒下。 Sovereign Wu is faint, shoulders both hands, said: Who and I fights? Li Da, you really came back, others ghost non- person was not clever, can Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, come an opponent?!” 武皇淡漠,背负双手,道:“谁与我一战?黎龘,你真回来了吗,别人鬼不人不鬼吧,天上地下,可来一对手?!” In the past, was really the big chess, what monsters and freaks, what Heaven-Blessed hero, rumbled, but my Li Da came back, must throw off all!” Li Da shouts out said. “当年,真是好大一盘棋,什么牛鬼蛇神,什么天纵英杰,都轰过来了,可我黎龘还是回来了,要掀翻一切!”黎龘大喝道。 His full head sends the silk to raise grayish white disorderly, in the hand the flag flap flap, the single arm raises, strikes the vault of heaven broken, the bang shakes Thirty Three Layer Heaven! 满头灰白发丝凌乱扬起,手中大旗猎猎,单臂擎起,一击苍穹破,轰震三十三重天
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