SR :: Volume #15

#1414: Above Firmament also has......

A yellowing paper by the particles stream package, the float was been uncertain, was too strange, then extremely fast crashes! 一张泛黄的纸张被粒子流包裹,漂浮不定,太诡异了,而后极速坠落下来! Chu Feng mind big change, actually does this have what Yimi? He has the feeling of seeming to have met before unexpectedly. 楚风心神剧震,这究竟有何遗秘?他居然有似曾相识之感。 The flash, he thinks origin, understands why will have the familiarity, he had experienced the close matter. 一刹那,他想到了其中的根由,明白了为什么会有熟悉感,他曾经真实的经历过相近的事。 That is in Little World of the Dead, before he leaves, once crossed the chaos to enter Broken Universe, is adjoining to the place of World of the Living to discover a wooden city, once must see a yellowing paper. 那是在小阴间,他离开前,曾横渡混沌进入残破宇宙,在毗邻阳间之地发现一座木城,亦曾得见一张泛黄的纸。 The motley years aura that shape, that accumulates, was close to the present paper, doubtful common origin! 那形态、那积淀的斑驳岁月气息等,都与眼前的纸太接近了,疑似同源 In the past, in that stretch of region, the time fragment danced in the air, a paper flew, world ruptured, if did not have the stone jar asylum, that time he disintegrated inevitably instantly, stands collapses for the dust. 当年,在那片地带,光阴碎片飞舞,一张纸飞出来,天地崩开,若无石罐庇护,那个时候的他必然霎时解体,立崩为尘埃。 Now returns thinks, although was somewhat remote, but the fuzzy past events appear as before gradually, then no longer is dim. 现在回思,虽然有些久远了,但模糊的往事依旧渐渐浮现,不再那么朦胧。 That wooden city, once left leeway a strong trace of person! 那座木城,曾留有一个人的浓重痕迹! A sword cold light sparkle, has cut off Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, traverses eternally, that veneer city territory has No.9 mouth the aura and energy residue of that person. 一剑寒光闪耀而过,斩断天上地下,横断万古,那片木城区域有九号口中的那个人的气息与能量残余物。 To come, the yellowing paper naturally is the person who a that sword traverses the past and present remains! 想来,泛黄的纸张自然是那个一剑横断古今的人所留! But today, white clothing female grace and talent peerless, seizes the Firmament source unexpectedly, smelts ten thousand in a furnace, condenses a similar slip of paper, is this what intent? 而今天,白衣女子风华绝代,竟攫取上苍本源,熔炼万道于一炉,凝聚出一张相似的纸片,这是何意? Is the paper the same person remains? 纸张都是同一个人所留吗? Chu Feng shocked, this is how fearful and astonishing matter! 楚风震惊了,这是多么可怕而又惊人的事! If to, does not dare to imagine simply, before several eras, leaves behind the letter paper, melts in the world Great Dao fragment, waits for the successor to catch and read. 若为真,简直不敢想象,数个纪元前留下信笺,融于天地大道碎片中,等待后来者去捕捉与阅读。 Actually does that person want to tell the successor what? 那个人究竟要告诉后来者什么? These matters exceeded the imagination, related to the level was too high. 这些事超出了想象,涉及到的层次太高了。 The Chu Feng fine body hair is but actually vertical, he has not thought, before World of the Living he has contacted certain to be strange and secret, but did not understand initially. 楚风寒毛倒竖,他没有想到,早在来阳间前他就已接触到某些诡异与隐秘,只是当初理解不了。 No.9 once said that Earth that the Little World of the Dead's universe, he is, may be certain people borrow repeats the past event, when hears this terrible speculation, Chu Feng once shocked frightened with. 九号曾说,小阴间的宇宙,他所在的地球,有可能是某些人在借地重演旧事,当听到这则可怕的推测时,楚风曾经震撼与惊悚。 Now looks like, all have the possibility! 现在看来,一切都有可能! Otherwise, how that Broken Universe to leave behind these miraculous in the chaos that Little World of the Dead adjoins to!? 不然的话,何以在小阴间毗邻的混沌外那残破宇宙间留下那些神异!? Is the letter paper that a person keeps?” Chu Feng whispered, his really some cannot believe. “是一个人所留的信笺吗?”楚风低语,他真的有些不敢相信。 Perhaps, was his idea is unitary. 或许,是他的想法过于单一了。 He pondered over carefully, two yellowing papers such as have the source respectively, does not stem from the same person's hand, that accumulated intent was profound. 他仔细思忖,两张泛黄的纸如各有源头,并非出自同一人之手,那就更加的蕴意深长了。 Has the possibility!” “有可能!” The Chu Feng vision is shining, Super Discerning Eyes seems like can see through void, the see through Firmament time, wanted to witness in the past the past event! 楚风目光灿灿,超级火眼金睛像是可以看穿虚空,透视上苍光阴,想要见证当年旧事! He felt, if not this stems from the same person's hand, that will be more astonishing, sometimes in the ancient Soul River's Bank quiet years, have the Celestial Emperor attack. The so-called hell, arrives ancient shocks everybody, is far from Reincarnation Road that in Purgatory he sees is so simple, he experiences was afterward branch road, main road, before so-called Emperor's Fall Era! 他觉得,这若非出自同一人之手,那更会惊人,古老的魂河畔沉寂岁月中,时有天帝进攻。所谓地府,古老到惊世骇俗,远非他所见到的炼狱中的轮回路那么简单,他所经历的不过是后来的支路,更还有主路,早在所谓的帝落时代前! Among Floating Land of the Four Poles, day difficulty burying, whom the time furnace to burn down? 还有四极浮土间,天难葬者,时光炉要焚烧谁? By Earth deduction past event, but is actually that what kind of past event? 以地球演绎旧事,而那又究竟是怎样的旧事? ...... …… Suddenly, Chu Feng's was mentally confused, short he thinks instantaneously are too many, the innumerable pictures flash past from the mind, might become a line continually, is the critical moment, was covered by the dusky fog. 一时间,楚风的心乱了,短暂的瞬间他想到了太多,无数的画面从脑海中一闪而过,像是要连成一条线,可是关键时刻,又被灰蒙蒙的雾霭所覆盖。 In the fog, that is grey matter in the surges, that is the strange aura is surging, at this moment he thinks that small ashes, he was corroded by the fog in the past, these have may not the distress of description. 雾霭中,那是灰色物质在翻腾,那是诡异的气息在涌动,这一刻他又想到“小灰灰”,当年他被灰雾侵蚀,这其中更有不可描述之厄。 Until now wants to come, World of the Living's certain super existed had also once fought with Foreign Territory that grey matter was, being worth him thinking deeply, should seek. 至今想来,阳间的某些超级存在还曾与灰色物质所在的异域交过手,值得他深思,应该去寻找。 The Chu Feng state of mind was chaotic, thinks are too many, but all these actually happen in fast. 楚风心绪乱了,想到了太多,不过所有这些其实都是在电光石火间发生的。 The present fact is, the white clothing female turned into the example class/flow, Dao Ancestral Matter surges, binds the yellowing paper to return, submerged previously that stretch of region. 眼前的事实是,白衣女子化成例子流,道祖物质激荡,裹着泛黄的纸张回归了,没入早先那片地带。 What on that page of yellowing paper wrote?” Chu Feng thinks knows very much. “那页泛黄的纸张上写了什么?”楚风很想知道 Actually, in the past he incomparably was once close, even the capture has been to that mysterious letter paper. 其实,当年他曾无比接近,甚至捕捉到过那神秘的信笺。 Exactly said is, he received that paper to disappear the symbol news before stone jar! 确切的说是,他以石罐接收到了那张纸消失前的符号讯息等! What a pity, he cannot understand thoroughly, is unable to comprehend in the heart in that moment, Realm decided he is unable to break the code, all these want to come also the brand mark on stone jar. 可惜,他不能洞彻,无法在那一刻领悟到心中,境界决定了他无法破译,所有这些想来还烙印在石罐上。 The particles stream that the white clothing female turns into returns, melts obviously there, thunders unceasingly, big change, is that Nirvana of energy shape? 白衣女子化成的粒子流返回,显化在那里,不断轰鸣,剧震不已,那是一种能量形态的涅槃吗? In any event, Chu Feng always does not feel right, to afterward, that page of paper also turned into many symbols, with that particles stream resonating, melts the strange and terrifying phenomenon obviously. 无论如何,楚风总觉得不对劲,到了后来,那页纸张也化成了诸多符号,同那粒子流共振,显化出奇异而恐怖的异象。 Bang! 轰! The Chu Feng body bank, stone jar sends out crying sound, clear brilliant, shining, it also follows to rock unexpectedly, falls into the strange pulsation. 楚风身畔,石罐发出鸣音,晶莹绚烂,流光溢彩,它竟然也跟着晃动起来,陷入在奇异的脉动中。 His shocking discovery, in the past in that page of paper that the wooden city caught fuzzy appeared a corner/horn, was indistinct he saw the dim handwriting unexpectedly. 他震惊的发现,当年在木城所捕获的那页纸张模糊的浮现出来了一角,隐约间他竟看到了朦胧的字迹。 Unexpectedly reappears?! 居然再现?! Did not know, these typefaces are too mystical, just like each character bright Great Dao, was radiant and sacred, suppressed the world myriad things! 不认识,那些字体太神秘,宛若每一个字都煌煌大道,璀璨而神圣,压制了世间万物! However, he actually felt some fluctuation, although did not know these characters, but some accumulated intent made the great sound through the Great Dao's form, making him listen respectfully, and understood. 不过,他却感受到了某种波动,虽然不认识那些字,但某种蕴意就通过大道的形式发出宏音,让他聆听到,并理解了。 Above Firmament...... also has......” 上苍之上……还有……” What situation? Chu Feng shocked, he heard some sound, just like resonant voice rings out, clear as a bell, is enlightened, attacks his heart and god. 什么情况?楚风震惊了,他真实听到了某种声音,宛若黄钟大吕,醍醐灌顶,冲击他的心与神。 This is not the illusion, but is really experience! 这并非是幻觉,而是真是的经历! Above Firmament, what but also there is? He thinks knows as follows very much, listens respectfully diligently, what a pity all these he was actually disturbed! 上苍之上,还有什么?他很想知道下文,努力去聆听,可惜这一切他却受到了干扰! In not far away, that white clothing female site, the particles stream resonance, the Dao Ancestral Matter ebullition, making All Heavens shiver, the vault of heaven must crash comprehensively. 在不远处,那白衣女子所在地,粒子流共鸣,道祖物质沸腾,让诸天都在颤抖,苍穹都要全面崩塌了。 If not the stone jar asylum, is shining, Chu Feng believes firmly oneself possibly did not exist. 若非石罐庇护,正在发光,楚风确信自己可能不复存在了。 Also precisely because of so, him could not hear that sound, moreover what was most astonishing, radiance that paper rune that on stone jar appeared wait/etc. unexpectedly turned into the particles stream that catches the silk threads by the white clothing female, listened respectfully to that great sound by her! 正是因为如此,他听不到那种声音了,而且最为惊人的是,石罐上浮现的纸张符文等竟被白衣女子化成的粒子流捕捉去丝丝缕缕的光华,被她聆听到了那种宏音! rune still, attaches on stone jar as before, with shell of tank on obviously mountains chart and other resonating, such as thunder in the mountains and rivers, but was being read by the female. 符文还在,依旧附着于石罐上,同罐体上显化的山川图等共振,如在山河间轰鸣,但是却都在被女子阅读。 Or was being read by the particles stream! 或者说被粒子流在阅读! Chu Feng shocks at the same time is also speechless, is paper that he first obtains, has not actually listened respectfully to the truth, has not thought that this white clothing women's starting attains, sees just like the old friend! 楚风震撼的同时又无言,是他首先得到的纸张,却始终没有聆听到真相,不曾想这白衣女子始动就有获,宛若老朋友又见,久违了! He slightly has the impatience, thinks very much the knows following words, what above Firmament also do have? 他略有心急,很想知道后面的话,上苍之上还有什么? He does not control self added some words, the immortal, the demon, the day, Dark Blood, grey matter, Soul River wait/etc., all these let in his heart anxious. 他不自禁的去加了一些字词,仙,魔,天,界,黑血,灰色物质,魂河等,所有这些都让他心中不安。 Regardless of the additional anything word, seems to be making clear, greater is waiting for the successor with the terrifying future! 无论加什么字词,似乎都昭示着,更为宏大与恐怖的未来在等待后来者! Finally, no longer disorder! All subside gradually, that so-called granule fluidizes one group of vortex, is the time is revolving in middle, is secret power is surging, that white clothing female starts the visualization unexpectedly! 终于,不再无序!一切都渐渐平息,那所谓的粒子流化成一团漩涡,在当中是时光在旋转,是秘力在激荡,那白衣女子竟又开始显形! Can she reappear? 她要再现出来吗? In the Chu Feng heart has too many questions, he anticipated that this female recovers truly, he wants to ask personally understands! 楚风心中有太多的疑问,他期待这女子真正复苏,他想亲口问个明白!
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