SR :: Volume #15

#1415: Sacred Ruins truth

The yellowing paper and Firmament of wooden city accumulate the writing that the letter paper of strength of motley years records completely to be observed finally unexpectedly by the white clothing female! 木城的泛黄纸张以及上苍积淀满斑驳岁月之力的信笺所记载的文字最终竟都被白衣女子所观到! Chu Feng sighed, he obtains the paper of wooden city to carry the content many years, actually becomes aware difficultly, after all is evolves the level to be insufficient, is hard to touch, but the paper source also attaches on stone jar, later some opportunities see finally. 楚风感叹,他得到木城的纸张所载内容多年,却始终难悟,终归是自身进化层次不够,难以触及,不过纸张本源还附着在石罐上,以后终有机会看到。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Not far away, particles stream big change, like the Star River crossflow, silver-colored waterfall falls in torrents again, granule circulation some people, the white clothing female reappears the fuzzy body. 不远处,粒子流再次剧震,如同星河横流,银瀑倾泻,粒子流转化出部分人身,白衣女子再现模糊躯体。 The posture grace and talent peerless, makings unparalleled, if still one generation of Empress supreme overlooks the change in situation that the era alternates, wants to disturb lasting of great changes time River, also has the character and style that the pupil light passes is not possible to be described, shocking years. 其姿风华绝代,气质无双,犹若一代无上女帝俯视纪元更迭的变局,想要干扰沧桑时光长河的存续,同时亦有眸光流转出不可描述的风情,惊艳了岁月。 Was this recovers truly? She...... opens the pupil quickly! 这是真正的复苏了吗?她倏地……睁开眸子! What a pity, its body also has partially is the particles stream, winds around there densely, Immortal Qi transpiration, dreamlike, appearing is not very real. 可惜,其躯还有部分是粒子流,在那里氤氲缭绕,仙气蒸腾,如梦似幻,显得很不真实。 Chu Feng opens mouth, the matter that wants to ask are too many, in the heart whether there is confusing completely, thinks the affiliation white clothing female revealed the mystery. 楚风张了张嘴,想问的事情太多,心中有无尽的迷惑,都想藉白衣女子揭开迷雾。 Also to accommodate Chu Feng spoke, one bunch of inexplicable particles streams bloomed radiance, was similar to the fireworks to be gorgeous before the Chu Feng body, pointed to his conscience will. 还为容楚风说话,一束莫名的粒子流绽放光华,在楚风身前如同烟花般绚丽,直指他的本心意志。 Goes out from there unexpectedly.” “竟是从那里走出。” The simple several characters make the Chu Feng whole body tighten, just like suppressed by side universe starry sky, almost must suffocate, does not have murderous intention and evil intention fortunately, otherwise the consequence is dreadful. 简单几个字让楚风浑身绷紧,宛若被一方宇宙星空压住,几乎要窒息了,还好没有杀机与恶意,不然后果不堪设想。 His knows, this was saying that his root foot, there referred to Earth! 知道,这是在说他的根脚,那里所指地球! This is an instinct intuition, Chu Feng does not need to think other. 这是一种本能直觉,楚风都不用多想其他。 The white clothing female opens the mouth again, its god sound contains a supreme rhyme, although if still the sounds of nature are interesting to listen, but also makes Evolver feel that such as to the eternal immortal Great Desolation universe, is not opposable. 白衣女子再次开口,其神音蕴含着无上道韵,虽犹若天籁般动听,但却也让进化者感觉到如对万古不朽的洪荒天宇,不可对抗。 Another...... goes out twice.” “又一世……走出两次。” what intent? 何意? Such several characters are very incomplete, does not know that ancient language of which era belongs not possible to distinguish, can only through listening respectfully to the Great Dao real righteousness understands the words the meaning. 这么几个字很不完整,不知属于哪个纪元的古语不可辨,只能通过聆听大道真义来悟出话语的含义。 In the Chu Feng heart is very anxious, he was guessing, was estimating actually that is what meaning? 楚风心中很焦急,他在猜测,在揣度那究竟是什么意思? , He has clearly to become aware gradually, has gone out of two people from Earth, or had a person gone out of second?! 渐渐的,他有所明悟,自地球走出过两个人,或者说一个人曾经走出过两世?! He has this instant miraculous glow and suspicion! 他有这样刹那的灵光与猜想! Meanwhile, the Great Dao true words of female melt some fuzzy pictures unexpectedly obviously. 同时,那女子的大道真言竟然显化出部分模糊的画面。 Once together float in universe, had too many blood and fires randomly, the endless expedition, to was seized the part finally, evolved deep blue planet, finally that person interrupted this on-board Mount Tai! 曾经一块漂浮在宇宙中的乱地,有太多的血与火,无尽的征战,到最后被人攫取部分,演化成湛蓝星球,最后那人截断此星上的泰山 Without a doubt, that randomly is the predecessor background of ancient land ball! 毫无疑问,那乱地是古地球的前身来头! Buzz! 嗡! Probably resonant voice rings out, clear as a bell thunders, resounds through extends now through ancient times, clears away soul light of person, then made the world probably explode broken! 像是黄钟大吕轰鸣,响彻亘古亘今,涤荡人的魂光,接着让天地都要爆碎了! That is an invisible current ripple mark, the big sound hopes the sound! 那是一种无形的波痕,大音希声! It does not pass on mediocre, only in the correct place, the correct person ear bank echo, thunders! 它不传凡俗,只在正确的地点,正确的人耳畔回响,轰鸣! Chu Feng heard, and sees a person, is that great man who interrupts Mount Tai, black hair chaotic dance, vision like electricity! 楚风听到了,并看到一个人,是那个截断泰山的伟岸男子,黑发乱舞,目光如电! The pupil light as if spanned the innumerable eras, shines quickly! 其眸光仿佛跨越了无数个纪元,倏地照耀过来! The Chu Feng nearly mind lets slip to yell, who that person is?! Seems to be together the sword light, traverses eternally, interrupted Above the Heavens and Under the Earth and time! 楚风险些心神失手大叫,那个人是谁?!恍惚间,似有一道剑光,横断万古,截断了天上地下与时光! Afterward, Chu Feng saw, another person goes out from Earth, its beginning point is Earth, is also related with that Mount Tai! That accompanies the azure Copper Coffin outer coffin...... to set sail from Mount Tai unexpectedly! 随后,楚风又看到,另有一人从地球走出,其始点是地球,亦跟那泰山有关!那竟是伴着青铜棺椁……自泰山启航! Then, the somewhat fearful and great picture appears, is only too fuzzy, that the person who goes out of Earth hidden goes along with Copper Coffin. 接着,有些可怕而宏大的画面出现,只是太模糊,那个随铜棺从地球走出的人隐去。 Two people, are person of second, goes out from Earth!” “两个人,还是一人两世,都是从地球走出!” Chu Feng is astonished, this was the white clothing female says two? 楚风惊异,这就是白衣女子所说的两次了吗? Once two people, since Earth went out, said that the person once had second, trod from that Earth, twice once the chaotic day moved, surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries?! 曾有两个人,从地球走出,还是说有一个人曾有两世,自那地球踏出,两次都曾乱天动地,震古烁今?! What a pity, two bodies of people are too fuzzy, cannot view carefully, but is silhouette is slender, some same special characteristics. 可惜,两个人的身体太模糊,不可细观,不过都是身影修长强健,有部分相同的特质。 Is two people, is person of second?!” “是两人,还是一人两世?!” In the Chu Feng heart surges up, is unable to be tranquil, because true words extremely deep Ommo of white clothing female measures, is hard to comprehend thoroughly. 楚风心中波澜起伏,根本就无法平静,因为白衣女子的真言太过深奥莫测,难以参悟透彻。 What is main, the true words that white clothing female sends out, do not dispel doubt for him specially, but is talking to oneself saying that is only in her heart the indignance. 最主要的是,那白衣女子发出的真言,并不是专为他解惑,而是在自语说出,只是她心中之慨。 The white clothing female particles stream turns into dim and on not too clear beautiful face, slightly has surprise look unexpectedly, even is startled, must see Chu Feng, her state of mind has the fluctuation. 白衣女子粒子流所化成的朦胧而不太清晰的绝美面孔上,竟略有异色,甚至是微怔,显然得见楚风,她的心绪有波动。 This grade of character, is the calamity, the complexion should not change, this condition fully showed the serious concern. 这等人物,便是天塌地陷,脸色都不应有变,这种状况足以说明了严重的问题。 Repeats the history, models again randomly, wants to duplicate magnificently, models first again?” “重演历史,再塑乱地,想复制辉煌,再塑出一世强吗?” This time, Chu Feng comprehended to have most real righteousness, although slightly had the omission, but understood eventually most probably. Even if behind also has the words, is incomprehensible, but is still enough. 这一次,楚风参悟出了大部分真义,虽略有遗漏,但终究是听懂了大半。即便后面还有话,不可理解,但也足够。 Said in light of No.9 in the past, then, again according to some truth and pictures that understands from that female true words, Chu Feng was frightened, he confirmed some essence. 结合九号当年所说,然后,再根据从那女子真言中领略出的部分真相与画面,楚风惊悚了,他确认了某种本质。 Then, two golden symbols of his Super Discerning Eyes thorough to become God secret, are staring at the front, these pictures deduct unceasingly. 然后,他的超级火眼金睛彻底化成神秘的两枚金色符号,盯着前方,那些画面不断演绎。 The history once existed was very long, Chu Feng Earth this is redundant! 历史曾经存在很久了,楚风所处的地球这一世不过是重复! The Chu Feng mind shocks, he saw from the true words of white clothing female extremely lets he anxious and terrified truth. 楚风心神震撼,他从白衣女子的真言中看到了太过让他不安与悚然的真相。 Time that more than once, first, he experiences incessantly, Earth all of various schools of thought who he is familiar with, the pre-Qin history, have happened, the root does not know before many eras. 不止一次,不止一世,他所经历的时代,他所熟读的地球诸子百家,先秦历史等,都早已发生过,根源不知在多少个纪元前。 These history, in repeating time and time again, were reappeared artificially! 这些历史,在一次又一次的重演,被人为再现! Also in other words, his Earth history environment, but is the artificial deduction, in redundant in the past. 就是说,他所处的地球历史大环境,不过是人为演绎的,在重复过去。 Historical celebrity who the poetry book that he is familiar with, he remembers, at all is not these several thousand years of people, but does not know before many eras, has existed. 他所熟读的诗书,他所记得的历史名人,根本不是这几千年的人,而是不知多少个纪元前存在过的。 Village Zhou Mengdie, dream while dozing Zhuang Zhou, what am I experiencing?” “庄周梦蝶,蝶梦庄周,我在经历什么?” Chu Feng cold sweat long class/flow, even Zhuang Zhou in his mouth is not the people between these several thousand years, but is too remote, has elapsed perhaps more than an era. 楚风冷汗长流,甚至连他口中的庄周都不是这几千年间的人,而是太久远,早已逝去也许一个纪元以上了。 He looks at these pictures, further confirmed in the heart early some suspicions, touched the fearful truth. 他看着那些画面,进一步确认了心中早有的猜想,触及了可怕的事实真相。 The environment on Earth, transforms alternately, generally speaking, two types, he is modern Earth that experiences, another type is the Great Wilderness world, the ferocious beast bird of prey runs amuck. 地球上的大环境,是交替变换的,总的来说,共有两种,一种他是所经历的现代地球,另一种则是大荒世界,凶兽猛禽横行。 With the deduction, he is pale, thorough knows why! 随着演绎,他脸色发白,彻底知道了为什么! In historical River, the predecessor of Earth randomly and afterward deep blue Earth, had gone out of two people, or is a person has had second. 曾经的历史长河中,地球的前身乱地以及后来的湛蓝地球,曾经走出过两个人,亦或者是一个人有过两世。 The two, or person of second, are really tyrannical immortal, is to the utmost powerful, is inenarrable. 那两人,或一人两世,实在是强横不朽,极尽强大,难以描述。 precisely because, having unknown with is not understandable exists fearfully, simulates their time, deducted their past environment, wanted to look whether to be born the powerhouse who was close to! 正是因为如此,有未知与不可理解的可怕存在,模拟他们的时代,演绎他们当年的大环境,想要看一看能否诞生出接近的强者! Some people believe, the similar environment, creature that could accomplish is close to similarly highly! 有人认为,同样的环境,或许能造就同样高度接近的生灵 Earth is one piece ruins, this is the truth! 地球是一片“墟”,这就是真相! How long it had been ruined not knows, perhaps an era, perhaps several eras. 它早已被毁掉不知道多久了,也许一个纪元,也许几个纪元。 Later generation, but accomplishes artificially, under rebroadcasts the seed of life and civilization, reappeared in the past already the environment that ruined. 后世,只是人为造就的,重播下生命与文明的种子,再现当年早已毁掉的大环境。 But that type of environment, only has two types, modern Earth and Great Wilderness randomly, to big world of sign once two strong birth! 而那种大环境,只有两种,现代地球以及大荒乱地,对标曾经的两强诞生的大世! Time that I am, native land-- Earth that I was born, all are repeating, is repeating the past old situation repeatedly.” “我所在的时代,我所出生的故土——地球,一切都是在重演过去,在一遍又一遍重复着当年的旧况。” Earth, is only one piece ruins! 地球,只是一片“墟”! Even, Little World of the Dead is one piece ruins! 甚至,小阴间都是一片“墟”! Little World of the Dead, is the universe that Earth is, has destroyed not knows many years, even several eras, can reappear the vitality to make it so artificially, appeared the past years. 小阴间,也就是地球所在的宇宙,都早已毁灭不知道多少年,甚至几个纪元了,能够再现生机都是人为使然,映现当年。 Who am I?!” “我是谁?!” Chu Feng asked that the truth made his whole body brave the cold air, even from the beginning as cool as foot. 楚风发问,真相让他浑身冒凉气,甚至从头凉到脚。 Since some people are arranging all these, whether throughout eye is overlooking Little World of the Dead, on looking at Earth current all? 既然有人在布置这一切,是否始终有一双眼睛的俯视着小阴间,在看着地球上正在发生的一切? Who is, why?” “是谁,为什么?” His unceasing question, muttered. 他不断的发问,喃喃自语。 Then, his both eyes gaze at the white clothing female, even if her can accomplish all the good fortune, he has not felt timid, wants the essence of knows event. 而后,他的双目更是注视白衣女子,哪怕她功参造化,他也没有犯怵,想要知道事件的本质。 The white clothing female is silent, in both eyes radiance flashes, some innumerable particles streams are revolving, is profound just like the universe. 白衣女子寂静,双目内光华闪动,有无数粒子流在旋转,宛若宇宙般深邃。 Ruins, Earth is the small ruins, the universe also small ruins, the World of the Living ruins......” white clothing female talked to oneself, ancient language of which era that not knows is. “墟,地球是小墟,所处宇宙亦小墟,阳间不过中墟……”白衣女子自语,那是不知道属于哪一纪元的古语种。 Chu Feng can only pass Great Dao to comprehend as before, saw some true words pictures again. 楚风依旧只能通过大道参悟,再次看到了一些真言画面。 This, should be last time is repeated Earth, even has given up Earth, no eye in observation following. This also causes the history to have the displacement. 这一世,应该是最后一次被人重演地球了,甚至已经放弃地球,没有一双眼睛在观察后续。这也导致历史已发生偏移。 For example, Little World of the Dead that Earth is, its universe starry sky civilization, has discrepancies with the time that must deduct. 比如,地球所在的小阴间,其宇宙星空文明,同原本要演绎的时代是有出入的。 My this, in this time, is given up......” Chu Feng pale talking to oneself, not knows should rejoice, fear with regretting anything. “我这一世,所在这个时代,被放弃了……”楚风脸色发白的自语,不知道是该庆幸,还是后怕与遗憾着什么。 Afterward, he scalp tingles, thinks that the history repeats time and time again, these innumerable time of previously repeating, whether once went out has been possible to be on par that two people or is said can be on par that person of second high creature?! 随后,他又头皮发麻,想到历史一次又一次重复,早先重演的那些数不清的时代,是否曾走出过可比肩那两个人或者是说可比肩那一人两世高度的生灵?! Some people want Earth to go out of the third person also or that person of third, has successful, has the half-finished product, has variation? 有人想要地球走出第三个人亦或是那一人的第三世,是否有成功,是否有半成品,是否有变异者? Chu Feng was pondering over, but what he in middle is, what kind of localization has?! 楚风在思忖,而他在当中算什么,有怎样的定位?! His state of mind uneasy, is staring at that white clothing female. 他心绪不宁,盯着那白衣女子。 Imperceptibly, whether can recount faintly, the destiny can be arranged? In Chu Feng heart ice-cold. 无形中,是否可以淡漠地述说,命运是可以被安排的?楚风心中冰冷。
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