SR :: Volume #15

#1413: surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries

Went on stage creature of this region to kneel, was uncontrolled, was covered and covered by a greatest pressure, all the body convulsion, the soul trembled, no one can maintain the original being proud elegant demeanor. 上场这块区域的生灵全跪了,根本就不受控制,被一种莫大的威压笼罩、覆盖,全都身体痉挛,灵魂颤栗,没有一个人能保持原先的自负风采。 What overlooks the world of mortals, despising that filthy places...... the present on the contrary is they, if the body shakes chaff, the tooth trembles, endless fear, among the fleshly body unconsciousness kneels to bend down, submits to with the week! 什么俯视下界,鄙夷那片污浊之地……现在反倒是他们自己,体若筛糠,牙齿打颤,无尽的畏惧,肉身无意识间去跪伏,臣服与礼拜! Even the powerful middle-aged man of head and whole body scarlet scale in this region is still fills bitterly and astringently, his knows annoyed the catastrophe, this women's what background? In his heart is the full regret and fear, unexpectedly makes the opposite party leap forward Firmament, he will become the criminal! 即便是这块区域的负责人、满身赤鳞的强大中年男子也是充满苦涩,他知道惹了大祸,这女子什么来头?他心中是满满的后悔与恐惧,居然让对方跃入上苍,他将成为罪人! Invisible heaven's might, the unimaginable energy field, just like separating 3000, pierced the accumulation barrier of ancient and modern years, attaches in this place. 无形的天威,不可想象的能量场,宛若割裂三千界,洞穿了古今岁月的积淀壁垒,附着在此地。 That is one group of white lights, the female soars to the heavens on, flies high, but to! 那是一团白光,女子冲霄而上,凌空而至! Bang!” “砰!” The god whip that so-called big Killing Weapon, sends out the thunder, disintegrates directly, turns into one group of fine powder, such as the dust flies upwards, originally is treasure material refining, now actually the resembles belongs to ordinary, becomes the repercussions! 那所谓的大杀器,散发雷霆的神鞭,直接瓦解,化成一团齑粉,如尘土般飞扬,本是瑰宝物质炼化而成,现在却像归于平凡,成为劫灰! This scene was too fearful, the shocking energy of which first level number this is, to supreme? 这景象太可怕了,这是哪一级数的惊世能量,至强还是无上 As for yellow lamp bowl that was summoned, its prestige can be more abundant, is trump card, but actually to/clashes in the female instantly, was raised flew, a disintegration in the upper air, turns into golden luster mushroom cloud loudly, the energy seethes with excitement immediately! 至于那盏被召唤出来的黄色的灯盏,其威能更盛,是一桩杀手锏,可是却在女子冲上来的刹那,也被掀飞了,在高空中轰然一声解体,化成一片黄金色泽的蘑菇云,能量顿时沸腾! Then, it seemed like a sea water evaporation! 而后,它像是一片海水被蒸干了! Such fear world lamp bowl, is from one piece says the weapon to the side that in Ancient Boundary seizes, is born before the immortal ancient time, unexpectedly such attacked torn to pieces. 那样的慑世灯盏,乃是从某一片至古界中缴获来的极道兵器,诞生于仙古时代前,居然就这么被冲击的支离破碎。 In fact, the white clothing female leaps forward the consequence that Firmament incurs compared with the fearfulness of imagination, the invisible energy liberation, making trim Area 51 tremble at the play! 事实上,白衣女子跃入上苍引发的后果远比想象的可怕,无形能量释放,让整片51区都在剧颤! The surface cracks, the black space big crack propagation, all kinds of ancient buildings thunder. 地表崩裂,黑色的空间大裂缝蔓延,各种古老的建筑物轰鸣。 The must know, this is Area 51, is suppressing various strangeness, has says the strength extremely, has all day long is ancestor lifeforms , the seal has one after another mysterious way, concerns really in a big way! 须知,这可是51区,镇压着各种古怪,有极道力量,有“成天作祖”的生物,也封印有一条又一条神秘的路径,关乎甚大! Rumble! 轰隆隆! Suddenly, many fierce restrictions was activated to the utmost, many special region illumination, but the bang puts on certain Great Realm weapons to recover rapidly, immediately the multi-colored sunlight swept away Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, must conquer by killing the world. 一刹那间,许多极尽厉害的禁制被激活,不少特殊的地带发光,可轰穿某些大界的兵器迅速复苏,顿时霞光横扫了天上地下,要血洗天地。 The terrifying large explosion in the distant place resounds, Area 51 comprehensive chaos! 恐怖的大爆炸在远方响起,51区全面大乱! The primitive white Quezu female had the head paralysis in the young man and this region of golden bloodlines with that on the ground, soul light must blast open. 原始白雀族的女子与那拥有黄金血脉的年轻男子以及这片区域的负责人都瘫在了地上,魂光都要炸裂。 Their knows, annoyed the huge disaster! 他们知道,惹出了天大的祸事! They exhaust ability to look at that white clothing female, was don't tell me in the legend cuts to kill the rebel of Dao Ancestor level powerhouse in the prehistoric?! 他们竭尽所能想要看一看那白衣女子,难道就是传说中在史前斩杀过道祖级强者的叛逆?! However, they cannot achieve, a basis cannot lift, the neck bone fracture, was suppressed stubbornly on the ground, the forehead has knocked broken, the blood long class/flow, the body creak makes noise, the five internal organs and bone have split, almost must explode broken in the flash. 然而,他们做不到,头根本抬不起来,颈项骨折,被死死压制在地上,额头已磕破,血液长流,肢体咯吱咯吱作响,五脏与骨头都已裂开,几乎要在一瞬间爆碎。 All these are that female's invisible aura nature circulation are the result! 所有这些都是那女子无形的气息自然流转所致! They are Firmament lifeforms, the source of bloodline may be called , the shape of ancestor cannot describe, is incomprehensible, but how do they compare the glass people inferior now? 他们可是上苍生物,血统的源头堪称至强,祖上之形不可描述,不可理解,可是现在他们怎么比玻璃人都不如? Only what they rejoice, this female has not released killing intent, is the pressure that instinct manifestation the white fog of silk threads fills to form, otherwise, if intends the steamroll, even if a wisp of energy, here also does have Bio-Energy enough to survive? 他们唯一庆幸的是,这女子没有释放杀意,全都是本能外放的丝丝缕缕的白雾弥漫形成的威压,不然的话,若有意碾压,哪怕是一缕能量,这里还有生物能够存活吗? Too fearful! In creature of that filthy places has this existence unexpectedly, moreover can live this, subverted their all cognition simply, did not say the era to alternate, was impossible to appear again?! 太可怕!那片污浊之地的生灵中竟有这种存在,而且能活到这一世,简直颠覆了他们的所有认知,不是说纪元更迭,不可能再出现了吗?! Under, Chu Feng is dumbfounded, that white clothing female soars to the heavens to go, shocking was too fierce, after being quietly eternal, now flickers broken Firmament to enter unexpectedly, what does she want to make? 下方,楚风早已目瞪口呆,那白衣女子冲霄而去,冲击性太厉害了,沉寂万古后,现在竟瞬破上苍而入,她想做什么? Did this kill?! 这就杀上去了?! Chu Feng wants saying that takes me. 楚风很想说,带上我。 However, has gotten back one's composure slightly, he very realistic shutting up, leading him to come up, that is courts death, he has not entered the qualifications of Firmament now. 但是,略微回过神,他就很现实的闭嘴,带他上去,那是自己找死,他现在还没进上苍的资格。 In the end, anything empty, only has the strength is real, must kill depending on oneself only then. 到头来,什么都是虚的,唯有实力才是真,一切都要凭自己杀上去方可。 We are the criminals, actually any background puts one greatly ominously............ that stretch of source of pollution......, its source fearsome......” “我们是罪人,放上来一个……大凶……那片污染源……究竟什么来头,其源可怖……” The scarlet scale man lowers roars, the spiritual fluctuation is fierce, he felt, let alone, was this clan could not live, put such a not controllably, not realizable existence, by having responsibility for an offense, when he must be settled mostly afterward extinguished three clans! 赤鳞男子低吼,精神波动剧烈,他觉得别说自己,就是自己这一族都活不成了,放上来这么一个不可控、不可了解的存在,论起罪责,他多半要被事后清算时灭三族! Firmament Order, the blood and iron is severe, the maker of these supreme powerhouse and rule, must condemn, will clean their these unqualified watchman. 上苍秩序,铁血而严苛,那些无上强者、规则的制定者,必然要问罪,会清洗他们这些不合格的看守者。 If he is not curious, does not use under lamp bowl suppress and kill, will draw out this white clothing female? He has wanted to understand now, this female was dying previously mostly. 如果他不好奇,不动用灯盏镇杀下方,会引出这个白衣女子吗?他现在已经想明白了,这女子早先多半是在长眠中。 Actually she is which time, the fearsome enemy of which era, opposes with Firmament! Unexpectedly brought by him today, recovers in Firmament, this was too simply terrifying. 她究竟是哪个时代,哪一纪元的可怖敌人,与上苍对立!居然在今天被他引来了,复苏于上苍,这简直太恐怖了。 However, not as everyone expected, this female has not crashed in the Firmament length and breadth in the area, she lifts the hand, seizes in this region and Between Heaven and Earth suddenly! 然而,出乎所有人的预料,这女子并未冲进上苍广袤的疆域中,她只是抬手,在这片区域与天地间猛然一攫! Bang! 轰! Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, the vault of heaven pierces! 天崩地裂,苍穹洞穿! This is Firmament, what above Firmament has? She one stresses the crack space unexpectedly, might seize anything from the universe. 这可是上苍,上苍之上有什么?她居然一把抓裂空间,像是要从天宇之上攫取到什么。 Meanwhile, she is also imprisoning Area 51, endless energy rune, thousand big dao chart shapes, and various rule Order wait/etc. all surges to go toward her. 同时,她也在禁锢51区,无尽的能量符文,还有千般大道图形,以及各种的规则秩序等全部朝着她涌动而去。 She is catching some information, the source of interception world, wants to obtain some brand mark and bystander not understandable thing. 她在捕捉某种信息,截取天地之源,想要获得某种烙印与外人不可理解的东西。 The scarlet scale man mind must split, the whole body is the blood, the bone is torn to pieces, but he with an instinct, he felt, white clothing female this seems like looking for the news that some type of path and predecessor leave behind! 赤鳞男子心神都要裂开了,满身是血,骨头寸断,可他凭着一种本能,他觉得,白衣女子这似乎是在找某种轨迹以及前人留下的消息! This was too inconceivable, what does she want knows? 这太不可思议了,她到底要知道些什么? Firmament entrance here, lies to bend down in several lifeforms that the ground trembles thinks knows, actually she must how. 上苍入口这里,趴伏在地上瑟瑟发抖的几个生物都想知道,她究竟要怎样。 Bang! 轰! Great Dao thunders, is not limited to this, is various secret Jinglian the world follows to tremble to continue fiercely, the chaotic day moves! 一声大道轰鸣,不止于此地,就是各条秘径连着的世界都跟着剧烈颤栗不止,乱天动地! Probably ten thousand immortal die, hundred million gods destroy, thousand crashed! 恍惚间,像是万仙殒落,亿神溃灭,千界都崩塌了! Then, creature of this region saw that white clothing empress seizes the big dao chart shape, rule Order wait/etc., turned into a gloomy and yellowing paper, becomes letter paper that is accumulating the strength of endless time! 然后,这片区域的生灵看到,那白衣女帝攫到手中的大道图形、规则秩序等,化成了一张暗淡而泛黄的纸张,成为一张积淀着无尽光阴之力的信笺! The scarlet scale man is panic-stricken, trembles all over the body. 赤鳞男子惊骇,通体发抖。 Unexpectedly is really this! She is detaining some type of path, some supreme Great Dao fragment, some of do her knows people leave a message to her?! 居然真的是这样!她在拘禁某种轨迹,某种无上大道碎片,她知道有人给她留言?! lifeforms on the scene completely with amazement, what kind of mighty force this is, unexpectedly boundless Great Dao stays behind this trace in Firmament Order and , after being eternal, the time alternates, does not know that many era ups and downs, may condense the paper unexpectedly, left behind this letter paper, was too fearful. 在场的生物全部骇然,这是怎样的伟力,竟在上苍秩序与无边的大道中留下这种痕迹,万古后,时光更迭,不知多少纪元沉浮,竟可凝聚成纸张,留下了这一信笺,太可怕了。 Meanwhile, they are also shocked, this white clothing female strong cannot estimate, the graceful bearing is incomparable, she may so, realize that unexpectedly by some induction the predecessor leaves a message, and direct detention, refining becomes the letter paper, really shocks everybody seriously, surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries! 同时,他们亦震惊,这个白衣女子强的不可揣度,风姿无匹,她竟可如此,凭借某种感应就体会到前人留言,并直接拘禁而出,炼化成信笺,真当真是惊世骇俗,震古烁今 All are unpredictable, is not controllable. 一切都是不可预料的,也不可控。 Arrived finally, Area 51 is split up, then various monster Demon Qi breaths soar to the heavens, various sacred energies surge, have to degenerate the lord of long and loud cry Immortal Race, must broken print, has the supreme Saint ancestor remnant soul to roar, gets out of trouble from some jar, making the vault of heaven flicker the blood-color to be boundless, has mysterious Cyan Vine to break seal from an earthenware jar , the crazy growth, must take root in 3000...... 到最后,51区四分五裂,然后各种妖魔气息冲霄,各种神圣能量激荡,有堕落仙族之主长啸,要破印而出,有无上的圣祖残魂咆哮,从某一罐子中脱困,让天穹一瞬血色无边,有神秘的青藤自一个瓦罐中破印而出,疯狂生长,要扎根三千界…… Area 51 was chaotic, the ghost crying god is everywhere howling, this is the strange place, suppressed too many mysterious with the thing or lifeforms of danger, now many imprisonments split, the dangerous aura blooms. 51区乱了,到处鬼哭神嚎,原本这就是诡异之地,镇压了太多的神秘与危险的东西或生物,现在不少禁锢裂开,危险气息绽放。 Let alone was suppressed several people that kneels down to bend down, is to the utmost the remote place, sits cross-legged lifeforms that body dozens over a million years in the temple has not moved, opened the eye quickly, changes colors with amazement, on the body the dust rustle falls, each one in great surprise. 别说被压制地下跪伏的几人,就是极尽遥远处,一些盘坐在神庙中身体数十上百万年不曾动弹的生物,都倏地睁开了眼睛,骇然失色,身体上尘土簌簌而落,各自大惊。 Disaster!” “祸事!” Some people lower roar, this is responsible for guarding some giants of Area 51. 有人低吼,这是负责镇守51区的一些巨头。 However, not as everyone expected, exceeds the Chu Feng's imagination, the grace and talent peerless white clothing female flies high to stand, after seizing some Firmament type of source aura, unexpectedly turned into a particles stream, an energy symbol, hangs down under. 然而,出乎所有人的预料,也超出楚风的想象,风华绝代的白衣女子凌空而立,攫取上苍某种源头气息后,居然化成了一片粒子流,一片能量符号,倒垂而下。 She left Firmament! 她离开了上苍 Falls in torrents just like ninth heaven/day silver-colored waterfall, unexpectedly return, vanished from Firmament road junction there. 宛若九天银瀑倾泻,居然回归下方,从上苍通道口那里消失了。 The scarlet scale man and primitive white Quezu young female elite and others, the mind four cracks, fleshly body was suppressed by Five Elements one say/way mark, many spots became bloody mud quickly, but they lived finally. 赤鳞男子、原始白雀族的年轻女精英等,都心神四裂,肉身五行的一种道痕压制,不少部位都快成为血泥了,但他们总算活了下来。 They have not hated, at this moment unexpectedly is incomparable...... satisfies with happily, in rejoicing, because they lived unexpectedly, if any immortal of female light/only falls on them, let alone this Realm, on the high several levels also wants destroy both body and soul again. 他们没有怨恨,这一刻竟然是无比的……满足与幸福,在庆幸,因为他们竟活了下来,若是那女子的任何一点仙光落在他们身上,别说此境界,就是再高上几个层次也要形神俱灭 That white clothing female naturally disregarded them, perhaps in her eyes, they are only weak like the ants, the negligible like the dust, anything is not. 那白衣女子自然是无视了他们,或许在她的眼中,他们只是微弱如蝼蚁,微末如尘埃,什么都不是。 Not unnecessary murderous intention and energy aura falls on them, was regarded as not to have the thing. 没有多余的杀机与能量气息落在他们身上,被视作无物。 Under, Chu Feng shocks, how that white clothing female turned into the particles stream, becomes a piece of radiant and holy light granule? Lets fall to turn over to like the storm! 下方,楚风震惊,那白衣女子怎么化成了粒子流,成为一片璀璨而圣洁的光粒子?如同风暴般垂落而归! At this time, he felt that greatest pressure, when compared with previously not knows heavy many times, so getting down consequence was again dreadful. 这时,他感觉到了莫大的威压,比早先时也不知道沉重了多少倍,再这么下去后果不堪设想。 Fortunately, critical moment, is stone jar, its clear illumination, forms a piece of gentle visible wall, probably the time casting, seeming like Origin Metal is bright. 还好,关键时刻,又是石罐,它晶莹发光,形成一片柔和的有形界壁,像是时光铸造而成,又像是母金熠熠光辉。 What is strangest, in that particles stream, that yellowing paper ups and downs, it is such is inobservable, was indescribable, with thousand rules and ten thousand Order, plain great changes, exists forever probably through ancient times, after not knows many eras, is waiting for the later generation to read to take. 最为诡异的是,那片粒子流中,那张泛黄的纸张在沉浮,它是那么的不可测,无法形容,与千种规则、万种秩序间,古朴沧桑,像是亘古长存,历经不知道多少个纪元,在等待后人阅取。 It visible, but actually does not have the nature, since old times did not extinguish, in the fragments to Great Dao exists forever, now reappears, was composed a paper by the white clothing female, is mystical and fearful. 它有形但其实无质,自古不灭,在至大道间碎片间长存,如今重现,被白衣女子组成一张纸,神秘而又可怕。 Actually is who remains, what kind of information can give?! 究竟是何人所留,要传递怎样的信息?! The white clothing female turns into the particles stream to turn over , the supreme aura blooms, to the strong highest sage, that paper was being wrapped, the twinkling returns. 白衣女子化成粒子流而归,无上气息绽放,至强至圣,那纸张被包裹着,瞬息归来。 Chu Feng grasps stone jar, the pupil flashes on and off erratically, he had to plant unexpectedly just likes yesterday, exceptionally the feeling of being familiar! 楚风手持石罐,眸子明灭不定,他竟有种恍若昨日,异常熟悉之感!
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