SR :: Volume #15

#1412: Leaps forward Firmament

Firmament creature was really shocked, what bronzeware is that? Was held under by that human form lifeforms in the hand wields, unexpectedly then punctures, defeats their big Killing Weapon. 上苍生灵真的被震惊了,那是什么青铜器?被那个人形生物持在手中挥动之下,居然便打穿上来,击破他们的大杀器 Exits here big Killing Weapon in Firmament, is all over the body jet black, shape such as sword body, but is actually 24 metal whips, the winding around black thunder, is accompanying Primal Chaos Qi. 上苍出口这里的大杀器,通体漆黑,形如剑体,但其实是一把二十四节的金属鞭,缭绕黑色的雷霆,伴着混沌气 This is the secret weapon of Area 51, may suppress various crises and rivals. 这本是51区的秘密武器,可镇压各种危机与敌手。 But it presents the fissure now, almost breaks off, was the result by under that lifeforms bombardment completely! 可它现在却出现裂痕,差点就折断,完全是被下方那个生物轰击所致! After calls out in alarm, here was all of a sudden peaceful, the primitive white Quezu silver-haired female or the whole body golden light dazzling young men and others the complexion slightly is all white, is staring under. 惊呼过后,这里一下子安静了,无论是原始白雀族的银发女子还是周身金光炫目的青年男子等全都脸色略白,盯着下方。 Chu Feng are also startled, although flies upwards the self-confident elegant demeanor, one grasps the bronzeware there, shoulders single-handedly, looks disdainfully Firmament, but in some of his really hearts bottomless. 楚风自己也吃惊,虽然一副飞扬自信的风采,在那里一手持青铜器,一手背负在后,睥睨上苍,可他着实有些心中无底。 The weapon of this what rank? 这到底什么级别的兵器? From that fuzzy brand mark picture, he noticed that breaks from the azure Copper Coffin outer coffin on falls, buries among in Tusha the endless time, finally was carried by him after the hand, struck black big Killing Weapon that Firmament dragged in lots of people and to want suppress striking the crack? 从那模糊的烙印画面中,他看到自青铜棺椁上断落,掩埋于土沙间无尽光阴,结果被他拎在手中后,一击就将上苍兴师动众、想镇压下来的黑色大杀器给击裂了? I nine extinguish the rebirth, is other ancestors saw this True Body, must kotow, called a senior, the ignorant young child has not come at once to salute upon meeting!” “吾九灭重生,就是尔等祖先见到此真身,也要叩首,称一声前辈,无知小儿还不速来见礼!” No matter what said that even if there is in the Chu Feng heart has doubts, and not some multi- bottoms, but the imposing manner in surface cannot be weak, berated Firmament one crowd of young creature there. 不管怎样说,楚风心中纵有疑惑,且不是有多底,可表面上的气势也不能弱,在那里喝斥上苍的一群年轻生灵 His say/way arrives black, even if were the attire must install. 他一条道走到黑,哪怕是装也要装到底了。 As for above creature, actually any impression, he does not cherish to consider from the start, only in the foul odor for the heart leaves slightly, stance that expert is proud. 至于上面的生灵,究竟什么观感,他压根就不稀罕去考虑,只为心中恶气稍出,一副高手自负的姿态。 Behind, person complexion of fire essence clan is not attractive, always thought that today annoyed the catastrophe, like this offends Firmament to have the good end?! 后方,火精一族的人脸色都不怎么好看,总觉得今天惹了大祸,这样得罪上苍能有好下场吗?! Meanwhile, they a little are unwilling, helpless extremely with regretting, the people of their clan also once took risk to visit the special space in moon gate, but actually cannot be close to these Artifact at that time. 同时,他们也有点不甘心,极其无奈与遗憾,他们这一族的人也曾冒险踏足月亮门内的特殊空间,可是当时却并没有能够接近那些器物 Especially that breaks falls on the azure copper billet of ground, has such big might unexpectedly? 尤其是那断落在地上的青铜块,竟有这么大的威力? Their where knows, Chu Feng can meet to approach, and resists the prestige of remnant bell and Emperor Blood, besides researching in thorough detail Domain, but also has the greatest connection with that stone jar! 他们哪里知道,楚风能够接临近,并抵住残钟、帝血之威,除了精研场域之外,还与那石罐有莫大的关联! Otherwise, mostly first by the Great Universe Level pollen killing, the flesh shape thorough craftily changes, not knows will evolve anything! 否则的话,多半早已先被大宇级花粉给弄死了,血肉形态等会彻底诡变,不知道会进化成什么东西! After being shortly quiet, woof a dog's bark breaks tranquilly, was that is only fed primitive white Quechi the ominous dog of fire essence clan, after swallowing the energy rich meat , the blood is seething with excitement, cannot bear the low cry. 短暂沉寂后,“汪”的一声犬吠打破宁静,是那只被喂了原始白雀翅的火精族的凶狗,吞下能量浓郁的肉食后血液正在沸腾,忍不住低鸣。 This beast roar makes the deathly stillness Firmament exit|to speak there to hear the rapid breathing immediately, the primitive white Que female blue vein appears on the face, the look hatred, the face twists, she thought that this is this life biggest insult, implicated her family. Can with the race that strongest one row of innate lifeforms are on par with, how can its flesh feed the dog? From ancient to present, this is primitive white Quezu never the shame! 这一声兽吼顿时让死寂的上苍出口那里传来急促的呼吸声,原始白雀的女子青筋浮现在脸上,眼神怨毒,面孔扭曲,她觉得这是今生最大的侮辱,连累了她的家族。可以与最强一列先天生物比肩的种族,其血肉怎么能喂狗?自古至今,这是原始白雀族从来没有过之耻! Who can help me kill him?!” She is roaring lowly, is really unable to endure, the young and good-looking face is pale and fierce, whole person murderous aura surges, full head round of silk chaotic dance. “谁能帮我杀了他?!”她在低吼,实在无法忍受了,青春靓丽的面孔铁青而狰狞,整个人杀气激荡,满头发丝乱舞。 Her knows, could not injure under that person depending on her. 知道,凭她自己伤不了下方那个人。 No rush, did not want take action, the head of Area 51 and others will rush over, making them solve!” The whole body is the radiant golden divine light young men said. “别急,不要出手了,51区的负责人等马上就会赶到,让他们解决!”周身都是璀璨金色神光的青年男子说道。 He is a Golden Clan son of first wife, but is honored as the Golden Clan influence in Firmament, it can be imagined, its mastery must have terrifying how. 他是黄金家族的一位嫡子,而在上苍被尊为黄金家族的势力,可想而知,其底蕴得有多么的恐怖。 When this is not knows origins, not knows end point Great Clan, in their opinion, no matter what the era alternates, but they will never decline, the golden ray will cover hundred million ten thousand years, shocks each big time. 这是一个不知道何时起源,不知道终点的大家族,在他们看来,任纪元更迭,而他们永远都不会衰落,黄金光芒会笼罩亿万载,震慑各个大时代。 In the previous two watchmen had one person to go to to report early. 早先的两名看守者中早有一人去禀报了。 This place usually is too peaceful, although is suppressing various types of secrets, but common day death aura heavy, does not have any mighty waves, therefore here watchman somewhat idles, the head and others rushed slowly. 只是这地方平日太安静,虽然镇压着各种隐秘,但寻常的日子死气沉沉,没有任何的波澜,故此这里的看守者都有些懈怠,负责人等迟迟赶至。 How can like this!” “怎么会这样!” Not far away, scarlet clouds appear, the aura is boundless, exudes the low sound of talking, extremely fast dives the near, has the Supreme Being quantity of fearful soul. 不远处,一片赤云浮现,气息磅礴,发出低语声,极速俯冲到近前,带着慑人灵魂的大能量。 Withdraws!” Comes the person to shout, this is a whole body the face long has the middle-aged men of some scarlet scales bright red and even, is overbearing and tyrannical, in the blood-color pupil completely reveals the wild nature. “都退后!”来人喝道,这是一个周身鲜红、连面部都长有部分赤色鳞片的中年男子,霸道而强横,血色眸子中尽显野性。 Area 51 is very big, he is only the head in this region, had his assistant also to be alarmed in it behind, from closing up the condition recovered, with rushed rapidly. 51区很大,他仅是这块区域的负责人,在其身后还有他的副手也被惊动了,从闭关状态中复苏,跟着急速赶至。 Unexpectedly is...... 2579, how can be it?! Quickly, assigns out a more exhaustive material!” “竟然是……2579,怎么会是它?!快,调出更详尽的资料!” The head look of this region changed, the scarlet scale of whole body is sending out the monster different light, just like bloody, he compares ordinary watchman and other jurisdictions to be bigger. 这块区域的负责人眼神变了,周身的赤色鳞片都在散发妖异之光,宛若血淋淋,他比普通的看守者等权限大很多。 Therefore, he was allowed the material of consult more exhaustive, is almost the instance of understanding, his complexion on thorough changed, the body is trembling lightly. 所以,他被允许查阅的资料更为详尽,几乎是了解的瞬间,他的脸色就彻底的变了,身体都在轻颤。 This is who opens? Acts unreasonably simply, is too dangerous!” He shouted, the scales on face bright red enough to must drop the blood. “这是谁打开的?简直是乱来,太危险!”他喝道,脸上的鳞甲都鲜红到要滴血。 The primitive white Quezu female's head facing this region does not dare to be bossy, has restrained the anger, and informed had anything a moment ago. 原始白雀族的女子面对这块区域的负责人也不敢颐指气使,早已收敛怒火,并告知刚才发生了什么。 Nearby watchman also explained, said this is voluntarily the channel of opening, rather than the Firmament person makes a connection. 旁边的看守者也解释,说这是自行开启的通道,而非上苍的人打通。 Under has the destruction level source of pollution, immediately seals off here!” The head opens the mouth, requesting everyone to evacuate immediately. “下方有毁灭级污染源,立刻封堵这里!”负责人开口,要求所有人都马上撤离。 Quick, he knits the brows: This is...... very special piece of ancient land, usually cannot open, then as if cannot seal off now, can only wait for all cracks voluntarily closed, fortunately, the channel is restraining, soon will vanish on own initiative.” 很快,他又皱眉道:“这是……很特殊的一片古地,平日打不开,那么现在似乎也封堵不了,只能等所有裂缝自行闭合,还好,通道在收敛,不久就会主动消失。” After his palpitation, aspirates gently. 他心悸后,轻轻吐了一口气。 How at this time the primitive white Quezu young woman may be resigned, she thought that was insulted, today suffered since birth great shame, must scrub, set the request at the scene. 这个时候原始白雀族的年轻女子怎么可能会甘心,她觉得被侮辱了,今天遭受了有生以来的奇耻大辱,必须得洗刷掉,当场提出要求。 The head of whole body scarlet scales reprimands immediately: Nonsense, although your origin is uncommon, in the clan has the powerhouse in legend to assume personal command, but cannot act unreasonably here, knows that is anything, the ancestor level source of pollution, does not do well to make the big trouble!” 满身赤色鳞甲的负责人立刻斥道:“胡闹,尽管你们来历不凡,族中有传说中的强者坐镇,但是也不能在这里乱来,知道那是什么,祖级污染源,一个弄不好就惹出大乱子!” He is pointing under, points at the black big hand and remnant bell, Emperor Blood of that break wait/etc., said that cannot touch, cannot make these aura rush to Firmament. 他指着下方,遥指那断裂的黑色大手以及残钟、帝血等,说不可触及,不能让那些气息冲到上苍来。 That is the source of pollution, moistens ominous, but the back has big karma, is hiding the huge disaster!” “那是污染源,沾之不祥,而背后更是有大因果,隐藏着天大的祸乱!” This words, let alone how many young people, are below Chu Feng are startled, what situation is this? 这种话语一出,别说几位年轻人,就是下方的楚风都吃惊,这是什么情况? That whole body was the middle-aged man of red scale is saying that black big hand, was saying that trim World of the Living was the most serious source of pollution?! 那个满身都是红色鳞片的中年男子是在说那只黑色大手,还是在说整片阳间是最严重的污染源?! That black finishing a job is dropping Dark Blood, looks like in Chu Feng, is especially unlucky, should be the source of pollution. But, that only finishes a job clearly to search from Firmament, interrupts in channel there. 那黑色的断手在滴落黑血,在楚风看来,格外不祥,应该是污染源。可是,那只断手分明是从上苍探下来的,截断于通道那里。 The young silver-haired female opens the mouth, said: Scarlet uncle, I did not ask other, is not willing to act unreasonably, only wants to kill below that disgusting human form creature, whenever otherwise thinks that my palm was once blasphemed by creature of that dirty region, I am unable to endure, soul light wanted to blast open, this was to an insult of our clan, I by primitive white Quezu name adjuration scarlet uncle take action, executed that disgusting lifeforms, purified that dirty filthy region!” 年轻的银发女子开口,道:“赤叔,我也不求其他,不愿乱来,只想弄死下方那个恶心的人形生灵,不然的话每当想到我的手掌曾被那种肮脏地域的生灵亵渎,我就无法忍受,魂光都欲炸裂,这是对我们一族的侮辱,我以原始白雀族的名义恳请赤叔出手,格杀那个恶心的生物,净化那片肮脏污浊的地域!” The head pupil light of this region is cold, lowers the head to overlook, is staring at Chu Feng, he is knitting the brows, is not willing to have any change, does not have any involvement with that piece of Foreign Territory. But the silver-haired female said is also reasonable, this involves the entire primitive white Quezu reputation, such fearful family cannot be shamed, must have the view without! 这块区域的负责人眸光冷冽,低头俯视下方,盯着楚风,他在皱眉,原本不愿有任何的异动,不与那片异域有任何的牵连。可是银发女子说的也有道理,这涉及到整个原始白雀族的名声,那样可怕的家族是不能蒙羞而无所动的,要有个说法! Good, writes off him, 2579 little insect, after expecting obliterates him, is insufficient to inspire the source of pollution ebullition, cannot be regarded anything.” “好吧,抹杀他,2579的一个小虫子而已,料想磨灭他后还不至于引动污染源沸腾,算不得什么。” The middle-aged man opens the mouth of whole body scarlet scales, prepares to act. 满身都赤色鳞甲的中年男子开口,准备行动。 However he is also very discrete, the use jurisdiction, activates Firmament this region, not only that black metal whip recovers, but also presents a brown lamp also to reappear, the yellow light is spooky, can probably purify all! 不过他也很谨慎,动用权限,激活上苍这片区域,不仅那只黑色的金属鞭复苏,而且还出现一盏土黄色的灯也浮现,黄色灯光幽幽,像是可以净化一切! Bang! 轰! ka-cha! 喀嚓 The black lightning is thicker than the mountain, blood rain pouring, suddenly, the cold wind roars, the world cataclysm, various fearsome scenes appear. 黑色闪电比山岳都要粗大,血雨倾盆,一刹那间,阴风怒号,天地大动乱,各种可怖的景象浮现出。 Probably arrived obliterates All Heavens, to cut completely the unspeakable era time, many mysterious silhouette have fluttered, on the face or brings the tears, or brought to smile craftily, sprinkled across the sky unimaginable to Heavenly Soul. 像是来到磨灭诸天、斩尽不可说的纪元时代,有诸多神秘的身影飘过,脸上或带着泪,或带着诡笑,横空洒落不可想象的至天魂 Between Heaven and Earth, a chilly song in fuzzy resounding, sends out strange radiance along that yellow lamp, the spread under. 天地间,一曲凄歌在模糊的响起,沿着那盏黄色的灯散发出诡异的光华,蔓延而下。 The thunder crack, Primal Chaos Qi appears, the blood rain flood, Saints various ancestral portraits are crashing unceasingly! 雷霆炸响,混沌气浮现,血雨滂沱,诸圣诸祖像是在不断坠落! Chu Feng has been gaining ground to stare, now scalp tingles. 楚风一直在抬头盯着,现在一阵头皮发麻。 However, he does not have too to be afraid, shouted: Father then and that's the end!” 不过,他也没有太害怕,一声大喊:“老子接着就是了!” „Does evil livestock, become the father to whom?!” Above, the middle-aged man of whole body Scarlet Rosy Cloud burning down is gloomy the face, activates the brown lamp bowl, making Dao Ancestral Matter fill the air, starts suppress and kill, phenomenon heaven shaking! “孽畜,给谁当老子?!”上方,满身赤霞焚烧的中年男子阴沉着脸,激活土黄色灯盏,令道祖物质弥漫,开始镇杀,异象惊天 Gives your ancestors to become the father!” Chu Feng shouts out. “给你们的祖宗当老子!”楚风大喝 In his hand has stone jar, this thing was too mystical, his direct alignment Firmament, wants to look whether stone jar can meet under these phenomenon, really must have the sign of being able to resist, that had nothing saying that turned around then to travel. 他手中有石罐,这东西太神秘了,他直接对准上苍,想看一看石罐能否接得下那些异象,真要有抵不住的迹象,那没什么可说的,转身便跑路。 Moreover in any case not far away is the white clothing female of flying high, some she revealed that expected that should not have the mishap? 而且反正不远处就是凌空的白衣女子,有她兜底,料想应该不会发生不测吧? At the same time, Chu Feng also wields begins the long linearity bronze, making this copper billet that falls off from the inner and outer coffin assume an awe-inspiring pose again, must whip Firmament. 同一时间,楚风也挥动手中的长条形青铜,让这件从棺椁上脱落的铜块再次发威,要鞭打上苍 "Um? ” “嗯?” The next quarter, he is the brow selects directly, because felt that the long linearity azure copper billet prestige can be weaken much, could not compare previously. 下一刻,他直接就是眉头一挑,因为感觉长条形青铜块威能减弱了不少,比不上早先。 This thing contains some accumulating energy, was spent freely a moment ago by me most, therefore weakens now?!” “这东西蕴含着某种积淀的能量,刚才被我挥霍出去大半,所以现在变弱了?!” This made in his heart raise not the good feeling, as particularly that heaven's might descended, blotted out the sky when next, had not responded stone jar to the present! 这令他心中升起不好的感觉,尤其是随着那天威降落,铺天盖地而下时,石罐到现在还没有反应! When a Chu Feng smiling face, don't tell me cannot destroy is imminent stone jar to have the response, today this is a bold attempt, but, he has a destiny not in the feeling in own hand grasping! 楚风没有一丝笑容了,难道非要毁灭临头时石罐才会有反应,今天这是一次大胆的尝试,可是,他却有种命运不在自己手中把握的感觉! Cannot bet like this, he does not want to put together the luck, all should grasp are right! 不能这样赌,他不想去拼运气,一切都应该自己掌握才对! He must leave, but suddenly, inexplicable fluctuation sending out, white fog transpiration, after not far away that female by the energy stimulation of Firmament, had the change. 他就要抽身,但突然间,一股莫名的波动散发,白雾蒸腾,不远处那个女子被上苍的能量刺激后有了变化。 Under the dyes with blood white clothing is personal and incomplete Full-Body Armor, the intense illumination, the whole person dazzling and brilliant, radiant and as holy as pinnacle, was this the radical recovery? 染血的白衣下是贴身而残缺的甲胄,激烈发光,整个人刺目而绚烂,璀璨而圣洁到极致,她这是彻底复苏了吗? Has light beam extremely fast to leap, charges into Firmament channel there! 有光束极速腾起,冲向上苍通道那里! What, are you who?!” “什么,你是谁?!” At this moment, the heads of that whole body red scale cannot bear yelled frightened, the soul is shivering, he and these young people are the same, just discovered that in the white fog has such a female. 这一刻,那个满身红色鳞片的负责人都忍不住惊悚大叫,灵魂都在颤抖,他与那些年轻人一样,都是刚刚发现白雾中有这样一个女子。 Until now the white fog transpiration, they see clearly thoroughly. 直到现在白雾蒸腾,他们才彻底看清楚。 Came up? She came up!” “上来了?她上来了!” Some people yelled, the whole body sends coldly, then the feeling body could not move, particularly that ancient lamp, probably in wind remaining years of life, not only will extinguish, but also in ka ka makes noise, is the fissure. 有人大叫,全身发寒,而后感觉身体都动弹不得了,尤其是那盏古灯,像是风中残烛,不仅将熄灭,而且在咔咔作响,全是裂痕。 All these happen in fast, Firmament creature was frightened, felt that a white light soars to the heavens, the female has the unparalleled prestige to soar, leapt unexpectedly! 所有这一切都发生在电光石火间,上苍生灵都惊悚了,感觉一道白光冲霄,那女子带着盖世之威腾空,竟跃了上来! This accident was too sudden, is better than here head and others, and tremble various types to the strong bloodlines, does not control, the body betrayal will, all kneels to bend down, all kotows! 这一变故太突然了,强如这里的负责人等,以及各种至强血脉都瑟瑟发抖,不控制住,身体背叛意志,全都跪伏下去,皆叩首!
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