SR :: Volume #14

#1397: 8 in the trigram furnace strives for hegemony

Supreme Eight Trigrams (gossip) place, in immortal stone furnace, colorful immortal rosy clouds, auspicious light spout, haze transpiration. 太上八卦地,不朽的石炉内,仙霞艳艳,瑞光喷涌,烟气蒸腾。 What is most fearful, during furnace fire burning down, the thunder, the chaos electric arc often the lasing, Order Divine Chain fiercely interweaves, the evolution is Danger Land. 最为可怕的是,炉火焚烧间,电闪雷鸣,混沌电弧不时激射而起,秩序神链剧烈交织,演化为绝地 This place almost becomes human world most fearful distressed earth, do not say is Divine King, after is Heavenly Venerate comes, stands in the wrong region must be burnt. 这种地方几乎成为人世间最可怕的厄土,不要说是神王,就是天尊进来后站在错误的区域也要被烧死。 No matter what your heaven blessed genius must be fired black grey Egypt, does not have the possibility of returning alive again. 任你天纵之资也要被烧成黑色的灰埃,再无生还的可能。 Chu Feng spends in distress, half body burned black, the flesh arrives to fall off withered, but other half body was actually surrounded by the air/Qi of living, was nourished the illumination, clear translucent. 楚风苦熬,半边身子焦黑,血肉干枯到脱落,而另外半边身子却被生之气环绕,被滋养到发光,晶莹透亮。 This is not the good fortune, but is a tear suffering. 这不是造化,而是一种撕裂般的煎熬。 He almost must be stood chops for two halves, by the visible golden Order Divine Chain separate, burnt out by the furnace fire, starts the downward spread from the forehead, the fearful slit has delimited together, causing his half body to tend died . Moreover the half body was having the rich vitality. 他几乎要被立劈为两半了,被有形的金色秩序神链割裂,被炉火烧断,从眉心开始向下蔓延,一道可怕的缝隙划过,导致他半边身子趋于死去,另外半边身子则带着浓郁生机。 Already the accident/surprise crashed as for stone jar in one side, but that Vajra Cutter also ups and downs in the flame, has not protected its. 至于石罐早已意外坠落在一边,而那金刚琢也在火光中沉浮,不曾守护其身。 A little way, sits on the life and death cut-off rule, does not live does not die, at a subtle state of equilibrium, but also makes him nearly successfully evolve.” “有点门道,坐在生死分割线上,不生不死,处在一种微妙的平衡状态,还真让他险些成功进化。” Five people came, one of them in the opens the mouth, is having the light smiling face. 五人来了,其中一人在开口,带着淡淡的笑容。 Their footsteps are very steady, flowing light that special Full-Body Armor sends out dazzling rune, twinkle selling void caved, that is , then fragment. 他们的脚步很稳,身上的特殊甲胄发出刺目的符文,闪烁出让虚空都在塌陷的流光,那是道则碎片。 This is treasure Full-Body Armor that the ancestor leaves behind, is mixing really the Buddha blood, the Heavenly Immortal blood, the Divine Beast blood, offered a sacrifice to refine for dozens over a million years, background big being hard imagination. 这是祖先留下的瑰宝甲胄,混着真佛血、天仙血、神兽血等,被祭炼数十上百万年了,来头大的难以想象。 Also precisely because of so, in a short time them may be well, moves unimpeded in this piece of Danger Land. 正是因为如此,短时间内他们可无恙,在这片绝地中畅行无阻。 Our time is limited, once the Buddha blood and immortal blood in spirituality these five Full-Body Armor were boiled down vanishes, we will have the sorrow of life, must make the best use of the time.” “我们时间有限,一旦这五副甲胄中的佛血、仙血灵性被熬炼消失殆尽,我们则会有性命之忧,得抓紧时间。” A female opens the mouth of full head golden color long hair, her black pupil is radiant at this time, turns into the golden color, blooms the fearful symbol. 一位满头金色长发的女子开口,此时她那黑色的瞳孔都璀璨起来,化成金色,绽放出可怕的符号。 Great Divine King! 大神王 This occasion, on five powerhouse ancient Full-Body Armor resurrecting, fuse together with them, several people of strides walk, making the entire slabstone furnace slightly vibrate. 此际,五位强者身上的古老甲胄复活,同他们融为一体,几人大步走来,让整片石炉都轻微震动。 Chu Feng has opened the pupil quickly, even if in this crucial moment, among the neither livings, he has the feeling as before, ahead of time perceived the giant crisis. 楚风倏地睁开了眸子,哪怕在这种生死关头,不生不灭间,他依旧有感,提前觉察到了巨大的危机。 This makes his heart startled, in the dense fog, Order Divine Chain trembles, unexpectedly presents five people, is very high, wears black ancient Full-Body Armor, just like five Demon God that from opening the day time comes, they are bringing invisible murderous aura, must be disadvantageous to him. 这让他心惊,在迷雾中,秩序神链震颤间,居然出现五个人,都很高,身披黑色的古老甲胄,宛若从开天时代而来的五位魔神,他们带着无形的杀气,要对他不利。 But, his present condition is truly very bad. 可是,他现在的状态确实很糟糕。 He does not dare to act rashly easily, balanced, once breaks, not necessarily is the good deed, even if suddenly shifts to the air/Qi of rich place living, must suffer backlash mostly. 他没有敢轻易妄动,平衡一旦打破,不见得就是好事,哪怕瞬息间横移到生之气浓郁之地,多半也要遭反噬 Because, he had understood this piece of distressed earth, breaks open after balanced, will have the big eruption. 因为,他已经了解这片厄土,平衡破开后会有大爆发。 He requires the time! 他需要时间! Well, this is any stone jar, in flame lossless, has the strangeness.” “咦,这是什么石罐,在火光中无损,有古怪。” Silver-haired man revealed the look of surprise in five people, are staring at that stone jar, relying on an instinct intuition, he thinks that this pot possibly has the unimaginable background. 五人中的一个银发男子露出异色,盯着那石罐,凭着一种本能直觉,他认为此罐可能有不可想象的来头。 bracelet, seems...... The primitive Origin Metal sacrifice in legend refining up, has deducted the Thirty Three Layer Heaven thick embryo treasure?!” “还有一枚手环,似乎是……传说中的原始母金祭炼而成,已演绎成三十三重天粗胎重器?!” Five people were all feared, discovered Artifact that one after another two cannot be estimated that could not completely understand, but priceless secret soldier/weapon who another may grow. 五人皆被惊住了,接连发现两件不可揣度的器物,其中一件看不透,而另一件则是可成长的无价秘兵。 „It is not really simple, will have the huge harvest today, your I not only need in this place transformation, but also obtains mysterious Supreme Treasure the accident/surprise!” “真是不简单,呵,今天将有巨大收获,你我不仅要在此地蜕变,而且还将意外得到神秘的至宝!” One of them has smiled, a snow white long hair, enters the long eyebrow of temple, very bright silver pupil, the stiff bridge of the nose, the facial features have the stereoscopic effect, but actually smiles is very callous. 其中一人笑了,一头雪白的长发,入鬓的长眉,很有神的银瞳,挺直的鼻梁,五官非常有立体感,但却笑的很冷酷。 What also said? Strikes to kill!” A golden hair female is more callous, the slender figure, the beautiful and graceful was tall and graceful, slim and graceful, is the present actually vigorous such as the female leopard, killing comes. “还多说什么?击杀!”一个金发女子更为冷酷,修长的身段,原本婀娜挺秀,亭亭玉立,可是现在却矫健如雌豹,扑杀而来。 Her that beautiful, but in shining white face is having a cruel color, performs to reveal killing intent, take action in five people, a fist forward bang goes. 她那绝美而莹白的面孔上带着一丝残忍之色,尽显杀意,在五人中率先出手,一拳向前轰去。 This golden hair female but actually also decisive, is not loathsome, thinks the direct result Chu Feng's life. 这个金发女子倒也果断,毫不拖泥带水,想直接结果楚风的性命。 Under this region, a fist bang kills suddenly, was too passive regarding Chu Feng, is almost equal to falling into the deathtrap, he is not big in the subtle state of equilibrium takes up arms. 在这种境地下,猛然一拳轰杀过来,对于楚风来说实在太被动了,几乎等于身陷死地中,他在微妙的平衡状态中不好大动干戈。 But, sits waiting for death like this absolutely is not good, his right hand raises slowly, difficultly and receives this fist passively. 可是,这样坐以待毙也绝对不行,他的右手缓缓扬起,艰难而又被动接下这一拳。 This result is fearful, because, he must guarantee that oneself body does not displace, the clothes on this life and death cut-off rule, he already realized, this is life and death Domain, Yin and Yang Qi surges, makes no mistake balanced. 这种结果非常可怕,因为,他必须保证自己的身体不偏移,衣服在这个生死分割线上,他早已意识到,这是生死场域,阴阳二气激荡,平衡不容有失。 But, a towering fist very overbearing, although is a female, is Great Divine King, its fist mark is to the utmost fearful, must puncture the universe simply! 可是,突兀的一拳非常的霸道,虽然是一个女子,可是身为大神王,其拳印极尽可怕,简直要打穿乾坤! Bang!” “轰!” The female snow white fist, is very elegant, but actually sends out tens of thousands of arrives at the light beam, was too radiant, dazzling to the utmost, is bringing faint trace rule Divine Chain continuously, destroys the hardest defenses. 女子雪白的拳头,很秀美,但是却发出成千上万到光束,太璀璨了,极尽的炫目,带着丝丝缕缕的的规则神链,无坚不摧。 Void is twisting, at the fulmination, any sonic boom, that was too weak, this simply likely is the speed of light fist, blooms radiance that soars to the heavens, Between Heaven and Earth just like at large explosion! 虚空都在扭曲,都在爆鸣,什么音爆,那太弱了,这简直像是光速拳,绽放出冲霄的光华,天地间宛若在大爆炸! Normally, Chu Feng can block Great Divine King this fist, is the present condition is not right, own severe wound, but must retain the energy forcefully, consolidates motionless own. 正常情况下,楚风可以挡住大神王这一拳,可是现在状态不对,自身重伤也就罢了,还要强行保留住能量,稳固自身不动。 These time to striking can be imagined, , he opens mouth to cough up blood, moreover spurts three big mouths continually, the upper part shakes, almost must fall to fly. 这一次的对击可想而知,噗的一声,他张嘴咳血,而且连喷三大口,上半身不禁摇动,几乎就要摔飞出去。 Chu Feng encountered the heavy losses, like this met the approaching enemy passively, his hands tied feet tied, was impossible whole-heartedly, let his face whiten and incomparable ugliness. 楚风遭遇了重创,这样被动迎击,他束手束脚,根本就不可能全力以赴,让他的脸色苍白而无比的难看。 You were too weak.” The golden hair female ridicules, on the face brings to smile pale, receives the body, but murderous intention was heavier immediately, must rumble to kill once more. “你太弱了。”金发女子揶揄,脸上带着淡笑,收身而立时杀机却更重了,要再次轰杀。 Dares to allow me to set out, fair showdown?” Chu Feng opens the mouth. “敢容我起身,公平对决一场吗?”楚风开口。 "hē hē, does not kill you now, after don't tell me also waits for your Nirvana to succeed? Really laughs, can two fist bang kill you, why can you opportunity, making you set out?! ” The females smile, the golden color sends the silk to fly upwards, the pupil is sending out the bright golden light beam. “呵,现在不杀你,难道还等你涅槃成功后吗?真是笑话,能两拳轰杀你,为什么要给你机会,让你起身?!”女子微笑,金色发丝飞扬,瞳孔都在发出灿烂的金色光束。 Of bang, her silver white show fist ejects once more, rune of fist mark blooming everywhere, is accompanying Great Dao's divine music, its prestige heaven shaking! 轰的一声,她那银白的秀拳再次击出,拳印绽放漫天的符文,伴着大道神音,其威惊天 Chu Feng stuffy, opens mouth coughs up blood unceasingly, this was too passive, he is unable to set out, was limited on the life and death cut-off rule, falls into the hopeless situation. 楚风一声闷哼,张嘴不断咳血,这实在太被动了,他无法起身,被限制在生死分割线上,陷入绝境。 „It is not good, then a little way, came a fist to massacre then the bang again mostly.” In five people another person opens the mouth, is having the smile, prepared take action. “不行啊,就这么一点门道,再来一拳多半就轰杀掉了。”五人中又一人开口,带着微笑,也准备出手了。 But that golden hair female brings to bring callous smiling, the snow white right hand raises, starts to pinch the sword Secret Art, the sword glow domineering that the preparation to soar to the heavens, but overbearing cutting kills this to enter the man of furnace first. 而那金发女子带则带着冷酷的笑,雪白右手扬起,开始捏剑诀,准备以冲霄的剑芒强势而霸道的斩杀这个先入炉的男子。 The Chu Feng body is rocking, including was forced to meet two fists, balanced, although reluctantly broken, but also withstood very big price, some half bodies were submerged by the flame thoroughly, flesh burning down, the vitality dried up, death aura leapt. 楚风身体在晃动,连着被迫接了两拳,平衡虽然勉强未破,但是也承受了非常大的代价,有半边身子被火光彻底淹没,血肉焚烧,生机枯竭,死气腾起。 His that half body bone obvious, in the roaring flame, was having the burnt black, this was almost the dead boundary. 他的那半边身子骨头可见,在烈焰中,都带着焦黑色了,这几乎就是死境。 Bang!” “轰隆!” At this important moment, Chu Feng stimulates to movement Domain. 在这关键时刻,楚风催动场域 He catches an unusuality, the flame of furnace bottom is further recovering, before his body, and behind various Domain symbols are densely covered, he transfers the strength of Domain. 他捕捉到一丝异常,炉底的火光在进一步复苏,他的身前与背后各种场域符号密布,他调动场域之力。 He wants to activate this place rune, in view of these five people. 他想激活此地的符文,针对这五人。 "Um?! ” “嗯?!” Suddenly the accident/surprise happens, the Fire of Life shift, runs up to the opposite, but burns down him to fall into the flame of dead boundary also to shift, exchanges with Fire of Life. 一刹那间意外发生,生之火转移,跑到对面,而焚烧他陷入死境的火光也横移,同生之火对换。 Bang! 轰隆! The flame leaps the day, death aura surges. 火光腾天,死气激荡。 That five people of rapid avoidance, is far away from Chu Feng. 那五人迅速躲避,远离楚风 Chu Feng's body ice fire 2nd Heavenly Layer, has the reversal. 楚风的身体冰火两重天,发生逆转。 Was burnt the bone and flesh withered half body, now had been covered by Fire of Life, the rich vitality accompanies the flame to flow, enters its body. 原本被烧出骨头、血肉干枯的半边身子,现在被生之火笼罩了,浓郁的生机伴着火光流淌,进入其躯。 But other one side clear flesh and blood is unable to start to cover now, was burnt down frigidly. 而另外一边晶莹的血肉之躯现在则被死火覆盖,遭受惨烈的焚烧。 This immortal stone furnace Immemorial has blamed, Fire of Life with being unable to start the unexpectedly interconversion, has exchanged. 这不朽的石炉太古怪了,生之火与死火竟然相互转换,对调了过来。 The half body that buzz, Chu Feng will die starts to recover, transports the blood that to flow from other half body, gives full play to the vigorous vitality. 嗡的一声,楚风将死的半边身子开始复苏,从另外半边身子调运来的血液流淌,藉此焕发出蓬勃的生机。 His body was being remoulded, flesh regeneration! 他的身体在被重塑,血肉再生! However, there is bad side, complete half body started to be burnt down, in rapid withered, the body dehiscence, the bone reveals. 不过,也有坏的一面,原本完好的半边身子则开始被焚烧,正在迅速干枯,皮肉开裂,骨头露出。 All turned over, life and death transformed, his about half-length situation extremely fast reversal. 一切都翻转过来了,生死转化,他的左右半身的处境极速逆转。 Well, unexpectedly this, is really interesting, this Supreme Eight Trigrams Furnace really may not estimate, unexpectedly life and death exchange, if not this boy an arrival, reveals such truth for us first, we may miss.” “咦,居然这样,真有意思,这太上八卦炉果然不可揣度,居然生死互换,若非这个小子先一步到来,为我们揭示出这样的真相,我们或许会错过。” A silver-haired female smiled faintly, is having the joyful and excited look. 一个银发女子浅笑,带着喜悦与兴奋的神色。 Receives!” “收!” In five people some people scold lightly, must take away that well stone jar in the flame. 五人中有人轻叱,要收走那在火光中无恙的石罐 The Chu Feng forehead blue vein jumps, in any event, he cannot lose stone jar, this concerned is too big. 楚风额头青筋直跳,无论如何,他也不能失去石罐,这关乎太大了。 He exhausts ability, stimulates to movement soul light, that stone jar transporting, flies to oneself. 他竭尽所能,催动魂光,将那石罐搬运而起,向自身飞来。 Also wants to act rashly? This was my, was not you!” A silver-haired man opens the mouth, is having the callous color, the full play Great Divine King energy, must win stone jar. “还想妄动?这是我的了,已经不属于你!”一个银发男子开口,带着冷酷之色,全力运转大神王能量,要夺走石罐 The Chu Feng situation is difficult, is very difficult in crucial moment, is very difficult to branch out many strengths to go to compete for the weapon with five people. 楚风处境艰难,在生死关头很难,很难分出更多的力量去同五人争夺兵器。 “Wú, you must in this Nirvana, what a pity meet me and others, thanked you to explore the way for us, not only need seize your good fortune, the halfway picks the peach, but must snatch your weapon. ” “唔,你要在此涅槃,可惜遇上了我等,感谢你为我们探路,不仅要夺你造化,半路摘桃子,还要抢你兵器。” That silver-haired man searches the hand, must flying high float stone jar robs. 那银发男子探手,就要将凌空悬浮起来的石罐抢走。 You can die!” Previously once the take action golden hair female once more attacked, after pinching the sword Secret Art, radiance of eruption selling person both eyes stabbing pain, sword glow such as Star River blasts out, was too brilliant, toward the Chu Feng detachment. “你可以去死了!”早先曾出手的金发女子则再次出击,捏剑诀后,爆发出让人双眼刺痛的光华,剑芒星河炸开,太绚烂了,向着楚风劈去。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The critical moment, the stone jar transverse shift, making that silver-haired man who take action competes for fail, light well, unexpectedly instead is seized with hardship in the man who in the flame boiled down by that. 关键时刻,石罐横移,让出手争夺的那个银发男子落空,不禁轻咦了一声,居然被那苦苦在火光中熬炼的男子反夺回去了。 When, sword light chops on stone jar, that radiant rune, incomparable Sword Qi, immediately has been unexpectedly defeated and dispersed, was blocked by stone jar. 当的一声,剑光劈在石罐上,那璀璨的符文,无匹的剑气,居然都在第一时间溃散了,被石罐所阻。 Chu Feng coughs up blood, the body almost flies horizontally, exhausted the energy to snatch stone jar a moment ago, the price is not small. 楚风咳血,身体几乎横飞出去,刚才用尽能量抢回石罐,代价可不小。 Gets up!” “起!” Chu Feng shouted, stimulated to movement this place whole-heartedly Domain, further activated the entire bedstone furnace. 楚风喝道,全力以赴催动此地的场域,进一步激活整座石炉。 One of bang, furnace bottom big change, likely is the volcano spout, must greatly the eruption, to the dazzling light beam, that be the colorful flame, and is accompanying Primal Chaos Qi. 轰的一声,炉底剧震,像是火山喷涌,要大爆发般,冲起刺目的光束,那是色彩斑斓的火光,并伴着混沌气 In addition, thunder lightning, just like splitting heaven and earth apart, the strength of destruction endless, lives the aura especially to be also rich, thunders in the stone furnace, big change. 此外,还有雷霆闪电,宛若开天辟地般,毁灭之力无尽,生之气息也格外浓郁,在石炉中轰鸣,剧震 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Five people immediately back up, this stretch of region was too fearful, simply became distressed earth, becomes the creature strangling to death place, sonorously is making noise including their Full-Body Armor, sparks fly in all directions, was hit by any electric arc together, or was touched by the variegated flame, above will cause has been contaminated the real Buddha blood and Heavenly Immortal blood to be gloomy, spirituality vanishes! 五人都在第一时间倒退,这片地带太可怕了,简直成为了厄土,成为生灵的绞杀地,连他们身上的甲胄都在铿锵作响,火星四溅,被任何一道电弧击中,或者被斑斓火光触及,都会导致上面浸染过的真佛血、天仙血暗淡,灵性消失一些! How possible?!” “怎么可能?!” Five people is startled, they see, midpoint spot there, the Eight Trigrams (gossip) chart, the middle has the Yin-Yang cut-off rule, Chu Feng sits in online of ground, there is quietest, abatement Fire of Life with being unable to start beyond beat, all thunder and lightnings were far away from there. 五人大吃一惊,他们看到,正中央部位那里,有一个八卦图,中间有阴阳分割线,楚风坐在地面的线上,那里最为平静,除却生之火与死火跳动外,所有的雷霆与闪电都远离那里了。 Also in other words, the Chu Feng's situation has not worsened further. 就是说,楚风的处境并未进一步恶化。 On the contrary, their five people have unexpectedly are isolated potential outside. 相反,他们五人竟有被隔绝在外之势。 We have offered the sacrificial offering, he occupies there to go a step further Nirvana, is not good, kills him as soon as possible!” The golden hair female shouted. “我们献上了祭品,他却占据那里要进一步涅槃,不行,尽快干掉他!”金发女子喝道。 At this time, Chu Feng vision like electricity, coldly visits them, sits cross-legged there, oneself is bearing the huge pain. 此时,楚风目光如电,冷冷的看着他们,盘坐在那里,自身承受着巨大的痛苦。 Said that does not have a more fearful change, actually the flame clearly strengthened many times. 说是没有更可怕的变化,其实火光分明是增强了很多倍。 But Chu Feng has not attempted to set out, sits in that balanced central disk as before, realizes from experience the life and death the suffering. 楚风没有尝试起身,依旧在那平衡中盘坐着,体悟生与死的煎熬。 He had realized, so-called Nirvana, the so-called transformation, needs , is not only burning of Fire of Life roasts, but also wants that being unable to start calcine True Body. 他已经意识到,所谓的涅槃,所谓的蜕变,需要的不仅是生之火的焚烤,还要那死火煅烧真身 Paces back and forth between the life and death, the body and spirit that two types of different flames boil down is the strongest body. 在生与死间徘徊,两种不同的火光熬炼出的体魄才是最强体。 Because, he had the different feeling, flesh body that remoulds is strong powerfully, if such life and death rotation carries on many times, he believes, he must certainly carry on the jump of life level. 因为,他已经有了不一样的感受,重塑的血肉肌体更强健有力,如果这样生死轮转进行很多次,他相信,他肯定要会进行生命层次的跃迁。 Bang! 轰隆! Fire of Life with being unable to start transformed once more mutually, the Chu Feng's body also once again realized that the ice fire 2nd Heavenly Layer suffering, the withered half body recovers, has the vitality half body to start to undergo is unable to start the corrosion. 生之火与死火再次互相转化了,楚风的身体也又一次体会到冰火两重天的煎熬,干枯的半边身子复苏,有生机的半边身子开始经受死火侵蚀。 Time is precious, cannot waste, five Full-Body Armor guarantee us in this Nirvana, but cannot for no reason spend freely spirituality, has cut him.” “时间宝贵,不能浪费,五副甲胄保我们在此涅槃,而不能平白挥霍掉灵性,斩了他。” Five people tread forward, whole body sparks fly in all directions, braves the chaos electric arc in this moment, as well as colorful special furious, kills toward Chu Feng's Eight Trigrams (gossip) chart there. 五人向前踏去,周身火星四溅,在这一刻冒着混沌电弧,以及色彩斑斓的特殊光火,向着楚风的八卦图那里杀去。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, the Chu Feng unexpectedly long body, no longer sits cross-legged, has solved the balanced problem, he stood. 突然,楚风竟长身而起,不再盘坐,自行解决了平衡的问题,他站起来了。 He is the Domain researcher, the attainments is extremely high, compared with is practicing Dominion to have the talent, indeed could be called since ancient times the rare rare talent. 他是场域研究者,造诣极高,比在修炼领域更有天赋,的确称得上古来罕有的奇才。 For a long time later, he after the deduction, clarifies some mysteries in life and death flame finally, has understood thoroughly Eight Trigrams (gossip) place many rune and Order real righteousness. 这么长时间下来,他经过推演,终于弄清楚生死火光中的部分奥妙,洞彻了八卦地的不少符文秩序的真义。 Now, he works loose, coldly facing the front several people. 现在,他挣脱出来,冷冷的面对前方几人。 Buzz prosperous! 嗡隆! And, he attacks immediately, head float stone jar, in the hand is holding Vajra Cutter that was being summoned, flushed forward. 并且,他在第一时间出击,头上悬浮着石罐,手中持着被召唤回来的金刚琢,向前冲了出去。 Bang! 轰! The vault of heaven was penetrated likely, caved, deafening. 天穹像是被击穿了,塌陷了,震耳欲聋。 Chu Feng grasps Vajra Cutter, the driving attack, the bang had previously attacked his golden hair female to that attacks directly. 楚风手持金刚琢,主动进攻,轰向了那早先攻击过他的金发女子,直接出击。 Bang! 砰! The giant bellow, did not have divine light completely to bloom, this stretch of region has trillion thunder likely crack, the entire bedstone furnace is shaking. 巨大的轰鸣声,还有无尽的神光绽放,这片地带像是有亿万雷霆炸响,整座石炉都在摇动。 Chu Feng backs up several steps, holds Vajra Cutter to stand. 楚风倒退几步,持金刚琢而立。 But front, that golden hair female whole face startled accommodates, very pale, she staggers to back up, the big mouth spits blood. 而前方,那金发女子满脸的惊容,非常的苍白,她踉跄倒退,哇的一声,大口吐血。 She has not thought that man can stand, moreover extremely fast killing, but, right has struck with her. 她没有想到那个男子能站起来,而且极速扑杀而至,跟她对了一击。 Her Full-Body Armor, has armor piece to get down unexpectedly hollowly, her own corners of the mouth are bleeding, all these were pounded by the Vajra Cutter bang! 她身上的甲胄,居然有甲片凹陷下去,她自身嘴角在淌血,这一切都是被金刚琢轰砸的! Chu Feng is startled, he thinks that after the Vajra Cutter bang pounds, sufficiently can the female hit to explode, has not thought that she spits blood. 楚风吃惊,他以为用金刚琢轰砸上去后,足以能将女子打爆,不曾想她只是吐血而已。 In stone furnace, Order rune flows, the flame jumps. 石炉中,秩序符文流淌,火光跳跃。 Among golden hair female Full-Body Armor has the Buddha blood to spread, is indistinct, another big buddha appears in her back, in the sutras, suppresses the flame. 金发女子身上的甲胄间有佛血蔓延,隐约间,有一尊又一尊大佛在她的背后浮现,在诵经,镇压火光。 Her aura rising suddenly several fold continues! 她的气息暴涨数倍不止! so that's how is it!” The Chu Feng pupil contraction, further understood her Full-Body Armor how fearfully. 原来如此!”楚风瞳孔收缩,进一步明白了她身上的甲胄多么的可怕。 But, you must die as before!” Chu Feng cold sound said, a person alone to five Great Divine King. “不过,你们依旧都要死!”楚风寒声道,一人独对五位大神王 What must die is you, today you are doomed to help me and others, after me and others explored the way, you can only degenerate into the sacrificial offering, has offered a sacrifice to you exactly!” “要死的是你,今天你注定要成全我等,为我等探路后,你只能沦为祭品,活祭了你!” Five people shouted, went forward together. 五人喝道,一同上前。 This is five Great Divine King, take action, on respective Full-Body Armor had Buddha blood, Heavenly Immortal blood and other activations together immediately, is bright and radiant, the back has the big buddha, to have Heavenly Immortal to appear, fuzzy, is extremely fearful. 这可是五位大神王,一同出手了,顿时各自的甲胄上都有佛血、天仙血等激活,鲜艳而璀璨,背后有大佛、有天仙出现,模模糊糊,极其可怕。
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