SR :: Volume #14

#1398: 1 clear/pain to 5 kings

The Chu Feng's under foot, gossipping the symbol is eternal, in the ground inscribes one after another trace, juice casting that probably immortal Origin Metal melts, splendid. 楚风的脚下,八卦符号永恒,地面上刻有一条又一条痕迹,像是不朽的母金熔化的汁液浇铸而成,熠熠生辉。 He stands in the Eight Trigrams (gossip) chart, oneself were covered by the holy light rain, if still opens the time to walk from that there are makings that is unable to say a word. 他站在八卦图中,自身被神圣光雨覆盖,犹若自那开辟时代走来,有一股无法言语的气质。 But, he also brings boundless murderous intention, although the whole body is radiant, has a wild nature, murderous aura is dreadful just like the vastness, instantaneous cleaning expansive sky. 可是,他也带着无边的杀机,周身虽璀璨,却也有种野性,杀气宛若汪洋滔天,瞬间洗净长空。 He sat shut up in Buddhist or Daoist meditation in this, with these five people not resentful, but was actually ambushed, was really in danger a moment ago, slightly had died carelessly. 他原本在此坐关,与这五人无怨,可是却遭伏击,刚才真的遇险了,稍有一个不慎就已经死去。 That five people are Great Divine King, not mincing matter evil intention, willful take action, must drive him to commit suicide. 那五人都是大神王,毫不掩饰恶意,恣意出手,要置他于死地。 Cannot get away!” Chu Feng said coldly faintly, today's bitter experience really made him angry. “一个都走不了!”楚风冷幽幽地说道,今天的遭遇真的让他愤怒了。 He stands is in the Eight Trigrams (gossip) chart, in these ancient symbol connection with the ground, the Yin-Yang cut-off rule and Eight Trigrams (gossip) chart mark spout the multi-colored sunlight, fuses together with him. 他立身在八卦图中,与地面上那些古老的符号交汇,阴阳分割线、八卦图痕都在喷涌霞光,同他融为一体。 "hē hē, is somewhat funny, a person, dares and others to boast shamelessly to me, you are the sacrificial offering, similar three domestic animals. ” Previously the take action blonde female was calm and composed even in press of work, gathered together beautiful hair, opened the mouth lightly. “呵,有些好笑,一个人而已,也敢对我等大言不惭,你不过是祭品,类似三牲。”早先出手的金发女子好整以暇,拢了拢秀发,平淡地开口。 At this time, her whether there is side killing intent, her corners of the mouth are also hanging a wisp of blood, unexpectedly was wounded, was hit by that Vajra Cutter exceptionally uncomfortable. 此时,她亦有无边杀意,她的嘴角挂着一缕血,居然负伤了,被那金刚琢击中时异常的难受。 Has flash that she feels like the blue sky to crash, is the bang on her body, that 30 three Celestial Artifact?! 有那么一瞬间,她觉得像是青天坠落,轰在她的身上,那就是三十三天器?! Domestic animal that three domestic animals, the mortal sacrificial offering use. 三牲,凡人祭祀用的牲畜。 This view, making the Chu Feng's double pupil even more deep and quiet. 这种说法,令楚风的双瞳越发的幽邃。 The flash, his in the eyes has two golden lightnings to depart, has delimited this space, in his heart has startled has the anger, these five people pick the peach halfway, regards as three domestic animals him, does not allow to forgive and let off. 一刹那,他的双目中有两道金色的闪电飞出,划过这片空间,他的心中有惊更有怒,这五人半路摘桃子,将他视为三牲,不容饶恕与放过。 Well?!” “咦?!” That silver-haired men in five mysterious Great Divine King are astonished, he sees in Chu Feng's under foot there Eight Trigrams (gossip) chart just like having the life. 五位神秘大神王中的那位银发男子惊异,他看到在楚风的脚下那里八卦图宛若有生命。 The ground, the ancient rune recovery, surges the brilliant flame, is nourishing vitality tenacious Chu Feng. 地上,古老的符文复苏,涌动绚烂的火光,在滋养生命力顽强的楚风 He lived through from the death boundary, now in a new state of equilibrium, the entire Eight Trigrams (gossip) chart is moving with him unexpectedly, centered on him. 他从刚才的死境中熬过来,现在处在一种新的平衡状态中,整个八卦图居然都在随着他而动,以他为中心。 Five people are startled, all noticed this situation. 五人都吃了一惊,皆注意到了这一情况。 As Chu Feng takes a step, the Eight Trigrams (gossip) symbol clear sparkle in ground, along with him moves, resembles through ancient times such as one, he as if stands is in the center of this stretch of the world, innate undefeated! 随着楚风迈步,地面上的八卦符号晶莹闪耀,随他而动,似亘古如一,他仿佛立身在这片天地的中心,先天不败! In the Eight Trigrams (gossip) chart the flame beats, flashes on and off erratically, the light rain blends with him! 八卦图中火光跳动,明灭不定,光雨与他交融! He seems like the war-god that returns to from the immortal fire of most ancient time, toward present age! 他像是从最古时代的仙火中回归的战神,向着当世而来! Is a little strange, in Supreme stone furnace Order must congeal with him as one, is not good, his was approved, was nourished by here topography rune?” Silver-haired men in five Great Divine King change countenance, in heart big change. “有点古怪,太上石炉中的秩序与他要凝结为一体了,不好,他这是得到认可了吗,被这里的地势符文滋养?”五大神王中的银发男子动容,心中剧震 Is the sacrificial offering that we put, now starts to play the role, was occupied the advantage by him, killed him!” Another silver-haired female opens the mouth. “是我们投放的祭品,现在开始发挥作用,被他占到了好处,杀了他!”另一位银发女子开口。 Five people rush over instantaneously, take action, must execute Chu Feng immediately, this is not the fair competition, their itself to kill people to seize the good fortune. 五人瞬间冲了过去,都在第一时间出手,要格杀楚风,这可不是什么公平竞争,他们本就是为了杀人夺造化而来。 Bang! 轰! At this moment, brilliant divine rainbow blooms, five people of some people of took out heavy weapons, a candelilla, dark, cold spooky, probably from the hell, stands to divide toward Chu Feng there, split void, probably opened Gate of Hell! 这一刻,绚烂的神虹绽放,五人有人祭出重型兵器,一杆大戟,黑乎乎,冷幽幽,像是来自地狱般,向着楚风那里立劈过去,虚空都裂开了,像是打开了地狱之门 This candelilla was too heavy, the terrifying is boundless, is sending out the rich fluctuation of energy, and with the ghost crying god howling voice, is very fearful, all kinds of Divine Demon skeletons appear in the surroundings, the phenomenon is astonishing. 这杆大戟太沉重了,恐怖无边,散发着浓郁的能量波动,并且带着鬼哭神嚎的声音,很是可怕,各种神魔尸骸浮现在周围,异象惊人。 dang! 当! Chu Feng shot Vajra Cutter heavily, the bang in that such as on the black candelilla of mountain! 楚风掷出了金刚琢,轰在那杆沉重如山的黑色大戟上! A heavenshaking loud sound sends out, the entire bedstone furnace is thundering, is shivering, the endless fireworks shoots up to the sky, the burning down vault of heaven is twisting, because of rocks to be fuzzy fiercely, as if must crash, everywhere is the flames, submerges the restricted area sky over. 一声震天巨响发出,整座石炉都在轰鸣,都在颤抖,无尽的焰火冲天而起,焚烧的苍穹都在扭曲,因剧烈晃动而模糊,仿佛要坠落下来,到处都是火光,将禁地上空淹没。 Outside world, people with amazement. 外界,人们骇然。 Everyone is staring at the main furnace-- that earth cave in restricted area deep place, the scene is too scary, the boundless flame soars to the heavens, passes through the world expansive sky, burns down all. 所有人都盯着禁地深处的主炉——那座地窟,景象太吓人,无边火光冲霄,贯穿天地长空,焚毁一切。 That void in ruptured, on that day was caving, was the result by flame burning through! 那虚空都在崩开,那天地都在塌陷,都是被火光烧穿所致! Probably Star River blasted open, then falls in torrents, piece of Primal Chaos Qi covers, the confusion and death aura blotted out the sky. 像是星河炸裂了,然后倾泻下来,一片混沌气覆盖,混乱与死亡气息铺天盖地。 In the furnace, Vajra Cutter carries under the arm All Heavens to crash probably together, clear snow white brings the blood pigment figure to wind, with the design of stars black hole, its potential is incomparable, overbearing boundless. 炉中,金刚琢像是挟带诸天一同坠落,晶莹雪白中带着血色纹络,带着星辰黑洞的图案,其势无匹,霸道无边。 The quiet woods halberd blade of candelilla it pounds distorted, almost must break off, the entire candelilla bent. 它砸的大戟的幽森戟刃都变形了,几乎要折断,整杆大戟都弯了下去。 The radical energy burst, the mountain sea bursts a dike probably, flows in backward Eight Desolates, among the wreaking havoc world. 剧烈的能量爆发,像是山海决堤,倒灌八荒,肆虐天下间。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The persistent energy large explosion, the boundless flame ebullition, making this bedstone furnace unstable, annihilated all. 持续的能量大爆炸,无垠的火光沸腾,让这座石炉都动荡不安,湮灭了一切。 In this process, another four people of original fist mark, heavenly spear and immortal sword, was all taken back, they only have a movement, searches the hand together, grasps to that Vajra Cutter, wants to imprison there, seizes. 在这一过程中,另外四人原本的拳印天戈、仙剑等,全都被收回,他们只有一个动作,一起探手,抓向那金刚琢,想禁锢在那里,夺到手中。 They saw this Vajra Cutter fearful place, even that has watered some the special candelilla hit distortions of Buddha blood and Heavenly Immortal blood, it can be imagined, what kind of great strength withstood! 他们看到了这枚金刚琢的可怕之处,连那浇灌过佛血、天仙血的特殊大戟都被撞击的有些变形,可想而知,承受了怎样的巨力! In fact, in the past in Little World of the Dead, when Earth, Vajra Cutter that the Chu Feng use refine initially, can be higher than him to evolve the Realm's opponent to create the destructive attack. 事实上,当年在小阴间,在地球时,楚风动用初步炼成的金刚琢,就能够给高于他进化境界的对手造成毁灭性的打击。 Because, this Vajra Cutter material quality too much is different, so long as pours into some energies then to be able heavily like the mountain, rises suddenly from 108 jin (0.5 kg) to several tens of thousands jin (0.5 kg), like this throws, the lethality can be imagined. 因为,这金刚琢材质太特殊,只要灌注部分能量便可以沉重如山,从一百零八斤暴涨到数万斤,这样投掷出去,杀伤力可想而知。 At the present, Vajra Cutter absorbed other Origin Metal, and evolution in the Origin Metal fluid pond is Thirty Three Layer Heaven, is the Paramount weapon thick embryo, the energy small Cultivator past years that in addition Chu Feng can pour into, its prestige can naturally not be possible to estimate by far. 而今,金刚琢吸收了过其他母金,并且在母金液池中演化为三十三重天器,为究极武器粗胎,再加上楚风可以灌注的能量远胜还是小修士的当年,其威能自然不可揣度。 Bang! 轰! After Vajra Cutter shakes draws back the black candelilla, has not retreated, but rotates there extremely fast, the ring interior turns into the fearful black hole, surroundings accompanies is inundating the Heavenly Star bucket, extremely fast is exaggerating, must receive five Great Divine King! 金刚琢震退黑色大戟后,并未退走,而是在那里极速转动,圆环内部化成可怕的黑洞,周围则伴着漫天星斗,极速夸张,要将五大神王都收进去! „Is courage but actually big, presumptuously thinks to surrender me with a weapon and others?!” Silver-haired men in five people sneer. “胆子倒不小,妄想以一件兵器降服我等?!”五人中的银发男子冷笑。 Brings, today killed you, seizes your good fortune, making you rejoice without reason!” Once previously shouted to the Chu Feng take action blonde female. “拿来吧,今天杀了你,夺你造化,让你空欢喜一场!”早先曾对楚风出手的金发女子更是喝道。 They almost touched Vajra Cutter, secure, because oneself were covered by special Full-Body Armor, the Heavenly Immortal sutras, the big buddha Zen sang, appeared in his all around, just like arriving at the Heavenly Immortal pure land, the state of real Buddha, had the irises and orchids to drag, has Divine Bird to hover, has everywhere scrip­tures to turn into the golden symbol to crash, naturally had the Buddha blood and Heavenly Immortal blood flows...... 他们都几乎触碰到了金刚琢,有恃无恐,因为自身都被特殊的甲胄覆盖,天仙诵经,大佛禅唱,在他的四周浮现,宛若到了天仙的净土,真佛的国度,有芝兰摇曳,有神鸟翱翔,有漫天的经文化成金色符号坠落,当然更有佛血与天仙血流淌…… This sacred and strange marvelous sight, is their Full-Body Armor sends out, is very beautiful and mysterious, is powerful, making in the stone furnace that be possible to burn through the void flame unable to burn them, cannot ruin them, but beats in their surroundings, the fireworks is billowing. 这神圣而又诡异的奇景,都是他们的甲胄发出的,很妖艳与神秘,非常强大,让石炉中那可烧穿虚空的火光都无法灼伤他们,不能毁掉他们,只是在他们的周围跳动,焰火滚滚。 Bang! 轰! The black hole that void that world big change, Vajra Cutter evolves, the ring interior forms, all was hit. 天地剧震,金刚琢演化的虚空,圆环内部形成的黑洞,皆遭受了冲击。 Although it nearly receives Great Divine King, making his body shake fiercely, but, falls short eventually, that Full-Body Armor sends out the immeasurable light, breaks out of the fetter furiously. 它虽然险些将一位大神王收进去,让他身体剧烈摇动,但是,终究是功亏一篑,那副甲胄发出无量光,奋力摆脱束缚。 In addition, another four big Divine King Body ancient rare treasure Full-Body Armor, in the intense shaking trim space, making the star light gloomy, extinguishes unceasingly, making that black hole Dominion present the fissure, no longer jet black without limits. 此外,另外四位大神王身着古老的秘宝甲胄,在激烈的撼动整片空间,让星光暗淡,不断熄灭,让那黑洞领域出现裂痕,不再漆黑无止境。 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng beckons, received Vajra Cutter, five radiant palms strike rapidly, ruptured in same place void pressure, will hold in their Full-Body Armor in addition, there destroys. 楚风一招手,将金刚琢收了过去,五只璀璨的手掌迅速拍击,将原地的虚空压的崩开,在他们的甲胄的加持下,那里溃灭。 Chu Feng is somewhat regrettable, missed some durations and degrees of cooking, cannot take away Great Divine King, simultaneously he dreaded very much, these five people of abilities are really exceedingly high, may fight with him. 楚风有些遗憾,还是差了一些火候,未能收走一位大神王,同时他很忌惮,这五人果然本领通天,可与他一战。 In fact, five people also reveal the serious color, has startled allows also to have imposing, five people of take action, want to win Vajra Cutter together, may make it get rid unexpectedly. 事实上,五人也都露出郑重之色,有惊容也有凛然,五人一同出手,想要夺走金刚琢,可居然让它摆脱了。 Kills!” “杀!” Five human eye pupils like electricity, respective behind is setting up Heavenly Immortal, is standing the big buddha, magnificent rays of light, compared with also wanted radiant ten times to continue a moment ago , to promote the pinnacle the energy, together bang to Chu Feng. 五人眼眸如电,各自的身后都立着天仙,都站着大佛,光芒大盛,比刚才还要璀璨十倍不止,将能量提升到极致,一起轰向楚风 They want to strike to execute, does not want to waste the time again. 他们想要一击格杀,不想再浪费时间。 Bang! 轰隆! The world rebellion, the flame soars to the heavens, in the entire bedstone furnace the chaos electric arc surges, the Order symbol blooms, probably piece of Star Sea glitters, then the turbulence continues. 天地暴动,火光冲霄,整座石炉内混沌电弧激荡,秩序符号绽放,像是一片星海闪烁,而后动荡不止。 But, five people of hearts startled, then the body sends coldly, Eight Trigrams (gossip) Fig. rune that front that stretch of region, in the ground forms wait/etc. dazzling incomparable, blends with Chu Feng comprehensively, shares everything, becomes a body, forms protection light screen, they have not punctured! 可是,五人心惊,接着身体发寒,前方那片地带,地面上形成的八卦图符文等都刺目无比,与楚风全面交融,不分彼此,结为一体,形成一层守护光幕,他们没有打穿! „Not good matter happened, our guesses to become true, he has possibly merged into one organic whole with this topography mostly, obtained the approval!” “不好的事情发生了,我们的猜测可能已经成真,他多半与这片地势融为一体,得到了认可!” A silver-haired men's cold sound said, in the anger and heart send coolly. 一位银发男子寒声道,愤怒而又心中发凉。 The good fortune that is they put in the sacrificial offering that activates, was obtained by that man. 那是他们投放的祭品所激活的造化,被那个男子得到了。 Their complexions are ugly, the deathtrap, how became the sanctuary a moment ago now, man in that piece of rune in protecting Eight Trigrams (gossip). 他们的脸色难看无比,刚才还是死地,现在怎么成为了庇护地,那片符文在保护八卦中的男子。 Five Great Divine King murderous intention reveal completely! 五位大神王杀机毕露! Chu Feng expression grave, he does not think this protects him, this is the subtle balance, he fuses together with the Eight Trigrams (gossip) chart temporarily, withstands to boil down, was obstructed by the light screen in middle, seems like protected, but likely will go backward at any time. 楚风神色凝重,他可不认为这是保护他,这是微妙的平衡,他与八卦图暂时融为一体,承受熬炼,也被光幕遮在当中,看似被保护,可随时可能会发生逆转。 Drives out this Eight Trigrams (gossip) chart together, our five people may arrange innate Five Elements slaughter immortal demon Domain!” “一起轰开这八卦图,我们五人可布置出先天五行屠仙魔场域!” The blonde female opens the mouth, how did they come five people? It is not the coincidence, if because has the accident/surprise, may form special attack Domain-- innate Five Elements slaughter immortal demon Domain! 金发女子开口,他们何以来了五人?不是巧合,因为若有意外,可结成特殊的进攻场域——先天五行屠仙魔场域 Suddenly, five people shine, big buddha and Heavenly Immortal even more real, the energy rushes, probably desert rebellion. 一时间,五人发光,身后的大佛与天仙愈发的真实,能量澎湃,像是瀚海暴动。 Makes noise sonorously, the metal air/Qi tearing expansive sky, five people with the Domain chart, spread out all over, unifies with, revolves innate Five Elements slaughter immortal demon Domain. 铿锵作响,金属气撕裂长空,五人带着场域图,铺展开来,与自身结合,运转先天五行屠仙魔场域 Takes me as the front, tears the Eight Trigrams (gossip) chart, I first kill!” “以我为锋,撕裂八卦图,我先杀进去!” The blonde female shouted, at this time, in her hand presented bright as snow Sword Embryo, too dazzling, the sword point in the drop blood, was bright red and dazzling, shone the precious coral under compared with it sunlight and blood drill clearer, was dazzling. 金发女子喝道,这个时候,她的手中出现一柄雪亮的剑胎,太刺目了,剑尖在滴血,鲜红而刺目,比之阳光照耀下的红珊瑚、血钻更晶莹,更耀眼。 In fact, that is the Buddha blood, seemingly drops, is on the sword point for hundreds of thousands of years not dry, year to year bright red dazzling, is burning down just like the magma. 事实上,那是佛血,看似滴落,可是剑尖上数十万年来都不曾干涸过,常年鲜红刺目,宛若岩浆在焚烧。 Innate Five Elements slaughter immortal demon Domain revolves, five people just like turning into special symbol, condenses the terrifying the energy, then all strongly to that female. 先天五行屠仙魔场域运转,五人宛若化成特殊的符号,凝聚出恐怖的能量,而后全都集中向那女子。
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