SR :: Volume #14

#1314: Mythical Cao

Called the father? 叫爹? After grey matter spiritual wisdom, already opened the door of direct access to the highest authorities, the future is limitless, is doomed to step in ultimate Dominion! 灰色物质通灵后,早已打开了通天之门,前途不可限量,注定要涉足终极领域 But now, his past host and blood food, made it call the father unexpectedly, air/Qi it was a Buddha reveals itself simply, two Buddha ascended to heaven, three Buddha Nirvana. 可是现在,他当年的宿主、血食,居然让它叫爹爹,气的它简直是一佛出世,二佛升天,三佛涅槃 It wants to attract the Chu Feng's fleshly body essence immediately, lets his instantaneously dark green Old Tenth ten thousand years, becomes the mist and dust, degenerates into the muck, making this blood food understand that some creature cannot annoy! 它想立刻吸掉楚风的肉身精髓,让他瞬间苍老十万载,成为烟尘,沦为粪土,让这个血食明白有些生灵不可惹! "Áo...... ” the present condition is actually, it was calling out pitifully, struggled fiercely, was stucked by Little Millstone of Chu Feng within the body, by refining, by the crush, its oneself was being reduced unceasingly unceasingly. “嗷……”可是现实情况却是,它惨叫着,剧烈挣扎,被楚风体内的小磨盘黏住,不断被炼化,不断被碾压,它自身在缩小。 Called the father!” Chu Feng forced, to eat it once more. “叫爹爹!”楚风再次逼迫,吃定了它。 grey matter this called air/Qi, it finally is existence in supreme Dominion, now can spiritual wisdom, tread these step not to be very easy, finally actually encountered this shame. 灰色物质这叫一个气,它终将会是无上领域中的存在,现在能够通灵,踏出这一步很不容易,结果却遭遇这种羞辱。 Nobody knows, here has a potential infinite gloomy seed, if clear(ly) understands the outcome, certainly will initiate scared, initiates world chaos. 没有人知道,这里有一个潜力无穷的灰暗种子,若是明晓究竟,一定会引发恐慌,引发世间大乱。 However, Chu Feng to it? 但是,楚风在怎么对它? He was really is sufficed grey matter, thought in the past all sorts, he with taking off the shoes, brushed grey matter. 他真是受够灰色物质了,想到当年种种,他直用脱下鞋,对灰色物质进行抽打。 Pulls out it with the shoe sole? grey matter Concise Essence wanted simply insanely, such shamed it unexpectedly. 拿鞋底子抽它?灰色物质精粹简直要疯了,竟然这么羞辱它。 What your knows are making?” It becomes angry out of shame. “你知道自己在做什么吗?”它恼羞成怒。 Naturally knows, I want to pull out you with the shoe horn, the big mouth fan, you do not install before me, early sufficed you!” “当然知道,我想用鞋拔子抽你,大嘴巴扇你,别在我面前你装,早受够你了!” Because precisely abhors it, thinks of these very not glorious memory, therefore Chu Feng bright knows could not kill it with the shoe sole, such ruined it intentionally. 正是因为对它深恶痛绝,想到那些非常不美好的回忆,所以楚风知道用鞋底子杀伤不了它,还是故意这么糟践它。 Called the father!” He threatens and intimidates once again. “叫爹爹!”他又一次威胁与恫吓。 grey matter angrily roars, the one had only known, it wished one could to return to the past, killed Little World of the Dead's Chu Feng, making him the bloody pus that a beach became stale, did not give him any opportunity. 灰色物质怒吼,早知如此,它真恨不得回到从前,将小阴间的楚风干掉,让他成为一滩发臭的脓血,不给他任何机会。 It has not expected, in the past has been terminally ill and any not live the possible blood food, nowadays not only brings back to life, but also jumps for joy, and can instead to subdue|grams it. 它怎么也没有料到,当年病入膏肓、没有任何活下来可能的血食,现如今不仅起死回生,还活蹦乱跳,并且能够反克它。 Seriously is the humans affair difficult material, making it hate and anxious. 当真是世事难料,让它又恨又急。 Chī! 哧! grey matter discovered that own Concise Essence in such in a minute has been short of one-third, braves the intermittent light smoke, it by refining, the situation was extremely been unceasingly serious. 灰色物质发现自己的精粹就在这么片刻间少了1,冒起阵阵轻烟,它不断被炼化,情形极其严重。 As for Chu Feng, the whole body is comfortable, along in within the body that Little Millstone even more concise, gradual solid, he can realize a great strength, a joyful feeling of harvest. 至于楚风,浑身舒泰,随着体内那个小磨盘越发的凝练,逐渐的“结实”,他能体会到一种强大,一种收获的喜悦感。 Does not need to think, Little Millstone must become in the future great talent! 都不用多想,小磨盘将来必成“大器”! At this moment, Chu Feng has an misconception, in the curling fog transpiration, he as if wants the emergence to fly upwards, steps into Firmament, the body and mind is very joyful. 这一刻,楚风有种错觉,在袅袅灰雾正蒸腾中,他仿佛要羽化飞升,踏入上苍般,身心都很愉悦。 His all cell activeness in intense become stronger, almost must break through the Great Saint level, realizes a myth to transform, intrudes in Shining Upon Dominion directly! 他的所有细胞活性在激烈变强,几乎要突破大圣层次,实现一次神话蜕变,直接闯入映照领域中! The fog surges, submerges Chu Feng, within the body or outside the body are rich grey matter, moreover pure degree is unprecedented, might be called since ancient times the rare grey matter essence. 灰雾翻腾,将楚风淹没,无论是体内还是体外都是浓郁的灰色物质,而且“纯净”程度前所未有,堪称古来罕有的灰色物质精华。 Normal, if by such material corrosion, let alone Chu Feng, is the incomparably formidable character, wants the everlasting regret lifelong, this whole life was ruined, lives reluctantly, spontaneity also to the utmost ominous. 正常来说,若是被这样的物质侵蚀,别说楚风,就是无比强大的人物,也要遗恨终身,这辈子被毁掉,勉强活下来,自生也将极尽不祥。 But now, to Chu Feng is actually enjoyment. 可是现在,对楚风来说却是一种享受。 He has impulsive, can an misconception, practice now strange technique? Strikes to kill the enemy unceasingly, thus absorbs divine nature particles, Dao Ancestral Matter wait/etc., rapid become stronger? 他有一种冲动,有一种错觉,现在是不是可以修行异术?不断击杀敌人,从而吸收神性粒子道祖物质等,飞速变强 Because, the corrosion of his fearless grey matter, the so-called malpractice for him, radically no longer is the issue! 因为,他无惧灰色物质的侵蚀了,所谓的弊端对他来说,根本不再是问题! In Chu Feng's within the body, grey Little Millstone concentration, even more unadorned, but actually is also uncertain, in high and low two grinding pans, golden symbol circulation, splendid. 楚风的体内,灰色小磨盘浓缩,越发的朴实无华,但是却也更加的不可预测,在上下两个磨盘间,金色符号流转,熠熠生辉。 Chu Feng, you dare such...... grey matter to shout to me, is similar to an evil spirit in the noisy wail, but vicious hatred, but, it also called out immediately: Father!” 楚风,你敢这么对我……”灰色物质嘶吼,如同一头厉鬼在长嚎,凶狠而怨毒,但是,马上它又叫道:“爹爹!” Chu Feng somewhat is speechless, this rumor transforms was also too quick? 楚风都有些无言,这口风转变的也太快了吧? clear/pain father!” “楚爹!” grey matter changed a statement once again, anxious incomparable, it really could not withstand, had been obliterated 50% bodies by Chu Feng, grey matter less than 50%. 灰色物质又一次改口,焦急无比,它实在承受不住,已经被楚风磨灭一半的躯体,灰色物质不足五成了。 Meanwhile, it turns into an outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman, miserable, obviously melts in the Chu Feng's divine consciousness sensation, begged desperately puts its horse. 与此同时,它化成一位绝色丽人,楚楚可怜,显化在楚风的神识感知中,苦苦央求放它一马。 She is simple and beautiful, about 20 years old, the bright eyes are bringing the tears, pours down to sob, the white clothing dances in the breeze, looks like by oneself pitiful duplicate delicate. 她清丽绝伦,20岁左右,明眸带着泪水,泫然欲泣,白衣飘舞,让自己看起来可怜复柔弱。 However, how Chu Feng possibly gives up, already knows her essence, therefore the opens the mouth of wicked place, said: Your magical skills grow in 5000 again, attracted others to be good again, presently far of difference.” 但是,楚风怎么可能罢手,早已知道她的本质,因此恶狠狠地的开口,道:“等你道行再增长5000年,再去魅惑别人好了,现差的远。” clear/pain father, how can you be able to let off others?” The elusive young girl who grey matter turns into, on the shining white elegant face is hanging the tear stains, was entreating as before. “楚爹爹,你要怎样才能放过人家?”灰色物质化成的空灵少女,莹白的俏脸上挂着泪痕,依旧在哀求。 Do not be disgusting, calling clear/pain masters not to be good!” Chu Feng not only has not given up, instead exhausts ability, wishes one could to fall its refining immediately. “别肉麻,叫楚爷都不行!”楚风不仅没有罢手,反而竭尽所能,恨不得立刻将它炼化掉。 My @#¥......” “我@#¥……” The flash, grey matter gets angry, is having the color of hatred, the crazy curse, wishes one could to kill Chu Feng immediately, finally is actually it unceasingly reduces. 一刹那,灰色物质翻脸,带着怨毒之色,疯狂诅咒,恨不得立刻将楚风干掉,结果却是它自己不断缩小。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Finally, its pitiful yell, the self- disintegration, wants to destroy indiscriminately. 最后,它一声惨叫,自我解体,想要玉石俱焚 Of bang, the Chu Feng within the body's grey Little Millstone suppression, the above golden symbol shines the holy brilliance, covers all fog. 轰的一声,楚风体内的灰色小磨盘镇压,上面的金色符号普照圣洁光辉,笼罩所有灰雾。 In sound, grey matter by refining was more rapid. 在哧哧声中,灰色物质炼化的更迅速了。 Finally, it only runs away one group of fog, insufficient original one-fifth, were smaller and weaker. 最终,它只逃走一团雾霭,不足原来的1,弱小了很多。 In the curse sound, in hatred, its extremely fast escapes. 在诅咒声中,在恨意中,它极速远遁。 Chu Feng pursues, but grey matter disperses voluntarily, integrates void, does not have the shadow invisible, the escape goes, finally ran away. 楚风追赶,但灰色物质自行散开,融入虚空,无影无形,逃命而去,最终跑掉了。 It is seriously battered, nearly disperses including spirituality, must know spiritual wisdom is not easy, can arrive at these step to be difficult, was the Foreign Territory gods has provided for it. 它遭受重创,连灵性都险些散开,须知通灵不易,能走到这一步非常艰难,是异域众神供养了它。 In the past Chu Feng had lasting achievements in the god human bone of each time Foreign Territory saw, after Divine Kings massive flesh Concise Essence was corroded, has accomplished it. 当年楚风异域见到的各个时代的神骸可谓功不可没,诸神王的大量血肉精粹被侵蚀后,造就了它。 At this time, Chu Feng stopped, because of Forager with him, was not leaving about, but also revolves him to rotate, making his one be scared. 这时,楚风停下来,因为觅食者在跟着他,一直不离左右,还围绕着他转动,让他一阵发毛。 His fearless grey matter, but actually very much dreaded to this Forager . Moreover the collapse world that Forager shoulders was too weird, very to terrify person. 他无惧灰色物质,但是对这个觅食者却很忌惮,而且觅食者背负的塌陷世界太邪门了,非常瘆人。 However, the Chu Feng mood does not go bad, a moment ago short smelting grey matter, the Little Millstone once more mutation in his within the body, moreover makes his oneself have an inexplicable experience, immerses in the golden symbol, must see the light suddenly unexpectedly. 不过,楚风心情不坏,刚才短暂的熔炼灰色物质,他体内的小磨盘再次异变,而且让他自身有种莫名的体会,沉浸在金色符号中,竟要顿悟。 In a twinkling, Chu Feng glow, the cell activeness increases sharply, can he transform unexpectedly, visits Shining Upon Dominion? 霎时间,楚风身体发热,细胞活性激增,他竟要蜕变,踏足映照领域 Does not draw support from the pollen, steps into Shining Upon Dominion from Saint, since ancient times few people, were special existences, became the myth in evolution history. 不借助花粉,从圣人踏进映照领域中,古来没有几人,都是特殊的存在,被成为进化史上的神话。 Now, Chu Feng is the Great Saint body, breaks through from this Realm, that is extremely absolutely astonishing. 现在,楚风大圣身,从这个境界中突破进去,那绝对极其惊人。 In some sense, he if now carries on a jump of time life, transforms successfully, is the myth that in myth Qin Luoyin spoke! 从某种意义上来说,他现在若是进行一次生命的跃迁,蜕变成功,就是秦珞音所说的神话中的神话! Since then, oneself whether there is potential completely! 自此之后,自身将有无尽的潜能! I must become the myth in myth!” Chu Feng clenches teeth. “我要成为神话中的神话!”楚风咬牙。 However, in his side, Forager has hair dishevelled, once again the gathering near, almost pastes on his face, unceasing smelling, making him feel extremely dangerously. 然而,在他的身边,觅食者披头散发,又一次凑到近前,几乎贴在他的脸上,不断的嗅,让他感觉极度危险。 Chu Feng guessed, don't tell me on him does have the so-called Three Lives Medicine clue? 楚风猜测,难道他身上有所谓的三生药的线索? Quick, he has thought three seeds, should not be they? 很快,他想到了三颗种子,该不会是它们吧? This makes him worry, can arrive this step, all because of three mysterious seeds, if loses today, that was a pity. 这让他担忧,能够走到这一步,全都是因为三颗神秘的种子,如果今天失去的话,那就太可惜了。 Now, he does not dare to act rashly, does not have the means unscrupulously transforms and breakthrough, the condition that but this sensibility, this fleshly body activeness increases sharply actually remembers in his inner world. 现在,他不敢妄动,没有办法肆无忌惮的去蜕变与突破,但是这种感悟,这种肉身活性激增的状态却铭记在他的心海中。 The Chu Feng peaceful mind, was quick he ancient well without ripples. 楚风静心,很快他又古井无波了。 Now the external environment is too bad, evolution of his impossible heart non- getting off one's main subject, but, he has grasped and taken down the present sensibility, when beneficial conditions of timeliness , favorable geographical conditions , and unity and coordination of the people, tears the myth not to be late again. 现在外部环境太恶劣,他不可能心无旁骛的进化,但是,他把握与记下了现在的感悟,等天时地利人和时,再去撕裂神话也不晚。 Senior, hello/you good, I am Divine King Chu, naturally, you can also call me Mythical Cao, do you always revolve me to rotate, have the matter?” “前辈,你好,我是楚神王,当然,你也可以叫我曹神话,你总是围绕着我转动,有事吗?” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, a little cannot boil, stared by terrifying Forager, no one can bear. 楚风开口,有点熬不住了,被一个恐怖的觅食者盯上,谁都受不了。 Naturally, this facial skin is also very thick, says Mythical Cao to Forager. 当然,他这脸皮也忒厚,对觅食者自称曹神话 Medicine...... Medicine aura......” “药……药的气息……” Forager has hair dishevelled, jade clothing sewn with gold thread has Origin Metal to weave the special jade piece, but the baptism of experience time, the corrosion of years, already was tattered, his whole body blood stain, is suffers the heavy losses likely, the consciousness confusion, the beastly nature has been bigger than the human nature. 觅食者披头散发,身上的金缕玉衣乃是有母金编织特殊玉石片而成,但经历时光的洗礼,岁月的侵蚀,却早已破破烂烂,他满身血污,像是遭受过重创,意识混乱,兽性大于人性。 Also precisely because, him now is extremely so dangerous! 正是因为如此,他现在极其危险! Is medicine that Chu Feng knows, Forager said that so-called Three Lives Medicine, don't tell me really on his body? 楚风知道,觅食者说的药就是那所谓的三生药,难道真在他的身上? Thinks it over, he thought that on oneself is also more like that Three Lives Medicine then three seeds! 想来想去,他觉得,自家身上也就三颗种子更像是那三生药 Forager approaches once again, by that round of silk, Shining Upon leaves from time to time blood red from time to time empty both eyes, danger even more, was similar to a wild animal must go crazy. 觅食者又一次临近,透过那发丝,映照出时而血红时而空洞双目,越发的危险了,如同一头野兽要发狂。 Chu Feng is impossible to sit waiting for death, if by this Forager direct tearing, he died was also too injust. 楚风不可能坐以待毙,万一被这个觅食者直接撕裂,那他死的也就太冤了。 He prepared Reincarnation Soil in secret, black little wooden spear, prepared to self-defense at any time, counter-attacked. 他暗中准备好了轮回土,还有黑色的小木矛,随时准备自卫,进行反击。 However, Chu Feng's all preparations expire in front of Forager, is very difficult to imagine the odd person of this having hair dishevelled strongly, almost read, imprisoned world. 然而,楚风的所有准备在觅食者面前都失效,很难想象这个披头散发的怪人到底有多强,几乎是一念间,就禁锢天地。 Chu Feng feels becomes dark at present, own body was thrown to fly, then some Artifact exchanged ownerships! 楚风感觉眼前发黑,自己的身体被抛飞出去,然后身上的一些器物就易主了! His heart big change, plants to fall in the ground. 他心头剧震,栽落在地面上。 Three Lives Medicine...... Resurrecting!” 三生药……复活!” In the world that Forager shoulders, the black giant beasts are whooshing, was roaring, vibrated that piece dim and deathly stillness world. 觅食者背负的世界中,有一头黑色的巨兽在嘶吼,在咆哮,震动了那片昏暗而又死寂的世界。 This black giant beast is shivering because of the excitement, looks at collapse world most deep place that whole body is being the blood, bends down silhouette on remnant clock. 这头黑色巨兽因为激动而颤抖着,望着塌陷世界最深处那个满身是血、伏在残钟上的身影 Found Three Lives Medicine, must resurrect has come!” It is calling out. “找到三生药了,一定要复活过过来啊!”它在嚎叫。 This makes Chu Feng shock, that back, once punctured the All Heavens supreme powerhouse to the outside, the life magnificently radiant, this doesn't have the trough man, don't tell me also to be in front of his to resurrect inadequately? 这让楚风震撼,那个背对外界、曾经打穿诸天无上强者,一生都辉煌璀璨,这个没有低谷的男子,难道还能当着他的面复活过来不成? Chu Feng is very surprised, is staring at the most deep place of that collapse world, there has many bell fragments, has the remnant clock to thunder, is shivering, is lamenting likely, wants to awaken own master. 楚风很吃惊,盯着那塌陷世界的最深处,那里有很多钟体碎片,更有残钟在轰鸣,在颤动,像是在哀恸,想唤醒自己的主人。 But, that corpse has corrupted, is sending out rich death aura, can such person also recover to live?! 可是,那具尸体都已经腐烂了,散发着浓郁的死气,这样的人也能复苏活过来吗?!
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