SR :: Volume #14

#1315: I once had followed Celestial Emperor!

Bang, Chu Feng crashes on the ground, Reincarnation Soil also in the hand, has not lost, is black little wooden spear of chopsticks child long/grows actually already in the Forager palm. 砰的一声,楚风坠落在地上,轮回土还在手中,并未丢失,可是筷子长的黑色小木矛却已在觅食者掌心。 Chu Feng is somewhat unbelievable, is that Three Lives Medicine?! 楚风有些难以置信,那就是三生药?! dang! 当! Remnant bell Qingming, vibrated Above the Heavens and Under the Earth at this moment unexpectedly, making the soul of person as if receive the baptism, first was purified, must! 残钟轻鸣,这一刻竟是震动了天上地下,让人的灵魂都仿佛受到洗礼,先被净化,又要被度化! This is also not genuine bell thunders, but is a tremor of corner/horn remnant clock, must trade another day the date. 这还不是真正的大钟轰鸣,而是一角残钟的颤动,就要改天换日。 Only what rejoices, bell's sound wave in the world of collapse, has not swept away, will otherwise be disastrous, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth will have the disaster. 唯一庆幸的是,钟波在塌陷的世界中,并未横扫出来,不然的话将是灾难性的,天上地下都会有大难。 Forager grasps black Three Lives Medicine to be thrown suddenly, in the world that behind him caves, dim, the trim world is revolving, likely is linking All Heavens sea eye, absorbs all, likely is the broken primitive universe ultimate end, the slow rotation, is very strange. 觅食者手持黑色三生药被猛然抛起,在他背后塌陷的世界中,一片昏暗,整片天地都在旋转,像是一口连着诸天的“海眼”,吸附一切,又像是残破原始宇宙的终极尽头,缓慢转动,很诡异。 Inside black giant beast could not wait, the barking cry, excited also has unceasingly chillily fierce, waits till the present from ancient, it has protected here, does not leave not abandoned. 里面的黑色巨兽已经等不及,不断吠鸣,激动中也有凄烈,从古等到今朝,它一直守护在这里,不离不弃。 Delivers the sacrificial altar Three Lives Medicine!” “将三生药送上祭台!” The black giant beast shouts, can see it to stand in fully is on the earth of blood, lonely desolate, it is actually very old, unexpectedly is a big black dog of deterioration. 黑色巨兽嘶吼,可以看到它站在满是血的大地上,孤独落寞,它其实很苍老,竟是一条衰败的大黑狗。 Its body shakes, stands steadily, such as the person does not sit cross-legged unexpectedly generally on the ground, it such as the great mountain is generally big, but the body rickets, are not straight the waist. 它身体摇动,站立不稳,竟如人一般盘坐在地上,它如巨山一般高大,但是身体却佝偻着,连腰都不直了。 It is very aged, the body also has the serious wound, can live the present is extremely not easy, it in the going all out strength, exhausts ability, struggles to consider to live next day. 它很老迈,身体也有严重的伤,能活到现在极其的不容易,它在拼命力气,竭尽所能,挣扎着想活到下一天。 Because, it has the unwillingness, does not have the indignation, has to be sorrowful and disappointed, death that once that magnificent one generation, now on the wane on the wane, dying, going far away going far away, only remaining it, but also is defending own master. 因为,它有不甘,有不忿,更有悲哀与怅然,曾经那么辉煌的一代人,如今凋零的凋零,死的死,远去的的远去,只剩下它,还在守着自己的主人。 That is several Celestial Emperor, when thinks that once past events, it wants to yowl to make noise. 那是几位天帝啊,当想到曾经的往事,它想恸哭出声。 It has ruled by force, arbitrary, magnificent, to the utmost brilliant, but actually also experienced the common people always not knows also unimaginable difficult, after decisive battle, reduces to this step unexpectedly. 它霸道过,蛮横过,也辉煌过,极尽绚烂过,但是却也经历了世人从来都不知道也不可想象的难,大决战过后,竟沦落到这一步。 Its semblance is very rough, but the heart of hearts is also exquisite, extremely heavy sentiment, will otherwise not defend here, does not leave not abandoned, goes all out to live every day, is defending the man of that corpse on the ground on remnant clock. 它外表很粗犷,但是内心深处却也是细腻的,极重感情,不然也不会守在这里,不离不弃,拼命活过每一天,守着那个伏尸在残钟上的男子。 The black giant beast even more appears aged, in the muddy eye is unexpectedly full is the tears, it is recalling the past events. 黑色巨兽愈发显得老迈,浑浊的眼中竟满是泪水,它在追忆往事。 I once with Celestial Emperor was a good friend, has followed in history the most formidable several people, we killed to have been to the dark end, rushed to pollution Soul River's Source, trod that blood to pave, incarnadine All Heavens and Myriad Realms' hard and dangerous Ancient Road, we were going on an expedition my entire life, we on the wane, we were passing away, but also some people of knows we?” “我曾与天帝是挚友,追随过史上最强大的几人,我们杀到过黑暗的尽头,闯到浑浊的魂河源头,踏着那条鲜血铺就、染红诸天万界的艰险古路,我们一生都在征战,我们在凋零,我们在逝去,还有人知道我们吗?” The black giant beast was very once overbearing past, is very deceitful, is very fierce, but now it actually such weak, rickets body, in old eyes unceasingly rolling down tears. 黑色巨兽昔日曾很霸道,也很狡诈,更是非常凶猛,但是现在它却这么的虚弱,佝偻着身体,老眼中不断滚下泪水。 We were once most formidable golden one generation, is the invincible combination, is, now you where? In most fearful and brilliant the All Heavens prosperous times on the wane, goes far away, is our magnificence, is our time, was impossible such to finish!” “我们是曾经最强大的黄金一代,是无敌的组合,可是,如今你们都在哪里?在最可怕而又绚烂了诸天的盛世中凋零,远去,属于我们的辉煌,属于我们的时代,不可能就这么结束!” The black giant beast that this senile and severe wound will die, in low and deep and moved sorrow howl, raises head suddenly to the day, it in the reliable historical account the strongest golden combination will not end thoroughly. 这头衰老而又重伤将死的黑色巨兽,在低沉而又伤感的哀吼中,猛然仰头向天,它不相信史上最强的黄金组合会彻底落幕。 How many Celestial Emperor that is, shocking years, has looked disdainfully the eternal space and time, how can so end? 那可是几位天帝啊,惊艳了岁月,睥睨了万古时空,怎么能如此落幕? But when, thinks of these past events, it wants to cry, that magnificent, that pitiful, that dissipates, that separation, that on the wane, can they be like this gloomy? 可是,当想到那些旧事,它还是想大哭,那辉煌的,那可悲的,那消逝的,那离散的,那凋零的,他们怎么能这样暗淡下去? I in you, I must go on living, every day is struggling full power, I believe, you will come back, I and others you reappeared world!” “我在等你们,我要活下去,每一天都在全力挣扎,我相信,你们都会回来,我等你们再现世间!” In its heart big tong, this was once overbearing and rough giant beast, now wū wū has cried unexpectedly, it believes that will happen one day also will again see these people. 它心中大恸,这头曾经霸道而又粗犷的巨兽,现在竟呜呜的哭了,它相信终有一天还会再见到那些人。 Because, among them, some people were also living! 因为,他们当中,原本就有人还活着! Such is certainly colorful eternal emperor, how to perish? Will not put down once companion, must come back to cross them finally, passes through Bridge of Life and Death, receives and instructs them to live. 那样绝艳万古的帝者,怎么会沉沦?更不会放下曾经的同伴,终要回来渡他们,贯穿生死桥,接引他们活过来。 But when, thinks that Bridge of Life and Death, black giant beast another heart palpitates, the body slightly trembles, once personally experienced, the close approach, really understands that what there means that can that person also walk from Bridge of Life and Death? 可是,当想到那“生死桥”,黑色巨兽又一阵心头悸动,身体都略微一颤,曾经亲身经历,近距离接近,真正明白那里意味着什么,那个人还能从生死桥上走回来吗? That is an this one bridge, float in bad fog, cannot see the opposite, cannot see the end, high and low all deathly stillness, boundless piece, appointed your Heaven-Blessed peerless, only has on the alone bridge starts off, but is unable to fly acorss. 那是一条孤桥,悬浮在大雾中,看不到对面,看不到尽头,上下皆死寂,茫茫一片,任你天纵绝代,也唯有在独桥上上路,而无法飞渡。 Under bridge, black sending to terrify, Abyss endless, many people are outstanding, many talent, the most powerhouse of era, crashes there, returns to go to the soul, keeps dismal and everlasting regret spatially. 桥下,黑的发瘆,深渊无尽,多少人杰,多少天骄,一个纪元的最强者,在那里坠落下去,也将魂归而去,空留悲凉与遗恨。 Whenever thinks of here, in black great heart always restless, although it is hopeful, but actually also knows there fearfulness, is known as the Celestial Emperor's end place. 每当想到这里,黑色巨兽心中总是不安,它虽然满怀希望,但却也知道那里的可怕,号称天帝的终结地。 Even if it is certainly confident to the powerhouse of that colorful past and present, has looked at that person white clothing like the snow, has looked at a that person era, grace and talent peerless, but is very disturbed, in heart whether there is side worry. 即便它对那位绝艳古今的强者有信心,看过那个人白衣如雪,看过那个人一步一纪元,风华绝代,可还是很忐忑,心中有无边的担忧。 The black giant beast does not dare want to get down, if that person also but actually gets down, one day falls in endless Abyss under Bridge of Life and Death, the trim world in light of this will be gloomy, did not have the vitality/angry. 黑色巨兽不敢想下去,若是那个人也倒下去,有一天落在生死桥下的无尽深渊中,整片世界都会就此灰暗,没了生气。 It witnessed in the past was too many, experienced were too many, followed in that several people of side, any the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, anything will drop eternally forever, once witnessed, once participated, knew extremely fearsome and scary, the end of some roads, somewhat passed through the bad fog Ancient Road, actually to bury to extinguish the Celestial Emperor preparation. 它当年见证了太多,也经历了太多,跟在那几人的身边,什么沧海桑田,什么永劫永堕,都曾目睹,也曾参与,知晓极其的可怖与骇人,有些路的尽头,有些贯穿大雾的古路,其实就是为葬灭天帝准备的。 The recollection past matter, thinks that once partner, thought of these old friends, Pioneer in it also inevitable thought legend, he how? 回忆当年的事,想到曾经的伙伴,想到那些故人,它也不可避免的想到传说中的前行者,他怎样了? Firmament, that person sits on Copper Coffin, crosses the seas to cross ocean, alone goes far away, the endless blood-color vast difficult situation, compared with sea terrifying trillion times, witnesses various prosperity and decline, but he actually disappears finally, among upper boundaries gradually inaudible, dying in battle foreign land? 上苍,那个人坐在铜棺上,漂洋过海,独自远去,无尽的血色汪洋中惊涛骇浪,比界海恐怖亿万倍,见证诸界兴衰,可是最终他却不见了,上界间渐渐不可闻,战死异乡了吗? Should not be right! 应该不会才对! Because, if hidden if without a gap, black giant beast, although is in the collapse world that prohibits, was some time ago, it fuzzy induction as swift and fierce has swept away as Sword Qi of suppression past and present as before, has alarmed All Heavens, shook trim World of the Living. 因为,若隐若无间,黑色巨兽虽然身在封禁的塌陷世界中,可是不久前,它依旧模糊的感应到了一道凌厉到镇压古今的剑气横扫而过,惊扰了诸天,撼动了整片阳间界。 But, these many time passed by, that person where? 可是,这么多个时代过去了,那个人又在哪里? In the collapse world, a fuzzy sacrificial altar appears, the four directions corpse on the ground, like held black Three Lives Medicine to deliver with good-for-nothing creature. 塌陷世界中,一座模糊的祭台浮现,四野伏尸,有如同行尸走肉般的生灵手捧着黑色三生药送了过去。 The so-called collapse world, all projects unexpectedly, in the space that Forager shoulders only the altar really exists with some good-for-nothings, other are very remote, knows is not separated by many space and times, trillion li (0.5 km) can only for the measuring unit. 所谓塌陷世界,竟然全都是投影,觅食者背负的空间中唯有一座祭坛与一些行尸走肉是真实存在的,其他都很遥远,不知道相隔多少个时空,亿万里只能为计量单位。 Three Lives Medicine was delivered to that fully is on the dry bloodstain sacrificial altar, it is very broken, in the past has experienced the fight, even if once were top powerhouse remained, now also damages cannot withstand. 三生药被送到那座满是干涸血迹的祭台上,它很残破,当年经历过战斗,即便曾为至强者所留,如今也破损不堪。 Therefore, first time transmitted Three Lives Medicine actually to be defeated. 所以,第一次传送三生药竟然失败了。 Quick!” “快!” The black giant beast urged, it is very anxious, is very disturbed, wishes one could to let bend down person resurrecting on remnant clock immediately, reappears world. 黑色巨兽催促,它很焦急,也很忐忑,恨不得立刻让伏在残钟上的人复活,再现世间。 At this moment its mood is anxious, is intense restless, because knows this Three Lives Medicine is ineffective, that person who after all died was too formidable, can world have Medicinal Herb to revive him? 此刻它的心情是焦躁的,也是强烈不安的,因为不知道三生药是否有效,毕竟死去的那个人太强大了,世间还能有药草可以救活他吗? Its heart is serious, always thinks incomparably depressing, is weak and weak, feeling non-solution. 它心头沉重,总觉得无比压抑,一阵虚弱与无力,感觉无解。 In the past you adopted me, making me by ordinary arrive at brilliance All Heavens one day small and weakly, witnessed and experienced the radiance of first another, this life I cross you, making you come back, even if burns my True Soul, the tip aura that but also you once left behind, extinguishing my body, refuses to balk, so long as can meet again your soul light again!” “当年你收养了我,让我由平凡弱小走到光耀诸天的一天,见证与经历了一世又一世的璀璨,今生我来渡你,让你回来,哪怕焚我真魂,还你曾经留下的点滴气息,灭度我身,也在所不惜,只要能再将你魂光重聚!” The black giant beast voice is low and deep, in muttering, in the senile face full is the tear stains, thinks, it is still hard to put behind, is unacceptable, their this generation dismal will be separated, falls to this step unexpectedly? 黑色巨兽声音低沉,在喃喃着,衰老的面孔上满是泪痕,想到过去,它至今都难以忘却,也不能接受,他们这一代怎么会悲凉离散,竟落到这一步? The person who never will not have ended is outstanding, is this fate? 从来都没有永不落幕的人杰,这是一种宿命吗?
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