SR :: Volume #14

#1313: Whole world with sacrifice

Had seen? Unexpectedly such familiar, in spiritual imprint that No.9 shows, this person has the extremely strong words, surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries! 曾经见到过?竟这么的熟悉,在九号展现的精神印记中,这个人具有极其浓重的笔墨,震古烁今 At that time what a pity, Chu Feng looked is too hurried, cannot young viewing carefully read his life, now is very helpless. 可惜,当时楚风看的太匆忙,没有能仔细观阅他的人生,现在很无奈。 However, his clear remembering, in that magnificent and fearsome past, whenever most important moment, whenever lets the instance that All Heavens suffocates, will have his silhouette obviously. 但是,他清晰的记得,在那辉煌而又可怖的过去,每当最重要时刻,每当让诸天都窒息的瞬间,都会有他的身影显化。 The past and present all so, each time he can strive to turn the tide! 古今皆如此,每一次他都能力挽狂澜! , A bell rumbles, Between Heaven and Earth does not have the anti- hand, time River submits to his under foot. 一幕幕,一口大钟轰出,天地间无抗手,时间长河都在他的脚下臣服。 Those who make Chu Feng's regrettable is, that most significant historical moment, relates the Above the Heavens and Under the Earth life and death, the general situation final moment, what in this person of most situations reveals is only the back, throughout covers the dense fog, has not seen the appearance/portrait. 楚风的遗憾的是,那种最重大的历史时刻,关系天上地下生死,大局的最后关头,此人大多数情况下露出的只是背影,始终笼罩迷雾,没有看到真容。 One like the present, back to outside, remnant clock accompanying. 一如现在,背对外界,残钟相伴。 In the past, the bell suppressed All Heavens, he seemed to be impassable, stood erect Between Heaven and Earth, likely was the milestone that one never may surmount. 过去,大钟镇压诸天,他似乎不可超越,矗立天地间,像是一面永远不可超越的丰碑。 His life is too magnificent and radiant, does not have enemy who could not conquer, easily accomplished, the bell's sound wave same place, ten thousand immortal awes into submission submissive, swept away Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, the past and present were invincible. 他的一生太辉煌与璀璨,没有战胜不了的敌人,摧枯拉朽,钟波一起,万仙慑服,横扫天上地下,古今无敌。 So-called life Gao Ge, without the trough, from the youngster time, suppresses all matches, kills peerless unparalleled, various crew cut restricted areas, jump to leap, the achievement is eternal, suppression past and present in the future. 所谓人生高歌,没有低谷,从少年时期,就一路压制所有对手,一路杀到绝世无双,推平各禁地,纵身一跃,成就永恒,镇压古今未来。 Does not have this kind of person, is forever glorious, starts to compete the world from the year of capping ceremony, since then does not have the anti- hand, under genuine starry sky first. 从没有这样一个人,光芒万丈,从弱冠之年就开始竞逐天下,从此无抗手,真正的星空之下第一。 Afterward, above the starry sky, he is also invincible. 随后,星空之上,他亦无敌。 However, making people be hard to accept...... 但是,让人难以接受…… Now, he carries as before to the people, but actually bends down on the remnant clock, the whole body is the blood, has the rotten sign, this natural talent overflows, the peerless incomparable character falls to this region unexpectedly, is very difficult to imagine, had anything in that past. 现在,他依旧背对着人们,但却伏在残钟上,浑身是血,有腐烂的迹象,这种天资横溢,绝代无匹的人物竟落到这种境地,很难想象,在那过去都发生了什么。 Has any accident, he encountered anything, arrived unexpectedly this step, so frigid. 到底有什么变故,他遭遇了什么,竟走到这一步,如此的惨烈。 Including Chu Feng one palpitation, he recalls carefully in No.9 these pictures that in spiritual imprint sees, this simply is a non-solution, but the formidable man, unexpectedly will be finally on the wane, on remnant clock that the corpse on the ground in oneself that is split up. 楚风都一阵心悸,他仔细回忆在九号的的精神印记中看到的那些画面,这简直是一个无解而强大男人,最后竟会凋零,伏尸在自己那四分五裂的残钟上。 Was, Chu Feng recalled to mind, in result that in No.9 saw, this male wartime, after to the utmost was last radiant, punctured All Heavens, but oneself actually also carried to the enemy and old friend, all over the body was the blood, fell. 是了,楚风记起,在九号所见到的结局中,这个男子最后一战时,极尽璀璨后,打穿诸天,但自身却也背对敌人与故友,通体都是血,跌坐下去。 But matter that background, the same time has, is his weapon, that bell blasts out, is accompanying his blood rain, this undefeated man will be forever on the wane, sinks to fall. 而那背景,同时间发生的事情,就是他的兵器,那口大钟炸开,伴着他自己的血雨,这个永不败的男人凋零了,沉坠下去。 At that moment, angrily roars like some countless people, cries, all living things likely are reading aloud his name, thinks of gratefully its merit, the whole world with the sacrifice, then whole world with lonesome. 那一刻,像是有无数人怒吼,大哭,众生都像是在诵他的名,感念其功绩,举世同祭,而后又举世同寂。 When leads into that phase of history, sinks to that disappearance Time River, Chu Feng was infected, felt that was solemn and stirring and miserable. 当带入到那段历史中,沉入到那段消失的岁月长河中,楚风都被感染了,感觉到了一股悲壮与凄凉。 Such great powerhouse, is finally difficult for day that runs away to dissipate. 那样一个伟大的强者,最终也难逃消逝的一天。 This person belongs to Little World of the Dead, went to my place of birth, has swept away Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, brilliant life, may the bitter experience calamity in the eternal Great Desolation time crossflow, die peaceful lonesome get down, is too regrettable.” “这个人属于小阴间,去过我的出生地,横扫了天上地下,绚烂了一生,可还是在万古洪荒时光横流中遭遇厄难,殒落安寂下去,太让人遗憾。” Chu Feng looks at that special vortex world, downcasts in one inexplicable mood. 楚风看着那特殊的漩涡世界,陷落在一种莫名的情绪中。 Forager shoulders a side collapse world, in the middle of that has black giant beast sad sound to roar, has on the Supreme Existence powerhouse corpse on the ground remnant clock, the heartstrings of all these perturbation people. 觅食者背负一方塌陷世界,那当中有黑色的巨兽悲声咆哮,有至高无上强者伏尸残钟上,这一切扰动人的心弦。 Suddenly, the Chu Feng body tightens, the whole body fine body hair is but actually vertical, Forager has hair dishevelled, wears the rotten jade clothing sewn with gold thread, arrives at him unexpectedly at present, has almost pasted with his face. 突然,楚风身体绷紧,浑身寒毛倒竖,觅食者披头散发,穿着腐烂的金缕玉衣,竟到了他的眼前,几乎与他的面孔相贴。 Moreover, Forager is smelling, the nose unceasing opening and closing, must move the Chu Feng's face. 而且,觅食者在嗅,鼻子不断翕动,要触碰到楚风的面庞了。 This lets his whole body is goosebumps, almost must revolt, the blood spells, but, he also understands, the disparity between both were too big, is difficult the good result. 这让他浑身都是鸡皮疙瘩,几乎就要反抗,血拼到底,但是,他也明白,两者间的差距太大了,难有好结果。 This is must do, can eat him really? Thought that his flesh is specially tasty, Essence, Qi and Spirit and are the potential in the cell preserving many? Chu Feng indulges in flights of fancy. 这是要干什么,真要吃掉他?觉得他的血肉特别鲜美,细胞中储藏的精气神与潜能过多吗?楚风胡思乱想。 Arrived this moment, he felt nose to itch, opposite party that rotten bad sending silk, bumped into his body. 到了这一刻,他感觉鼻子发痒,对方那烂糟糟的发丝,都碰到他的身体了。 This occasion, he sees the time off and on, the destruction and new life of Star River, on this Forager body surface, unexpectedly present this unusual scene. 此际,他看到时光的断续,星河的毁灭与新生,都在这个觅食者的体表上,居然出现这种异常景象。 Fortunately, on the Forager sending silk does not have these, if also has that scene, perhaps after bumping into Chu Feng, will make him encounter the mishap. 还好,觅食者的发丝上没有这些,若是也具备那种景象,说不定碰到楚风后,就会让他遭遇不测。 Forager smells, causing Chu Feng really unable to bear, contact between both was too rather near, almost must suffer thoroughly in the same place. 觅食者嗅来嗅去,导致楚风实在受不了,两者间的接触未免太近了,几乎就要彻底挨在一起。 You must eat the person, what can make? 你到底是要吃人,还是要做什么? I male!” Finally, Chu Feng is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, reminded is in itself male, were you what kind of?! “我男的!”最后,楚风忍无可忍,提醒自己是男的,你到底想怎样?! He saw approximately, this Forager does stem from an instinct? 他大致看出,这觅食者只是出于一种本能? hēi hēi......” 嘿嘿……” Suddenly, the gloomy and cold laughter transmits, brings little to be dense and terrifying. 突然,阴冷的笑声传来,带着几许森然与恐怖。 Chu Feng hair Gusong sends coldly, was this must start to him? It is not right, is not Forager sends out. 楚风毛骨悚发寒,这是要对他下手了?不对,并不是觅食者发出的。 Who is this? He is surprised, in this place, dares to appear in Forager near lifeforms, goes against heaven's will absolutely, was don't tell me the high level in Reincarnation Hunter appears? 这是谁?他大吃一惊,在这种地方,敢出现在觅食者近前的生物,绝对逆天,难道轮回狩猎者中的高层出现了吗? Chu Feng suddenly turning head, he sees the endless bad fog, has not seen silhouette, looks at Forager again, it does not have anything to respond, neglected that sound. 楚风霍的回头,他看到无尽的大雾,并没有看到身影,再看觅食者,它则没什么反应,将那声音忽略了。 Who?!” “谁?!” Chu Feng shouts a question, always thought that this sound is discomforting, because his body tightened, own fleshly body, own scenery Essence, Qi and Spirit, the response is intense. 楚风喝问,总觉得这声音让人不安,因为他的肌体都绷紧了,自己的肉身,自己的景精气神,反应激烈。 This is an instinct, has met some natural enemy likely response. 这是一种本能,像是遇到了某种天敌的般的反应。 Chu Feng?” In the bad fog, sound conveys, somewhat hoarse, is somewhat cold, making the person be afraid. 楚风?”大雾中,有一个声音传来,有些嘶哑,有些冷冽,让人不寒而栗。 Chu Feng is surprised, who that person is, can actually recognize his identity, this was too inconceivable, has understood thoroughly his root foot in some World of the Living people? 楚风大吃一惊,那个人是谁,竟然能够认出他的身份,这太不可思议了,在阳间有人洞彻了他的根脚? Should not be Extreme Martial will come?! 该不会是太武来了吧?! Which head?!” He shouted. “哪一头?!”他喝道。 At this time, he near at hand Forager will have neglected, always thought that existence in bad fog threatens is bigger, holds the evil intention to him. 此时,他将近在咫尺的觅食者都忽视了,总觉得大雾中的存在威胁更大,对他抱有恶意。 Laughter that "hē hē...... ” this time, in the bad fog sends out the female, some gentle and reserved, are not as if coarse, but made Chu Feng have goosebumps, he even more thought that the danger was approaching! “呵呵……”这一次,大雾中发出女子的笑声,有些阴柔,似乎不算难听,但是却让楚风起了一层鸡皮疙瘩,他越发觉得危险在临近! Has the woman, in that side!” Chu Feng hints to Forager, aims at a position. “有女人,在那边!”楚风觅食者示意,指向一个方位。 However Forager has not responded him, stops from time to time in this region, for a while lowers the head, for a while looks to the vault of heaven, somewhat lathers, he realizes anything likely. 然而觅食者没搭理他,在这片区域走走停停,一时低头,一时又看向天穹,有些焦躁不安,他像是察觉到了什么。 But as if not make the sound in view of that in secret lifeforms. 但似乎并不是针对暗中那个发出声音的生物 Chu Feng, does not see for a long time, a little misses you.” That person voices in secret once more, in gentle and reserved is bringing callously, making the person scalp tingle with numbness. 楚风,好久不见,有点思念你。”暗中那个人再次发声,阴柔中带着冷酷,让人头皮都发麻。 Who you are, neuter, rolls to me!” Chu Feng shouted. “你到底是谁,不男不女,给我滚出来!”楚风喝道。 Under this region, came an enemy unexpectedly, what foot? 在这种境地下,居然来了一个敌人,到底什么根脚? Then he saw, in not far away bad fog presents a pair of pupil, the dead grey, does not have a brilliance, approaches along with it gradually, as can be seen, this pupil some hatred, somewhat gloomy and cold, is this condition? 然后他就看到了,不远处的大雾中出现一对眸子,死灰色,没有一点光彩,随着它渐渐临近,可以看到,这眸子有些怨毒,有些阴冷,这是怎么个状况? Chu Feng fine body hair but actually vertical at the same time, the direct bang passes Ultimate Fist, in the meantime, prepares reckless took out wooden spear. 楚风寒毛倒竖的同时,直接轰过去一记终极拳,同时,准备不顾一切的祭出木矛 However, after the fist mark bang exits, fog dispersing of that stretch of region, that pair of pupil also turns into the mist, Chu Feng's attacks uselessly. 但是,拳印轰出去后,那片地带的雾霭散开,那双眸子也化成雾气,楚风的攻击无用。 "hē hē, very tasty flavor, very sumptuous blood feast, I think knows, how you lived in the past. ” That sound is neuter, a while hoarse, a while gentle and reserved, unpredictable, it in the bad fog right now left, east or west, does not have the setting. “呵呵,很鲜美的味道,很丰盛的血宴,我非常想知道,你当年是怎么活下来的。”那声音不男不女,一会儿嘶哑,一会儿阴柔,变幻莫测,它在大雾中忽左忽右,忽东忽西,没有定形。 The Chu Feng body is stiff, even more thinks danger to be imminent, but at this moment, some of his within the body Artifact rotates, slowly the line, making him realize that actually to have met anything! 楚风身体僵硬,越发觉得危险迫近,而这一刻,他体内某一种器物转动起来,缓缓而行,让他意识到究竟遇上了什么! In his within the body, the grey Little Millstone crush, revolves voluntarily, the Chu Feng quarter is shining in the above golden symbol, this is warning, is in the self- defense? 在他的体内,灰色小磨盘自行碾压,旋转起来,楚风刻在上面的金色符号在发光,这是在示警,还是在自我防御? His knows, the sound in bad fog was certainly related with grey matter! 知道了,大雾中的声音一定跟灰色物质有关! The Chu Feng eye was red, in the past to promote the strength, the old friend revenged to the relatives and friends, killed World of the Living to intrude the Little World of the Dead's enemy, he did not hesitate to recede Foreign Territory, cultivated monster evil strange technique, caused itself by more and more grey matter corrosion, lived to might as well die. 楚风眼睛红了,当年为了提升实力,给亲朋故友报仇,杀阳间闯入小阴间的敌人,他不惜远走异域,修炼妖邪的异术,导致自己被越来越多的灰色物质侵蚀,生不如死。 Finally, he has no recourse to be reincarnated , because the body worsened the pinnacle, the road ahead broke, the potential was squeezed, soul light fled the capital, the whole person is unable to practice normally. 最终,他迫不得已转世,就是因为身体恶化到了极致,前路已断,潜力被压榨,魂光蒙尘,整个人无法正常修行。 Chu Feng a narrow escape, in the rough slate with the aid of Shining Death City thoroughly has not eradicated grey matter, unpainted clay idol there that until arriving at the Reincarnation Road end has sat cross-legged, carries on strikes finally, he thoroughly gets rid of the predicament, washes grey matter. 楚风九死一生,借助光明死城中的粗糙石盘都没有彻底根除灰色物质,直到到了轮回路尽头盘坐的泥胎那里,进行最后一击,他才彻底摆脱困局,洗尽灰色物质 But these grey matter, were smelted by him in within the body, fuses with black and white Little Millstone, becomes grey Little Millstone. 而那些灰色物质,被他熔炼在体内,跟黑白小磨盘融合,成为灰色小磨盘 Now grey Little Millstone has the response, voluntarily the rotation, making Chu Feng guess, grey matter reappears! 现在灰色小磨盘有反应,自行转动,让楚风猜测到,灰色物质再现! "hē hē, another discipline opened, this time is the gray era! ” In the bad fog, that pair of pupil reappears, is similar to the dead fish eye, does not have the vitality, is bringing the hatred and coldness, approaches toward Chu Feng. “呵呵,又一纪开启了,这一次是灰色纪元!”大雾中,那双眸子再现,如同死鱼眼般,没有生机,带着怨毒与冷冽,向着楚风逼近过来。 Chu Feng clenches jaws, even more realized, fearsomeness of this fog, moreover this seems acquaintance, in the past ran one group of richest grey matter from his within the body, surmounts the membrane with the World of the Living person doubtful, entered World of the Living. 楚风咬牙切齿,越发意识到,这灰雾的可怖,而且这似乎是“熟人”,当年从他体内跑了一团最为浓郁的灰色物质,疑似跟着阳间人跨越界膜,进了阳间 Is don't tell me it? 难道是它? „Is small ashes, you?!” Chu Feng shouted. “小灰灰,是你吗?!”楚风喝道。 Courts death!” grey matter berated indifferently. “找死!”灰色物质冷漠喝斥。 This is one group has self-awareness grey matter, to stand out from the masses, it is dense, turns into the human form, is staring at Chu Feng, and bullies to the near. 这是一团有自我意识的灰色物质,与众不同,它森然无比,化成人形,盯着楚风,并且欺身到近前。 The Chu Feng heart has the doubts, Forager appears, shoulders a world, inside has the supreme powerhouse of corpse on the ground on remnant clock, has the black giant beast, was very strange, is now, grey matter with, to him, but to? 楚风心有疑惑,觅食者出现,背负一个世界,里面有伏尸在残钟上的无上强者,有黑色巨兽,已经很诡异,可是现在,灰色物质怎么也跟来了,都是冲着他而至吗? Low and deep roaring, after that rolls grey matter turns into the human form, kills, charges into Chu Feng, said: I fondly remembered your past providing for very much.” 一声低沉的咆哮,那团灰色物质化成人形后,扑杀过来,冲向楚风,道:“我很怀念你当年的供养。” Chu Feng is angry, in the past experienced that many, by a narrow escape that this grey matter suffered, now also dares to bring up an old matter again, but must under the extreme methods to him, be possible to endure what else cannot be tolerated. 楚风恼怒,当年经历那么多,被这灰色物质折磨的九死一生,现在还敢旧事重提,还要对他下死手,是可忍孰不可忍。 His stone jar, his Reincarnation Soil prepared, however, these did not have grey Little Millstone to respond intense, independent rapid revolving, the strategic place left the body. 他的石罐,他的轮回土都准备好了,然而,这些都没有灰色小磨盘反应激烈,自主飞速旋转,要冲出身体。 The Chu Feng body shakes, his heart has a feeling, receives and instructs directly on own initiative, lets about two wheel disk of grinding pan, appears about both hands respectively, then meets the approaching enemy grey matter. 楚风身体一震,他心有所感,直接主动接引,让磨盘的上下两个轮盘,分别出现在左右双手,而后迎击灰色物质 "Ah...... ” “啊……” At this moment, the small ashes called out pitifully, unexpectedly by the gray grinding pan absorption, then refining fell the part. 这一刻,小灰灰惨叫,居然被灰色磨盘吸附,而后炼化掉了部分。 You......” it is simply unbelievable, this is who, how can refining it? “你……”它简直难以置信,这是什么人,怎么能炼化它? Its family background root foot is not extremely simple, grey matter had spirituality, turns into the visible body, is known as Concise Essence in grey matter Concise Essence, already spiritual wisdom. 它的出身根脚极其不简单,灰色物质有了灵性,化成有形之体,号称灰色物质精粹中的精粹,早已通灵了。 Theoretically, it is almost not restrainable, is now some people unexpectedly in refining it, moreover was once host, past blood food. 理论上来说,它几乎不可抑制,可是现在有人居然在炼化它,而且是曾经的宿主,当年的血食。 A its pitiful yell, works loose Chu Feng's both hands, disperses the turn into ash fog, obviously melts a pair of pupil, is staring at Chu Feng in the distant place wickedly. 它一声惨叫,挣脱出楚风的双手,散成灰雾,显化出一对眸子,在远处恶狠狠地盯着楚风 Whiz! 嗖! Then, bad fog endless, boundless infinite, wraps to go toward Chu Feng from all around, grey matter is hiding middle, everywhere, submerges in the Chu Feng body from the different positions. 然后,大雾无尽,无边无穷,从四面八方向着楚风包裹而去,灰色物质藏着当中,无处不在,从不同方位没入楚风躯体中。 The grey Little Millstone rotation, returns to the Chu Feng body deep place instantaneously, then it starts to revolve crazily. 灰色小磨盘转动,瞬间回归楚风身体深处,而后它开始疯狂旋转。 As long as enters grey matter in his body by the Little Millstone refining absorption, becomes its part, at this moment Chu Feng felt obviously the grey slightly falls through in become stronger, is expanding, in thick, becomes inobservable Artifact! 但凡进入他身体中的灰色物质都被小磨盘炼化吸收,成为它的一部分,这一刻楚风明显感觉到灰色小破盘在变强,在壮大,在厚实,成为不可测的器物 "Ah...... ” grey matter yelled, panic-stricken desire certainly. “啊……”灰色物质大叫,惊骇欲绝。 Chu Feng clenches jaws, said: Small ashes, you also dare to harm me, this time must make you be called the father!” 楚风咬牙切齿,道:“小灰灰,你还敢来害我,这次非让你叫爹爹不可!”
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