SR :: Volume #12

#1143: Strong broken horizon

This is half-step Heavenly Venerate, like this made the person extinguish, a palm of the hand, anything made great strides forward in Heavenly Venerate Dominion a foot, anything had a day of blood and say/way bone, exploding that all pulp, hit opened, thorough death. 这可是半步天尊啊,就这样让人灭了,一巴掌而已,什么迈进天尊领域中一只脚,什么拥有天血与道骨,全都稀巴烂,被人打的爆开,彻底死亡。 Great Evil Spirit take action, this stretch of region is scared, the Mo Family person shocks and have one's hair stand on end, take action that calling out in alarm, some people fierce is not fearing, some people submerge underground, wants to flee. 大邪灵出手,这片地带恐慌,莫家的人震撼而又毛骨悚然,惊叫着,有人悍不畏死的出手,更有人没入地下,想要遁走。 Snort!” “哼!” coldly snorted, person who as long as moves, all stiffens, or was imprisoned in the soil layer, either was imprisoned in the midair, the time as if stagnated, stopped. 一声冷哼而已,但凡动的人,全都僵住,或者被禁锢在土层中,或者被禁锢在半空中,时间仿佛凝滞,停了下来。 The next quarter, these people silently decompose, blood mist scatters, strong irritating the nose. 下一刻,这些人都无声无息的分解,血雾飘散,浓重的刺鼻。 The person who has not moved heedlessly all keeps silent, this matter was too fearful, dying is Divinity, Divine King, in addition that half-step Heavenly Venerate, the face of Mo Family was green, is then pallid, does not have blood-color. 没有乱动的人皆噤若寒蝉,这件事太可怕了,死的都是神祇,还有一位神王,再加上那位半步天尊,莫家的人脸都绿了,接着又煞白,没有一点血色。 Today, they have planted, is very thorough, they come from Mutant Desolation Clan, how formidable fearful? 今天,他们栽了,很彻底,他们来自异荒族,何其的强大慑人? But opposite party actually fearless, such overbearing take action, truncates the face of Mo Family, does not fear the Mo Family formidable inside story. 可是对方却无惧,就这么霸道的出手,削莫家的脸,丝毫不惧莫家的强大底蕴。 Mutant Desolation Clan, sets up clan connectig to heaven and penetrating the earth, grasps the good fortune, the level that oneself evolves is extremely scary, frightens World of the Living, who dares to provoke easily, which dares to antagonize people at will?! 异荒族,立族者通天彻地,掌握造化,自身进化到的层次极其骇人,震慑阳间,谁敢轻易招惹,哪个敢随意树敌?! Other Mo Family people do not dare to move. 莫家余下的人都不敢动了。 Not far away, the Western Heaven Organization person also each and every one fine body hair all explodes is standing, moves does not dare to move, daunted completely. 不远处,西天组织的人也都一个个寒毛全炸立着,一动不敢动,全部吓住了。 They came many expert, is not stronger than Mo Family, the scene achievement highest is that silver robe old woman-- half-step Heavenly Venerate, her body becomes stiff. 他们来了不少高手,可是并不比莫家强,现场成就最高者就是那位银袍老妪——半步天尊,她身体发僵。 At this time, all person feelings, thought that oneself just like, stared at mortally by Divine Demon, the relationship of form and spirit ruptured, the equivalent disparity will be soon oversized! 此时,所有人都有一种感觉,觉得自身宛若凡人般,被神魔盯上,形神即将崩开,等阶差距过大! Void female-- Great Evil Spirit, on the perfect body puts on silver Full-Body Armor, the curve fluctuates, slender happy, in her surface has the silver cover, turns the head to stare at the Western Heaven Organization person. 虚空中的女子——大邪灵,完美的身体上穿着银色甲胄,曲线起伏,修长美好,她面上有银罩,转头盯上西天组织的人。 That grasps Divine King of boots, summit Dominion established Evolver, frightens to shiver certainly, he had realized, all issues are on several Artifact. 那位手持长靴的神王,绝巅领域的老牌进化者,吓到颤抖,他已经意识到,一切的问题都是出在几件器物上。 Fellow Daoist, I had the words to say!” He called out, feared that does not have the opportunity to speak, shivering, is wanting during the explanation misunderstanding. 道友,我有话说!”他叫道,怕没有机会说话,颤抖着,想要解释当中的“误会”。 He picks up with the profound light the boots of that Qilin skin rapidly, wants to offer to that female. 他迅速将那麒麟皮的长靴用玄光托起,想要敬献给那女子。 Bang!” “轰!” A piece of brilliance rushes from Great Evil Spirit on, pounds on the body of established certainly summit Divine King, making him instantaneously fine powder, only then several blood mist flutter. 一片光彩自大邪灵身上澎湃而出,砸在老牌绝巅神王的身上,让他瞬间成为齑粉,只有几丝血雾飘出去。 Shoes type of private thing was touched, making Great Evil Spirit unendurable, to start directly swiftly and fiercely strikes. 鞋子这种私密之物被人触及,让大邪灵难以忍受,直接发动凌厉一击。 The crush, the second kills! 碾压,秒杀! The Western Heaven Organization person soul is trembling with fear, really had no way to live, this woman strong? They encounter the fearsome crisis that was unable to imagine. 西天组织的人灵魂都在惊颤,真是没法活了,这女人到底有多强?他们遭遇了无法想象的可怖危机。 What is most essential, they want to explain uselessly. 最为关键的是,他们想解释都无用。 Then, they first think, ground Dark Blood and special tool thing, after don't tell me is this female take action, remains? 接着,他们第一时间想到,地上的黑血特殊器物等,难道都是这个女子出手后所留? The Western Heaven Organization silver robe old woman, that half-step Heavenly Venerate heart and gall is all cold, isn't she afraid? Above her palm float an ear nail is also having a silver hairpin, these...... Curses! 西天组织的银袍老妪,那位半步天尊心胆皆寒,她怎么不害怕?她的手掌上方悬浮着一枚耳钉还有一根银簪,这些……都是催命符! Her body is rocking, soul trembles, unexpectedly kneels to bend down. 她的身体晃动着,灵魂瑟瑟发抖,居然跪伏下去。 In order to maintain a livelihood, she does not fear shame, the stance suspends very lowly. 为了活命,她不怕耻辱,姿态摆得很低。 Then, her body arises suddenly radiance a big magnificence burst, that is golden Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, extremely fast launches together, blooms exceptionally energy certainly, is wrapping her flying through the skies or escaping through the ground! 然后,她的身体突发光华大盛,那是一道金色的天尊法旨,极速展开,绽放出异常强绝的能量,包裹着她飞天遁地 Because, she does not have to hope to pin in the forgiveness of opposite party, kneels to bend down temporarily bears patiently, the opposite party paralysis, she wants to give her maintaining life method to run away by the organization. 因为,她没有将希望寄托在对方的宽恕上,跪伏只是暂时隐忍,麻痹对方,她想靠组织给她的保命手段逃走。 As for other people, her subordinate, these Divinity with two Divine King wait/etc., she cannot control that many, so long as can live is being successful. 至于其他人,她的手下,那些神祇与两位神王等,她管不了那么多,只要自身能活着就是成功。 Has saying that Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, the beginning appears binds her to tear the expansive sky, to the horizon end, the speed was too quick. 不得不说,天尊法旨惊天动地,始一出现就裹着她撕裂长空,到了天际尽头,速度太快了。 At this moment, the time seems reversing, she must disappear! 这一刻,时光都仿佛在逆转,她要消失了! However, void pure white palm not slow finding out, such silently has not pressed anxiously, searches in the radiant golden light, the old woman will press under. 然而,虚空中一只洁白的手掌不急不缓的探出,就这么无声无息的按了下来,探进璀璨的金光中,将老妪压在下方。 ! 噗! The old woman big mouth coughs up blood, then her frightened side discovered that Dharma Decree is disrupting piece by piece, then has blasted out, turns into an energy vortex, has absorbed the past her soul light, then strangles to death her. 老妪大口咳血,而后她惊悚方发现,那法旨在片片碎裂,而后炸开了,化成一个能量漩涡,将她的魂光吸附了过去,接着将她绞杀。 "Ah! ” Western Heaven Organization silver robe old woman called out pitifully, was short and anxious, was very pitiful, then the sound stopped suddenly. “啊!”西天组织银袍老妪惨叫,短促而急切,无比凄惨,接着声音戛然而止。 A palm, Great Evil Spirit pure white such as the palm of semi-transparent jade, then on that day the border end will puncture, that golden Dharma Decree disintegrates, the old woman explodes. 一掌而已,大邪灵洁白如羊脂玉的手掌,便将那天际尽头打穿,那张金色的法旨瓦解,老妪爆开。 A half-step Heavenly Venerate tragic death, destroy both body and soul. 一位半步天尊惨死,形神俱灭 All people with amazement, that Dharma Decree stems from Western Heaven Organization, is Heavenly Venerate own handwriting writing, finally like this was actually hit to explode, Ms. even/including the decree is unable to run away, is the idle talk other people? The people despair. 所有人都骇然,那张法旨出自西天组织,是一位天尊亲笔书写的,结果却被人就这样打爆,连老妪藉此旨意都无法逃走,更遑论是他人?众人绝望。 Great Evil Spirit grace and talent peerless, usually temperament is very good, but the corner of the eye brow tip has the ghost now, does not have other reasons, only almost became known the sheep because of her to peel to become one. 大邪灵风华绝代,平日间脾气很好,但是现在眼角眉梢都带煞,没有其他原因,只因她几乎被人剥成一只大白羊。 This matter does not dare to imagine simply, unexpectedly occurred on her body! 这种事简直不敢想象,居然发生在她的身上! Who she is, what kind of status, kept aloof, is initially World of the Living then almost the streaking, this result is really insufferable, making her murderous aura dreadful. 她是谁,何等的身份,原本高高在上,可是初来阳间就差点裸奔,这种结果实在是不可忍受,让她杀气滔天。 This group of people compete for her accessory, making her feel that specially dreadful, wears the shoes and socks on snow white jade foot to fight for including her, but also has something hesitant, kills without the amnesty. 这群人争夺她的饰品,让她觉得特别的猥琐,连她穿在雪白玉足上的鞋袜都争抢,还有什么可犹豫的,杀无赦。 Scolds lightly, Great Evil Spirit take action, her surroundings various types of say/way , then the fragment appears, then suddenly revolves, around result Divinity, is Divine King, all vanishes, and blasts out void! 一声轻叱,大邪灵出手,她的周围各种道则碎片浮现,而后猛然旋转,结果周围无论是神祇,还是神王,全都消失,并且虚空炸开! These lifeforms, even if Divine King like the weeds, cannot withstand pulls out, in an instant was harvested the life, vanishes in a puff of smoke. 那些生物,即便是神王都如野草般,不堪一拔,刹那间被收割掉生命,灰飞烟灭。 Looks at the decorations on tread, Great Evil Spirit in the eyes flashes on and off uncertain, beautiful pupil twinkle Five Coloured Divine Light, she beckons to destroy completely, thought that was blasphemed, these became the contamination. 看着地面上的饰物,大邪灵双目中明灭不定,美眸闪烁五色神光,她一招手想要全部毁灭,觉得被亵渎了,这些都已经成为污物。 However, she stops the movement. 但是,她又止住动作。 Before then, she must display strange technique, must inquire into where that steals the thief of her accessory. 在此之前,她要施展一门异术,要探究那个盗取她饰品的贼人在何方。 Suddenly, this place floats up the circulation, phantom interweaves, some time ago had had the matter, has the dispute of Mo Family and Western Heaven Organization, there is a picture that splits early void. 一时间,这片地方浮光流转,虚影交织,都是不久前发生过的事,有莫家西天组织的争执,也有更早前虚空裂开的画面。 However, silhouette of only not that thief. 但是,唯独没有那个贼人的身影 Unexpectedly isn't able to recall? She is surprised. 居然无法回溯?她深感意外。 When Earth Vein, she thinks that was invaded the strength of too many karma, by this side Great Realm suppression, therefore suddenly recalled the failure, after was to here, her obvious become stronger, gradually endured the corrosion of this side world, finally was so. 地脉时,她以为是自己被侵染了太多的因果之力,被这方大界镇压,所以一时间回溯失败,可是到了这里后她明显变强了很多,渐渐熬过这方天地的侵蚀,结果还是如此。 What condition? 什么状况? Her heart one startled, on that young thief has extremely special-- Celestial Object? 她心头一惊,那个小贼身上有极其特殊的——天物 She the state of mind greatly is immediately bad, that thief loots her whole body, seizes various decorations, making her in rags, the big piece snow white exposition, flees finally unexpectedly successfully, does this let her to be resigned? 她顿时心绪大坏,那个贼人洗劫她全身上下,夺走各种饰物,让她衣不蔽体,大片雪白暴露,结果居然成功走脱,这让她怎能甘心? The ear nail was clinched, hairpin becomes others spoils of war, what is most hateful, lost including the shoes and socks, this is the how absurd matter, she accepts? 耳钉被人摘走,簪子成为别人战利品,最为可恨的是,连鞋袜都丢了,这是何其荒谬的事情,她怎么接受的了? Even if retrieves part now, may unable to change the matter that has. 即便现在寻回一部分,可也无法改变发生的事。 Her revolution mystique method, element has stroked the forehead once more, instantly overflows the special blood that a drop of brilliance soars to the heavens, the Shining Upon trim world, she does not hesitate to stimulate to movement oneself strongest blood essence, must find that thief. 她再次运转秘法,一只素手拂过眉心,霎时溢出一滴光彩冲霄的特殊血液,映照整片天地,她不惜催动自身最强血精,也要找到那个贼人。 ...... …… Old Gu, you said that what to do if we were caught by Great Evil Spirit, fate how?” To the utmost the remote place, Chu Feng afraid asked Gu Chenhai. 老古,你说,我们要是被大邪灵抓到怎么办,下场如何?”极尽遥远之地,楚风心虚地问古尘海 What to do can also, guarantee that was killed!” Old Gu said. “还能怎么办,保证被人打死!”老古说道。 Chu Feng dead duck stubborn to admit mistakes, said: Let alone such ominous words, if were held, my also her these things are, at the worst compensates her several clothes!” 楚风死鸭子嘴硬,道:“别说这么不祥的话,万一被抓住,我还她这些东西就是,大不了多赔她几件衣服!” Brother, this you will definitely not be killed by her.” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger nods. “兄弟,这样的话你肯定不会被她打死。”东北虎点头。 You had foreknowledge, compared with Old Gu.” Chu Feng has patted his shoulder, found some psychological comfort likely, grew the one breath. “还是你有先见之明,比老古强多了。”楚风拍了拍他的肩头,像是找到某种心理安慰,长出一口气。 (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger is handsome now, a good-looking young man appearance, a model pretty boy, he does to say with a smile: Brother, although you will not be killed, but will be more miserable.” 东北虎如今唇红齿白,一副俊俏少年郎的样子,典型一个小白脸,他干笑道:“兄弟,你虽然不会被打死,但会更惨。” Old Gu scoffs to say with a smile: Indeed cannot kill, but lives to might as well die inevitably!” 老古嗤笑道:“的确打不死,但必然生不如死!” Do not take pleasure in others'misfortunes, if I were held, your two accomplices and dog-headed military strategists, can good? Perhaps compared with me must miserable ten times!” “你们两个甭幸灾乐祸,我要是被抓住,你们这两个帮凶、狗头军师,能好的了吗?或许比我还得惨十倍!”
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