SR :: Volume #12

#1144: Suppresses this time

Travel! 跑路! Chu Feng runs away runs away again, uses large-scale Teleportation Domain repeatedly, already left the region that Heaven Connecting Immortal Waterfall is, and when he starts off each time behind Divine Magnet wait/etc. will burn down voluntarily, destroys a cleanness, does not keep the tip clue. 楚风一逃再逃,多次动用大型传送场域,早已离开通天仙瀑所在的区域,并且每次他上路时身后的神磁石等都会自行焚烧,毁个干净,不留点滴线索。 He has to escape, although has not seen with one's own eyes that Great Evil Spirit thorough resurrecting, but, he can imagine, this lifeforms tenaciousness of the vitality, is to the utmost fearful. 他不得不遁,虽然没有亲眼看到那个大邪灵彻底复活,但是,他能够想象,这种生物的生命力之顽强,极尽可怕。 Once pursues, he has nine lives also insufficiently to kill, dying will be very miserable. 一旦追上来,他就是有九条命也不够杀,死的会很惨。 Thousand should not, ten thousand not should, should not casual to turn the thing of deceased person randomly, is really the greatly ominous cover!” Handsome beautiful youngster (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger kept sighing. “千不该,万不该,不该随便乱翻死人的东西,果然是大凶之罩!”翩翩美少年东北虎长吁短叹。 He thought that if were really held, he will also be very miserable with Old Gu, just like Chu Feng said like that is an online grasshopper, cannot be inescapable, can be a fate. 他觉得,真要是被抓住,他跟老古也会很惨,正如楚风所说的那般,都是一根线上的蚂蚱,都跑不了,会是一个下场。 „The chest is greatly great, can hold me to say again, escapes!” Chu Feng refuses to accept. “胸大了不起啊,能抓住我再说,遁!”楚风不服。 When entire flight, in crossing to be void, Chu Feng has covered their three with Reincarnation Soil thoroughly, wraps is similar to steamed rice dumpling, he does not believe in evil doctrines, in stone jar and Reincarnation Soil dual isolate in the Heavenly Mystery situation, that Great Evil Spirit can also find him. 在飞行过程中,在横渡虚空时,楚风彻底用轮回土覆盖了他们三个,包裹的如同粽子似的,他就不信邪,在石罐轮回土双重隔绝天机的情况下,那头大邪灵还能找到他。 In this case, if he was grasped, then has also accepted fate, can only blame to have bad luck, destiny completely. 在这种情况下,他要是被抓,那么也就认命了,只能怪自己倒霉,气数尽了。 ...... …… The accident site, the blood of Great Evil Spirit forehead is variegated, the brilliance illuminates void, the universe was transparent, as if the space and time thoroughly lost the profound and abstruse principles, will want Shining Upon to leave the past and present in the future. 事发现场,大邪灵眉心的血斑斓炫目,光彩照亮虚空,天宇都透明了,仿佛时空都彻底失去了玄机,要映照出古今未来。 This is supreme strange technique! 这是一门无上异术 She pledged that must that small very look, revolves this law, the inversion universe, shone sufficiently the past matter. 她发誓要将那小贼找出来,运转此法,足以颠倒乾坤,照耀出过去事。 But, passed half quarter, her forehead there colored blood is clear, started to burn down, cannot reverse the space and time as before. 可是,足足过了半刻钟,她眉心那里的彩色血液晶莹透亮,都开始焚烧了,依旧没有能够逆转时空。 On the contrary, this stretch of region leaps the chaos fog, various situations blurred, cannot seek that small clever root foot. 相反,这片地带腾起混沌雾,各种事态都模糊了,寻不到那小贼的根脚。 bo! 啵! Until the final moment, this drop of special blood essence blasts out, when burns down the end, has the fuzzy picture, Shining Upon leaves dim silhouette of youngster. 直到最后关头,这滴特殊的血精炸开,焚烧到尽头时,才有模糊的画面,映照出一个少年的朦胧身影 Indistinct within must see True Body, but, this is useless, can only stop, is unable to continue to track down again. 隐约间得见真身,但是,这没有用,只能到此为止,无法再继续追寻下去。 The Great Evil Spirit body shook slightly, how many steps backed up, in beautiful and fair face complexion cloudy clear uncertain, did she consume a drop of special blood essence not to have the effect? 大邪灵身体略微摇动,倒退了几步,绝美而白皙的面孔上脸色阴晴不定,她耗费一滴特殊的血精都没有效果? Even if she now is at the trough, is weak, but incessantly so is also right, she keeps aloof, bird's eye view various, want slightly to seek one is very failed, is really...... Does not have the means to accept. 即便她现在处在低谷,非常虚弱,但也不止如此才对,她高高在上,俯瞰诸强,想要寻一个小贼都失败,实在是……没办法接受。 „The thing of Paramount, ancient heavenly treasure!” 究极之物,一桩古老的天宝!” She determined thoroughly, the opposite party body has special ancient artifact, otherwise absolutely like this, definitely do not fall into her palm, cannot run away. 她彻底确定,对方身上有特殊古器,不然绝对不会这样,必然要落入她的手掌心内,逃遁不出去。 This was too surprising, meets such an ignominious young thief, but also grasps some World of the Living Supreme Treasure, obviously...... Some backgrounds. 这太意外了,遇上这么一个可耻的小贼,还掌握阳间某件至宝,显然……有些来头。 Can be some strongest Dao Lineage's core juniors? She was guessing. 会不会是某个最强道统的核心子弟?她在猜测。 „It is not right!” “不对!” That aristocratic family, how will give young disciple Sect Protecting Supreme Treasure, completely is the child's play. 那种世家,怎么会将镇教至宝交给年少的弟子,完全是儿戏。 "Um, perhaps is the person of reincarnation, has Evolver of foot! ” “嗯,也许是转世之人,有根脚的进化者!” Suddenly, she thinks, the World of the Living ancient time, evolved to prehistoric lifeforms of Paramount level, finally life essence completely, the reincarnation reappeared world, unearthed in years past rare treasure. 瞬息间,她想到很多,阳间古老时代,进化到究极层次的史前生物,最终寿元尽了,转世再现世间,挖掘出自己昔年的秘宝。 Various thoughts numerous, she thinks. 各种念头纷呈,她想到很多。 She believes firmly, this is there's a long story behind this Evolver, will otherwise match to have some World of the Living supreme Celestial Object? 她确信,这是大有来历的进化者,不然怎么会配拥有阳间某一无上天物 Moreover, he is very shameless!” She supplements one, that definitely is the fellow who lacks the morals, otherwise how so annoying hateful. “而且,他很无耻!”她又补充一条,那肯定是一个缺少道德的家伙,不然的话怎么会如此的可恼可恨。 She indulges in flights of fancy, the state of mind is greatly bad, was mad by this matter. 她胡思乱想,心绪大坏,被这件事气到了。 Bang, she lifts in hands , the pair of war boots absorbs the ear nail and snow white hairpin at present, must hold to ruin, since had been polluted, that is impossible to take back again. 轰隆一声,她抬手间,将耳钉、雪白的簪子、还有一双战靴都摄取到眼前,要一掌毁掉,既然被人污染过了,那就不可能再收回。 She has the cleanliness/mysophobia, even if these things are extraordinary, all has the background greatly, she cannot dress again on the body. 她有洁癖,哪怕这些东西都非凡,全都大有来头,她也不能再穿戴在身上了。 However, a palm crush, these things have not ruined, is too tenacious. 然而,一掌碾压而过,这些东西并没有毁掉,实在太坚韧。 Did not say other, only that boots are the White Qilin skin refinement, is world great day material, is to the utmost magnificent and expensive. 不说其他,单是那长靴都是白麒麟皮炼制的,乃是世间一等一的天材,极尽华贵。 Is published major Dao Lineage, several can be so luxurious, is willing to lose the exuviate to refine the shoes and socks with White Qilin, these things are thin Shizhen who boils down the treasure expect, nobody will waste such. 问世间各大道统,有几家可以这么奢华,愿意用白麒麟遗蜕炼制鞋袜,这些东西都是熬炼瑰宝的稀世珍料,没人会这么浪费。 "Um?! ” She knits the brows, sighed secretly lightly, oneself were too weak, unexpectedly is unable to ruin ear nail, hairpin and other goods. “嗯?!”她皱眉,暗自轻叹,自己太虚弱了,居然都无法毁掉耳钉、簪子等物品了。 On the other hand, the boots start to light actually, present the flame. 相对来说,长靴倒是开始点燃,出现火光。 Bang! 轰隆! In the end, the Great Evil Spirit direct use special method, shows own say/way source, then tows this world the regular fragment, hit to one, immediately conflicts intensely, collides suddenly, heaven and earth turning upside down! 到头来,大邪灵直接动用特殊的手段,展现自身的道源,而后又牵引这个世界的规则碎片等,打向一处,顿时激烈冲突,猛然碰撞,天翻地覆般! ka-cha! 喀嚓 At this moment, the ear nail or the hairpin, or the Qilin skin boots of ignition, ruptured, rapidly has all disintegrated. 这一刻,无论是耳钉还是簪子,亦或是点燃的麒麟皮长靴,全都崩开了,迅速瓦解。 Order of two world dash, ruins these rare valuable things. 两个世界的秩序冲撞,毁掉这些稀世珍品。 In dazzling radiance, they turn into the detritus, no longer saves the world. 在刺目的光华中,它们化成碎屑,不复存世。 Great Evil Spirit hesitates slightly, has not stayed for a long time, has not tracked down the Chu Feng's whereabouts again, but turned around to walk, trail vast however. 大邪灵略微犹豫,没有久留,也未再追寻楚风的下落,而是转身就走了,踪迹渺然。 Her knows own situation, is too weak, is far from the peak, even has not gotten rid of the final death tribulation, cannot be swayed by personal feelings, but also wants the training. 知道自身的情况,太虚弱,离巅峰还远,甚至都没有摆脱最后的死劫呢,不能意气用事,还要修养。 Restricted area! 禁地! Her goal is this place, has received a letter the breath and clue, knows certain regions is the place of she best therapy. 她的目标是这种地方,收到过信息与线索,知晓某些地带是她最好的疗伤之地。 Also long time, one group of people have come, is the stone buddha and Hao Yuan, develops and the others permanently, arrives this place. 又过了很长时间,一群人呼啸而来,是石佛、昊源、恒拓等人,驾临此地。 Depending on their formidable divine awareness, early should induce to this stretch of world was unusual, has that formidable lifeforms take action, the fluctuation that creates cannot hide the truth from them absolutely. 凭他们的强大神觉,早该感应到这片天地的异常了,有那种强大的生物出手,造成的波动绝对瞒不过他们。 Heaven Linking Waterfall arrange/cloth too much was different, has isolated their sensation, after crossing was very long , the heart to have a feeling. 只是,通天瀑太特殊,隔绝了他们的感知,过了很久后才心有所感。 Mo Family Heavenly Venerate wanted simply crazily, even if this place ruined, the scene after just like judgment day, the magma solidified, void turbulent flow impact, but he induced, own troops died a piece, had half-step Heavenly Venerate to melt in this said, unravelled. 莫家天尊简直要疯狂了,哪怕这个地方一片破败,宛若世界末日后的景象,岩浆凝固,虚空乱流冲击,但他还是感应到了,自家的人马死了一片,有半步天尊在此化道,灰飞烟灭。 Died Mo Lei and Mo Feng like this direct descendant juniors, finally had not held the murderer, Divine King and half-step Heavenly Venerate die, was also insufferable. 已经死了莫雷莫风这样的嫡系子弟,结果还未抓住凶手,神王半步天尊又紧接着殒落了,不可忍受。 Goes too far, if this time cannot seek you, then invited Old Ancestor take action!” The Heavenly Venerate eye pupil of Mo Family ice-cold and profound, just like dark universe starry sky. “欺人太甚,这次若是寻不到你,便请老祖出手!”莫家天尊眼眸冰冷而深邃,宛若黑暗的宇宙星空。 What, my Western Heaven Organization troops...... Dies here?!” The Western Heaven Organization fiercer director appears, is Heavenly Venerate, Dharma Decree that he writes personally leaves behind the ashes here, other anything did not exist. “什么,我西天组织的一部人马都……死在这里?!”西天组织的更厉害的主事者出现,是一位天尊,他亲手书写的法旨在这里留下灰烬,其他什么都不复存在了。 Who is this behavior?!” “这是何人所为?!” At this moment, let alone other people, all year long unemotionally, the quiet stone buddha changes countenance, the complexion big change, his squatting lower part of the body picks up to be up powder. 此刻,别说其他人,就是终年面无表情,少言寡语的石佛都动容,脸色大变,他蹲下身来拈起一点粉末。 Develops also the look sudden change permanently, said: This is the extraordinary thing, was used the supreme technique grinding fine powder, was too formidable, this method, if Evolver in these legends, how many people can resist with it?” 恒拓也神色骤变,道:“这是了不得的东西,被人用无上手法给碾成齑粉,太强大了,这种手段,若是那些传说中的进化者不出,有多少人可与之相抗?” Past worthies, if, regarding me and others, this lifeforms suppresses this time sufficiently!” The Hao Yuan look is very serious. “前贤若是不出,对于我等来说,这个生物足以镇压这个时代!”昊源神色无比郑重。 This words make all people change color sufficiently, comes is expert, many races, various clans represented at this time go forward, the careful observation, then shocks. 这种话语足以让所有人变色,来的都是高手,有不少种族,这时各族代表纷纷上前,仔细观察,然后震惊。 They induce carefully, in this side world also has some type to remain to the strong energy aura, making them frightened. 他们仔细感应,这方天地中还有某种至强的能量气息残留,让他们都惊悚。 Ruined these Artifact techniques to be too strong, non- general creature can display, was indistinct, I also induced...... Evil Spirit aura!” “毁掉这些器物的手法太强了,非一般生灵所能施展,隐约间,我还感应到了……邪灵的气息!” The famous elder makes this judgment. 有一位名宿做出这种判断。 This awakens other people instantaneously, the Heng Clan powerhouse develops to say permanently: „It is not good, has the important matter to occur, we rumble the broken Evil Spirit remnant corpse, is not the Lord, possibly also has Evil Spirit to come!” 这瞬间惊醒其他人,恒族的强者恒拓道:“不好,有大事发生,我们所轰碎的邪灵残尸,并不是正主,可能还有邪灵过来!” Needs to report, invited Old Ancestor leave the mountain, our clansmen cannot die in vain!” The Mutant Desolation Clan Mo Family Heavenly Venerate opens the mouth, complexion is pale, ugly incomparable, he not only worries, and angry. “需要禀告上去,请老祖出山,我们的族人不能白死!”异荒族莫家天尊开口,脸色铁青,难看无比,他既担忧,又愤怒。 In any event, our organizations will not give up like this!” The Western Heaven Organization person also opens the mouth. “无论如何,我们的组织也不会这样善罢甘休!”西天组织的人也开口。 Evil Spirit is born, our generation all has the responsibility, must together take action.” Other people echo. 邪灵降世,我辈皆有责,必须要一同出手。”其他人纷纷附和。 Shortly, this stretch of region transmits the fierce fluctuation of energy, Mo Family has the Supreme Being arrival, the terrifying aura blots out the sky, covers this side space. 不久后,这片地带传来剧烈的能量波动,莫家大能驾临,恐怖的气息铺天盖地,笼罩这方空间。 He has opened the mental perception of forehead, must completely understand the source, understands thoroughly all. 他睁开了眉心的慧眼,要看透本源,洞彻一切。 On the same day, this place was blocked! 当日,此地被封锁! The remote place, Chu Feng crosses not knows many states, this is peaceful, he thought that oneself should be safe. 遥远之地,楚风横渡也不知道多少个州,这才安宁下来,他觉得自身应该安全了。 Then, waited for day, he inquires the news, this knows Heaven Linking Waterfall arrange/cloth there has what kind of important matter, rushed out of the nest simply. 然后,等了一天,他去打探消息,这才知道通天瀑布那里发生怎样的大事,简直是炸窝了。 Great Evil Spirit, is that black little girl, so flagitious?” He was muttering, unexpectedly gave to destroy completely Mo Family and Western Heaven Organization one group of people, let his terrified also continually shouted carefree. 大邪灵,那个黑妞,如此凶残?”他咕哝着,居然将莫家西天组织一群人都给灭掉了,让他悚然的同时也连呼畅快。 Greatly black little girl is too fierce, if falls to her hand in does not have the good end, hope to miss from now on, will unable to run into her again!” He talked to oneself. “大黑妞太厉害,万一落到她手里没好下场啊,但愿今后无缘,再也遇不到她!”他自语。 In some creature rare Danger Land, Great Evil Spirit sneezed, she deduces and surveys slightly, the complexion is not attractive, some people were talking over her, doubtful that young thief? However, could not find! 某一生灵罕见的绝地中,大邪灵不禁打了个喷嚏,她略微推演与测算,脸色不是多好看,有人在念叨她,疑似那小贼?但是,找不到! ...... …… shit, the Mo Family person is not concerned about face, unexpectedly issues a warrant for arrest me!” Chu Feng is unhappy. 玛德,莫家人真不要脸,居然通缉我!”楚风不开心。 The matter that Heaven Linking Waterfall arrange/cloth there has passed on, Long Dayu and Ji Dade on the keenest struggle, become most wanted terrorists. 通天瀑布那里发生的事传了出来,龙大宇姬大德处在风口浪尖上,都成为通缉犯。 When the young master quite bullies, while attacks randomly on own initiative!” Chu Feng extremely angry say/way. “当小爷好欺负啊,趁乱主动出击!”楚风愤愤道。 In fact, he stared at others good fortune place, wants to take advantage. 事实上,他盯上了人家的造化地,想去趁火打劫。 Mo Family Supreme Being leave the mountain, he thought that is a good opportunity, finds they remote and void place goes to calamity calamity. 莫家大能出山,他觉得是个好机会,找他们偏僻而空虚的地方去祸祸一番。 On the same day, the Chu Feng success loots the Mo Family three industries, is the rare valuable ores, was transited after by him, is infertile. 当日,楚风成功洗劫莫家三处产业,都是稀世宝矿,被他过境后,寸草不生。 Some people once saw him that year few and fuzzy backs. 有人曾看到他那年少而模糊的背影。 Long Dayu, definitely was he has retaliated, must hold him!” The people of family/home are in an uncontrollable rage, may endure what else cannot be tolerated! 龙大宇,肯定是他来报复了,一定要抓住他!”家的人怒不可遏,是可忍孰不可忍! In fact, in these days, dug the buried treasure in Great Wilderness, prepared leave the mountain Long Dayu to make the decision, should go to the world to walk. 事实上,就在这几天间,在大荒中挖到宝藏,准备出山龙大宇正在做决定,该去人间走走了。 Few dragons leave Great Wilderness, when suppresses this time!” Long Dayu is self-satisfied. “少龙出大荒,当镇压这个时代!”龙大宇志得意满。 Recently for these years he brought several dragons to dig many ancient land, resulted in many good fortunes, the strength progressed by leaps and bounds, prepares leave the mountain, must go to mortal world to refine the heart. 最近这几年他带着几头龙挖了很多古地,得了诸多造化,实力突飞猛进,准备出山,要去红尘炼心。
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