SR :: Volume #12

#1142: The female drivers came

This fluctuation of energy was too terrifying, avalanche Earth Vein, passes through the surface, the quarry stone puts on spatially, hundreds of thousands of meters high universe is filled with by the mist and dust and giant stone. 这股能量波动太恐怖了,崩塌地脉,贯穿地表,乱石穿空,数十万米高的天宇都被烟尘与巨石挤满。 Ground there large explosion, leaps silhouette, precisely she creates all these together. 地面那里大爆炸,腾起一道身影,正是她造成这一切。 But this is only the complementary waves, a more terrifying matter occurred near that female, void blasting open, the black crack starts to spread, rushes to high sky rapidly. 而这仅是余波,更为恐怖的事情在那女子附近发生,虚空炸裂,黑色的裂缝开始蔓延,迅速冲上高天 She crosses the expansive sky, is void is collapsing. 她横渡长空,虚空在崩坏。 Is caving in as for the earth, rapid drop! 至于大地则在沉陷,急骤下降! Suddenly, magma surges, the scarlet red great waves get high sky, already routed the clouds, in ground red boundless, in this time simultaneously the strong winds writings, is sweeping across the magma, everywhere is the red liquids that among this heaven and earth falls in torrents! 一时间,岩浆暴涌,赤红色的浪涛打上高天,早已击溃云朵,地面上红茫茫,于此时同时狂风大作,席卷着岩浆,将这天地间倾泻的到处都是红色液体! Then, thunder, chops to fall from that Firmament, the magma sea with ground, with was curled to collide to the airborne scarlet size together, the ray is torrential, tears the big explosive sound of person eardrum continuously. 接着,电闪雷鸣,从那上苍劈落,同地上的岩浆海,同被卷到空中的赤红浆液碰撞在一起,光芒滔滔,撕裂人耳膜的大爆炸声此起彼伏。 Among this heaven and earth, approaches just like the end. 这天地间,宛若末日来临。 Great Evil Spirit whole body exposed, she in across the sky the line, along the way is this scene! 大邪灵周身裸露,她在横空而行,沿途都是这种景象! During this process, she has been adjusting own condition, is far from the peak, then creates extinguishes the world dreadful prospect like this, as if Great Desolation plague present! 在此过程中,她一直在调整自身的状态,离巅峰还远,便造成这样灭世般的可怕景象,仿佛洪荒大灾又现! pū tōng! 噗通 Suddenly, she crashes to the red magma sea, own condition is not good, snow white such as on jade body appears black qi, black light flows. 突然,她坠落到红色的岩浆海中,自身状态不是多好,雪白如玉的肌体上又浮现黑气,乌光流淌。 Enters this world, she has been adapting, is resisting, must face the suppression of trim Great Realm, suppress and kill! 进入这个世界,她一直在适应,在抗争,要面对整片大界的压制,镇杀 The dead tribulation has not boiled thoroughly, the Great Dao fragment of her within the body conflicts with this side world, although is transforming vigorously, but is transiting as before. 死劫还未彻底熬过去,她体内的大道碎片等跟这方世界相冲突,虽然在极力转化,但依旧在过渡中。 Snort!” “哼!” coldly snorted, she sets out from magma sea, body black light collects, flesh once more snow white like semi-transparent jade. 一声冷哼,她又从岩浆海中起身,身上乌光敛去,肌肤再次雪白如羊脂玉。 But, her own this condition, the body the remaining clothes few pity, her complexion is ugly, murderous aura in the entire flight is dreadful, tearing vault of heaven. 可是,她自身这个状态,身上所剩下的衣服少的可怜,她脸色难看,在飞行过程中杀气滔天,撕裂苍穹。 Front, Mo Family person lay out large-scale Domain, is along with sweeping across of her murderous aura, complete ruptured, the so-called carve Great Dao's Symbol Divine Magnet is blasting out, turns into the powder. 前方,原本莫家的人布下了大型场域,可是随着她的杀气的席卷,全部崩开,所谓的刻写着大道符号神磁石都炸开,化成粉末。 She is born just like True Immortal, omnipotent, horizontally to/clashes! 她宛若真仙降世,无所不能,一路横冲! In the clangour, on her snow white body presents some Full-Body Armor, has covered her whole body, even the face had been covered the part by the silver helmet, only leaves behind a pair of pupil. 在铿锵声中,她雪白的肌体上出现一些甲胄,覆盖了她的全身,甚至面部都被银色头盔盖住了部分,只留下一双瞳孔。 Does not need to suspect, here intense fluctuation is too astonishing. 毋庸怀疑,这里的强烈波动太惊人。 But the Heaven Linking Waterfall arrange/cloth is special in the region, there fog fills the air, making the sensations of all people drop seriously, if not so, the stone buddha and Hao Yuan, permanently will develop and the others definitely immediately to have the induction. 通天瀑布所在区域过于特殊,那里雾霭弥漫出来,让所有人的感知严重下降,若非如此,石佛、昊源、恒拓等人肯定会在第一时间生出感应。 ...... …… The spot that Chu Feng runs away, the person of that organization rushes first, the Mo Family person follows, sees the scene of scene, the look is imposing. 楚风逃走的事发地,那个组织的人最先赶到,莫家的人紧随其后,看到现场的景象,都神色凛然。 Originally when void channel, but, that half-step Heavenly Venerate overtakes Chu Feng has ripped open the space, crashes on the earth. 原本是在虚空通道中,但是,那位半步天尊追上楚风时就撕开了空间,坠落在大地上。 At this time, bloodstained, is Dark Blood. 此时,血迹斑斑,都是黑血 expert that organization and Mo Family come are many, is almost team leaders Divine King! 那个组织与莫家来的高手不少,几乎都是神王领队! Moreover, has half-step Heavenly Venerate to arrive in secret in this region, the fearful aura that fills was already induced by the person with high aspirations, frightens the soul of person. 而且,暗中有半步天尊降临在这片区域,那弥漫的可怕气息早已被有心人感应到,震慑人的灵魂。 The both sides troops are very domineering, these people disperse, the natural twinkling spheres this place, their eyes were attracted by some Artifact. 双方人马都很强势,这些人分散开来,自然瞬息将此地围住,他们的眼睛被一些器物所吸引。 Ear nail, snow white such as the hairpin, boots of jade, dispersed in each region, is contaminating Dark Blood. 耳钉、雪白如玉的簪子、长靴等,分散在各地,沾染着黑血 „Does who, dare to aim at our organization?!” An old man lowers roars, look is cold and gloomy, the full head short hair is similar to the steel needle of hedgehog is setting upright. 什么人,敢针对我们这一组织?!”一位老者低吼,眼神森冷,满头短发如同刺猬的钢针竖着。 This is established Divine King, moves toward certainly the summit, to that Heavenly Venerate Dominion was not very far, he was in an uncontrollable rage. 这是一位老牌神王,走向绝巅,离那天尊领域不是很远了,他怒不可遏。 After arriving here, named Western Paradise the member of the organization understands, their Divine King died, half-step Heavenly Venerate was also executed. 来到这里后,名为西天的这个组织的成员都已经明白,他们的一位神王死了,一位半步天尊亦被格杀。 This situation quite bad, is very miserable, some people dare to begin to Western Paradise, and domineering strangles, this is the future is absolutely bad. 这种情况相当的恶劣,也很惨,有人敢对“西天”动手,并强势扼杀,这绝对是来者不善。 But, their also heart has doubts, that Divine King has a duty, seeks to purchase Grandma Meng's Soup youngster rogue cultivator in the surrounding region, prepares to seize that type of good fortune fluid, and must intercept, takes its Heavenly Gold Stone wait/etc., did business that kills a person and takes his possessions. 可是,他们也心有疑惑,那位神王有个任务,在外围区域寻找购买孟婆汤的少年散修,准备将那种造化液重新夺回来,并要截杀,取走其身上的天金石等,做杀人越货的买卖。 rogue cultivator, but is 11 or 12-year-old, if really seeks, it can be said that a toe grinds sufficiently to take its life, takes back Grandma Meng's Soup easily. 一个野修而已,不过十一二岁,真要是寻到,可以说是一根脚趾头碾下去就足以取其性命,轻易收回孟婆汤等。 How to have this awful aspect? 怎么会有这种糟糕的局面? Moreover, that half-step Heavenly Venerate is responsible for inspecting, to this region, died unexpectedly? 另外,那位半步天尊负责巡视,到了这片区域,居然也死了? Western Heaven Organization Divine King take action, lifts in the hands, dyes the Dark Blood ear nail to absorb in the midair two, must hold. 西天组织的一位神王出手,抬手间,将两枚染着黑血的耳钉摄取到半空中,就要持到手中。 Holds on a minute!” “且慢!” Mutant Desolation Clan, the Mo Family person prevents. 异荒族,莫家的人阻止。 Divine King intervenes, because the people of their this equivalent naturally can see, this ear nail is strange, is indistinct has the special symbol twinkle. 一位神王干预,因为他们这个等阶的人自然能够看出,这耳钉古怪,隐约间有特殊的符号闪烁。 This is the treasure! 这是瑰宝啊! Then is the half-step Heavenly Venerate eye reveal fine glow in secret, in the pupil has the Great Dao fragment to reappear. 便是暗中的半步天尊都眼露精芒,瞳孔中有大道碎片浮现。 Mo Family Dao Brother, why this is, this thing contaminated us to organize the remnant blood of Divine King, I must look for the clue, why did you prevent?” 莫家道兄,这是为何,此物沾染了我们组织神王的残血,我要寻找线索,你为何阻止?” Dao Brother do not blame, this type of ear nail pesters the monster evil aura, the origin is being strange, but these Dark Blood looked that is very fearful, has the major problem, I help you.” 道兄勿怪,这种耳钉纠缠着妖邪气息,来历诡异,而那些黑血一看就很可怕,有大问题,我来助你。” Divine King face belt/bring smile of Mo Family. 莫家神王脸带微笑。 The Western Heaven Organization person complexion sinks, the opposite party clearly must insert one. 西天组织的人脸色微沉,对方分明是要插一手。 Without a doubt, both sides are interested in ground several Artifact, want to appropriate to oneself. 毫无疑问,双方都对地上的几件器物感兴趣,想要据为己有。 However, on they are not outwardly good to tear to pieces the facial skin, has not spoken frankly. 不过,明面上他们却不好撕破脸皮,没有直说。 Does not need, our to organize itself sufficiently to verify the outcome.” Divine King rejection of Western Heaven Organization. “不必了,我们的组织自己就足以探明究竟。”西天组织神王拒绝。 The Mo Family person shakes the head, speaks righteously, said: You word is bad, some time ago presented Evil Spirit, these Artifact or are related with the Heaven Linking Waterfall cloths, or has an affair with Evil Spirit, cannot be negligent, this ear sews one person of one, we inquire into together, looks has any evil spirits unseemly behavior.” 莫家的人摇头,义正词严,道:“兄台此言差矣,不久前出现邪灵,这些器物或者与通天瀑布有关,或与邪灵有染,不能大意,这耳钉一人一件,我们共同探究一番,看一看到底有什么邪祟作怪。” Western Heaven Organization the person complexion turned green slightly, died Divine King, unexpectedly die half-step Heavenly Venerate! 西天组织的的人脸色略微发青,死了一位神王也就罢了,居然又殒落一位半步天尊 This absolutely is not small loss, especially this person has to become the Heavenly Venerate possibility, on the other hand is actually untimely death, is a sad news. 这绝对是不小的损失,尤其此人有成为天尊的可能,相对来说却是“英年早逝”,是一则噩耗。 Now, Mo Family also has a liking for these Artifact, unexpectedly must fight for with them, lost the time of pursuit murderer, this makes them lose one's temper. 现在,莫家也看上这几件器物,居然要跟他们争抢,耽误了追击凶手的时间,这让他们动怒。 Gives them one!” “给他们一件!” A Western Heaven Organization silver robe person walked, this is an old woman, the stature very , the wainscot is straight, but the appearance is somewhat old. 西天组织的一位银袍人走了出来,这是一位老妪,身材很挺,腰板笔直,不过容颜有些苍老。 She is half-step Heavenly Venerate, under wooden spear is not only weaker than it that lifeforms of death! 她是半步天尊,比之死在木矛下的那个生物只强不弱! During the speeches, she receives and instructs an ear nail, avoids Dark Blood, revolves the special method, wants to recall, looks matter that some time ago had. 说话间,她接引过去一枚耳钉,避开黑血,运转特殊的法门,想要回溯过去,看一看不久前发生的事。 However, she failed, not having the means to inquire about that at bloody incidents that this place has. 然而,她失败了,没有办法探寻在此地发生的流血事件。 How can like this?!” She is surprised. “怎么会这样?!”她大吃一惊。 "Um? ” Another side, Mo Family expert also resorts to excessively similar method, some secret technique can appear in a minute past event, finally they are defeated. “嗯?”另一边,莫家高手也动用过类似的手段,有些秘术能浮现片刻间的旧事,结果他们失败。 However, both sides have been interested in the ear nail as if by prior agreement, when stimulation of movement, this ear nail fills the astonishing brilliance, sends out the special rule fluctuation. 但是,双方不约而同都对耳钉感兴趣了,催动时,这耳钉弥漫出惊人的光辉,散发特殊的规则波动。 „Is this likely some being lost the method of weapon refining in the history book recording?” Some Mo Family people whispered. “这像是史书中记载的某种失传的炼兵之法?”莫家有人低语。 The Great Evil Spirit straddling of zones comes, the abatement is bringing that weapon, naturally must take in the past Artifact that obtains from World of the Living, for convenient walks in this World, originally does not dash with the world rule. 大邪灵跨界而来,除却带着那一界的武器,自然也要带上当年从阳间得到的器物,为的是方便在这一界行走,不与原本的天地规则冲撞。 Bang! 轰隆! Almost is the same time, both sides compete for that snow white hairpin. 几乎是同时间,双方都去争夺那根雪白的簪子。 Is seems like the boots of dragon skin, Qilin skin also initiates fights, they realized, this is the extraordinary thing, although not knows origin. 就是看起来像是龙皮、麒麟皮的长靴也引发争抢,他们都意识到,这是了不得的东西,尽管不知道来历。 Mo Family, you were excessive, Artifact that this is we died Divine King and half-step that Heavenly Venerate leaves behind, is bringing their blood of life, do you also dare to fight for?” 莫家,你们过分了,这是我们死去的神王半步天尊遗留的器物,带着他们的生命之血,你们也敢争抢?” The Western Heaven Organization person complexion is pale, is having the cold and gloomy chill in the air. 西天组织的人脸色铁青,带着森冷的寒意。 The Mo Family person does not show weakness, said: Fellow Daoist, this word is bad, was not only your people died, Mo Lei and Mo Feng of my clan also died a tragic death in the Heaven Linking Waterfall arrange/cloth, we have traced this, some reasons think that was the same murderer behavior, these Artifact at all were not your organizations, but was the lethal weapon that evil person injured someone, naturally must take the careful research.” 莫家的人不示弱,道:“道友,此言差矣,不仅是你们的人死了,我族的莫雷莫风也惨死在通天瀑布中,我们一直追踪到此,有理由认为是同一凶手所为,这些器物根本不是你们那个组织的,而是那恶徒害人的凶器,自然要拿到手中仔细研究。” In process that Chu Feng runs away, once touched Mo Family Domain, brings to the attention of that piece of region Mo Family expert, pursues. 楚风逃遁的过程中,曾触动了莫家场域,引起那片区域莫家高手的重视,一路追击。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Western Heaven Organization person take action, robs jade hairpin, said: Our people are pursuing clay chickens and pottery dogs rogue cultivator, had an accident/surprise, asking Mo Family Fellow Daoist do not disturb me and others.” 西天组织的人出手,抢走玉簪,道:“我们人在追击一只土鸡瓦狗般的野修,出了一点意外,请莫家道友不要干扰我等。” ka-cha! 喀嚓 Suddenly, in the Mo Family person has not responded, here blasted out void. 突然间,在莫家人还没有回应时,这里的虚空炸开了。 Suddenly, let alone ordinary creature, is Divinity is calling out pitifully, the whole body is the blood. 一时间,别说普通的生灵,就是神祇都在惨叫,满身是血。 who?!” 什么人?!” They turn head to watch with amazement, rear large-scale Domain is disintegrating, reinforcements and other lay out that Mo Family and stone buddha as well as afterward rushed to three large-scale Domain comprehensive ruptured. 他们骇然回头观看,后方的大型场域在解体,莫家与石佛以及后来赶到的援军等布下的三层大型场域全面崩开 After Domain of that lock trapped/sleepy world disintegrates, Great Evil Spirit across the sky comes, surges the fearsome energy unable to cover up again, blots out the sky, falls in torrents under. 当那种锁困天地的场域瓦解后,大邪灵横空而来,所激荡出可怖能量再也遮掩不住,铺天盖地,倾泻而下。 Behind, magma sea is vast, rolling wells up. 后方,岩浆海浩瀚,滚滚而涌。 shuā! 刷! Great Evil Spirit rushes to the scene, stands still in void, the grace and talent is peerless, silver Full-Body Armor covers the whole body, but that curve and stature fully showed the body of her extraordinariness. 大邪灵赶到现场,静立在虚空中,风华绝世,一身银色甲胄覆盖全身,但是那种曲线与身材足以说明她的非凡之体。 All energies reserved in her body, the overflow, her condition is no longer unsatisfactory. 所有能量都内敛在她的身体中,不再外溢,她的状态不佳。 Her bright pupil first sees own ear nail and silver hairpin, was being held, that pair of boots were also grasped in the hand. 她明净的眸子第一时间看到自己的耳钉、银簪,被人持着,还有那一对长靴也被人握在手中。 In an instant, the world fluctuates, the wind and cloud changes colors, the bang of thunder and lightning from ninth heaven/day falls, the thunder, the rainstorm falls in torrents. 刹那间,天地变幻,风云失色,雷电从九天上轰落下来,电闪雷鸣,暴雨倾泻。 That is the blood-color lightning, is the jet black heavy rain! 那是血色的闪电,是漆黑的大雨! The rear magma sea has not approached, but actually leaps hundreds of thousands of meters upper air, shakes the world just like the red universe. 后方的岩浆海没有逼近,但是却腾上数十万米高空,宛若红色的天宇震世。 Heaven, this is who!” Has shocked including Divine King, the this heaven and earth scene changes because of the mood of that female, she does not have take action, has not fallen in torrents the energy, may so, is this how fearful Evolver? 天啊,这是什么人!”连神王都震惊了,这天地景象因那个女子的心情改变,她并没有出手,也未倾泻能量,就可如此,这是多么可怕的进化者 This Fellow Daoist, no, the senior, has the words to say.” A Mo Family Divine King opens the mouth, above palm also float an ear nail, he does not dare to hold. “这位道友,不,前辈,有话好说。”莫家的一位神王开口,手掌上方还悬浮着一枚耳钉呢,他不敢持着。 pā! 啪! At this moment, female to his palm of the hand then fan. 就在这时,那女子对着他一巴掌就扇了下来。 Then...... Did not have then, his pitiful yell sound has not sent out, then turned into one group of blood mist, then burnt burn to ashes. 然后……就没有然后了,他连惨叫声都没有发出,便化成一团血雾,而后又焚烧成灰烬 You!” The Mo Family person is angry. “你!”莫家的人大怒。 However, half-step Heavenly Venerate of this clan has borne, stops them, his oneself salutes, said: This Fellow Daoist, we, if has to offend also please excuse me, my clan way place, but to capture one does not know that the immensity of heaven and earth rogue cultivator, thinks has not offended you, in the middle of this has certainly anything to misunderstand.” 但是,该族的半步天尊忍住了,制止他们,他自身则施礼,道:“这位道友,我们若有得罪还请见谅,我族途径此地,只是为追捕一个不知天高地厚野修,自认为没有得罪您,这当中一定有什么误会。” In his hands, but also is carrying boots! 在他的手中,还拎着一只长靴呢! Great Evil Spirit looks at the boots in his hand, any words had not said, also never has the man to dare such to touch her war boots, therefore had nothing saying that a Palestinian long-handled fan in the past. 大邪灵看着他手中的长靴,什么话也没有说,还从来没有男子敢这么摸她的战靴,所以没什么可说的,一巴掌扇了过去。 Fellow Daoist you......” half-step Heavenly Venerate startled anger of Mo Family, resistance of exhausting ability. 道友你……”莫家半步天尊惊怒,竭尽所能的对抗。 However, , he has blasted out, turns into the blood and bone, does not have the suspense, was hit to explode directly, is unable to flee including soul light, destroy both body and soul. 但是,噗的一声,他还是炸开了,化成血与骨,毫无悬念,直接被打爆,连魂光都无法遁走,形神俱灭 9 : 30, everybody has washed to rest, today only then this chapter, will continue to try hard tomorrow. 九点半了,大家洗洗睡吧,今天只有这一章了,明天继续努力。
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