SR :: Volume #12

#1141: The monster is evil

Does wooden spear of small chopsticks child long/grows, have great power such to be able unexpectedly? Old Gu shock, but the (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger eye straightens, the body cannot bear the convulsion. 小小的一根筷子长的木矛,居然有这么大威能?老古震惊,而东北虎则眼睛发直,身体忍不住痉挛。 What old thing is this? This is making half-step Heavenly Venerate bleed! 这是什么老物件?这是在让半步天尊喋血啊! Chu Feng one palpitation, although his heart most deep place thing has placed the great expectations, but had a scare now, big evil spirit in the direct kill that black fog, is extremely astonishing. 楚风自己都一阵心悸,虽然他心底最深处一直对此物寄予厚望,但是现在还是吓了一跳,直接杀伤那个黑雾中的大妖魔,极其惊人。 His naturally knows, this black small lance is not every thing, because when the choice, he points in the seam to have several grains of Reincarnation Soil soil texture, unexpectedly gives off heat, has the feeling to call. 他自然知道,这黑色的小矛不是凡物,因为在挑选时,他手指缝中有几粒轮回土的土质,居然发热,有感而鸣。 At that time he understood, this thing was shocking! 那时他就明白了,此物惊世! From selling time furnace one pile of things in middle-aged female hand selects this common small lance, at that time many people were smiling, only then Chu Feng knows, has gained a huge small advantage. 从卖时光炉的中年女子手中的一堆物件中挑到这个不起眼的小矛,当时许多人都在笑,只有楚风自己知道,赚了一个天大的便宜。 Only this thing, exceeds in that stall all things outside abatement time furnace! 仅此一物,胜过那片地摊上除却时光炉外的所有物件! But he has done the experiment in the Heaven Linking Waterfall arrange/cloth, finds initially, this thing may activate, has not measures the prestige energy, but does not dare took out at that time on a grand scale. 而他更是在通天瀑布中做过实验,初步了解到,此物可激活,有莫测威能,但当时不敢大张旗鼓的祭出 Now, he activates wooden spear at crucial moments, the effect goes beyond the expectation. 现在,他在关键时刻激活木矛,效果超出预料。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” In the black fog, that ten zhang (3.33 m) high lifeforms is whooshing, cannot bear the tumbling, he felt that the end came, the whole body scale is falling off, Great Dao's Symbol in blood is destroying, in gloomy, own energy sharp decline. 黑雾中,那十丈高的生物在嘶吼,忍不住翻滚,他感觉末日来了,浑身的鳞片在脱落,血液中的大道符号在溃灭,在暗淡,自己的能量锐减。 His soul light starts the black to terrify person, in dissolving, in dissipating, oneself as if crashes in boundless black Great Abyss, must move toward the life the end point. 他的魂光都开始黑的瘆人,在溶解,在消散,自身仿佛坠落进无边的黑色大渊中,要走向生命的终点。 How possible? He does not dare believe simply, the prey in his eyes, the small and weak and base and low unimportant person, does want instead to kill him unexpectedly? 怎么可能?他简直不敢相信,他眼中的猎物,弱小而卑微的小人物,居然要反杀他? He while frightened, but also is in an uncontrollable rage, is not willing, can the life pass like this cleanly? He roared, must go crazy, thought clay chickens and pottery dogs in crush to death stone jar. 他在恐惧的同时,还怒不可遏,不甘心啊,生命要这样的流逝干净?他咆哮,要发狂,想镇死石罐中的土鸡瓦狗 However, he discovered that oneself goes crazy also uselessly, the energy falls suddenly, the Great Dao fragment that in own blood contains is vanishing, is defeated and dispersed. 不过,他发现自己发疯也无用,能量暴跌,自身血液中蕴含的大道碎片都在消失,在溃散。 But at this time, Old Gu goes all out, stimulates to movement that black little seal, making it shine, prevents stone jar mouth there, for fear that before opposite party at the point of death, counter-attacks. 而此时,老古拼命,催动那黑色的小印,让它发光,阻挡石罐口那里,生怕对方临死前反扑。 Draws back, runs away!” Old Gu called out, he also wanted demented, facing a half-step Heavenly Venerate dying time, he thought that the soul was trembling, because that lifeforms, once felt acutely disappointed, when will die, destructive power also big scary. “退啊,逃啊!”老古叫道,他也要癫狂了,面对一位半步天尊的垂死时刻,他觉得灵魂都在发抖,因为那种生物一旦万念俱灰,哪怕将死之际,破坏力也大的骇人。 Cannot run away, his lay out regular shackles, has not ruined thoroughly.” (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger shouts, his complexion is also pallid. “逃不走,他布下的规则牢笼,还没有彻底毁掉呢。”东北虎喊道,他也脸色煞白。 They are not clear, the situation of that old monster demon worsened the what kind of situation, Dao Fruit was collapsing! 他们还不清楚,那个老妖魔的情况恶化到了何等地步,一身的道果在崩溃中! (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger is trembling, wants to summon the stone jar cover, close jar, but that cover was stucked by outside rule, the mark silk has not moved. 东北虎哆嗦着,想要将石罐的盖子召唤过来,封闭罐子,可是那盖子被外面的规则黏住,纹丝未动。 „Can Old Gu, wear this long skirt?” 老古,要不要穿上这件长裙?” Chu Feng not flurried, has the star sparkle and stars point point long skirt to throw stone jar mouth there one, defends. 楚风没慌乱,将一件有星斗闪耀、繁星点点的长裙扔到石罐口那里,进行防御。 I......!” The Old Gu complexion becomes stiff, slightly reveals green, this fucking really...... On saying? How long then to pass, does he want to be forced to wear the Evil Spirit skirt? “我……!”老古脸色发僵,略显绿色,这特么的真就……应言了?这才过去多长时间,他就要被迫穿上邪灵的裙子? Bang! 轰! When he hesitates, half-step Heavenly Venerate goes crazy, is very painful, is vibrating violently, immediately the black fog is dreadful. 在他犹豫时,半步天尊发狂,痛苦不堪,在猛烈震动,顿时黑雾滔天。 I put on!” “我穿!” Old Gu is not concerned about face very much, even if hides in Heavenly Gold Stone Coffin, he is also afraid, does not think safely, he hides in the skirt rapidly suspends behind, defends. 老古很不要脸,哪怕躲在天金石棺中,他也害怕,觉得不保险,他迅速躲在裙摆后面,进行防御。 As for (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger, was being drawn by Chu Feng, hides under Reincarnation Soil together. 至于东北虎,则被楚风拉着,一同躲进轮回土下。 shit! Old Gu pats own face, sinks, enters in Reincarnation Soil, he these Soul Flesh forgetting, under typical lamp black. 玛德!老古一拍自己的脸,也跟着下沉,进入轮回土内,他将这些魂肉给忘记了,典型的灯下黑。 In fact, they have considered thoroughly, even if half-step Heavenly Venerate counter-attacks at the point of death also useless, simply has not affected in stone jar. 事实上,他们多虑了,即便是半步天尊临死反扑也没什么用,根本没有波及到石罐中。 "Ah, no, how like this, my Dao Fruit, I the day blood that uses the life to cultivate, to be how gloomy, rune dissipates, by cracking-off Heavenly Venerate's Blood, but also being correct bone...... Also broke off! ” “啊,不,怎么会这样,我的道果,我用一生修炼出的天血,怎么都暗淡了,符文消散,被剥脱了天尊血,还有道骨……也折断了!” Formidable existence that in this black fog tumbles, the pain is incomparable, his blood blackening, the so-called powerhouse foundation as well as the Great Dao trace, were being erased, disappearance was too quick. 这位黑雾中翻滚的强大存在,痛苦无比,他的血液黑化,所谓的强者根基以及大道痕迹,都在被抹除,消失的太快了。 But his soul light also in the intense decomposition, formidable spiritual strength vanishes into thin air in black light. 而他的魂光亦在激烈的分解,强大的精神力乌光中烟消云散。 Is a side dark world arrives likely, eliminates the blood and bone of its half-step Heavenly Venerate, grinds the fruit position, truncates him falls is a mortal! 像是一方黑暗世界降临,剥夺其半步天尊的血与骨,碾碎果位,将他削落为一个凡人! ! 噗! He has disintegrated, fleshly body turns into a large area of dirty blood, the black to terrify person, the formidable vitality is dissipating, moves toward the deterioration the end point, he came to the verge of death in the region. 他解体了,肉身化成大面积的污血,黑的瘆人,强大的生命力在消散,走向衰败的终点,他濒临死亡境地中。 No, I am half-step Heavenly Venerate, how dead in the hands of several little insect, I this life could become true Heavenly Venerate, I am not willing!” “不,我是半步天尊啊,怎么会死在几个小虫子的手中,我今生有望成为真正的天尊,我不甘心啊!” He is whooshing, really must go crazy, the life can arrive at this step creature, does not know that Dao Scripture has undergone many bad risks, this level Evolution Road of lifeforms is rugged and dangerous, difficult incomparable. 他嘶吼着,实在是要发疯,一生能够走到这一步的生灵,不知道经历过多少凶险,这个层次的生物进化路崎岖而险恶,艰难无比。 He can have such Dao Fruit, is not only the issue of talent, good fortune and luck, but actually must such die a tragic death today, was too pitiful. 他能有这样的道果,不仅是天赋的问题,还有造化与运气,可是今天却要这么惨死,太可悲了。 „Since don't tell me has been our organizations abandons the agreement of prehistoric, the recent antiquity has killed a person and taken his possessions repeatedly, the dishonorable matter that does were too many, is this retribution? No, I am not willing, I am only a performer, the powerhouse of higher level, why has not looked for them!” 难道是我们这个组织背弃了史前的约定,近古以来频频杀人越货,做下的伤天害理的事太多了,这是报应吗?不,我不甘心,我只是一个执行者,还有更高层次的强者,为什么不去找上他们!” His physique explodes broken, was embezzled dark, the whole person just like the blackening, falls to the enemy in hell Abyss, there puts out a hand not to see the five fingers, only has the fear big cry. 他的形体爆碎,被黑暗吞没,整个人宛如黑化,沦陷在地狱深渊中,那里伸手不见五指,唯有恐惧的大叫声。 This death different other people, after the black small lance penetrated, the life is eliminated, in deterioration process, but also realized greatest pain that a being hard word stated. 这种死亡不同其他人,被黑色的小矛穿透后,生命被剥夺,在衰败过程中,还体会到一种难以言述的莫大痛苦。 Is impossible, I saw anything, I as if get sucked into dark Great Realm, I was being dismembered, that is anything, the monster is evil, Asura, strange material!” “不可能,我看到了什么,我仿佛深陷黑暗大界中,我在被人分尸,啊,那是什么,妖邪,修罗,诡异的物质啊!” He starts to talk nonsense, the life final time as if saw any thing, he is going all out to struggle. 他开始胡言乱语,生命的最后时刻仿佛看到了什么东西,他在拼命挣扎。 What a pity, in bo one, he blasts out thoroughly, the physique and soul light did not exist, vanishes in a puff of smoke, died thorough, wants to be reincarnated is impossible. 可惜,在啵的一声中,他彻底炸开,形体与魂光都不复存在,灰飞烟灭,死了个彻底,想转世都不可能。 Only then little stayed in the nearby by dirty Dark Blood, but already lost the life the activeness, this likely is became some source of pollution. 只有少许被污的黑血留在附近,但早已失去生命的活性,这像是成为了某种污染源。 Passed the moment, Old Gu and (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger crops up, their naturally own sensation arrives at all these, all the fine body hair is but actually vertical, what condition is this? 过了片刻,老古东北虎才冒头,他们自然亲身感知到这一切,全都寒毛倒竖,这是什么状况? Is Chu Feng is also imposing, half-step was Heavenly Venerate like this strangled by him?! 就是楚风也凛然,一个半步天尊就这样被他扼杀了?! That black little wooden spear only then the chopsticks are so long, static float in void, motionless, is monster such is unexpectedly evil, so fearful. 那黑色的小木矛只有筷子那么长,静静的悬浮在虚空中,一动不动,竟是这么的妖邪,如此的可怕。 Not far away, that Divine King died unexpectedly, before the remaining head splashed down the half-step Heavenly Venerate at the point of death dark blood, caused his destroy both body and soul. 不远处,那位神王竟然已经死了,残余的头颅溅落上了半步天尊临死前的黑暗血液,导致他形神俱灭 In fact, if not he by the half-step Heavenly Venerate previous principle imprisonment in this place, ran away hopefully. 事实上,他若非被半步天尊早先的法则禁锢在此地,是有希望逃走的。 Buzz, Chu Feng controls stone jar to penetrate that principle shackles finally, gets rid. 嗡的一声,楚风终于驾驭石罐穿透那法则牢笼,摆脱出来。 In fact, along with the half-step Heavenly Venerate tragic death, these principle oneself also in rapid dissipation. 事实上,随着半步天尊惨死,那些法则自身也都在迅速的消散中。 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng received the small lance of chopsticks child long/grows, treats as rare treasure, keeps in stone jar. 楚风一把将筷子长的小矛收了回来,当作稀世珍宝,留在石罐中。 However, he also called out pitifully, because he discovered until this time, Reincarnation Soil flaw little, that places had scrap ashes, was burnt down. 但是,紧接着他又惨叫,因为直到这时他才发现,轮回土缺失少许,那片地带有一小块灰烬,被焚烧了。 It is not many, but Chu Feng cannot bear the face upwarding noisy wail as before, this is the thing that Li Da wants to seek, actually day knows it has any big use, still nobody clear(ly) understands the Reincarnation Soil correct usage, finally, has been spent freely by the little wooden spear accident/surprise now. 不是很多,但是楚风依旧忍不住仰天长嚎,这可是黎龘都想寻到的东西,天知道它究竟有什么大用处,至今无人明晓轮回土的正确用法,结果,现在被小木矛意外挥霍了一些。 He simply grieved awfully! 他简直心痛的要命! My knows, this thing evil different, the excess of monster, needs Reincarnation Soil to provide for unexpectedly, can took out go, has the lethality!” Chu Feng indignation. “我就知道,这东西邪异,妖的过分,居然需要轮回土供养,才能祭出去,才有杀伤力!”楚风愤慨。 However, he does not have idea, was compelled that a moment ago, is bright knows needs to burn down Reincarnation Soil, he must such do. 但是,他也没辙,刚才被逼到那一步了,就是明知道需要焚烧轮回土,他也得这么做。 Picks the thing, hurry up!” “捡东西,快点!” Chu Feng greeted (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and Old Gu, war chariot taking in stone jar. 楚风招呼东北虎老古,将战车给收进石罐中。 But, when wants to pick other Artifact, actually discovered that was covered by the black blood, in addition has other thing not knows where, hits to fly was too far. 可是,想捡其他器物时,却发现被黑色血液覆盖,另外还有其他物件不知道在何处,打飞出去的太远了。 Does not want, travels!” Chu Feng bellows. “不要了,跑路!”楚风大吼。 Walks quickly!” Old Gu also shouts out. “快走!”老古大喝 Because, they have induction immediately, as if wants the disaster to approach, the life wants the destruction. 因为,他们都在第一时间生出感应,仿佛要大难来临,生命要覆灭般。 Chī! 哧! Chu Feng controls stone jar, breaks open void turbulent flow to escape, he arranges Teleportation Domain on the way once again, makes a getaway decisively. 楚风驾驭石罐,破开虚空乱流远遁,在途中他又一次布置传送场域,果断逃之夭夭。 Bang!” “轰!” Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, the ghost crying god is howling. 天崩地裂,鬼哭神嚎。 They just walked, that organization knew how things stand the powerhouse to kill. Meanwhile, the Mo Family person also rushes, discovered that this place the black remnant blood, as well as induces to the special thing, for example ear nail. 他们刚走,那个组织就有数位强者就杀到了。与此同时,莫家的人也赶到,发现此地的黑色残血,以及感应到特殊的物件,比如耳钉等。 At the same time, Earth Vein ruptured, Great Evil Spirit recovers, runs out of the surface, toward this direction kills, arrives this place. 同一时间,地脉崩开,大邪灵复苏,冲出地表,朝这个方向杀来,驾临此地。
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