SR :: Volume #11

#1034: To strong Mutant Desolation Human Race

This little miss snow white clear, is attractive, the big eye flashes suitably has spirituality, the age is bigger than Chu Feng many, but should less than two years old. 这小姑娘雪白晶莹,非常漂亮,大眼扑闪相当的有灵性,年岁比楚风多少大一些,但应该不足两岁。 Is this noisy monster? Towering that too in other youngster hearts big change, this little miss presents, including their heart in lacks self-confidence whether can win it. 这是闹妖吗?其他少年都心中剧震,这小姑娘出现的太突兀,连他们都心中没底是否可以胜之。 You are...... Seniors?” The little miss voice is very crisp, on the left cheeks is having a small dimple, the smiling face is sweet, naturally also many brings to have some milk tastes, compared with Chu Feng many. “你是……前辈?”小姑娘声音很脆,左侧脸颊上带着个小酒窝,笑容非常甜,当然也多少带着带些奶味儿,比楚风强不了多少。 Good, the old man feels rejuvenated, now 3287 years old.” Chu Feng talked nonsense seriously. “不错,老夫返老还童,如今已经3287岁。”楚风一本正经地胡说八道。 Ji Hu, short and stocky and others the youngster from Ji Clan thought that blushes for him, does the first time period also wets the bed, now also feel all right such boasts? 姬狐、胖墩儿等来自姬族的少年都觉得替他脸红,前阵子还尿床呢,现在也好意思这么吹牛? The little misses sighed lightly: Really pitiful, your this clan over 3000 years old were old, need the big medicine to feel rejuvenated, life essence of your clan was also too short.” 小姑娘轻叹:“真可怜,你们这一族3000多岁就苍老了,需要大药返老还童,你族的寿元也太短暂了。” Chu Feng: „?” 楚风:“?” He was boasting, finally was actually pitied, was this satirizes or ridicules him? 他正吹牛呢,结果却被人怜悯,这是讽刺还是奚落他呢? He has to be proper, observes this little miss, before then he is a little absent-minded, has been paying attention to the four directions sound, suspected Lin Nuoyi to the nearby. 他不得不正经起来,观察这个小姑娘,在此之前他有点心不在焉,一直在注意四野的动静,怀疑林诺依到了附近。 Tianhuang noble descent, juniors from some super aristocratic family, even may be with the evolution entrance small girl who the world exists forever, its soul light is strong. 天潢贵胄,来自某一超级世家的子弟,甚至有可能是与世长存的进化门庭的小丫头,其魂光非常强。 Chu Feng more looked that more thought she is not simple, almost can determine, this must admit in dragon nest several dragon son blood with one of successor put together, is really unusual. 楚风越看越是觉得她不简单,几乎可以确定,这就是要放进龙窝中跟几头龙崽血拼的传人之一,着实超凡。 “Wú, the old man Transcends Tribulation had accident/surprise in the past, was ended Dao Physique by Heavenly Thunder together, has to discard Dao Fruit, depends upon Medicinal Herb to feel rejuvenated. ” “唔,老夫当年渡劫发生意外,被一道天雷终结道体,不得不舍弃道果,依靠药草返老还童。” Chu Feng caresses the lower jaw, must touch the appearance of beard. 楚风手抚下颌,一副要摸胡须的样子。 One group of youngster look at him to make this subconscious movement, some people are really also in a daze, half believing and half doubting. 一群少年看他做出这个下意识的动作,有些人还真是发愣,将信将疑。 Ji Hu, short and stocky and others were speechless, the child also really felt all right saying that Transcends Tribulation had the accident/surprise, they want to say very much, flushed you such to install 13 also to be struck by lightning. 姬狐、胖墩儿等都无语,小娃还真好意思说渡劫出现意外,他们很想说,就冲你这么装13也要遭雷劈啊。 Trivial a wee bit, must be so self-important, making Ji Clan one group of youngster unable to tolerate, naturally, they impossible to expose. 屁大丁点,非要这么老气横秋,让姬族的一群少年都看不过眼,当然,他们不可能去揭发。 Hey, can blow really!” The Lei Clan youngster sneers saying that obviously had not been fooled, is full there evil intention, is rotating the thought. “嘿,真能吹!”雷族的少年冷笑道,显然还没有被唬住,在那里恶意满满,转动着念头。 Shut up!” Chu Feng berated. “闭嘴!”楚风喝斥。 "Um, do not speak. ” The snow white clear little miss also said, both eyes have the riot of color light beam, shot a look at Lei Clan youngster one eyes, immediately makes his innermost feelings palpitate. “嗯,你不要说话了。”雪白晶莹的小姑娘也这么说,双目有五色斑斓光束,瞥了雷族少年一眼,顿时让他内心悸动。 Cracks a joke, such took a fast look around by a two -year-old doll, he has the pressure unexpectedly, felt that the intense restlessness, lets the Lei Clan youngster startled anger, but finally actually...... Shuts up decisively, did not speak. 开什么玩笑,被一个两岁女娃这么扫视,他居然有压力,感觉强烈的不安,让雷族少年惊怒,但最后却……果断闭嘴,不说话了。 This was right.” Chu Feng nodded, looked at his one eyes, said: Young people are impulsive, mouth does not have the wool management not to be firm, when records sincerely, silent is the gold/metal, maintains.” “这就对了。”楚风点头,看了他一眼,道:“年轻人就是冲动,嘴巴没毛办事不牢,当谨记,沉默是金,保持住。” Lei Clan youngster by him, as soon as passes lesson, air/Qi is not good, wants to come a foot to him very much, tramples blood bottle gourd, when sees the vision of doll, he endured. 雷族少年被他一通教训,气的不行,很想给他来一脚,踹成一个血葫芦,但是当看到女娃的目光,他忍了。 The Ji Hu, short and stocky and other Ji Clan youngster are convinced to Chu Feng immediately, sighed that this wetting the bed kid can blow cowhide/boasting to throw a bluff on. 姬狐、胖墩儿等姬族少年顿时对楚风服气,感叹这尿床娃真能吹牛皮唬人。 Senior, actually I have an misconception, thought own another person, like has previous life, often saw many past old scenery in the dream.” “前辈,其实我也有种错觉,觉得自己还是另外一个人,像是有前世,在梦中时常看到许多昔日旧景。” The little misses such open the mouth suddenly, an innocent appearance, is quite meanwhile modest, here consults. 小姑娘突然这么开口,一副天真烂漫的样子,同时还颇为虚心,在这里请教。 Chu Feng almost wants to ask, who your previous life is? Because this looks like very much falls into the embryo to confuse the condition. 楚风差点就想问,你前世是谁?因为这很像陷入胎中迷状态。 However, the critical moment he has borne, muttered secretly, the core juniors who the super ancient evolution entrance goes out of are really not simple, such slightly dares to flicker he? 但是,关键时刻他忍住了,暗自咕哝,超级古老进化门庭走出的核心子弟还真是不简单,这么小就敢忽悠他? He a little does not believe, possibly so to be how skillful meets Reincarnator, moreover dares to say in the presence of everyone, this involves Taboo, her clansman is impossible to allow her such to do. 他有点不太相信,怎么可能这么巧就遇上一个转世者,而且还敢当众说出来,这涉及到禁忌,她的族人决不可能允许她这么做。 Chu Feng has to sigh, is doomed to go to be indeed extraordinary with the kid of Dragon Race preying, precocious fierce, thinks the repertoire unexpectedly he. 楚风不得不叹,注定要去跟龙族搏杀的娃的确非凡,早熟的厉害,居然想套路他。 “Wú, the old man looked that you are not truly common, walks, our two old fogies chatted, gave one group of young people here, left them to go lively, when who did not have the youth to be young. ” “唔,老夫看你确实不一般,走,我们两个老家伙去聊一聊,将这里让给一群年轻人,留给他们去热闹,谁没有青春年少时。” Chu Feng said that when walks toward heavenly pit first. 楚风说罢,当先向天坑另一边走去。 All people are speechless, witnessed that two youngest kid leaves the field, goes far away in light of this, unexpectedly regards their this crowd of artificial young man younger generations, feels sad. 所有人都无语,目睹那两个最小的娃离场,就此远去,居然视他们这群人为后生晚辈,情何以堪啊。 In fact, eagerly back that the youngster of some tribes look at that two kids, really half believing and half doubting. 事实上,有些部落的少年眼巴巴地看着那两个娃的背影,真的将信将疑。 The distant place, Chu Feng was not worried, in heart confident, present stage Dong Qing and temple fairy maiden is his backing . Moreover, if really does not perceive wonderfully, at the worst changes a place to stay is being. 远处,楚风一点也不担心,心中有底,现阶段冬青、神庙仙子就是他的后盾,再者说,真要是觉察不妙,大不了换个地方呆着就是。 Some of his ideas, were not willing to stay for a long time in Wasteland's border, if not temple fairy maiden lineage/vein can make up his innate attribute, he momentarily may take a long journey. 他一直都有些想法,不愿在边荒久留,若非神庙仙子一脉可以补他的先天属性,他随时可远行。 Old man is Human Race, does not know that which clan Fellow Daoist is, previous life came from where?” Chu Feng shoulders both hands, in the bathing sunset glow, the whole body is bringing holy radiance. “老夫乃人族,不知道友属于哪一族,前世又来自哪里?”楚风背负双手,沐浴晚霞中,周身都带着一层神圣光彩 My clan is Human Race's one.” The little misses showed a faint smile, have revealed a bottom, observed the Chu Feng's look there. “我族属于人族的一支。”小姑娘微微一笑,露了一个底,在那里观察楚风的神色。 Chu Feng is startled, then in the heart imposing, so-called Human Race's one division is certain ethnic group polite views, in fact is representing the extremely terrifying and aloof status. 楚风一怔,然后心中凛然,所谓人族一支是某些族群客气的说法,实际上是代表着极其恐怖与超然的地位。 In years past, was ancient in World of the Living and prosperous time, once somewhat independently exited from Human Race to the strong evolution aristocratic family, from a number clan. 昔年,在阳间非常古老与繁盛的时期,曾有些至强进化世家从人族中独立出去,自号一族。 They have extremely scary talent, the ancestor evolve the incomparably formidable blood relationship, and can inherit very well gives the descendant, is aloof on. 他们都拥有极其骇人的天赋,祖上进化出无比强大的血统,并可以很好地遗传给后代,超然在上。 For example, all the limbs and bones flow have the war clan of purple blood, the strength of name bloodlines revere to become king, may vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered on Great Desolate Earth, to have a headache scared with. 比如,四肢百骸流淌有紫血的战族,血脉之力称尊成王,可纵横洪荒大地上,让人头疼与胆寒。 Also for example, some ethnic group casual children were born will have Heavenly Eye, the pupil technique is incomparable, lifts looks in the eyes to extinguish the enemy, said that is the Heavenly Eye clan. 还比如,有的族群随便一个孩子出生就会具备天眼,瞳术无匹,抬望眼间就可灭敌,自称为天眼族。 Its blood Black-Yellow Heavenly Race, winds around inborn Immortal Vapours Immortal Race wait/etc....... 还有其血玄黄天族,天生缭绕仙雾仙族等…… These are Human Race that the past years exited independently, the later generation once was called them is Mutant Desolation Human Race, has shown the predecessor with the extraordinariness of some special ancient time, as well as has revealed honored of their status, after establishing separately, rested with mind at ease 9th Heavenly Layer. 这些都是当年独立出去的人族,后世曾将他们合称为异荒人族,彰显了前身与某一特殊的古老时期的非凡,以及揭示了他们身份的尊贵,分立出去后可谓高卧九重天 Now, this Mutant Desolation Human Race some are to express humbly, said oneself are Human Race's one, but will be more will not mention, already does not think oneself will be the Human Race member. 现在,这种异荒人族有些为表示谦逊,说自己是人族的一支,而更多则根本不会提及,早已不认为自己是人族成员。 In fact, from the semblance, after some ethnic groups evolve, indeed greatly changes, has the respective characteristics, for example: forehead vertical eye, to strong day wing, Three Heads Six Arms. 事实上,从外表来说,有些族群进化后的确大变样,有各自的特征,如:眉心竖眼、至强天翼、三头六臂等。 Chu Feng has heard similar hearsay when World of the Dead, but does not have is so exhaustive, because source itself on World of the Living Great Desolate Earth. 楚风阴间时听到过类似的传闻,但却没这么详尽,因为源头本身就在阳间洪荒大地上。 He can only sigh, some time, Human Race is too prosperous, that so-called Mutant Desolation Human Race, was once Paramount Human Race aristocratic family, strongest inheritance, because finally was formidable, thinks that was aloof on, separated, divided with ordinary Human Race. 他只能感叹,某一时期,人族太昌盛,那所谓的异荒人族,都是曾经的究极人族世家,最强的传承,结果因为过于强大,自认为超脱在上,分离出去,与普通人族划分开来。 His knows own Human King bloodline in Mutant Desolation Human Race is not any rank, whether enough. 他不知道自己的人王血脉异荒人族中算是什么等级,是否足够强。 However, some Chu Feng surprise, seemingly have not heard so-called Human King bloodline in Mutant Desolation Human Race, doubtful not in this row, doesn't have the independence to exit? 不过,楚风也有些诧异,貌似没在异荒人族中听到过所谓人王血统,疑似不在此列,没独立出去吗? The people cannot forget one's origin, Chu Feng hopes actually this ancestor has not stripped becomes Mutant Desolation Human Race's. 人不能忘本,楚风倒是希望这一支的祖上没有剥离出去而成为异荒人族的一员。 Cannot think, Fellow Daoist has background greatly, came from Mutant Desolation Human Race unexpectedly, no wonder can be reincarnated the reincarnation, extraordinary.” “想不到,道友大有来头,竟源自异荒人族,难怪可以转世投胎,了不起。” When hears Chu Feng this words, the distant place transmits laughs at the sound. 当听到楚风这种话语时,远处传来嗤笑声。 When an old man has not really held, endures were many, from the forest goes out, rushes to this place. 一个老者实在没憋住,忍了多时,从森林中走出,赶到此地。 Nine grandfathers!” The little girls called out sweetly. “九爷爷!”小女孩甜甜地叫道。 Obviously, this old man does not believe that Chu Feng is a several thousand years of old monster, looked that he such installed, cannot endure, came. 显然,这个老者不相信楚风是一个数千年的老怪物,看他这么装,忍不下去了,现身出来。 And, he also not cover up inquires into, branches out wisp of Five Coloured Divine Light, covers to Chu Feng. 并且,他也不加掩饰的探究,分出一缕五色神光,向楚风覆盖过去。 Chu Feng turns the hand, the palm presents jade Shi, Shining Upon leaves a black small fish at the same time, rune blooms, black light is sparkling. 楚风翻手间,掌心出现一面玉石牌,映照出一条黑色的小鱼,符文绽放,乌光烁烁。 This graph is very strange, carefully looks, unexpectedly is yin fish in primal chaos chart, appears in void. 这个图形很怪,仔细看,竟是太极图中的一条阴鱼,浮现在虚空中。 This is Dong Qing gives his jade token, told him, if met the inexplicable situation, direct came out brightly is, the person who understood will dread, guaranteed him to be well. 这是冬青给他的玉牌,告诉他,万一遇上莫名情况,直接亮出来就是,懂的人自会忌惮,保他无恙。 At that time, Chu Feng still in the unstated criticism, must meet to understand that the talented person was useful? 当时,楚风还在腹诽,非得遇上懂得人才有用? Dong Qing gives him this jade token, is mainly because under attacking the dragon nest Tianhuang noble descent's construction temporary palace near the Ji Clan tribe, feared that Chu Feng meets any accident/surprise with these people by some chance. 冬青给他这块玉牌,主要是因为攻打下龙窝天潢贵胄在姬族部落附近建造行宫,怕楚风万一跟那些人遇上出什么意外。 Well, loses the respect, unexpectedly is you, inheritance not certainly, but also in World of the Living!” “咦,失敬,居然是你们,传承未绝,还在阳间!” The old men are unexpectedly stern-faced the color, after yin fish prevents, decisively receives the hand. 老者居然一脸凝重色,被阴鱼阻挡后,果断收手。 He said to the little girl: sparkling, you go to that side to wait, I chatted several with this little brother.” 他对小女孩道:“莹莹,你去那边等着,我跟这个小哥聊几句。” The attractive little miss non- sentiment does not hope, but walked finally, waits in the distant place. 漂亮的小姑娘不情不愿,但最后还是走了,等在远处。 The Chu Feng opens the mouth, said: Old man over 3200 years old is, Brother, you have me to be big not necessarily.” 楚风开口,道:“老夫3200多岁了,老弟,你不见得有我大啊。” The distant place, the ear of little miss is especially keen, after hearing this, wants to say very much, this fellow is too not concerned about face, now also installs, takes his nine grandfathers' advantages. 远处,小姑娘的耳朵特灵敏,闻言后很想说,这家伙太不要脸,现在还装呢,占他九爷爷的便宜。 The old man corners of the mouth twitch, this boy also evil really does, unexpectedly dare to call his brother?! 老者嘴角抽搐,这小子还真邪性,居然敢叫他老弟?! He looks at Chu Feng, said: You are young.” Especially, but also shot a look among the Chu Feng both legs several, smiles. 他看着楚风,道:“你还小。”尤其是,还瞥了楚风双腿间几眼,不禁哂笑。 The Chu Feng eyebrow selects, wants to say very much, this old goods dare to ridicule him. 楚风眼眉微挑,很想说,这老货竟敢嘲笑他。 This also no wonder, he wears the Ji Hu animal skin sleeveless jacket, although can, when coat, but, between both legs also cool, this old fogy can definitely induce to him wears this clothes actually, inside light the buttocks. 这也难怪,他穿着姬狐的兽皮坎肩,虽说能当大衣,但是,双腿间也凉飕飕,这老家伙肯定能感应到他其实就穿这一件衣服,里面光着屁股呢。 Chu Feng proudly, said: Old man was how small, is crazily long how old are you to have, is bigger than you!” 楚风傲然,道:“老夫怎么小了,痴长你几岁还是有的,比你大!” The old men smile once more, said: Little fellow you are indeed young, come, told the old man, where your family Sir?” 老者再次哂笑,道:“小家伙你的确还小,来,告诉老夫,你家大人在哪里?” And, his pair of old eyes randomly looked at one. 并且,他的一双老眼又乱瞄了一通。 Chu Feng shoulders a pair of small hand, is shooting a look at the old man, sizes up carefully, then quite calmly opens the mouth: „The will of bramble finch who knows Péng? Big of Péng, a pot...... The old men disdained to say with you!” 楚风背负一双小手,也在瞥老者,仔细打量,然后相当镇定地开口:“燕雀安知鹏之志?鹏之大,一锅……老夫不屑与你多说!” Not far away, Ji Hu, short and stocky and others stared dumbfounded, they are not the bystanders, naturally understands Chu Feng, knows he is talking nonsense anything, all puffed out the liquor of mouth. 不远处,姬狐、胖墩儿等瞠目结舌,他们不是外人,自然了解楚风,知道他在胡说八道什么,全都将嘴里的酒喷了出去。 The old men think strange, inquired into instant Ji Hu and the others in soul light thinks to think, little Pengpeng what meaning?...... This view, then, his face black like bottom of the pot, unexpectedly was teased and sexually harassed by a kid. 老者觉得古怪,刹那探究到姬狐等人魂光中的所思所想,小鹏鹏什么意思?还有……这说法,然后,他的脸黑如锅底,居然被一个小屁孩调侃又调戏了。
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