SR :: Volume #11

#1033: don't lost/carrying good time

Chapter 1033 don't Fuhao time 第1033章莫负好时光 The ox hair light rain falls on the leaf blade rustle makes noise, the plant in mountain is even more verdant deep green, lustrous shine. 牛毛小雨落在叶片上沙沙作响,山中的植物越发青翠碧绿,莹莹发光 That group of people came , in Ji Clan not far region construction temporary palace, the progress is rapid, prepares to retreat from Border Desolation Depth dragon nest there to this place. 那群人真的来了,在里姬族不远的地带修建行宫,进展迅速,准备从边荒深处龙窝那里撤退到此地。 The clarity that Chu Feng looks, these people must certainly arrange large-scale Teleportation Domain, frequently takes hundred million li (0.5 km) as the unit space shift, really must invite the reinforcements. 楚风看的真切,这些人肯定要布置大型传送场域,动辄就是以亿里为单位空间转移,果然是要请援军。 His some are not comfortable, might see Lin Nuoyi evidently shortly, he looked at oneself little Pengpeng, the present is only a kid of light buttocks, will ask the heaven speechless. 他有些不自在,看样子不久后非常有可能会见到林诺依,他看了看自己的小鹏鹏,现在只是一个光屁股的娃,无语问苍天。 Now he less than one year old, the words that in this case meets is really too ashamed or embarrassed to show oneself to people. 现在他不足一岁,在这种情况下相遇的话真是无脸见人。 The raindrop sprinkles, is very close, making the Ji Clan tribe wet. 雨点洒落,很细密,让姬族部落都湿漉漉。 Rain drips wet a season, is really grievous.” Chu Feng sighed. “一场雨淋湿一个季节,真是让人忧伤啊。”楚风叹气。 1500000 miles away, sits cross-legged white hair man Li Jiuxiao in dry Cave to sneeze violently, body presents the fissure, the old wound recrudescence, the whole body braves the blood. 1500000里外,盘坐在干燥石洞中的白发男子黎九霄猛烈地打了个喷嚏,肌体出现裂痕,旧伤复发,浑身冒血。 Who? To my full evil intention, I induced in the darkness.” He whispered. “谁?对我满满的恶意,我于冥冥中已经感应到。”他低语。 As Heaven-Blessed Divine King, such long had not convalesced, the disaster that it can be imagined he experiences is fearful, the tour of this Wasteland's border he almost died. 身为天纵神王,这么久了还没有痊愈,可想而知他经历的劫难多么可怕,这次边荒之行他差点死掉。 Rushes to a deterioration late stage Supreme Being dreamland by mistake, causing Li Jiuxiao almost to be killed by weapons. 误闯一位衰败后期大能的梦境中,导致黎九霄几乎兵解。 Heals from a wound for 2-3 months, struggled finally from the death edge, gradually restore soul wound, whenever thought about that light buttocks Thunder Child, trembling of his air/Qi, a liver hurt. 养伤两三个月,总算从死亡边缘中挣扎回来,渐渐修复魂伤,可是每当想起那个光屁股的“雷震子”,他就气的哆嗦,一阵肝疼。 Stupid kid, do not let me see you again!” “蠢娃,别再让我见到你!” ...... …… Ji Clan tribe. 姬族部落。 Child, walks, the elder brother leads you to see the most beautiful female of nearby tribe.” Ji Hu greeted Chu Feng, one group of youngster prepared to go on a journey. “小娃,走,哥带你去见附近部落的最美的女子。”姬狐招呼楚风,一群少年准备出行。 About the Chu Feng's name, in the tribe had not decided that called his child, in the child who because he in can run at present was smallest. 关于楚风的名字,部落中一直没有定下来,都叫他小娃,因为他在目前会跑的孩子中最小。 Does not have the interest, does not go.” Chu Feng simply rejects very much. “没兴趣,不去。”楚风很干脆地拒绝。 Ji Hu assumes an air of self approbation, said: „The east drizzle is misty, west side sunset glow Yanyan, so good time, and there are beautiful woman to enter the stage, affective tone and style , after drinking wine, we stroll in the moonlight to return to again, to be how could it not be quick, does not lose the youngster body.” 姬狐摇头晃脑,道:“东边细雨蒙蒙,西边晚霞艳艳,如此好时光,且有佳丽出场,情调与格调并在,饮酒后我们再踏月而归,岂不快哉,不负少年身。” Chu Feng curls the lip, said: We have the generation gap, you go.” 楚风撇嘴,道:“咱有代沟,你们去吧。” What meaning?” The person who this crowd must go out is primarily young youngster, has certain martial strength value, the words that does not take a long journey protect oneself sufficiently. “啥意思?”这群要外出的人以十几岁少年为主,有一定的武力值,不远行的话足以自保。 Chu Feng shoulders both hands, holds up the head saying: „The drizzle in your eyes is dim, moonlight is bright, that is the love affair, I see is actually the ups-and-downs, the daily necessities of life, as well as whether needs to bring an umbrella.” 楚风背负双手,昂着头道:“你们眼中的细雨朦胧、月光皎洁,那是风花雪月,我看到的却是阴晴圆缺,人生的柴米油盐,以及是否需要带把伞。” Aiyu, your child wanted the acid dead we, self-important, but also dares to teach me and others!” “哎呦,你个小娃要酸死我们了,老气横秋,还敢教训我等!” One group of youngster exciting is not good. 一群少年被刺激的不行。 Bean Ding is so big, do not do intentionally great changes, because your mouthful is also the milk taste!” “豆丁那么大,别故作沧桑,因为你满嘴还都是奶味儿呢!” Chu Feng looks out into the distance, said: Talent always lonely ahead of time years start off, I am now similar to the state of mind of Sixth Uncle master.” He said to passing by a here old man greeted. 楚风远眺,道:“天才总是孤独的提前一段岁月上路,我现在跟六叔爷的心境差不多。”他边说边向路过这里的一个老头子打招呼。 This is one wears the clans of four color beast leather clothing to be old, the tooth fell multi- half. 这是一位身穿四色兽皮衣的族老,牙齿都掉落多一半了。 How this child spoke, the Sixth Uncle master I was in full flower, must attend a meeting.” The Sixth Uncle master mouth leaks out, front tooth remaining. “这孩子怎么说话呢,六叔爷我风华正茂,要去赴会呢。”六叔爷嘴巴漏风,门牙就剩下一颗了。 What goes to be able? I go with you together.” Chu Feng asked that planned that went to grow in experience with this old man long. “赴什么会?我跟你一起去。”楚风问道,打算跟这老头去长一长见识。 The Sixth Uncle master is giving a tongue-lashing the yellow thread chaser, said: What chaotic mixes? In the moon/month willow tree tip, the person makes after dusk, does the Sixth Uncle master bring your this kind of child in such an arrangement to keep an appointment what's the matter?” 六叔爷呲着黄板牙,道:“掺什么乱?月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后,六叔爷带你这样一个拖油瓶赴约算怎么回事?” Chu Feng is speechless, this old man mentality is really young, gaudy beast leather clothing that no wonder wears, becomes by the white fox fur, black flood dragon, gold/metal fierce appearance and scarlet hot leopard leather. 楚风无语,这老头子心态真年轻,怪不得穿的花里胡哨的兽皮衣,由白狐皮、黑蛟皮、金虎皮、赤色火豹皮制成。 Especially, Chu Feng notes, his head is also inserting several five colors feathers, the beard white so was coquettish, looks like the old peacock that only spreads the tail simply. 尤其是,楚风注意到,他头上还插着几根五色羽毛,胡子都白了还这么风骚,简直像只开屏的老孔雀。 The Sixth Uncle master walks several steps, turns head saying: Little rascal, should not be so senile, exits to walk to transfer one revolution, the young people want live has Essence, Qi and Spirit.” 六叔爷走出去几步,又回头道:“小鬼,不要这么老态龙钟,多出去走一走转一转,年轻人要活的有精气神。” Chu Feng rolls the eyes, will this old fogy speak? Said that side self-important also arrived, arrived at his mouth to change flavor, this unfaithful/stamen old man! 楚风翻白眼,这老家伙会说话吗?说老气横秋也就到边了,怎么到他嘴里就变味了,这花心老头子! The Sixth Uncle master adds: My previous time to heavenly pit that you spoke in that one group of young fellows liked getting together there.” 六叔爷又补充道:“我上次给你讲的天坑就在那块,一群毛头小子就喜欢在那里聚会。” The Chu Feng hearing this heart moves, but the coquettish old man left the tribe at this time, displays an governing wind Secret Art, immediately the big sleeve is floating, the under foot creates an incident, does not have the shadow instant. 楚风闻言心头一动,但此时风骚的老头子已经出了部落,施展一个御风诀,顿时大袖飘飘,脚下生风,刹那没影。 Recently Chu Feng has been studying nearby mountains topography, although he now cannot display previous life divine technique, but the eyesight still, particularly him was skilled in the Domain scrip­tures, has wanted to completely understand that this piece of Wasteland's border, he did not think with the instinct simply. 最近楚风一直在研究附近的山川地势,他现在虽然施展不出前世神术,但是眼力还在,尤其是他精通场域经文,一直想看透这片边荒,凭着本能他觉得不简单。 Also is the Danger Land dark clouds forest, is Supreme Being that the deterioration will die sinks the dormancy place, is dragon nest...... Very complex, he wants to ponder over. 又是绝地黑云森林,又是衰败将死的大能沉眠地,又是龙窝……很复杂,他想琢磨一下。 Moreover, he also in the ingredients of these rare minerals studying Dong Qing steams every day, wants xue in the mountain to touch. 另外,他也在研究冬青每天蒸煮的那些稀珍矿物的成分,想在山中踅摸出来。 Therefore these days, Chu Feng often mixes up with one group of old men, is not good to ask visibly, but can actually make them speak the legend in mountain, thus understands some special topography. 所以这段时间,楚风常跟一群老头子混在一起,不好明着问,但却可以让他们讲山中的传说,从而了解一些特殊地势。 The region that heavenly pit, the hanging island, fox Immortal Cave wait/etc. belonged to with emphasis mention, has the strangeness, is passing the mysterious color. 天坑、悬空岛、狐仙洞等都属于被重点提及的地带,有古怪,透着玄秘色彩。 After Chu Feng is lost in thought slightly, is raising the chin, to Ji Hu and other humanity: Each other works as young, don't Fu the good time, to walk!” 楚风略微出神后,扬着下巴,对姬狐等人道:“彼此当年少,莫负好时光,走!” One group of people are young teenager, has the wild nature, likes laughing. 一群人都是十几岁的半大小子,有野性,同时也喜欢嘻嘻哈哈。 Child, the Elder Brother Tian buddy goes to pursue the sister-in-law to you now, you are so sour, can read poems to paint, can help us add lustre to add the color?” “小娃,今天哥哥们去给你追嫂子,你这么酸,能吟诗作画吗,可以帮我们增光添彩吗?” Chu Feng curls the lip, said: Whose like this pursues is cost-effective?” 楚风撇嘴,道:“这样追上算谁的?” Hey, your bean Ding big kid, but also wants to snatch with us? Marries to remain is washing the urine trousers to you?” “嘿,你个豆丁大的娃,还想跟我们抢?娶回来留着给你洗尿裤吗?” One group of youngster teased, was not the lamp of province oil. 一群少年取笑,都不是省油的灯。 Chu Feng face slightly red, now ultimate evolution trace well-known, he becomes angry out of shame, said: Words that exposes shortcomings again, I definitely will become your love rivals, will compete with you!” 楚风老脸微红,现在“终极进化痕迹”尽人皆知,他恼羞成怒,道:“再揭短的话,我肯定会成为你们的情敌,跟你们竞争到底!” „, Come, when the time comes do you need in the tribe the girls to hug to discuss a love affair?” “切,来啊,到时候你是不是需要部落中姑娘们抱起来谈一场风花雪月?” Big milk fishy smell, hēi hēi!” “好大的奶腥味啊,嘿嘿!” One crowd of boor mouths very much damaged, making the Chu Feng immature small face slightly twitch, looked at oneself height, then decisive seized a wool sleeveless jacket from Ji Hu, when the animal skin coat put on itself on, no longer the light buttocks, said: Walks!” 一群野小子嘴巴都很损,让楚风稚嫩的小脸都都略微抽搐,看了看自己的身高,而后果断从姬狐身上夺了一件毛坎肩,当兽皮大衣穿自己身上,不再光屁股,道:“走!” Do not give me to urinate wet, that is the snow marten skin!” Ji Hou flies into a rage. “别给我尿湿了,那可是雪貂皮的!”姬猴急眼。 Chu Feng: Go away!” 楚风:“滚!” Summoned Black Dragon!” Ji Hou shouts, Chu Feng that fools one. “召唤黑龙!”姬猴喊道,唬的楚风一愣一愣的。 Comes out, my Suan'ni beast, we starts off!” Another boor yelled. “出来吧,我的狻猊兽,我们上路!”另一个野小子大叫道。 Chu Feng understood finally, they were shouting the mount. 楚风总算明白了,他们在喊坐骑。 Ji Hou summoned a black python, was spitting the fast roaming of scarlet snake wick from the mountain forest to the tribe outside. 姬猴召唤来一头黑蟒蛇,吐着猩红的蛇信子从山林中快速游到部落外。 A white goat, is actually very big, surpasses the common big water buffalo, is pleased as punch, baa baa was calling, ran up to the near. 还有一头白山羊,个头倒是挺大,超过寻常的大水牛,摇头摆尾,咩咩的叫着,跑到近前。 This is so-called Black Dragon and Suan'ni beast, lets speechless that Chu Feng looks. 这就是所谓的黑龙与狻猊兽,让楚风看的无语。 However do not look common, is ferocious beast, the strength is not weak. 不过别看不起眼,也都是凶兽,实力不算弱。 Lightning beast, arrives!” In the tribe that youngster short and stocky shouts loudly, the imposing manner is very full. “闪电兽,降临吧!”部落中那个少年胖墩儿大声喊道,气势很足。 Afterward, Chu Feng sees a big snail, crawls sluggishly, is this so-called lightning beast? Also really suffices to boast shamelessly. 随后,楚风就看到一只大蜗牛,慢吞吞爬过来,这就是所谓的闪电兽?还真是够大言不惭的。 Some people summoned oneself mount, prepared to start off. 一些人纷纷召唤自己的坐骑,准备上路。 Short and stocky shout: Child, sits my lightning beast, is quicker than them.” 胖墩儿喊道:“小娃,过来坐我的闪电兽,比他们都快。” Chu Feng is speechless, has had slowly such as snail view, has not heard the snail rapidly such as the lightning, can quick? But finally he out of curiosity, sat the house big giant snail. 楚风无言,一直都有慢如蜗牛这个说法,从来没听说蜗牛迅疾如闪电的,能有多快?但最终他出于好奇,还是坐上了房屋大的巨型蜗牛。 Also let alone, this snail runs real quick, when the forest whiz whiz backing up goes, passes through the mountain forest whistling creates an incident, Chu Feng that looks is straight. 还别说,这头蜗牛跑的真快,林木嗖嗖的倒退而去,穿越山林时呼呼生风,看的楚风直傻眼。 When the behind black python is not slow, hovers, the thorn thick patch of grass in mountain automatic respectively toward both sides, it can the controlling wind the line. 后面黑蟒蛇也不算慢,游动时,山中的荆棘草丛自动分向两旁,它能驭风而行。 One group of children were calling, the mount was all kinds, has the scarlet red old crane that the space flew, there is a water shore length of side the horn alligator beast, some people were riding one zhang (3.33 m) high big cockerel, moved like the wind, went over hill and dale. 一群孩子嗷嗷叫着,坐骑五花八门,有天上飞的赤红色老鹤,也有水岸边长着犄角的鳄兽,更有人骑着一丈多高的大公鸡,跑动如风,穿山越岭。 heavenly pit is not far, in several tribes, on the other hand is safe, otherwise does not allow this group of youngster to run to toss about. 天坑不远,就在几个部落间,相对来说非常安全,不然的话也不允许这群少年跑出去折腾。 Just one to get close to, Chu Feng revealed to doubt the color, a such big pit, dark, sufficed the depth , the occupying land area was very broad, had several heads fully. 刚一接近,楚风就露出疑色,这么大的一个坑,黑乎乎,真够深的,占地很广阔,足有十几里长。 Quick, he also revealed the look of surprise, this black heavenly pit shape has looks like bottle gourd. 很快,他又露出异色,这黑天坑形状有非常像葫芦 It also called the bottle gourd pit.” Short and stocky told him, before long years, here very evil, but thorough was now peaceful, on the contrary can also the town be evil, therefore some tribes are willing to move neighbor. “它也叫葫芦坑。”胖墩儿告诉他,漫长岁月前这里很邪性,但现在彻底安宁了,相反还能镇邪,因此一些部落愿意迁徙到附近。 Chu Feng sees exceptionally, although some methods cannot display, but experiences, intuition also, he discovers the clue. 楚风看出异常,虽然一些手段施展不出,但经验、直觉等还在,他发现端倪。 This likely is one wonderfully, Chu Feng more looks is the suspicion, sits on the big snail, the use currently feeble Discerning Eyes, the eyeground deep place has the golden streak to flash through. 这像是一处妙地,楚风越看越是怀疑,坐在大蜗牛身上,动用目前衰弱的火眼金睛,眼底深处有金色斑纹闪过。 His heart shakes, really has the strangeness, this is one raises bottle-gourd! 他心头一震,果然有古怪,这是一处“养葫地”! Takes the form of bottle gourd, takes Earth Vein as root, raises Blessed Land. 形似葫芦,以地脉为根,养出一处福地 bottle gourd, good fortune and an official position. 葫芦者,福禄也。 This is the Not just in name only, but also in reality treasure trove, must use, will have the good fortune and an official position near the body! 这是名副其实的宝地,真要利用起来,会有福禄临身! The Chu Feng heart is excited, he searches the special topography now, considered for the rapid growth, accumulates the innate inside story. 楚风心头激动,他现在寻觅特殊地势,就是为自己迅速成长考虑,积淀先天底蕴等。 With evolution Sect that the world exists forever, as well as has hundred million years of aristocratic family, the resources that can utilize were too many, the sincerity wants to train strongest juniors, what can't take? 与世长存的进化门派,以及存在亿载的世家等,可以动用的资源太多了,真心想培养一个最强子弟,什么拿不出来? For example, now some people in attacking dragon nest, this biography really fearful, but to admit dragon nest several children, fights with the Dragon Race young son, in bleeding to whet grows. 比如,现在就有人在攻打龙窝,这传出去实在慑人,而一切都只是为了将几个孩子放进龙窝,跟龙族幼崽战斗,在流血磨砺中成长。 For serveral days Chu Feng was pondering over, how he can climb gradually, arrives strongly. 这些天楚风都在琢磨,他到底怎么才能一步一步攀登,走到最强。 Now Dong Qing steams to him with the mineral every day, makes up the innate source, but he is also trying to find the solution, can depend on perhaps is the Domain attainments, if can seek Immortal Cave, strange ancestral land wait/etc., can nourish oneself. 现在冬青每天用矿物等对他蒸煮,补先天本源,而他自己也在想办法,所能倚仗的或许就是场域造诣,若能寻到仙窟、奇异祖地等,可以滋养自身。 In the Domain scrip­tures had record, can realize the super evolution using the mountains, but his present age excessively young, was unable to be so intense, but can actually seek for the good fortune place, in advance makes up innate. 原本场域经文中就有记载,利用山川能实现超级进化,而他现在年纪过幼,还不能那么激烈,但却可以寻找造化地,先行补先天。 Did "Um, cut off the bottle gourd rhizome?! ” In the Chu Feng heart trembles, thinks incomparably regretted, this place was ruined unexpectedly. “嗯,被人斩断葫芦根茎?!”楚风心中一颤,觉得无比遗憾,这地方竟被人毁掉了。 bottle gourd cane, is Earth Vein and place of heavenly pit being connected is cut off, premature depletion. 葫芦藤,也就是地脉天坑相连之处断掉,过早的枯竭。 This is intentional, has no intention to create? Should be the long years ago matter. 这是有意为之,还是无意造成的?应该是漫长岁月前的事。 Chu Feng is very regrettable, but, his eye has shone in the piece quarter, thinks that a possibility, the rhizome is cut off, in most situations means that bottle gourd Yoto died thoroughly. 楚风很遗憾,但是,没过片刻钟他的眼睛又亮了,想到一种可能,根茎断掉,在大多数情况下就意味着葫芦与藤彻底死去。 However, an extreme condition, the bottle gourd root hair possibly once more germinates, in addition ties small bottle gourd. 然而,还有一种极端情况,葫芦根须可能再次发芽,另结小葫芦 In that case, new good fortune and an official position place, because the newborn meeting is accompanying the rich and vigorous vitality, if enters in the small bottle gourd abdomen, most suits raises the person! 那样的话,新的福禄地,因为初生会伴着浓郁而蓬勃的生命力,若是进入小葫芦腹中,最适合养人! Hope has this possibility!” “希望有这种可能!” Chu Feng decided that must looking well. 楚风决定,要好好的找一找。 However, has certain difficulty, after the bottle gourd cane is cut off, the Earth Vein root hair can flee, possibly also in, also possibly inside and outside hundreds of thousands. 不过,有一定的难度,葫芦藤断掉后,地脉根须会遁走,可能还在附近,也可能会在数十万里外。 At this time, the light rain stopped, the setting sun sunset, horizon red, in addition in the upper air also the rainbow horizontally hangs. 此时,小雨已停,夕阳西照,天边一片通红,此外高空中还有一道彩虹横挂。 Not far away, several rush of blood to the head cows were grazing, have shaken fur, the scarlet flame beat, the flame rushed, steamed nearby wet humid air was dry. 不远处,有几头火牛在吃草,抖了抖皮毛,赤炎跳动,火光澎湃,将附近湿漉漉的潮湿空气都蒸的干燥了。 Some youngster quietly to get close to, wants to hunt, treats as the supper of this meeting, is the people of other tribes. 一些少年正在悄然接近,想要捕猎,当作这次聚会的晚餐,都是其他部落的人。 Bang! 轰隆! A rush of blood to the head expert stands, the nose spurts the white smoke, the whole body raging flames, fires the magma the ground, one group of youngster disperse instantly. 一头火牛人立而起,鼻子喷白烟,周身烈焰腾腾,将地面都烧成岩浆,一群少年一哄而散。 Run, has only Ox King!” “快跑,有只牛王!” However, the hot cow does not dare to flaunt ominously, here approaches several tribes, must flaunt fierce power definitely unable to flatter. 不过,火牛也没敢逞凶,这里临近几个部落,真要逞凶威肯定讨不了好。 Was a pity that otherwise can roast the corbel to eat in the evening,” “可惜啊,不然晚上可以烤牛腿吃,” Hey, the brothers of Hei Xuan tribe, heard that your there presents a talent, five years old can the fierce battle, dare to seize with you to slaughtering, real false?” “喂,黑玄部落的兄弟,听说你们那里出现一个天才,五岁就可以激烈战斗,敢跟你们捉对厮杀,真的假的?” Naturally real, my Hei Xuan tribe always leaves the talent.” “自然是真的,我黑玄部落一向出天才。” A Lei Clan youngster laughs, said: My clan has three -year-old young boy, may shake and others, heaven blessed genius, is our department for several thousand years the strongest bloodlines.” 雷族一个少年嗤笑,道:“我族有三岁幼童,可撼动尔等,天纵之资,是我部数千年来最强的血脉。” At this time, the Ji Clan youngster rushed, appeared near heavenly pit. 这时,姬族的少年赶到了,出现在天坑附近。 Well, the Ji Clan brothers you are also leading a kid, we were discussing nearby tribe talent astonishing immature child, should you not bring show off one's military strength intentionally?” Some people open the mouth. “咦,姬族的兄弟你们还带着一个娃,我们正在谈论附近部落天赋惊人的幼小孩子,你们该不会是故意带过来一个耀武扬威吧?”有人开口。 This kid is not strong, white and tender, where looks like the bloodlines of our Wasteland's border, should not be the demon will give birth?” Lei Clan youngster sarcastic comments. “这娃一点也不壮,白白嫩嫩,哪里像我们边荒的血脉,该不会是精怪产子吧?”雷族的少年冷言冷语。 In Chu Feng heart chatty, initially when Ji Haishan picked him with meeting the Lei Clan person, that Lei Jiao is very gloomy and overbearing, is not the good kind. 楚风心中腻歪,当初姬海山捡到他时与遇上雷族的人,那个雷蛟便很阴沉与霸道,不是善类。 Now meets the youngster of this clan, the feeling is not good stubble. 现在又遇上该族的少年,感觉也不是善茬儿。 Ji Hou shouted: „The Lei Clan person you leaves labels randomly, this words cannot speak irresponsibly.” If really the demon descendant in mountain, must be burnt by the people of various tribes in the presence of everyone while still alive. 姬猴喝道:“雷族的人你们别乱扣帽子,这种话可不能乱说。”真要是山中的精怪后代,肯定要被各部落的人当众活活烧死。 “Wú, a little looks like that kid who Uncle Lei Jiao said that you dare to bring to come out unexpectedly, wants to make us pinch directly?! ” Lei Clan youngster cold sound said. “唔,有点像雷蛟叔说的那个娃,你们居然敢带出来,想让我们直接捏死吗?!”雷族的少年冷声道。 Shut up, the old man lived for several thousand years, at the present feels rejuvenated, does the ignorant stupid kid also dare to disrespect to the old man?!” “闭嘴,老夫活了数千年,而今返老还童,无知的蠢娃也敢对老夫不敬?!” The Chu Feng opens the mouth, is shouldering a pair of small hand, berated the Lei Clan youngster there haughty, his makings as well as the elegant demeanor that may not be really unambiguous, has the previous life Divine King stance. 楚风开口,背负着一双小手,在那里大剌剌地喝斥雷族少年,他的气质以及风采等那可真不含糊,有前世神王的架势。 One group of youngster were all blown. 一群少年全都被镇住了。 Chu Feng has not wanted to have the dispute with one group of youngster, he is pondering over, can make them look for the good fortune and an official position place together. 楚风还真不想跟一群少年起纠葛,他在琢磨,能否让他们一起找福禄地。 You, when I frighten in a big way, were you weaned?” The Lei Clan youngster is not good to deceive, mouth not bountiful person. “你当我吓大的,你断奶了吗?”雷族的少年并不好糊弄,嘴巴不饶人。 Chu Feng said: Old man gives you an opportunity, kneels to kotow, otherwise your Lei Clan will have the catastrophe, since then, erases from this stretch of area.” 楚风道:“老夫给你一个机会,跪下来叩首,不然你雷族将有大祸,自此之后,从这片疆域中抹除。” Ji Hou and the others in secret are flabbergasted, the child can blow, spurted the person to be fiercer than them, leading him to come out really to throw a bluff on. 姬猴等人都暗中咋舌,小娃真能吹,比他们喷人厉害多了,带他出来果然可以唬人。 Real, are you old seniors?” The heavenly pit edge, five colors divine light flashes, presents powder to carve the doll who the jade carves, flashes the big eye to look at Chu Feng there. “真的吗,你是一个老前辈?”天坑边缘,五色神光一闪,出现一个粉雕玉琢的女娃,在那里扑闪着大眼望着楚风 Her wear was too tasteful, the scarlet small skirt that God Level hot silkworm king Tusi weaves, on the snow white neck wears the necklace that the clear bird beak strings together. 她的穿着太讲究了,神级火蚕王吐丝编织的赤红小裙子,雪白颈项上戴着晶莹鸟喙串成的项链。 The Chu Feng pupil contraction, saw that a little like the Tianhuang noble descent juniors who the Ji Clan people said that should do not throw into dragon nest to whet the little fellow? 楚风瞳孔收缩,怎么看都有点像姬族众人所说的天潢贵胄子弟,该不会就是要将这样的小家伙扔进龙窝中磨砺吧? He turned head to look, xue touched in all directions, that person came, whether in nearby? 他回头看了看,四处踅摸,那个人来了吗,是否在附近?
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