SR :: Volume #11

#1032: Ultimate evolution trace

A throat, clear infant voice is having the milk taste, is especially distant, cuts the thin mountain fog that just appeared the early morning of passes on the red glowing sun, ripples. 一嗓子而已,清脆的童音带着奶味儿,在红日刚露头的清晨传的格外悠远,划破稀薄的山雾,荡漾出去。 The short mountain that the temple is situated adjoins to the Ji Clan tribe, both almost by. 神庙坐落的矮山毗邻姬族的部落,两者几乎挨着。 Very busy early morning, all people stood in same place, is unable to move likely, is that smoke from kitchen chimneys as well as sprinkles the golden rosy-colored clouds at dawn in tribe as if frames, becomes a picture scroll. 原本很忙碌的大清早,所有人都站在原地,像是无法动弹,便是那炊烟以及洒在部落中的金色朝霞都仿佛定格,成为一幅画卷。 What condition is this? Ji Clan several hundred people, the clan old teenagers a little are speechless, in their eyes just like Heavenly Immortal female...... Wet the bed? 这是啥状况?姬族数百口人,无论是族老还是半大小子都有点无言,他们眼中宛若天仙般的女子……尿床了? In one crowd of person winds disorderly! 一群人风中凌乱! This young brat, I cannot kill him!” “这小兔崽子,我打不死他!” Ji Haishan breaks this peace, then starts to walk a pair of sturdy thigh, charges into the back side of the mountain, and bellows: Is getting more and more stubbornly disobedient, the bean sprouts dare to blaspheme the fairy maiden greatly, later also!” 姬海山打破这份宁静,然后迈开一双粗壮的大腿,冲向后山,并且大吼:“越来越顽劣,豆芽大就敢亵渎仙子,以后还了得!” On short mountain, in temple. 矮山上,神庙中。 Wore the female of goose yellow long skirt, the veil clearly shook, that beautiful star pupil once revealed divine glow in instant opening and closing. 身穿鹅黄色长裙的女子,面纱分明摇动了一下,那原本美丽的星眸曾在刹那的开阖间露出神芒 Meanwhile she tall and straight and slender body also in instantaneous stiff, the holy tone that such as the moonlight shone once was similar to at that time in the blue sea blew the hurricane to surge together, drags to dance in the breeze in the long skirt of ground, if hidden if without a gap revealed a pair of snow white and straight long leg. 同时她挺拔而修长的身躯也在刚才的瞬间僵了一下,原本如月光普照的圣洁气韵曾在那时如同碧海中刮起一道飓风而激荡,拖在地上的长裙都飘舞起来,若隐若无间露出一双雪白而笔直的长腿。 This graceful bearing peerless female usually nimble and resourceful and spatial bright, always calm free, a throat that but actually in the morning spoke in an infantile tone of voice by this in today's this blows, just like was hit on ninth heaven/day, that instantaneous, drops in billowing mortal world. 这个丰姿绝世的女子平日间灵动而又空明,一向从容自若,但却在今天这个清晨被这奶声奶气的一嗓子镇住,宛若在九天上被人击中,有那么瞬间,跌落在滚滚红尘 The breeze moves, the veil raises an corner/horn, can see that her shining white on the cheeks appears crimson, calm calm she somewhat is also in a jam today. 微风吹动,面纱扬起一角,可以看到她那张莹白的脸颊上浮现绯红,从容镇定的她在今天也有些发窘。 Usually who saw that she is not the ritual respects, is that Tianhuang noble descent meets by chance, is the manner is graceful, the words and deeds are appropriate, will not be arrogant. 平日间谁见到她不是礼敬有加,便是那天潢贵胄偶遇,也都是举止优雅,言行得体,不会盛气凌人。 Today, a kid shouted unexpectedly this words, fortunately this is in Wasteland's border, not having the acquaintance to present. 今天,一个娃居然喊出这种话,还好这是在边荒,没有熟人在场。 Side, gentle silver-haired mother-in-law smiling face solidifies, thinks unthinkable, one very early in the morning, what matter did this call? She wants to throw very much from the mountain this kid. 旁边,慈祥的银发婆婆笑容凝固,觉得匪夷所思,一大清早,这叫什么事?她很想将这娃从山上扔下去。 Old woman secretly thought, this, if by young lady's Evolver knows of enemy as well as that same level, the image completely to destroy? 老妪暗道,这若是被小姐的对头以及那同层次的进化者知道,岂不是形象尽毁? Dong Qing, hangs him!” The female opens the mouth, her state of mind is very strong, instantly returns to normal, but words suitable simple, must tidy up Chu Feng. 冬青,将他吊起来!”女子开口,她心境很强,霎时恢复平静,但是话语相当的干脆,要收拾楚风 In her pupil, starry sky passes, Sun and Moon lives to extinguish, in addition her peerless graceful bearing, appears somewhat unusual, has an alternative unique feeling. 在她的眸子中,星空流转,日月生灭,再加上她绝世的风姿,显得有些异样,有种另类的超脱感。 She stands existence likely on Thirty Three Layer Heaven, in the silence, overlooks mortal world. 她像是站在三十三重天上的存在,在寂静中,俯视红尘 The cheek of Dong Qing becomes stiff, corners of the mouth there is twitching slightly, this kid young lady's white jade chuang to the urine wet big piece, will dare unexpectedly finally...... Put the blame on victim! 冬青的面皮发僵,嘴角那里在轻微抽搐,这娃居然将小姐的白玉床给尿湿一大片,最后还敢……倒打一耙! Really absurd, Dong Qing wants to beat savagely Chu Feng, the smiling face that at this time she showed made the Chu Feng small face send directly green, felt to be scared. 真是岂有此理,冬青想暴打楚风,这时她露出的笑容让楚风小脸直发绿,感觉发毛。 I make you run first 39 meters!” The Dong Qing jar sound jar air/Qi, the big mouth was saying there. “我让先你跑出去39米!”冬青瓮声瓮气,在那里咧着血盆大口说道。 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng ran, is decisive, starts to walk a pair of small short leg, is taking to one's heels to dash about wildly. 楚风跑了,非常果断,迈开一双小短腿,撒丫子狂奔。 Although he confuses condition in the embryo, in the situation of but a moment ago quickly grasping the meaning of something, already sobered, knows has courted disaster, should this time not be killed by that fairy maiden? 他虽然处在胎中迷状态,可是刚才一激灵的情况下,已然清醒,知道惹祸了,这次该不会被那仙子打死吧? He indeed ran 39 meters, last meter, a 40 meters bright as snow broadsword divided from the rear area, pressed on his neck. 他的确跑出去了39米,但是,最后一米时,一柄40米长的雪亮大刀从后方劈过来,压在他的脖子上。 In this flash, Chu Feng had a mind to spell, but he faded finally, the body decided there, does not dare to move. 在这一瞬间,楚风真有心拼了,但最后他又蔫了,身体定在那里,不敢动弹。 Dong Qing changes the body, dozens meters high, the fiendish features, purple sends the uncombed hair chaotic dance fully, blood energy rises suddenly, the knows anything race, even more does not appear fierce, the mountain forest of the region presses simply must blast out. 冬青变身,足有数十米高,青面獠牙,一头紫发乱发乱舞,血气暴涨,不知道什么种族,越发显得凶猛,简直压的这片区域的山林都要炸开了。 She grasps 40 meters broadsword, arrives on the Chu Feng's small neck, this is...... Falls into the violent to walk the condition! 她手持40米大刀,抵在楚风的小脖子上,这是……陷入暴走状态! Obviously, she to own young lady how loyal with support, does not hesitate to a child operate. 可见,她对自家小姐多么的忠诚与拥护,不惜要对一个孩子开刀。 Young brat, I thought that you also dared......” at this time, Ji Haishan to climbing mountains, still to be shouting, wanted the pain to punch Chu Feng, finally now all words swallowed back. “小兔崽子,我看你还敢……”这时,姬海山冲上山来,原本还在大喊,要痛揍楚风一顿,结果现在所有的话语都咽了回去。 Dong Qing, should not be excited, told according to the young lady did is.” The silver-haired mother-in-law opens the mouth temperately. 冬青,别激动,按照小姐吩咐的去做就是。”银发婆婆温和地开口。 Chu Feng was hung, is very miserable, a pair of calf was given to tie up by violent dragon tendon, hangs before the temple. 楚风被吊起来,很惨,一双小腿被暴龙筋给拴住,吊在神庙前。 Dong Qing begins personally, must crank up eight petals his buttocks. 冬青亲自动手,要将他的屁股拍成八瓣。 He is young, do not hit.” Fairy maiden gentle sound conveys, making Chu Feng feel relieved, how to say again he was also once Great Demon Chu, was spanked, this will become the life black stain. “他还小,别打了。”仙子温婉的声音传来,让楚风如释重负,再怎么说他也是曾经的楚大魔头,被人打屁股,这将成为一生的黑污点。 He thought, this fairy maiden is really good, is gentle, is really makes the person cannot help but not like. 他觉得,这仙子还真不错,性格温柔,实在是让人不由得不喜欢。 However, the next quarter his smiling face solidified, because the fairy maiden has not said. 然而,下一刻他的笑容就凝固了,因为仙子还没有说完呢。 Hangs here a day him.” Her quite calm, elegant Ruoxian, sound such does not moisten smoke and fire smell, just like transmits from the immortal territory. “将他吊在这里一天。”她相当的淡定,飘逸若仙,连声音都那么的不沾烟火气,宛若自仙域传来。 You hit me!” The quilt cover puts one's foot down hangs for day, the absolute ratio hits him uncomfortably one. “你还是打我吧!”被头下脚上的吊一天,绝对比打他一顿还难受。 The fairy maiden nods, said: That fires off hangs again.” 仙子点头,道:“那就打完再吊。” Stops, hangs directly!” Chu Feng lives not to be possible the love appearance, is crooked the neck, is slanting the eye to look at the temple. “停,直接吊吧!”楚风一副生无可恋的样子,歪着脖子,斜着眼睛看神庙。 This definitely is not the fairy maiden, is the female demon, he thinks really...... Exorcize demons, but feared that was instead surrendered. 这肯定不是仙子,是女魔头,他真想……降魔,但又怕被反降服。 After half double-hour, his small face could not stretch, did not have the words to look for the words saying that because one group of boors in tribe ran, here looked at him to leave smelly, the laughter kept. 半个时辰后,他的小脸绷不住了,没话找话说,因为部落中的一群野小子都跑来了,在这里看他出糗,嬉笑不停。 Puts me to get down, this time has anything at the worst, turns head I to compensate your hot jade bed, later also the diaper, the flame flashes again, instantaneous dry!” “放我下来,这次有啥大不了,回头我赔你一张火玉床,以后再也尿不湿,火光一闪,瞬间干燥!” Owes to hit?” Dong Qing is deep and gruff voice, is staring the copper bell big eye, goes out from the temple. “欠打吧?”冬青粗声粗气,瞪着铜铃大眼,从神庙中走出。 Puts me to get down, although today accident/surprise, but will look back in the future again, you will discover, this possibly is the miracle, no, is the emperor mark, is trace that one generation of ultimate Evolver leave, is supreme my few authentic work, looks everywhere world, cannot discover such second bed, the value will be immeasurable, to have the significant historic importance and evolution significance.” “放我下来吧,今天虽然意外,但将来再回首,你们会发现,这可能是神迹,不,是帝迹,是一代终极进化者所留的痕迹,是无上的我为数不多的真迹,遍寻世间,找不出这样的第二张床,价值无可估量,将会有重大的历史意义与进化意义。” When Chu Feng there dai bo dai, spoke these words does not blush, was hung the mouth unable to idle, but also was saying. 楚风在那里嘚啵嘚,说这些话时一点也不脸红,被吊起来嘴巴都闲不住,还在说呢。 Please remember this great day, supreme I leaves behind strong one in this place today, will go down in history, starting from today, I will step Paramount Evolution Road, invited everybody...... Always remembers today, feels the day to move!” “请记住今天这个伟大的日子,无上的我在此地留下浓重一笔,将会被载入史册中,也是自今天开始,我将踏上究极进化路,请各位……铭记今天,感天动地啊!” He speaks in an infantile tone of voice, is fervent, a strong bosom intense appearance, making one group of everybody who catches up with from the tribe speechless. 他奶声奶气,偏偏还要慷慨激昂,一副壮怀激烈的样子,让从部落赶来的一群男女老少都无语。 The cheek of Dong Qing is twitching, satirizes: „The future emperor mark, is really extraordinary, wets the bed must become the start of some era, goes down in history, suffices the brilliance.” 冬青的面皮在抽搐,讽刺道:“未来的帝迹,真是了不起啊,尿床都要成为某一纪元的开始,载入史册中,真够光辉的。” One group of boors laugh. 一群野小子哄笑。 Turns head I also to hurry the picture on this mountain to open the map, enhances one another's beauty with the ultimate evolution trace, haha!” “回头我也赶紧在这座山上画张地图,与终极进化痕迹交相辉映,哈哈!” One group of teenagers wink, tease Chu Feng. 一群半大小子挤眉弄眼,取笑楚风 Blushes for this kid including Ji Haishan, just when picked him looks at his soft and fair skin, had not discovered that his facial skin is so thick, recently this spoke is getting more and more smooth, is getting more and more ignominious. 姬海山都替这娃脸红,刚捡到他时看他细皮嫩肉,怎么也没有发现他脸皮这么厚,最近这娃说话越来越溜,也越来越可耻。 The fairy maiden opens the mouth in temple, said: Oh, that this bed is remaining, suppresses in this Wasteland's border, in the future after being unearthed, perhaps also will really be the treasure of Paramount.” 神庙中的仙子开口,道:“唉,那这张床就留着吧,镇压在这边荒,将来出土后说不定还真是究极之宝。” Then, she shows a faint smile, the perfect face under veil is the elegant demeanor is seriously dazzling, the beautiful woman causes the downfall of the nation, said: Is only, wets the bed this legend, regarding the supreme polocyte, did not say finally of pleasant to hear, typical black history.” 接着,她又微微一笑,面纱下的完美面孔当真是风采耀眼,倾城倾国,道:“只是,尿床这种传说,对于无上终极体来说,好说不好听,典型的黑历史。” This female demon! Chu Feng curls the lip. 这女魔头!楚风撇嘴。 Ji Haishan was unable to continue watching, shouted: Young brat, you urinates a bed also to think that surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries is inadequate? Very has no shame!” 姬海山看不下去了,喝道:“小兔崽子,你尿个床还想震古烁今不成?忒没羞没臊!” One group of people laugh. 一群人大笑。 Chu Feng also blushes, ponders over carefully, if which day really become Fang Qiang, first let alone Supreme Being wait/etc., is becomes Heavenly Venerate, this phase of history was turned is also the lifetime black stain. 楚风也脸红,仔细琢磨,万一哪天自己真成为一方强者,先别说大能等,就是成为天尊,这段历史被人翻出来也是一生的黑污点啊。 However, is quick he to be also calm, has also done compared with this absurd matter, when World of the Dead, beats Divine Son, trades Holy Daughter, the given name of kidnapper is known to everybody to be known to everybody, but also cares about at present this minor matter? 但是,很快他又淡定下来,比这还荒唐的事都做过,在阴间时,殴打神子,贩卖圣女,人贩子之大名无人不知无人不晓,还在意眼前这点小事吗? He is quite proud, the tranquil opens the mouth, said: Relax, if another day I for ultimate evolution body, even if absurd passing will also sanctify, was respected by the common people, the brilliance shines world.” 他相当自负,平静开口,道:“放心,他日我若为终极进化体,哪怕再荒唐的过往也会神圣化,被世人所敬仰,光辉普照世间。” Was the date, emperor dream traceless, the bed was wet.” Chu Feng so supplements one. “是日,帝梦无痕,床湿。”楚风这般补充一句。 What emperor dream traceless, is the spring dream traceless?” A youngster said with a smile. “啥帝梦无痕,是春梦无痕吧?”一个少年笑道。 Chu Feng nods, said: Intelligent, the later generation like this will comment on.” 楚风点头,道:“聪明,后人自会这样评说。” In the temple the smiling face on silver-haired mother-in-law face stiffens immediately, can this kid also really cocky, dare vague teasing and sexually harassing including the fairy maiden? Is then big, absolutely is also evildoer/monstrous talent. 神庙中银发婆婆脸上的笑容顿时僵住,这小屁孩还真能得瑟,连仙子都敢隐晦的调侃与调戏?这才多大,绝对也是一个妖孽。 Although Dong Qing also is very much angry, but also realized, although this kid owes to hit, but some talents, after being also worth teaching well, trains. 冬青虽然很也很生气,但同时也意识到,这娃虽然欠打,但是也有些天赋,值得好好教训后去培养。 In the temple, the fairy maiden is covered with veil, cannot see her expression, finally she is only the ancient well without ripples instruction, hangs Chu Feng one day of again in addition one night! 神庙中,仙子蒙着面纱,看不到她的表情,最后她只是古井无波地吩咐,吊楚风一天再加一夜! Chu Feng was anxious, shouts: Fairy maiden does not want, although in that dream has you, but in the future may be a charming story.” 楚风急了,喊道:“仙子不要啊,虽然那梦中有你,但将来可能是一段佳话。” Dong Qing, hits his!” Fairy maiden order. 冬青,打他一顿!”仙子命令。 Does not want, from now on I will remain silent, anything will not say!” Chu Feng shouts. “不要,从现在开始我保持沉默,什么都不说了!”楚风喊道。 Ji Haishan comes, is pinching his small face, said: „This your small bad embryo, how I previously had not looked, really had acted against heaven, you dare to toss about again, I punish guilty family members first!” 姬海山过来,捏着他的小脸,道:“这你小坏胚,我早先怎么就没看出来,真是反了天了,你再敢折腾,我先大义灭亲!” Chu Feng lives up to one's words, placed there silent, but is slanting the eye to visit him. 楚风说到做到,在那里保持“缄默”,只是在斜着眼睛看他。 The following day regarding Chu Feng, the pain is happy, after being tidied up, his daily boiling down painful the several fold has continued, Dong Qing to his types looking after, often makes him yell, sore he wants to hit the mountain by. 接下来的日子对于楚风来说,痛并快乐着,被收拾一顿后,他每天的熬炼痛苦了数倍不止,冬青对他各种“关照”,时常让他嗷嗷大叫,疼的他想以头撞山。 However, this boiling down effect is tangible, he was placed in the rare mineral substance to boil out, was used mystique method to thrash the whole body, drinks some flying dragon milk, the innate attribute is enhanced, the growth is rapid. 不过,这种熬炼效果明显,他被放在稀有矿物质中熬煮,被用秘法捶打周身,饮某种飞龙的奶,先天属性在增强,成长迅速。 Is ready, after the conditions are ripe, the young lady prepares to throw into this piece of Border Desolation Depth dragon nest you.” Dong Qing informs. “做好准备,时机成熟后,小姐准备将你扔进这片边荒深处龙窝中。”冬青告知。 What condition, did that locate dragon nest not to have a liking for by the Tianhuang noble descent? Is attacking, Chu Feng has the question. 什么状况,那处龙窝不是被天潢贵胄看上了吗?正在攻打,楚风发出疑问。 Dong Qing nods, said: "Um, once captures dragon nest, they will put the children of postures of several Heaven-Blessed, when the time comes the young lady asks the opportunity also to throw you, you look at the office. ” 冬青点头,道:“嗯,一旦攻陷龙窝,他们会将几个天纵之姿的孩子放进去,到时候小姐找机会将你也扔进去,你自己看着办。” Chu Feng called out: „Didn't this to not retaliate and teach me, what I say a spring dream that traceless? My this small arm calf same super evolution Sect to, live getting down?” 楚风叫道:“这不会是为了报复与教训我吧,我不就说了句春梦那啥无痕吗?我这小胳膊小腿同一个超级进化门派对上,怎么活的下去?” „The matter outside dragon nest you do not need to manage, can live in the lair then the line.” The Dong Qing words are succinct. 龙窝外的事你不用管,能在巢穴中活下来就行。”冬青话语简洁。 Chu Feng is imposing, said: You said, I in dragon nest, must spell with several dragon bastard blood, but also possibly can battle with several little evildoer?!” 楚风凛然,道:“你是说,我在龙窝中,要跟几头龙崽子血拼,还可能要跟几个小妖孽激战?!” Your knows is good!” “你知道就好!” This also...... Bullied the person.” Chu Feng called out. “这也……太欺负人了。”楚风叫道。 Dong Qing unemotionally, said: Road of superior win and inferior wash out evolution, survival of the fittest, this is your first test, finding the way to live.” 冬青面无表情,道:“进化之路优胜劣汰,适者生存,这是你的第一次考验,想办法活下来。” The Chu Feng small face is stretching, shoulders a pair of small hand, raises the chin to correct, said: „It is not, I mean, my such person arrives at dragon nest, bullied them.” 楚风小脸绷着,背负一双小手,扬着下巴纠正,道:“不是,我的意思是,我这样的人降临龙窝,也太欺负他们了。” Dong Qing: „......” 冬青:“……” Has suppressed good long while, she scolds, said: Are many then your words!” 憋了好半天,她才呵斥,道:“就你话多!” Chu Feng holds up the head, looks at the day to sigh. 楚风昂首,望天而叹。 In fact, his heart is serious, now he young, fights with Dragon Race, with several little evildoer to, if not use previous life Dao Fruit, the fight will be mostly brutal, may be killed, bloody, what after all he must face is small crowd of monsters! 事实上,他心头沉重,现在他过于年幼,跟龙族战斗,跟几个小妖孽对上,如果不动用前世道果,战斗多半会非常残酷,有可能真会被干掉,血淋淋,毕竟他要面对的可是一小群怪物! Dong Qing warned, said: Recently do not stir up trouble, attacks dragon nest that team possibly to construct a temporary palace near wanting, the waiting aid.” 冬青告诫,道:“最近别惹事,攻打龙窝的那支队伍可能在要附近建一座行宫,等待援手。” Also can wait for the aid?!” Chu Feng is startled. “还要等待援手?!”楚风吃惊。 "Um, in Border Desolation Depth dragon nest, may not only 1-2 grown dragons be so simple, the situation is grim, unexpected, that group of people will draw back mostly first. ” “嗯,边荒深处龙窝中,可不只一两头成年龙那么简单,形势严峻,出乎意料,那群人多半会先退回来。” When hears these words, Chu Feng staggers. 当听到这些话,楚风一个踉跄。 You how, trivial a wee bit, actually does intentionally deeply, but also such a face complex look, do not install!” Dong Qing wants to punch him. “你怎么了,屁大丁点,却又故作深沉,还这么一脸复杂的神色,别装!”冬青想揍他。 Chu Feng wants to say very much, this time does not install great changes, but has mixed feelings, ex-girlfriend could appear here, if not take a walk to meet carefully, he now is so young, meets too embarrassed. 楚风很想说,这次真不是装沧桑,而是真的心情复杂,前女友可能要出现在这里,万一不小心散步遇上,他现在这么小,见面太尬。 He thinks of various possibilities, what to do if some accident happened, for example was pinched the small face? Such relative, making him feel sad. 他想到各种可能,若是某种偶然事件发生怎么办,比如被捏小脸?这样相对,让他情何以堪。
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