SR :: Volume #11

#1031: Chapter 1031 deity elder sister wets the bed

This name, is really good!” “这名字,真好!” Even if Chu Feng speaks in an infantile tone of voice, makes a sonorous gesture, is patting the small chest, asked that one group of boors, this name whether tallies with his makings. 楚风即便奶声奶气,也做出一副铿锵姿态,拍着小胸脯,问一群野小子,这名字是否与他气质相符。 „The name that sea Uncle Shan and clan are old, naturally is good, under one hear such as that thunder is then ear-spitting, if that resonant voice rings out, clear as a bell, called loudly, enlightened the benighted!” “海山叔与族老起的名字,自然是好,一听之下便如那雷霆震耳,又若那黄钟大吕,轰然而鸣,振聋发聩!” Teenager who called Ji Hu, the eye narrowed two slits, there may flattering of vigor. 一个叫姬狐的半大小子,眼睛眯成两道缝隙,在那里可着劲儿的拍马屁。 I do not want!” Chu Feng is serious, the speech was even more agile. “那我不要了!”楚风一本正经,说话越发利索了。 Then he also said: Listened to your such saying, my heart was touched greatly, the void two characters were vigorous and serious, must simply the collapsing by pressure eternal landscape, my heart shocked, but, always thought that did not tally with my makings. Ok, I called Ji Tianmo.” 接着他又道:“听你这样一说,我心大受触动,虚空二字雄浑而沉重,简直是要压塌万古河山,我心震撼,但是,总觉得与我气质不相符。算了,我还是叫姬天魔吧。” Young brat, I kills you, how my can Ji Family leave the demon?!” Ji Haishan must truncate to his small buttocks, moreover must truncate ruthlessly. “小兔崽子,我打死你,我姬家怎么会出魔?!”姬海山对着他小屁股就要削,而且还是要狠削。 Chu Feng rolls the eyes, fucking, appealing to heaven demon must come under attack, if made their knows ancestors be shouted Great Demon Chu by the entire universe person, should not be insane? 楚风翻白眼,特么的,叫天魔就要挨打,要是让他们知道自己上辈子被全宇宙的人喊楚大魔头,还不要疯了? He turns around to run, rubs to crawl to the back of Dong Qing miss, she is strong, simply is one living big shield. 他转身就跑,蹭蹭爬到冬青姑娘的背后,她膀大腰圆,简直是一个活着的大盾牌。 Brother Haishan appeases anger.” Dong Qing urged, she boiled down the Chu Feng physique, does not think that he was destroyed. 海山哥息怒。”冬青劝道,她熬炼楚风筋骨,可不想他真被打坏掉。 I said that is sense of reality receives, although innermost feelings with void two character resonating, but is restless, cannot call this name.” Chu Feng shouts. “我所说是真实感受,内心虽与虚空二字共振,但却不安,不能叫这个名字。”楚风喊道。 This has not lain but actually, when this name for he gives, he suddenly unexpectedly really the feelings of some palpitations, kills does not want to call the void this name. 这倒没撒谎,将这个名字为他起出来时,他一时间居然真有心悸的感觉,打死也不想叫虚空这个名字。 Your day demon name is not good, other also has, what do you also want to call?” At this time, a clan old opens the mouth, the mouth then the remaining several Chinese rhubarb thread chasers, other fell out or off entirely. “你那个天魔名字不行,别的还有吗,你还想叫什么?”这时,一位族老开口,嘴里就剩下几颗大黄板牙,其他都掉光了。 Ji Clan opposes in the Chu Feng name including the children up and down the belt/bring demon, this cannot pass. 姬族上下连孩子都反对楚风名字中带魔,这根本通不过。 Chu Feng is blinking the big eye, a deep appearance, said: How lonely is the invincible, that was inferior that I called Ji Mo, the atmosphere and had the inside story, indicates my future.” 楚风眨巴着大眼,一副深沉的样子,道:“无敌是多么寂寞,那不如我就叫姬寞吧,大气而又有底蕴,预示着我的将来。” "Pa!" “啪!” Ji Haishan gave him the small buttocks to come up a palm of the hand, said: Trivial a wee bit, but also in kid of nursing, dares to install deeply, how didn't you call lonely like the snow?” 姬海山给他小屁股上来了一巴掌,道:“屁大丁点,还在吃奶的娃,也敢装深沉,你怎么不叫寂寞如雪?” Hit me to spell with you again!” Chu Feng feels especially injust, is reincarnated gravity head to meet this matter again, does not have the place to reason things out. “再打我跟你拼了!”楚风感觉特冤,转世重头再来遇上这种事,没地方说理去。 Child, you thinks again, other names?” A clan always smiles. “孩子,你再想一想,还有其他名字吗?”一位族老笑眯眯。 Ji is invincible!” Chu Feng is raising the small head, and shoulders a pair of small hand, an elegant demeanor self-confident appearance. “姬无敌!”楚风昂着小脑袋,并且背负一双小手,一副风采自信的样子。 A while!” At this time, Ji Haishan saw several clan old smiling faces, he had also tasted, said: This kid just picked at the appointed time also very single Chun, how words to be recently many, moreover more said that is smoother?” “等会儿!”这时,姬海山看到几位族老的笑容,他也回过味儿来了,道:“这娃刚捡到时还很单蠢,最近怎么话多了,而且越说越溜?” Chu Feng is afraid, but is actually coquettish, is supporting the small chest, said: I am the talent!” 楚风心虚,但却故作姿态,挺着小胸脯,道:“我是天才!” The Dong Qing opens the mouth, said: This is not anything, these with the family that the world exists forever, some children were just born will speak a few days, can run less than ten days like the wind, when less than one year old has been able to read poems to paint.” 冬青开口,道:“这不算什么,那些与世长存的家族,有的孩子刚出生没几天就会说话,不足十天就能奔跑如风,不到一岁时就已经可以吟诗作画。” Chu Feng is speechless, what evildoer/monstrous talent is this?! 楚风无言,这都是什么妖孽?! Dong Qing also said: And what is more, some evolution Sect locked the baby when Immortal Cave, the birth will speak, several months were big can prey with the True Dragon young son together.” 冬青又道:“更有甚者,有的进化门派锁在仙洞中的婴孩,出生就会说话,几个月大时就能跟真龙幼崽在一起搏杀。” Chu Feng is terrified, is this real? He suspected seriously! 楚风悚然,这是真的吗?他严重怀疑! He is Reincarnator, felt that a superiority didn't have? The child of World of the Living normal birth had such monster, becomes a spirit! 他可是转世者,怎么感觉一点优势都没有了?阳间正常出生的孩子就有这样的怪物,都成精了吧! Even, he suspected seriously that model should not be Reincarnator? He ponders over secretly, later inquired, looked which left such Heaven-Blessed Talent, found the opportunity to give to tie up. 甚至,他严重怀疑,那种典型该不会就是轮回者吧?他暗自琢磨,以后去打听,看哪家出了这样的天纵奇才,找机会都给绑了。 Your high-sounding talk, certainly presses out dry/does and others value!” He considers secretly. “你们那么高调,一定榨干尔等的价值!”他暗自思量。 „Was don't tell me the ancient Supreme Being reincarnation is successful?” A Ji Clan clan is old, so opens the mouth, the heart has the suspicion. 难道是古代大能转生成功?”姬族的一位族老经多见广,这般开口,心有怀疑。 Dong Qing shakes the head, said: No, after the confirmation, indeed was the child of normal birth, ruled out that possibility, true talent terrifying.” 冬青摇头,道:“不,经过验证,的确就是正常出生的孩子,排除了那种可能,真正的天赋恐怖。” Moreover, this child also has the record in history book, does not have the person of accident/surprise, finally becomes Supreme Being, is living at the present, in bird's eye view Great Desolate Earth! 而且,这种孩子在史书中也有记载,没出意外的人,最后都成为大能,而今还活着,在俯瞰洪荒大地 Present age also has this evildoer/monstrous talent?” A clan always asked that this was also Chu Feng thinks that the knows matter, the knife edge the ear attention was listening respectfully. “当世也有这种妖孽吗?”一位族老问道,这也是楚风知道的事,支棱着耳朵注意聆听。 Has, most at least has several.” Dong Qing sighed, deeply feels that disparity the dilutedness, has no alternative to that small monster. “有,最起码有几个。”冬青叹道,深深感受到那种差距的无力感,对那种小怪物无可奈何。 If no accident/surprise, that will be future Supreme Being, the terrifying giant in world, at the present is at the young stage. 若无意外,那就是未来的大能,世间的恐怖巨头,而今处在幼年期。 A Chu Feng feeling, what world is this? The World of the Living talent extraordinary baby, is a little really odd, is abnormal, making the person feeling very not real. 楚风一阵感慨,这是什么世界?阳间天赋超绝的婴孩,实在有点离谱,过于变态,让人感觉很不真实。 I want to evolve, I must eat the fruit!” old tree of Chu Feng direction not far away, takes root in the tribe, above is hanging bright yellow mutated fruit, is drifting the rich fruit to be fragrant. “我想进化,我要吃果子!”楚风指向不远处的一株老树,就扎根在部落中,上面挂着黄澄澄的异果,正在飘漾浓郁的果香。 „It is not good!” “不行!” Not only Dong Qing opposed, Ji Haishan as well as one crowd of clans old do not comply, is one group of also boors also shakes the head to him. 不仅冬青反对,连姬海山以及一群族老也不答应,便是一群也野小子也对他摇头。 Why?” Chu Feng is puzzled, the eyelash is winking, an innocent appearance, but this is also his true doubts. “为什么?”楚风不解,睫毛都在眨动,一副天真烂漫的样子,不过这也是他心里的真实疑惑。 You are young, something do not understand.” Dong Qing such dodges. “你还小,有些事情不懂。”冬青又这么搪塞。 However, when sees Chu Feng to be discontented, adds: Generally speaking, less than 16 years old, the vitality has not solidified, the fleshly body inside story is insufficient, cannot use the catalyst to promote own evolution.” 不过,当看到楚风不满时,又补充道:“一般来说,不足16岁,气血未固,肉身底蕴不足,不可动用触媒等促进自身进化。” Chu Feng hears this words, immediately is in a daze, this art?! 楚风听到这种话语,顿时发呆,还有这种讲究?! He thinks that record in strongest personally written letter, mentioned that treads various ways of strongest road, mentioned simply, must recuperate body, when was prosperous for good, facilitated to tread Strongest Road. 他想到最强手札中的记载,提到踏最强之路的各种方式,也简单提及,要调理肌体,鼎盛时为好,才方便踏最强路 The care wants also to be such a meaning, but is one brings. 仔细想也是这么个意思,但却是一笔带过。 This is the common issue, on the earth various clan knows, must wait till the body to grow to certain stage can use the pollen and mutated fruit and other promotion physique , to promote the self- evolution.” “这是常识性问题,大地上各族都知道,必须等到身体生长到一定阶段才可以利用花粉与异果等提升体质,促进自我进化。” Ji Haishan stares him by the copper bell big eye, informs him to remember. 姬海山以铜铃大眼瞪他,告知他一定得记牢。 Chu Feng has tears streaming down the face immediately, this unexpectedly is the general knowledge, is, he previously where can knows. 楚风顿时泪流满面,这居然是常识,可是,他早先哪里会知道 The eminents of various clans mostly eruption will grow after 16 years old, swift and violent evolution and rising! 各族的翘楚大多都是在16岁以后才会爆发式成长,迅猛进化与崛起! Some evildoer/monstrous talent were limited by the age, even if also not by catalyst evolution, but own natural growth to 16 years old, strength also quite considerable. 有些妖孽受年龄所限,哪怕还不曾以触媒进化,但是自身自然成长到16岁,实力也会相当的可观。 Meanwhile, Chu Feng also surprised knows, in this region, the normal adult males may reach small monster Realm. 同时,楚风还吃惊的知道,这片地域内,正常的成年男子都可达小妖境界 Awakens, shackles, small monster...... 觉醒,枷锁,小妖…… Also in other words, after being grown, most people can evolve to third Realm, overall feasible, is common. 就是说,成年后大多数人都能进化到第三境界,整体可行,非常普遍。 A Chu Feng silence, can only sigh secretly, really worthily is World of the Living, this stretch of area is very on the other hand primitive can so, that radiant lively place how? 楚风一阵沉默,只能暗叹,真不愧是阳间,这片疆域相对来说很原始都能如此,那璀璨繁华之地又如何? don't tell me is less than 16 years old, can't evolve fast?” Chu Feng asked that he thought that several years such spent freely too to waste. 难道不到16岁,就不能快速进化吗?”楚风问道,他觉得十几年这么挥霍过去太浪费。 Dong Qing said: Only if found some materials of going against heaven's will, nutritious oneself, such did not have the issue, but these materials were rare, was too difficult to search. In addition, found, nobody is willing such to waste, but will go against heaven's will the good fortune material to use in other places, for example is dying continues the life with deterioration Heavenly Venerate.” 冬青道:“除非找到一些逆天的物质,滋补自身,那样就没问题了,但是那些物质举世罕见,太难寻觅了。此外,就是找到,也没人愿意这么浪费,而是将逆天造化物质用在其他地方,比如为垂死与衰败的天尊续命等。” Uses on the child, gain does not equal the loss! 用在孩子身上,得不偿失! Moreover, on Great Desolate Earth, early rises for several years, with late evolves for several years, affects is not very big, life essence of most races are not few, waits. 再者说,在洪荒大地上,早崛起十几年,与晚进化十几年,影响不是很大,大多数种族的寿元都不算少,等得起。 Who is all right for a child will early lead a pious life for several years, but will the ruined family, discard the rare material that Heavenly Venerate needs to use? 谁没事会为了一个孩子早修行十几年而那么败家,舍弃天尊都需要用到的稀有物质? Particularly, a child, even if again talent, should not spoiling things through excessive enthusiasm, lack corresponding tempering like this, premature use mutated fruit and other evolutions not necessarily are the good deeds.” “尤其是,一个孩子即便再天才,也不应这样拔苗助长,缺少相应的磨砺,过早的利用异果等进化不见得是好事。” Chu Feng heard, what can say? Only can nod silently. 楚风闻听,能说什么?只能默默地去点头。 However, his heart in the rotation thought that he brings fleshly body to be reincarnated, does not need mortal world to whet, he needs to shift to an earlier time for several years to practice! 但是,他心头却在转动念头,他带着肉身转世,不需要红尘磨砺,他非常需要提早十几年修行! In the following day, Chu Feng coordinates, was steamed, was ganged up to surround and beaten up by one group of people, resists with them, tempers oneself, first overcame the solid background to say again. 接下来的日子里,楚风十分配合,被蒸煮,被一群人围殴,与他们对抗,锤炼自身,先打下坚实的底子再说。 However, he is studying in secret also this piece of Great Wilderness topography, he wants to look for heavenly material earthly treasure, searches the good fortune material, hopes that early the point steps Evolution Road. 不过,他私下里也在研究这片大荒的地势,他想找天材地宝,寻觅造化物质,希望及早点踏上进化路 In this period, has also come back just like Fairy of Ninth Heaven fairy maiden as well as that silver-haired mother-in-law twice, with the Dong Qing song, causing Dong Qing to be even more severe to Chu Feng. 期间,宛若九天玄女般的仙子以及那位银发婆婆也回来过两次,跟冬青细语,导致冬青楚风越发严苛。 Chu Feng once heard one time, that deity elder sister female, said their this lineage/vein breathing method with inheriting a more suitable female. 楚风曾听到一次,那位神仙姐姐般的女子,说她们这一脉的呼吸法与传承更适合女子。 Although leads Chu Feng strictly, but the main scrip­tures of this lineage/vein cannot teach him, later can make him be the mountain protecting person, becomes the true successor protector. 虽然严格导楚风,但是这一脉的主经文不会教给他,以后可以让他做护山人,成为真正传人的守护者。 Chu Feng is in a daze, oneself are only a spare tire, or is not including the spare tire, can only be the future successor follower? Faithful bodyguard. 楚风发呆,自己只是备胎,或者连备胎都算不上,只能算是未来传人的追随者?忠实的保镖。 Oh, looked, in can increase in I innate attribute share, I reside temporarily temporarily this place.” Chu Feng sighed. “唉,看在能增加我先天属性的份上,我暂时还是寄居此地吧。”楚风叹气。 Then, he was quite optional, for example Dong Qing night sleeps dozen of snoring to be too serious, he goes into the main shrine to rest, occasionally directly lies on the Fairy of Ninth Heaven white jade bed. 然后,他就比较随意了,比如说冬青夜里睡觉打呼噜太严重,他就跑到主殿去睡,偶尔直接躺在九天玄女的白玉床上。 The Chu Feng surprised discovery, oneself is the growth, the memory is fuzzy. 在此期间,楚风吃惊的发现,自身越是成长,记忆越是模糊。 In that so-called embryo confuses is also in progress, but continues to slow down some time, then continues, like this is off and on, don't tell me must insist that in the proper three-year embryo confused? 那所谓的胎中迷还在进行中,不过持续一段时间就放缓,然后再继续,这样断断续续,难道要坚持到原本应有的三年期胎中迷? Is a little bad, many people and matters I have forgotten, can remember several years later?” “有点糟,许多人与事我都遗忘了,要在几年后才能想起?” Chu Feng worries, do not make him forget breathing method, this is very important. 楚风发愁,千万不要让他忘记呼吸法,这很重要。 The short time, Dong Qing is impossible to teach him this lineage/vein Paramount breathing method, because that young lady has warned, can only teach other breathing method. 短时间来看,冬青不可能教他这一脉的究极呼吸法,因为那位小姐告诫过了,只能教其他呼吸法 Therefore, Plundering Guide, Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method wait/etc. is very important to him, cannot forget in these three years. 所以,盗引大雷音呼吸法等对他无比重要,不能在这三年中忘记。 Sir, I...... Wet the bed?!” “大爷的,我……尿床了?!” In the morning, the Chu Feng face was red, is gradually fuzzy along with the memory, in the embryo confuses aggravates once again, he discovered oneself physiological function and other approaches in the child. 清晨,楚风脸都红了,随着记忆渐渐模糊,胎中迷又一次加重,他发现自己的生理机能等趋近于孩童了。 Late at night the sleep, has not controlled unexpectedly, is completely spiritless, he has drawn a piece of map on the bed. 深夜睡眠,居然没有控制住,无知无觉间,他在床上画了一片地图。 Too ignominious, he thinks that hits on the wall! 太可耻了,他想一头撞在墙上! Especially, this is not his room, but is...... That fairy maiden elder sister's white jade chuang, he is really afraid. 尤其是,这不是他自己的房间,而是……那位仙子姐姐的白玉床,他实在是心虚。 Aiya!” “哎呀!” In a jam in the Chu Feng small face, when is ruddy, he raised the head unexpectedly, discovered that deity elder sister came back unexpectedly, entry main shrine that silver-haired mother-in-law, been cheerful and lively. 正在楚风小脸发窘,红扑扑时,他蓦地抬头,发现那位神仙姐姐竟然回来了,还有银发婆婆,正有说有笑的进入主殿。 What is this?” Arrives at the near just like Fairy of Ninth Heaven yellow clothes female, then...... Saw own bed. “这是什么?”宛若九天玄女般的黄衣女子来到近前,然后……一眼看到了自己的床。 „It is not I.” The Chu Feng corona, in the embryo confuses will manifest suddenly in the near future continually, under this been in a jam region, his some instinct responded looks like the child, the unexpected happening has shouted one: Is fairy maiden elder sister wets the bed!” “不是我。”楚风晕乎乎,胎中迷近期持续发作,在这种发窘的境地下,他的一些本能反应更像孩子,鬼使神差的大喊了一句:“是仙子姐姐尿床啦!” Early morning tribe, was not tranquil, many people have gotten out of bed, however hears his calling out sound after now, was all of a sudden silent. 清晨的部落,原本不算宁静,很多人都起床了,然而现在听到他的嚎叫声后,一下子寂静了。
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