SR :: Volume #11

#1030: Ji Xukong

The Chu Feng hear of heart differences, wish one could to rise immediately, actually witness this radiant World of the Living how vast with the length and breadth, Heavenly Venerate could not inquire about that the end, he must go all over Great Desolation, meets expert of various clans, witnesses the true magnificence. 楚风听的心头异样,恨不得立刻崛起,见证这璀璨的阳间究竟多么的浩瀚与广袤,据悉天尊都探寻不到尽头,他要走遍洪荒,一会各族的高手,见证真正的辉煌。 However, heard him also to be afterward imposing, soul light was anxious, the Dong Qing miss mentioned Reincarnation Hunter unexpectedly, what condition this was, don't tell me she perceived, knows his root foot?! 然而,听到后来他又凛然,魂光紧张,冬青姑娘居然提到轮回狩猎者,这是什么状况,难道她有所觉察,知道了他的根脚?! Any Forager, Reincarnation Hunter......” his speech appearance stammeringly, is innocent there, actually the innermost feelings think knows very much. “什么觅食者,还有轮回狩猎者……”他一副说话磕磕巴巴的样子,在那里天真烂漫,其实内心很想知道 Dong Qing looks into the red cloud of distant place, said: You were so young, said did not understand, this was the young lady mentions, that level already incomprehensible.” 冬青眺望远处的火烧云,道:“你这么小,说了也不懂,这是小姐提及的,那个层次已经不可理解。” In the blood-color setting sun, trim barren mountains and wild hills are glowing red, bathe under the sunset glow, in the mountain range of distant place ferocious beast roared, in the woods that shook the leaf blade rustle crashes, has the different birds and beasts to strike the day, was caught blood light by the sunset glow, looked like even more ominous offense. 在血色夕阳中,整片荒山野岭都红彤彤,沐浴在晚霞下,远方的山脉中凶兽咆哮,震的树林内叶片簌簌坠落,有异禽击天,被晚霞间染上一层血光,看起来越发的凶戾。 Understands...... Understanding!” Chu Feng speaks in an infantile tone of voice there is shouting, is looking eagerly, he thinks knows that level really the secret. “懂……理解!”楚风奶声奶气在那里喊着,眼巴巴地望着,他真想知道那个层次的秘密。 The Dong Qing miss opened the big mouth to smile, said: You are so young, how compares with mountains? Tiny like dust, let alone is you, is top powerhouse is unable to withstand facing that unknown dense fog. Similar to this vast earth does not have end, is unable to explore the edge including Supreme Being, World of the Living is hiding too many terrors and secrets, do not say that related to Reincarnation wait/etc. the things of deep level, to that Dominion great distance Thirty Three Layer Heaven, I and others does not dare think.” 冬青姑娘张开血盆大口笑了,道:“你这么小,跟山川比起来如何?渺小如尘埃,别说是你,就是至强者面对那片未知的迷雾都无法承受。就如同这浩瀚大地没有尽头,连大能都无法探索到边缘,阳间藏着太多的恐怖与秘密,就更不要说涉及到轮回等较深层次的东西,离那个领域相隔三十三重天,我等不敢多想。” Chu Feng worries does not have idea, cannot argue strongly based on reason with her, can this expose itself? 楚风干着急也没辙,总不能跟她据理力争吧,这岂不是要暴露自己? He saw, Dong Qing spoke thoughtlessly a saying, has not realized and realized that he was Reincarnator. 他已经看出,冬青只是随口一说,并没有察觉与意识到他是轮回者 Then, he by Dong Qing clutching...... One beats, sore he contorts one's face in agony, wants to revolt, has such practices? 然后,他就被冬青给揪起来……一顿殴打,疼的他呲牙咧嘴,真想反抗啊,有这么修行的吗? He suspected seriously that just like the Fairy of Ninth Heaven young lady looked he is not pleasing to the eyes, such arranges intentionally, thinks that the detachable physique can definitely massage! 他严重怀疑,那个宛若九天玄女般的小姐看他不顺眼,故意这么安排,想活络筋骨完全可以按摩啊! Hey, this kid is not obedient, come, Dong Qing, I help you punch his!” “嘿,这娃又不听话,来,冬青,我帮你揍他一顿!” Ji Haishan came, happen to sees Chu Feng to come under attack. 姬海山来了,正好看到楚风挨打。 The Chu Feng nose was mad crookedly, this zhang (3.33 m) high fierce man (Han) did not say that rescued him in the water and fire, what chaotic but also mixed, unexpectedly hit a person when he is down, has such adoptive father? 楚风鼻子都气歪了,这一丈高的猛汉不说解救他于水火中,还掺什么乱,居然跟着落井下石,有这样的干爹吗? I am helping him comb the vein, stretches the long periosteum, takes care.” Dong Qing replied seriously. “我是在帮他梳理筋络,抻长骨膜,调理身体。”冬青严肃地回答。 Ji Haishan is negligent, said: This simple, lets in the tribe that crowd of small tiger help, begins together and that's the end.” 姬海山大咧咧,道:“这简单,让部落中那群小老虎帮忙,一起动手就是了。” Dong Qing nods, said: Is reasonable, our lineage/vein the law of evolution, is fastidious rises in the evildoer/monstrous talent group that the talent stands in great numbers, is the bystander helps him promote a blood better circulation, rather was allows him to participate in the battle since childhood, moved the physique, fostered a wild nature fight instinct.” 冬青点头,道:“有道理,我们这一脉的进化之法,讲究的就是在天才林立的妖孽群中崛起,与其说是外人帮助他促进血液更好的流转,不如说是让他自幼参与争斗,活动筋骨,养成一种野性的战斗本能。” Damn the fight cannot! Is the Chu Feng unstated criticism, takes a beating to be good from the start? Moreover, he such greatly a wee bit, fights with anything, nothing but was beaten. 见鬼的战斗不能!楚风腹诽,压根就是挨揍好不好?再者说,他这么大丁点,拿什么去战斗,无非就是被殴打。 Walks!” “走!” Ji Haishan without delay, carries Chu Feng to walk, returns to the near at hand tribe, shouted to one group of children: Come, together punches him, under leaves the extreme methods, don't under sinister hand then the line.” 姬海山二话不说,拎着楚风就走,回到近在咫尺的部落中,冲着一群孩子就喊:“来,都一起揍他,别下死手、别下黑手就行。” Sea Uncle Shan, you did not say that doesn't make us bully this younger brother?” Some children jump down to ask from several feet high stone wall. “海山叔,你不是说不让我们欺负这个弟弟吗?”有孩子从几丈高的石墙上跳下来问道。 I withdraw the original words!” Ji Haishan waves. “我收回原来的话!”姬海山挥手。 The Chu Feng's small face was green immediately, this group of boys are one by one wild, like one crowd of small ferocious beast, if greeted to him, received? 楚风的小脸顿时绿了,这群小子一个比一个野,像一群小凶兽似的,如果向他身上招呼的话,受的了吗? Is reincarnated to come under attack? He is solemn Divine King Level Evolver! 转世过来就是为了挨打?他可是堂堂神王级进化者 „When this is for your own good, strongest juniors in some ancient race training clans, loses the child directly in dragon nest, with young dragon preying that dragon egg of that day hatches, bathes dragon's blood, slowly growth.” “这是为你好,有的古老种族培养族中的最强子弟时,直接将孩子丢在龙巢中,跟那天龙蛋中孵化出的幼龙搏杀,一路沐浴龙血,慢慢成长。” Also some evolution Sect seek the Great Wilderness deep place, seizes the Golden Crow young son . Moreover the child who more than one head, favors with the clan in very closes in the same place, does not give food, making them spell to fight, the talent that can live will be trained with emphasis.” “还有的进化门派寻到大荒深处,捉金乌幼崽,而且不止一头,跟族中十分看好的孩子关在一起,不给食物,让他们拼斗,能活下来的才会被重点培养。” „......” “还有……” A Dong Qing explanation, making Chu Feng stare dumbfounded. 冬青一番讲解,让楚风瞠目结舌。 One group of children who also listens to are startled and palpitate, they have sufficed wild nature, in place of result that civilization radiant Divine City, these super formidable and inside story deep ethnic group astonishing, treats the juniors unexpectedly to be so severe and brutal. 同时也听的一群孩子吃惊与悸动,他们已经够野性的了,结果那文明之地的璀璨神城中,那些超级强大而又底蕴深厚的族群更加的惊人,对待子弟竟可以如此的严苛与残酷。 For rising of our Ji Clan, trains the strongest talent...... Hits!” “为了我们姬族的崛起,培养出最强天才……打啊!” One group of children threw , helping Chu Feng detachable physique, starts decisively. 一群孩子扑了上来,帮楚风“活络筋骨”,果断下手。 Chu Feng crawls on the ground, the speed is quick, wants to make a getaway, Ji Haishan that looks at frequently nods, said: Really can force the potential, crawling quickly.” 楚风在地上爬,速度很快,想要逃之夭夭,看的姬海山频频点头,道:“果然可以逼迫出潜力,爬的快多了。” However, Chu Feng has bitter not being able saying that will be visible he not to run, can only such run away, but was also too distressed. 然而,楚风却是有苦说不出,明着他还不会跑呢,只能这么逃遁,但是也太狼狈了。 You...... Human nature? Chu Feng wants to yell very much, his facial skin very thick thinks several months of big, less than one year old, such was ganged up to surround and beaten up, was too miserable. 你们……还有人性吗?楚风很想大叫,他脸皮很厚的自认为才几个月大,不到一岁呢,就被人这么围殴,也太惨了。 Chu Feng always thought that after oneself this reincarnation, various types do not suit, first meets Supreme Being that the deterioration will die, rushes in his dreamland, meets Reincarnator, here was beaten by the pain, whom did not have. 楚风总觉得,自己这次投胎后各种不对劲儿,先遇上衰败将死的大能,闯进他的梦境中,又遇到轮回者,在这里被痛殴,也没谁了。 He believes, other Reincarnator were supposing so will not be bad luck. 他相信,其他轮回者估摸着都不会这么倒霉。 In the Chu Feng steamed process, hold one's noses to drink in the time of Black Tiger milk, was besieged and pursued in the day that blocks off to gang up on by one group of children, he...... Will run. 就在楚风被蒸煮的过程中,捏着鼻子喝黑虎奶的光阴中,在被一群孩子围追堵截群殴的日子里,他……会奔跑了。 Two months, he has been able whiz whiz moving like the wind. 两个月的时间,他已经可以嗖嗖的跑动如风。 Only is this new tender fleshly body, can support him such to do, such raining effect is really astonishing. 仅是这一世新嫩的肉身,就能支撑他这么做,这样的训练效果着实惊人。 In the mountain has the news to transmit, has a nest dragon in that primitive mountain range deep place, these Tianhuang noble descents walk into the mountain to hunt for the dragon, wants to result in dragon Luan, hatches the young dragon, in the children with clan raises in preys together. 在此期间,大山中有消息传来,在那原始山脉深处有一窝龙,那些天潢贵胄进山就是为猎龙,想得龙卵,孵化出幼龙,跟族中的孩子养在一块去搏杀。 Nearby tribe is shocked! 附近的部落都震惊! Chu Feng long time is also speechless, Dong Qing said not empty, but also has such formidable aristocratic family and evolution Sect, experienced truly, these people to hunt for dragon! 楚风也半晌无语,冬青所说非虚,还真有这么强大的世家与进化门派,真正见识到了,那些人是为猎龙而来! Although has not gone well, but it is estimated that is about to succeed! 虽然还没有得手,但估计快成功了! We want, when hunts for dragon youngster!” Some children yelled. “我们要当猎龙少年!”有孩子大叫。 I want, when hunts for the Kunpeng brave warrior!” Also some children such cry out strangely. “我要当猎鲲鹏的勇士!”亦有孩子这么嗷嗷怪叫。 Then...... They start to pursue Chu Feng, now punches that youngest kid became inalienable part in their daily life. 然后……他们又开始追逐楚风,现在揍那个最小的娃已经成为他们日常生活中的不可分割的一部分。 Various Chu Feng types fly into a rage, are driven beyond the limits of forbearance, finally called out: I do not hit a challenging with them, I must go to dragon nest, fights with the Heavenly Dragon young son, delivers me to pass!” 楚风各种急眼,忍无可忍,最后叫道:“我跟他们打没有一点挑战性,我要去龙窝,跟天龙幼崽战斗,送我过去!” What a pity, did not have the persuasive power, he has not grown now well, just the learned ran, the words that less than one year old, did not cheat how possibly hit this group of wild nature children, the idle talk was the dragon. 可惜,太没说服力了,他现在还没发育好,刚学会奔跑,不到一岁呢,不作弊的话怎么可能打的过这群野性十足的孩子,更遑论是龙。 Do not be anxious, the young lady and mother-in-law walk into the mountain , because in searching a Golden Winged Peng nest, after it hatches several eggs, can put you to go in preying you.” “别急,小姐与婆婆进山,就是因为在寻觅一处金翅大鹏巢,等它将几枚卵孵化出来后可以将你放你进去搏杀。” Chu Feng hearing this is speechless immediately, the World of the Living length and breadth is boundless, each formidable evolution Sect's style is too valiant, does he meet this matter is lucky or unfortunate? 楚风闻言顿时无语,阳间广袤无垠,各个强大进化门派的风格太彪悍,他遇上这种事是幸运还是不幸? Dong Qing adds: In addition, if these so-called Tianhuang noble descents cannot take dragon nest, turns head to throw also the no reason why not you.” 冬青补充道:“此外,如果那些所谓的天潢贵胄拿不下龙巢,回头将你扔进去也未尝不可。” Eldest sister, leaves is so flagitious, after waiting for me two years old , may be good!?” Chu Feng one excited, became including the speech agile, no longer stuttered. “大姐,别这么凶残,等我两岁以后可好!?”楚风一激动,连说话都变得利索了,不再结巴。 Dong Qing nose extravagant face is wide, deep and gruff voice, said: „The previous mother-in-law came back saying that if could not find the where convenient, can consider that the ominous ant nest of earth another end, delivered you.” 冬青鼻阔脸宽,粗声粗气,道:“上次婆婆回来说,若是找不到合适的地点,也可以考虑大地另一端的凶蚁穴,将你送进去。” Has damaged, how many do I take one to hit? What to do was eaten?!” Chu Feng called out, the feeling is too flagitious, was too irresponsible. “太损了,我到底要一个打多少个?被吃掉怎么办?!”楚风叫道,感觉太凶残,也太不负责任了。 In the following day, his eye is braving the green light throughout, is staring at tribe nearby mutated fruit, are not really few, he wants to evolve as soon as possible. 接下来的日子里,他的眼睛始终在冒绿光,盯着部落附近的异果,真的不算少,他想尽快进化。 However, Dong Qing likely is against thief, stubbornly, warned that he who he manages is also not the time. 然而,冬青像是防贼般,将他管的死死的,告诫他还不是时候。 Ji Haishan beckons to Chu Feng, said: Your this kid did not have the name, the adoptive father racks brains, has thought two months obtain a good name.” 姬海山楚风招手,道:“你这娃至今还没名字,干爹绞尽脑汁,想了两个多月才得到一个好名字。” What called?” One group of children have encircled, is the 7-8 position clan old smiles, the rickets the body, was holding to collect in the beast robe sleeve the hand. “叫啥?”一群孩子围了过来,就是七八位族老都笑眯眯,佝偻着身子,将手揣在兽袍袖子中凑了过来。 „It is not my merit, several clans old also helped to consider in detail.” One zhang (3.33 m) high Ji Haishan rare embarrassed one time, finally serious incomparable, said: Called Ji Xukong!” “也不是我一人之功,几位族老也帮着参详了。”一丈高的姬海山难得不好意思了一次,最后郑重无比,道:“叫姬虚空!” Who said that little has not made up, look saw that this chapter said writes one chapter immediately, in the evening then writes. Over the two days few reasons, real man was not that...... Has such 1-2 days to short-circuit every 2-3 months? 谁说更的少还不补的,这不,看到本章说立马又写一章,晚上接着写。这两天少的原因,真男人不是那个……每两三个月都有那么一两天要短路吗?
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