SR :: Volume #11

#1029: Chapter 1029 Mending Heaven

Reincarnator, has rushed to finally extremely the person of place, unexpectedly appears in livingly at present, this really shocks world! 一个轮回者,闯过终极之地的人,居然活生生出现在眼前,这实在震撼世间! In the Chu Feng innermost feelings startled big wave strikes the shore, the quarry stone puts on spatially, suddenly the soul stiffened, is really fearful, he arrives at World of the Living to meet similar, a colleague. 楚风内心中惊涛拍岸,乱石穿空,一时间灵魂都僵住了,着实可怕,他才来到阳间就遇上一个同类,一个同行。 However he actually cannot have any unusuality as a child, on the small face is very pure, is having the curious vision, looked that east looks at the west. 不过作为一个孩子他却不能有任何的异常,小脸上很纯净,带着好奇的目光,看东又看西。 Whiz! 嗖! Since the Chu Feng float, flies from hand of one zhang (3.33 m) high Ji Haishan in a twinkling, arrives at this elegant demeanor astonishing female near fast. 楚风漂浮而起,霎时间从一丈高的姬海山的手中飞起,快速来到这位风采惊人的女子近前。 In his heart with amazement, was detected? He is reincarnation, and is fleshly body Reincarnation, must not exposed to the light radically, cannot be discovered! 他心中骇然,被发觉了吗?他是投胎者,并且是肉身轮回,根本见不得光,不能被发现! The appearance that elder sister......” his moe stupid, shouted after this character, that wisp of source consciousness then hidden enters in the fog grinding pan, avoids being detected. “姐……”他一副蠢萌的样子,喊完这个字后,那一缕本源意识就隐入灰雾磨盘中,避免被发觉。 The Chu Feng intense waiting, he always thought, oneself as fleshly body overcoming an obstacle, somewhat is possibly different, other people can perceive him not necessarily. 楚风紧张等待,他始终觉得,自己作为肉身闯关者,可能有些不同,其他人不见得能觉察到他。 His fleshly body after the Reincarnation Ultimate Land baptism, the carrying/sustaining the special mark, after terrifying tempering, perhaps is only having him to induce to that thinnest radioactive Reincarnation material. 他的肉身经过轮回终极地的洗礼,承载着特殊的印记,经过一路恐怖的磨砺,也许唯有他藉此才能感应到那最为稀薄的放射性轮回物质。 Otherwise, world all Reincarnator can induce each other, hasn't that messed up? In the evolution history has not had such record, Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate as well as his master has not said such matter. 不然的话,世间所有轮回者都能感应到彼此,那还不乱套?进化史上并未有这样的记载,石狐天尊以及他的师傅也没有说过这样的事。 Then Chu Feng...... To curse! 接下来楚风……想诅咒! If this Fairy of Ninth Heaven female is carrying him, unexpectedly compared with Ji Haishan also bold, optional swaying, is carrying his ankle area finally, pours to raise, when clock pendulum, sways there. 这个若九天玄女的般女子拎着他,竟比姬海山还“奔放”,随意的晃荡,最后更是拎着他的脚踝,倒提起来,当钟摆似的,在那里摇晃。 Do you work as the young master are the cloth doll? To enjoy her, as soon as soaks the young lad immortal spring, in the Chu Feng heart is angry! 你当小爷是布娃娃啊?真想赏她一泡童子仙泉,楚风心中大怒! Root bone is good.” Under the snow white veil, red lip slightly of female shiny smooth, makes such appraisal. “根骨不错。”雪白的面纱下,女子莹润的红唇微张,做出这样的评价。 Chu Feng likely is an observer, the matter that watches have, fog obstructs to gather together its True Spirit, somewhat is really mystical. 楚风像是一个旁观者,看着正在发生的事,灰雾物遮拢其真灵,实在有些神秘。 However, he does not dare to look, Lord the consciousness to immerse to two grinding pans rapidly, is cut off with outside thoroughly the relation. 不过,他不敢看了,主意识迅速沉浸到两个磨盘之间,彻底跟外面断掉联系。 Ji Haishan is amazed, said: Can result in the fairy maiden to commend, this kid is certainly extraordinary.” He is knows, the fairy maiden in temple has not praised other child, this is first time. 姬海山惊诧,道:“能得仙子称赞,这个娃一定了不得。”他可是知道,神庙中的仙子还未夸过别的孩子,这是头一次。 At this time, the female stretched out slender and shining white finger, placed the Chu Feng's forehead, the careful induction, both eyes opened and closed the light beam, if lightning, divine glow profound. 这时,女子伸出纤长而又莹白的手指,放在楚风的眉心,仔细感应,双目开阖间光束若闪电,神芒湛湛 soul light is vigorous, good.” She nodded. 魂光浑厚,不错。”她点了点头。 Afterward, her finger has stroked in various Chu Feng whole body places, whole body was inspected, from the flesh to the internal organs, arrives at the marrow again, all does not let off. 随后,她的手指在楚风全身各处拂过,全身上下都被检查一遍,从血肉到脏腑,再到骨髓等,皆不放过。 Ji Haishan opens the big mouth, the whole face smiles, does not have wool Big Dog bear like with, afterward sets out to say goodbye, just before parting before , has not forgotten to give the Chu Feng's small buttocks to come up a palm of the hand, said: Adopted son, is here good to be diligent immortal technique, in the future will make a rapid career advance, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered this piece of Great Wilderness, heavenly material earthly treasure at will excavate, appointed Great Desolation your Unfettred.” 姬海山张开大嘴,满脸是笑,跟个没毛大狗熊似的,随后起身告辞,临去前还不忘给楚风的小屁股上来了一巴掌,道:“干儿子,在这里好好学仙术,将来飞黄腾达,纵横这片大荒,天材地宝随意采掘,洪荒任你逍遥。” Chu Feng only the instinct of remaining babies, Lord the consciousness to hide now, after being clapped a palm of the hand, the calf chaotic tread, the small hand grabs thoughtlessly. 楚风现在只剩下婴儿的本能,主意识藏了起来,被拍了一巴掌后,小腿乱蹬,小手乱抓。 Dong Qing boils water, steams him.” Fairy maiden opens the mouth. 冬青去烧水,将他蒸煮一下。”仙子开口。 After Chu Feng discrete and careful a main consciousness pours into fleshly body, immediately is scared, this is any situation, that protects a heart wool half foot elder sister to put to a steamer him. 楚风谨慎而小心的将一丝主意识注入肉身后,顿时发毛,这是什么情况,那护心毛半尺长的姐姐正在将他向一个蒸笼里放。 Bang! 砰! His foot has kicked directly, wants to trample to turn. 他一脚直接踢了过去,想要踹翻。 Met the monster, unexpectedly can steam him exactly? 遇上妖怪了吗,居然要活蒸了他? Do not make, boils down the physique to you, the little fellow should not be dishonest, others want this good fortune unable to obtain.” The Dong Qing jar sound jar air/Qi, will give to force in the steamer, but has not fastened the cover. “别闹,给你熬炼筋骨呢,小家伙别不老实,别人想有这种造化都得不到。”冬青瓮声瓮气,将给塞进蒸笼,不过没扣上盖子。 Immediately, the medicine greets the nostrils fragrant, various types of white fog leap, steams smokes Chu Feng's fleshly body. 顿时,药香扑鼻,各种白雾腾起,蒸熏楚风的肉身 "Ah...... ” Chu Feng yelled, as far as possible is maintaining a normal child's instinct, tosses about in inside, the tumbling and chaotic tread, want to work loose. “啊……”楚风大叫,尽量保持着一个正常孩子的本能,在里面折腾,翻滚与乱蹬,想要挣脱开来。 This is not the common child can withstand, even if he has not used previous life Dao Fruit a little unable to endure, the whole body is glowing red, if this covers the steamer cover, quick can be thoroughly ripe. 这不是一般孩子所能承受的,即便是他没有动用前世道果也有点吃不消,浑身红彤彤,这要是盖上蒸笼盖子,很快就能熟透。 Had not heard like this evolves! 没听说过这样进化的! The Chu Feng revolt is even more intense, he was a little worried, what to do oneself such immaturely so carelessly was steamed the wound to the physique? 楚风反抗越发激烈,他有点担心,自己这么幼小被如此胡乱蒸煮伤到筋骨怎么办? He recalls carefully, Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate his master has not mentioned the law of such steam boiling about the personally written letter of strongest road on, he even more worries. 他仔细回忆,石狐天尊他师傅所著的关于最强之路的手札上没有提及这样的蒸煮之法,他越发的担忧起来。 Do not move, this is for your own good!” Dong Qing reveals gentle smiling as far as possible, finally actually opens the big mouth, deep and gruff voice, appears very fierce. “别动,这是为你好!”冬青尽量露出温柔的笑,结果却是张开血盆大口,粗声粗气,显得很凶猛。 Un? Suddenly, when the Chu Feng pain to being hard to endure, after inflammation that the skin burns, the heat wave of that stabbing pain turns into the warm current, submerges in his body. 嗯?忽然间,当楚风痛到难以忍受时,皮都烫的红肿后,那刺痛的热浪变成暖流,没入他的躯体内。 And accompanies the rich medicine to be fragrant, some dark minerals under steamer were decomposed, had the effect, continuously black qi leaps, enters following the Chu Feng's pore. 并且伴着浓郁的药香,蒸笼下的一些黑乎乎的矿物等被分解,起了效果,一缕缕黑气腾起,顺着楚风的毛孔进入。 „A reveal outside, will then fasten tightly the cover, withdraws the flame.” The silver-haired mother-in-law said gently. “将头露在外面,然后扣紧盖子,撤去火光。”银发婆婆慈祥地说道。 This time, Chu Feng was steamed , the whole body is steaming hot, the black fog winds around, comes out from special hole except for the head, whole body stuffy in inside. 这次,楚风真被蒸煮了,全身热气腾腾,黑雾缭绕,除了脑袋从一个特殊的窟窿里露出来,全身都被闷在里面。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” He can only withstand, finally must against one's conscience weep and wail, coordinates, otherwise, too steadily at all not like a normal child. 他只能承受,最后还得昧着良心哭喊,进行配合,不然的话,太稳重根本不像一个正常的孩子。 Oneself was steamed, but must coordinate to cry, does the place reason things out? Chu Feng is resentful! 自身被蒸煮,还要配合大哭,还有地方去说理吗?楚风愤懑! However, after all had finished, he was also gentle, the innermost feelings were touched greatly, this is the method on the strongest personally written letter not having recorded, is very effective to him. 不过,当一切结束后,他又平和了,内心大受触动,这是最强手札上都没有记载的手段,对他很有效。 He can realize, oneself derived some rare material, the body obtained the advantage. 他能体会到,自己汲取了某种稀珍物质,身体得到好处。 „, Later carries on every 2-3 days one time, in addition every day whips his, boils down its body.” The fairy maiden told, the preparation leaves to leave this mountain. “还可以,以后每两三天进行一次,此外每日都拍打他一顿,熬炼其躯。”仙子吩咐,准备动身离开此山。 The silver-haired mother-in-law follows, before leaving, tells Dong Qing, can enter the remote mountain to take the Black Tiger milk to feed this child. 银发婆婆跟随,离开前告诉冬青,可以进深山取黑虎奶喂养这个孩子。 Good!” “好!” Shortly, Dong Qing raises Chu Feng to enter the tribe, making the person safeguard, she disappears in the remote mountain direction. 不久后,冬青提着楚风进入部落,让人看管好,她则消失在深山方向。 After a double-hour, Chu Feng was carried, returns to the short mountain, he sees Dong Qing to grasp space jade bottle, middle is the black, but clear juice. 一个时辰后,楚风又被拎走,回到矮山上,他看到冬青手持一个空间玉瓶,当中都是黑色而晶莹的汁液。 „The Black Tiger milk, may let your muscle strong bone, the vitality is abundant, later every day must take food that this type makes up greatly, hopes that do not disappoint the young lady.” 黑虎奶,可让你强筋壮骨,气血充沛,以后每天都要服食这种大补的食物,希望你不要让小姐失望。” Dong Qing when speaking these words, already abundant liquid of one bowl of black light twinkles, starts to fill to the Chu Feng mouth. 冬青在说这些话时,已经盛了一碗乌光闪烁的液体,开始向楚风嘴里灌。 !” “噗!” Chu Feng puffed out, this fishy smell was also too heavy, he cannot bear, barely escapes death, how possibly also to drink this type of milk? 楚风一口就喷了出去,这腥味也太重了,他真受不了,两世为人,怎么可能还喝得下去这种奶? Does not permit the waste, outside this Black Tiger milk one then the value large sum of money, drinks.” Dong Qing said gently. “不准浪费,在外面这种黑虎奶一口就价值万金,都喝下去。”冬青温柔地说道。 The sound that what a pity makes is actually the jar sound jar air/Qi, big mouth, quite rough, fills to his mouth fiercely, then seals his mouth, pats his back. 可惜发出的声音却是瓮声瓮气,咧着血盆大口,相当的粗犷,向他嘴里猛灌,接着又封上他的嘴巴,一拍他的后背。 Thump! 咕咚! This directly causes the Chu Feng big mouth to swallow, the mouthful fishy smell and milk taste, really cannot bear. 这直接导致楚风大口吞咽下去,满嘴的腥味与奶味,真是受不了。 He wants to shout very much, I must walk Strongest Road, do not eat the Black Tiger milk! He is struggling fiercely. 他很想大喊,我要走最强路,不要吃黑虎奶!他在剧烈挣扎。 However, the revolt is invalid, his was being pressed the head forcefully, drinks one bowl of Black Tiger milk directly cleanly, has not wasted including one drop. 然而,反抗无效,他被强行按着头,直接将一碗黑虎奶喝干净,连一滴都没有浪费。 Later eat three meals a day, each meal one bowl of milk. Do not struggle, this thing many people want to eat cannot eat, this is immature while you, has not finalized, in makes up the innate source for you, the must know, if falls behind on innate, later then needs to spend the massive time and painstaking care can make up. At this time takes a half step forward, is equal to surmounting others big truncation on later competition path.” “以后一日三餐,每餐一碗奶。别挣扎,这种东西多少人想吃都吃不到,这是趁你幼小,还未定型,在为你补先天本源,须知,若是在先天上落后一点,以后便需要花费大量的时间与心血才能弥补。此时向前迈出一小步,等于在以后以后的竞逐道路上已经超越别人一大截。” Dong Qing is saying there, no matter also Chu Feng whether to understand. 冬青在那里在讲道,也不管楚风能否听懂。 Can this thing also make up innate source? Considers dragon milk really? Chu Feng does not believe. 这东西还能补先天本源?真当是龙奶?楚风不信。 „Our lineage/vein, unify spirituality Concise Essence of various types of mineral, vegetation and animal, after compromising, may make up innate, you should rejoice that gave shelter by the young lady.” Dong Qing talked to oneself. “我们这一脉,结合各种矿物、草木、动物的灵性精粹,调和起来后可补先天,你应该庆幸被小姐收留。”冬青自语。 The Chu Feng heart moves, then he had to feel, by body absorption excessively inexplicable material that the mineral fumigation crossed, now obtains the Black Tiger milk to be nutritious, unexpectedly had a warm current to fill the air in within the body , did this practice? Started?! 楚风心头一动,接下来他有感觉了,被矿物熏蒸过的身体吸收过莫名物质,现在得到黑虎奶滋补,居然真的有一股暖流在体内弥漫,这就是修行?已经开始了?! In his heart is not very tranquil, can don't tell me also really make up the congenital thing? This is very scary! 他心中很不平静,难道还真可以补先天性的东西?这十分吓人! World, somewhat ancient Dao Lineage is tasteful, the attempt communicates innate, has special cultivates the Paramount law of baby, but consumes is the world treasures, must post the geomancy to bury the hole the new life baby, shocking Immortal Cave, as well as in the good fortune source eye, we are different, in addition wards off the path.” “世间,有些古老的道统非常讲究,尝试沟通先天,有专门培育婴孩的究极法,但耗费的都是天地瑰宝,需将新生的婴儿置入风水葬穴,惊世仙洞,以及造化源眼中,我们则不同,另辟道路。” When hears this secret, the Chu Feng heart is serious, is the Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate master about the personally written letter of strongest road in had not mentioned that the innate scrip­tures of baby stage, obviously World of the Living is vast, the capable person pours forth, has the respective originality. 当听到这种秘闻,楚风心头沉重,就是石狐天尊的师傅所著的关于最强之路的手札中都没有提到婴孩阶段的先天经文,可见阳间浩瀚,能人辈出,都有各自的独到之处。 The road that he must take is very long, if also thinks that defends the strongest personally written letter to rise, that made a mistake. 他要走的路还很长,如果还认为守着最强手札就能崛起,那就错了。 „After lifeforms birth, the indescribable congenital attribute is very difficult to grow, but we are equal to Mending Heaven, is not weak in these ancient evolution Sect's Paramount methods, looked that which you can arrive.” 生物出生后,不可名状的先天性属性很难在生长,而我们等于是在‘补天’,不弱于那些古老进化门派的究极法,就看你能走到哪一步了。” Then, Chu Feng also calculates the coordination, making the steam boiling steam, lets drink the medicine to stick drinks the medicine to stick, as for the Black Tiger milk, he also hold one's noses to recognize, closes one's eyes fills to the mouth. 接下来,楚风还算配合,让蒸煮就蒸煮,让喝药糊就喝药糊,至于黑虎奶,他也捏着鼻子认了,闭着眼睛向嘴里灌。 Naturally, what making him very unhappy is, daily must take a beating, was struck, this is that fairy maiden warned that making Dong Qing boil down his flesh physique. 当然,让他很不开心的是,天天都要挨揍,被敲打,这是那位仙子告诫的,让冬青熬炼其血肉筋骨。 He wants to say very much, oneself so is immature, must be beaten, but also there is a natural justice. 他很想说,自己才这么幼小,就要被殴打,还有没有天理啊。 For these days, Chu Feng often stared at mutated fruit on mountain, the eye is braving the green light, several times could not bear want to run to eat on the food several, earlier evolved sooner rises. 这几天,楚风时常盯着山上的异果,眼睛冒绿光,有几次都忍不住想跑过去啃食上几颗,早点进化早些崛起。 However, Dong Qing is very strict, did not have the opportunity that he manages xue to touch in the past. 然而,冬青将他管的很严,一直没机会过去踅摸。 „After you train certain stage, not knows whether to make the young lady satisfy, can go true the evildoer/monstrous talent to strive for hegemony with this piece of Great Desolate Earth on.” “将你培养到一定阶段后不知道能否让小姐满意,可以去跟这片洪荒大地上真正的妖孽去争霸。” Dong Qing is lost in thought that she fully realized, the fearfulness of some hidden world families, exiting innate blood relationship as strong as desperate accident/surprise, day after tomorrow training will be the terrifying, fine to all subtle points. 冬青在出神,她深知,有些隐世家族的可怕,出去先天血统强到让人绝望意外,后天的培养更是恐怖,精细到所有细微之处。 I strongest......” Chu Feng stutter, such was shouting, he understood, even if in this piece of barren Wasteland's border, such also had some to talk like his child, therefore also no longer desirably hid one's incompetence by remaining silent. “我最强……”楚风结结巴巴,这么嚷着,他已经明白了,哪怕在这片贫瘠的边荒,像他这么的孩子也有一些能对话了,因此也不再刻意藏拙。 Dong Qing shakes the head, is the understanding, she is prudent, does not pay attention to Chu Feng, ponders over something there, from giving a thought to speech. 冬青摇头,越是了解,她越是慎重,不理会楚风,在那里琢磨一些事,自顾说话。 You are so young, anything knows, the non- understand life is not alive needs the heart of awe, most did not shout, others hit. Some ethnic groups then such several people, the World of the Living aphonia that but can actually hit, some ethnic groups accumulate the infinite years, is only dormant, once locks in burying the child in Immortal Cave reveals itself, day knows how fearful odd...... This world has too many secrets. The strongest road, treads corpse mountain Xuegu of innumerable talent to kill, this world some evolution Sect have trod such road, so long as walks and that's the end, you, do struggle to cross with what? Only can from the beginning start to try to find out to go forward by oneself. In idle talk world also has Heavenly Venerate Forager, Reincarnation Hunter.” “你这么小,什么都不知道,还不懂得人生在世需要有敬畏之心,最强不是喊出来的,人家是真实打出来的。有的族群就那么几个人,可是却能打的阳间失音,有的族群积淀无穷岁月,只在蛰伏,一旦锁在葬仙洞中的孩子出世,天知道会多么可怕的离谱……这世间有太多的秘密。最强之路,是踏着无数天才的尸山血骨杀出来的,这世间有些进化门派已经踏出这样的路,只要走下去就是了,你呢,拿什么去争渡?只能靠自己从头开始摸索前进。更遑论这世上还有天尊觅食者轮回狩猎者等。”
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