SR :: Volume #11

#1028: Chapter 1028 with is Reincarnator

Might as well, they passed by, the Tianhuang noble descent from Heavenly State lively heavy place cannot have a liking for our barren Wasteland's border, is unprevailing.” “无妨,他们只是路过而已,来自天国繁华重地的天潢贵胄看不上我们贫瘠的边荒,并无影响。” Ji Haishan looked after the picture on crystal mirror, grows the one breath, he also feared that these have Dao Child, Celestial Maiden of background wait/etc. to stare at the tribe greatly, now felt relieved. 姬海山看完水晶镜上的画面后长出一口气,他也怕那些大有来头的道子天女等盯上部落,现在放心。 Clan old also like this said, these people accidentally passed by, goes hunting to relax in Great Wilderness, does not need startled.” A youngster responded. “族老们也都这样说,这些人是偶然路过,在大荒中打猎散心,无需惊慌。”一位少年回应道。 Side, Chu Feng is actually in a daze, how he can not know that unexpectedly is Lin Nuoyi, is familiar. 旁边,楚风却是发呆,他怎会不认识,那竟然是林诺依,再熟悉不过。 He knows, Lin Nuoyi already ahead of time entered World of the Living, is World of the Dead first bridges over the membrane, presents Evolver on World of the Living Great Desolate Earth. 他已经知道,林诺依早已提前进入阳间,是阴间第一个跨过界膜,出现在阳间洪荒大地上的进化者 More than one year of time, she unexpectedly becomes the Tianhuang noble descent, had such high status, looks like elegantly beautiful and pampered, even more aloof. 一年多的时间,她居然都成为天潢贵胄,有了这么高的地位,看起来冷艳而娇贵,越发的超然。 She wears the snow white long skirt, the flowing misty clear splendor, Shining Upon leaves Order rune unexpectedly. 她身穿雪白长裙,流动蒙蒙清辉,竟映照秩序符文 According to Ji Haishan, that is in the hot hole the Variation monster silkworm spinning knitting of Divine King Level to the women's clothing that becomes. 姬海山自语,那是离火洞中神王级异种妖蚕吐丝编织而成的衣裙。 Chu Feng calmly looks, slightly has thought that finally sighed, although ran into a old friend in this region, but he actually does not want to search and recognize each other at this time. 楚风静静地看着,略有所思,最后一叹,虽然在这片区域遇到一位故人,但此时他却不想去寻觅与相认。 Lin Nuoyi head that clear bird coracoid hairpin looks like more outstanding, bright red clear, under lets fall Order Divine Chain, ties several wisps to send the silk. 林诺依头上那支晶莹的鸟喙骨簪看起来更为出众,鲜红晶莹,垂落下秩序神链,束着几缕发丝。 This makes in the Chu Feng heart very surprised, is quick he to think that in the great people of these all previous reincarnation reincarnation in the Reincarnation palace sees, including female grace and talent peerless, cultivation base is immeasurably deep, the appearance and Lin Nuoyi are without change, this makes him be lost in thought. 这让楚风心中很吃惊,很快他想到在轮回殿中看到的那些历代转世投胎的大人物,其中有一个女子风华绝代,修为深不可测,容貌与林诺依一般无二,这让他陷入沉思中。 "Um? ” “嗯?” Suddenly, Chu Feng is surprised, although memory still at the fuzzy, many matters gradually forgets, but the speed slows down. 忽然,楚风惊讶,虽然记忆还在模糊,不少事渐渐遗忘,但是速度放缓。 He a little suspected, in so-called embryo confuses to him affects finally will not be big, not necessarily anything forgets a cleanness. 他有点怀疑,所谓的胎中迷对他最终的影响可能不会那么大,不见得什么都忘个干净。 Sea Uncle Shan, who this little fellow is, was too small?” A child of small calf asked that long was very sturdy, was solid, on the wall that in the giant stone built jumped up and down. “海山叔,这个小家伙是谁,也太小了吧?”一个小牛犊子似的孩子问道,长的很粗壮,也非常结实,在巨石堆砌成的墙上跳上跳下。 This is your younger brothers, picks, later does not permit to bully him!” Ji Haishan warned that this group of bear children, do not violate muddily. “这是你们弟弟,捡到的,以后都不准欺负他!”姬海山警告这群熊孩子,不要犯浑。 Chu Feng is somewhat speechless, this calf vigorous and healthy child is only four years old, can run like the wind, is higher than the normal 7-8 year child. 楚风有些无言,这牛犊子般健壮的孩子才四岁,就能奔跑如风,比正常七八岁的孩子还高一些。 In fact, he finds quickly, the Wasteland's border child mostly so, particularly the child of this tribe, with the small tiger, the physique is vigorous, is big. 事实上,他很快了解到,边荒都孩子大多如此,尤其是这个部落的孩子,都跟小老虎般,体格雄健,非常高大。 When Chu Feng saw that the adults in tribe are convinced thoroughly, regardless of the male and female mostly more than two meters high, adult male near zhang (3.33 m), continually smile the clans of several stature rickets old also so. 楚风看到部落中的成年人彻底服气,无论男女大多都有两米多高,成年男子很多都近丈,连笑眯眯走出来的几位身材佝偻的族老也都如此。 Like Chu Feng such delicate child, but also is really not many. 楚风这么“秀气”的孩子,还真不是很多。 When Chu Feng sees the water jar in tribe, he thought that oneself jumped to swim. 楚风看到部落中的水缸时,他觉得自己跳进去都能游泳了。 Just entered the tribe, he then understood many. 刚进入部落,他便了解到很多。 Practices, what is most important is practices!” Chu Feng wants to stabilize rapidly, starts his practicing important matter. “修行,最为重要的是修行!”楚风想迅速稳定下来,开始他的修行大计。 In stone jar anything has ruined, blows a fuse including Vajra Cutter, but three seeds actually hide in soil texture that in digs from Reincarnation Ultimate Land, has not damaged. 石罐中什么都毁掉了,连金刚琢都熔断,但是三颗种子却藏在从轮回终极地挖出来的土质中,并未破损。 These three seeds give him very big confidence, very anticipation! 这三颗种子给予他很大信心,非常期待! In the tribe has the stone house, after is the dust rock polishes, builds, is big and firm. Also there is a house that the giant tree completes, is well ventilated and bright, with bothers hold/container like one after another. 部落中有石头房子,都是灰褐色岩石打磨后堆砌而成,高大而坚固。也有巨木建成的房屋,通风而敞亮,跟一座又一座蘑菇包似的。 On the street is spreading the azure flagstone, knows did not step on many years, some places stepped on to sink some that and rubbed. 街道上铺着青石板,不知道踩踏多少年了,有的地方都踩踏与摩擦的凹下去一些。 Approached the noontime, in the tribe smoke from kitchen chimneys curling, the serving a meal time. 接近午时,部落中炊烟袅袅,开饭时间到了。 Ji Haishan said: Although I recognize you to become adopted son, but in the family/home has the sickness young married woman, has no way to raise you, delivers you to the temple on mountain.” 姬海山道:“虽然我认你当干儿子,但是家里有个病婆娘,没法养你,还是送你到山上的神庙中去吧。” He gives the clansman the flowing light butterfly, initiates calls out in alarm, this monster butterfly is very strong, for calamity nearby tribe, has let many hunter big, died many people to have no alternative, cannot think that this time was removed by Ji Haishan. 他将流光蝶交给族人,引发惊呼,这只妖蝶很强,为祸附近的部落,一直让许多猎人头大,死了不少人都无可奈何,想不到这次被姬海山除掉。 This flowing light butterfly is very valuable, if a clear wing sells, trades the food of several beast car(riage)s sufficiently. 这只流光蝶很值钱,一对晶莹的翅膀如果卖出去,足以换回来十几兽车的食物。 Ji Haishan carried behind Chu Feng towards Tribe to walk, left the stone wall, beyond several hundred meters had a mountain, was not very high, adjoined to this border. 姬海山拎着楚风朝部落后面走去,出了石墙,几百米外有一座山,并不是很高,毗邻这个寨子。 A clan always shouts in behind: Seamount, this time walking into the mountain, do not stay in the border anxiously for two days, I thought that these Tianhuang noble descents are getting the large military forces, although left, but will come sooner or later also back to pass by here from Great Wilderness, when the time comes under your entertainment, looks that must with going to the outside grows in experience, opens enlarges ones vision.” 一位族老在后面喊道:“海山,这次不要急着进山,在寨子中呆两天,我看那些天潢贵胄领着大队人马虽然离开了,但早晚还会从大荒中回来路过这里,到时候你招待下,看一看要不要跟着去外界长长见识,开一开眼。” Ji Haishan figure, said: I do not go to the outside, but I keep several days in the tribe.” 姬海山身形一顿,道:“我不去外界,但我在部落里多留几天。” Will these people again also come? In the Chu Feng heart moves slightly, unexpectedly such quickly has the opportunity to see a old friend, sees does not see? 那些人还会再来?楚风心中微微一动,居然这么快就有机会见到一位故人,见还是不见? Although this so-called back side of the mountain is not high, but the spiritual energy is quite abundant and rich, if in the World of the Dead universe, here is Holy Land in Holy Land. 这座所谓的后山虽然不高,但是灵气相当的充沛与浓郁,如果是在阴间宇宙,这里算是圣地中的圣地 300 meters high short mountain is growing some old tree, is tying mutated fruit, bright yellow, red sparkling, the fruit greets the nostrils fragrant, has the clear spring to flow, the transpiration has the dense spirit fog. 只有300米高的矮山生长着一些老树,结着异果,黄澄澄,红莹莹,果香扑鼻,有清泉汩汩流淌,蒸腾起氤氲灵雾。 Fairy maiden, I send disciple to you!” Ji Haishan just started the mountaineering, loudly shouts. “仙子,我给你送来一个徒儿!”姬海山刚开始登山,就大声喊道。 Chu Feng ponders over, don't tell me is recluse expert, has wanted to accept the disciple? 楚风琢磨,难道是隐士高人,一直想收徒? He anticipated very much, generally speaking, lives in seclusion in Wasteland's border True Fairy, person who has the story mostly, is Heavenly Venerate final disciple suffers defeat and flees Great Wilderness, does the Supreme Being illegitimate daughter enter the mortal world world experience? 他很期待,一般来说,隐居在边荒真仙子,多半是有故事的人,是天尊关门弟子败走大荒,还是大能的私生女进入红尘世界体验? Suddenly, Chu Feng indulges in flights of fancy. 一时间,楚风胡思乱想。 Fairy maiden in?” Ji Haishan shouts once more. “仙子在吗?”姬海山再次喊道。 shuā! 刷! The halfway up the mountainside are many a person, clothes sleeve danced in the breeze, flap flap made noise, welcomes to be in mountaineering Ji Haishan. 半山腰多了一个人,衣袂飘舞,猎猎作响,迎上了正在登山的姬海山 Chu Feng flashes the item to watch, this is that...... Extra mundane fairy maiden? 楚风闪目观看,这便是那……世外仙子? Being lost in thought that he looks , the eye was straight, lying trough, this...... The heavy features fairy maiden, four square features, the nose wide ear is extravagant, protects the heart wool half foot, this lets in his wind simply disorderly. 他看的出神,眼睛都直了,卧槽,这……浓眉大眼的仙子,四方脸,鼻宽耳阔,护心毛半尺长,这简直让他风中凌乱。 Suddenly, the Chu Feng whole person is not good, wants to turn around very much runs, was raised by such fairy maiden, might as well with Ji Haishan! 一时间,楚风整个人都不好了,很想掉头就跑,被这样的仙子养大,还不如跟着姬海山 He sighs woefully, should early expect is right. 他哀叹,应该早料到才对。 The height like Ji Haishan a zhang (3.33 m) guy , the arm has been thicker than the average man thigh, the fist has the basin to be so big fully, does not have wool Big Dog bear like with, is the fairy maiden in his eyes the what kind of character? It is estimated that is also this appearance at present! 姬海山这样身高过丈的大汉,手臂都比常人大腿粗,拳头足有面盆那么大,跟个没毛大狗熊似的,他眼中的仙子是何等人物?估计也就是眼前这个样子! Brother Haishan!” That heavy features shouting of fairy maiden jar sound jar air/Qi. 海山哥!”那浓眉大眼的仙子瓮声瓮气的喊道。 Chu Feng is scared, wants to run away really immediately. 楚风发毛,真想立刻就跑掉。 Dong Qing, your family fairy maiden in?” Ji Haishan asked. 冬青,你家仙子在吧?”姬海山问道。 Also, but is just about to depart.” Dong Qing replied. “还在,不过正要离去。”冬青答道。 Hears this dialogue, why Chu Feng not knows, feels relieved, isn't this Lord? A moment ago also was really somewhat anxious, after all must be raised several years by others. 听到这种对话,楚风知道为何,如释重负,这不是正主?刚才还真是有些紧张,毕竟要被人家养上好几年呢。 He sizes up carefully, although this Dong Qing puts on the alternative, a little neutralizes, even leaning female, but how to see that should be the man is right. 他仔细打量,这个冬青虽然穿着另类,有点中性化,甚至偏女性,但怎么看都应该是男子才对。 Ji Haishan said: Dong Qing, no rush, your weird disease can cure, I walk into the mountain to seek each time, recently discovered some clue, thought that this Great Wilderness deep place should have the jade snow god to be blue, may relieve your curse, restores the daughter body.” 姬海山道:“冬青,别急,你的怪病可以治好,我每次进山都在寻找,最近发现一些端倪,觉得这大荒深处应该有玉雪神兰,可解除你的诅咒,恢复女儿身。” Chu Feng is startled, but also is really the daughter body? Hears these words, he to the thought of what not having evading, felt that this named Dong Qing female was somewhat pitiful, in the body cursed, has covered up the true self? 楚风一怔,还真是女儿身?听到这些话,他到没什么逃避的念头了,感觉这个名为冬青的女子有些可怜,身中诅咒,遮掩了本来面目? Allow nature to take its course.” Dong Qing replied, was very tranquil. “顺其自然吧。”冬青答道,很平静。 The summit has a well, several old tree, two look at likely the bodhi and spirit Dao Tree, the branch is vigorous, is dormant just like old dragon. 山顶有一口古井,十几株老树,有两株看着像菩提与灵道树,枝桠苍劲,宛若老龙蛰伏。 A temple stands erect, is very ancient, is full of the years the great changes feeling, likely is one piece with the ancient times vestige that the world exists forever. 一座神庙矗立,很古老,充满岁月的沧桑感,像是一片与世长存的远古遗迹。 The courtyard wall is tattered, has not patched, only then the palace had been restored, the tile is dusky, but was shone after by the sunlight, there is a pale gold/metal gloss to flow, looks like very uncommon. 院墙破烂,没有修补,只有殿宇被修缮过,瓦片灰蒙蒙,但是被阳光照射后,又有淡金光泽流淌,看起来很不凡。 Old woman gentle smiling , the full head silver hair, stands in front of the temple, is this that extra mundane fairy maiden? In the Chu Feng heart was tranquil. 一个老妪慈祥的笑着,满头银发,站在庙前,这是那世外仙子吗?楚风心中已经平静。 Mother-in-law!” Ji Haishan respectful and prudent shouting. “婆婆!”姬海山恭谨的喊道。 "Um, my family young lady is in the temple, was just about to go out. ” This mother-in-law is very kind, smiling face lets in the person heart peaceful. “嗯,我家小姐在庙中,原本正要出门呢。”这个婆婆很和蔼,笑容让人心中安宁。 The temple often is very ancient, Chu Feng first thought, here is not very really simple, was the prehistoric years remains likely. 神庙十分常古旧,楚风第一时间觉得,这里真的很不简单,像是史前岁月所留。 In this palace broken and ancient palace ** is presenting a statue, experienced hardship to the full, the face blurred, but the overall outline also, is a female, sits cross-legged silent, felt to the person specially, existed forever likely since old times, overlooks trim Great Desolate Earth in place of this Ono corner. 在这殿宇残破而古老的殿宇**奉着一座塑像,饱经风霜,面部都模糊了,但是整体轮廓还在,是一个女子,寂静盘坐,给人特别的感觉,像是自古长存,在这大野一隅之地俯视整片洪荒大地 The Chu Feng heart vibrates, saw that thought some hearts palpitate, this place just like aloof mortal world on, likely is the World of the Living world one extremely. 楚风心头震动,怎么看都觉得有些心头悸动,此地宛如超然红尘上,像是阳间世界一极。 In the dilapidated palace are many a female, the goose yellow long skirt has towed on the ground, has no qualms the name of fairy maiden, most minimum figure quite perfect, slender tall and straight, the curve is astonishing, the makings are elegantly beautiful, but physique actually incomparable moving. 残旧的殿宇中多了一个女子,鹅黄色长裙拖在地上,无愧仙子之名,最起码身段相当的完美,修长挺拔,曲线惊人,气质冷艳,但身姿却无比的动人。 What a pity, cannot see the appearance/portrait, she is covered with together the veil, only reveals an eye, when has the spiritual energy very much, the eyelash winks, the whole person is elusive, has the inexplicable charm, just like Fairy of Ninth Heaven near world. 可惜,看不到真容,她蒙着一块面纱,只露出一双眼睛,很有灵气,睫毛眨动时,整个人都非常空灵,有莫名的神韵,宛若九天玄女临世。 But when she is silent, the pupil is profound, the whole person blurs, does not look clearly, is away from one to be so far likely, in the eye has the stars to extinguish and other scenes dry. 而她寂静时,眸子深邃,整个人都模糊起来,看不真切,像是隔着一界那么远,目中有星辰枯灭等景象。 In Chu Feng heart big mighty waves, this female how with temple ** the ancient statue that presents looks like very much, particularly after sitting cross-legged, simply...... Being without change. 楚风心中起了大波澜,这女子怎么跟神庙**奉的古老塑像很像,尤其是盘坐下来后,简直……一般无二。 Where is this?! 这是什么地方?! Afterward, he somewhat unusual feeling, induces on the body of this female to the inexplicable aura, making his heart palpitate, then big change. 随后,他有些异样的感觉,在这个女子的身上感应到莫名的气息,让他心头悸动,而后剧震 In the Chu Feng heart the great waves strike the day, although on the small face is very pure, is very naive, but the innermost feelings are actually the wild waves, his feeling was too astonishing. 楚风心中浪涛击天,虽然小脸上很纯净,很天真,但是内心却是骇浪,他的那种感觉太惊人了。 Because, he realized that the Reincarnation aura, has sneaked across that piece of Ultimate Land Reincarnator as fleshly body, he is more sensitive than others, from soul light to the body, is on him first, the carrying/sustaining the indelible mark is coming. 因为,他体会到轮回的气息,作为一个肉身偷渡过那片终极地轮回者,他比别人更为敏感,从魂光到躯体,都是他自己上一世的,承载着不可磨灭的印记而来。 Now, Chu Feng perceives, on this female also has the light Reincarnation aura, overflows from its soul light in full. 现在,楚风觉察到,这个女子身上也有淡淡的轮回气息,自其魂光内盈溢而出。 Perhaps, her knows, oneself does not have the Reincarnation material in very thin emission. 或许,她自己都不知道,自身有轮回物质在非常稀薄的放射。 Changes any person not to induce, is Chu Feng is different, may be brings fleshly body to escape from Reincarnation Ultimate Land lifeforms only. 换任何一人都不会感应到,可是楚风不同,有可能是唯一带着肉身逃出轮回终极地生物 Chu Feng shocks, where here is, a declining temple, exists forever with the world, a mysterious fairy maiden is having the aura of reincarnation unexpectedly, is fearful. 楚风震撼,这里到底是什么地方,一座破落神庙,与世长存,一个神秘仙子居然带着转世的气息,过于可怕。 Can the opposite party also be able to induce him, peeps thoroughly his root foot? 对方会不会也能感应到他,窥透他的根脚? Suddenly, Chu Feng is terrified, from entering World of the Living to the present, these that experiences is too strange, how in a short time to be met by him all of a sudden? 一时间,楚风悚然,从进入阳间到现在,所经历的这些都太诡异,怎么一下子都被他在短时间内遇上?
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