SR :: Volume #11

#1027: Great Wilderness is not simple and honorable

Feels the day to move, has a deity elder sister of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman really? Like this I felt relieved.” Chu Feng talked to oneself. “感天动地,真有一个倾国倾城的神仙姐姐?这样我就放心了。”楚风自语。 When goes through some dangerous mountain forest regions, ferocious beast calls out, several meter/rice silver big praying mantises circle, flutters clang clang when mountain ridge make noise, wave a pair of scythe, dividing to fall first nine meters long black ferocious bird. 当穿行一些危险的山林地带时,凶兽嚎叫,数米长的银色大螳螂在山岭上空盘旋,振翅时锵锵作响,舞动一对大镰刀,将一头九米多长的黑色凶禽给劈落下来。 Straight feeling dizzy of Chu Feng in through the animal skin bag tattered the slit that comes out to look, where is this? So is savage including the insect. 楚风通过兽皮袋子上一条破烂出来的缝隙看的直眼晕,这是什么地方?连昆虫都这么凶残。 Discovered after this big praying mantis, is dormant including the robust men in the forest detours to walk, is not willing to provoke, obviously its savage degree. 发现这只大螳螂后,连壮汉都蛰伏在林木中绕路行走,不愿去招惹,可见其凶残程度。 When has gone through one quarry stone regions, the mountain road is good to walk, the plant is gradually sparse, but is the old trees, each several people cannot joint hold. 当穿行过一片乱石区域,山路好走起来,植物渐稀疏,但都是古树,每株十几人都合抱不过来。 Even, diameter one meters of some thorns, but some ancient vine are the water jar so is thicker, twines in the mountain, the rhizome are similar to the copper sends out the golden gloss, the leaf blade sparkling flood light. 甚至,有些荆棘的直径都有一米,而一些古藤更是水缸那么粗,在山中缠绕,根茎等如同紫铜般发出金色光泽,叶片则莹莹泛光。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! Roadside, in mountain stream and clear spring jumping fish, in groups Large expanse, one foot is long, scarlet such as the coral has the gloss, the tooth is sharp, the small beast that will pass by fell down in the riverside, then drags launching, quick blood incarnadine water surface. 路边,溪涧与清泉中跃起鱼儿,成群成片,都一尺来长,赤红如珊瑚有光泽,牙齿锋锐,将路过的小兽等扑倒在河边,然后拖下水,很快血液染红水面。 Chu Feng is imposing, regarding this child, in this mountainous region also is really the danger. 楚风凛然,对于他这种孩童来说,这山地中还真是危险。 "Áo roar...... ” “嗷吼……” A giant beast roar cuts the mountain range the sky, scarlet blood mist is similar to the great waves surges in that mountain range most deep place, making all ferocious beast leaders tremble. 一声巨大的兽吼划破山脉的天空,猩红血雾如同浪涛在那山脉最深处激荡而起,让各方凶兽头领都在打颤。 Ancient Beast phantom appears, huge boundless, with as high as Heaven, the pupil with lightning, in scarlet in the clouds presents, is confronting with another ferocious beast. 一头古兽虚影浮现,庞大无边,与天齐高,眸子跟闪电似的,在赤云中呈现,在同另外一头凶兽对峙。 For a long time, there is very depressing, in Great Wilderness quiet. 很长时间,那里都无比压抑,大荒中静悄悄。 Oh, this piece dwells is more and more unsafe, in the mountain ferocious beast is getting stronger and stronger, there is a Mutant Beast promote step, sooner or later will have the Beast King war.” “唉,这片栖居地越来越不安全,山中凶兽越来越强,又有异兽晋阶,早晚会有兽王战。” The guys heaved a sigh, pick up the speed to walk toward mountain. 大汉唉声叹气,加快速度向山外走去。 For a long time, mountain deep place most returns to normal, then vanishes with as high as Heaven Mutant Beast, no longer confronts and roars. 很长时间,大山深处才最恢复平静,那与天齐高异兽消失,不再对峙与咆哮。 Outside the mountain, hears the horse's hoof sound, accompanies the beast aura to throw. 山外,传来马蹄声,也伴着蛮兽的气息扑来。 The group are very valiant, are naked the upper part, the lower part of the body are wearing the beast leather clothing, some are raising metal Wolf Fang Stick, some at the back of the machete that the scarlet metal casts, walks into the mountain to hunt. 一行人都很彪悍,赤裸着上半身,下身穿着兽皮衣,有的提着金属狼牙棒,有的背着赤色金属铸成的大砍刀,进山狩猎。 They ride to sit on a special mount, Golden Wolf and ox body, horse's hoof, the speed is not many, but is very steady, excels on the mountain road rush through. 他们骑坐在一种特别的坐骑上,金狼头、牛身、马蹄,速度不是多块,但很稳健,擅长在山路上奔行 Brother Ji Haishan, how you return empty-handed, as one of nearby tribe expert, this may somewhat be unworthy of the name.” A stature thin middle-aged man, the bronze skin, is raising Wolf Fang Stick, restrains the wolf head ox body mount that sits down to stop. 姬海山兄弟,你怎么空手而归,作为附近部落中的高手之一,这可有些名不副实啊。”一个身材消瘦的中年男子,古铜色皮肤,提着狼牙棒,勒住坐下的狼头牛身的坐骑停了下来。 Robust man Ji Haishan does not have many favorable impressions to him, said: I come from the small tribe, where compares favorably with you.” 壮汉姬海山对他没有多少好感,道:“我来自小部落,哪里比得上你们。” Thin middle-aged man is Evolver of Golden Body level, spiritual strength is very strong, has induced, said: Well, in your beast leather bag has the living creature, what hunted to be slightly beastly preciously?” 消瘦的中年男子是金身层次的进化者,精神力很强,有所感应,道:“咦,你的兽皮袋中有活物,狩猎到什么珍贵小兽了?” What, has not picked a child.” Ji Haishan replied truthfully. “没什么,捡到一个孩子而已。”姬海山如实答道。 Haha, picks a child in the remote mountain, should not be your, gives birth with the mandrill or Wong Tai Sin, today the belt/bring comes back.” The stature thin middle-aged man voice is very loud, the corners of the mouth are bringing smiling of ridicule. “哈哈,在深山中捡到一个孩子,该不会是你自己的吧,跟山魈或者黄大仙产子,今天才带回来。”身材消瘦的中年男子声音很大,嘴角带着嘲弄的笑。 On his face has the scabs, was scratched to leave behind several fearsome wounds by some bird of prey, like this smiles looks like somewhat fearsome. 他的脸上有伤疤,被某种猛禽抓伤留下几道可怖的伤口,这样笑看起来有些可怖。 Other people are also smiling. 其他人也都在跟着笑。 Lei Jiao, you were excessive!” Ji Haishan shouted, the back appeared White Tiger, was the energy, lifelike, erupted astonishing baleful aura, immediately made here blown sand walk the stone. 雷蛟,你过分了!”姬海山喝道,背后浮现一头白虎,是能量所化,栩栩如生,爆发出惊人的煞气,顿时让这里飞沙走石。 I reasonably was guessing that I remember that the surrounding some tribes have done, to obtain the formidable bloodlines, in the demon with mountain gets married, which also manages other. Right, Ji Haishan, did your tribe these many years has not presented the talent, when the time comes at the tribe congress, how you with officiating the Sir confess? Will not take risks, leads a demon illegitimate child from the mountain?” “我只是在合理猜测而已,我记得周围有的部落就这么干过,为了得到强大的血脉,跟山中的精怪成亲,哪还管其他。对了,姬海山,你们部落这么多年都没有出现天才,到时候在部落大会上,你们如何跟主祭大人交代?不会真的铤而走险,从山中带回来一个精怪私生子吧?” When thin middle-aged man Lei Jiao speech clamps the rifle sling stick, is not very pleasant to the ear. 精瘦的中年男子雷蛟说话时夹枪带棒,很不中听。 Who said that the tribe common social practice of Wasteland's border region is simple, most minimum Chu Feng looked that this middle-aged man is not very pleasing to the eyes, the spoken language belt/bring thorn, connects the slander to ridicule. 谁说边荒地带的部落民风朴实,最起码楚风就看这中年男子很不顺眼,言语带刺,接连恶语奚落。 Ji Haishan cold sound said: Lei Jiao you little must taunt, youngster each and every one of our department strong is similar to the small tiger, when the time comes practices the White Tiger genuine solution, has you to be attractive.” 姬海山冷声道:“雷蛟你少要冷嘲热讽,我部的少年一个个都壮的如同小老虎,到时候练成白虎真解,有你们好看。” Lei Jiao smiles pale, said: Ok, the few annual variations of your tribe far, we may send when the time comes eight -year-old kid, a person, sweeps away your group of White Tiger youngster, haha, such was interesting.” 雷蛟淡笑,道:“算了吧,你们部落的少年差远了,唔,到时候我们可能会派上八岁的娃,一个人而已,横扫你们的那群白虎少年,哈哈,那样就有意思了。” hēi hēi......” his side also has smiled. 嘿嘿……”他身边的也都笑了起来。 Then, Lei Jiao jumps down the mount, proposes the wolf tooth big stick to arrive at the Ji Haishan near, stretches out a finger, on the chest of Ji Haishan, the corners of the mouth is hanging cold smiling, said: In the past, your son was killed, you were never recurring, isn't long teaches? Challenges us again, so-called one flock of talent small ominous tigers of your tribe must turn into the small remnant tiger.” 接着,雷蛟跳下坐骑,提着狼牙大棒来到姬海山近前,伸出一根指头,点在姬海山的胸膛上,嘴角挂着冷冽的笑,道:“当年,你儿子被打死了,你都绝后了,还不长教训啊?再挑战我们,你们部落的所谓的一群天才小凶虎都要会变成小残虎。” You court death!” Ji Haishan is angry, this has touched a sore spot of the scabs in his heart. “你找死!”姬海山大怒,这触痛了他心中的伤疤。 Lei Jiao retrocedes, said: Anxiously beginning, later some be not being the opportunities of comparing notes, now among the tribes conflicts is not wonderful.” 雷蛟后退,道:“别急着动手,以后有的是切磋的机会,现在部落间起冲突可不妙。” He is sneering, is having threat, the vision is cold. 他冷笑着,带着威胁,眼光寒冷。 His behind one group of people also create a clamor, each and every one is unruly, clamored there, deterred Ji Haishan. 他身后的一群人也都鼓噪,一个个桀骜不驯,在那里叫嚣,威慑姬海山 Chu Feng somewhat was unable to continue watching, the so-called tribe is simple, spoke irresponsibly radically, where regardless of were the same, had the battle, had the bad person, has not related with the ethnic group and region. 楚风有些看不下去了,所谓的部落朴实,根本就是乱说,无论在哪里都一样,都有争斗,都有恶劣的人,跟族群与地域没关系。 How to say again, now was also Ji Haishan adopted him, Chu Feng wants to kill this Lei Jiao for him. 再怎么说,现在也是姬海山收养了他,楚风真想替他干掉这个雷蛟 Without a doubt, among the tribes as if some stipulations, have some restraint, can not have the dispute at will, shoulders to bleed to slaughter, the Ji Haishan heart has the scruples, finally bore. 毫无疑问,部落间似乎有规定,有某种约束,不得随意起纷争,挑起流血厮杀,姬海山心有顾忌,最后忍住了。 Since is not your demon son, come, making us look at this kid anything appearance, when the time comes can also testify for you, the hand you have not adopted the evil spirit.” “既然不是你的精怪儿子,来,让我们看一看这娃到底什么样子,到时候也可以为你作证,手你并没有收养妖魔。” Lei Jiao is false smile, coerces Ji Haishan there. 雷蛟皮笑肉不笑,在那里挤对姬海山 Right, if not the demon, makes us look.” The Lei Jiao clansman also creates a disturbance, clamored there. “对呀,如果不是精怪,就让我们看一看。”雷蛟的族人也都起哄,在那里叫嚣。 Ji Haishan is filled with righteous indignation, after Lei Clan person since strong Ji Clan, the each and every one incomparable domineering, everywhere the provocation, making him somewhat be driven beyond the limits of forbearance. 姬海山怒火填膺,雷族的人自从强过姬族后,一个个都无比强势,处处挑衅,让他有些忍无可忍。 However, he has untied in the end the beast leather bag, otherwise this group of people go back to speak irresponsibly, may be the Ji Clan tribe will annoy to trouble. 不过,到头来他还是解开了兽皮袋,不然的话这群人回去乱说,可能会为姬族部落惹来麻烦。 Yo, is a plump and fair-complected boy, is is a little small, in the tribe baby with our Great Wilderness like, shouldn't not really be a young demon?” “呦,还是个白胖小子,就是个头有点小啊,跟我们大荒中的部落婴孩不像,该不会真是个小精怪吧?” Lei Jiao smiles maliciously, and extended take action to grasp Chu Feng fast, has lifted, carefully looks. 雷蛟不怀好意地笑着,并快速伸出手楚风抓了起来,举了起来,仔细看着。 „Do you want to do?!” Ji Haishan berated, the murderous aura ebullition, was driven beyond the limits of forbearance, White Tiger True Form behind was roaring in him, momentarily must slaughter, fights to the death. “你要干什么?!”姬海山喝斥,杀气沸腾,忍无可忍,白虎真形在他身后咆哮着,随时要厮杀,决一死战。 Do not be excited, I have a look, always thought that this likely is not type in our Great Wilderness, such slightly got rid by his parents, looks ominous, Ji Haishan was not I says you, built one fires to burn him as early as possible considers as finished.” “别激动,我只是看看,总觉得这不像是我们大荒中的种,这么小就被他爹娘抛弃,一看就不祥啊,姬海山不是我说你,趁早架起一堆火将他烧死算了。” In the Lei Jiao face has the scar, is ferocious bird remains, although now is smiling, but makes him look like somewhat fierce. 雷蛟面孔上有疤痕,为凶禽所留,现在虽然在笑,但是让他看起来有些狰狞。 shit! 玛德! Chu Feng is angry, may endure what else cannot be tolerated, this thin middle-aged man was too hateful, because has the hostility to Ji Haishan, is wanting to burn him? 楚风恼怒,是可忍孰不可忍,这精瘦的中年男子太可恶了,因为对姬海山有敌意,连带着都想烧死他? He attacks decisively, then between both legs...... Breathes out the sound, turns on the water directly. 他果断出击,然后双腿间……嘘嘘有声,直接放水。 Fuck!” 我X!” The Lei Jiao almost air/Qi faints, the eye stared round, this does the young brat dare to drench him especially?! 雷蛟差点气昏过去,眼睛都瞪圆了,这特么小兔崽子敢淋他?! He is lifting this boy with the rush-leaf fan big hand now, raises head to look at this stupid kid, finally...... Was irrigated, whole face is, eye drenched blurring. 他现在可是用蒲扇大的手举着这小子,仰头看着这蠢娃,结果……被浇个正着,满脸都是,眼睛都被淋的模糊了。 Especially, when he air/Qi angrily roars greatly, opens mouth is irrigated, that taste...... Not to mention! 尤其是,他气大怒吼时,一张嘴正好被浇,那滋味……别提了! Lei Jiao is angry, catches up directly, must pinch this child, he was been angry. 雷蛟大怒,直接发力,就要捏死这个孩子,他被气坏了。 When Ji Haishan has been guarding, sees Chu Feng turns on the water, he began, snatched the killer first under Lei Jiao seizing Chu Feng, backed up fast. 姬海山一直在防备,看到楚风放水时,他就动手了,抢在雷蛟下杀手前一把将楚风给夺了回来,快速倒退。 Air/Qi the ghost I, has killed this bastard to me!” Lei Jiao spits the saliva, retches there, while is wiping the eye, air/Qi rampage like the thunder, bellows again and again. “气煞我也,给我杀了这崽子!”雷蛟一边吐口水,在那里干呕,一边在擦眼睛,气的暴跳如雷,大吼连连。 Provokes the tribe battle at will, Lei Clan is punished.” Ji Haishan stands in the distant place, coldly visits them. “随意挑起部落争斗,雷族会受到惩罚。”姬海山站在远处,冷冷的看着他们。 Young animal, I wishes one could to pinch you!” The Lei Jiao chest fluctuates, is staring at Ji Haishan and Chu Feng wickedly, he restrains finally, has not begun, but been mad heavy. “小崽子,我恨不得捏死你!”雷蛟胸膛起伏,恶狠狠地盯着姬海山楚风,他最终还是克制住,没有动手,但是被气的不轻。 A Chu Feng face pure sweetness smiles, is extending the small hand there, smiles to Lei Jiao, has the sound, a happy appearance. 楚风一脸纯真的甜笑,在那里伸着小手,对雷蛟笑眯眯,啊啊有声,一副开心的样子。 Young animal, waits for me to make Lei Clan that group of kids torment to death you several years later, most at least must make you disabled!” Lei Jiao said that has the person to turn around to walk. “小崽子,等过几年我非让雷族的那群娃整死你不可,最起码也要让你残废!”雷蛟说完带人转身就走。 Ji Haishan laughs, looks at Chu Feng, said: Good, very to my appetite, no matter you have no intention, is inborn a little evil, I want to recognize you to become the adopted son.” 姬海山大笑,看着楚风,道:“不错,很对我胃口,不管你是无意的,还是天生有点邪性,我都想认你当干儿子。” Does the smiling face on Chu Feng small face solidify immediately, has such big robust man adoptive father? Actually really not. 楚风小脸上的笑容顿时凝固,有这么大个的壮汉干爹?其实真不咋地。 Shortly, Ji Haishan is bringing the Chu Feng return tribe, this is a population can have the 5-6 hundred ethnic groups, can only be a small tribe, here topography is relatively gentle, but the surroundings have many rocks, builds in together, forms the rough giant stone fence, defends the wild animal impact, protects inside person. 不久后,姬海山带着楚风回归部落,这是一个人口能有五六百的族群,只能算是一个小部落,这里地势相对平缓,但周围有很多岩石,堆砌在一起,形成粗糙的巨石围墙,防御野兽冲击,保护里面的人。 Some children appear, with skin monkey jumps down from several feet high rock wall, some children sit on three meters golden purple big dragonfly, in airborne circles. 一些孩子出现,跟皮猴子似的从数丈高的岩石墙上跳下来,也有些的孩子坐在三米长的紫金大蜻蜓上,在空中跟着盘旋。 Sea Uncle Shan, you also had other hunting teams to walk into the mountain more than for two days, our tribe here had come a troop person!” A child shouts. “海山叔,你还有其他狩猎队伍进山两天多了,咱们部落这里曾经来过一大群人!”一个孩子喊道。 What's the matter?” A Ji Haishan startled, fast inquiry. “怎么回事?”姬海山一惊,快速询问。 His strength, has been hunting alone, has not sent out with other teams. 他实力强,一直在单独狩猎,没有跟着其他队伍出动。 According to what has been heard is possibly is the Tianhuang noble descent, is one group of great people relaxes, hunted here, passed by here.” A child informs. “据闻是可能是天潢贵胄,是一群大人物来散心,在这边狩猎,路过我们这里。”一个孩子告知。 Enters in the tribe, Ji Haishan first watches a crystal mirror, the use energy, immediately playbacks to say silhouette, looked that is extraordinary then the imposing manner, the mount has the auspicious beast of Qilin bloodlines. 进入部落中,姬海山第一时间去观看一块水晶镜,动用能量,顿时回放出许多道身影,一看就气势非凡,坐骑都是有麒麟血脉的瑞兽等。 Chu Feng is surprised, this tribe is not simple, the crystal mirror can Shining Upon leave past the old scenery unexpectedly. 楚风惊讶,这个部落不简单呀,水晶镜居然能映照出昔日旧景。 Quick, the look on his small face stiffens, he sees a female, chilly, but dust, beautiful noble, he knows and is very familiar, such quickly became the Tianhuang noble descent?! 很快,他小脸上的神色僵住,他看到一个女子,清冷而出尘,美丽高贵,他认识并很熟悉,这么快成天潢贵胄了?! In her side, the There is still one man stands shoulder to shoulder, all formidable Knight regiments are crowding around them, to protect them appears. 在她的旁边,还有一个男子并肩而立,所有强大的骑士军团都在拥簇着他们,是为保护他们出现的。
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