SR :: Volume #11

#1026: In Chapter 1026 embryo confuses the truth

Chu Feng discovers a very fearful issue, even if he hides in stone jar also useless, oneself declines in the memory as before, various impressions blurred. 楚风发现一个很可怕的问题,哪怕他躲在石罐中也没用,自身依旧在记忆衰退,各种印象都模糊了。 This makes him frightened, the influence of Reincarnation is so big, can't block including Paramount Supreme Treasure stone jar?! 这让他惊悚,轮回的影响这么大,连究极至宝石罐都挡不住?! „It is not right!” He did not have finally thoroughly blurry, in the heart had the guess. “不对!”总算他还没有彻底迷糊,心中有了猜测。 He is not reincarnation in the true sense, brought fleshly body to sneak across, should not have in the embryo to confuse is right, in the middle of this has other strangeness. 他并不是真正意义上的投胎,本是带着肉身偷渡过来,理应没有胎中迷才对,这当中有其他古怪。 Chu Feng thinks that a possibility, the Reincarnation material extremely affected when that finally on him, partner in within the body. 楚风想到一种可能,轮回物质在那终极之地时就作用在他身上了,伴在体内。 Therefore, was not stone jar cannot isolate Ultimate Land, but had that species material or the energy on oneself, hid in stone jar also useless. 所以,并非石罐隔绝不了终极地,而是有那种属性的物质或能量在自己身上,躲在石罐中也无用。 In fact, finally extremely, although fearful, but is impossible directly to intervene World of the Living, is hard to project the principle, cannot enter in stone jar. 事实上,终极之地虽然可怕,但也不可能直接干预阳间,难以投射过来法则,并不能进入石罐中。 Had already incurred, I dig when Ultimate Land Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb, catches Solar Dragon River, is completely spiritless, was adhered to stick cohere by that special material on.” “早就中招了,我在终极地三十三重天草、捕捉太阳龙河时,无知无觉间,就被那特殊的物质附着上。” Chu Feng sighed lightly, Reincarnation conclusion investigated is immeasurably deep, he alerted discretely, to the end realized the side effect. 楚风轻叹,轮回终尽头究是深不可测,他谨慎戒备,到头还是体会到副作用。 Fortunately, only takes three years he to eliminate this influence, pours is not the disaster. 还好,只需三年他就能消除这种影响,倒也不算祸患。 Whiz! 嗖! When Chu Feng comes out from stone jar once more, 1500000 miles away, he has climbed up a mountain peak fast, looks into four directions, seeks for the city positively. 楚风再次从石罐中出来时,已经在1500000里外,他快速攀上一座山峰,眺望四野,积极寻找城池等。 He does not want to go to too formidable Sect, easy reveal something that gives one away, most minimum Extreme Martial and Hun Yi, primitive and the others spheres of influence, must exclude. 他不想去太强大的门派,容易露马脚,最起码太武浑羿、原始等人的势力范围,一定要排除在外。 Is a little dizzy, I forget many matters, many cannot think that must make the best use of the time to ask the fairy maiden elder sister to raise me.” “头有点晕,我真的遗忘很多事,许多都想不起来了,要抓紧时间找个仙子姐姐养我。” Arrived this, he also has never forgotten. 都到这份儿上了,他还念念不忘呢。 Well, here has the beast to clamp, is quite thick, is this must hunt for the dragon?!” Chu Feng is speechless, saw that the beast in mountain forest clamps, the eye somewhat straightens, that is have several the zhang (3.33 m), hidden in the subtilis. “咦,这里有兽夹,好粗大,这是要猎龙吗?!”楚风无语,看到山林中的兽夹,眼睛都有些发直,那可是有数丈长,隐藏在枯草中。 Such big beast clamps, what can cope with? 这么大个的兽夹,到底要对付什么? Afterward he looks into dozens li (0.5 km) beside to have the smoke from kitchen chimneys, curls to raise, really arrived had the place of habitation, found the regions of some families finally. 随后他眺望到数十里地之外有炊烟,袅袅升起,果然到了有人烟的地方,总算找到有人家的地带了。 Who makes pick me?” “让谁把我捡走呢?” Chu Feng makes an effort to shake the head, maintains sober by oneself, cannot forget all, this had not been discovered that what to do a while was eaten by ferocious beast? 楚风使劲摇动脑袋,让自己保持清醒,千万不能真的遗忘所有,这还没有被人发现呢,一会儿被凶兽吃掉怎么办? Some people in that position!” “有人在那个方位!” He heard berated the sound, in mountain ridge some people fought, and was very intense. 他听到了喝斥声,山岭内有人打斗,而且很激烈。 Oh, no matter there are deity elder sister, I no choice, I thought that I fell into the embryo to confuse the condition quickly thoroughly.” “唉,不管有没有神仙姐姐,我都没的选择了,我觉得自己快彻底陷入胎中迷状态了。” Chu Feng is helpless, hugs nears that mountain scene range that stone jar is not preferring. 楚风无奈,抱着石罐不情愿的接近那片山岭。 Meanwhile, he uses also the sober time on the road, ponders over stone jar to process, can bury in the mountain? Otherwise falls in other people hand, did not have anything to be secret. 同时,在路上他利用还清醒的时间,琢磨石罐怎么处理,要埋在山中吗?不然的话落在他人手中,就没什么秘密了。 However, buries in the mountain he a little did not feel relieved. 不过,埋在山中他又有点不放心。 Can take among the grinding pans that my within the body fog covers?” “能不能收进我体内灰雾笼罩的磨盘间?” Then, Chu Feng such has done, Divine King pill who unexpectedly the smooth success, he uses within the body receives and instructs, stone jar submerges in the fog, isolates with the outside. 然后,楚风就这么做了,居然顺利成功,他用体内的神王丹接引,石罐没入灰雾中,与外界隔绝。 Then felt relieved!” “这下放心了!” But quick, the Chu Feng small mouth opens becomes the o shape, sees a middle-aged guy, the body best pupil has one zhang (3.33 m), the rush-leaf fan big hand, the small basin fist, creates an incident tigerishly, the bracing cold erupts, is fighting. 但很快,楚风小嘴张成o形,看到一位中年大汉,身高足有一丈,蒲扇般的大手,小面盆般的拳头,虎虎生风,气劲爆发,正在战斗。 His match...... Unexpectedly is a butterfly! 他的对手……居然是一只蝴蝶! This husky fellow, unexpectedly with an attractive butterfly bloody battle. 这个一个彪形大汉,居然在跟一只漂亮的蝴蝶血战。 His whole body is the blood, is wounded heavily. 他全身是血,负伤不轻。 However, this butterfly is not indeed common, more than one meter are fully long, all over the body is the streaks, colorful, is beautiful. 不过,这只蝴蝶的确不一般,足有一米多长,通体都是斑纹,色彩斑斓,非常美丽。 It sends out the sparkling gloss, is similar to the colored coral polish, moreover when flutters the wing each time, has the electric arc to depart, is similar to up the blade, shivering of that guy electricity, and is similar to is sheared by the blade, the body wound are many, bloody. 它发出莹莹光泽,如同彩色珊瑚打磨而成,而且每次拍动翅膀时,都有电弧飞出,如同光刃,将那大汉电的颤抖,且如同被刀割,身上伤口不少,血淋淋。 The husky fellow is a hunter, is expert of nearby tribe, cultivation base in the Golden Body level, with that butterfly same Realm, but actually suffered a loss. 彪形大汉是一个猎人,是附近的部落的高手,修为金身层次,跟那蝴蝶同境界,但是却吃了大亏。 This is flowing light butterfly, but the illumination blade, can release the lightning, was known as that the killer in same level Evolver, the same step fights, unusual lifeforms is his match. 这是流光蝴蝶,可发光刃,能释放闪电,号称同层次进化者中的杀手,同阶战斗,少有生物是其对手。 This guy can fight this is very strong. 这名大汉能战斗到这一步已经算是很强。 Golden Body level, if in the World of the Dead universe is the powerhouse, already hit to collapse the mountains, but actually has not made any noise here, at most is also opening stele splitting stone. 金身层次,如果是在阴间宇宙算是强者,早已打崩山川,可是在这里却没有闹出什么动静,顶多也就是开碑裂石 Because, here is World of the Living, principle is complete, the world is extremely firm. 因为,这里是阳间,法则完整,天地极其坚固。 Let alone the Golden Body level, how is Divine King Realm's Li Jiuxiao and Ji Caixuan, is very difficult to destroy the mountains myriad things. 别说金身层次,就是神王境界的黎九霄姬采萱又如何,也很难毁山川万物。 Chu Feng face upwards the deep sigh, it seems like could not wait for the deity elder sister, finally must meet whole face whiskers to robust man, he a little suspected, this rough man can support him, will look after the baby otherwise? 楚风仰天长叹,看来是等不到神仙姐姐了,最终要遇上一个满脸络腮胡须的壮汉,他有点怀疑,这种粗犷的汉子能养活他吗,会照料婴儿否? Let alone looks after me, can you live?” Chu Feng serious suspicion. “别说照料我,你自己能活下来吗?”楚风严重怀疑。 That butterfly is very strong, is all over the body bright with many colors, flaps the wing blooming lightning each time, the eruption light blade, making the guy be tired out by dealing with, is seriously injured, such got down dead again. 那只蝴蝶很强,通体五光十色,每次拍动翅膀都绽放闪电,爆发光刃,让大汉疲于应付,身受重伤,再这么下去就要死了。 Meanwhile, it is very nimble and resourceful, speed is fast, just like wipes the light in the movement and sparkle. 同时,它很灵动,速度非常快,宛如一抹光在移动与闪耀。 Sees a person with great difficulty, should should not be killed?” Chu Feng knits the brows, thought that this hunting household is not the match of flowing light butterfly, must die here. “好不容易看到一个人,该不会要被杀死吧?”楚风皱眉,觉得这个猎户不是流光蝶的对手,要死在这里。 Roar! 吼! Suddenly, mutation occurrence, hunting household roared, the fist mark illumination of this husky fellow, he was similar to fierce tiger leaves the floodgate, and finally he turned into White Tiger. 突然,异变发生,猎户一声咆哮,这个彪形大汉的拳印发光,他如同猛虎出闸,并且最后他真的化成一头白虎 Well, this is any secret technique, the fleshly body skeleton explosive, is not unreal, turns into White Tiger.” Chu Feng is astonished. “咦,这是什么秘术,肉身骨骼爆响,不是虚幻的,真的化成一头白虎。”楚风讶异。 „The White Tiger fist, the relationship of form and spirit all reveals, kills!” The guys shout, the present is White Tiger, roars the entire mountain scene forest, murders the air/Qi to be dreadful 白虎拳,形神皆显,杀!”大汉嘶吼,现在是一头白虎,吼动整片山林,杀伐气滔天 White Tiger, this is the king in ferocious beast, advocates to murder, now its crazy intent is boundless, throws to strike the current events becomes a white light, suppressed this flowing light butterfly. 白虎,这本就是凶兽中的王,主张杀伐,现在它狂意无边,扑击时化成一道白光,将这流光蝶都压制了。 No matter what that light blade flies, appointed that lightning erupts, does not move this fierce White Tiger, its big claw grasps the broken rock, the ruptured electric light, touches with the wing of butterfly in the same place, makes noise sonorously, sparks fly in all directions. 任那光刃飞来,任那闪电爆发,都打不动这头勇猛的白虎,它的大爪子抓碎山石,崩开电光,跟蝴蝶的翅膀触及在一起,铿锵作响,火星四溅 !” “噗!” Finally, this flowing light butterfly was patted rottenly by the White Tiger claw, extinguishing has killed, regarding nearby tribe, this flowing light butterfly is a threat, today was eradicated. 最终,这只流光蝶被白虎爪子拍烂,给灭杀了,对于附近的部落来说,这只流光蝶是个威胁,今日被铲除。 After the husky fellow kills the ominous butterfly, oneself is also weak, falls down on the ground, obviously melts human the body, the bronze skin, the whole body wound, the clothes are tattered. 彪形大汉杀完凶蝶后自身也不支,一头栽倒在地上,显化出人类的躯体,古铜色的皮肤,满身伤口,衣服更是破破烂烂。 This called any matter, in the end was not he picks me, was not the fairy maiden adopts me, but was I picks a guy.” “这叫什么事,到头来不是他捡到我,也不是仙子收养我,而是我捡到一条大汉。” Chu Feng walked, approaches here, he also is really somewhat speechless, what matter did this call? He also wants to find a person to look after him, finally in turn. 楚风走了过来,接近这里,他还真是有些无语,这叫什么事?他还想找个人照料他呢,结果反过来了。 Appearance looks like very simple and honest, simple, should not be the unprincipled person? However, knows the person to know the surface not to be intimate, while the present I also not blurry, hurries under the inspection.” “模样看起来很憨厚,朴实,应该不是坏人吧?不过,知人知面不知心,趁现在我还没迷糊,赶紧检查下。” The Chu Feng movement is quick, takes out stone jar once more, received the guy, he uses soul light to investigate, fortunately, this person, although looks roughy, whole face full beard, but the essence is very good. 楚风动作很快,再次取出石罐,将大汉收了进去,他用魂光探查,还好,这个人虽然看着粗犷,满脸大胡子,但本质很好。 Finally, Chu Feng found a place to lie down, was far from here, but can also guarantee him, if disguised to cry to make this robust man hear. 最终,楚风找个地方躺下了,离这里较远,但是也能确保他如果假装大哭可以让这个壮汉听到。 How long has not waited for on luckily, this guy regains consciousness. 幸好没有等上多长时间,这大汉就苏醒。 Has the baby crying aloud sound, strange, how in the remote mountain to have such little child to cry?” “有婴儿啼哭声,奇怪,深山中怎么会有这么小的孩子哭?” The guys whispered, standing up of looking fierce, was raising the corpse of flowing light butterfly, sought for the acoustic source. 大汉嘀咕,龇牙咧嘴的站起身来,提着流光蝶的尸体,寻找声源。 Chu Feng wants to say very much, you a bit faster come, like this cries embarrassedly to be very good? 楚风很想说,你快点过来,这样哭很难堪好不好? After who knows the guy seeks, looked at his one eyes, the complexion then directly changed, the tone runs. 谁知大汉寻过来后,看了他一眼,脸色便直接变了,调头就跑。 How this silly big did run?!” Chu Feng is stunned, this with is completely different, this robust man who he imagines how does not have a sympathy. “这傻大个怎么跑了?!”楚风愕然,这完全跟他想象的不一样,这壮汉怎么没有一点同情心。 Monster fox, my knows this is you changes, little must deceive me, father on dang! guy does not shout in the distant place. “妖狐,我知道这是你变化的,少要蒙骗我,老子不上当!”大汉在远处喊道。 Chu Feng is speechless immediately, whom he incurs to annoy, how then to become Yaohu? It seems like in this mountain has various strangeness, is not small to nearby tribe harm. 楚风顿时无语,他招谁惹谁了,怎么就成妖狐了?看来这山中有各种古怪,对附近的部落危害不小。 The guys waited for quite a while not to see that the monster fox flaunted ominously, he a little violated the doubts, was really don't tell me a child? 大汉等了半天也没有见到妖狐逞凶,他有点犯疑惑,难道真是一个孩子? He came back once more, if is really a baby, after he leaves like this, that gave up a life, is equal to seeing somebody in danger and doing nothing. 他再次回来了,如果真是一个婴孩,他这样走掉后,那就算是放弃了一条生命,等于见死不救。 "Pa!" “啪!” Chu Feng still in disguising to cry, finally on the ass has only suffered a palm of the hand, the small buttocks were immediately red, he of air/Qi almost jumps this guy to go all out! 楚风还在假装哭呢,结果光腚上挨了一巴掌,小屁股顿时就红了,气的他差点跳起来这个大汉拼命! fucking, has given him unexpectedly a palm of the hand, is really absurd! 特么的,居然给了他一巴掌,真是岂有此理! Well, should not be the monster fox, otherwise already jumped to offend somebody.” The guys talked to oneself. “咦,应该不是妖狐,不然的话早就跳起来伤人了。”大汉自语。 Chu Feng wants to hit the person, whom does this ask to reason things out? If not urgently await is adopted, he will not swallow an insult. 楚风想打人,这找谁说理去?如果不是急等着被人收养,他才不会忍气吞声呢。 Then, he directly was carried by that rush-leaf fan big hand, the flowing light butterfly together was admitted in an animal skin bag, carries to walk. 然后,他就被那只蒲扇大手直接拎起来了,连带流光蝶一起被放进一个兽皮袋子中,背起来就走。 Chu Feng is speechless, felt that elects this person to adopt, the next three years of estimate must endure hardships, has such works? It is not really tasteful, he is a baby, together fills in the animal skin bag with the prey directly? Too bold and boorish. 楚风无言,感觉选这个人收养,未来三年估计要遭罪,有这么做事的吗?真是一点也不讲究,他可是一个婴孩,直接就跟猎物一起塞兽皮袋子里?太奔放与粗野了。 Chu Feng worries, felt that following three years, a life darkness, can this giant support him? Leaves hard food choking, always thought that will not look after the person. 楚风发愁,感觉接下来的三年,人生一片黑暗,这大个子能将他养活下去吗?别硬塞食物给噎死,总觉得一点也不会照料人。 A while gives the fairy maiden in temple him, puts side me, possibly incautiously gives to stamp.” The guys talked to oneself. “一会儿将他交给神庙中的仙子,放我身边,可能一不小心就给踩死。”大汉自语。 Chu Feng hear has almost tears streaming down the face, follows so to be unexpectedly dangerous side the robust man? Fortunately, the day sees pitifully, unexpectedly has any fairy maiden, he is moved to sob, vainly hoped for that may be able to become true. 楚风听的差点泪流满面,跟在壮汉身边居然这么危险?还好,天见可怜,居然真有什么仙子,他感动到要哭泣,梦想有可能会成真。
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