SR :: Volume #11

#1025: Chapter 1025 enemies often cross each other's path

In the morning, in mountain ridge has the mist, was caught the light red light in the dawn, on the verdant leave of grass has the shining white dewdrop to roll, by splendor of shining. 清晨,山岭中有薄雾,在晨曦中被染上淡淡红光,青翠的草叶上有莹白露珠滚动,被照耀的熠熠生辉。 Chu Feng small arm calf, this age cannot everywhere run, but he actually sits near the cliff, revolution Plundering Guide Breathing Method, turnover world Concise Essence. 楚风小胳膊小腿,这个年岁原本不能满地跑呢,但是他却坐在山崖边上,运转盗引呼吸法,吞吐天地精粹 Well, is really different, Yang Qi enters the abdomen, is similar to is smelting Golden-Red Clouds, accomplishes Golden Core.” He is surprised, the effect is extremely good, own warm. “咦,真的不一样,一口阳气入腹,如同在熔炼金霞,造就金丹。”他惊讶,效果极佳,自身暖洋洋。 Nearby, Yang Qi is billowing, but became normal internal energy, will not injure to oneself body, follows to be different in the World of the Dead universe life. 附近,阳气滚滚,但对来说已经成为正常的气机,不会伤到己身,跟在阴间宇宙生活没什么两样。 This stretch of region, the rosy-colored clouds at dawn pass through mountain fog, falls in torrents on his body, his body snow white, has not worn the clothes, the whole body has the slight electric arc to hover. 这片地带,朝霞穿过山雾,倾泻在他的身上,他身体雪白,没穿着衣服,周身都有细微的电弧在游动。 After he finished Plundering Guide Breathing Method, starts to practice Great Thunder Sound Breathing Method, this is the present age World of the Living rank before one of the several laws, is the Buddha Race's Paramount inheritance! 他结束盗引呼吸法后,又开始练大雷音呼吸法,这是当世阳间排位最靠前的几种法之一,是佛族的究极传承! Suddenly, Chu Feng new life, but tender and delicate internal organs all together vibrates, in the vital skeleton is thunder sound surges, making him all over the body comfortable. 一时间,楚风新生而娇嫩的脏腑齐震,充满勃勃生机的骨骼内更是雷音激荡,让他通体都舒泰。 breathing method that World of the Dead obtains he in all greatly has the background , to continue these two types, somewhat in once in evolution history famous. 他在阴间获得的的呼吸法皆大有来头,不止这两种,有些在曾在进化史上负有盛名。 For example, Great Dream Breathing Method also once to the utmost magnificent, for one of the ancient World of the Living ten big breathing method, but afterward left the accident, this clan declines, was extinguished by Paramount lifeforms. 比如,大梦呼吸法也曾极尽辉煌,为古代阳间十大呼吸法之一,不过后来出了变故,该族没落,被究极生物所灭。 Said is coarser, even if eliminated, that is also extraordinary, some knows many people do not want to look to comprehend. 说的难听一些,即便是被淘汰的古法,那也了不得,不知道有多少人想找出来参悟。 Otherwise, Extreme Martial, Hun Yi, Genesis and the others the hangers-on will not search in the World of the Dead universe in every possible way, do not hesitate the slaughter to teach, silence a witness of crime. 不然的话,太武浑羿元始等人的门下也不会在阴间宇宙百般寻觅,不惜屠教,杀人灭口。 Even if the remnant law, but any will be born in World of the Living will also initiate the big storm! 即便是残法,可任何一部在阳间出世也都会引发大风暴! I have the ancient book, background is really all big, once reveals to have the catastrophe, these enough I tread Strongest Road in the childhood initially.” “我身怀典籍,皆来头甚大,一旦泄露会有大祸,这些足够我在幼年初步踏出最强路。” Chu Feng ponders over, even if in these inherit in hundred million years of evolution Sect, can provide on him not necessarily these incomplete breathing method. 楚风琢磨,纵然是在那些传承亿载的的进化门派中,也不见得能提供他身上的这些残缺呼吸法 Also only then in World of the Dead can the unscrupulous collection. 也只有在阴间可以肆无忌惮的收集。 Enters World of the Living, once who dares such to plan breathing method of his clan, definitely will initiate two to teach to bleed great war, does not die continuous, falls till an extermination of entire extended family. 进入阳间,一旦谁敢这么谋划他族的呼吸法,必然会引发两教流血大战,不死不休,直到一族灭掉为止。 Has the case of blood, the ethnic group and evolution that Sect in history some ambitions inflate, some have been first ten big, how to deteriorate? Finally exterminates the clan, is not independent with this. 有血的案例,史上一些野心膨胀的族群、进化门派,有些已位列前十大,何以衰败?最终灭族,跟此不无关联。 "Um, from grasping method, the present stage I do not miss in these heir apparent and Heavenly Venerate disciple, I can formulate Strongest Road calmly, is strong gradually. ” “嗯,从掌握的法门来说,现阶段我不差于那些世子、天尊门徒,我可以从容制定最强路,一步一步走强。” Chu Feng is very satisfied, in law that World of the Dead plunders, will be heavy the flood brilliance, somewhat even has been lost in World of the Living, for example Undying Silkworm breathing method and Great Dream Breathing Method. 楚风很满意,在阴间搜刮的法,都将重泛光彩,有些在阳间甚至都失传了,比如不死蚕呼吸法大梦呼吸法 However he also knits the brows, once repairs completely the remnant law, his road ahead broke, how can continue on? Is a very difficult issue! 不过他也皱眉,一旦修完残法,他前路就断了,怎么能接续上?是个非常严峻的问题! Does not manage, I turn into the strongest kid first, hit to spread around the world not to have the match to say again!” “不管了,我先变成最强娃,打遍天下无对手再说!” After long, he finished practicing, breathing method that because grasps has many. 很久后他才结束修行,因为掌握的呼吸法有多种。 The so-called evolution, a breathing method day revolves 12 then, he grasped several past famous laws, it can be imagined, the evolution will be very astonishing! 所谓进化,一种呼吸法一天运转12遍即可,他掌握数种昔日富有盛名的法,可想而知,进化将十分惊人! mountain is verdant, is hanging the raindrop. 满山青翠,挂着雨滴。 Although from last night dangerously dozens over a million li (0.5 km), but this mountain scene forest night also has rained, now morning sun raises, especially beautiful. 虽然距离昨夜的危险地数十上百万里,但这片山林夜晚也降雨了,现在朝阳升起,格外的明媚。 At this time, under the cliff, in ancient cave flashes on and off erratically, this is a space node! 此时,山崖下,一处古洞中明灭不定,这是一处空间节点! A whole body was the blood and body quick break becomes several human form lifeforms crawled, split including the head, his failure to the certain extent, almost must die. 一个浑身是血、身体都快断成几段的人形生物爬了出来,连头颅都裂开,他衰竭到一定程度,几乎要死去。 On stone cliff, Chu Feng looks out into the distance, intention is happy. 石崖上,楚风远眺,心怀舒畅。 He looks at the wet lawn, stands on the cliff, is very frivolous, blows the whistling to turn on the water, feels to be refreshing. 他看着湿漉漉的草地,站在山崖上,很轻佻,吹着口哨放水,感觉神清气爽。 Under the cliff, the man crawls the leave the mountain hole, a white hair gloomily does not have the light, full is the dirt blood, he is moving the body strenuously, wants to have the region of rosy-colored clouds at dawn. 山崖下,那男子爬出山洞,一头白发都暗淡无光,满是污血,他正在吃力的移动身体,想去有朝霞的地带。 Finally, under the sky sprinkles waterdrop, he is confused immediately, raises head to watch. 结果,天空中洒落下水滴,他顿时迷茫,仰头观看。 Li Jiuxiao was at a loss for words, has shocked, then flew into a rage, he saw that stupid kid, was he in...... Turns on the water?! 黎九霄张口结舌,震惊了,而后勃然大怒,他又看到那个蠢娃,是他在……放水?! And, at this time he also heard that damned child sound. 并且,这时他也听到那个死孩子的声音。 Chu Feng does not have under the discovery mountain to have person, has not thought embarrassed, breathes out the sound, while explodes not without reason, said: „A rain pouring wet a season.” 楚风没发现山下有人,一点也没觉得不好意思,一边嘘嘘有声,一边有感而发,道:“一场雨浇湿了一个季节。” Li Jiuxiao must explode at the scene, even if the blood is withered, he also thought that the heat flow surges all over the body, the whole body must explode. 黎九霄当场就要炸了,哪怕血液干枯,他也觉得通体热流激荡,浑身要爆开。 Also sees this stupid kid especially . Moreover, he unexpectedly by this magnanimous attitude...... Has dripped wet oneself, seething with rage of Li Jiuxiao air/Qi, the whole person is not good. 又特么看到这蠢娃,而且,他居然以这种高姿态……淋湿了自己,黎九霄气的七窍生烟,整个人都不好了。 Really is a grievous rainy season.” Chu Feng sighed. “真是一个让人忧伤的雨季。”楚风叹气。 shit! 玛德! Under the cliff, Li Jiuxiao a narrow escape, the whole body bone broke, the flesh only remaining skins are also linking, the soul breaks to pieces not knows many pieces, this runs away from the Supreme Being dreamland, at life most trough, the weakest condition, rainy season drips wet in history now, he was simply insane! 山崖下,黎九霄九死一生,浑身骨头都断了,血肉也只剩下一层皮连着,灵魂都碎掉不知道多少片,这才从大能的梦境中逃出来,处在人生最低谷,有史以来最虚弱状态,现在还被“雨季”淋湿,他简直要疯了! Especially, unexpectedly is that stupid kid, is that Thunder Child, he cannot bear. 尤其是,竟然是那个蠢娃,是那个雷震子,他就更加受不了。 I want...... Has killed you!” His voice hoarse, in the process that throat escaped was separated, now whole body nowhere is not tattered. “我要……杀了你!”他声音嘶哑,喉咙都在逃命的过程中被割裂,现在周身无处不破烂。 Chu Feng is stunned, looks down under the cliff, his vigilance, did not have the Divine King magical skill, unexpectedly cannot be vigilant ahead of time. 楚风愕然,低头看着山崖下,他一阵警惕,没有了神王道行,居然未能提前警觉。 However, he is also amazed, unexpectedly sees this mildew boy! 不过,他也非常惊诧,居然又见到这个白毛小子! It seems like mildew boy condition is very awful, was he dying? This many makes Chu Feng somewhat rejoice, shouts: Love rival, are you like this how miserable?” 貌似白毛小子状态十分糟糕,他要死了?这多少让楚风有些庆幸,喊道:“情敌,你怎么这样惨?” The being more dead than alive day of Li Jiuxiao air/Qi, this trivial a wee bit stupid kids also felt all right saying that was his love rival? 黎九霄气的一佛出世二佛升天,这个屁大丁点的蠢娃也好意思说是他情敌? Especially, this kid has shaken little Pengpeng unexpectedly, there is „a raindrop to sprinkle, air/Qi Li Jiuxiao becomes dark at present, almost faints. 尤其是,这娃居然抖了抖小鹏鹏,又有“雨滴”洒落,气的黎九霄眼前发黑,差点背过气去。 Li Jiuxiao raises the hand furiously, wants to hold to pat him, wants to condense soul light to strangle directly, but failed, he does not have any strength, the life is critically-ill. 黎九霄奋力扬起手,想一掌拍死他,也想凝聚魂光直接扼杀,但都失败了,他没什么力气,性命垂危。 In fact, Chu Feng takes out stone jar, prepares to release Divine King cultivation base at any time, goes all out with him. 事实上,楚风取出石罐,随时准备释放神王修为,跟他拼命。 Bang!” “砰!” The palm of Li Jiuxiao falls on the ground, the mountain surface four cracks that pats, the mountain forest is shaking, his temples there thump thump the beat, may endure what else cannot be tolerated, lobe of the lung must explode. 黎九霄的手掌落在地上,拍的山面四裂,山林都在摇动,他太阳穴那里怦怦跳动,是可忍孰不可忍,肺叶子都要炸出来了。 In the Chu Feng heart stabilizes slightly, the light ass shouts: Your peeping craziness, is all right to peep I, 13 years later, I told the Ji Caixuan fairy maiden to go.” 楚风心中略微安定,光腚喊道:“你个偷窥狂,没事偷看我,13年后,我告诉姬采萱仙子去。” I grip break to pieces you!” Li Jiuxiao is shivering, attempts to raise hand once more. “我攥碎你!”黎九霄颤抖着,再次尝试扬手。 Giant stone of Chu Feng on the cliff pushing, any divine ability, has not been the physical strength surpasses other babies now, then, he buttocks were only running. 楚风将山崖上一块巨石给推了下去,现在没什么神通,就是体力远超其他婴孩,然后,他光着屁股就跑了。 Bang! 轰隆! The giant stone turns falls, tattered Li Jiuxiao under the cliff pounding below, making him roll the eyes, almost faints. 巨石翻落,将山崖下原本就破破烂烂地黎九霄给砸在下面,让他翻白眼,又几乎昏死过去。 Changed into the average person becomes the meat sauce, he felt the pain. 换成一般人就成肉酱了,他只是感觉疼痛而已。 Chu Feng travels decisively, is not does not want to kill the opposite party, but always thought after the opposite party, has the card in a hand, is not worth him take risking. 楚风果断跑路,不是不想干掉对方,而是总觉得对方后还有底牌,不值得他去冒险。 Whiz! 嗖! He enters in stone jar, escapes to fly hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km), is far away from the accident site. 他进入石罐中,遁飞出去数十万里,远离事发现场。 On the road, he is very discontented, indignant, said: My was intimidated and bullied, unexpectedly must run, after I practice, any Heaven-Blessed Talent, puts to turn completely!” 在路上,他很不满,愤愤不平,道:“我被人恫吓与欺负了,居然要跑路,等我修行起来后,什么天纵奇才,全部放翻!” If makes his Li Jiuxiao hear, it is estimated that must be mad to the whole body convulsion, was irrigated the wet whole body, that stupid kid also complained unexpectedly and discontented, thought suffering from injustice, making this murder victim's family feel sad? 如果让他黎九霄听到,估计要被气到浑身痉挛,被人浇湿全身,那位蠢娃居然还抱怨与不满,觉得委屈,让他这个苦主情何以堪? „The stupid kid of light ass, Thunder Child, I morning...... Must pat you!” Li Jiuxiao is struggling, crawls from the giant stone, looked for a puddle, throws into, the body that he air/Qi is trembling, thinks really feels stifled considers as finished here. “光腚的蠢娃,雷震子,我早晚……要拍死你!”黎九霄挣扎着,从巨石下面爬出来,找了一个水潭,一头扎进去,他气的身体都在哆嗦,真想一头憋死在这里算了。 Who is he? Heaven-Blessed Divine King, overlooks a territory, hits various clan eminents to be unpaired, on a side earth is with the big shot, finally today is so miserable. 他是谁?天纵神王,俯视一域,打遍各族翘楚无对手,在一方大地上算是同代者中的头面人物,结果今天这么惨。 The Chu Feng one breath runs more than 800,000 li (0.5 km), stopped in a mountain scene hollow, looked for the safety zone, climbed up the hillside to sun, was mainly he feared that had the place of forest vegetation to jump out a beast of prey to give to swallow him suddenly. 楚风一口气跑出去八十几万里,在一片山坳中停下,找了安全地带,又爬上山坡晒太阳,主要是他怕有森林草木的地方突然窜出一头猛兽将他给吞掉。 Situation is not wonderful!” Chu Feng staggers, a fart pillar sits on the ground, he felt that the brain is slightly murky, various memories somewhat blurred unexpectedly. “情况不妙!”楚风一个踉跄,一屁墩坐在地上,他感觉脑子略微昏沉,各种记忆居然有些模糊了。 What's all this about? His frightened. 这是怎么回事?他一阵惊悚。 Then, before the miraculous glow is not dark, Chu Feng thinks that a possibility, is this in the embryo confuses? Damn Reincarnation, the influence was too big, including lifeforms that this type sneaks across, bringing the people who fleshly body is reincarnated seriously to be affected, really fearsome. 接着,在灵光不昧前,楚风想到一种可能,这是胎中迷?该死的轮回,影响实在太大了,连他这种偷渡过来的生物,带着肉身转世的人都受到严重波及,实在可怖。 Awful, I must deliver, must ask the deity elder sister to raise me, or looks for Holy Daughter to look after me, otherwise this day has had no way!” “糟糕,我得将自己送出去,得找个神仙姐姐养我,或者找个圣女照看我,不然的话这日子没法过了!” This kid small face sends green, if he loses, falls into the embryo to confuse the condition, it is estimated that comes a small beast to be able him to give casually to hold in the mouth, becomes the beast food. 这娃小脸发绿,他要是迷失,陷入胎中迷状态的话,估计随便来一头小兽都能将他给叼走,成为兽食。 But, here is piece of Great Wilderness, he crosses hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km) not to see the habitation each time, which on a short time finds the person to adopt? 可是,这里是一片大荒,他每次横渡数十万里都没有见到人烟,一时半会儿上哪去找人收养? Chu Feng was anxious, takes words carelessly, he can die is very miserable. 楚风急了,真要一个不慎的话,他会死的很惨。 circumference in hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km), to my recent human form lifeforms is that mildew boy, but, kills me unable to look for him!” 方圆数十万里内,离我最近的人形生物就是那个白毛小子,可是,打死我也不能去找他啊!” Chu Feng is wrinkled the small face, a face fades, now what to do? The only mildew boy discovered that his words, must peel him exactly. 楚风皱巴着小脸,一脸衰相,现在怎么办?唯一的白毛小子发现他的话,非活剥了他不可。 Escapes!” “遁!” He controls stone box, starts to travel, is very anxious, this time finds the person to adopt, was equal to that a reincarnation, the issue is very serious. 他驾驭石盒,又开始跑路,十分焦急,这次找人收养,等于是一次投胎,问题很严重。 Which love is, the reincarnation looks for others!” Chu Feng flies to escape, before the consciousness is fuzzy, he cannot control that many, looks for families randomly. “爱是哪是哪吧,投胎找人家去也!”楚风飞遁,在意识模糊前,他也管不了那么多,随机找个人家吧。 Hopes is the fairy maiden elder sister gives shelter, he has not lost heart, in the heart read broken. 希望是位仙子姐姐收留,他还不死心呢,心中碎碎念。
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