SR :: Volume #11

#1024: Chapter 1024 Supreme Being deterioration

This is not good, the multi- bad risks, contain Great Calamity to be difficult! 这不是善地,多凶险,蕴含大劫难! This is Stone Fox tells his situation, once mentioned that in some World of the Living's matters needing attention, World of the Living's famed scenery cannot burst in easily, if goes, is certainly low-key, cannot tossing about. 这是石狐告诉他的情况,曾提到在阳间的一些注意事项,阳间的名山大川不能轻易乱闯,若是进去,一定要低调,不能“折腾”。 Because, in the famous mountains is strange, if there is a Paramount powerhouse to sit shut up in Buddhist or Daoist meditation the place that or the deep sleep crosses, has left behind Paramount Domain inevitably. 因为,名山中多古怪,若有究极强者坐关过或沉睡过的地方,必然留下过究极场域 In addition, but also some famous mountains, contain are exhausting the world deep meaning the terrifying natural topography, once activates, buries All Heavens Divine Demon sufficiently. 此外,还有些名山,蕴含着穷尽天地奥义的恐怖天然地势,一旦激活,足以埋葬诸天神魔 Does not believe in evil doctrines including Heavenly Venerate, once die in special topography! 天尊不信邪,都曾殒落过在特殊地势中! But here is not the famous mountains, is only barren mountains and wild hills, there is this type of special natural topography or Paramount Domain and is activated? 可这里不是名山,只是一片荒山野岭,也有这种特殊的自然地势或究极场域并被激活了? This mountain scene lineage/vein are barren land, is very wild, is not these famed sceneries of vibration past and present! 片山脉算是贫瘠之地,十分蛮荒,并非是震动古今的那些名山大川! Chu Feng sends all over the body coldly, premonition important matter is not wonderful. 楚风通体发寒,预感大事不妙。 Through some slight observations, he perceives, this is close to the fearful strange region that Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate said that furthermore he was the Domain researcher, even more thought, here had the strangeness. 通过一些细微的观察,他觉察到,这跟石狐天尊说的可怕诡异地带相近,再者他本身就是场域研究者,越发觉得,这里有古怪。 Only can say, they have drawn a prize-winning ticket, here is not famous, but same is containing the terrifying. 只能说,他们中大奖了,这里不出名,但是一样蕴含着恐怖。 Otherwise, will not present Heavenly Dragon and Undying Bird's skeleton after the cracks in the earth, Heavenly Egg! 不然的话,也不会在地裂后出现天龙不死鸟的尸骸,还有一颗天卵 Had the fearful topography, had living surely lifeforms was dormant!” In the Chu Feng heart prayed. “有可怕地势也就算了,千万别有活着的生物蛰伏!”楚风心中祈祷。 In mountain ridge, the white fog leaps, various phenomenon, even more appear the monster is numerous evil and fearsome, but also has the faint trace Immortal Family tone. 山岭中,白雾腾起,各种异象纷呈,越发显得妖邪与可怖,但是偏偏还有丝丝仙家气韵。 The beast roar resounds, the birds and beasts called also surge in the vault of heaven, the to terrify person even more, the terrifying Great Dao fragment appeared in void, wants suppress and kill Eight Desolates lifeforms. 兽吼声响起,禽鸣也激荡于苍穹上,越发的瘆人,恐怖的大道碎片在虚空中浮现,要镇杀八荒生物 Some are the energy, some are the material objects, for example that dragon corpse!” The Ji Caixuan opens the mouth, in the beautiful face is having the serious look, is very serious. “有些是能量所化,有些是实物,比如那龙尸等!”姬采萱开口,美丽的面孔上带着严肃的神色,无比郑重。 At this time, Undying Bird dived, in the downward process let her and Li Jiuxiao all changes colors, after that huge ferocious bird opened the rotten wing, covered the rainstorm. 这时,不死鸟俯冲,下行的过程中让她与黎九霄全都失色,那头庞大的凶禽张开腐烂的翅膀后将暴雨都遮挡住了。 It brings fearful rune, the whole body to send out black light, is similar to breaks open the space to kill from that hell, the momentum is scary. 它带着慑人的符文,周身散发乌光,如同自那地狱破开空间杀出来,声势骇人。 Chī! 哧! The critical moment, Li Jiuxiao takes out together dominoes, this is the token of some powerhouse, he throws to the sky, immediately blooms seven color rays, and is accompanying Primal Chaos Qi. 关键时刻,黎九霄取出一块骨牌,这是某位强者的令牌,他投掷向天空中,顿时绽放出七彩光芒,并伴着混沌气 This is together the extraordinary faith token, is a mysterious treasure, unexpectedly blocks that rotten Undying Bird. 这是一块了不得的信物,是一块神秘瑰宝,居然挡住那腐烂的不死鸟 However, a dragon shadow breaks tranquilly, that Heavenly Dragon huge body with everywhere thunder light interwines, dives suddenly, just like must extinguish the world. 然而,一声龙影打破宁静,那头天龙庞大的躯体跟漫天的雷光交织在一起,猛然俯冲下来,宛若要灭世。 The Ji Caixuan face blanch, first a took out picture scroll, lasing ten thousand auspicious light, resist that day dragon corpse human bone, has many handwriting also to have the great seal in the picture scroll, is some terrifying exists stays behind personally. 姬采萱面孔发白,第一时间祭出一张画卷,激射万道瑞光,抵住那条天龙尸骸,在画卷中有许多字迹还有大印,是某位恐怖存在亲自留下的。 Chu Feng looks violates the whisper, that mildew boy, that Ji Family fairy maiden has the subsequent hand, the body brings big Killing Weapon that the clansman is granting, this time strength is not good to estimate. 楚风看的直犯嘀咕,无论是那白毛小子,还是那姬家仙子都有后手,身上带着族人赐予的大杀器,此时的实力不好揣度。 At this time, void floated the countless halo, colorful, in each halo had mortal world all phenomena on earth, was ancient times's some past events. 这时,虚空中漂浮起数不尽的光环,色彩斑斓,每个光环中都有红尘万象,都是古代的一些旧事。 Li Jiuxiao and Ji Caixuan complexion is ugly, their surprised discoveries, this stretch of region possibly compared with the to terrify person who also they imagine, has the mystery. 黎九霄姬采萱的脸色都非常难看,他们吃惊的发现,这片地带可能比他们想象的还瘆人,另有奥秘。 In that variegated halo, contains is being the fearful matters that some ancient times had, for example slaughter dragon, slaughter was in the sky that Heavenly Dragon. 那一个又一个斑斓光环中,蕴含着都是一些古代发生的可怕事情,比如屠龙,屠的就是天空中那头天龙 That is the youth who a heroic bearing thrives, the slaughter falls Heavenly Dragon solitarily, stirring. 那是一个英姿勃发的青年,只身屠掉一头天龙,震撼人心。 In the There is still one halo, the youth discovers Undying Bird, battles with it, the fight continuous, overturns the magma sea, breaks open the dark green space. 还有一个光环中,那青年发现不死鸟,与之激战,恶斗不休,打翻岩浆海,破开苍宇。 In addition also has terrifying Heavenly Tribulation of that youth achievement Heavenly Venerate fruit position, flashes in the halo, is makes people frightened seriously. 此外还有那青年成就天尊果位的恐怖天劫,也在光环中闪现,当真是让人惊悚。 When some trivial matters, for example he is younger is not outstanding, but rises finally, overlooks side Great Desolate Earth, the name reveres to be the ancestor! 更有一些琐事,比如他年少时并不出众,但最后崛起,俯视一方洪荒大地,称尊做祖! In these halo, regardless of what happened, has the same person, told his ancient experience, but was very fuzzy, off and on. 这些光环中,无论发生什么事,都有同样一个人,讲述他古代的经历等,但都很模糊,断断续续。 Li Jiuxiao thinks somewhat bitterly and astringently, clearly in this topography also has the living creature, sank the person of dormancy not dead, as in this world. 黎九霄觉得有些苦涩,显然这个地势中还有活物,沉眠的人不曾死去,依旧在这个世间。 In the special topography, living terrifying lifeforms, this most lets the matter that the person has a headache about, has provoked it, awakening, day knows will have anything. 特殊地势中,还有活着的恐怖生物,这是最让人头疼的事,招惹了它,将之惊醒,天知道会发生什么。 Chu Feng big, Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate has also said that some living the terrifying lifeforms being dormant eternity will not be born, occupied side land in the prehistoric years. 楚风也头大,石狐天尊说过,有些活着的恐怖生物蛰伏千古都不出世,在史前岁月就占据一方土地。 Therefore, some famed sceneries make person dread, some people do not dare to break ground easily. 故此,一些名山大川让人忌惮,有人不敢轻易动土。 Was this super award? 这是中超级大奖了? Here is not famous, unexpectedly can also toss about terrifying lifeforms in history, is speechless including Ji Caixuan, on the face lacks the blood-color, the feeling must but actually big mildew. 这里根本不出名,居然也能折腾出史上的恐怖生物,连姬采萱都无言,脸上缺少血色,感觉要倒大霉。 bo! 啵! Some halo are bursting, run out of various tyrannical energies, they with amazement, back up rapidly, and resists with the picture scroll and dominoes. 一些光环在破裂,冲出各种暴虐的能量,他们都骇然,迅速倒退,并用画卷、骨牌抵挡。 Was bad!” Chu Feng believes firmly, this stretch of region not only has living lifeforms, but also has encountered an extreme condition, sinking dormancy of this place was dying. “糟了!”楚风确信,这片地带不仅有活着的生物,而且还遇到了一种极端情况,此地的沉眠者要死了。 This lifeforms could not control own all, momentarily will collapse. 这个生物已经控制不住自身的一切,随时会崩溃。 Normal, some Supreme Being sink dormancy, even if were awakened, is insufficient to kill off all people, may show mercy, maintains the bearing. 正常来说,一些大能沉眠,哪怕被惊醒,也不至于一定要杀光所有人,可能会手下留情,保持气度。 However, ancient existence of this place, walks at the end of life deterioration, exactly said that now consciousness scattered in disorder, sends out spiritual Domain, covers the mountains. 但是,此地的古老存在,走在生命衰败的末期,确切的说现在意识散乱,散发出精神场域,覆盖山川。 Now they see Heavenly Dragon and Undying Bird skeleton, is that has own experience ancient all, obviously melt now, in view of all people. 现在他们所见到天龙不死鸟尸骸等,都是那位古老存在自身经历的过的一切,如今显化而出,针对所有人。 This was not controllable, is lives is dies to depend on the luck, this arrives at the life end Supreme Being, weak spiritual Dominion that now sends out, the evolution, nobody can guess correctly that voluntarily will have anything. 这已经不可控了,是生是死要靠运气,这位走到生命末期的大能,现在散发的虚弱精神领域,自行演化,没人能猜到会发生什么。 Exactly said that when they intrude this lifeforms short life in final dreamland, now was stranded in this special Dominion. 确切的说,他们闯入此生物生命无多时最后的梦乡中,现在被困在这特殊的领域中。 The Chu Feng's heart was cool, this is the worst case scenario that Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate said. 楚风的心都凉了,这是石狐天尊所说的最坏的情况。 Bang! 砰! At this time, stone splash, mountainous region ruptured, had the magma to clash several tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m) high, in the thunder and lightning with sky linked, formed dazzling radiance, illuminated the mountains. 这时,土石飞溅,山地崩开,有岩浆冲起数万丈高,跟天空中的雷电连接在一起,形成刺目的光华,照亮山川。 The heavy rain of heavy rain evaporation by large surface area, but, the nighttime sky quickly is also dark, the thunder and lightning is crowded, the raindrop falls in torrents once more. 瓢泼的大雨都被大面积蒸干,但是,夜空又很快黑暗下来,雷电密集,雨点再次倾泻。 As can be seen, when giant fish knows does not appear, floats in airborne, huge boundless, is having a wilder rainfall, must turn into simply vastly this place. 可以看到,一条巨大的鱼不知道何时出现,浮在空中,庞大无边,带着更为狂暴的降雨,简直要将此地化成汪洋。 Kun!” “鲲!” Li Jiuxiao yelled that is Mutant Desolate Beast. 黎九霄大叫,那是一头异荒兽 This thing may also melt the Péng, evolves the complete body, that is Kunpeng, hovers in Thirty Three Layer Heaven, sweeps away the world enemy, what end is fearful boundless. 这东西还可化鹏,进化成完全体,那就是鲲鹏,翱翔于三十三重天间,横扫天下敌,端的是可怕无边。 Now it roams through this place, flings the tail casually, is the mountain torrent falls in torrents, rainstorm pouring. 现在它遨游此地,随便一甩尾,就是山洪倾泻,暴雨倾盆。 In addition, it also punctures one after another space node, including unknown region. 此外,它还打穿出一处又一处空间节点,连着未知的地带。 This perhaps is the opportunity of only life, runs away from these space nodes, we leave separatedly!” Ji Caixuan said. “这或许是唯一活命的机会,从这些空间节点中逃走,我们分开走人!”姬采萱说道。 In fact, this Kun has made the choice for them, opens mouth to put out the blister, changes to the space air bubble, installs them, making them disperse, wanders in void. 事实上,这头鲲已经为他们做出选择,张嘴吐出水泡,化作空间气泡,将他们一个一个的装进去,让他们分散开来,在虚空中漂流。 Was separated including Chu Feng! 楚风都被分开了! He is really creepy feeling, this is the first class that World of the Living meets, a barren barren hill can so, alarm Supreme Being that in the ancient times deteriorated will die, was too speechless, he could die. 他真是头皮发麻,这就是阳间遇到的第一堂课,一处贫瘠的荒山都能如此,都会惊动古代衰败将死的大能,太让人无言了,他可能会死。 Meanwhile, he was also sighing, when this was only that under mountains existed is weakest the dreamland, Dominion of surviving can so, the evolved Kun, control Heavenly Dragon, Undying Bird wait/etc., was really fearful. 同时,他也在叹气,这只是山川下的那位存在最虚弱时的梦境,一种残存的领域都能如此,演化鲲,控制天龙不死鸟等,实在慑人。 Several people escape respectively, no one can attend to anyone, Chu Feng rejoiced, in air bubble he has not suffered to the extrusion of strong energy, in this is very tranquil. 几人各自逃命,谁都顾不上谁,楚风庆幸,在气泡中他没有遭受到至强能量的挤压等,这里面很平静。 Another three people saw the kid who obviously that single Chun is unusual, unexpectedly tosses about in the air bubble, in sense of purpose hurrying along. 另外三人明显看出那单蠢的娃异常,居然在气泡中折腾,在目的性的赶路。 This air bubble space is very strange, transparency, will make slightly an effort to roll, he will bury the stone jar position to go toward himself, currently perhaps only has that Paramount Supreme Treasure to help him. 这气泡空间很诡异,透明状,稍微一用力就会滚动,他朝着自己埋石罐的方位而去,现在或许唯有那件究极至宝能帮他。 The Li Jiuxiao eye straightens, sees the Thunder Child small arm calf in the chaotic tread, such...... Runs?! 黎九霄眼睛发直,看到雷震子小胳膊小腿都在乱蹬,就这么……跑啦?! He ran really! 他真才跑了! Bye, 18 years later I will look for you, when your love rival, no, 13 years sufficed!” Chu Feng wields the small hand to shout. “再见,18年后我会去找你,当你情敌,不,13年就够了!”楚风挥着小手喊道。 Fuck!” Li Jiuxiao is angry. 我X!”黎九霄大怒。 However, does not have the opportunity to erupt, he to a space node drift in the past, will soon enter, was unable to turn head. 但是,没机会爆发,他冲着一处空间节点漂流过去,即将进入,已经无法回头。 Hi, 13 years later said goodbye!” “嗨,13年后再见!” Chu Feng waves to another side pretty maidservant and Ji Caixuan, the two must enter the space node along with the air bubble. 楚风又冲着另一边的靓丽侍女与姬采萱挥手,那两人也随着气泡要进空间节点了。 Ji Caixuan is staring at him, the beautiful woman raises, the vision is sharp. 姬采萱盯着他,娥眉扬起,目光犀利。 The pretty maidservant is in a daze, looks that he is somewhat lost, any situation, this suckling baby...... Is a monster?! 靓丽侍女则发呆,看着他有些出神,什么情况,这奶娃……是个妖怪?! That three people vanish, Chu Feng buries the stone jar region to get close to, bo, after the air bubble bumps into stone jar, cannot prevent the shell of tank, can integrate easily. 那三人都消失,楚风接近埋石罐的地带,啵的一声,气泡碰到石罐后,不能阻挡罐体,轻易就能融入进来。 Chu Feng first hides in the pot. 楚风第一时间躲进罐中。 Walks!” “走!” He in seal stone jar, releases the Divine King energy, controls this pot, with lightning speed, escapes to go, walks is hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km), is unable to prevent including that Supreme Being dreamland, that weak Dominion was penetrated by him. 他在密封的石罐中,释放神王能量,驾驭此罐,风驰电掣,远遁而去,一走就是数十万里,连那大能梦境都无法阻挡,那虚弱的领域被他击穿。 After Chu Feng is out of danger, once again controls stone jar, escapes once more hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km), this stops. 楚风脱险后,又一次驾驭石罐,再次遁出去数十万里,这才停下。 Oh, were many a love rival, has been short of a mother elder sister, this has suffered a loss, profited?” “唉,多了一个情敌,少了一个娘姐,这是吃亏了,还是占便宜了?” In the morning, a kid sits on the cliff, suns, is holding the chin, a face ponder shape, moe stupid. 清晨,一个娃坐在山崖上,晒着太阳,托着下巴,一脸沉思状,蠢萌。
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