SR :: Volume #11

#1023: The fearful first class

The two fight, has used three peerless Divine Skill in the flash most minimum, is fearful, has Lightning Fist, this is really World of the Living top layer ethnic group semiopen fist technique! 那两人战斗起来,在一瞬间最起码动用了三种绝世神技,非常可怕,其中就有闪电拳,这果然是阳间顶层族群半公开的拳法 Suddenly, in this thunder rainy day the thunder, is fearful. 一时间,这雷雨天中电闪雷鸣,非常慑人。 Two people project on the sky, changes to two ball of light, a white clothing dances in the breeze, graceful bearing peerless, colorful crown Great Wilderness. 两人打到天空上,化作两个光团,一个白衣飘舞,风姿绝代,艳冠大荒 Another full head snow sends to hang loose, the heroic spirit thrives, is no longer mild-mannered and cultivated, having the anger to slaughter with the match intensely. 另一个满头雪发披散,英气勃发,不再温文尔雅,带着怒火跟对手激烈厮杀。 Ji Family fairy maiden, this, if were not your heir should kill him!” Li Jiuxiao shouted, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered in the rainy night, was similar to Divine Demon across the sky, the power and influence was arrogant. 姬家仙子,这如果不是你的子嗣就应该杀了杀他!”黎九霄喝道,纵横雨夜中,如同神魔横空,威势凌人。 In Chu Feng heart unstated criticism, this is the mildew boy who which runs, unexpectedly suggested to kill him, was too hateful, if not he moved about with difficulty non- rushes comes several to him. 楚风心中腹诽,这是哪跑来的白毛小子,居然建议杀他,太可恶了,若非他行动不便非冲上去给他来几下。 Ji Caixuan scolds lightly, said: Shut up, you do not have the qualifications to discuss me, are you my who? Has not been one's turn you to preach to me, gesticulates.” 姬采萱轻叱,道:“闭嘴,你没资格谈论我,你是我什么人?还轮不到你对我说教,指手画脚。” Chu Feng wants to commend very much, good that said that best palm of the hand racket to turn this white hair youth. 楚风很想称赞,说的好,最好一巴掌拍翻这白发青年。 But his knows is also very difficult, Li Jiuxiao or Ji Caixuan are strong, making him imposing. Chu Feng is also Divine King Realm, can realize that these two strong oddness, simply likely is not this Dominion Evolver. 可他也知道很难,无论是黎九霄还是姬采萱都非常强,让他凛然。楚风也是神王境界,能体会到这两人强的离谱,简直不像是这个领域进化者 He further understands, own evolution has the flaw, needs to improve, will otherwise meet this lifeforms to be overshadowed, insufficiently will look radically. 他进一步明白,自身的进化过程有缺陷,需要完善,不然的话遇上这种生物会黯然失色,根本不够看。 The World of the Living earth is vast, this arrived took a class to him, was similar to beats and shouts , the thing that there is human beyond the human, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven, he was proud was not here good! 阳间大地浩瀚无垠,这才到来就给他上了一课,如同棒喝,人外有人,天外有天,他引以为傲的东西在这里不行! „The Ji Family fairy maiden you disappointed me, so did not abandon, don't tell me nearby your being dormant black territory really to give birth!” Li Jiuxiao is having the vibrato. 姬家仙子你太让我失望了,如此不舍,难道你蛰伏黑域附近真的为了产子!”黎九霄带着颤音。 Meanwhile, he pays attention to observe the response of Ji Caixuan. 同时,他注意观察姬采萱的反应。 Can see him to be swayed by personal gains and losses, cannot have the ordinary heart, lost the discretion, otherwise is also insufficient to reduce for oneself like this difference. 看得出他患得患失,不能拥有平常心,已经失了分寸,不然的话也不至于这样为自己减分。 Li Jiuxiao you slandered like this my family/home small family/home, does want to make two clans make war?” That maidservant shouted, the stern voice and appearance, maintained the young lady's clear reputation. 黎九霄你这样诋毁我家小家,是想让两族开战吗?”那位侍女喝道,声色俱厉,维护自家小姐的清誉。 Interest that Chu Feng looks, however performance actually a clever appearance, the big eye flashes. 楚风看的有趣,但是表现的却一副乖巧的样子,大眼扑闪。 When this maidservant looks down him, even more thinks lovable. 这位侍女低头看他时,越发觉得可爱。 Elder sister......” Chu Feng the tongue, is having no shame greatly tries to get close, because in the reality the baby of such big month will have individually will shout the family member. “姐……”楚风大着舌头,没羞没臊地套近乎,因为现实中这么大月份的婴孩也有个别会喊亲人的了。 Therefore, he opens mouth directly, shows the pure smiling face. 所以,他直接张嘴,露出纯净的笑容。 Well, speaks in an infantile tone of voice, is really clever!” This pretty maidservant is joyful, was happy, has pinched the small face of his fat. “咦,奶声奶气,真乖!”这个靓丽的侍女欣喜,非常开心,捏了捏他肉呼呼的小脸。 Chu Feng has always blushed, wants to throw into the place, flees to consider as finished, many ashamed hearts, but falls in others hands cannot get away, has to install purely. 楚风老脸红了,真想一头扎进地里,遁走算了,多少还是有些羞耻心的,但是落在人家手中走不了,不得不装纯。 Added that this Thunder Child has not related with you, this called the elder sister,...... Does your family young lady live?” Li Jiuxiao is in an uncontrollable rage. “还说这个雷震子跟你们没关系,这都叫姐姐了,是不是……你家小姐生的?”黎九霄怒不可遏。 He pursued the Ji Family fairy maiden five years, the care was chaotic, now the complexion is pale, exclaimed there loudly. 他追求姬家仙子五年了,关心则乱,现在脸色铁青,在那里大声吼道。 He has thought the Heavenly Master words that ghosts and gods not measure, feel like a knife twisting in the heart immediately, the eye is red, he does not want to be predestined friends really unqualified with Ji Caixuan. 他想到了那位鬼神莫测的天师的话语,顿时心如刀绞,眼睛通红,他真的不想与姬采萱有缘无分。 The maidservants reprimanded: You...... Hateful, said this impudent remark again, my family young lady was chilly, disdained to explain to you, but I actually want to say that even if Young Master Li your status were aloof, Heaven-Blessed heroic bearing, but should not, not have the qualifications to speak this words!” 侍女斥道:“你……可恶,一而再地说出这种混账话,我家小姐清冷高贵,都不屑对你解释,但我是却想说,黎公子即便你身份超然,天纵英姿,但是也不该、也没资格说这种话!” Bang! 轰! Li Jiuxiao flushed, the whole body is thunder and lightning rune, displays Lightning Fist, the formidable pressure shakes the day to move, erupts the immeasurable electric light, scary. 黎九霄冲了过来,周身都是雷电符文,施展闪电拳,强大的威压撼天动地,爆发无量电光,骇人之极。 He must in Chu Feng to maidservant hand start, strangles this Thunder Child. 他要对侍女手中的楚风下手,扼杀这个雷震子 The Ji Caixuan pupil blooms to streak across the nighttime sky light beam, displays Paramount mystique method in clan, strikes Li Jiuxiao horizontally, white hair youth body big change that bang, shakes, corners of the mouth overflowing blood. 姬采萱眸子绽放划破夜空的光束,施展族中的究极秘法,横击黎九霄,砰的一声,震的白发青年身体剧震,嘴角溢血。 You......” Li Jiuxiao backs up, he wholeheartedly wants to kill Thunder Child, the attack to Ji Caixuan has not been careful, finally suffers a loss. “你……”黎九霄倒退,他一心想杀雷震子,对姬采萱的攻击都没那么上心了,结果吃亏。 That brushes, Ji Caixuan across the sky, has kept off before the body of own maidservant, blocks the Li Jiuxiao road ahead. 刷的一声,姬采萱横空而过,挡在自家侍女的身前,拦住黎九霄的前路。 Mother......” Chu Feng shouts in behind, naturally the sound is very weak, does not pronounce standard, the lisper is very obvious. “娘……”楚风在后面喊道,当然声音很弱,发音不标准,大舌头十分明显。 "Ah ! ” “啊噗!” Such, then makes the Li Jiuxiao big mouth spit blood, the whole person is not good, almost plants to drop the midair, the body is trembling, complexion blanch. 就这么一声而已,便让黎九霄大口吐血,整个人都不好了,差点一头栽落下半空,身体都在发抖,脸色发白。 Chu Feng is extending the small hand there, that may really be...... Ignorant ignorant, the list is stupid, a subconscious appearance. 楚风在那里伸着小手,那可真是……懵懂无知,单蠢无害,一副下意识的样子。 No matter he these, since that mildew boy iron core must kill him, that hurries to stimulate, making him display abnormally, earlier kills or expels is safe. 他才不管这些,既然那白毛小子铁了心要杀他,那赶紧刺激一下,让他发挥失常,早点干掉或赶走才安全。 Can search for his soul as for Ji Caixuan? Now he does not care, at the worst consciousness conceals to enter in special source grey matter the spirit, camouflages Heavenly Mystery. 至于姬采萱会不会搜他的灵魂?现在他不在乎,大不了将精神意识藏进特殊的本源灰色物质中,遮蔽天机 In any case, she previously had mentioned, must search for the soul. 反正,她早先就提及过,要对其搜魂。 "Ah...... My heart pain! ” But a Li Jiuxiao unreasoning passion the painful appearance, staggers is drawing back draws back again, exciting is really wants the immortal to want. “啊……我心痛!”黎九霄一副痴情而痛苦的样子,踉跄着一退再退,被刺激的实在是“欲仙欲死”。 Ji Caixuan turned head to shoot a look at Chu Feng, making him afraid, the beautiful eye of this female was too profound, has the unusual insight, should not arrive at World of the Living, can be discovered the background? 姬采萱回头瞥了一眼楚风,让他心虚,这个女子的美目太深邃,拥有非同一般的洞察力,该不会才到阳间,就要被发现来头吧? Chu Feng decides to install purely, after a while, must advocating in the consciousness immersion grinding pan! 楚风打定主意装纯,一会儿后,要将主意识沉浸磨盘中! Li Jiuxiao you have thought oneself infallible, thinks really own moves the world, is the outstanding person in Divine King? The must know, the Great Desolate Earth length and breadth is boundless, Supreme Being can't the bird's eye view, who be proud? Your my so-called name moves Great Desolate Earth, actually is also only place of corner, definitely also has the part Heaven-Blessed Divine King that you are stronger, but you do not know. About your me......” 黎九霄你太自以为是了,真以为自己名动天下,是神王中的佼佼者吗?须知,洪荒大地广袤无边,连大能都不能俯瞰,谁敢自傲?你我所谓的名动洪荒大地,其实也只是一隅之地,比你强的天纵神王肯定还有部分,只是你不知。关于你我……” The Ji Caixuan sound is gentle, but does not have a smiling face, is teaching Li Jiuxiao. 姬采萱声音平缓,但没有一点笑容,在教训黎九霄 She goes out of Black Territory Forest, now catches up in the returns to the clan urgently needed, does not want to be hard to solve with this fearful youth Divine King, some words must say thoroughly. 她才走出黑域森林,现在急需赶回族中,不想跟这个可怕的青年神王纠缠不清,有些话得说透。 Li Jiuxiao sound hoarse, said: Ji Family fairy maiden, if Thunder Child is not your child, making me lead him to see Li Heavenly Master to be good?” 黎九霄声音嘶哑,道:“姬家仙子,如果雷震子不是你的孩子,让我带他去见李天师可好?” Why can make you carry off?” The Ji Caixuan sound is faint. “为什么要让你带走?”姬采萱声音淡漠。 Li Jiuxiao said: This is piece of Barbarian Desolation Land, although the multi- tribes, few cities, are very backward, but also has the strangeness, I thought that this Thunder Child has the major problem, I want to bring the radiant day capital city that he goes to not to fall eternal, asking Li Heavenly Master to look at an outcome.” 黎九霄道:“这是一片蛮荒之地,虽然多部落,少城池,很是落后,但却也有古怪,我觉得这个雷震子有大问题,我想带他去永恒不坠的璀璨天都城,请李天师看个究竟。” In Chu Feng heart imposing, this mildew again mentioned that Heavenly Master, but also was really somewhat evil, don't tell me did he arrive at World of the Living to be calculated? This...... Is unlikely. 楚风心中凛然,这个白毛一而再的提及那位天师,还真是有些邪性,难道他才降临阳间就被人算出来了?这……不太可能。 What Li does Heavenly Master practice divination?” Ji Caixuan inquired, has not begun again. “李天师到底占卜出什么?”姬采萱询问,没有再动手。 Li Jiuxiao complexion azure white, braces oneself to say finally: He makes me come to nearby black territory, said happens Thunder Child, is not your heir, is my...... Love rivals!” 黎九霄脸色阵青阵白,最后硬着头皮道:“他让我来黑域附近,说一旦出现雷震子,不是你的子嗣,就是我的……情敌!” Tittered!” The pretty maidservant has smiled, the big eye curved becomes the crescent moon shape. “噗嗤!”靓丽的侍女笑了,大眼都弯成月牙状。 The Ji Caixuan complexion is wooden, but carefully looks to discover, the complexion to slightly red arrives from the shining white slightly black, obviously in her heart not that tranquil and good nature. 姬采萱脸色木然,但是仔细看可以发现,脸色由莹白到微红又到微黑,显然她心中不是那么的平静与好脾气。 Afterward, she really once again erupts, the palm average exits Sun, Moon and Stars, is celestial body, each other collision, eruption energy rune wait/etc. are really scary. 随后,她果然又一次爆发,掌心中流转出一颗又一颗日月星辰,都为星体,彼此碰撞,爆发的出能量符文等实在是过于吓人。 I said that real, Heavenly Master indeed like this bestows the word!” The Li Jiuxiao complexion is red, and point aims at Chu Feng, said: This Thunder Child has the strangeness!” “我所说是真的,天师的确这样赐言!”黎九霄脸色通红,并点指向楚风,道:“这个雷震子有古怪!” The Chu Feng innocent color, the big eye is pure, the whole person moe stupid, laughs foolishly toward him, outstretches the small hand, enunciated unclear calling out to him: Younger brother...... Younger brother.” 楚风一脸无辜之色,大眼单纯,整个人蠢萌,朝着他傻笑,伸开小手,对他吐字不清的叫道:“弟……弟。” The pretty maidservant tittered one to smile immediately. 靓丽侍女顿时噗嗤一声又笑了。 But the Li Jiuxiao actually complexion becomes dark, in heart is angry, you called Ji Caixuan for mother, shouted me for the younger brother? The stupid kid, does not endure! 可是黎九霄却脸色发黑,心中大怒,你叫姬采萱为娘,却喊我为弟弟?蠢娃,可不忍受啊! Chu Feng glowers to him, single Chun laughing foolishly, does not want to respond him as before actually, in the heart is pondering over this matter. 楚风对他怒目而视,依旧单蠢的傻笑,其实不想搭理他,心中在思忖这件事。 Listens to these three people of dialogues, so-called Great Desolate Earth as if no end, cannot grasp Supreme Being, does nobody dare world name to revere? 听这三人的对话,所谓洪荒大地似乎没有尽头,连大能都不能把握,没人敢世间称尊? But in these two doubtful Divine King list before Evolver, but, actually also doubtful limits some in region, cannot sweep across boundless Great Desolation. 而这两人疑似神王榜上最靠前的进化者,可是,却也疑似局限于某一地域,不能席卷无垠洪荒 Bang! 轰隆! Suddenly, the earth splits, the entire mountain scene lineage/vein are vibrating, the primitive mountain forest swings fiercely, the endless leaf rustle crashes, a fearful aura blots out the sky, affects the trim rainy night. 突然,大地裂开,整片山脉都在抖动,原始山林剧烈摇摆,无尽的树叶簌簌坠落,一股可怕的气息铺天盖地,波及整片雨夜。 Then, Chu Feng discovered that has the mountain massif to fall down, the earth crack, emits one wisp of another wisp to be possible the white white fog, that torrential downpour irrigates does not extinguish, cannot prevent these pure white fog. 然后,楚风发现有山体倾塌,大地龟裂,冒出一缕又一缕可白的白雾,那倾盆大雨都浇不灭,阻挡不住这些洁白的雾。 Trim Between Heaven and Earth not only has fearful baleful intent, and has an immortal aura, cannot feel the brains shockingly. 整片天地间既有可怕的煞意,又有仙道气息,让人震惊而摸不着头脑。 Previous that several ferocious beast all lie on the ground, trembling with fear, does not dare to move, this is the Divine King Level savage beast of prey, finally actually frightens this appearance! 早先的那几头凶兽全都趴在地上,战战兢兢,不敢动弹,这可是神王级的凶残猛兽,结果却吓成这个样子! Chu Feng this immature body cannot help but goosebumps, moves cannot, stiff here, in his heart trembles with fear, what condition is this? 楚风这幼小的躯体不由自主的起鸡皮疙瘩,动弹不能,僵硬在这里,他心中惊颤,这又是什么状况? This is the pretty maidservant shelters to be the result, otherwise his situation is more awful. 这还是靓丽侍女庇护所致,不然他的处境更糟糕。 Then, he sees the cracks in the earth, an egg appears, can have the grinding pan to be so big, all over the body is the garnets, is densely covered various marks to wind, complicated incomparable. 然后,他看到地裂,一颗蛋浮现出来,能有磨盘那么大,通体都为暗红色,密布着各种纹络,繁复无比。 Heavenly Egg?!” Li Jiuxiao calls out in alarm, including previous resentful and angry was suppressed. 天卵?!”黎九霄惊叫,连早先的愤懑与恼怒都被压制。 „Was an egg of extraordinary lifeforms born?” Is Ji Caixuan is also surprised. “一颗了不得的生物的卵出世了?”就是姬采萱也惊讶。 Meanwhile, formidable such as she and Li Jiuxiao also feels the pressure, the atmosphere of this stretch of region is somewhat fearful, making their body tighten, alerts. 同时,强大如她与黎九霄也感觉到压力,这片地带的气氛有些可怕,让他们都身体绷紧,戒备起来。 Bang! 轰隆! A mountain drops down, rotten birds are whipping the giant wing, blocks the sky, appears, was prevented by its wings including the flood rainstorm. 一座大山倒下,一头腐烂的禽鸟拍打着巨大的翅膀,遮天蔽日,浮现出来,连滂沱暴雨都被其羽翅阻挡住了。 Then, ka-cha big change, another piece of mountain valley ruptured, presents huge Heavenly Dragon, the flesh is withered, the wing rots, both eyes are empty, hovers, has camouflaged the thunder. 而后,喀嚓一声剧震,另一片山谷崩开,出现一条庞大的天龙,血肉干枯,羽翼烂掉,双目空洞,也翱翔而起,遮蔽了雷霆。 Chu Feng fine body hair whiz whiz but actually vertical, this arrives at World of the Living, but meets this accident in piece of ordinary mountain ridge, saw that is not right. 楚风寒毛嗖嗖倒竖,这才来到阳间,只是在一片普通的山岭间就遇上这种变故,怎么看都不对头。 He thinks, meets Li Jiuxiao and Ji Caixuan, sees their great strength, is got up one to him, now looked that this class is a little long, is a little fearful, this starts. 他原以为,遇上黎九霄姬采萱,看到他们的强大,已经算是给他上了一颗,现在看这堂课有点长,有点可怕,这才开始。 These are anything, whether to, me how to think a little strange, likely is...... Nightmare!” Li Jiuxiao whispered. “这些是什么,是否为真,我怎么觉得有点诡异,像是……梦魇!”黎九霄低语。 Ji Caixuan felt that the issue is serious, they rush in some stretch of special region doubtful, has affronted the master of this place. 姬采萱感觉问题非常严重,他们疑似闯进某一片特殊地带,冒犯了此地的主人。 „It is not the dreamland, thing that once really had.” Ji Caixuan backs up unceasingly. “不是梦境,曾经真实存在的东西。”姬采萱不断倒退。 Chu Feng is scared, he thinks that Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate to he has explained some World of the Living's Taboo items, this piece looks like very ordinary barren mountains and wild hills is not as if simple, may be the sinking dormancy place of some existence. 楚风发毛,他想到石狐天尊给他讲解过的阳间的一些禁忌事项,这片看起来很普通的荒山野岭似乎非常不简单,有可能是某个存在的沉眠地。 Then writes. This chapter said that has the book friend to reflect in own name has the Péng, the girlfriend usually shouts his Pengpeng, that...... Really has sorry, said that anything is good, wish has a bright future. 接着去写。本章说中有书友反映自己名字中就有鹏,女朋友平日就喊他鹏鹏,那……真是对不起了,说点啥好呢,祝鹏程万里吧。
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