SR :: Volume #11

#1022: Chapter 1022 Thunder Child

„,......” “哇,哇,哇……” In this rainy night, Chu Feng shouts at the top of one's voice to shout, displays is the stance that the baby cries, naturally he has not cried, some these many rainwater were enough. 在这个雨夜,楚风扯开嗓子大喊,表现出来的就是婴儿大哭的姿态,当然他没哭,有这么多雨水足够了。 Otherwise, he must open the mouth to smile, or opens mouth to call the fairy maiden, it is estimated that will be carried a research thoroughness directly, is not normal. 不然的话,他真要开口笑,或者张嘴叫仙子,估计会被直接拎起来研究个透彻,太不正常了。 However, was quick his complexion changed, that white women's clothing danced in the breeze, is similar to the rain the True Fairy female shot a look at his one eyes, has not paid attention. 然而,很快他的脸色变了,那位白色衣裙飘舞、在雨中如同真仙子般的女子瞥了他一眼,没有理会。 Bang! 轰隆! The earth shivers, this mountain scene range is shaking, that several ferocious beast are one by one flagitious, fur is bringing the blood, when runs is similar to the earthquake. 大地颤抖,这片山岭都在摇动,那几头凶兽一个比一个凶残,皮毛带着血,奔跑过来时如同地震。 They have the body of small mountain-like, is Divine King Level ferocious beast, even if this lifeforms also calculates in World of the Living very strongly, making the leaders of various tribes dread. 它们都有小山般的躯体,都是神王级凶兽,这种生物哪怕在阳间也算很强,让各部落的头领都忌惮。 Usually, in this piece of Great Wilderness, each region clan head is also very difficult to see a head, dwells in mountain range most deep place. 平日间,在这片大荒间,各地族长也很难见到一头,都栖居在山脉最深处。 Now, five walk side-by-side, runs away, bloody, at this time is to stare at Chu Feng, came to him. 现在,五头并肩而行,一路逃出来,血淋淋,此时更是盯上楚风,冲着他就来了。 Chu Feng grins, wants to curse very much, has not brought in that fairy maiden elder sister, finally provokes several Divine King Level ferocious beast, if he does not jump to travel, must be stamped directly. 楚风咧嘴,很想诅咒,没有引来那位仙子姐姐,结果招惹过来几头神王级凶兽,他如果不跳起来跑路,直接就要被踩死啊。 This script is not right, Chu Feng big, with own thinking is different. In the barren mountains and wild hills, a peerless fairy maiden is extraordinary, the ultra dust is refined, saw that an abandoned baby should not have the charitable disposition, rescues? 这剧本不对,楚风头大,跟自己的想的不一样。在荒山野岭中,一位绝代仙子气质出众,超尘脱俗,看到一个弃婴不是应该心存善念,救起来吗? Doesn't she respond herself? Chu Feng must jump to take to one's heels to travel! 她怎么不搭理自己?楚风就要跳起来撒丫子跑路! That several ferocious beast open big mouth, stares the lantern fearful pupil, the aura is vibrating Great Wilderness, was too terrifying, just like must throw off 9th Heavenly Layer. 那几头凶兽都张开血盆大口,瞪着灯笼般的可怕眸子,气息震动大荒,实在太恐怖了,宛若要掀翻九重天 The critical moment, the female began, one group of dim light beams cover Chu Feng, shelters him in middle. 关键时刻,那女子还是动手了,一团朦胧的光束笼罩楚风,将他庇护在当中。 Whiz, Chu Feng was received and instructed, arrives at the side of female, had not stepped on by Divine King Level ferocious beast. 嗖的一声,楚风被接引了过去,来到女子的身边,没有被神王级凶兽踩踏。 Arrived the near, Chu Feng even more thought that this female is not simple, the Immortal Family aura is too rich, whole body flesh snow white clear, sends the silk to be pitch-black, the pupil is profound and beautiful, just like must lift the rosy cloud to fly upwards, is bringing the light rain, is similar to True Immortal. 到了近前,楚风越发觉得这女子不简单,仙家气息太浓郁,周身肌肤雪白晶莹,发丝乌黑光亮,眸子深邃而美丽,宛若要举霞飞升,带着光雨,如同真仙般。 Especially, she especially beautiful, rare. 尤其是,她格外的美丽,举世罕见。 A white women's clothing, dances in the air in the rain, on her aloof mortal world that even more serves as contrast, not eating the food of common mortals, is only is extremely indeed elegantly beautiful, even is somewhat faint. 一身洁白的衣裙,在雨中飞舞,越发衬托的她超然红尘上,不食人间烟火,只是的确太过冷艳,甚至有些淡漠。 Chu Feng was separated to absorb the near by her spatially, was pondering still over, displays is more natural, like an eight months of big baby. 楚风被她隔空摄到近前,原本还在琢磨,怎么表现的自然一些,像一个八个月大的婴儿。 Finally, he discovered oneself float in this peerless beautiful woman at present, moved cannot move, hung there, but this formidable fairy maiden was also observing him. 结果,他发现自己漂浮在这个绝世丽人的眼前,一动不能动了,悬在那里,而这个强大的仙子也在观察他。 Her oval face, the shining white face sends out the brilliance suitably, the pupil has the spiritual energy, but slightly is also cold, particularly after noting Chu Feng's little Pengpeng, wrinkled the delicate eyebrows. 她瓜子脸,莹白的面孔发出光辉,眸子相当的有灵气,但也略冷,尤其是注意到楚风的小鹏鹏后,皱了皱秀眉。 Chu Feng thinks within two legs cool, nearly jumps to run away, such was staring, even if the baby condition, he is the whole body is not comfortable. 楚风觉得两腿间凉飕飕,险些就跳起来逃走,这么被人盯着,哪怕是婴儿状态,他还是浑身不自在。 However, has not waited for him to think, this beautiful is similar to the picture scroll goes out of the white clothing beautiful woman who to wave directly, gives him...... Threw. 然而,没等他多想,这美丽的如同画卷中走出的白衣丽人直接一挥手,将他给……扔了。 shit! what condition? 玛德!什么状况? Chu Feng is a little dumbstruck, this with is completely different, is not the fairy maiden that he expects picks the abandoned baby, receiving is disciple, or recognizes as the younger brother?! 楚风有点发懵,这跟他预想的完全不一样,不是仙子捡弃婴,收为弟子,或者认作弟弟吗?! What's wrong...... Threw him?! 怎么……把他扔了?! He wants to say very much, various folk legends are not reasonable! 他很想说,民间的各种传说都不靠谱! What fairy maiden mother, Elder Sister True Immortal, should not believe these from the start, this is the heartless female demon, where has throws the baby casually? 什么仙子娘,真仙姐姐,压根就不应该信这些,这是无情的女魔头啊,哪有随便扔婴孩的? Even in this process she has not moved Chu Feng, but looked at his little Pengpeng, very much detests, directly throwing. 甚至此过程中她都没有触碰楚风,只是看了一眼他的小鹏鹏,就很嫌恶,直接给抛了。 Chu Feng suspected seriously this white clothing female demon came from in the gate is female evolution Sect, otherwise does such exclusion even discriminate against him? 楚风严重怀疑这个白衣女魔头来自门中都是女性的进化门派,不然的话怎么这样的嫌弃甚至歧视他? Can be plunged to death? In the Chu Feng heart the indignation, don't tell me now do not expose Divine King Level baby strength?! 要被摔死?楚风心中不忿,难道现在就要暴露神王级“婴孩”的实力吗?! But, this female saw that is not simple, a person, how many Divine King Level ferocious beast frightens to become a fugitive, this terrifying how? 可是,这女子怎么看都不简单,一个人而已,吓得几头神王级凶兽逃亡,这得多么的恐怖? Chu Feng serious suspicion , he even if braves death to be struck by lightning, shows own strength, possibly by this female demon straightening up. 楚风严重怀疑,他哪怕冒死被雷劈,展现自身实力,也可能被这女魔头给拾掇了。 However always has the accident/surprise to occur, finally a moment pair of soft hand caught her, this is a maidservant, to/clashes from the dark rainy night, holds her in the hand. 不过总有意外发生,最后关头一双柔软的手接住了她,这是一名侍女,从黑暗的雨夜中冲来,将她托在手中。 Young lady, this child......” “小姐,这个孩子……” Unexpectedly is the maidservant of outstandingly beautiful white clothing fairy maiden, is similar to a spirit defends in the darkness, has the tacit understanding very much, when Chu Feng was thrown to this position, she then caught. 居然是绝色白衣仙子的侍女,如同一个幽灵守在黑暗中,很有默契,在楚风被抛向她这个方位时,她便接住了。 Maidservant very beautiful appearance, is a rare beautiful woman, the figure beautiful and graceful, the makings is also gentle, just like the lady, not like maidservant, but dresses up so. 侍女也很美貌,是一名少见的佳人,身段婀娜,气质温婉,宛若大家闺秀,一点也不像侍女,只是装扮如此。 His physique is uncommon, some natural talents.” The white clothing female opens the mouth, the sound magnetism, in the sex appeal also somewhat is indifferent. “他筋骨不凡,有些天资。”白衣女子开口,声音略带磁性,性感中亦有些冷漠。 Youth vigorous maidservant is astonished, in the pretty looks presents being astonished color, can by the young lady be said that has the baby of talent, that is definitely astonishing. 青春蓬勃的侍女惊异,靓丽的姿容上出现讶色,能被小姐说有天赋的婴孩,那肯定非常惊人啊。 After all, the young lady who she follows has the fearful background, own young moved Great Desolate Earth, in the Divine King list dazzling. 毕竟,她跟随的这位小姐有可怕的来头,自身年纪轻轻就已经名动洪荒大地,在神王榜上耀眼之极。 „Can young lady give shelter to her?” The maidservants asked that the big eye flashed, is having the color of hope. “小姐要收留她吗?”侍女问道,大眼扑闪,带着希冀之色。 Because, she looked that this child is very lovable, the big eye is pure, does not cry noisily, opens a pair of small hand to smile to her, wish makes her hug. 因为,她看这孩童很可爱,大眼纯净,不哭不闹,张开一双小手对她笑,想要让她抱抱。 In a flash, she thought that was touched, hugs in the bosom, is having the smiling face, looks down this little fellow. 一瞬间,她觉得被触动了,抱在怀中,带着笑容,低头看这小家伙。 Does not receive, turns head to look for a tribe or the city, puts down is.” “不收,回头找个部落或者城池,放下就是。” That outstandingly beautiful young lady's a few words, making Chu Feng speechless, but generally speaking also calculated well, this female demon had not said gave to throw finally him in the wilderness open country. 那位绝色小姐的一句话,让楚风无言,但总的来说也算不错了,这女魔头总算没说将他给扔在荒郊野外中。 However, has not waited for him to grow one breath, actually hears this Miss Divine King Level a few words, said: In this barren hill, there is this abandoned baby slightly to be strange, a while I search for his soul to look personally.” 然而,没等他长出一口气,却又听到这位神王级小姐的一句话,道:“在这荒山中,有这种弃婴略显古怪,一会儿我亲自搜他灵魂看一看。” Chu Feng thought, a while needs to immerse spirit in the gray grinding pan, isolates by it. 楚风觉得,一会儿需要将精神沉浸在灰色磨盘中,以它来隔绝。 That special grey matter situated in visible and invisible within, vertical is Divine King does not survey. 那特殊的灰色物质介于有形与无形间,纵是神王也探测不到。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 The thunder, in the illumination of dazzling light Shining Upon mountainous region water puddle, nearby rock and mountain ridge looks like has the constriction. 电闪雷鸣,刺目的光将山地中的水洼等都映照的发光,附近的岩石、山岭看起来极具压迫感。 Two females appear in this rainy night, appears incomparably mysterious. 两个女子出现在这种雨夜中,显得无比神秘。 You go back, can not rush out this mountain scene lineage/vein to harm nearby tribe, can not inform other people me once to pass by this place.” “你们都回去吧,不得闯出这片山脉危害附近的部落,也不得告知他人我曾路过此地。” White clothing fairy maiden opens the mouth, to five Divine King Level ferocious beast warnings. 白衣仙子开口,对五头神王级凶兽警告。 At this time, five ferocious beast already crawled unexpectedly on the ground, trembling with fear, suppressed move. 此时,五头凶兽居然早已匍匐在地上,战战兢兢,被压制的动弹不得。 lifeforms of this rank how could so? Their name revered a side, today unexpectedly is suppressed this appearance, the must know walks in the outside, they will also make various clans be afraid, even consecrates, offers various types of sacrificial offerings. 这种级别的生物何曾如此?它们原本称尊一方,今日居然被压制成这个样子,须知行走在外界,它们也会让各族害怕,甚至供奉起来,献上各种祭品等。 However, now they do not have a temperament, because witnesses, this female from linking the black territory of this mountain scene lineage/vein deep place is walking. 然而,现在它们没有一点脾气,因为亲眼目睹,这个女子是从连着这片山脉深处的黑域中走出来的。 The black territory in that Great Wilderness is piece of Danger Land, before long years, Gods collaborated once to attack many years, knows did not die multi- Young God and Divine King, skeleton Large expanse, according to what has been heard had Heavenly Venerate die there. 那片大荒中的黑域可是一片绝地,漫长岁月前诸神联手曾经攻打很多年,也不知道死了多少神神王,尸骸成片,据闻有天尊殒落在那里。 That black forest has the terrifying energy, making the person be awed at the sight, nobody dares to be easily close. 那片黑色的森林有着恐怖的能量,让人望而生畏,没人敢轻易接近。 “Wú, Ji Family True Fairy, cannot think meets by chance here, we are predestined friends. ” “唔,姬家真仙子,想不到在这里偶遇,我们真是有缘啊。” At this time, a man flew from rainy day, was winding around the flaming electric light, crossed the mountain range, descended in this place, passes the aura that sent out to add fearfully also compared with that several Divine King Level ferocious beast. 这时,一个男子从雨天中飞来,缭绕着炽盛的电光,横渡山脉,降落在此地,透发出的气息比那几头神王级凶兽加起来还可怕。 Although he imposing manner is very abundant, but descends after the place, is mild-mannered and cultivated, a snow white long hair, face also fair and clear like jade, is having the smiling face, greeted with the white clothing fairy maiden. 他虽然气势很盛,但是降落在地后,却温文尔雅,一头雪白的长发,面孔也白净如玉,带着笑容,跟白衣仙子打招呼。 Li Jiuxiao is you tracked in behind, interesting, but also wants to fight one with me again?” Ji fairy maiden opens the mouth, is tranquil and self-confident. 黎九霄原来是你在后面跟踪,有意思吗,还想再跟我战一场吗?”姬仙子开口,平静而自信。 Side, is holding the Chu Feng's pretty maidservant opens the mouth, said: Young Master Li, you, although moves Great Desolate Earth, but pursued was excessive, my family young lady who my family young lady pursued did not like you.” 旁边,抱着楚风的靓丽的侍女开口,道:“黎公子,你虽然名动洪荒大地,但是追我家小姐追的过分了,我家小姐并不喜欢你。” In the Chu Feng heart is not tranquil, this young man background is very as if big, unexpectedly can move Great Desolate Earth, is somewhat astonishing. 楚风心中不平静,这青年男子似乎来头很大,居然可以名动洪荒大地,有些惊人。 No, is only the chance encounter.” Here, the Li Jiuxiao pupil contraction, stared at Chu Feng in attractive maidservant hand, startled say/way: Who is he?” “没有,只是巧遇而已。”说到这里,黎九霄瞳孔收缩,盯上了漂亮侍女手中的楚风,惊道:“他是谁?” Thunder Child.” The pretty maidservant spoke thoughtlessly saying that wants to add this was the abandoned baby who picked, but curled the lip afterward, had not explained. 雷震子。”靓丽的侍女随口说道,想补充说这是一名捡到的弃婴,但随后又撇了撇嘴,没有解释。 Li Jiuxiao hears these words, immediately the body shakes, both eyes explode shoot divine glow, in the lightning compared with rainy night is flaming, and lost one's voice startled called out: What? You, Ji Caixuan, Ji Family True Fairy you really...... Lived Thunder Child?!” 黎九霄听到这句话,顿时身体一震,双目爆射神芒,比雨夜中的闪电还炽盛,并失声惊叫道:“什么?你,姬采萱,姬家真仙子你真的……生了一个雷震子?!” White clothing outstandingly beautiful beautiful woman Ji Caixuan hears this words, the beautiful pupil departs two fearful divine rainbow, is staring at him, the terrifying pressure fills the air directly. 白衣绝色丽人姬采萱听到他这种话语,美丽的眸子飞出两道可怕的神虹,盯着他,恐怖的威压直接弥漫开来。 Li Jiuxiao, Young Master Li, you were talking nonsense anything!” The pretty maidservant reprimanded, was angry very much, reproved him for own young lady. 黎九霄,黎公子,你在胡说什么!”靓丽的侍女斥道,很生气,替自家小姐训斥他。 „Before I come to here, once invited Li Heavenly Master divination, he said that Ji Family True Fairy enters the black territory, can result in one, named thunder clap, you...... Also really lived?!” “我来这里前,曾请李天师占卜,他说姬家真仙子进黑域,会得一子,名为雷震,你……还真生了?!” Li Jiuxiao grieved yelling, the hand is covering the chest, staggers the retreat, then bristles with anger, erupts the terrifying Divine King internal energy, must tear the universe simply. 黎九霄心痛的大叫,手捂着胸口,踉跄后退,而后又怒发冲冠,爆发恐怖的神王气机,简直要撕裂天宇。 Heavenly Master is surmounts the terrifying above Divine Master to exist, the deduction is always very accurate. 天师乃是远超越神师之上的恐怖存在,推演一向很准。 The maidservant vitality/angry, said: Nonsense, this is the abandoned baby who we pick, how you can say my family young lady, this was slandering, be careful my family old master throws off your Li Family!” 侍女生气,道:“胡说,这是我们捡到的弃婴,你怎么能这么说我家小姐,这是在诋毁,当心我家老主人去掀翻你们黎族!” If not for gives birth, the issue is more serious, Heavenly Master has the word, saw that Thunder Child kills it, guarantee right!” Li Jiuxiao breathes to be thick, head blue vein jumps. “若不是产子,问题更严重,天师有言,见到雷震子就杀之,保证没错!”黎九霄喘粗起,头上青筋直跳。 Was mad the ghost we, compared with giving birth also seriously, what you wants to say?” The maidservants are indignant, is uneven for own young lady. “气煞我们了,比产子还严重,你想说什么?”侍女愤愤不平,替自家小姐不平。 Began as for Ji Caixuan directly, lifts in the hands, variegated divine rainbow departs from the forehead together, is having the destructive aura, winds around complicated mysterious rune, attacks Li Jiuxiao. 至于姬采萱直接动手了,抬手间,一道斑斓神虹从眉心飞出,带着毁灭性的气息,缭绕繁奥符文,攻击黎九霄 Ji fairy maiden, you listen to me to explain!” Li Jiuxiao called out, his complexion is ugly, hits back the resistance, simultaneously is having the anger as before, erupts immeasurable divine glow. “姬仙子,你听我解释!”黎九霄叫道,他脸色难看,还手对抗,同时依旧带着火气,爆发无量神芒 Late at night, rain cats and dogs, have innumerable say/way clouds and mist by the ray transpiration that he sends out, seems like extremely fearful and astonishing. 后半夜,大雨倾盆,被他散发的光芒蒸腾起无数道烟霞,看起来极其可怕与惊人。 Bang! 轰! Two people right have struck, vibrates just like the universe, in the rainy night Order interweaves, is terrifying. 两人对了一击,宛若天宇震动,雨夜中秩序交织,非常恐怖。 Chu Feng is speechless, what matter fucking this called, did he become Thunder Child? 楚风无语,特么的这叫什么事,他怎么就成雷震子了?
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