SR :: Volume #11

#1021: Fairy maiden mother

Also is twenty days passes, Chu Feng must cry, oneself are really also reducing, becomes one -year-old kid, the baby fat characteristics are obvious, the collogen of whole face. 又是二十几天过去,楚风要哭了,自己还真的在缩小,成为一岁多的娃,婴儿肥特征明显,满脸的胶原蛋白。 I am Demon Chu!” “我是楚魔头!” He makes an effort to raise the arm, but the ominous appearance actually looks like somewhat laughable. 他用力振臂,可是凶巴巴的样子实际看起来有些可笑。 He sits on the ground, the anxious look of whole face, what to do can this? don't tell me feels rejuvenated finally, can oneself vanish really inadequately? 他一屁股坐在地上,满脸的愁容,这可怎么办?难道返老还童到最后,自己真要消失不成? Also can bet? 还要赌下去吗? The baby collogen of this kid whole face, meat toot toot, clearly is worrying here, may appear likely is actually distracted, cannot see a gloomy mood. 这娃满脸的婴儿胶原蛋白,肉嘟嘟,在这里分明是在发愁,可却显得像是走神,看不出一点愁绪。 Recently these 1-2 months, he boiled down within the body rich Yin Qi, has been short, but has not cleaned out as before, it can be imagined when rushed to Reincarnation Ultimate Land how carried over the fearsome energy. 最近这一两个月,他熬炼出体内浓郁的阴气,已经少了很多,但是依旧还没除尽,可想而知闯轮回终极地时带出怎样的可怖能量。 Bang! 轰! big change, in the ground has the sound. 一声剧震,地面上有动静。 The Chu Feng heart moves, the thunderstorms the day came, can go to outside Transcends Tribulation, as soon as possible genetic engineering. 楚风心头一动,雷雨又天来了,可以去外面渡劫,尽早一次性解决问题。 Whiz! 嗖! He crawls the surface, raises head to look, the lightning is thunderous, the heavy downpour, layer on layer/heavily pounds to fall. 他爬出地表,仰头望去,闪电雷鸣,大雨滂沱,重重地砸落下来。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 Really, did not need him to receive and instruct the lightning on own initiative, Heavenly Tribulation came, right in the face fell toward his bang, electric light magnificently intense. 果然,都不用他主动接引闪电,天劫就来了,朝着他劈头盖脸的轰落下来,电光盛烈 Chu Feng looks fierce, he was boiled down two months in the place bottom by that group strange Earth Fire, in the end also encounters such big thunder strike, is really the to terrify person. 楚风龇牙咧嘴,他都在地底被那团奇异的地火熬炼两个月了,到头来还遭遇这么大的雷击,真是瘆人。 The time is not long, he divided bruised and lacerated, the whole body is jet black, in the small body the electric light lasing, the internal organs twine the thunder, the marrow are flowing the electric light. 时间不长,他就被劈的皮开肉绽,满身漆黑,小小的躯体中电光激射,脏腑都缠绕着雷霆,骨髓都流淌电光。 So-called collogen, the so-called baby is fat, was divided burnt. 所谓的胶原蛋白,所谓的婴儿肥,都被劈焦了。 Villain who „, controls the lightning, are you also concerned about face? Bullies including a baby, is not very the thing!” The Chu Feng facial skin is very thick, here cursed. “嚓,操控闪电的恶棍,你还要脸吗?连一个婴儿都欺负,忒不是东西!”楚风脸皮很厚,在这里诅咒。 Naturally, he also thought oneself are thin-skinned, after all becomes the baby body. 当然,他还觉得自己脸皮薄呢,毕竟成为婴儿体。 Aiyu, must chop, lightning your villain!” He resists furiously. “哎呦,要劈死了,闪电你个恶棍!”他奋力对抗。 Then, he is somewhat surprised, a large area of cloudy fog in the electric light leaps, was ruined by the male character, but, his within the body also has, yearns to brave as before unceasingly, how many does this come out from the Ultimate Land belt/bring? 然后,他有些吃惊,在电光中大面积的阴雾腾起,被阳刚之气毁掉,但是,他体内还有,依旧不断向往冒,这到底从终极地带出来多少? Looks at this appearance, Transcends Tribulation one time not necessarily can scatter completely, he really became yin corpse lifeforms in World of the Living. 看这个样子,渡劫一次都不见得能全部驱散,在阳间他真成为阴尸般的生物了。 Really, when the heavy rain will stop, when the normal lightning must vanish, his here thunder is intensive, the lightning interweaves, chops endless. 果然,当大雨将停,正常的闪电要消失时,他这里还雷霆密集,闪电交织,劈个没完没了。 Chu Feng hides into the underground deep place, suspends Transcends Tribulation, he does not want to bring to this world Evolver's attention, before has not integrated World of the Living thoroughly, cannot expose. 楚风躲入地下深处,暂停渡劫,他不想引起这个世间进化者的注意,在没有彻底融入阳间前,不能暴露。 Especially, one group of people who the Divine King Level baby in Transcends Tribulation, passes on the words that frightens sufficiently to be dumbfounded, will bring in teaches First Ancestor to appear, slices the research him. 尤其是,神王级婴儿在渡劫,传出去的话足以吓的一群人目瞪口呆,会引来一教鼻祖出现,将他切片研究。 In the underground deep place, Chu Feng ponders over success and failure, considers the later path. 在地下深处,楚风思忖得失,考虑以后的道路。 I must walk Strongest Road, this is not definitely good, from awakening, shackles...... Arrived present Divine King middle stage, each Realm has the slight defect, must remould is good.” “我要走最强路,这样肯定不行,从觉醒、枷锁……到现在的神王中期,每个境界都有瑕疵,要重塑才行。” Chu Feng considers, while reorganizes the thing in stone box, looks whether also has the good fortune material to remain, this type of thing is too precious. 楚风一边思量,一边整理石盒中的东西,看一看是否还有造化物质残留,这种东西太珍贵。 He is supposing, oneself can turn into this appearance, is biggest by Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb and Six Paths of Reincarnation Blood merit. 他估摸着,自己能变成这个样子,以三十三重天草六道轮回血的功劳最大。 What a pity, did not have, good fortune material exhausts. 可惜,没有了,造化物质都耗尽。 One pile of snow white brightly burnished metal lumps make him sigh, this is Vajra Cutter, looking awful of break, that is the rare species in Origin Metal, finally cannot bear the pressure on the road of reincarnation, looking awful of destruction. 一堆雪白锃亮的金属疙瘩让他叹气,这是金刚琢,断裂的不成样子,那可是母金中的稀有品种,结果在投胎的路上也承受不住压力,毁坏的不成样子。 Such comparison, stone box goes against heaven's will. 这样一比较,石盒太逆天。 In addition, beach silver metal material, making Chu Feng be startled, said with amazement: This is that page of silver paper that Holy Master leaves behind!” 此外,还有一滩银色金属物质,让楚风一怔,惊讶道:“这是圣师留下的那页银色纸张!” Above records various knowledge about Domain, is broken to the world the mysterious of world, this page of metallic papers are extraordinary, unexpectedly can also stay behind. 上面记载着关于场域的各种学问,穷极天地之奥,这页金属纸了不得,居然也能够留下。 Energy Tower on Moon once had said that this paper is Holy Master obtains, an institute studies came from it. 月球上的能量塔曾说过,这纸张是圣师无意间得到的,一身所学多来自于它。 What what a pity is, only then one page, they guessed, this mostly is only a paper in some scripture book! 可惜的是,只有一页,他们猜测,这多半只是某部经书中的一张纸! Words this way, silver paper background is really big! 这样看来的话,银色纸张来头甚大! Other things mostly have ruined, changes to the ashes, when rushes Reincarnation extremely has encountered final dashing finally, seriously is similar to extinguishes the world, the myriad things all damage! 其他东西大多都毁掉了,化作灰烬,闯过轮回终极之地遭遇最后的冲撞时,当真如同灭灭世,万物皆损! Little Millstone also , is really strange.” 小磨盘也还在,真是古怪。” The Chu Feng light language, in regards own condition, after nearly two months of condensation, gray Little Millstone reappears, takes shape. 楚风轻语,内视自身状况,经过近两个月的凝聚,一个灰色的小磨盘再现出来,重新成型。 Originally is black and white Little Millstone, but after absorbing some special source materials, it changed the turn into ash color. 本是黑白小磨盘,但是吸收一些特殊的本源物质后,它已经变成灰色。 The so-called special material, originates from is strange and ominous, after being strangled, returns this returns the source, becomes one type special source nature, unexpectedly such astonishing. 所谓特殊的物质,来源于诡异与不祥,被扼杀后,返本还源,成为一种特殊的“源质”,竟这么的惊人。 Then is Reincarnation Ultimate Land is hard to obliterate it! 便是轮回终极地都难以磨灭它! Chu Feng falls into silent, the innermost feelings are glancing through Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate his master that personally written letter, wants to take that strongest road. 楚风陷入寂静中,内心在翻阅石狐天尊他师傅所著的那本手札,想走那条最强之路。 Middle has many means that may since childhood train, although this time the reincarnation comes, but in the reincarnation with general sense is different. 当中有不少办法,可都是从小培养,他这次虽然投胎过来,但是跟一般意义上的转世不一样。 He is bringing cultivation base as before, even if in World of the Living, is not considered as that very weak Evolver. 他依旧带着修为,哪怕是在阳间,也不算是一个很弱的进化者 Needs the gravity head to come again, how should I carry on?” “需要重头再来,我该怎么进行呢?” This, he must become the top powerhouse, naturally must tread a different road, does not allow world eighth god Chi Ming cross two Realm to fight this matter occurrence with him. 这一世,他要成为顶尖强者,自然要踏出一条不同的路,再也不允许天下第八神赤铭跨两个境界跟他争锋这种事发生。 From Domain to the strongest personally written letter, arrives at breathing method of various clans again long, Chu Feng thinks for three days, in the brain a confusion, somewhat fuzzy thought that but too take risked. 场域到最强手札,再到各族的呼吸法,楚风长思三天,脑中一片混乱,有些模糊的念头,但是都太冒险了。 Does not manage, first boiled Yin Qi in within the body completely said again.” “不管了,先将体内的阴气熬尽再说。” Chu Feng in underground rolls Earth Fire to burn itself with that enough fifty days, he changes is once more young, becomes ten months of big baby, making him fearful and apprehensive. 楚风在地下用那团地火烧自己,足足五十几天,他再次变小,成为十个月大的婴儿,让他胆战心惊。 Can this also really boil down oneself did not have inadequately? 这还真要将自己熬炼没有了不成? Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb and Six Paths of Reincarnation Blood, this was also too overbearing, making his big such as fight, a dumbness. 三十三重天草六道轮回血,这也太霸道了,让他头大如斗,一阵无言。 Finally, he will burn down late stage, the cloudy fog large surface area fills the air, appears very much difficultly again, his oneself finally no longer changes is also small. 终于,他将自己焚烧到后期,阴雾大面积弥漫出去,很难再出现,他自身也终于不再变小。 Eight months of big baby! 八个月大的婴儿! Scratches, finally stops counter growth!” Although was mad speaks the vulgar language, but he actually speaks in an infantile tone of voice, making the Chu Feng baby fat face of black, shuts up directly, is not willing to open the mouth again. “擦,终于停止逆生长!”虽然被气的说粗话,但是他却奶声奶气,让楚风婴儿肥的脸黑黑的,直接闭嘴,不肯再开口。 Waited on the several th, once again the thunder rainy day came, Chu Feng climbs up to the surface comes up, starts Transcends Tribulation once more. 等了几日,又一次雷雨天来了,楚风攀爬到地表上来,再次开始渡劫 Really, the thunder was gentler, Yin Qi of his within the body was not that rich, can say quite thin, when to the final thunderstorms have not ceased, in his flesh and soul light no longer have Yin Qi to emit. 果然,雷霆都温柔了很多,他体内的阴气不是那么浓郁了,可以说相当稀薄,到最后雷雨还未停息时,他血肉与魂光中就不再有阴气冒出。 Finally complete, I became the World of the Living person.” Chu Feng grows the one breath. “终于圆满,我成为阳间人了。”楚风长出一口气。 However, he thought that definitely does not have is so simple, he comes out from Supreme Yin Land, has rushed to Reincarnation, is accompanying the huge secret. 不过,他觉得肯定没这么简单,他是从至阴之地出来的,闯过轮回,伴着天大的秘密。 World of the Living's Evolver goes to World of the Dead, is well distributed for the so-called Yin-Yang, seeks for Yin-Yang Seed, without a doubt, Chu Feng does not need to consider that now this issue, deriving about World of the Dead material, he reached to the maximum level. 阳间的进化者阴间,为了所谓的阴阳调和,寻找阴阳种,毫无疑问,楚风现在根本不用考虑这个问题,关于阴间物质的汲取,他臻至最高层次了。 In his to go on a mental journey universe, was considering when future path, big change, the fearful blood-color lightning descends loudly together, is bringing chaos fog, blast that he chops. 正在他神游太虚,考虑将来的道路时,轰然一声剧震,一道可怕的血色闪电降落,带着一丝混沌雾,将他劈的炸开。 Chu Feng becomes dark at present, soul light exploded has dispersed, he believes firmly that injured Evolution Foundation, these was too ruthless. 楚风眼前发黑,魂光都炸散了,他确信伤到了进化根基,这一下太狠了。 His flesh and soul light fragment crash in underground, first avoids. 他的血肉与魂光碎片冲进地下,第一时间躲避。 However, these time is very terrifying, the thunder has not stopped, pursues the underground deep place, cuts down to him, the second thunder is the golden purple color, is bringing chaos fog. 然而,这一次很恐怖,雷霆没有止住,跟着追进地下深处,对他劈杀,第二道雷霆是紫金色,也带着一丝混沌雾。 This quite fearful, in World of the Living this thunder might strong not being able imagine, this is specially for the electric light that the destruction falls! 这相当的可怕,在阳间这种雷霆威力强的不可想象,这是专为毁灭而降的电光! Chu Feng first submerges stone jar, fastens tightly cover! 楚风第一时间没入石罐,扣紧盖子! That electric light chops on stone jar, slowly the retrogression, above the vault of heaven also no longer presents this thunder. 那道电光劈在石罐上,慢慢消退,天穹上方也不再出现这种雷霆。 What condition, hadn't the settlement finished? I became the World of the Living person, boiled completely all Yin Qi, to have how also this matter occurrence?” “什么状况,清算还没有完毕?我都成为阳间人了,熬尽所有阴气,怎么还会有这种事情发生?” The Chu Feng look is serious, is puzzling. 楚风神色严肃,百思不得其解。 After he reorganizes True Body, in regards own condition, the complexion becomes dark, unexpectedly under Divine King Realm by knock down, Evolution Foundation was almost damaged. 他重组真身后内视自己的状况,脸色发黑,居然差点被打落神王境界,进化根基受损。 His a few words did not say, starts therapy. 他一句话也不说,开始疗伤。 Half a month time, he restores, has not left behind the future trouble, comprehensive restoration. 足足半个月的时间,他才恢复过来,没有留下后患,全面恢复。 This body is really good, fills with the vigorous vitality.” Chu Feng nods. “这具身体真是不错,充满蓬勃的生机。”楚风点头。 But, he has not understood any situation to the present, he has to return to thinks to see various scripture book, came from the World of the Dead universe, he gave to carry the ancient books of various clans, looked completely. 可是,到现在他还没有明白什么情况,他不得不回思所看到过的各种经书,从阴间宇宙过来时,他将各族的典籍都给端了,全部看了一遍。 In addition, Stone Fox delivers his personally written letter, is its master Supreme Being, has flowed all writing in his heart. 此外,还有石狐送他的手札,乃是其师一位大能所著,也在他心中流淌过所有的文字。 Should not come to my cultivation base?” “该不会是冲着我的修为而来吧?” This time not in view of Yin Qi, is the baby but who was just born leading the magical skill by the world rule suppress and kill? Chu Feng pondered over, because he has seen similar record. 这一次不是针对阴气,而是刚出生的婴儿带着道行会被天地规则所镇杀楚风思忖,因为他看到过类似的记载。 don't tell me this piece of Great Desolate Earth in protection special Reincarnator? 难道这片洪荒大地在防备特殊的转世者 In the strongest personally written letter has mentioned several, but has not explained in detail. 最强手札中提及过几句,但是没有细讲。 Just aimed at rich Yin Qi, wanted the suppress and kill cultivation base as if made by heaven baby, but also made the person live?! The Chu Feng complexion is ugly. 刚针对完浓郁的阴气,又要镇杀修为天成的婴儿,还让不让人活了?!楚风脸色难看。 Several days later, he has not borne, ran once more, wanted to test and confirm, this time paid attention, pays attention to observe the change and mystery of world. 数天后,他没有忍住,再次跑出去了,想要测试与验证,这次非常留心,注意观察天地的变化与奥秘。 The black lightning chops to fall together, blasts out him, has not nearly run away, his Evolution Foundation is damaged once more. 一道黑色的闪电劈落,将他炸开,险些没逃回来,他的进化根基再次受损。 The Chu Feng complexion becomes dark, maintains total silence, recovers. After research strongest personally written letter, he has believed that this is aiming at is really bringing previous life Evolution Foundation Reincarnator. 楚风脸色发黑,一语不发,恢复身体。研究最强手札后,他相信了,这真的是在针对带着前世进化根基转世者 He does not dare to take risk again, by suppress and kill, that thunder too will be been carelessly terrorist. 他可不敢再冒险了,一个不慎就会被镇杀,那种雷霆太恐怖。 Generally speaking, is weak, in the personally written letter mentioned, most formidable Heaven-Blessed Talent, had the means to deal with some strange and terrifying Thunder Tribulation.” “总的来说,还是不够强,手札中提及,最强大的天纵奇才,有办法应对一些古怪而恐怖的雷劫。” Chu Feng talked to oneself, even more hope treads an own road, making each Realm have no time. 楚风自语,越发渴望踏出一条自己的路,让每一个境界都无暇。 When the time comes, let alone Chi Ming, came world first several Divinity that he was fiercer , was also impossible cross Realm to battle with him again. 到时候,别说赤铭,就是比他厉害的天下前几名的神祇来了,也不可能再跨境界跟他激战。 On the way of evolution, I must become in history one of the strongest several God!” “进化途中,我要成为史上最强的几位神灵之一!” Chu Feng thinks it over, from various breathing method, to the strongest personally written letter, arrives at Domain secret texts and Foreign Territory secret technique, finally frowns, decides to attempt. 楚风思来想去,从各种呼吸法,到最强手札,又到场域秘典异域秘术,最后皱着眉头,决定尝试一番。 His whole body illumination, then various magical skills and energies in reserved, condenses to the abdomen, this time has continued the several days, finally his magical skill concentration is grain of Golden Core. 他浑身发光,而后各种道行与能量都在内敛,凝聚向腹中,这个时间持续了数日,最后他的一身道行浓缩为一粒金丹 Chu Feng opens mouth spits, appears in the chubby small hand, Golden Core can have Dragon's eyes to be so big, all over the body is complicated mysterious rune, shining, sacred incomparable. 楚风张嘴一吐,出现在胖乎乎的小手中,金丹能有龙眼那么大,通体都是繁奥符文,流光溢彩,神圣无匹。 This is a he magical skill, unifies strange technique and Domain, various strongest personally written letters and clan breathing method refinements, unexpectedly really success! 这可是他一身的道行,结合异术场域、最强手札与各族呼吸法提炼,居然真的成功了! This concerns really in a big way, if makes other people swallow, he does not have the place to cry, even if various Realm are not strongest, has various flaws, but also this on behalf of a Divine King fruit position. 这关乎甚大,要是让其他人吞食下去,他都没地方哭去,哪怕各境界不是最强,都有各种缺陷,但也这代表着一位神王的果位。 Golden Core places outside, he had not felt relieved. 金丹放在外面,他还真不放心。 Present he, after putting out this grain winds around is devastating rune Golden Core, is the physical strength is very good, but also is only the relatively normal baby. 现在的他,吐出这粒缭绕着摧残符文金丹后,也就是体力还很好,但也只是相对正常的婴儿来说。 The must know, a he strength did not have, magical skill that evolves in this grain is embellishing in Golden Core of complicated mysterious symbol! 须知,他一身的实力都没了,进化出来的道行等都在这粒点缀着繁奥符号的金丹内! Chu Feng takes in within the body, thinks, puts in grey Little Millstone there, finally is attempts to suppress between two grinding pans. 楚风又收进体内,想了想,置于灰色的小磨盘那里,最后更是尝试压制在两块磨盘之间。 The flash, the dusky fog covers there. 一刹那,灰蒙蒙的雾霭将那里覆盖。 Well, were all aura likely thoroughly isolate with the outside?” The Chu Feng doubt, he also really has this induction, is don't tell me the misconception? “咦,所有的气息都像是彻底与外界隔绝了?”楚风狐疑,他还真有这种感应,难道是错觉吗? Chu Feng thinks, comes out from stone jar, the discrete alert, does not have the thunder to descend unexpectedly. 楚风想了想,从石罐中出来,谨慎戒备,居然真的没有雷霆降落。 Even if the baby, his also physical strength strong, crawls to the surface comes up, is looking at the sky, although Dark Cloud(s) is densely covered, but does not have the lightning to divide to fall as before. 即便是婴儿,他也体力超强,一口气爬到地表上来,望着天空,虽然乌云密布,但是依旧没有闪电劈落。 Chu Feng the small mouth, on the baby fat small face of full is being the smiling face, he is happy, completely solves the future trouble, meanwhile can step Strongest Road in light of this. 楚风咧着小嘴,婴儿肥的小脸上满是笑容,他开心无比,彻底解决后患,同时还能就此踏上最强路 gray source material is very strange, situated in visible with nihilities, the bystander will not perceive.” Chu Feng is very satisfied, can cover all. “灰色本源物质很古怪,介于有形与虚无之间,外人不会觉察到。”楚风很满意,能够掩盖一切。 Own magical skill had not sliced off, now temporarily seals. 自己的道行没有被削掉,现在只是暂封而已。 If needed, can emit Golden Core directly. Naturally, he thinks that consequence another parade is big, only if falls into the desperate region, otherwise is unusable, he was supposing strikes not necessarily to have the opportunity to send continually, first will be killed by the thunder. 有需要的话,可以直接放出金丹。当然,他想到后果又一阵头大,除非陷入绝望境地,不然的话根本不能用,他估摸着连一击都不见得有机会发出来,就会先被雷霆将自己干掉。 This group of Earth Fire have the strangeness, is not the common thing, but now is for me useless, has the opportunity to study again.” “这团地火有古怪,不是一般的东西,但是现在对我来说没什么用,有机会再来研究。” Chu Feng returns underground, takes stone box, decides to leave this place, because here leaves behind many thunder strikes the traces, was not discovered wonderfully. 楚风回到地下,带上石盒,决定离开此地,因为这里留下不少雷击的痕迹,被人发现不妙。 However, he worried, oneself are too immature, the light the buttocks, are bringing stone jar, this was also too conspicuous, thinks that is unremarkable is not good. 不过,他犯愁了,自己太幼小,光着屁股,带着石罐,这也太显眼了,想不引人注意都不行。 Finally, he enters in stone jar, emits Golden Core, controls this pot, was supposing flies several hundred li (0.5 km), this stops. 最后,他进入石罐中,放出金丹,驾驭此罐,估摸着飞出去数百里,这才停下来。 This is piece of mountain region, having the wild aura, Chu Feng to discover the trace that some hunters appear and disappear, he hides stone box, then ponders over the later matter. 这是一片山地,带着蛮荒气息,楚风发现一些猎人出没的痕迹,他将石盒藏起来,然后琢磨以后的事。 Bang! 轰隆! Rain cats and dogs, thunder, in this dark night, under rainwater is especially big. 大雨倾盆,电闪雷鸣,在这个黑夜中,雨水下的格外大。 At first, Chu Feng also really had a scare, thinks that must be struck by lightning, finally discovers to have a false alarm, is only the normal thunder rainy day. 起初,楚风还真吓了一跳,以为又要被雷劈,结果发现虚惊一场,只是正常的雷雨天。 Late at night, Chu Feng is frightened, whole body fine body hair explodes stands, although is not Divine King, the magical skill changes to Golden Core, was suppressed in grey Little Millstone, but the intuition is very as before keen. 后半夜,楚风惊悚,浑身寒毛炸立,虽然已经不是神王,道行化作一颗金丹,被压制在灰色小磨盘间,但直觉依旧很敏锐。 Quick, he was scared, has several ferocious beast fur to bring the blood in the heavy rain, lends the incomparable frigid aura, to/clashes from the mountain ridge deep place. 很快,他发毛了,在大雨中有几头凶兽皮毛带着血,散发无比的惨烈的气息,从山岭深处冲出来。 Divine King! 神王 Chu Feng shock, this is any condition, even if in World of the Living, is insufficient to present several Divine King levels in place all of a sudden Evolver. 楚风震惊,这是什么状况,哪怕是在阳间,也不至于一下子在一地出现几位神王层次的进化者 Do not say that this is several being wounded ferocious beast, like this walks in the same place is rarer. 就更不要说这是几头负伤的凶兽,这样走在一起更为少见。 Then, he sees a female, in the torrential rain, just like True Fairy, crosses the expansive sky, in several Divine King Level ferocious beast behind. 接着,他又看到一个女子,在滂沱大雨中,宛若真仙子,横渡长空,在几头神王级凶兽的后面而来。 This female beautiful extremely outstanding, grace and talent peerless, white clothes sleeve dances in the breeze in the rain, but that elegantly beautiful makings are make the person see in the unforgettable, aloof world, looking disdainfully world. 这个女子美丽的太过出众,风华绝代,白色衣袂在雨中飘舞,而那种冷艳气质更是让人一见难忘,超然世上,睥睨天下。 My this wants many elder sister, wants many mother?” The Chu Feng skin is coarse, muttered there, a face ignominious smiling face. “我这是要多一个姐姐,还是要多一个娘啊?”楚风皮糙脸厚,在那里咕哝,一脸可耻的笑容。
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