SR :: Volume #11

#1020: Chapter 1020 does not believe in evil doctrines

White and tender tender...... A pair of small steamed stuffed bun! 白嫩嫩的……一对小包子! This a little spicy eye, Chu Feng is really unbelievable, own hand, had the fat, how could so been how fat?! 这实在有点辣眼睛,楚风难以置信,自己的手怎么了,肉呼呼,何曾这么胖过?! What is most excessive, is not small, pocket-sized pity, this is a pair of child's hand, fat becomes one group. 最为过分的是,还不小,袖珍的可怜,这是一双孩子的手,胖成一团。 His whole body is not comfortable, first understood that own condition, 6-7 year appearance, whole body fair and clear, the circle, becomes small plump and fair-complected! 他浑身不自在,第一时间了解到自己的状态,六七岁的样子,浑身白白净净,圆乎乎,成为一个小白胖! He pledged, at a young age arrives does not have greatly from the start fat. 他发誓,自小到大压根就没有胖过。 "Ah! ” He yelled, the sound is very tender, making him nearly pull out a oneself mouth, sells to sprout/moe? Absolutely is not, this is his real sound. “啊呀!”他大叫,声音很嫩,让他险些抽自己一嘴巴,卖萌吗?绝对不是,这就是他真实的声音。 He clarifies the condition, died many times in the sarcophagus, was revived by the good fortune material, has the immortal drug efficacy to remain obviously, lets him counter growth. 他弄清状况,在石棺中死了很多次,都又被造化物质救活,明显有长生药效残留,让他“逆生长”。 But, such feeling rejuvenated is really ignominious, became young short and stocky? 可是,这样的返老还童实在可耻,怎么成为一个小胖墩了? Usually, his palm is very slender, now extends to look, chubby, is two small steamed stuffed buns! 平日间,他的手掌很纤长,现在伸出去一看,胖乎乎,就是两个小包子! Chu Feng displays mirror light magic spell, shines the whole body, must collapse simply, his meat meat, fair and clear, becomes darling small fat. 楚风施展镜光法术,照耀出自己全身,简直要崩溃,他肉肉的,白白净净,成为一个憨态可掬的小胖。 Especially when smiles, the eye narrows the eyes, the eye is about unable to see. 尤其笑起来时,眼睛微眯,都眼都快看不到了。 He opened mouth, wants saying that anything actually says. Limpid bright big eye? Disappears, after smiling, becomes two seams! 他张了张嘴,想说啥却说不出口。清澈有神的大眼呢?不见了,笑眯眯后,成为两道缝! Young short and stocky!” Chu Feng clenches jaws. “小胖墩!”楚风咬牙切齿。 However, looks like likely is the little white fatty of fat is actually feigning the vitality/angry, is doing intentionally deep, ignominious selling moe. 然而,看起来却像是肉呼呼的小白胖子在佯装生气,在故作深沉,可耻的卖萌。 fuck you!” 你大爷!” Chu Feng becomes angry out of shame, „the meat fist pounds to the mirror light. 楚风恼羞成怒,一记“肉拳”砸向镜光。 But, saw by the mirror light technique, a little white fatty of fat makes threatening gestures, but cannot manifest the ominous makings. 可是,透过镜光术看到,一个肉呼呼的小白胖子张牙舞爪,但却怎么也体现不出凶巴巴的气质。 When Chu Feng facing mirror light, must collapse simply, if this makes the acquaintance see, he does not want to live. 楚风面对镜光时,简直要崩溃,这要是让熟人看到,他不想活了。 His staggers to retrocede, faint appearance, with being drunk, appears that little white short and stocky is even more darling. 他一个踉跄后退出去,晕乎乎的样子,跟喝醉酒似的,越发显得那个小白胖墩憨态可掬。 shit, the spicy eye, Chu Feng cannot bear own condition. 玛德,辣眼睛,楚风受不了自己的状态。 Because, he wants to pinch that fat small face, this thought was too ignominious. 因为,他自己都想捏一捏那肉呼呼小脸,这种念头实在太可耻了。 Changes, I must recover!” “变回去,我要复原!” He beats the breast and stamps the feet here, tosses about unceasingly, wants to reorganize the flesh, the accident/surprise discovered, in the fair flesh is the rich energy. 他在这里捶胸顿足,不断折腾,想要重组血肉,意外发现,白皙的血肉中是浓郁的能量。 What's the matter, hasn't been able to waste? This is the precipitation of strength of miraculous, is an accumulation. 怎么回事,还不能浪费掉?这是神异之力的沉淀,是一种积存。 Chu Feng is resentful, sits on the ground, suitable is unsatisfied, really somewhat is unbearably angry, tries to find the solution there. 楚风愤懑,坐在地上,相当的不满意,实在是有些气不过,在那里想办法。 Then, his a little tears rush, sees mirror light that meat meat, tender young short and stocky is being unruly to kick the leg likely, swayed back and forth then the end of office term. 然后,他有点泪奔,看到镜光中那个肉肉的、嫩嫩的小胖墩像是在撒泼踢腿,就差满地打滚了。 I am Great Demon Chu, looks disdainfully World of the Dead, Gods that kills evades to draw back, the ghost crying god is howling, if now were seen...... Highly improper!” “我是楚大魔头,睥睨阴间,杀的诸神避退,鬼哭神嚎,现在要是被人看到……成何体统!” He wants to cry, this tenth any appearance. 他想哭,这成什么样子了。 Especially, he looks is very clear, each movement being out of sorts such, too did not tally with the past style tone, making him want to beat that young fatty. 尤其是,他看的很清楚,每一个动作都这么的违和,跟过去的风格气韵太不相符,让他想殴打那个小胖子一顿。 He wants to brush a oneself palm of the hand, is...... Hurts on oneself. 他真想抽打自己一巴掌,可是……疼在自己身上啊。 Is reincarnated the reincarnation, the accident/surprise crosses, finally has become this appearance, was too ignominious. 转世投胎,意外横渡过来,结果成了这个样子,太可耻了。 Chu Feng discrete and careful opening pot top, his not knows outside anything situation, now jar no longer translucent, cannot see outside scenery. 楚风谨慎而小心的开启罐盖,他不知道外界什么情况,现在罐子不再半透明,看不到外面的景物。 In a flash, he called out pitifully, the pain that whole body burning down, the fire singed, soul light was surging, fierce fluctuating. 一瞬间,他惨叫一声,周身焚烧,火燎燎的痛,魂光都在激荡,剧烈的起伏。 The Chu Feng rapid closing jar, the whole body is the fire, exactly said is Yang Qi, was too rich, unexpectedly gave to burn him, did this make him shock? 楚风快速闭合罐子,满身都是火,确切的说是阳气,太浓郁了,居然将他都给烧着了,这让他震惊? He is Divine King, the result reincarnation arrives at World of the Living, then starts to immolate oneself? 他可是神王,结果转世来到阳间,便开始自焚? His complexion sends green, indulges in flights of fancy, should not be wheel track Ultimate Land will be criticizing with him, hasn't the matter terminated? 他的脸色发绿,胡思乱想,该不会是轮轨终极地在跟他清算,事情还没有完结吧? Chu Feng thinks that various possibilities, are hard to forget on Reincarnation Road some row terrifying and strange experiences, pass the monster to be evil, various mysterious. 楚风想到各种可能,难以忘记轮回路上一些列恐怖而诡异的经历,透着妖邪,还有各种玄秘。 Originally is the Reincarnation place, but wait/etc. had including the mortal world sea, Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb, is really passing unusual internal energy. 本是轮回地,可是连红尘海、三十三重天草等都有,实在透着非同寻常的气机 Did "Um, change thin a point?! ” After he startled, one spends in distress, oneself so is no longer extremely fat, “嗯,变瘦了一点?!”他愕然,一番苦熬过后,自身不再那么臃肿, Chu Feng ponders over, properly speaking he reincarnation arrived at World of the Living, evades the dead tribulation successfully, will not aim at again is normal. 楚风琢磨,按理来说他已经投胎到阳间,成功避过死劫,不会再被针对才正常。 “Wú, I understood, because I also gave also to give to transport fleshly body, has walked among Reincarnation Road, before investing that vortex, in contamination massive Yin Qi materials! ” “唔,我明白了,因为我将肉身也给也给搬运过来了,一路行走过轮回路间,投入那个漩涡前,沾染上大量阴气物质!” Where has is heavier than hell Yin Qi, where has is more mystical than Reincarnation Ultimate Land, he strips fleshly body to rush, accumulates the rich World of the Dead energy inevitably. 有什么地方比地府阴气重,有什么地方比轮回终极地神秘,他可是一路带着肉身闯过来的,必然积淀下浓郁的阴间能量。 Even can say, this special material compared with him in Earth in the sum total that the universe accumulates must many times. 甚至可以说,这种特殊物质比他在地球所在宇宙累积的总和还要多很多倍。 Therefore, I arrive at World of the Living, immediately is similar to Heavenly Thunder rouses Earth Fire, initiates fierce backlash, Yang Qi must burn down my this Yin Spirit? The World of the Living's rule also is really perfect, is not simple.” “所以,我一来到阳间,顿时如同天雷勾动地火,引发剧烈的反噬,阳气要焚烧我这个‘阴灵’?阳间的规则还真是完善,不简单。” Chu Feng is relieved, so long as is not Reincarnation extremely criticizes with him finally, all said that that he was really tossed all the way about to fear, these experiences make him have a lingering fear now. 楚风安心不少,只要不是轮回终极之地跟他清算,一切都好说,那一路上他实在被折腾怕了,那些经历让他现在都心有余悸。 When lifts pot top once more, a flame threw directly, Chu Feng that burns looks fierce, fleshly body makes noise, the cloudy fog leaps. 当再次掀开罐盖,一股火光直接扑了进来,烧的楚风一阵龇牙咧嘴,肉身嗤嗤作响,阴雾腾起。 He somewhat is scared, regardless of saw that likely is burning down yin corpse, unexpectedly has Yin Qi to fill the air, his is fleshly body so fearful? 他有些发毛,无论怎么看都像是在焚烧阴尸般,居然有阴气弥漫出,他的肉身这么可怕吗? World of the Living, he as if also really seems like the clever thing. 阳间来说,他似乎还真像是鬼物。 Will he for Divine King, how feel this severe pain? 只是,他为神王,怎么会感受到这种剧痛? Chī! 哧! Chu Feng flushed, looks at the clear condition, this is in underground, the magma ebullition, meanwhile one group of strange flames cover here, burns down stone jar and he. 楚风冲了出来,看明白状况,这是在地下,岩浆沸腾,同时还有一团奇异的火光笼罩这里,焚烧石罐与他。 Without a doubt, when stone jar leap World of the Living earth, finally hits the underground deep place. 毫无疑问,石罐飞跃阳间大地时,最后撞进地下深处。 He understood immediately, here has one group of inexplicable Earth Fire, the itself in the World of the Living boundary, in addition the strange flame, he thinks that does not endure hardships is not good. 他顿时明白了,这里有一团莫名的地火,本就是在阳间地界,再加上奇异火焰,他想不遭罪都不行。 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng is bringing stone jar, travels decisively, flushes away to the surface. 楚风带着石罐,果断跑路,向地表冲去。 If there is Heavenly Eye, can see the thief who underground little white fatty runs slides, runs out of the bottom, appears on Great Desolate Earth. 若是有天眼,便可看到地下一个小白胖子跑的贼溜,一路冲出地底,出现在洪荒大地上。 Just cropped up from the surface, has not allowed Chu Feng to realize that World of the Living's was vast, grand of earth, his creepy feeling, void flaminged the light to flash, bang, the thunder and lightning divided to fall together, all over the body burned black, was twitching including the corners of the mouth that he struck. 刚从地表冒头,还没容楚风体会阳间的浩瀚、大地的壮阔,他就头皮发麻,虚空中炽光一闪,轰的一声,一道雷电劈落下来,将他击的通体焦黑,连嘴角都在抽搐。 „Doesn't fatty such hiring treat sees?!” He indignantly. “胖子这么不招人待见吗?!”他气愤不过。 Then in the World of the Living earth obviously, he has suffered one staggering blow, too ache, makes him not be feeling well. 这才在阳间大地显化,他就挨了一记“闷棍”,太疼痛了,也让他十分不爽。 That shouted, his whole body caught fire, was lit by that lightning, because the thunder was the firmest material, travelling was more fearful than in Between Heaven and Earth Yang Qi. 呼的一声,他浑身着火,被那闪电点燃了,因为雷霆是最阳刚的物质,比游历在天地间阳气还可怕。 Chu Feng big, this simply is most painful suffering. 楚风头大,这简直是最为痛苦的折磨。 His to raise head towards sky, has not rained, clear and boundless sky, thunders unexpectedly! 抬头望天,没下雨,晴空万里,居然打雷! Bang! 轰! Another lightning falls, present becoming dark that he chops, the whole body convulsion, the electric arc overflows, this may really not be a glorious memory and experience. 又一道闪电落下,将他劈的眼前发黑,浑身痉挛,电弧四溢,这可真不是一次美好的回忆与经历。 He realized immediately, this is not the thunder and lightning that for no reason comes for no reason, is Heavenly Punishment! 他立刻意识到,这不是平白无故来的雷电,是天罚 He as the World of the Dead guest, runs away from Reincarnation Ultimate Land, whole body Yin Qi is rich, was induced by this side Great Desolate Earth rule, gives the penalty. 他作为阴间来客,从轮回终极地逃出来,周身阴气浓郁,被这方洪荒大地的规则感应到,给予惩罚。 To World of the Living, he is evildoer/monstrous talent, just came from World of the Dead, must be struck by lightning. 阳间来说,他就是一个妖孽,刚从阴间过来,必然要被雷击。 It looks like in the mountain some old beast becomes a spirit, wants to evolve successfully, must cross Thunder Tribulation first. 就像是山中一些老兽成精般,想要进化成功,得先渡雷劫 „Is your this discrimination, reaching an agreement All Living Things Equality wait/etc., Myriad Worlds like one? Like this took the first class to me.” “你们这是歧视,说好的众生平等,万界如一呢?就这样给我上了第一堂课。” Although in the mouth such called, but he with bright mirror, he ran away from the hell deep place, if were not struck by lightning is not normal. 虽然口中这么叫,但是他心里跟明镜似的,他是从地府深处逃出来的,要是不被雷劈才不正常。 Chī! 哧! The lightning that black and white blends together fell, making the Chu Feng's complexion change, the tone to underground flushed away, but he was divided, blasted out in the stratum deep place. 一道黑白交融的闪电落下,让楚风的脸色变了,调头就向地下冲去,但他还是被劈中,在地层深处炸开。 That is Yin and Yang Thunder and Lightning, blends in the same place, very fearsome, even if Chu Feng has the body of Divine King, cannot stand, was almost rumbled to kill. 那是阴阳雷电,交融在一起,非常的可怖,即便楚风拥有神王之躯,还是禁受不住,差点被轰杀。 Passed long time, Chu Feng has reorganized fleshly body and soul light, had a lingering fear, initially entered World of the Living not to be approved by this piece of Great Desolate Earth, but also was really the danger. 过了很长时间,楚风才重组肉身魂光,心有余悸,初入阳间不被这片洪荒大地认可,还真是危险。 This is not Transcends Tribulation so is simple, but is an inexplicable Great Dao fragment flows, must strangle this type lifeforms that escapes from Reincarnation. 这可不是渡劫那么简单,而是一种莫名的大道碎片流淌,要扼杀他这种从轮回中逃出的生物 He pondered over, should remove within the body Yin Qi as soon as possible, had not been distinguished with lifeforms anything of this world by oneself is good, accepts the billowing Yang Qi baptism. 他思忖,应该尽快除掉体内阴气,让自己跟这个世界的生物没什么区别才行,接受滚滚阳气洗礼。 Takes the strongest road, can fearless corresponding Heavenly Tribulation. 或者走上最强之路,也可以无惧相应的天劫 Strange, what lifeforms Transcends Tribulation does not have, is don't tell me the Land Dragon turns over/stands up?” Some ground people open the mouth. “奇怪,没什么生物渡劫啊,难道是地龙翻身?”地面有人开口。 That is two hunters, road after this mountain scene place, watches. 那是两个猎人,路经过这片山地,过来观看。 Chu Feng is astonished, the World of the Living's hunters are not weak Evolver, were too more than average person, but also is not really simple. 楚风讶异,阳间的猎人都是不弱的进化者,比普通人强太多了,还真是不简单。 He needs to know about this piece of Great Desolate Earth well, this for him is very strange grand Greater World. 他需要对这片洪荒大地好好了解一番,这对他来说是一个非常陌生的壮阔大世界 Somewhat strange, is this piece of Mountains and Rivers topography is very astonishing, said that the World of the Living earth was uncommon, unexpectedly can shelter me, has not continued to be struck by lightning.” “有些古怪,是这片山川的地势很惊人吗,还是说阳间大地本就不凡,居然能庇护我,没有继续遭雷击。” Chu Feng was surprised, waits for long time not to have the lightning to descend. 楚风惊讶,等了很长时间也没有闪电降落。 This is also good, so as to avoid being paid attention by outside, was discovered. 这样也好,免得被外界关注,被人发现。 However, he indeed needs Transcends Tribulation, but cannot carry on such clear and boundless sky situation, but should choose the thunder rainy day, conceals. 但是,他的确需要渡劫,不过不能在这样晴空万里的情况下进行,而应该选择雷雨天,加以掩饰。 Chu Feng thinks, runs in the bottom deep place, wants to boil down own Yin Qi with that group special Earth Fire, not necessarily wants the Thunder Tribulation baptism, to positive flame similarly. 楚风想了想,又跑进地底深处,想用那团特殊的地火熬炼自身的阴气,不一定非要雷劫洗礼,至阳火光同样可以。 The underground deep place magma scarlet light sparkle, is containing scalding hot Yang Qi, one group of brilliant red Earth Fire, are similar to the orchid is in full bloom, blooms there. 地下深处岩浆赤光闪耀,蕴含着灼热的阳气,更有一团红艳艳的地火,如同兰花般盛开,在那里绽放。 Nearby, all dikes and rocks are the black, is bringing light black light. 附近,所有岩壁与岩石都是黑色的,带着淡淡乌光 Really suffers.” “真是折磨啊。” Chu Feng burns down itself on own initiative, looks fierce, suddenly the flesh has caught fire, soul light chì lá chì là makes noise, refining leaves a large area of cloudy fog. 楚风主动焚烧自己,龇牙咧嘴,一时间血肉都着火了,魂光哧啦哧啦作响,炼化出大面积的阴雾。 He thinks this simply from oppressive, but actually has to carry on! 他觉得这简直是自虐,但是却不得不进行! This is not the matter of getting it done in one action, wants to carry on slowly, otherwise Chu Feng was not fired the hard coke not to be possible, this group of Earth Fire are obviously unusual. 这不是一蹴而就的事,想要慢慢进行,不然的话楚风非被烧成焦炭不可,这团地火明显非同寻常。 Then, Chu Feng every day burns itself some time, Yin Qi reduces gradually. 就这样,楚风每天都烧自己一段时间,阴气渐渐减少。 “Wú, did I lose weight unexpectedly in disguised form? ” He discovered astonished, this several days, was thin, no longer are young short and stocky. “唔,我居然变相减肥了?”他惊愕的发现,这才十几天而已,已经瘦下来,不再是一个小胖墩。 Smelts again, reburns!” “再熔炼,再烧!” Also some days, Chu Feng must cry, not only changed thin, but also changed small, from 6-7 year to 4 or 5-year-old. 又过了一些天,楚风要哭了,不仅变瘦了,还变小了,从六七岁化到了四五岁。 The good fortune material of his within the body, for example the Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb residual property is still having an effect, has not vanished thoroughly, this feeling rejuvenated is somewhat fearful. 他体内的造化物质,比如三十三重天草的残留药性还在起作用,没有彻底消失呢,这种返老还童有些可怕。 One month later, the Chu Feng face was green, became about two -year-old appearances, the step limped, thinks that not naive pure was not good, but he wants to say very much, this stance...... fucking was too ignominious! 一个月后,楚风脸都绿了,已经成为两岁左右的样子,步履蹒跚,想不天真纯净都不行,但是他很想说,这种姿态……太特么的可耻了! I do not believe in evil doctrines, can you also feel rejuvenated me to not having inadequately? I must look but actually, finally becomes any appearance, is what condition!” “我不信邪,你还能将我返老还童到没有了不成?我倒要看一看,最后会成为什么样子,是何种状态!” The Chu Feng's obstinate vigor has come up, does not believe in evil doctrines, he wants to look that will be what kind. 楚风的执拗劲儿上来了,不信邪,他想看一看到底会怎样。
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