SR :: Volume #11

#1019: World of the Living regeneration

The wind has stone mountain, the Heavenly Fetus hatching, alarms Eight Desolates. 风起石山,天胎孵化而出,惊动八荒 On this day, East Victory Divine Province big change, Nine Orifices Stoneman reveals itself unexpectedly, the air/Qi to/clashes the bullfight, Discerning Eyes, the light beam highest heaven, initiates the tremendous sensation. 这一天,东胜神州剧震,九窍石人竟出世,气冲斗牛,火眼金睛,光束射九霄,着实引发巨大轰动。 This is the capital of Heavenly Venerate, perhaps can also become Supreme Being, in the future will look disdainfully on sufficiently Great Desolate Earth, later is doomed to protect a side, making the Dao Lineage magnificent light shine the four directions. 这是天尊之资,或许还可以成为大能,未来足以睥睨洪荒大地上,以后注定可以守护一方,让道统辉煌之光普照四方。 My East Victory Divine Province is pregnant Heavenly Fetus, is the trillion of rise greatly, can irrigate to drop the Great Dao fragment, such as timely rain has fallen everywhere, then in the mountains mutated fruit increases sharply, the pollen flies upwards, perhaps will bring in an evolution prosperous time.” “我东胜神州孕出天胎,乃大兴之兆,会浇落下大道碎片,如甘霖普降,接下来山川间异果激增,花粉飞扬,或许又将引来一个进化鼎盛时期。” Some people acclaimed, the sonorous voice, vibrated the dark green space, this was some East Victory Divine Province Supreme Being disciple, was ancient existence, the strength was immeasurably deep. 有人赞叹,声如洪钟,震动苍宇,这是东胜神州某位大能弟子,也算是一个古老的存在,实力深不可测。 Hey, Yu Province had difficultly, it adjoined to East Victory Divine Province, was in inverse proportion, was not the good deed.” “嘿,禹州有难了,它毗邻东胜神州,此消彼长,可不是什么好事。” Has Heavenly Venerate to awaken, both eyes are deep and quiet, look to the Yu Province direction, makes this judgment. 天尊觉醒,双目幽邃,望向禹州方向,做出这种判断。 Suddenly, the world void presents many lightnings, interweaves between Yu Province and East Victory Divine Province, this is the pupil light, is some immeasurably deep existences recovers, is paying attention to two states. 一时间,天地虚空中出现许多道闪电,交织在禹州东胜神州间,这都是眸光,是一些深不可测的存在复苏,在关注两州。 Evolver of this progression, the strength terrifying is boundless, grasps formidable breathing method, once reveals itself to walk on the earth, needs various clans to worship. 这种级数的进化者,实力恐怖无边,掌握强大的呼吸法,一旦出世而行走在大地上,需要各族朝拜。 Some Heavenly Venerate being dormant infinite years, already forgot by world, in the body of transformation waiting deterioration, do not dare to act rashly, are not willing to consume the vitality. 有的天尊蛰伏无穷岁月,早已被世间遗忘,在等待衰败之体蜕变,不敢轻举妄动,不愿消耗生机。 However, today some fearful lifeforms awaken, pays attention to matters between two states. 但是,今天一些可怕的生物觉醒,关注两州间的事。 „It is not really simple, lives to have Discerning Eyes, this is the peerless talent, including obsolete is pitying the talent, wishes one could to receive it for final disciple.” “真是不简单啊,生而具有火眼金睛,这是绝世天赋,连老朽都在惜才,恨不得收它为关门弟子。” Arrived this level, has wanted to look to be able to inherit the person of cassock and almsbowl not to be very easy truly. 到了这个层次,想找个能够真正传承衣钵的人很不易。 Somewhat after existing own is aged, very much hopes pleasing disciple rise, becomes the powerhouse of same progression, like this he can have a comfortable old age. 有些存在自身老迈后,很希望有一个中意的弟子崛起,成为同级数的强者,这样他则可以安度晚年。 Otherwise, even if you keep aloof, when is late in life, possibly stared, becomes the prey. 不然的话,哪怕你高高在上,一旦迟暮时,也可能被人盯上,成为猎物。 Law of the jungle, even if top Evolver, the living environment that must face is also very brutal. 弱肉强食,哪怕是顶级的进化者,所要面对的生存环境也很残酷。 Then is Heavenly Venerate must provide for old age, vertical is Supreme Being, once there is a blood energy deterioration sign also to leave room for maneuver, otherwise will be very dangerous. 便是天尊也要防老,纵为大能,一旦有血气衰败迹象也需留后手,不然的话会很危险。 If oneself is formidable throughout enough, who will also fight for what disciple? Depends on is in itself! 若是自身始终足够强大,谁还会去争抢什么弟子?靠自己就是! Yu Province that old fogy, certainly in silent, defends there many years, is too softhearted, finally how? Adjacent East Victory Divine Province rises, he did not have the auspicious day.” 禹州那个老家伙,一定在沉默吧,守在那里很多年,太心慈手软,结果如何?毗邻的东胜神州崛起,他没好日子过了。” “Wú, does not need to think, Yu Province that is not wonderful. East Victory Divine Province that heart sinister hand is always spicy, 10-20 years later, after two states balance breaks, he must begin. ” “唔,无需多想,禹州的那位不妙了。东胜神州的那位,向来心黑手辣,一二十年后,两州平衡打破后,他必然要动手。” Some great people were discussing. 一些大人物在谈论。 Barren Yu Province has an old person, has defended there, once mentioned in private, had a premonition that this state must go out of surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries Evolver in the future, meets the bird's eye view world. 贫瘠的禹州有个老人,一直守在那里,曾私下提及,预感该州将来必然要走出一位震古烁今进化者,会俯瞰天下。 But perhaps his deterioration, therefore up-and-coming Evolver's will appear to have the favorable turn. 而他的衰败,说不定也会因此后起进化者的出现而出现转机。 At that time, East Victory Divine Province was dwelling several strong people, once some people ridiculed the Yu Province old man, was ignorant of the proper action to take, did not understand Heavenly Mystery, sheltered Yu Province to be utterly unjustified constantly. 当时,东胜神州栖居着数位强人,曾有人奚落禹州的老者,不知进退,不懂天机,一味庇护禹州毫无道理。 Now, East Victory Divine Province presents Heavenly Fetus, comparatively speaking, this is the start of transportation, but Yu Province even more barren. 现在,东胜神州出现天胎,相比较而言,这是转运的开始,而禹州会越发的贫瘠。 Still Feather, you deteriorate are too quick, cannot see clearly the situation, cannot clearly become aware own matter, latter after the knowledge thinks, is somewhat slow.” 羽尚,你衰败太快,看不清形势,都不能明悟自己的身后事,后知后觉,有些迟钝啊。” Really, East Victory Divine Province has the strong person opens the mouth, ridicules to Yu Province old person Still Feather. 果然,东胜神州有强人开口,对禹州的老人羽尚奚落。 Still Feather, I urged you sooner to treat as the sacrificial offering Yu Province, put on the altar, I and others many will show mercy to you.” Some people so open the mouth. 羽尚,我劝你早些将禹州当作祭品,放到供桌上,我等多少会对你手下留情。”更是有人这般开口。 This simple words, disclosed some brutal and fearful truth, if passed to World of the Living Great Desolate Earth, will initiate the tsunami mighty waves. 这简单的话语,透露出部分残酷而可怕的真相,若是传到阳间洪荒大地上,会引发海啸般的波澜。 Heavenly Fetus has not finished an apprenticeship, may not rise, not necessarily can hit nearby states to be unpaired, my Still Feather life never lowers the head.” Yu Province old man opens the mouth. 天胎还未出师,不一定能崛起,不见得可以打遍附近各州无对手,我羽尚一生从不低头。”禹州的老者开口。 "hē hē, do you also want to shelter Yu Province? Good, you continue, 10-20 years later, we are clear. ” “呵,你还要庇护禹州?那好,你继续吧,一二十年后,我们见分晓。” Haha, you should not think that Yu Province really will also go out of surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries Evolver? Still Feather old man , you were really as feeble as the certain extent, is getting more and more weak to Great Dao and future induction.” “哈哈,你该不会认为禹州还真会走出一个震古烁今进化者吧?羽尚老儿,你真是衰弱到一定程度了,对大道与未来的感应越来越弱。” Yu Province, Still Feather old man is silent, this moment did not have the words to say, oneself also felt to be incapable, feels the exhausted feeling. 禹州,羽尚老人沉默,这种关头没有话语可说,自身也感觉无力,充满疲惫感。 Waits, I with several evolution Fellow Daoist, await calmly Yu Province to recover, go out of a fierce person, haha......” some people laugh the taunt. “拭目以待,我与几位进化道友,静待禹州复苏,走出一位猛人,哈哈……”有人大笑嘲讽。 ...... …… In fact, nobody favors Yu Province. 事实上,没有人看好禹州 Nearby area, as long as pays attention to Evolver of this event to sigh, thought that the fire of Still Feather old man life sways, 10-20 years later must extinguish mostly, it sentenced to make a mistake long ago in advance! 附近疆域,但凡关注此事件的进化者都在叹息,觉得羽尚老人生命之火飘曳,一二十年后多半就要熄灭了,其早年预判出错! East Victory Divine Province has the pebble hatching, Heavenly Fetus reveals itself, this is the rise greatly sign, possibly Supreme Being, Yu Province will be barren , compared with what? 东胜神州有石卵孵化,天胎出世,这是大兴的迹象,可能会多出一位大能,禹州本就贫瘠,拿什么来比较? All people do not believe that Yu Province will present a powerful fierce person, does not have such Evolution Soil. 所有人都不相信禹州会出现一个强力猛人,不具备那样的“进化土壤”。 Do not draw a conclusion easily, I hear the Still Feather old man master possibly also to live, had not died thoroughly, perhaps the critical moment can draw his.” “不要轻易下结论,我听闻羽尚老人的师傅可能还活着,没有彻底死去,关键时刻说不定可以拉他一把。” Some people said that but the sound is not high, is having the indefinite tone. 有人说道,但是声音不高,带着不确定的语气。 Ok, in this has the secret facts, related to ancient Supreme Being bleeding disaster great war, little mention to wonderfully, moreover did not need report anything to hope.” “算了吧,此中有隐情,涉及到古代大能的流血祸乱大战,少提及为妙,而且不用报什么希望。” Then, the world was silent, does not have who to discuss again, many dreaded. 然后,天地寂静了,没什么人再谈论,多有忌惮。 ...... …… At this time, Chu Feng slightly is ignorant, in the dimness, he attempts to open golden eyes, but soul light shakes, is gloomy, momentarily will extinguish. 此时,楚风略显浑噩,于朦胧间,他尝试睁开金睛,可是魂光摇动,非常暗淡,随时会熄灭下去。 His frightened discovery, oneself do not have fleshly body, where is this? 他惊悚的发现,自己没有肉身,这是哪里? The surroundings are silent, a darkness. 周围寂静,一片黑暗。 He was detained likely in a shackles, several eras was so remote just like the deep sleep. 他像是被关押在一个牢笼中,宛若沉睡了几个纪元那么久远。 Quick, he finds out own condition, only remaining one group of blood essences, but also clear, this is his final fleshly body Concise Essence, other were obliterated. 很快,他摸清自身状态,只剩下一团血精,还算晶莹,这是他最后的肉身精粹,其他都被磨灭了。 „Is this stone box?” He self-examines. “这是石盒内部吗?”他自问。 He concentrates soul light gradually, condenses in that group bright blood, own condition good many, discovery indeed in stone box. 他渐渐集中魂光,凝聚在那团灿烂的血液中,自身状态好了不少,发现的确在石盒内部。 Perhaps now can call stone jar, three cuns (2.5 cm) high, plainly and looks like the cauldron slightly. 或许现在可以称之为石罐,三寸高,古朴而略微像鼎。 He has not acted rashly, recalls the experience of reincarnation, having the fleshly body reincarnation to be defeated? Why has not appeared in the parent body, but also in Paramount Supreme Treasure. 他没有轻举妄动,回忆起投胎的经历,带着肉身转世失败了吗?为何没有出现在母体中,还在究极至宝内。 Thinks that on Reincarnation Road as well as finally extremely place all sorts, is seriously fearful and profound crafty, the process of this reincarnation is too frightened, these pictures, these fragments, are really unthinkable. 想到轮回路上以及终极之地的种种,当真可怕与玄诡,这转世的过程太惊悚,那些画面,那些片段,实在匪夷所思。 Without a doubt, these matters, if were felt by Supreme Being, or personally experiences, certainly will deduce some terrifying truth. 毫无疑问,那些事若是被大能感受到,或是亲身经历一遍,一定会推演出部分恐怖的真相。 Chu Feng sighed lightly, where had the problem, because was bringing fleshly body, all didn't have the means to be reincarnated smoothly? 楚风轻叹,到底在哪里出现问题,因为带着肉身,所有没有办法顺利转世吗? He recalls to mind a matter, rushes after End of Reincarnation, final instant, he suffered to strike, hit to explode him in the sarcophagus. 他记起一件事,从轮回尽头闯出来后,最后的刹那,他又挨了一击,将他打爆在石棺中。 At that time, Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb, Six Paths of Reincarnation Blood wait/etc. the thing that brought from Ultimate Land almost consumes, remains little, was very difficult to make him quickly restore to come. 当时,三十三重天草六道轮回血等从终极地带出来的东西几乎都消耗一空,所剩很少,很难让他迅速恢复过来。 Moreover at that moment, the stone jar cover becomes less crowded, remains not many good fortune materials therefore to overflow a wisp, making him almost not have the means to live. 而且那一刻,石罐的盖子松动,所剩不多的造化物质因此而溢出去一缕,让他差点就没办法活过来。 "Um, at that moment, I induce by the stone jar slit, must go to the reincarnation likely, is dim, by the translucent jar saw that nine orifices stone embryo is pregnant in strange stone, is that I wants the place of reincarnation? ” “嗯,那一刻,我透过石罐缝隙感应到,像是要去投胎了,朦胧间,透过半透明的罐子看到一个九窍石胎孕在奇石中,那是我要投胎之处?” Chu Feng doubt, soul light composition physique, complexion even more ugly. 楚风狐疑,魂光组成形体,脸色越发的难看。 When final moment, there had Paramount Domain to shake him, in fact stone jar because was also shelled by rune, was shaken again flies. 因为最后关头时,那里有究极场域将他震开了,事实上石罐也因为被符文轰击,再次被震飞。 „Was the good fortune material leak in stone jar, obtained one wisp by that stone embryo?” Chu Feng talked to oneself, said: Almost harms my body dead, you owe me big karma.” 石罐中的造化物质外泄,被那石胎得到一缕?”楚风自语,道:“害得我差点身死,你欠我一个大因果。” Even, he also suspected, if not there is mysterious Domain to prevent, he possibly then reincarnation pebble. 甚至,他还怀疑,若非有神秘场域阻挡,他可能就投胎石卵中了。 Chu Feng shivered, he has not wanted to turn into Nine Orifices Stoneman, even if it looks like the natural talent is extraordinary, is very terrifying and extraordinary. 楚风打了个冷颤,他还真不想变成一个九窍石人,哪怕其看起来天资超绝,很是恐怖与非凡。 Where do I descend?” “我降落在什么地方?” He thought, definitely was far away from that to breed Nine Orifices Stoneman that mountain, at that time stone jar was shaken flies, vanished in void directly, has crossed the vast territory. 他觉得,肯定远离那孕育九窍石人的那座山了,当时石罐被震飞,直接消失在虚空中,横渡过浩瀚疆土。 In fact, at that time protected Heavenly Fetus these lifeforms once to have the feeling, sees one group of dim light, bringing Primal Chaos Qi to dive, then has the big collision, finally wipes the flowing light to flee. 事实上,当时守护天胎的那些生物都曾有感,看到一团朦胧的光,带着混沌气俯冲下来,然后发生大碰撞,最终一抹流光遁走。 That wipes the flowing light is stone jar! 那抹流光便是石罐 „Was my this sneaks across to World of the Living comes?” Chu Feng has smiled, although soul light severe pain, but cannot bear happily, who can think, from the Reincarnation Ultimate Land reincarnation, can unexpectedly like this! “我这算是偷渡到阳间来了吗?”楚风笑了,虽然魂光剧痛,但还是忍不住开心,谁能想到,从轮回终极地投胎,居然可以这样! He has not entered in mother 's womb, but directly by the meat figure condition appearance. 他没有进入母胎中,而直接以肉身形态出现。 He has not opened stone jar, needs to hurry to restore fleshly body, wants to reappear. 他没有开启石罐,需要赶紧修复肉身,想要再现出来。 However, when the soul light sparkle, in the process of drop blood regeneration, Chu Feng cannot bear call out in alarm, he who steady such as the mountain, was without turning a hair, now is rude. 然而,在魂光闪耀时,在滴血再生的过程中,楚风忍不住惊叫,原本稳如山岳、面不改色的他,现在失态。 Who I am, what situation?!” “我是谁,什么情况?!” He does not dare believe simply, present he is looking a pair of hand that oneself come back to life, making the vigor shake the head, thinks in the wind in stone jar disorderly. 他简直不敢相信,现在的他正看着自己复生的一双手,使劲儿摇头,在石罐内觉得风中凌乱。 This chapter said is very lively, but guesses probably became monkey. In addition, pushes down again, Sacred Ruins and obstructs the day, disciple of ruthless person Great Emperor, concentrates in one, the words that wants to look at can search the public number in the slightly letter: Chen Dong, in addition me, transmitted the Foreign Territory two characters to see to me. 本章说很热闹,但好像都猜成猴子了。另,再推下,圣墟和遮天,狠人大帝的弟子,浓缩一篇中,想看的话可以在微信里搜索公众号:辰东,加上我后,对我发送异域两个字就能看到了。
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