SR :: Volume #11

#1018: Heavenly Fetus

This geographic name is Flower Fruit Mountain, the fine wood is luxuriantly green, the blue light flows, on mountain prolific mutated fruit, year to year the pollen fills the air, may promote the lifeforms evolution, but nearby being well-known. 此地名为花果山,佳木葱茏,碧光流淌,山上多产异果,常年花粉弥漫,可促进生物进化而闻名附近。 It adjoins to the sea, may look into silver vast fluctuating, in the sea the beasts such as mountain-like is huge, from time to time appears. 它毗邻大海,可眺望银色汪洋起伏,海中兽类如山般庞大,时而浮现。 Nearby Flower Fruit Mountain, the spiritual energy rushes, flowing light like the tide, having the vigorous vitality, Scarlet Rosy Cloud, Purple Mist to surge, particularly Yang Qi rolling wells up, nourishes the myriad things. 花果山附近,灵气澎湃,流光如潮,带着蓬勃的生机,赤霞条条,紫雾激荡,尤其是阳气滚滚而涌,滋养万物。 This piece of region Pill Cliff rock, the cliff high peak, the iris ginseng takes root in the pinnacles, dense Concise Essence winds around, greets the nostrils fragrantly. 这片地带丹崖怪石,削壁奇峰,芝参扎根石峰间,氤氲精粹缭绕,芬芳扑鼻。 In the mountain has long-lived deer golden fox, the fur illumination, the magical skill is profound, on the tree the having mystical powers birds and beasts black crane, the wing is bright and gorgeous, the evolution equivalent is very high, many auspicious beast Sacred Bird. 山中有寿鹿金狐,皮毛发光,道行高深,树上有灵禽玄鹤,羽翼鲜艳而绚丽,进化等阶都很高,不乏瑞兽圣禽 Here, the topography hidden world is mysterious, has Supreme Being disciple lay out Domain, has the Dao Child protection that Heavenly Venerate leaves behind. 这里,地势暗藏天地玄妙,有大能弟子布下场域,有天尊留下的道童守护。 lifeforms spiritual wisdom in mountain, in the close attention summit direction, waited for that Holy Spirit reveals itself. 山中的生物通灵了,在密切关注山顶方向,等待圣灵出世。 “Wú, I taught to quarry a mountain First Ancestor once to have the word, Heavenly Fetus am born only miss a chance, on the same day when handed over safe, a wisp opened the day time the good fortune air/Qi to arrive, this embryo lunch hatched. ” “唔,吾教开山鼻祖曾有言,天胎出世只差一个机缘,当天地交泰时,一缕开天时代的造化气降临,此胎便当孵化而出。” An old fox opens the mouth, the fur golden light is shining, this is Saint Fox. 一位老狐开口,皮毛金光灿灿,这是一头圣狐 In nearby region, many spiritual wisdom lifeforms are defending, acts as certain Heavenly Venerate and Supreme Being informer, even many Divine Bird auspicious beasts. 在附近地带,还有很多通灵生物守着,充当某些天尊大能的耳目,甚至不乏神禽瑞兽等。 On this day, in the dark green space has one to wipe the flowing light to reappear, the extremely fast dive comes, to create world big change, Great Dao thunders, breaks this place the tranquility. 这一天,苍宇上有一抹流光浮现,极速俯冲而来,造成天地剧震,大道轰鸣,打破此地的宁静。 Nobody can see clearly that is anything, the chaos cover, a dimness, falls. 没有人能看清那是什么,混沌覆盖,一片朦胧,直坠下来。 Bang! 轰! Without a doubt, protects Flower Fruit Mountain super Domain to be activated, was triggered, causing here heaven and earth turning upside down, rune everywhere to interweave, Purple Qi enormous and powerful 30,000 li (0.5 km). 毫无疑问,守护花果山的超级场域被激活,被触发,导致这里天翻地覆,符文漫天交织,紫气浩荡30000里。 Here has Supreme Being disciple lay out mountain protecting Domain! 这里有大能弟子布下护山场域 The intense big collision, that stream of light flees, but a wisp of good fortune lets fall, falls in Linshan. 激烈大碰撞,那道流光遁走,而一缕造化垂落,降临山中。 When is tranquil, is anything has not occurred likely, as before like the past, was that auspicious. 当一切平静下来时,像是什么都没有发生过,依旧如过去般,还是那么祥和。 World, time circulation. 世间,时光流转。 Among Flower Fruit Mountain, the old tree green desire drops, Medicinal Herb everywhere, shining. 花果山间,古树苍翠欲滴,药草遍地,流光溢彩。 The mountain massif is vigorous, palatial big. 山体雄浑,巍峨高大。 The cliff wall is translucent, just like jade, there is a plain Stele quarter article, lent the Great Desolation aura. 崖壁则透亮,宛若玉石,也有古朴石碑刻文等,散发洪荒气息。 Center the summit has strange stone together, lives to have the nine orifices eight spatially, felt the date fine moonlight, the clock world was attractive, auspicious light hundred and thousand, day and night lasing. 山顶正中有一块奇石,生具九窍八空,感日精月华,钟天地灵秀,瑞光成百上千条,昼夜激射。 Nearby, the rock or the soil texture clear have the gloss, bringing the rich world essence material, the life aura to overflow full, vigorously. 附近,无论是岩石还是土质都晶莹有光泽,带着浓郁的天地精华物质,生命气息盈溢,蓬勃而出。 “Wú, Heavenly Venerate has the feeling, said that this place was induced by the good fortune, breeding lifeforms must be born! ” “唔,天尊有感,说此地被造化感应,孕育的生物要出世了!” Here presents the new protector, the evolution equivalent is very high, from each region, has the young lad who Heavenly Venerate sits down, there is ferocious beast that Supreme Being raises. 这里出现新的守护者,进化等阶很高,来自各地,有天尊坐下的童子,也有大能养的凶兽 These person of looks are serious, had a liking for the pebble of this place, waits for it born, wants to rush to receive for the disciple. 这些人神色严肃,都看上了此地的石卵,等着它出世,都想抢着收为门徒。 strange stone was nourished by day magnificent, by the Earth Vein Concise Essence nurture, spiritual wisdom in the years, was pregnant gradually Heavenly Fetus. 奇石被天华滋养,被地脉精粹哺育,于岁月中渐渐通灵,内孕天胎 In the spiritual energy tide, strange stone just like is breathing, nine orifices eight together open up, Concise Essence and good fortune of material turnover world. 在灵气潮中,奇石宛若在呼吸,九窍八孔齐张,吞吐世间的精粹与造化物质。 Nearby, Suan'ni of fur golden light sparkle, is the wing bright red profound bird, is protecting, is staring at the change of summit strange stone closely. 附近,无论是皮毛金光闪耀的狻猊,还是羽翼鲜红的玄雀等,都在守护,密切盯着山顶奇石的变化。 The must know, Heavenly Venerate many years is hard born one time, the world is rare, but now some people regained consciousness, pays attention to here in the remote place. 须知,天尊多少年都难以出世一次,人间罕见,而现在有人苏醒了,在遥远之地关注这里。 As for Supreme Being, that is the legend in evolution history, many ancient and brilliant golden big time elapse, are difficult to seek their trails, little are born extremely. 至于大能,那更是进化史上的传说,多少个古老而绚烂的黄金大时代逝去,都难觅他们的踪迹,极少出世。 Even, to now age, some people had suspected whether Supreme Being in history has existed. 甚至,到了当今的年代,有人怀疑史上的大能是否真实存在过。 However, this place has the 3-4 Supreme Being informer, ahead of time has arranged the retinue, must compete for that Heavenly Fetus, wants to receive is final disciple. 然而,此地却有三四大能的耳目,提前安排了仆从,要争夺那天胎,想收为关门弟子 Therefore, as of late, East Victory Divine Province tense atmosphere and strangeness, Supreme Being was alarmed, must snatch disciple, initiates the giant mighty waves. 故此,最近这段时间,东胜神州气氛紧张而诡异,大能都被惊动,要抢弟子,引发巨大的波澜。 On this day, Ardent Sun in the sky, Golden Crow cried, the dazzling brilliance sprinkled, covers Flower Fruit Mountain richly, Yang Qi to the extreme. 这一天,烈阳当空,金乌啼鸣,刺目的光辉洒落,笼罩花果山,阳气浓郁到极点。 On strange stone the nine orifices eight crazy absorption essence, traffic capacity Concise Essence, was being wrapped by Yang Qi, it must be born. 奇石上九窍八孔疯狂吸收精气,吞吐能量精粹,被阳气包裹着,它要出世了。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 The stone body crack, then divine light soars to the heavens, then big change, the entire mountainous region is thundering, erupts fearful radiance, is similar to the volcanic eruption. 石体龟裂,而后神光冲霄,接着一声剧震,整座山地都在轰鸣,爆发可怕的光华,如同火山喷发。 Of bang, stone embryo was born, seethes in the midair. 轰的一声,石胎出世,翻腾到了半空中。 This is Heavenly Fetus, lives to have divine ability, has the phenomenon, bringing talent divine ability to arrive in world. 这是一个天胎,生具神通,具备异象,带着天赋神能而来到世间。 Otherwise, all founders will not pay attention, these top great people will not scurry to accept the disciple. 不然的话,各方教祖也不会关注,那些顶级大人物也不会上赶着来收徒。 This is Stoneman, the body of nine orifices, unfolds against the wind, absorbs Yang Qi automatically, condenses the energy substance dazzling, the whole body incomparable, stone Quhua the flesh, transits to normal creature. 这是一个石人,九窍之躯,迎风而展,自动吸收阳气,凝聚能量物质,周身都炫目无比,石躯化血肉,向正常生灵过渡。 Moreover, it air/Qi in this moment to/clashes the bullfight, lifts looks in the eyes, two golden light beams break through the vault of heaven. 而且,在这一刻它气冲斗牛,抬望眼间,两道金色光束冲破苍穹。 It has Discerning Eyes inborn, looks to put on outside territory, looks to Great Desolate Earth. 它天生具备火眼金睛,望穿域外,又看向洪荒大地 Suddenly, existed forever, over hundred million years of years First Ancestor in some super evolution Dao Lineage to be alarmed with the world, as long as paid attention to this place powerhouse mind to shake. 一时间,与世长存、超过亿载岁月的一些超级进化道统中的鼻祖都被惊动了,但凡关注此地强者都心神一震。 Can Discerning Eyes this ability come out unexpectedly inborn? They startled. 火眼金睛这种能力居然都可以天生出来?他们愕然。 Even if in World of the Living, on this stretch of length and breadth boundless earth, has Discerning Eyes extremely to be also rare from ancient to present, because wants to have is too difficult. 哪怕在阳间,这片广袤无边的大地上,自古至今具备火眼金睛者也都极罕见,因为想要拥有太艰难。 Some people are the chance coincidences, assisted by Supreme Being, opens the special bloodlines, this presents golden eyes. 有的人是机缘巧合,被大能相助,才开启特殊血脉,这才出现金睛 But some lifeforms are braves death in the Supreme Eight Trigrams Furnace topography, after the dead tribulation, this burns down pair of fiery eyes, naturally in this manner, 99% Heaven-Blessed Talent was burnt, is hard to be successful. 而有的生物则是冒死进太上八卦炉地势中,历经死劫,这才焚烧出一对火眼,当然在这种方式下,九成九天纵奇才都被烧死了,难以成功。 Therefore, this Heavenly Fetus lives to have Discerning Eyes, lets pay attention to this place several Heavenly Venerate and Supreme Being to be startled, regarding as important even more. 故此,这天胎生具火眼金睛,让关注此地的几位天尊大能都吃惊,越发的看重。 disciple!” “徒儿!” The dignified sound from that day to divulge to an outsider, must receive and instruct Heavenly Fetus to depart together, some people first take action. 一道威严的声音从那天外传下,要接引天胎离去,有人抢先出手了。 Stop, I teach to protect this stone embryo not to know how long years, already regarded it is disciple, you can not rob.” ferocious bird exclaimed. “住手,我教守护此石胎不知多久的岁月,早已视其为弟子,尔等不得抢夺。”有一头凶禽吼道。 This is Nine-headed Bird, wing spreads out all over, covers the blue sky, just like Dark Cloud(s), throws in ground a large area of shadow, takes to people the endless constriction. 这是一头九头鸟,羽翼铺展开来,覆盖青天,宛若乌云,投在地上大面积的阴影,带给人无尽的压迫感。 Snort, this is final disciple that Supreme Being settles on, you and others drew back the powder!” Has the beast of prey to reappear, berates the people. “哼,这是大能看中的关门弟子,你等退散!”有猛兽浮现,喝斥众人。 My ancestor is Supreme Being, whom do you make draw back the powder?!” An old wolf appears, all over the body snow white, looking disdainfully people. “我祖便是大能,你让谁退散?!”一只老狼出现,通体雪白,睥睨众人。 The next quarter, they began, the direct confrontation, each one very much overbearingly is robbing that stone embryo, these Dao Lineage are willing to receive it for the disciple disciple. 下一刻,他们动手了,直接对抗,各自都在很霸道地抢夺那石胎,这些道统都愿收它为弟子门徒。 Suddenly, super Domain of this place at the light cry, sends out clear rune/symbol light, if not so, here earliest possible time were hit remnantly, the sea water will flow in backward. 一时间,此地的超级场域都在轻鸣,散发晶莹的符光,若非如此,这里第一时间就被打残了,海水将会倒灌进来。 The critical moment, a jet black big hand searches from the vault of heaven, grasps to Flower Fruit Mountain, must carry off that stone embryo. 关键时刻,一只漆黑的大手从天穹上探下,抓向花果山,要带走那石胎 Supreme Being impossible take action, although wants to accept the disciple, but does not have to personally the situation of fate anxiously, has their disciple to do for somebody, must receive and instruct this stone embryo 大能不可能出手,尽管想收徒,但也没有急切到亲自下场的地步,有他们弟子代劳,要接引这个石胎 Bang! 轰隆! Also some Heavenly Venerate personally are out, is sporty, dares to struggle the disciple with Supreme Being, so long as Supreme Being in that being dormant famous mountains does not catch up personally, does not have anything to be fearful. 亦有天尊亲自下场,底气十足,竟敢跟大能争徒,只要那蛰伏名山中的大能不亲自赶来,就没什么可怕的。 Because, this Heavenly Venerate master is also living, sank the dormancy infinite years. 因为,这位天尊的师傅还活着,沉眠无穷岁月了。 This stretch of region, several big hand collide above the dark green space, the scene is fearful, that is interweaving of Order, world Great Dao's thunders, each one is displaying top Fighting Skill. 这片地带,几只大手在苍宇上方碰撞,景象可怕,那是秩序的交织,天地大道的轰鸣,各自在施展顶级战技 This stone embryo is predestined friends with my master, everybody not struggles, walks!” “此石胎与吾师有缘,各位莫争,走也!” Some people open the mouth, arrive , his took out white jade stone arch bridge, hangs in Flower Fruit Mountain and horizon end horizontally, carries him to go far away with that Heavenly Fetus rapidly. 有人开口,降临而下,他祭出一座白玉石拱小桥,横挂在花果山与天际尽头,载着他与那天胎急速远去。 During this process, other people attack in abundance, even there is Heavenly Venerate to arrive, violent take action, is hard to prevent, the big hand racket falls on there, is similar to strikes against the bubble, is useless. 在此过程中,其他人纷纷出击,甚至有天尊降临,猛烈出手,都难以阻止,大手拍落在那里,如同拍击泡影,根本没用。 This is true...... Boundary Stepping Bridge, World of the Living's Supreme Treasure!” Some person of suck in a cold breath, then lightly sighed, brings to be disappointed and regrettable. “这是真正的……跨界桥,阳间的一件至宝!”有人倒吸冷气,而后轻叹,带着怅然与遗憾。 Heavenly Fetus that his knows, settles on could not snatch, has brushed with it, lost this most ideal disciple, in the future may become Supreme Being mostly! 知道,看中的天胎抢不到了,已经与其擦身而过,痛失这种最理想的弟子,将来多半可成为大能 The world was tranquil, struggles the disciple disturbance to end, that Heavenly Fetus had the Sect inheritance, does obeisance teacher. 天地宁静,争徒风波结束,那天胎有了师门传承,去拜师尊。 Sacred Ruins and obstructs the day, the ruthless person Great Emperor as well as Chen Dong, concentrates in one, sent in my slightly letter, the book friend of being interested can search the public number in the slightly letter: Chen Dong, in addition me, transmitted the Foreign Territory two characters to see to me. 圣墟和遮天,还有狠人大帝以及辰东自己,浓缩于一篇中,发在我的微信上了,感兴趣的书友可以在微信里搜索公众号:辰东,加上我后,对我发送异域两个字就能看到了。
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