SR :: Volume #11

#1017: stone box appearance/portrait

The box is distorting, the outward appearance has change, what condition is this?! 盒子在变形,外观在发生改变,这是什么状况?! Chu Feng has shocked, this box firm can scary, how twist like this? 楚风真的震惊了,这盒子坚固的骇人,怎能这样扭曲起来? It is known as Paramount Supreme Treasure, making World of the Living's Supreme Being excited, several Heavenly Venerate open to lead to the World of the Dead's path personally, wants to search actually fruitless. 它号称究极至宝,让阳间的大能都心动,更是有几位天尊亲自开辟通向阴间的道路,想要寻觅却无果。 This thing once was shelled by Extreme Martial, the result is well, is crashes in Great Abyss, is intact! 这东西曾被太武轰击,结果无恙,更是坠落进大渊中,也丝毫无损! And, it once passed through the Foreign Territory membrane, passed, can straddle zones. It also once crossed the chaos sea, goes to Broken Universe, experiences the bombardment of day electric arc on the way, is as before complete. 并且,它曾贯穿异域界膜,就那么过去了,可以跨界。它还曾横渡混沌海,前往残破宇宙,途中经历开天电弧的轰击,依旧完好。 Especially, how it Reincarnation Road, in the stone mill plate including Shining Death City ground cannot crush it, tenaciously to what kind of degree? 尤其是,连轮回路都奈何不了它,连光明死城中的石磨盘都碾压不坏它,坚韧到了何等程度? But now it has lost shape, what became? Must turn into the jar, is stone Ping? Has a strange feeling. 可是现在它走形了,成为了什么?要化成罐子,还是石瓶?有种陌生感。 Chu Feng is at a loss for words, some does not dare believe that stone box unexpectedly by the exterior strength extrusion, gradual changing. 楚风张口结舌,有些不敢相信,石盒居然被外部的力量挤压,逐步的变样。 Is this must ruin? His frightened. 这是要毁掉吗?他一阵惊悚。 The road of this final reincarnation rather too fearsome, how many eras could experience, to pass through ancient artifact of several different evolution history including this very much to ruin? 这最后的投胎之路未免太可怖了,连这很有可能经历过几个纪元、贯穿过数部不同进化史的古器都要毁掉了? Chu Feng was touched greatly, the heartstrings tighten, does not hope it to be stave, thing of can the Paramount obliterate like this? Was a pity! 楚风大受触动,心弦绷紧,真不希望它破碎,一件究极之物怎能这样磨灭?太可惜了! He somewhat regretted, is willful, causing mysterious Supreme Treasure to move toward the deterioration, henceforth world not obvious? 他有些后悔,过于任性,导致一件神秘至宝走向衰败,从此人间不可见? The stone box distortion, the change is getting bigger and bigger, cannot identify, becomes a stone bottle? Also somewhat unevenly puts in order. 石盒扭曲,变化越来越大,不可辨认了,成为一个石瓶?还有些凹凸不平整。 He sighed, this way was so fearful, really can obliterate all, supreme can Celestial Object move toward the destruction the end point? 他不禁叹气,这条路径如此可怕,真是可以磨灭一切啊,一件无上天物都要走向毁灭的终点了吗? Buzz! 嗡! stone box big change, during this process, Chu Feng was killed one time, that Six Paths of Reincarnation Blood remains are really not many, revives him once more. 石盒剧震,在此过程中,楚风又被干掉一次,那六道轮回血真所剩不多了,再次将他救活。 Like this consumes, extremely to be a pity! 这样消耗下去,殊为可惜! Chu Feng opens eyes, discovered startled, this clear to translucent stone box, now can call stone jar, six surface interface points are smooth, do not have the edges and corners. 楚风睁开眼,愕然发现,这晶莹到半透明的石盒,现在可以称之为石罐,六个面交接处平滑,没有棱角。 Bang! 轰! The outside, the large expanse of rough seas hit, Chu Feng realizes another mortal world Greater World, but also felt the threat of death. 外界,成片的大浪打来,楚风体会到又一个红尘大世界,但也感受到死亡的威胁。 The lid also gradually changes form, becomes circular, but non- square shape. 盒盖也渐渐化形,变为圆形,而非方形。 At this time, even if passes a aura, made Chu Feng die twice, the good fortune material in pot continued the life for him, making him resurrect difficultly. 此时,哪怕流转进来一丝气息,也让楚风又死了两次,罐中的造化物质为他续命,让他艰难复活。 Cauldron?!” “鼎?!” Suddenly, Chu Feng is in a daze, stone box distorts, turns into the appearance of cauldron gradually, the trend is obvious. 忽然间,楚风发呆,石盒变形,渐渐化成鼎的样子,趋势明显。 Really strange! 真是古怪! He thought that the situation is not right, appearance that this likely do not ruin, but is this antiques seems recovering, the physique is changing, is as before firm, does not go bad as before. 他觉得情况不对头,这不像是要毁掉的样子,而是这件古物似乎在复苏,形体在变化,依旧坚固,依旧不坏。 don't tell me, is this must reveal its appearance originally? Chu Feng wants suddenly this possibility! 难道说,这是要露出它原本的样子?楚风突然间想都这一可能! Then, he was shocked, stone box is not its appearance/portrait, now gradually reveals the iceberg an corner/horn? 然后,他被震撼到了,石盒并非其真容,现在才逐渐显露出冰山的一角? It in rapid change, resembles cauldron even more, but does not have the legs, does not have the cauldron ear, in addition, looks like a three cuns (2.5 cm) high small circle cauldron. 它在快速变化,越发的像鼎,不过却没有鼎足,也无鼎耳,除此之外,就像是一个三寸高的小圆鼎。 This......” Chu Feng is in a daze, unexpectedly evolution to this step. “这……”楚风发呆,居然演化到这一步。 Could say that it for clay cooking pot, this is its appearance/portrait. 或许可以称它为鼎罐,这才是其真容。 The cover is the circular, above has a small bulge, can pinch it to raise. 盖子是圆形的,上面有个小凸起,能够捏着它提起来。 May call the pot, although because likely cauldron, but after all is not. 可称之为罐,因为虽然像鼎,但毕竟不是。 It clear is also bringing plain air/Qi, fills the air, the white fog appears in the surroundings, it that serves as contrast even more mysterious. 它晶莹中也带着一股古朴气,弥漫开来,白雾浮现在周围,衬托的它越发的神秘。 When the great waves, there is red fog and a purple light corrodes respectively, can destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, separate Greater World, penetrates the big universe, but the red fog and purple light wrap separately actually how stone jar. 在浪涛中,有红雾与紫光分别来侵蚀,能够毁天灭地,割裂大世界,击穿大宇宙,但是红雾与紫光分别包裹过来时却奈何不了石罐 „An resembles cauldron...... Small pot!” “一个像鼎的……小罐!” Chu Feng thought that if this enters World of the Living, including contacting its Heavenly Venerate and Supreme Being was unable to have recognized, is completely different, does not have the edges and corners, the smooth arc, looks like very perfect. 楚风觉得,这要是进入阳间,连接触过它的天尊大能都认不出来,完全不一样了,没有棱角,平滑的弧线,看起来很完美。 He believes that even if walks on Great Desolate Earth, usually cooks the ferocious beast Divine Bird meat to be all right with it, others do not recognize, does not need to be worried to expose. 他认为,哪怕行走在洪荒大地上,平日拿它来煮凶兽神禽肉都没什么事,别人认不出,不用担心暴露。 ! 噗! When Chu Feng is distracted slightly, he blasts out once again, in the blood splashing clay cooking pot, is very pitiful, is demented the pain to him. 楚风略微走神时,他又一次炸开,血溅鼎罐内,好不凄惨,痛到他要癫狂。 This time, the Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb last section of root hair consumes most, but also the remaining small truncations, it is estimated that reluctantly can also rescue his disposable life. 这一次,三十三重天草的最后一截根须耗掉大半,还剩下一小截,估计勉强还能救他一次性命。 „Is this specially for the energy to kill me seeping?” Chu Feng sighed, felt unable to avoid, such got down to die without doubt. “这是专门为杀我而渗透进来的能量吗?”楚风叹气,感觉避不开,这么下去必死无疑。 During this process, he discovered that some good fortune materials can preserve, perhaps itself enough tenacious, but, isn't he very vulnerable? 在此过程中,他发现一些造化物质都能保存下来,或许本身足够坚韧,但是,他也不是很脆弱啊? Bang! 轰隆! Then, the outside rolling mountains, various terrifying light spreads, that is Great Dao is changing from, crush all, that is the endless mortal world world is surging, shakes fearful secret power. 接下来,外面大浪滔天,各种恐怖的光蔓延,那是大道在化形,碾压一切,那是无尽红尘世界在激荡,震出可怕的秘力 Chu Feng cannot stand, he thought that might confess here, will die on the road. 楚风禁受不住,他觉得有可能会交代在这里,死在路上。 I also harbors the hope in Reincarnation Ultimate Land, sees the dawn, but walks is actually desperate, is a little pitiful.” “在轮回终极地我还怀着希望,看到曙光,可是行走下来却是绝望,有点可悲啊。” He shakes the head, arrived at these step perhaps is the end point. 他摇头,走到这一步或许就是终点了。 fleshly body Reincarnation, such whole goes to reincarnation, was resisted severely, was cut to kill by Great Dao, saw that is unable to succeed. 肉身轮回,这样整体去投胎,被严厉抵制,被大道所斩杀,怎么看都无法成功。 I go against heaven's will by some chance, the fleshly body reincarnation is successful, how exactly, what happened?” “不过我万一逆天,肉身投胎成功,到底会如何,发生什么事?” He thought, should also look forward to this most poverty-stricken region, should not totally give up. 他觉得,在这最为困苦的境地中也应该憧憬一下,不应彻底放弃。 Bang! 轰隆! That endless rough seas vanish, clay cooking pot passes through, Chu Feng experienced a lot of th likely, sees many world, experiences various great changes, passes through. 那无尽的大浪消失,鼎罐贯穿而过,楚风像是经历了千百世,看到诸多世界,经历各种沧桑,穿越出来。 Exactly said is, the clay cooking pot flushed successfully. 确切的说是,鼎罐成功冲出来了。 Chu Feng has an misconception, the don't tell me reincarnation is successful, arrived at World of the Living? 楚风有种错觉,难道投胎成功,已经来到阳间 Even, he also has a very absurd thought that this seems like vastness comprised of mortal world Greater World, don't tell me is the so-called parent body amniotic fluid, he in reincarnation process? 甚至,他还生出一种很荒唐的念头,这看起来是由红尘大世界组成的汪洋,难道是所谓的母体羊水,他在转世过程中? Somewhat strange, incomparable absurdness, he makes an effort to shake the head. 有些古怪,也无比的荒谬,他用力摇了摇头。 In the process, clay cooking pot no longer distorted, the tenacious astonishment, various energies of outside, how it including the Great Dao fragment. 在刚才的过程中,鼎罐已经不再变形,坚韧的惊人,外界的各种能量,包括大道碎片等都奈何不了它。 Chu Feng believes firmly, this is its true shape! 楚风确信,这才是它真正的形态! Front, a darkness, are indistinct obvious six ancient cave to reappear! 前方,一片黑暗,隐约间可见六座古洞浮现出来! Un? He believes firmly, the so-called amniotic fluid discussed reasonable, did not indulge in flights of fancy, his heartfelt feeling one type has surmounted the mighty force above universe. 嗯?他确信,所谓羊水论不靠谱,过于胡思乱想了,他真切感受到了一种超越宇宙之上的伟力。 Even if in the clay cooking pot, he is the palpitation, almost must tremble. 哪怕身在鼎罐中,他还是心悸,几乎要颤栗起来。 Variegated glowing flame beats, six brilliance are very dim, is very fearful. 斑斓光焰跳动,六种光彩很朦胧,也很可怕。 In Chu Feng heart one startled, is this in Reincarnation Flame that Purgatory sees? Here several bunches are especially scary, should be the source! 楚风心中一惊,这是在炼狱所见到的轮回火光?在这里几簇格外骇人,应该算是源头! May destroy all mostly!” He sighed lightly, once this type of thing contaminated on Evolver, it is estimated that no one could shoulder. “多半可毁灭一切!”他轻叹,这种东西一旦沾染到进化者身上,估计谁都扛不住。 Fuzzy within, he noticed that has blood to flow, is six variegated colors is very mystical, is very fearful, passes in six ancient cave. 模糊间,他看到有血液在流淌,也是六种斑斓色彩很神秘,也很慑人,在六座古洞间流转。 Chu Feng suck in a breath of cold air, is that Six Paths of Reincarnation Blood? Here produces, is this place the source? 楚风倒吸一口冷气,那是六道轮回血吗?在这里产生,此地才算是源头? Buzz, the clay cooking pot flushed, fell into the darkness, periphery was also then flaming, had variegated flame burning down, had true blood to flow. 嗡的一声,鼎罐冲进去了,陷入黑暗中,而后周围又炽盛起来,有斑斓火光焚烧,有真血在流淌。 This suitable complicated mysterious and terrifying, on the reincarnation road have these matters unexpectedly, such complex, can experience these many? 这相当的繁奥与恐怖,投胎路上竟有这些事,这么的复杂,要经历这么多? He a little suspected, if soul is reincarnated, will also have this experience? He has not listened to Little Daoist Priest to say these matters! 他有点怀疑,如果是灵魂转世,还会有这种经历吗?他可没听小道士说过这些事! Chu Feng ponders over, words that only then soul light is reincarnated, should be very smooth, will not see these many fearful truth, now his level is insufficient, cannot speculate anything. 楚风琢磨,只有魂光转世的话,应该很顺畅,不会见到这么多可怕的真相,现在他层次不够,推测不出什么。 If Supreme Being in this place, can definitely deduce the incomparable terrifying the essential clue. 如果有一位大能在此地,肯定能推演出来无比恐怖的本质性线索。 Chu Feng discovered, he goes through in six ancient cave, experienced, finally crashes, is falls likely in endless Abyss, on the way suddenly incomparably dazzling, is starts to fire into the incomparably radiant light likely. 楚风发现,他在六座古洞中穿行,都经历了一遍,最后才坠落,像是坠进无尽的深渊中,途中又突然无比刺目,像是开始冲向无比璀璨的光明中。 Very strange change, is very fearful experience, miraculous, implication suspense, frightening. 很诡异的变化,也是很可怕的经历,过于神异,蕴含悬疑,让人心惊肉跳。 Suddenly, the Chu Feng whole body tightens, soul is trembling, he realized that not the good matter must occur, clay cooking pot big change, encountered unprecedented dashing. 突然,楚风浑身绷紧,灵魂都在震颤,他意识到不好的事情要发生了,鼎罐剧震,遭遇到了前所未有的冲撞。 Outside, a while jet black like black ink, puts out a hand not to see the five fingers, a while light dazzling bright ninth heaven/day, the radiant incomparable, interactive transformation, was too quick. 外界,一会儿漆黑如墨,伸手不见五指,一会儿光明耀九天,璀璨无比,交互变换,太快了。 And, the stone box interior has fearful change, after exterior aura to/clashes one, is not only his fleshly body is blasting out, is various good fortune materials also explodes. 并且,石盒内部出现可怕变化,外部气息冲进来一丝后,不仅是他的肉身在炸开,就是各种造化物质也爆开。 This destruction, in view of all materials! 这一次的毁灭,针对所有物质! Chu Feng discovered that Vajra Cutter that formidable such as he brings, this rare Origin Metal has broken, is similar to the melting, becomes many molten drops. 楚风发现,强大如他带过来的金刚琢,这种稀世母金都断裂了,如同熔化,成为许多金属液滴。 Do not say that his own, has blasted out blood mist, the bone becomes the powder dust, this is matter suddenly. 就不要说他自身了,炸开成血雾,骨头成为碎末,这都是一刹那间的事。 But other good fortune materials also so, not complete, the Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb root hair becomes the spirituality radiance, Six Paths of Reincarnation Blood evaporates, becomes the mist. 而其他造化物质也都如此,没有完好的,三十三重天草的根须成为灵性光华,六道轮回血蒸发,成为雾气。 My seed!” “我的种子!” Saw that these things explode, the Chu Feng's consciousness severe pain, does he place the three seeds in stone box also to preserve? Can also probably explode. 见到这些东西都爆开,楚风的意识剧痛,他放在石盒中的三颗种子还能保住吗?会不会也要爆开。 This moment, he was dying, is going destroy both body and soul, to have this thought unexpectedly, the caring seed that such insists on, thinks including his oneself startled. 这种关头,他自己都要死了,将要形神俱灭,居然还生出这种念头,这么执意的在乎种子,连他自身都觉得愕然。 Bang! 轰! In the clay cooking pot big change continues! 鼎罐内剧震不止! Those who make his Chu Feng pleasantly surprised only and gratified, Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb root hair, although blasted out, but its attribute is invariable, the spirit essence as in, becomes the fog shape, nourishes Chu Feng, making him resurrect from the dead boundary. 唯一让他楚风惊喜与欣慰的是,三十三重天草的根须等虽然炸开,但是其属性不变,灵粹依旧在,成为云雾状,滋养楚风,让他从死境中复活。 In the clay cooking pot, various good fortune materials surge, although are not many, but made Chu Feng live several times, achieved. 鼎罐中,各种造化物质激荡,虽然不多了,但是让楚风数次活过来,还是做到了。 I feel like a knife twisting in the heart!” He discovered, the good fortune material almost did not have, was a pity. “我心如刀绞啊!”他发现,造化物质几乎都没了,太可惜了。 Whiz! 嗖! At this moment, the outside Great Dao's visible nature, true supreme secret power wait/etc. all vanished cleanly, so-called dark and bright no longer takes turn, no longer twinkle. 就在这时,外界大道的有形之质,真正的无上秘力等全都消失干净,所谓的黑暗与光明不再交替,不再闪烁。 The clay cooking pot shakes off the previous fetter, flushed, becomes steady. 鼎罐挣脱早先的束缚,冲了出来,变得平稳。 Chu Feng feels the Great Desolate Earth aura, he realized immediately, arrived at World of the Living mostly, runs out of Land of Reincarnation thoroughly. 楚风感受到洪荒大地的气息,他立刻意识到,多半到了阳间,彻底冲出轮回之地 I came, the reincarnation is successful, what appearance will turn into?!” His innermost feelings are excited. “我来了,投胎成功,会变成什么样子?!”他内心激动。 Bang! 轰! However, thinks in him thoroughly tranquil, after getting rid the Reincarnation place the terrifying extinguishes the strength of killing, a beam of light flies, submerges the clay cooking pot. 然而,就在他以为彻底平静,摆脱轮回地的恐怖灭杀之力后,身后一道光束飞来,将鼎罐淹没。 Chu Feng yelled, all good fortune materials almost consumed up, if this time died, but can also live? 楚风大叫,所有造化物质几乎都耗光了,他这次若是死去,还能活过来吗? The flash, he has disintegrated, at present becomes dark, what could not see, this was the reincarnation, died? 一刹那,他解体了,眼前发黑,什么都看不到了,这是投胎了,还是死去了? The Chu Feng final moment cursed, near to the end unexpectedly gave him to come such! 楚风最后关头诅咒,临到头居然给他来这么一下! World of the Living, Eastern Victory Divine Continent has a country, named Glorybound Kingdom, country near sea has a mountain, named...... 阳间,东胜神洲有一国,名为傲来国,国近大海有一座山,名为…… What did the Great Demon Chu reincarnation become? Writes about here, formally enters World of the Living. 楚大魔头投胎成什么了?写到这里,正式是进入阳间篇。
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