SR :: Volume #11

#1016: Nine extinguishes the rebirth

Chu Feng has no idea, after will shut in stone box, hits the dim vortex to pinch, quite renounces, enters this throughout the ages countless people to understand and inquire about in light of this, but does not have to the utmost in the mysterious channel that knows. 楚风两眼一抹黑,将自己关进石盒中后,一头撞进朦胧的漩涡捏,相当决绝,就此进入这条古往今来无数人想了解与探寻但却无所知的极尽神秘的通道中。 I was reincarnated, I at reincarnation!” “我转世了,我在投胎!” In his heart how many are somewhat disturbed, even if were very a moment ago decisive, but steps this road , after now thought the restless, genuine reincarnation started, where does he want to go to? 他心中多少有些忐忑,哪怕刚才很果断,可是现在踏上这条路后还是觉得不安,真正的转生开始了,他要去哪里? This involved the races, parents and others, he becomes a new life baby, all gravity heads started, will have what kind of talent, whether to emerge in the World of the Living Heaven-Blessed Talent list? 这涉及到了种族、父母等,他会成为一个新生婴儿,一切重头开始,将会有怎样的天赋,能否在阳间天纵奇才榜中脱颖而出? How I thought, can really by my body becomes the Great Universe Level Evolver's heir?” Although he mind uneasy, but the self-sensation is as before good. “我怎么觉得,以我之身真有可能会成为大宇级进化者的子嗣?”他虽然心神不宁,但依旧自我感觉良好。 If some people here, will certainly laugh at his narcissism. 若是有人在这里,一定会嗤笑他自恋。 Suddenly, stone box big change, erupts the dazzling ray, after entering in vortex that the star sand covers, the stone box fierce turn over, has encountered the most fearful hit. 突然,石盒剧震,爆发刺目的光芒,进入星沙笼罩的漩涡中后,石盒剧烈翻转,遭遇了最为可怕的撞击。 This causes Chu Feng in box to tumble, collides with some good fortune materials, he contorts one's face in agony, particularly after the stone box wall touches, own suitable ache. 这导致盒子中的楚风跟着翻滚,跟一些造化物质碰撞,他呲牙咧嘴,尤其是跟石盒壁触及后,自身相当疼痛。 Chī! 哧! Is this stone box leaps the ray, obviously bore what kind of pressure in the outside. 就是这石盒内部都腾起光芒,可见在外部承受了怎样的压力。 Suddenly, Chu Feng saw stone box gradually clear, just like the translucent colored glaze, was fuzzy sees the exterior somewhat dim light. 一时间,楚风看到石盒都渐渐晶莹了,宛若半透明的琉璃,模糊间看到外部有些朦胧的光。 Bang! 轰! The flash, stone box was hit hard! 一刹那,石盒又受重击! Resembles ten thousand Jianzhan to come, punctures like thousand lances, even if in stone box, Chu Feng also shaken dizzy, then he is explodes broken, turns into one group of blood and soul light fragments. 似万剑斩来,像千矛刺来,哪怕是在石盒内部,楚风也被震的头昏眼花,而后他更是爆碎,化成一团血与魂光碎片。 Yelled, he thought soul was being torn, the whole body pain is hard to endure, can't stone box block outside mysterious energy? 一声大叫,他觉得灵魂在被撕裂,周身痛苦难忍,石盒也挡不住外面的神秘能量 Quick his knows, stone box cover shaken slightly becomes less crowded, therefore cannot shelter him. 很快他知道了,石盒的盖子被震的略有松动,所以没能庇护住他。 Seals!” “封!” The Chu Feng's soul light reorganization, bellows there, but just sealed the cover, then by the outside terrifying variegated light beam hit, again became less crowded. 楚风的魂光重组,在那里大吼,可是刚将盖子封上,然后又被外面恐怖的斑斓光束撞击,再次松动。 ! 噗! His blood and soul light have blasted out, becomes up the rain, just like must change to the nihility, the life mark must dissipate in this. 他的血与魂光都炸开了,成为光雨,宛若要化作虚无,生命印记要在此消散开来。 The critical moment, the Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb root hair touches his blood and spirit soul light rain, takes to his endless vitality, Chu Feng quickly restores, True Body reappears. 关键时刻,三十三重天草的根须触及他的血与灵魂光雨,带给他无尽的生机,楚风很快就恢复过来,真身再现。 The Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb startled past and present, are not the world simply, the place of necessity taking root go against heaven's will, the present are only a section of root hair, then instantaneously revive Chu Feng. 三十三重天草惊古今,简直不属于人间,扎根之地必然逆天,现在只是一截根须而已,便将楚风瞬间救活。 Moreover, it also surplus many. 而且,它还剩余不少。 Chu Feng restores to come, first fastens tightly the lid, the guarantee seal is solid, however outside big change even more scary, heaven and earth turning upside down. 楚风恢复过来,第一时间还是去扣紧盒盖,保证密封严实,然而外界剧震的越发的骇人,天翻地覆 Indistinct within, he sees the exterior some sceneries by the clear box wall gradually, like has the sharp claws, has the shadow, has the flame to be dreadful, various fearful sceneries fuzzily are presenting. 隐约间,他透过渐渐晶莹的盒壁看到外部的一些景物,像是有利爪,有黑影,有火光滔天,各种慑人的景物都在模糊呈现。 Is this on the road of reincarnation? The Chu Feng doubt, outside is grotesque and gaudy, don't tell me sees in the fuzziness is illusory, hasn't seen the essence? 这是在投胎的路上吗?楚风狐疑,外面光怪陆离,难道于模糊间所见都是虚幻,并未看到本质? Bang! 砰! stone box is seething, lid there was shaken a slit again, formidable such as he for Divine King middle stage, unexpectedly cannot guarantee that the stone box cover buckles strictly. 石盒翻腾着,盒盖那里再次被震开一丝缝隙,强大如他为神王中期,居然都不能保证石盒盖子扣严。 His both hands are tattered, then the body blasts out, even if stone box only presents a slit, he also in instantaneous tragic death, including soul light with blood burning down. 他双手破烂,接着身体炸开,哪怕石盒只出现一点缝隙,他也在瞬间惨死,连魂光都在跟着血液焚烧。 Normal, this was died one time. 正常来说,这算是又死了一次。 Among breaths, Chu Feng is falls into the eternal darkness likely, like this died? 一息间,楚风像是陷入永恒的黑暗中,就这样死了吗? Before the final consciousness dissipation, he felt that the incomparable despair, steps the road of reincarnation, unexpectedly also wants destroy both body and soul. 在最后的意识消散前,他感觉无比的绝望,都踏上转生之路,居然还要形神俱灭 He wants to clarify very much, why this road so conflicts fleshly body, what secret has? 他很想弄清楚,这条路为何如此抵触肉身者,有什么大秘? This is clearly dying of suffocation this road, dares fleshly body to cross, must be extinguished kills a cleanness, will not give people an opportunity. 这分明是在堵死这条路,敢肉身横渡,必然要被灭杀个干净,不会给人一点机会。 Warming up flows, spreads to consciousness there that Chu Feng ruins, nourishes the last drop of blood, accumulated raises the spirit soul light rain that blasts out, making it recover, full of vitality. 一点温热流淌过来,蔓延向楚风毁掉的意识那里,滋养最后一滴血,蕴养炸开的灵魂光雨,使之复苏,生机勃勃。 Six Paths of Reincarnation Blood! 六道轮回血 Is this material, it for the blood of world giving birth, from ancient to present is the legend, may let the talent character bloodlines purification, can the going a step further mutation. 是这种物质,它为天地生养之血,自古至今都是传说,可让天骄人物血脉纯化,更能进一步异变。 Its value does not have the means to weigh, making various group of great people be jealous, in the event, Sects First Ancestor must come out to kill the rivers of blood, become a mountain of skeleton. 它的价值没有办法衡量,让各路大人物都眼红,一旦出现,诸教鼻祖都要出来杀到血流成河,尸骨成山 Now it spreads, making Chu Feng come back to life naturally is not considered as that any difficult matter, this is the thing of going against heaven's will. 现在它蔓延过来,让楚风复生自然不算是什么难事,这是逆天之物。 When Chu Feng restores, the heart drop blood, this is Six Paths of Reincarnation Blood, the whole world is difficult to seek one drop, that small beach that he obtains, has exhausted all of a sudden one-fourth. 楚风恢复时,心头滴血,这可是六道轮回血啊,举世难求一滴,他所得到的那一小滩,一下子就耗去了1。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” When he yelled, oneself must disintegrate, his rapid revolution breathing method, displayed the principle, that lid imprisonment, making it seal. 在他大叫时,自身又要解体了,他迅速运转呼吸法,施展法则,将那盒盖禁锢,使之密封。 But, two seconds, he could not have withstood, the outside has a mountain to pound likely, stone box jolts, his shaken surges, the lid loosens one. 可是,未过两秒钟,他承受不住,外界像是有一座大山砸来,石盒颠簸,他被震的翻腾,盒盖又松开一丝。 Really, the Chu Feng's physique and divine soul blast out, becomes piece of blood mist and flowing light, very pitiful, the bone sediment also has the remnant soul to attach on the stone box wall. 果然,楚风的形体与神魂都炸开,成为一片血雾与流光,非常的凄惨,骨头渣子还有残魂都附着在石盒的壁上。 One group of light are burning down, that is Undying Flame, brings from Reincarnation Ultimate Land, is related with the material of Undying Bird most source. 一团光在焚烧,那是不死火光,也是从轮回终极地带出来的,跟不死鸟最本源的物质有关。 In that group of fires, Chu Feng's soul light and blood mist the ablation, must be destroyed thoroughly, but the final moment he suddenly appears, when destroying the extreme, eruption vigor. 在那团火中,楚风的魂光血雾哧哧消融,要被彻底毁灭了,但是最后关头他又猛然浮现出来,在毁灭极点时,爆发蓬勃生机。 That likely is Undying Power, from flame core. 那像是一股不死之力,源自火光核心。 As Chu Feng reappears, Undying Flame is gloomy, vanishes most. 随着楚风再现,不死火光暗淡,消失大半。 I thing don't tell me that brings from Land of Reincarnation must consume here.” Chu Feng sighed, the life and death difficult position, he good fortune that sought from Reincarnation ancient cave, the consumption that continuing, this way anything could not be left over. “我从轮回之地带出来的东西难道都要消耗在这里。”楚风叹气,生死困境,他从轮回古洞中寻来的造化,在持续的消耗,这样下去什么都剩不下。 Previously he also thought, succeeded by sheer force of numbers, even if cannot obtain complete Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb, or one group of busy Flying Immortal Light, but various chances intercepted a point, was enough, was not weak in people, even surmounted. 早先他还觉得,以量取胜,哪怕不能得到一株完整的三十三重天草,或者一团无暇的飞仙光,但是各种机缘都截取一点,也足够了,不弱于人,甚至是超越。 How can expect, this destiny much is all the way erroneous, the body died unexpectedly several times, depends upon these counter Celestial Object nature to continue the life, is really was a pity that is also fearful. 怎能料到,他这一路上命运多舛,竟数次身死,依靠这些逆天物质在续命,实在是可惜又可怕。 Came!” “又来了!” Chu Feng creepy feeling, even if exhausts ability to seal up stone box, may during this process meet a cruel death, this will be must rub while still alive, time and time again, his world good fortune will consume sooner or later. 楚风头皮发麻,即便竭尽所能封闭石盒,可还是在此过程中粉身碎骨,这是要活活将磨死,一次又一次,他身边的天地造化物早晚会耗完。 Moo! 哞! Barbaric Ox roared, belongs to Mutant Desolate Beast, its Source Power surged, dispersed in this, changes to the flowing light, the vitality was billowing and endless. 一头莽牛咆哮,属于异荒兽,其本源之力激荡,在此散开,化作流光,生机滚滚而无尽。 Chu Feng was revived by this source, but, mysterious energy of this Mutant Desolate Beast actually was also bits and pieces of loss, got down in this gloomily. 楚风被这种本源救活,但是,这头异荒兽神秘能量却也是损耗的七七八八了,在此暗淡下去。 His whole face bitter and astringent color, loses a good fortune. 他满脸苦涩之色,又损失一种造化。 His whole body vibrates, rune is densely covered, Order turns into Divine Chain to stick on the lid, the resistance, wants to block there with hardship. 他浑身震动,符文密布,秩序化成神链粘在盒盖上,苦苦对抗,想要封死那里。 Indistinct within, he sees outside flowing light to become sea, divine glow is torrential, a fearful birds flight, opens mouth scarlet magnificently intense, the magma like the sea, must swallow stone box. 隐约间,他看到外面流光成海,神芒滔滔,一头可怕的禽鸟飞行,张嘴间赤红盛烈,岩浆如海,要将石盒吞掉。 „Is that the Great Dao fragment?” He believes, on this road will not have creature. “那是大道碎片吗?”他坚信,这条路上不会有生灵 Buzz, stone box is even more bright, to get close to transparent, he sees that so-called bird beak is one group of red fog, wraps stone box, must melt the thing of this Paramount. 嗡的一声,石盒越发灿烂,接近透明,他看到那所谓的鸟喙是一团红雾,包裹石盒,要消融这件究极之物。 This lets his suck in a cold breath, is better than stone box, does not know that Dao Scripture underwent several evolution history, unexpectedly was also being attacked, something want to ruin it. 这让他倒吸冷气,强如石盒,不知道经历几部进化史了,居然也在被攻击,有东西想毁掉它。 Chu Feng has disintegrated, after these time is killed violently, for a long time lives when the Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb surplus rhizome sending out vitality, was too difficult. 楚风瓦解了,这一次毙命后,很长时间才在三十三重天草剩余的根茎散发生机时活过来,太艰难了。 It can be imagined, the terrifying of that group red fog. 可想而知,那团红雾的恐怖。 Then, he jolts, seething, was dying unceasingly recovers, in this period he brought various Concise Essence and various world good fortune consumptions of materials bits and pieces. 就这样,他一路颠簸,翻腾着,不断死去又复苏,期间他所带来各种精粹、各种天地造化物质消耗的七七八八了。 At first, he still remembers, oneself is nine extinguishes the rebirth. 起初,他还记得,自己算是九灭重生。 But to afterward was not only extinguished nine times, surmounts it, Chu Feng is hard to endure from the initial severe pain, to the final numbness, knows did not die several times. 可是到了后来岂止被灭了九次,远超越之,楚风从起初的剧痛难忍,到最后的麻木,根本不知道自己死了几次。 This is a painful travel, is the big of tribulation life. 这是一场痛苦的旅行,是人生之大磨难。 The body and soul light disintegrate one time are the terrifying big events, now he withstands many, from the pain to the numbness, arrives to realize again lives to might as well die, just like misery Reincarnation. 身体与魂光瓦解一次就已经算是恐怖大事件,现在他所承受的过多,从痛到麻木,再到重新体会到生不如死,宛若一个苦难轮回 How to be numb?” He is about to collapse, to afterward, own sensation even more keen, thinks that numb gets down not to be good ignorantly, times were awakened, realizes the transformation and calamity between life and death clearly. “怎么不麻木到底?”他快崩溃了,到了后来,自身的感知越发的敏锐,想麻木浑噩下去都不行,一次次被惊醒过来,真切体会到生死间的转化与厄难。 knows, he as if not hear the tsunami sound, feels ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mortal world air/Qi, was this must arrive at the destination? 知道何时,他仿佛听到海啸声,感受到万丈红尘气,这是要到目的地了吗? Chu Feng awakens, through translucent stone box, he sees the endless vastness, was this to where? 楚风惊醒,通过半透明的石盒,他看到无尽的汪洋,这是到了哪里? Then, when spray splashes, the mortal world all phenomena on earth front surface rushes, he is enters in a state likely, in a twinkling, Chu Feng just like experiencing first, has felt the world all sorts. 然后,一朵浪花溅起时,红尘万象迎面闯来,他像是进入一片国度中,在霎时间,楚风宛若经历了一世,感受到人间种种。 Bang! 轰隆! Also the first layer rough seas hit, shakes the powder that spray, piece of Greater World appears, intrudes the view, maps the inner world, he accepted a reincarnation likely, walks in that world. 一重大浪打来,将那朵浪花震散,有一片大世界浮现,闯入眼帘,映入心海,他像是又接受了一次转生,在那世间行走。 Chu Feng was touched greatly, Reincarnation is really fearful, after this level does not have the minor matter, he in experiencing what, is this on the road of reincarnation? 楚风大受触动,轮回果然可怕,涉及到这个层次后无小事,他在经历什么,这还是在投胎的路上吗? A spray mortal world world, this really fearsome. 一朵浪花一片红尘世界,这实在可怖。 Afterward, he has been shocked, stone box is distorting, previously he unexpectedly did not have to think, now the towering discovery, stone box is different from before, isn't the box?! 随后,他震惊了,石盒在变形,早先他居然无所觉,现在才突兀的发现,石盒跟以前不一样了,不是盒子?!
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