SR :: Volume #11

#1015: In light of this reincarnation reincarnation

The vortex rotation, is throwing over the star sands layer by layer likely, is dim and mysterious, below incomparable profoundness. 漩涡转动,像是披着一层又一层星沙,朦胧而神秘,下面无比的深邃。 Oh, wanted Reincarnation eventually.” “唉,终究是要轮回去了。” Chu Feng stands here, is swayed by personal gains and losses, how this words that jumps to leap, lived to say with this says goodbye, finished the World of the Dead's first body. 楚风站在这里,患得患失,这就怎么纵身一跃的话,就跟此生说再见,结束阴间的一世身。 But, after the reincarnation, is full of uncertainty, many matter metropolises are accompanying the accident/surprise. 可是,投胎后也充满不确定性,许多事都会伴着意外。 I do not want to discard fleshly body, such jumps what happened?” Chu Feng intertwines. “我真不想舍弃肉身啊,就这么跳下去会发生什么事?”楚风纠结。 Must such jump, his such big was, born? 真要这么跳下去,他这么大个,怎么出生啊? Moreover, this vortex lets person palpitation, he always thinks very fearful, Chu Feng was worried, such jumps to leap, can give to obliterate not to have? 而且,这漩涡让人心悸,他总觉得很可怕,楚风担心,这么纵身一跃,会不会将自己给磨灭没了? In the clangour, he puts on various God Level Full-Body Armor, grasps the great halberd, fully-armed, this can resist Power of Reincarnation, whether can the smooth reincarnation? 在铿锵声中,他穿上各种神级甲胄,手持大戟,全副武装,这样能够对抗轮回之力吗,是否可以顺利转生? Chu Feng displays Mysterious Law, the body flip-flop explosive, is reducing unceasingly. 楚风施展玄功,身体噼啪爆响,在不断缩小。 But he thought that is not a little reasonable, even if change to the fist to be so big, wears Full-Body Armor, grasps the gold to fight the halberd born, evildoer/monstrous talent. 但他还是觉得有点不靠谱,哪怕自己化作拳头那么大,身穿甲胄,手持黄金战戟出世,也过于妖孽。 Meets the common family, is reincarnated really in the unusual aristocratic family, can be regarded monster body possession, thus was killed? 遇上一般家庭也就罢了,真投生在超凡世家中,会不会被当成妖怪夺舍,从而被打死? Chu Feng tries, searches in the great halberd the vortex, clang, the God Level gold great halberd vanishes directly a section, that bright as snow halberd blade changes into the flying ash. 楚风试了试,将大戟探进漩涡中,锵的一声,神级黄金大戟直接就消失一截,那雪亮的戟刃化为飞灰。 He raises the great halberd to back up, this place is really dangerous. 他不禁提着大戟倒退,这地方还真危险。 Chu Feng thinks, brought that black withered and ice-cold hand, so-called sending out a scout to see if anybody is about, but also needs the firm thing. 楚风想了想,将那只黑色干枯而又冰冷的手拿了过来,所谓的投石问路,还真的需要坚固的东西。 This is from Reincarnation extremely digs finally, the knows anything origin, does not try the water to be just appropriate with it. 这是从轮回的终极之地挖出来的,不知道什么来历,拿它试水正合适。 However, he was a little also worried, if such throws, really what to do some World of the Living people give birth to a hand to come, isn't this sins? 不过,他也有点担心,万一这么扔出去,阳间有人真生出一只手来怎么办,这不是造孽吗? I feel Power of Reincarnation, do not act unreasonably.” “我只是感受一下轮回之力,还是别乱来了。” Chu Feng is carrying this ice-cold and withered hand, does not dare to loosen, he does not hope that causes some family to present the tragedy because, but wants to try the water. 楚风拎着这只冰冷而干瘪的手,没敢松开,他可不希望因为自己而导致某一家庭出现悲剧,只是想试水。 After the black hand touches the dim vortex slightly, there is similar to the star sand -like gentle radiance rotates immediately, makes the grating fearful sound, because this black hand was being ground, extends is reducing partially, turns into fine powder! 当黑色的手稍微触及朦胧的漩涡后,那里如同星沙般的柔和光华顿时转动起来,发出刺耳可怕的声音,因为这只黑色的手在被研磨,伸进去的部分在缩短,化成齑粉 The Chu Feng heart shocked, hurries to give to receive, looks at this dark hand, it broke one section, that part was ruined. 楚风心头震撼,赶紧给收了回来,看着这只黑乎乎的手,它断了一截,那部分被毁掉了。 Previously he had done the experiment, was better than Divine King him, at all impossible to leave the least bit trace on this black palm, it can be imagined was tenacious. 早先他已经做过实验,强如神王的他,也根本不可能在这只黑色手掌上留下半点痕迹,可想而知多么坚韧。 Chu Feng guessed, this most at least is also the hand of Heavenly Venerate, even is Supreme Being wait/etc. remained, finally faces the vortex of reincarnation, it appears so is vulnerable. 楚风猜测,这最起码也是天尊的手,甚至是大能等残留,结果面对投胎的漩涡,它却显得如此脆弱不堪。 Is this besieges and pursues to block off the fleshly body vortex specially? If the soul does invest to be twisted broken? 这是专门围追堵截肉身的漩涡吗?灵魂要是投入进去会不会被绞碎? Chu Feng does not dare to attempt, if branches out some divine consciousness, accomplishes Avatar to go to the reincarnation, that troublesome was big. 楚风不敢尝试,万一分出部分神识,造就出一个分身去投胎,那麻烦就大了。 Has the difficulty.” He even more thought that the fleshly body reincarnation is not quite reasonable, will be detained here, the words that who dares to sneak across, will be killed directly! “有难度啊。”他愈发觉得肉身投胎不太靠谱,会被在这里拦阻,谁敢偷渡的话,会被直接干掉! „Do I keep here fleshly body?” Chu Feng pondered over that to an issue, is the unpainted clay idol outside that Reincarnation Cave also related with this? “我将肉身留在这里?”楚风思忖到一个问题,那轮回洞外的泥胎是不是也跟此有关? The unpainted clay idol besides possibly is a protector, possibly is a stayer, loses fleshly body in this place, was the soul reincarnated? 泥胎除了可能是守护者外,也可能是一个滞留者,将肉身丢在此地,灵魂去转世了? Chu Feng indulges in flights of fancy, in this case, he can also consider that is placed own fleshly body in unpainted clay idol there, year after year accepts the paper talisman incense and candle sacrificial offering, soul light is reincarnated, but which day waited to think, came this place to seek first fleshly body again. 楚风胡思乱想,若是这样的话,他也可以考虑将自己的肉身摆在泥胎那里,长年累月接受符纸香火祭祀,魂光去转世,而等哪天想起来了,再来此地寻上一世肉身 His look is serious, then reveals the strange color, more is pondered that more thinks to have the possibility, this also is really a road. 他神色严肃,而后露出古怪之色,越是细想越是觉得有可能,这还真是一条路。 Chu Feng separates fleshly body and soul light, hesitates, sends off the fleshly body words, the soul is reincarnated, that really any escape route may not say. 楚风肉身魂光分开,一阵迟疑,送走肉身的话,灵魂去转世,那就真的没有任何退路可言了。 "Um, if can the reincarnation be good in Great Universe Level Evolver, henceforth makes one two generations, making old servant hang dozen of Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate. ” “嗯,要是能投胎在大宇级进化者家中就好了,从此做一个二代,让身边的老仆去吊打太武天尊等。” Chu Feng talked to oneself there, naturally this matter also can only think, is not realistic. 楚风在那里自语,当然这种事情也就只能想想,根本不现实。 Great Universe Level Evolver was not insane, was the monster, what nobody knows they to evolve, was full of the uncertainty, how also to have the mood to breed the heir? 大宇级进化者不是疯了,就是怪物,无人知道他们进化成了什么,充满不确定性,怎么还有心情去孕育子嗣? Let alone this progression, is Supreme Being, Heavenly Venerate wait/etc. also is very difficult to present the heir, the strength is stronger, the birth descendant is more difficult, is even more impossible. 别说这个级数,就是大能天尊等也都很难出现子嗣,实力越强,诞生后代越难,越发不可能。 Oh, if I go to the reincarnation like this, was not careful that what to do the reincarnation becomes ferocious beast, how many years can spend to be able the cultivate successfully person?” “唉,我要是这样去投胎,不小心转生成一只凶兽怎么办,得花费多少年才能修成人身?” Chu Feng is swayed by personal gains and losses, starts to indulge in flights of fancy, he also really feared own reincarnation to become Shulei, Black Tortoise, snake and other hiring do not treat the species that sees. 楚风患得患失,开始胡思乱想,他还真怕自己投胎成鼠类、玄龟、长虫等各种不招人待见的物种。 shit, if becomes monkey of Duke of Thunder mouth, whom I do ask to reason things out?!” 玛德,万一成为雷公嘴的猴子,我找谁说理去?!” He more ponders over more thinks to be uncomfortable, must with Ouyang Feng, oneself knows exuviate not turn into anything, that also is really a little terrifying. 他越琢磨越觉得不是滋味,真要跟欧阳风似的,自己都不知道会蜕变成什么,那还真是有点恐怖啊。 If becomes beasts, in three years of embryos confuses, day knows will have anything! 要是成为一只兽类,有三年的胎中迷,天知道会发生什么! Said that holds paper talisman to be reincarnated, generally will throw a good embryo, will not have these dreadful calamities, but does not fear 10,000, fears the eventuality.” “都说持着符纸转世,一般会投个好胎,不会发生那些惨祸,可是不怕10000,就怕万一。” And, he has thought another extremely serious issue, the complexion is suddenly ugly. 并且,他想到了另外一个极其严重的问题,一时间脸色难看。 I, if incautiously...... What to do does the reincarnation become a baby girl?!” “我要是一不小心……投胎成一个女婴怎么办?!” The Chu Feng fine body hair is but actually vertical, thinks that result, the whole body is goosebumps. 楚风寒毛倒竖,想到那一结果,满身都是鸡皮疙瘩 He looked down one, between both legs cool, really cannot withstand. 他不禁低头看了一眼,双腿间凉飕飕,真是不可承受啊。 Whiz, Chu Feng's soul light returns to fleshly body, kills him not to think that the soul was reincarnated, if turns into the young girl, even if the graceful bearing is peerless, cannot endure, might as well kills him! 嗖的一声,楚风的魂光回归肉身,打死他也不想灵魂去转世了,万一变成少女,哪怕丰姿绝世,也吃不消,还不如打死他! Your two masters, any Heavenly Venerate aristocratic family, the Great Universe heir, the young master do not care, did not go to think, if I the reincarnation were reincarnated, oneself took responsibility!” “你二爷的,什么天尊世家,大宇子嗣,小爷不在乎,不去想了,我要是投胎转世,自己做主!” He makes the decision thoroughly, does not want to take that indefinite not round trip gambling. 他彻底做出决定,不想拿那不确定的未来去赌。 I must try, fleshly body goes to Reincarnation to go to the reincarnation to be reincarnated!” “我就是要试一试,肉身轮回去投胎转世!” Clang clang clang! 锵锵锵! He washes one's hands wait/etc. gave to throw Divine Sword, great halberd, Full-Body Armor on the ground. 他抖手间,将身上的神剑、大戟、甲胄等都给扔在地上。 I have taken some good fortunes from here, now leaves behind some Godly Armament to the successor, the donation being predestined friends person.” “我从这里取走了一些造化,现在给后来者留下一些神兵利器,赠予有缘人。” When he spoke these words does not blush. 他说这些话时一点也不脸红。 Suppose, can come here soul light, who also cares about several tattered weapons that he leaves behind, what others need is this place Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb, Black-Yellow and other good fortunes. 试想,能走到这里的魂光,谁还在乎他留下的几件破烂兵器,人家需要的是此地的三十三重天草玄黄等各种造化。 Actually, Chu Feng is feared that brings these weapons not to injure him in the reincarnation process carefully. 其实,楚风是怕带着这些兵器在投胎过程中不小心扎伤他自己。 Meanwhile, he also feared own World of the Living's mother was not good to produce, puts on Full-Body Armor, to carry the lance big sword birth not to make sense! 同时,他也怕自己阳间的娘不好生产,穿着甲胄、拎着长矛大剑出生不像话! Chu Feng sighed, said: Takes a danger, to avoid the sex transform, avoid to become the mouse two generations, avoids becomes the Black Tortoise real grandson, Fuck rush directly!” 楚风一叹,道:“就冒一次险吧,一切都是为了避免性别转换,避免成为鼠二代,避免成为玄武真孙,我靠自己直接闯过去!” It is estimated that will not do a little right by the future parents, just when birth may frighten the entire family one big to jump. 只是,估计会有点对不住未来的父母,刚出生时可能会吓全家族一大跳。 "Um, although the possibility is minimal, but, I hope to throw the door small family, surely maybe Great Universe Level aristocratic family, otherwise, my secret, a point cannot keep! ” “嗯,虽然可能性微乎其微,但是,我还是希望投个小门小户吧,千万别是大宇级的世家,不然,我身上的秘密,一点也藏不住!” Especially, he prepares to use stone box, this thing thinks that does not cause the Paramount powerhouse to pay attention not to be good. 尤其是,他准备动用石盒,这东西想不引起究极强者注意都不行。 Seeing again, Little World of the Dead!” “再见了,小阴间!” Will happen one day, he will also come back to look. 终有一天,他还会回来看一看。 , Chu Feng uses stone box, will give to receive, prepares the affiliation it to shelter, in hardly vortex that must rush in star sand -like, goes to the reincarnation truly! 哧的一声,楚风动用石盒,将自己给收了进去,准备藉它庇护,要硬闯进星沙般的漩涡中,真正去转生! Gives birth to stone box, does the total ratio give birth to the whole body Full-Body Armor monster to be good? Naturally, he acknowledged, dares to put on God Level Full-Body Armor born, definitely failure tragic death. 生出一个石盒内,总比生出个满身甲胄的怪物好吧?当然,他承认,敢穿着神级甲胄降世,肯定失败惨死。 Also only then stone box has the successful possibility, can go through from the dim vortex. 也只有石盒才有成功的可能,可以从朦胧的漩涡中穿行过去。 After entering stone box, inside shining, sacred incomparable, arrives at the pinnacle brilliantly, is various good fortune materials. 进入石盒后,里面流光溢彩,神圣无匹,绚烂到极致,都是各种造化物质。 These many ancient and modern rare world Paramount treasures, let in the Chu Feng heart sporty many. 身边这么多古今罕有的天地究极瑰宝,让楚风心中底气足了不少。 The stone box cover seals up instant, he stimulated to movement suddenly, has crashed in that dim and mysterious vortex, was reincarnated the reincarnation in light of this! 石盒盖子封住的刹那,他猛然催动,冲进了那朦胧而神秘的漩涡中,就此去转世投胎! Finally how, his knows, the footsteps did not take, did not have the road back! 结果如何,他不知道,脚步已经迈出,没有了回头路!
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