SR :: Volume #11

#1014: Reincarnation Lord, pack!

Din-dong! 叮叮咚咚! Chu Feng grasps the ice-cold and bright as snow God Level great halberd strikes the rock in this broad Reincarnation ancient cave, xue touches in all directions. 楚风手持冰冷而又雪亮的神级大戟在这座恢宏的轮回古洞中敲打岩石等,四处踅摸。 He wants to turn the sod really three chi (0.33 m), gives to turn inside out here, carries off all chances. 他真想挖地三尺,将这里给翻过来,带走所有机缘。 However, was a pity very much, the dike of this place is too solid, Divine Sword collapsing two, how rough stone wall , can only strike the ground the rock. 但是,很可惜,此地的岩壁太结实,神剑崩断两口了,都奈何不了粗糙的石壁,也只能敲打地上的岩石等。 Although had not found Boundary Stone, Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb again and other ancient and modern rare big good fortunes, but other chances he meets actually, decisively received stone box, one type does not let off. 虽然还没有再找到界石三十三重天草等那些古今罕见的大造化,但是其他机缘他倒是遇上一些,都果断收入石盒中,一种都不放过。 Primordial Chaos Purple Mist, comes out to me, Primeval Beginning Fruit, hurries to reappear!” 鸿蒙紫雾呢,给我出来,混元果呢,赶紧再现!” Chu Feng grumble, is really is a little not willing. 楚风一路磨叽,真是有点不甘心。 When hearsay, in evolution history some Supreme Being just a birth then all over the body the delicate fragrance, brings to accompany the Great Dao fragment, is known as the immortal infant, Heavenly Infant and others. 传闻中,进化史上有的大能刚一出生时便通体清香,带着伴着大道碎片,号称仙婴、天婴等。 Without a doubt, according to the speculation of past worthies, this lifeforms the reincarnation from Reincarnation Cave comes out, obtained the big chance, fuses the rare energy fruit, is reincarnated together, the achievement is inevitably limitless. 毫无疑问,依据前贤的推测,这种生物是从轮回洞中投胎出来的,得到了大机缘,融合稀世能量果实等,跟着一起转世,成就必然不可限量。 Chu Feng thought that since visit this place, must be reborn in paradise, should strive to obtain most high level good fortune to be good. 楚风觉得,既然自己踏足此地,要去往生了,也应该争取得到最高级造化才好。 Actually, his very satisfied that Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb, if in the mouth holds it to go to the reincarnation, new life results in it to nourish, day knows will grow into what kind of monster! 其实,他很满意那株三十三重天草,若是口中衔着它去投胎,新生儿得其滋养,天知道会成长为怎样的怪物! dāng dāng dāng......” 当当当……” When Chu Feng in striking a common black rock, to/clashes all at once, is having the greatest pressure, making entire ancient cave vibrate, buzzes. 楚风在敲打一块不起眼的黑色岩石时,一股气冲出来,带着莫大的威压,让整座古洞都震动起来,嗡嗡作响。 This is only one group of air/Qi, but seems heavy boundlessly, the place that presses is shaking. 这只是一团气,但却仿佛沉重无边,压的此地都在摇动。 Black-Yellow Qi?!” 玄黄气?!” Chu Feng cries out strangely, this thing was too famous, even if World of the Dead has Black-Yellow is also the impurity, even if this source Black-Yellow is very difficult to seek in World of the Living. 楚风怪叫,这东西太出名了,阴间即便有玄黄也是杂质,这种本源玄黄哪怕是在阳间都很难寻到。 Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate has urged him specially, meets this type of thing the words, even if meets the Heavenly Venerate biological son, Supreme Being illegitimate daughter , should not be impolite, do not fear death, must snatch bravely, so long as cannot kill, must seize. 石狐天尊特别叮嘱过他,遇上这种东西的话,哪怕是遇上天尊的亲儿子,大能的私生女,也别客气,也不要怕死,要勇敢地上去抢,只要打不死,就一定要夺过来。 Because, in Stone Fox leaves Chu Feng about stepping onto in the Strongest Road personally written letter, had mentioned specially this Black-Yellow Qi, this thing can body refinement, after the flesh fuses, may make own firm not go bad, graces has pull up mountain, to throw the strength of dragon, may suppress Divine Beast. 因为,在石狐留给楚风关于走上最强路的手札中,特异提到过这种玄黄气,这东西能炼体,与血肉融合后,可让自身坚固不坏,举手投足都有拔山、掷龙之力,可压制神兽等。 This simply is body refinement most loves! 这简直是炼体者的最爱! Meanwhile, it can also integrate in spirit, making own soul light even more concise, when sweeps, just like firm and fearful Sword Embryo! 同时,它也能融入精神中,让自身魂光愈发的凝练,一旦扫出时,宛若坚固而可怕的剑胎 According to Stone Fox, World of the Living had 2-3 celebrities to obtain the Black-Yellow Source air/Qi in the ancient times, with own congealment as one, that simply is Myriad Laws Immunity, thus surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries. 按照石狐所说,阳间古代中有两三位名人得到过玄黄本源气,跟自身凝结为一体,那简直是万法不侵,从而震古烁今 This person simple fist of pounds, in the opposite party hand that can hit rose treasure weapon blasts out, making top Dao Lineage defend mountain protecting gate super large-scale Domain ruptured, simply is the non-solution, cannot block. 这种人简单的一记拳头砸过去,就可以打的对方手中瑰宝兵器炸开,让顶级道统护山门的超级大型场域崩开,简直是无解,挡不住。 This thing is not weak in Primordial Chaos Purple Mist, Six Paths of Reincarnation Blood, Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb wait/etc., is the one big good fortune of vibration past and present. 这东西不弱于鸿蒙紫雾六道轮回血三十三重天草等,算是震动古今的一种大造化。 Chu Feng turns very quiet soul light, oneself integrates this place comprehensively, with nearby environment harmony and nature, then he suddenly launches an attack, exhaust ability gathers Black-Yellow Source, rapidly is similar to a lightning, covers to the front. 楚风屏住魂光,自身全面融入此地,跟附近的环境和谐而自然,而后他突然发难,竭尽所能地收取玄黄本源,迅疾如同一道闪电,覆盖向前方。 Finally, this Black-Yellow Qi breaks black stone body, bang, is similar to a Prehistoric Era sovereign beast, shakes the tsunami fluctuation, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering. 结果,这玄黄气震碎黑色石体,轰隆一声,如同一头史前时代的皇兽,震出海啸般的波动,惊天动地 It throws into stone wall, trail vast however. 它一头扎进石壁中,踪迹渺然。 fucking!” Chu Feng makes an effort to thrash stone wall, bleeds off a big good fortune, this is really inappropriate, his heart in drop blood, low-spirited. 特么的!”楚风用力捶打石壁,又放走一桩大造化,这实在让人受不了,他的心都在滴血,精神不振。 Well?” “咦?” Also is not right, in his hands the fingers/tiger mouth splits, flows dark red, bloody, but also is actually condensing wisp of Black-Yellow Source, winds around in the, was obtained the small part by him. 也不对,在他的手中虎口裂开,殷红流淌,血淋淋,但是却也凝聚着一缕玄黄本源,缭绕在附近,被他得到小部分。 Receives!” “收!” Chu Feng in taking in stone box, will have harvested finally, he did not strive for obtaining, each type can gather to a point also no reason why not. 楚风将之收进石盒中,总算是有所收获,他不求全部得到,每样都能收取到一点也未尝不可。 In his heart thump thump jumps madly, is the knows a little Black-Yellow Source air/Qi insufficient, in Stone Fox that personally written letter once had said that had better be able collect this material, wants the body of achievement Heaven-Blessed, perhaps is essential. 他心中怦怦乱跳,不知道这么一点玄黄本源气够不够用,石狐的那本手札中曾说过,最好能收集到这种物质,想要成就天纵之身,或许不可缺少。 However, even if was short of some not to be important, should suffice his earlier period to use, Stone Fox once had confessed him, in some World of the Living Danger Land had this material doubtful, when he was strong enough may inquire about, took the chance. 不过,即便少了些也不打紧,应该够他前期用了,石狐曾交代过他,阳间某一绝地中疑似有这种物质,等他足够强时可去探寻,取走机缘。 In the past, the Stone Fox master had the view to it, was very discontented, a point was because suspected that it had the discovery in some restricted area, learned about the Black-Yellow Qi, Heavenly Bone and other material of the clues, but did not report on own initiative. 当年,石狐的师傅对它有看法,十分不满,其中一点就是因为怀疑它在某一禁地中有发现,得悉玄黄气天骨等物质的线索而不主动上报。 Chu Feng has licked the lip, thinks was a little a pity, if seizes entire to roll Black-Yellow Qi here, not competition that used to hit to live to kill in the future. 楚风舔了舔嘴唇,觉得有点可惜,若是在这里攫取到整团玄黄气,就不用将来去打生打死的争夺了。 He calms the mind , to continue to search in this great ancient cave. 他静心,在这宏大的古洞中继续寻觅。 Quick, he discovered that has a stone to be very special, six holes, the variegated blood flows in six holes, grows continually, from one to another. 很快,他发现有一块石头很特别,共有六个孔洞,斑斓血液在六个孔中流淌,生生不息,从一孔到另一孔。 Chu Feng thought, the heartbeat must stop, almost can suffocate, hits transports greatly? The good fortune emergence of vibration past and present one after another? 楚风觉得,心跳都要停止了,几乎要窒息,撞大运了吗?震动古今的造化怎么一桩接着一桩的出现? This very likely is Six Paths of Reincarnation Blood! 这很像是六道轮回血 Chu Feng exhausts ability, soul light and fleshly body, display Divine Skill, the imprisonment is void, wishes one could to obtain that variegated blood immediately. 楚风竭尽所能,魂光肉身都在动,施展神技,禁锢虚空,恨不得立刻得到那斑斓血液。 This blood has the greatest advantage to Evolver, some people said, this is the blood of world, some people said that this is Reincarnation Blood, once any lifeforms absorbs, can promote to evolve fiercely, deputes the bloodlines, increases the natural talent. 这种血对进化者有莫大的好处,有人说,这是天地的血液,也有人说这是轮回之血,任何生物一旦吸收的话,都可以促进剧烈进化,提纯血脉,增加天资等。 In the Stone Fox personally written letter, that mentions this thing with emphasis, since has been eternal rare, has not appeared by big of World of the Living several times. 石狐的手札中,那可是重点提及此物,万古以来都罕见,以阳间之大也没出现过几次。 As for in World of the Dead, that does not need to think, has never appeared, has not heard. 至于在阴间,那根本就不用想,从未出现过,也没听说过。 Chu Feng itself has Human King blood, indeed is an extraordinary blood relationship, most at least in World of the Dead so. 楚风本身具备人王血液,的确算是一种非凡的血统,最起码在阴间如此。 After his knows does not enter World of the Living, how, but whether also to arrange on name, knows this bloodlines in his body are not thin or rich. 他不知道进入阳间后会如何,还能否排的上名,也不知道这种血脉在他自己的身体中算是稀薄还是浓郁。 However, if obtains Six Paths of Reincarnation Blood to nourish, may let the strongest blood depuration that oneself has, becomes rich, can trigger, causes the bloodlines variation, perhaps strong of transformation. 但是,若得到六道轮回血滋养,可让自身拥有的最强血液提纯,变得浓郁,也能触发,使血脉变异,或许蜕变的更强。 The entire stone was imprisoned by Chu Feng, six holes shine, the variegated blood circulation, the Chu Feng complexion is dignified, he has not relaxed. 整块石头都被楚风禁锢,六个孔发光,斑斓血液流转,楚风脸色凝重,他没有放松。 Because he feels, Reincarnation Cave prevents him to gain the big good fortune, does not treat sees him. 因为他感觉到,轮回洞阻止他获取大造化,不怎么待见他。 Perhaps brings fleshly body to come related with him, does not approve this act, does not think that he can succeed the reincarnation. 或许跟他带着肉身过来有关,不认可这种行径,也不认为他能够成功投胎。 Chī! 哧! Really, before arriving at final moment, the variegated blood was sacred, flushed, Chu Feng used Order that could not imprison it. 果然,临到最后关头,斑斓的血液神圣无比,冲了起来,楚风所动用的的秩序根本禁锢不了它。 Bursts a dike just like hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km) long river together, incessant, deafening, flushed, vanishes in rough stone wall. 宛若一道数十万里长的大河决堤,滔滔不绝,震耳欲聋,冲了出去,消失在粗糙的石壁中。 Chu Feng nearly is going all out, finally also catches a beach blood, surrounds around stone box, whiz was received. 楚风近乎是在拼命,最终也只是抓到一滩血,环绕在石盒周围,嗖的一声被收了进去。 Your two masters!” Chu Feng did a lot of talking. “你二爷的!”楚风磨牙。 Ok, being content often/common Le!” He comforts himself like this. “算了,知足者常乐吧!”他这样安慰自己。 Shortly, Chu Feng seeks a complete good fortune finally, together Boundary Stone of thumb size, this type of thing, regardless of integrates in soul light, later refining up becomes a spirit Divine Weapon, refining up the weapon in hand directly, is the Paramount materials. 不久后,楚风总算是寻到一种完整的造化,一块拇指大小的界石,这种东西无论融入魂光中,以后炼成精神兵器,还是直接炼成手中的武器,都是究极材料。 But he sighed, previously clearly had seen was bigger, had the head/number of people that same place fully, but...... It ran. 可他还是叹气,早先分明看到过更大的,足有人头那么一块,但是……它跑了。 Your these rotten wood, your rock waste, are really has eyes do not know top powerhouse, does not follow me, in the future will have you to cry.” Chu Feng not indignation. “你们这些朽木,你们这些顽石,真是有眼不识至强者,不跟我走,将来有你们哭的时候。”楚风不忿。 Here xue touches is very long, Chu Feng believes firmly that could not obtain anything, the preparation started off. 在这里踅摸很久,楚风确信得不到什么了,准备去上路。 On point of departure before, Chu Feng is digging, sees a few regions is the soil texture place, he digs directly. 临别前,楚风真的在掘地,看到少数几块地带是土质的地方,他直接一路挖。 stone box inner space of so-called one meter square, has not filled by far, the good fortune and chance that because he collects are one wisp and one group of materials, all adds in the same place, does not occupy the place. 所谓的一米见方的石盒内部空间,远远未满,因为他收集的造化与机缘等都是一缕、一团的物质,全都加在一块,也不怎么占地方。 Therefore, he starts to put here earth, perhaps in the future will lay down three seeds, can have the unexpected benefit. 故此,他开始装这里的土,说不定将来埋下三颗种子,能有意外收获。 If some people saw, will be very certainly speechless, this Lord was too crazy, in Reincarnation extremely, excavates earth in this ancient cave finally, really suffices...... Demented. 若是有人看到,一定会十分无言,这主太疯狂了,在轮回的终极之地,在这座古洞中挖土,实在够……癫狂。 Aiyu I go to the grandfather!” “哎呦我去姥爷的!” When excavating earth, Chu Feng had a scare, unexpectedly from underground digs out a hand, swarthy, was withered and chilling, pulls out does not hail to present too the to terrify person. 在挖土时,楚风吓了一大跳,居然从地下挖出一只手来,黑不溜秋,干瘪而冷硬,抽不冷子出现太瘆人了。 What situation, this is fleshly body, were some people initially same as me, bringing fleshly body to run here to be reincarnated? A little was evidently miserable, is defeated?” “什么情况,这是肉身啊,有人当初跟我一样,带着肉身跑这里来转世?看样子有点惨,失败了?” He is supposing, is a little scared. 他估摸着,有点发毛。 A while sends out a scout to see if anybody is about, first throws you.” He was muttering, was staring at that only dark hand. “一会儿投石问路,先将你扔下去。”他咕哝着,盯着那只黑乎乎的手。 Chu Feng saw, has dim places in not far away there, once jumps solitarily, that is the reincarnation! 楚风已经看到,就在不远处那里有一片朦胧之地,一旦只身跳进去,那便是投胎! There has the terrifying Great Dao fragment, is explaining the truth, does not need the writing to explain, does not need other people to inform, there principle reveals all. 那里有恐怖的大道碎片,在阐释着真相,不用文字注解,也无需他人告知,那里的法则就揭示一切。 In Reincarnation Cave has the person? Reincarnation Lord, the pack, could not eat to capture walking, all good fortunes gave me to wrap, I prepared to start off!” 轮回洞中有人吗?轮回主,打包,吃不了兜着走,所有造化都给我包起来,我准备上路了!” Chu Feng pats ancient cave stone wall indignantly, vented in the heart little discontented, the stride walked toward that piece of dim vortex. 楚风忿忿地拍古洞石壁,发泄心中几许不满,大步向着那片朦胧的漩涡走去。
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