SR :: Volume #11

#1013: The All Heavens good fortune performs in this

Chu Feng intertwines, how to go to Reincarnation? 楚风纠结,怎么去轮回 Others gain paper talisman, burns down before the unpainted clay idol, if can come here successfully, is naturally overjoyed, bringing the previous life innate intelligence to be reincarnated, in the future the achievement will be limitless. 别人获取符纸,焚烧在泥胎前,如果能成功走到这里,自然是欢天喜地,带着前世宿慧转世,未来成就不可限量。 But now Chu Feng is actually worrying, does not give up this life fleshly body, he thought that this is he, trades the words of meat embryo always to think irritable. 可是现在楚风却在发愁,舍不得今世肉身,他觉得这才是他自己,换个肉胎的话总觉得别扭。 Oh!” “唉!” He sighed, this piece finally extremely originally quite chilly, now breaks Ning silent/solitary. 他叹气,这片终极之地原本相当的清冷,现在打破宁寂。 Is separated from that ancient corpse to bring up the rear, his enters a stretch of dim region, this is huge ancient cave, but is not spacious, the rock lies. 脱离那座古老的尸殿后,他一头进入一片昏暗的地带,这是一座巨大的古洞,但不算空旷,岩石横陈。 In the hole, some giant stones are similar to the ominous hoop, ominous baleful aura is dreadful. 洞中,有的巨石如同凶虎伏着,凶煞气滔天。 Some fractures of rock are crowded, carefully looked, delays just like the phoenix feather, clearly likely is a Undying Bird brand mark on, sends out the fearful power and influence. 有的岩石裂缝密集,仔细看,宛若凰羽延展,分明像是一头不死鸟烙印在上,散发慑人威势。 Well, is not a little right, what stone material these are, has the feeling not to be ordinary?” Chu Feng surprise, quick, he sees wisp of baleful aura on that fierce tiger stone, must tear the mind of person simply. “咦,有点不对,这些是什么石料,怎么有感觉不一般?”楚风诧异,很快,他在那凶虎石上看到一缕煞气,简直要撕裂人的心神。 Tiger Fiend, Immemorial ominous tiger Lord murders, this thing no small matter, baleful aura was too swift and fierce, if practices in human body Sword Qi, for example in Aged Golden Sword Qi of lungs, can kill Sun and Moon lost radiance, once enters the battlefield, can sweep away the mighty force.” 虎煞,太古凶虎主杀伐,这东西非同小可,煞气太凌厉了,如果练到人体剑气中,比如肺部的庚金剑气内,岂不是可以杀到日月无光,一旦进入战场,更是能横扫千军万马。” Chu Feng sees the unusual thing, his heart jumps, should this not be the End of Reincarnation good fortune place? 楚风看出非同寻常的东西,他心头一跳,这该不会就是轮回尽头的造化地吧? His eyes saw that crack is crowded, is similar to the crack rock that Undying Bird spreads the wings also has the strangeness, the internal flame appears intermittently, must burn down Thirty Three Layer Heaven. 他一眼看出,那裂缝密集,如同不死鸟展翅的龟裂岩石也有古怪,内部火光隐现,要焚烧三十三重天 Undying Flame?” On Chu Feng face revealed the look of surprise. 不死火光吗?”楚风脸上露出异色 However, fierce tiger stone, the phoenix bird stone institute has the breakage, had been derived essence, remains material, although, but is not prosperously. 不过,不论是凶虎石,还是凰鸟石所都有破损,被人汲取过其中的精华,所留物质虽然还有,但远算不上鼎盛。 At this time, was very tiny, but very miraculous Purple Qi has actually fluttered from the distant place, surged unexpectedly the Great Dao sound, enlightened the benighted, making the person come to understand, was similar to is enlightened, must grasp principles general. 这时,一道很细小、但却十分神异紫气从远处飘过,竟激荡出大道音,振聋发聩,让人觉悟,如同醍醐灌顶,要悟道一般。 Chu Feng is surprised, cannot bear call out in alarm makes noise, this is don't tell me Primordial Chaos Purple Mist in legend? 楚风大吃一惊,忍不住惊呼出声,这难道是传说中的鸿蒙紫雾 He remembers, this thing once had mentioned including Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate, said that cultivates soul light wait/etc. to have very big advantage to body refinement. 他记得,这东西连石狐天尊都曾提到过,说对炼体、修魂光等有非常大的好处。 But disciple that in World of the Living, is Heavenly Venerate not necessarily can most cherish catches this material, was too rare, invaluable and priceless, may with not be possible to ask. 而在阳间,就是天尊都不见得能为最钟爱的弟子捕捉到这种物质,太难得了,价值连城,可遇不可求。 Without a doubt, restricted area inside has, but Heavenly Venerate kills, oneself will also die, the idle talk is to obtain wisp of Purple Mist. 毫无疑问,禁地里面有,但是天尊杀进去,自身也会死,更遑论是得到其中的一缕紫雾 Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng decisive take action, must imprison that wisp of Purple Mist. 楚风果断出手,要禁锢那缕紫雾 However, that it rumbles, erupts like the tsunami sound, the Great Dao fragment numerous dances, it disperses directly, such at present vanishes in him. 然而,它轰的一声,爆发如海啸般的声音,大道碎片纷舞,它直接散开,就这么在他眼前消失。 Chu Feng comes up empty-handed, nearly hits on together leaning ox stone, finally there sends out ox roar, moo, is similar to the resonant voice rings out, clear as a bell vibration, throws off him. 楚风扑空,险些撞在一块伏牛石上,结果那里发出一声牛吼,哞的一声,如同黄钟大吕般震动,将他掀翻。 The Chu Feng surprise, in this hole also everywhere has miraculous, various rare materials all have, to practicing to be of great help, even can change the bloodlines, is reborn, the average man comes to be mostly crazy. 楚风诧异,这洞中还真是到处都有神异,各种稀世物质皆有,对修行大有裨益,甚至可以改变血脉,脱胎换骨,常人进来多半要疯狂。 In this leaning ox stone has wisp of Genesis Barbaric Ox source qi, for no reason can accomplish this clan first ancestor lifeforms. 伏牛石中有一缕元始莽牛本源气,平白能造就出该族始祖般的生物 Naturally, this should be in the Stone Fox mouth above that unique Divine Beast Mutant Desolate Beast! 当然,这应该是石狐口中那超脱神兽之上的“异荒兽”! Without a doubt, here birds and beasts and beast, are Mutant Desolate Level. 毫无疑问,这里的禽与兽,都是异荒级 Yellow Ox and Big Black Ox once passed by here, not knows whether obtains the chance, but is quick he to shake the head, once more reincarnation, knows will not become any species, two Ox will not elect mostly. 黄牛大黑牛都曾路过这里,不知道是否得到机缘,但很快他又摇头,再次投胎,还不知道会成为什么物种呢,两头牛多半不会选。 What I will turn into, is Human Race?” Chu Feng is in a daze, suddenly unexpectedly forgets to seek for the good fortune. “我会变成什么,还是人族吗?”楚风发呆,一时间竟忘记寻找造化。 He is a little frightened, if when the time comes reincarnation on birds beast what to do? How turns into a plant? The flash, he was scared. 他有点惊悚,到时候如果投胎在飞禽走兽身上怎么办?变成一株植物又如何?一刹那,他发毛了。 He even more thought, is own fleshly body is good, does not want to take risk, will not be willing to repose own future in unknown. 他越发觉得,还是自己的肉身好,真不想去冒险,不愿将自己的未来寄托在未知中。 In dim ancient cave, wipes the bright and beautiful light to reappear, blasts out in the distant place, turns into up the rain, just like the flying immortal, dim has a fairy maiden to dance likely, aloof. 昏暗的古洞中,一抹亮丽的光浮现,在远处炸开,化成光雨,宛若飞仙,朦胧中像是有一个仙子起舞,超然物外。 Flying Immortal Light?!” 飞仙光?!” Wipes the flowing light, is bright and dazzling, blooms there, rule Order winds around in its bank, presents such as inundates the brilliant feeling that the Heavenly Star rain drags. 一抹流光,鲜艳而炫目,在那里绽放,规则秩序缭绕在其畔,呈现如漫天星雨摇曳的绚烂感。 Beyond sacred, dignified and unique world, this is it gives the person to feel intuitively , the dignity, was neglected on the other hand actually. 神圣、庄严、超脱人世外,这是它给人最直观的感受,也有一股威严,相对来说却被忽略了。 Chu Feng vibrates, first rushed over, wants to seize it, this thing is not only weaker than it that wisp of Purple Mist, similarly is the Evolver yearn for something even in one's dreams thing. 楚风震动,第一时间冲了过去,想要将它夺到手中,这东西比之那缕紫雾只强不弱,同样是进化者梦寐以求的东西。 However, when his overrunning time rain dispersing, vanishes near that piece of rock, submerges Reincarnation Cave intermural, did not see. 然而,等他冲过去时光雨散开,消失在那片岩石附近,没入轮回洞壁间,已经不见。 Once again lets slip, Chu Feng sighed, did here good fortune miss with him? 又一次失手,楚风叹气,这里的造化跟他无缘吗? He listens to Little Daoist Priest to reveal, the good thing to be not few, but are not really many with own the material of being predestined friends, can carry off were less. 他听小道士泄露过,好东西不算少,但是真跟自身有缘的物质不多,能带走的就更少了。 Even, Little Daoist Priest guessed, everyone can only choose one type, could not carry off the second type, Little Daoist Priest once had attempted. 甚至,小道士猜测,每人只能选择一种,带走不了第二种,小道士曾尝试过。 Perhaps murmur the bicker, not far away suddenly appeared, calls a small stream to cross, because it less than one foot, but actually just like the magnificent mountain stream, spread in the crevice, sent out Quanxi ding-dong sound. 潺潺流水声,自不远处忽然出现,称之为一条小溪或许过了,因为它不足一尺长,但是却宛若瑰丽溪涧,在石缝中蔓延,发出泉溪的叮咚声。 Do not tell me this is Lunar Source River!?” “别告诉我这是太阴本源长河!?” Chu Feng is startled, he once listened to the Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate lecture to pass away some to be possible with heavenly material earthly treasure that cannot be asked that the Lunar Source rivers of splitting heaven and earth apart time, even if one wisp, must integrate in Jianghai, also will make it turn into the moon sea. 楚风吃惊,他曾听石狐天尊讲过世间一些可遇不可求的天材地宝,开天辟地时代的太阴本源河流,哪怕是一缕,真要融入江海中,也会使之化成太阴海。 Such one foot long small stream, if the source of splitting heaven and earth apart time, this is grand, refining up the weapon, cultivates Pill Furnace Medicinal Herb also or and oneself body fusion, is the terrifying levels. 这么一尺多长的“小溪”,若是开天辟地时代的本源,这已经算是壮阔了,无论是炼成兵器,还是去培育丹炉药草亦或与己身融合等,都是恐怖级的。 xiū! 咻! When Chu Feng sneaks quietly, when preparation takes away this Lunar Source small stream, it is similar to a loach, submerges in the crevice to vanish to disappear. 楚风悄然潜行过去,准备收走这太阴本源小溪时,它如同一头泥鳅,没入石缝中消失不见了。 Chu Feng grasps crazily, is defending Reincarnation Cave, what can't obtain? 楚风抓狂,守着轮回洞,什么都得不到吗? don't tell me, here chance and haven't the good fortune been predestined friends with him equally? 难道说,这里的机缘与造化没有一样跟他有缘? Chu Feng ponders over, he grasps the Seven Treasures Wonderful Technique secrets, understood how to practice, if collects seven Heaven and Earth treasure here, that will unable imagine. 楚风琢磨,他掌握七宝妙术的秘笈,懂得如何练成,若是在这里凑齐七种天地奇珍,那将不可想象。 "Um, looks to look, can perhaps have the discovery really! ” “嗯,找一找看,或许真能有发现!” Transmits blazingly, small dragon chopsticks are so long, golden yellow dazzling, sacred incomparable, on a rock languid is exposing to the sun own body. 炽热传来,一条小龙筷子那么长,金黄刺目,神圣无匹,在一块岩石上懒洋洋的晒着自身的躯体。 Solar Dragon River!” His heart play jumps, has not acted rashly, feared that bamboo basket fetches water once more, but is the careful observation. 太阳龙河!”他心头剧跳,没有轻举妄动,怕再次竹篮子打水,而是仔细观察。 This is splitting heaven and earth apart time one of the of Solar Source rivers, turns into dragon shape, let alone these many, are one wisp put the outside with one drop, must let teach to shiver respectively, struggles to snatch. 这是开天辟地时期的太阳本源河流的一段,化成龙形,别说这么多,就是一缕与一滴放到外界去,也要让各教颤抖,争着去抢。 What, related to the splitting heaven and earth apart time, that affirmation value rises dramatically, it is containing the initial time say/way with the Order fragment. 无论是什么,涉及到开天辟地时期,那肯定价值飙升,它蕴含着初始时代的的道则与秩序碎片。 This Chu Feng prepares sufficiently, maintains composure, seizes the opportunity until the final moment, displays the lightning to strike, the dive started in the past. 这一次楚风准备充足,不动声色,直到最后关头把握住机会,施展闪电一击,俯冲过去下手了。 , his right hand burnt, this Solar Dragon River was touched by him, grasps, can have two drops of appearances, letting was his palm of Divine King quickly becomes the hard coke. “呼”的一声,他的右手燃烧起来了,这太阳龙河被他触及,抓下来一点,能有两滴的样子,让身为神王的他手掌都快成焦炭了。 Chu Feng cries out strangely, stimulates to movement breathing method hurriedly, here imprisons with the principle, takes back the hand, imprisons these two drops of golden primitive valuable fluids. 楚风怪叫,急忙催动呼吸法,在这里用法则禁锢,将手收回,禁锢这两滴金色的原始宝液。 Has harvested finally, Chu Feng waited for that these two drops of golden liquids are tranquil, the proximity that this is careful, attempts to receive in the side, slowly refining. 总算是有所收获,楚风等待这两滴金色液体平静下来,这才小心谨慎的接近,尝试收在身边,慢慢炼化 This is not good, he thought that wants decisive take action, saw that anything intercepts some, otherwise, way Reincarnation Cave had two drops of primitive valuable fluids to suffer a loss. 这样不行,他觉得要果断出手,看到什么都截取一些,不然的话,路径这轮回洞只得两滴原始宝液太吃亏了。 Moo!” “哞!” ox roar is shocking, that leaning ox stone was knocked the crack by Chu Feng, shakes one continuously black light, he goes all out to absorb, wants to refine into all cells in body. 牛吼震天,那块伏牛石楚风敲裂,震出一缕缕黑光,他拼命吸收,想要炼入躯体内的所有细胞内。 Finally, this Genesis Barbaric Ox source light obtained, result that two drops of golden Solar Dragon River bubbles blast out instantaneously, diverged in light of this, flees. 结果,这元始莽牛本源光得到了,结果那两滴金色的太阳龙河液滴瞬间炸开,就此散去,遁走了。 Damn!” “该死!” Chu Feng regretted, startled and anger. 楚风遗憾,又惊又怒。 In his heart has not the wonderful feeling, should only unable to obtain a good fortune in this place, surpasses must be confiscated, can these materials dissipate? 他心中生出不妙的感觉,在这个地方该不会真的只能得到一种造化吧,超过就要被没收,那些物质会逸散开去? He arrives at that fierce tiger stone bank, knocks to split, picks wisp of Tiger Fiend, it may manage to murder, finally just collected, the previous Genesis Barbaric Ox source flew away black light, cannot detain. 他来到那块凶虎石畔,敲裂开来,采到一缕虎煞,它可主掌杀伐,结果刚收集起来,早先的元始莽牛本源黑光就飞走了,留不住。 Also is really so?!” Chu Feng is dumbfounded, enters treasure mountain regarding one, person who sees these many good fortunes, is hundred claws torments the mind seriously, was too uncomfortable. “还真是如此?!”楚风傻眼,对于一个进入宝山,看到这么多造化的人来说,当真是百爪挠心,太难受了。 What to do? Only carries off a good fortune words, he is too not resigned. 怎么办?只带走一种造化的话,他太不甘心了。 Chu Feng worries, according to the normal condition , the good fortune that obtains, finally must integrate in soul light, is reincarnated the reincarnation with the host together. 楚风发愁,按照正常情况下来说,得到的造化,最终是要融入魂光中的,然后跟着宿主一起去转世投胎。 Child of such birth, flesh or soul light wait/etc., naturally extraordinary. 这样的出生的孩童,无论是血肉还是魂光等,自然都了不得。 "Um, I use stone box to come carrying/sustaining to give a try, gives to seal in inside, do not want to run, after the reincarnation, slowly refining! ” Chu Feng ponders over, not knows is whether feasible. “嗯,我用石盒来承载试试看,都给封在里面,别想跑,转生后慢慢炼化!”楚风琢磨,不知道是否可行。 He decisively the ominous Tiger Fiend air/Qi sealing into stone box, then knocks that fully is the fissure stone, searches the Undying Bird's flame. 他果断将凶虎煞气给封入石盒中,然后又去敲那满是裂痕的石块,寻觅不死鸟的火光。 Wisp of spooky flame, named Undying Flame, has braved from the crevice, took in stone box by Chu Feng. 一缕幽幽火焰,名为不死火光,从石缝中冒了出来,哧的一声被楚风收进石盒内。 Well, succeeded!” Chu Feng rouses, is very excited, jumped all of a sudden “咦,成功了!”楚风振奋,无比激动,一下子跳了起来 His knows, this means that can collect many good fortunes, can pack to carry off, the influence was too big. 知道,这意味着能采集较多的造化,都可以打包带走,影响太大了。 The next quarter, he starts to attack, collects in this ancient cave. 下一刻,他开始出击,在这座古洞中收集。 Naturally, Tiger Fiend, Undying Flame wait/etc., had been collected, what remaining is only the residual part, but was also enough to Chu Feng, after all he prepares xue to touch some various materials. 当然,无论是虎煞、还是不死火光等,都被人采集过,剩下的只是残留的部分,但对楚风来说也足够了,毕竟他准备将各种物质都“踅摸”一些。 Most top good fortune, Flying Immortal Light, Primordial Chaos Purple Mist, Boundary Stone and Primeval Beginning Fruit...... Where went, don't tell me has appeared one time, doesn't appear?” “最顶级的造化呢,飞仙光鸿蒙紫雾界石混元果……都去哪里了,难道出现过一次,就不出现了?” Chu Feng is surprised, the heart in the drop blood, several types of rare good fortunes that previously saw, afterward did not appear. 楚风惊疑,心都在滴血,早先看到的几样稀世造化,后来都不出现了。 Well, there has a gloomy grass, 33 leaves, each leaf has the strange texture, Heaven, this don't tell me is......” “咦,那里有一株暗淡的草,33片叶子,每片叶子都有奇异的纹理,天啊,这难道是……” Chu Feng first time is so rude, this looks like Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate to introduce very much World of the Living had presented in the ancient times one of the shaking world materials, doubtful that...... Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb. 楚风第一次这么失态,这很像石狐天尊介绍阳间古代出现过的震世物质之一,疑似那……三十三重天草 Chu Feng wants not to think, rapid take action, he does not want to miss, is willing to pack the stone box inner space with here various good fortunes. 楚风想也不想,迅速出手,他可不想错过,愿意用这里的各种造化将石盒的内部空间装满。 bo! 啵! A light sound, the Chu Feng error picks Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb in the end, a leaf has not caught, but actually pulls apart its a tiny part root hair, carries. 一声轻响,到头来楚风错失采三十三重天草,一片叶子也没有抓到,但却扯断它一小段根须,拎到手中。 Thirty Three Layered Heaven Herb submerges in stone wall, disappeared. 三十三重天草没入石壁内,不见踪影了。 His complexion azure white, then, feels relaxed has smiled, this root hair is perhaps more useful, after all was it was born 33 leaves. 他脸色阵青阵白,然后,又释然的笑了,这根须或许更有用,毕竟是它诞生了33片叶子。 He also can only comfort itself like this. 他也只能这样安慰自己了。 I succeed by sheer force of numbers, anything collects, does not believe compared with these obtains creature of surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries good fortune!” “我以量取胜,什么都采集,就不信比不过那些得到震古烁今造化的生灵!” Chu Feng makes a determined effort, since the good fortune of this place does not choose him on own initiative, each and every one at-large, he has also been ready for any sacrifice, prepares to dig three chi (0.33 m), the looting, each type plunders forcefully! 楚风发狠,既然此地的造化不主动选择他,一个个都在逃,他也豁出去了,准备掘地三尺,强行洗劫,每一种都掠夺! I must pack space of stone box internal one meter square!” “我非将石盒内部一米见方的空间装满不可!”
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