SR :: Volume #11

#1012: Corpse palace

The end of open field, is dimmer, just like must enter one piece not to have the light jet black place. 开阔地的尽头,更加昏暗,宛若要进入一片没有光的漆黑之地。 Is this Reincarnation? When Chu Feng is also not Evolver, has heard the folklore, after dying, will be the dry lonesome darkness, will be in light of this completely spiritless. 这就是轮回吗?楚风还不是进化者时,就听到过很多民间传说,死后将是枯寂的黑暗,就此无知无觉。 Without the feelings, without the consciousness, eternal ice-cold and dark, that then died. 没有感触,没有知觉,永恒的冰冷与黑暗,那便是死亡。 He must go to Reincarnation now, stepped into this place? More forward walks is jet black, puts out a hand not to see the five fingers, anything could not see. 他现在要去轮回,踏进这种地方了吗?越是向前走越是漆黑,伸手不见五指,什么都看不到了。 Was this must die? Oneself fell into absolutely in boundless darkness, the sensation is weakening. 他这是要死去了吗?自身已经陷入绝对无边的黑暗中,感知等都在消弱。 Can predecease here, then can go to the Reincarnation reincarnation? 要先死在这里,然后才能去轮回转世吗? Chu Feng promotes own spiritual awareness, opens Discerning Eyes, both eyes turns into two golden symbols, finally breaks open that endless darkness, saw nearby scenery. 楚风提升自己的灵觉,睁开火眼金睛,双目化成两个金色的符号,终于破开那无尽的黑暗,看到了附近的景物。 His heart palpitates, if no Discerning Eyes, formidable such as Divine King gradually both eyes are fuzzy, cannot see the surrounding scene, this little fearsome. 他心头悸动,若是没有火眼金睛,强大如神王都渐渐双眼模糊,看不到周围的景象,这有点可怖。 Front road darkness even more, moreover this is a trail, the path is getting more and more narrow, must arrive at the end likely, met to shut. 前方的路越发的黑暗,而且这是一条小径,道路越来越窄,像是要到尽头,遇到断路了。 Chu Feng frowns, situation some are not right, should have the good fortune to be right! 楚风蹙眉,情况有些不对,应该还有造化才对! Although Little Daoist Priest has not mentioned here details with him, but also explained that has the big good fortune! 小道士虽然没有跟他提及这里的详情,但也说明了,有大造化! Was unspeakable, cannot say, End of Reincarnation had secret, had the curse, who dared the multi- languages, in the future the meeting should say, by retribution.” “不可说,不能说,轮回尽头有大秘,有诅咒,谁敢多语,将来会应言,会遭报应的。” This was the Little Daoist Priest initial words, but reminded to him, tells matter that some have been able to say. 这是小道士当初的话,只是对他提醒,告诉了一些能说的事。 Thinks own this son, Chu Feng also sighed, this child started off for several months, expected that already reached the destination, succeeded compared with him first. 想到自己这个儿子,楚风又是一叹,这孩子已经上路几个月了,料想早已到达目的地,比他先成功。 Not knows this Little Daoist Priest whether to achieve wishes, obtains physique that most wants, achievement invincible body. 只是不知道这一世小道士能否如愿,获得最想要的体质,成就无敌身。 The end of road, presents transition unexpectedly, the trail corner is very big, the surroundings are stone wall, only then a person of wide thin narrow way, enters the inexplicable place, the thick fog fills the air. 路的尽头,蓦地出现转折,小径拐角很大,周围都是石壁,只有一条一人宽的细窄路径,进入莫名之地,浓雾弥漫。 This ancient cave, this road, was carved in the stone body, nearby stone wall is rough, Chu Feng once attempted to break, actually cannot, be too hard. 古洞,这条路,被刻在石体中,附近石壁粗糙,楚风曾尝试想要打破,却根本不能,太坚硬了。 He previously also thought, this stretch of region, this finally is extremely not the material, but is energetic, is the energy, how otherwise to go to the reincarnation in carrying/sustaining soul light. 他早先还觉得,这片地带,这终极之地不是物质的,而是精神的,是能量的,不然的话在怎么承载魂光去转生。 But touches with the hand, ice-cold, should be the material, is stone wall. 可是用手去触摸,一片冰冷,应该就是物质,是石壁 Buzz, this place trembles, he passes through this narrow trail, arrived in ancient palace, making him feel that is quite strange and mysterious. 嗡的一声,此地一颤,他走过这条狭窄的小径,来到了一座古殿中,让他感觉相当的诡异与神秘。 This is Reincarnation Ultimate Land, is not the nature lives, clever axe as if made by heaven? Now how to see ancient lithical palace that opens artificially? 这可是轮回终极地,不是自然而生,鬼斧天成吗?怎么现在看到一座人为开辟出来的古老石质殿宇? In his heart dignified, is very serious, this so-called end, the Reincarnation truth even more surpasses his imagination and understanding, looks like extremely strange. 他心中凝重,无比严肃,这所谓的尽头,轮回的真相地越发的超出他的想象与理解,看起来极其古怪。 The palace is very silent, is dark, just like visiting in the deathtrap, said to this in light of this says goodbye. 殿宇很寂静,非常黑暗,宛若踏足在死地,就此跟这一世说再见。 Chu Feng both eyes slightly pain, here darkness makes his fiery eyes somewhat unable to endure unexpectedly, rune in golden eyes is slightly gloomy, this is corroded dark is the result! 楚风双目微痛,这里的黑暗居然让他的火眼都有些吃不消,金睛内的符文略微暗淡,这是被黑暗侵蚀所致! In the palace indistinctly, really has...... lifeforms?! 殿宇中影影绰绰,竟然有……生物?! Chu Feng had a scare, in this broad and ancient stone palace, stands is saying silhouette, is silent, puts on obsolete Full-Body Armor, or is the ancient silk. 楚风吓了一跳,这座恢宏而古老的石头殿宇内,站着很多道身影,都寂静无声,穿着陈旧的甲胄,或者是古老的丝绸等。 "Um, the statue, is not real flesh lifeforms. ” This makes Chu Feng grow the one breath, is here is too mainly dim, if sees one crowd of lifeforms suddenly, in End of Reincarnation, but also does not adapt. “嗯,塑像,不是真实的血肉生物。”这让楚风长出一口气,主要是这里太昏暗,如果突然见到一群生物,在轮回尽头,还真不适应。 These lifeforms are the human form, in fact is not accidental/surprised, many species evolve to choose the human form finally. 这些生物多为人形,事实上不意外,有许多物种进化到最后都选择人形。 Lifelike, but why such senile, a little to terrify person.” “栩栩如生,但是为什么都这么老态,有点瘆人啊。” Chu Feng watches close to these statues, thinks is a little scared, these make an idol each and every one to be skinny, the eye socket gets sucked, head sending silk is sparse. 楚风临近这些塑像观看,觉得有点发毛,这些塑像一个个都皮包骨头,眼窝深陷,头上的发丝稀稀疏疏。 He is staring carefully, must completely understand the penetrating, on these lifeforms the dust, this round is extremely not the soul is reincarnated finally, has the dust? 他在仔细凝视,要看个透彻,这些生物身上尘土,这轮终极之地不都是灵魂去转世吗,怎么也有尘埃? A Chu Feng doubt, each and every one watches these statues. 楚风一阵狐疑,一个个的观看这些塑像。 He is staring through Discerning Eyes carefully, they are not the flesh and blood, is similar to the fossils, even must make decent, perhaps moves gently, then must disperse. 他通过火眼金睛仔细盯着,他们不是血肉之躯,都如同化石,甚至要风化了,恐怕轻轻一动,便要散掉。 What suspends them makes here? Chu Feng somewhat suspected, he thought in ancient palace exhibits these statue not anything significances. 将他们摆在这里做什么?楚风有些怀疑,他觉得一座古殿中陈列这些塑像没什么意义。 don't tell me, these people had the big merit trim Reincarnation past, therefore was consecrated in this? 难道说,这些人昔日于整片轮回来说有大功绩,所以被供奉在此? Suddenly, he discovers some exceptionally, behind these people have the light mark, shoulders the long blade to stay behind likely, on Full-Body Armor, has the trace on the bloodstained clothing. 忽然,他发现一些异常,这些人背后有淡淡的印记,像是背负着长刀留下的,在甲胄上,在血衣上有痕迹。 The Chu Feng heart moves, even more discretely, carefully is staring, gathered near around his brow to wrinkle, he saw ground somewhat powder in broken bits. 楚风心头一动,越发的谨慎,仔细地盯着,凑到近前后他眉头皱了起来,他看到地上有些细碎的粉末。 Scabbard rotten material, in addition also has...... Sweepings that the long blade turns into!” “刀鞘腐烂物质,此外还有……长刀化成的金属屑!” This makes him quite be startled, these statues once carried the long blade, finally corrupted in the years, fell on the ground, was this how remote matter? 这让他相当的吃惊,这些塑像曾经背着长刀,结果在岁月中都腐烂掉了,落在地上,这是何其久远的事? Thinks carefully, this ancient palace terrifying ancient scary, corrupts including the long blade that the statue carried. 仔细想一想,这座古殿恐怖古老的吓人,连塑像背着的长刀都腐烂掉了。 Attentive observation, each statue so, once Beidao. 用心观察,每个塑像都如此,都曾背刀。 The Chu Feng earnest induction, the heart is imposing, because he perceived that a light and familiar aura, the powder as well as these statue back traces of ground, had...... Reincarnation Blade flavor. 楚风认真感应,心头凛然,因为他觉察到了一股淡淡而熟悉的气息,地上的粉末以及这些塑像背后的痕迹,都有……轮回刀的“味道”。 Chu Feng with amazement, did these statues once carry Reincarnation Blade? 楚风骇然,这些雕像都曾背着轮回刀 He is not strange to this type of standard weapon, but also once clinched on Reincarnation Road, remains uses for oneself, was too familiar, fully realizes its tenacity and fearfulness. 他对这种制式兵器并不陌生,还曾在轮回路上摘走一把,留为己用,太熟悉了,深知它的坚韧与可怕。 But, turns into the powder including this type of weapon in the years, this is the how terrifying matter, had the how long years? 可是,连这种兵器都在岁月中化成粉末,这是多么恐怖的事情,到底存在多么漫长的岁月了? A Chu Feng palpitation, some suspected, in this jet black palace, he carefully is staring at these statues again, looks at silhouette earnestly. 楚风一阵心悸,也有一些怀疑,在这漆黑的殿宇中,他再一次仔细盯着这些塑像,认真看着近前的身影 Suddenly, silhouette turns head together fiercely, reveals the white tooth, shows the fierce smiling face to Chu Feng, too to terrify person in darkness. 突然,一道身影猛地回头,露出白森森的牙齿,对楚风露出狰狞的笑容,在黑暗中太瘆人了。 This accident is too astonishing, was too towering, in silent ancient palace, a statue opened mouth, it resurrected, is really frightened. 这一变故太惊人,也太突兀了,原本寂静的古殿中,一个塑像张开嘴,它复活了,实在过于惊悚。 In trim ancient palace thermal shock, ice is cold, raids the Chu Feng's back, making his fine body hair but actually vertical, creepy feeling. 整片古殿中温度骤降,冰寒刺骨,袭上楚风的后背,让他寒毛倒竖,头皮发麻。 This silhouette is skinny, skinny, when the stone same skin, the eye socket gets sucked, opens mouth, unexpectedly has the fang, and bloody. 这道身影枯瘦,皮包骨头,石头一样的皮肤,眼窝深陷,张嘴时,居然有獠牙,而且血淋淋。 Chu Feng almost yelled, cursing, one was staggering to back up, creepy feeling, the whole body ice was cold, this was also too terrifying and strange. 楚风差点大叫出来,诅咒着,一个踉跄倒退出去,头皮发麻,浑身冰寒,这也太恐怖与诡异了。 Previously, he used Discerning Eyes to look does not have the issue, how now sudden rising? Worthily is Reincarnation Cave, something could not completely understand unexpectedly. 早先,他用火眼金睛看过都没问题,怎么现在诈尸了?不愧是轮回洞,有些东西竟看不透。 Bang! 砰! When Chu Feng backs up, hits on another statue, finally the back is similar to by the blade is sheared, the cold air is piercing. 楚风倒退时,撞在另一尊塑像上,结果后背如同被刀割,寒气刺骨。 His suddenly turning around, discovered that this statue also resurrected, both eyes that gets sucked into the drop blood, and open mouth, creak makes noise, wants to gnaw to nip him. 他霍的转身,发现这个塑像也复活了,深陷的双目在滴血,并张开嘴,咯吱咯吱作响,想啃咬他。 Chu Feng avoids, flashes the item to watch, his whole body ices coldly, from the beginning as cool as foot. 楚风避开,闪目观看,他浑身都冰寒,从头凉到脚。 In this palace all statues open mouth, looks back, is staring at him, eye socket that gets sucked into, that lithical eyelid dehiscence, in the drop blood, the tooth is fair, the corners of the mouth are bringing strange smiling. 这座殿宇中所有塑像都张嘴,都回首,都在盯着他,深陷的眼窝,那石质的眼皮开裂,在滴血,牙齿白生生,嘴角带着诡异的笑。 In this darkness, the Chu Feng fine body hair is but actually vertical, the body cold air/Qi whiz whiz, did all statues live? 在这黑暗中,楚风寒毛倒竖,身体冷气嗖嗖,所有塑像都活了? Rotted including Reincarnation Blade that they shoulder, these did lifeforms have the how remote years? A little is really scary, making Chu Feng be afraid. 连它们背负的轮回刀都烂掉了,这些生物存在多么久远的岁月了?实在有点吓人,让楚风不寒而栗。 And, do they stand do here really? 并且,他们站在这里作甚? Clang! 锵! He draws out Divine Sword immediately, this is the weapon of Divine General level, with defend, another hand is holding stone box, serious and serious incomparable. 他当即拔出一口神剑,这是神将级的兵器,用以防御,另一只手则持着石盒,严肃而又郑重无比。 Recently before lifeforms must move, strikes an attitude to throw to strike him, after opening mouth, the face was withered, just like skeleton, but the tooth was white, bled profusely from the head, must start to Chu Feng. 最近前的一个生物要动,作势要扑击他,张开嘴后,面部干瘪,宛若骷髅,但牙齿还算白,七窍流血,要对楚风下手。 Chī! 哧! Chu Feng impolite, manages you are Reincarnation finally when extremely, this take action then take action, a sword from its mouth there thorn. 楚风不客气,管你是不是轮回的终极之地,该出手时就出手,一剑从它嘴巴那里刺了进去。 ka-cha! ka-cha! 喀嚓喀嚓 The clear sound is very grating, breaks the peace of ancient palace, the long sword inch of Divine General level is torn to pieces, is similar to skeleton lifeforms opens mouth section of section of cutting by biting. 清脆的声响很刺耳,打破古殿的宁静,神将级的长剑寸寸断掉,被如同骷髅般的生物张嘴一截一截的咬断。 The Chu Feng spine cold air whiz whiz, this really a little makes him be scared. 楚风脊椎骨寒气嗖嗖的,这实在有点让他发毛。 At this moment, in the palace all statues strike an attitude to throw, must kill toward Chu Feng here, making his body tighten, is extremely anxious. 这一刻,殿宇内所有塑像都作势欲扑,要向着楚风这里杀来,让他肌体绷紧,极度紧张。 Then, the ka-cha sound is lingering on faintly. 然后,喀嚓声不绝于耳。 When these statues must throw really strikes, the powder has put unexpectedly all up, the head falls to the ground, the arm crashes, disperses in a ground big pile. 这些塑像真的要扑击时,竟然全都散架了,头颅落地,胳膊坠落,散在地上一大堆。 Chu Feng is dumbfounded, prepared life and death great war, finally had this matter? 楚风目瞪口呆,都准备生死大战了,结果发生这种事? He feels relaxed, if these lifeforms also active, but can also take action, when he enters to here then this rapid under extreme methods. 他释然,如果这些生物还能动,还能出手,在他进入到这里时就该迅速下死手了。 Their energy exhausts, could not hit including the Order rule, body many joint spots were also decayed, will therefore disperse the frame. 它们能量耗尽,连秩序规则都打不出来了,身体许多关节部位也都已经腐朽,所以才会散架。 The ground, some pirate-like skulls are rolling, some wreckage are shivering, wants to start to Chu Feng, but all are the futile efforts. 地上,有些骷髅头在滚动,有些残骸在颤抖,都还想对楚风下手呢,但一切都是徒劳的。 Actually did you stay here how long years?!” He thinks knows very much. “你们究竟在这里呆了多久的岁月?!”他很想知道 However, nobody responded to him, perhaps these lifeforms, are not considered as that true lifeforms, petrify, early should the dust return to the dust to return to earth. 然而,没有人回应他,这些生物,或许根本就不算是真正的生物,都石化了,早该尘归尘土归土了。 They can preserve, is seal is the result, but oneself already could not support. 他们能够保存下来,是封印所致,但自身也早已支撑不住。 These lifeforms stand here, what is protecting, is carrying out some order? Wants knows, this is Reincarnation finally extremely. 这些生物站在这里,守护着什么,在执行某种命令吗?要知道,这可是轮回的终极之地。 End of Reincarnation lawman!” 轮回尽头的执法者!” Chu Feng sighed, made this guess. 楚风叹息,做出这种猜测。 On Reincarnation Road, has similar lifeforms, but definitely does not have here great strength, is maintaining Order, he also once seized a blade. 轮回路上,就有类似的生物,但肯定没这里的强大,维持着秩序,他还曾夺走一把刀。 Obviously, Reincarnation extremely under lifeforms by arrangement was been finally remote, is more terrifying, but was a pity very much, they had not applied, oneself decayed extinguishes. 显然,轮回终极之地被布置下的生物更为久远,也更为恐怖,但很可惜,他们一直没有派上用场,自身都已经朽灭了。 From ancient to present, who will bring to get up first when the reincarnation fleshly body, only then Chu Feng such did. 自古至今,谁在投胎时会带着上一世的肉身,也只有楚风这么做了。 In soul through in ancient cave, leaves behind these lifeforms, to catch the fleshly body person? 在灵魂通过的的古洞中,留下这些生物,就是为了捕捉有肉身的人吗? Finally, these lifeforms oneself became the skeletons, making here a corpse palace. 结果,这些生物自身都成尸骸了,让这里成为一座尸殿。 Chu Feng leaves fast, has not delayed, he does not want any accident/surprise in this final end, earlier is reincarnated enters World of the Living to be quite good, this place cannot stay for a long time. 楚风快速离开,没有耽搁下去,他可不想在这最后的尽头出现什么意外,早点转世进入阳间比较好,此地不可久留。 However, he is also knitting the brows, soon will go to the reincarnation, his fleshly body what to do? 但是,他也在皱眉,即将去投胎了,他的这具肉身怎么办? Can't bring fleshly body to be reincarnated? 总不能带着肉身去转世吧? A such big live person, is holding stone box, wears Vajra Cutter, at the back of Divine Sword, raises the Divine General level great halberd to go to the reincarnation? This is too odd! 这么大的一个活人,持着石盒,戴着金刚琢,背着神剑,提着神将级大戟去投胎?这实在太离谱!
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