SR :: Volume #11

#1011: Reincarnation Ultimate Land

Whiz! 嗖! Chu Feng enters Reincarnation Cave, at present a fuzziness, here incomparable dim, is silent. 楚风进入轮回洞,眼前一片模糊,这里无比的昏暗,寂静无声。 Finally arrived here, here is Reincarnation Ultimate Land, is the end of road! 终于来到这里,这里已经算是轮回终极地,是路的尽头! Chu Feng took a deep breath, the chest fluctuates, innermost feelings are not calm, will go to Reincarnation in light of this, he thinks possibly, but as before not the essence of knows this road, how reincarnation? 楚风深吸了一口气,胸膛起伏,内心非常不平静,就此将去轮回,他想到许多可能,但依旧不知道这条路的本质,怎么转生? However, he is also excited, slightly has stimulated, some time ago that entanglement was obliterated in his another of bleeding profusely from the head, he becomes incomparably light and lively, an innermost feelings piece spatial bright, the likely hoodwinked mind struggles free the shackles, restores the eternal truth in light of this. 不过,他也是激动的,略有亢奋,不久前那个纠缠在他身上的七窍流血的另一个自己被磨灭,他变得无比轻灵,内心一片空明,像是被蒙蔽的心灵挣断枷锁,就此恢复真如。 Enters World of the Living, was insufficient to be struck cross two Realm horizontally?” “进入阳间,不至于被人跨两个境界横击了吧?” When Broken Universe, meets on World of the Living Great Desolate Earth to rank eighth Divinity Chi Ming, unexpectedly was shaken by the peak of god hardly, he was Divine King middle stage, the innermost feelings touches was too big, cut down unexpectedly below! 残破宇宙时,遇上阳间洪荒大地上排位第八的神祇赤铭,居然被神之巅峰硬撼,他身为神王中期,内心触动太大了,竟被人以下伐上! Only can say, the World of the Living genuine rare talent is too fearful! 只能说,阳间真正的奇才太可怕! Meanwhile, Chu Feng also thought, is intensive with him, to become God is too quick, as well as strange matter pesters oneself also to have karma, otherwise he is insufficient such not being able to withstand. 同时,楚风也觉得,跟他速成有关,成神太快,以及诡异物质纠缠自身也有因果,不然的话他不至于这么“不堪”。 Continuously for a long time hence, he will vanish however people. 长此以往,他会泯然众人矣。 But now his in the heart is hopeful, thought that can go to World of the Living to strive for hegemony, to on genuine person outstandingly how?! 而现在他心中充满希望,觉得可以去阳间争霸了,对上真正的人杰又如何?! Chu Feng peaceful mind, then stand forth. 楚风静心,而后向前走去。 In the hole is too dim, along the stone steps road, the topography gradually changes high, he ascends the step on, this road is accumulating the motley mark of years, as if aphonia hundred million ten thousand years, Taining lonesome. 洞中太昏暗,沿着石阶路,地势渐渐变高,他拾阶而上,这条路积淀着岁月的斑驳印记,仿佛失音亿万载了,太宁寂。 Quick, he arrives at a stretch of open field, this was one said that greatly loudly said small ancient cave, will looked at the end. 很快,他来到一片开阔地,这是一座说大不大说小不小的古洞,一眼堪堪望到尽头。 In ancient cave has a trace, is the character and simple scribing. 古洞中有一痕迹,都是字符与简单的刻图。 Chu Feng staring, whenever gazes at one line of characters, when or some simple scribing, he will reappear at present some silhouette, this was past Reincarnator remains! 楚风凝视,每当注视一行字符,或者一些简单刻图时,他眼前就会浮现出一些身影,这是当年的轮回者所留! With his same person, once grasped paper talisman to come here to be reborn in paradise, once left the trace here! 跟他一样的人,曾手持符纸来到这里往生,曾在此留下痕迹! Person who also has does not have paper talisman individually goes against heaven's will extremely, is the chance coincidence, astrays this place, but are extremely few, and is very ignorant, the miraculous glow is gloomy, is not very sober. 同时也有个别没有符纸的人极其逆天,也算是机缘巧合,误入此地,但极少,且很浑噩,灵光暗淡,不够清醒。 The years are heartless, time River is torrential, but this place leaves behind the passing old scenery, can reappear the fuzzy scene. 岁月无情,时间长河滔滔,但此地留下过往旧景,可以再现出模糊的景象。 Is soul light, has the outstandingly beautiful woman female, just like imperially, even if arrives at this place, is the silver hair flies upwards, looks disdainfully all, understands thoroughly the mystery of world. 都是魂光,有天姿国色的女子,宛若帝王般,哪怕来到此地,也是银发飞扬,睥睨一切,洞彻天地之奥秘。 Chu Feng suck in a cold breath, could not completely understand that the depth of that silver-haired female, was too formidable, even if away from the time, oppresses the feeling of All Heavens to the person faintly. 楚风倒吸冷气,根本看不透那银发女子的深浅,太强大了,哪怕隔着时光,也给人隐隐压迫诸天之感。 Moreover, this female looks unexpectedly a little looks familiar. 而且,这女子竟看着有点眼熟。 This place is too dim, Chu Feng goes forward, wants to look at a care. 此地太朦胧,楚风上前,想看个仔细。 A boundless pressure likely before that is eternal, from that day arched above falls in torrents, will frighten Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, the past and present in the future. 一股磅礴威压像是自那万古前、从那天穹之上倾泻下来,震慑天上地下,古今未来。 Chu Feng knits the brows, the surroundings have other soul light souvenir photos, but absolutely does not have this female to be so terrifying, in Reincarnation extremely can so compel the person finally! 楚风皱眉,周围也有其他魂光留影,但是却绝对没有此女这么恐怖,在轮回的终极之地都能这般迫人! Comes Reincarnation including this character, what she pursues is what, is the present world life must come to the end point, wants to come one time again? 连这种人物都来轮回,她所追求的是什么,是现世生命要走到终点,想重来一次吗? He thought, this female possibly is Supreme Being, most minimum present he is hard to estimate. 他觉得,此女可能是大能,最起码现在的他难以揣度。 Quick, he shook the head, this is the matter that historically has, regardless of how shocking lifeforms, already vanished in time River is right. 很快,他又摇了摇头,这都是历史上发生的事,无论多么惊艳的生物,都早已消失在时间长河中才对。 "Um?! ” “嗯?!” Finally, Chu Feng found that the problem key is, previously looks to look familiar, now adjoins, almost must touch, he truly sees clearly this is similar to the silver-haired female of emperor. 终于,楚风发现问题关键所在,早先看着眼熟,现在毗邻,几乎要触及了,他才真正看清这个如同帝王的银发女子。 A little looks like Lin Nuoyi?! 有点像林诺依?! How possible?! 怎么可能?! Corner of the eye brow tip same elegantly beautiful, the chilly makings are similar to the ice spring, the looks look like very much, this is manifestation of soul light, Shining Upon leaves some life the outline and mark. 眼角眉梢一样的冷艳,清冷气质如同冰泉,姿容很像,这是魂光的体现,映照出某种生命的轮廓与印记。 Chu Feng knits the brows, shook the head, enters the first person that Reincarnation extremely pays attention to finally unexpectedly such strangely, likely is the acquaintance, but also is really strange. 楚风皱眉,摇了摇头,进入轮回终极之地所关注的第一人居然就这么的诡异,像是熟人,还真是古怪。 However, he does not think that this has the relations with Lin Nuoyi, is only the coincidence? 但是,他不认为这跟林诺依有关系,只是巧合吧? Otherwise the issue was serious, before endless years, extraordinary unparalleled female Evolver appear, most afterward this place Reincarnation, but he sees in the present age, what is this? 不然的话问题就严重了,无尽岁月前,有一个了不得的盖世女性进化者出现,最后来此地轮回,而他在当世又看到,这算什么? Then, he looks to nearby other soul light, some are very strong, some not necessarily are higher than him on many, because does not have that deterrent feeling. 然后,他又看向附近的其他魂光,有的很强,有的则不见得比他高上多少,因为没有那种威慑感。 Chu Feng believes firmly, the 99% person definitely is his Sect founder attacks the restricted area and help/gang it to take out paper talisman, can have the opportunity of this reincarnation. 楚风确信,九成九的人肯定都是其师门教祖攻打禁地、帮其取出符纸,才能有这种转生的机会。 Does not need to think, what Menhe sends to obtain the price that paper talisman must pay to bleed, the loss is serious, even if Heavenly Venerate and Supreme Being if not in the appropriate time enters in the restricted area , could die. 毋庸多想,无论是何门何派想得到一枚符纸都要付出流血的代价,损失惨重,哪怕是天尊大能如果不是在合适的时期进入禁地中,也可能会死。 Chu Feng saunters, afterimage that in this stretch of region sees, the trace that past left was very formidable, all was very extraordinary. 楚风在这片地带转悠,看到的残影,昔日留下的痕迹都很强大,全都十分非凡。 For example, he sees a Kunpeng female, human form silhouette of beautiful and graceful, golden hair magnificently intense, the absolutely beautiful looks, is bringing a pair of Kunpeng wing, engraved to fill terrifying rune, these were the Great Dao fragments, partly visible. 比如,他看到一个鲲鹏女,婀娜的人形身影,金发盛烈,绝丽的姿容,带着一对鲲鹏翅,镌刻满了恐怖的符文,那些都是大道碎片,若隐若现。 This type of lifeforms itself is the legend in myth, moreover practices the unimaginable region, if in the reality presents one, spreads the wings to strike, that is the day crack! 这种生物本就是神话中的传说,况且修行到不可想象的境地,现实中若是出现一尊,展翅一击,那就是天裂! She counter charges into the day, it is estimated that the universe sea is turbulent. 她逆冲向天,估计宇宙海都要动荡。 Was a pity the writing that they leave behind did not know.” Chu Feng regretted, each lifeforms before starting off, has the mark to stay behind more or less, but is unable to distinguish. “可惜啊,他们留下的文字都不认识。”楚风遗憾,每个生物临上路前,或多或少都有印记留下,可是都无法识别。 However, can suspect, does not stay behind before death famous, is writing regretted, also or will inscribe will send word next life. 不过,也能够猜想,不是留下生前名,就是书写遗憾,亦或者铭刻来世寄语。 The Chu Feng careful identification, wants to take down the soul light portraits of all people, because can come here person not to be simple, no matter by own strength gain paper talisman, the elder bestows, is extraordinary. 楚风仔细辨认,想记下所有人的魂光真容,因为能够来到这里的人都不简单,不管是靠自己的力量获取的符纸,还是长辈所赐,都了不得。 Can be reincarnated, the gravity head again future, his second impossible obscure, meets absolutely super formidable, in some sense, these people are doomed to step the road of most powerhouse! 能够转世、重头再来者,他的第二世不可能默默无闻,绝对会超级强大,从某种意义上来说,这些人注定要踏上最强者之路! Perhaps World of the Living's Supreme Being, as well as part strongest Heavenly Venerate, possibly is the parts in these people! 也许阳间的大能,以及部分最强天尊,就可能是这些人中的部分! Some people were too strong, even if away from the space and time, in a time, Chu Feng did not feel that the pressure big arrives boundlessly, in this Reincarnation Cave weakened infinitely, but these people keep mark terrifying fearful, just like must collapse by pressure the All Heavens space and time, the shattering past and present, wants to bridge over Time River, but obviously, looks disdainfully Reincarnator of all time. 有些人真的太强了,哪怕隔着时空,不在一个时代,楚风也感觉压力大到无边,这轮回洞中已经无限消弱,可那些人留痕还是恐怖的慑人,宛若要压塌诸天时空,震裂古今,欲跨过岁月长河而显化,睥睨所有时代的轮回者 In these people, there is a whole body is the Great Demon of blood and uncombed hair dance, there is foot treads bloodshed lonely Supreme Being, is solitarily alone and good, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered the Great Desolation World of the Living earth unpaired thousand Buddha demon monsters, have the appearance consistent beautiful woman twin sisters, the looks were rare since ancient times, the bird's eye view world, is aloof on. 在这些人中,有满身是血、乱发狂舞的大魔头,也有脚踏血海的孤独大能,只身踽踽而行,还有纵横洪荒阳间大地无对手的千手佛魔怪物,亦有容貌一致的倾城双胞胎姐妹,姿容古来罕见,俯瞰天地,超然在上。 The Chu Feng intention is recording, no matter is relatively small and weak, is extremely, the achievements after their reincarnation are doomed to be fearful, so long as does not die, can live, can shining world. 楚风用心在记,不管是相对弱小的,还是绝顶的,他们转生后的成就都注定非常可怕,只要不死,能够活下来,都会照耀世间。 Remembers them, perhaps has then remembered some World of the Living's powerhouses. 记住他们,或许便算是记住了部分阳间的强者。 Naturally, the premise is they are also living, has not annihilated in world, has not died in River of Time. 当然,前提是他们还活着,没有湮灭在世间,没有死在光阴长河内。 "Um, since the World of the Living's water is so deep, and there is above 90% is the elder grants paper talisman to come Reincarnation, then lifeforms that comes this place to be reborn in paradise perhaps is less fearful! ” “嗯,既然阳间的水那么深,且有九成以上的都是长辈赐予符纸轮回,那么没有来此地往生的生物或许更可怕!” Chu Feng pondered over, indeed so! 楚风思忖,的确如此! Has not come here Reincarnation Evolver to be more terrifying, reaches the situation that type has not needed to adjust next life, fearful to terrify person how?! 没有来这里轮回进化者应该更恐怖,都走到了那种不需要来世校正的地步,可怕的何其瘆人?! The old fogy who some had not faded since old times, some Supreme Being, have been dormant in famed scenery, sinks the dormancy, knows certainly is not in what degree. 一些自古未衰的老家伙,一些大能,一直在名山大川中蛰伏,沉眠,真不知道强绝到何种程度。 Chu Feng is lost in thought leisurely, then the speechless, he has not succeeded Reincarnation, now thinks that many did, crosses first this has closed at present said again. 楚风悠悠出神,而后哑然,他还没有成功去轮回呢,现在想那么多作甚,先过了眼前这一关再说。 What can I leave behind here?” “我在这里要留下什么呢?” Others have the trace, even if were reincarnated, but can also track down in years past pressure and magnificence, was initially had lived that life final certificate. 别人都有痕迹,哪怕去转世了,还能追寻到昔年的一点威压与辉煌,算是当初活过那一生的最后凭证。 This laughed heartily, has the tears, before arriving at final moment, I was actually anything do not want to say that anything does not want to remain.” “这一世有欢笑,有泪水,临到最后关头,我却是什么都不想说,什么都不想留。” Finally, Chu Feng said such words unexpectedly, this was the heart-to-heart talk, wanted the language silent. 最终,楚风竟说出这样的话,这是肺腑之言,欲语又无声。 After long, Chu Feng also sighed, said: Hopes, some day facing the All Heavens enemy, Reincarnation back gambling, I can sigh one, How lonely is the invincible.” 很久之后,楚风才又叹,道:“只是希望,有朝一日面对诸天敌,轮回背后的博弈者,我能感叹一句,无敌是多么寂寞。” Although did not understand, but in his knows this water is too deep. 虽然不了解,但他知道此中水太深。 He is indistinct thought, the bureau covers the long and infinite years, possibly involves the different evolution history. 他隐约间觉得,有一个局笼罩漫长而无穷的岁月,可能涉及到不同的进化史。 The node of each most resplendence time, these different Evolution Road, furcation to where? Disappears. Once involves, presents the clue, that seriously is ancient and modern big change, big terrifying near world! 各个最辉煌灿烂时期的节点,那些不同的进化路,都分叉向何方了?怎么不见了。一旦涉及,出现端倪的话,那当真是古今剧震,大恐怖临世间! "Um?! ” “嗯?!” Chu Feng is stunned, is somewhat scared, he has not carved characters, has not left behind the scratch, is why, How lonely is the invincible these words brand mark here? Sets up a place to reverberate in him gently, turns into the distinctive mark. 楚风愕然,有些傻眼,他没有刻字,不曾留下刻痕,可是为什么,无敌是多么寂寞这句话烙印在这里?在他所立身之地轻轻回荡,化成特殊符号。 He somewhat understood, throughout the ages, can come Reincarnation Ultimate Land lifeforms, the talent certainly is colorful, is extraordinary existences, there are much is the oysters, will not keep the mark, wants low key compared with him, is under this Reincarnation Cave driving brand mark. 他有些明白了,古往今来,可以来轮回终极地生物,都才情绝艳,都是了不得的存在,有不少都是沉默者,不会留痕,比他还要“低调”,是这轮回洞主动烙印下的。 Chu Feng thinks how does not think, stride stand forth, leaves this stretch of open field, he must go to cycle of reincarnation, this road should move toward the end point. 楚风想了想,并不觉得如何,大步向前走去,离开这片开阔地,他要去转世轮回了,这条路该走向终点了。 He also slightly has disturbance, he is not the soul light condition, with others, fleshly body did not come, will the words that must be reincarnated really what have? 只是,他也略有忐忑,他不是魂光状态,跟别人都不一样,肉身过来了,真要去转世的话将会发生什么? Whiz, he submerges the end of this stretch of open field! 嗖的一声,他没入这片开阔地的尽头!
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