SR :: Volume #11

#1010: Unpainted clay idol take action

Chu Feng thinks to send to terrify, he had arrived here several times, but also once with this stone embryo abreast in row sat together, enjoys burning down the paper talisman offering, from the start is all right. 楚风觉得发瘆,他曾经数次来到过这里,还曾跟这石胎并排坐在一起,享受焚烧的符纸供品,压根就没什么事。 But now, it is actually shining, the dust surges, rustle falls, the beast fur lined robe sleeve stirs! 可是现在,它却在发光,尘埃激荡,簌簌落下,兽皮袍袖鼓荡起来! Chu Feng big such as fights, quite does realizing from experience, where often walk to have not the wet shoes in the riverside? 楚风头大如斗,颇有一种体悟,常在河边走哪有不湿鞋? He the intercourse here, what had not met to trouble several times, today finally has had an accident, witnesses a big accident, is unpainted clay idol this must criticize with him? 他数次往来于这里,一直没遇到什么麻烦,今天终于出事了,目睹一场大变故,泥胎这是要跟他清算吗? He is a little afraid, others come to here are prostrating oneself, kotows devotionally, but he from the start not that respectful and prudent, even also once had some idea, wants this unpainted clay idol battle dress peeling, its hand string clinching...... 他有点心虚,别人来这里都是在膜拜,虔诚叩首,可他压根就没有那么恭谨过,甚至还一度产生某种想法,想将这泥胎身上的战袍给剥下来,将它的手串给摘走…… Although has not been put into action finally, has not looted, but that thought was very once intense. 虽然最后没有付诸行动,不曾洗劫,但是那种念头曾经很强烈。 Now, he wants to say very much, Friend, you then rest, I passed by! 现在,他很想说,老兄,你接着睡,我只是路过! Moreover, he personally sets an example, such has done, sneaking off that wants such to brace oneself, is, inexplicable field energy appearance, has imprisoned him, could not take a walk. 而且,他身体力行,真的这么做了,就想这么硬着头皮的溜走,可是,一股莫名的“场能”出现,禁锢了他,走不动了。 Chu Feng sighs woefully, creepy feeling, looks at the unpainted clay idol. 楚风一声哀叹,头皮发麻,看着泥胎。 The time passes, time River howls, knows hundreds of millions years of years, unpainted clay idol dust was not thick, already submerged its appearance/portrait. 光阴流逝,时光长河呼啸,不知道几亿载岁月了,泥胎身上的尘埃太厚,早已淹没其真容。 Now it shines, the dust that rustle drops has several cuns (2.5 cm) thick fully, particularly robe sleeve there, stirs, flap flap makes noise, and ray is dazzling. 现在它发光,簌簌落下的尘埃足有几寸厚,尤其是其中一个袍袖那里,鼓荡起来,猎猎作响,并且光芒刺眼。 The sound of unpainted clay idol, is a little really scary, originally usually here lonely like snow, but the dust flies upwards now, somewhat chokes the nose. 泥胎的这番动静,实在有点吓人,原本平日这里寂寞如雪,可现在尘埃飞扬,有些呛鼻子。 "Um, is not right! ” The Chu Feng heart palpitates at the same time, sees some exceptionally. “嗯,不对!”楚风心头悸动的同时,也看出一些异常。 All because of the hand of unpainted clay idol, its main body have not moved, the so-called beast fur lined robe stirs, stems from its left hand wrist there, the flowing light is dazzling, rune ripples, clear radiant. 一切都是因为泥胎的一只手,它的本体并没有动,所谓的兽皮袍鼓荡,源于其左手腕那里,流光炫目,符文荡漾,晶莹璀璨。 Is that hand string! 是那条手串! It comprised of the animal bones, tooth, the bird beak, was put on by the inexplicable lifeforms muscle in the same place, forms an artistic and plain hand string. 它由兽骨、牙齿、鸟喙等组成,被莫名的生物筋穿在一起,形成一条美观而又古朴的手串。 In this, these polish smooth bird beaks, animal teeth, the clear bone block, vibrates together, sends out the ray, entire hand string sacred auspicious and brilliant incomparable! 于此之际,那些打磨平滑的鸟喙、兽牙、晶莹骨块等,一起震动,发出光芒,整条手串神圣祥和与绚烂无匹! At first, it is similar to the rosy-colored clouds at dawn ascends, shines the four directions, finally just like divine rainbow heaven shaking, too dazzling, letting the person is unable to face up. 起初,它如同朝霞升腾,普照四方,最后宛若神虹惊天,太刺目了,让人无法正视。 What is most essential, it has supreme potential, frightens the will of the people, is Divine King in its front also felt that oneself tiny is similar to the ants, weakly just like the dust, is not anything. 最为关键的是,它有一种无上的“势”,震慑人心,便是神王在它的面前也感觉自身渺小如同蝼蚁,微弱犹如尘埃,根本算不上什么。 Chu Feng believes firmly, if not for stone box in hand, he possibly frightened looking awful, is impossible to stand safely here, did not say that explodes breaks to pieces in this place, destroy both body and soul, must fall down mostly softly. 楚风确信,若不是石盒在手,他可能被震慑的不成样子,根本不可能安然站在这里,不说爆碎于此地,形神俱灭,多半也要软倒在地上。 Past, most powerhouse in his eyes is Shining Upon Level lifeforms, on knows this did not have Realm, but also once believes, this hand string was Shining Upon Level animal teeth, bird beak and other polishes. 昔日,他眼中的最强者便是映照级生物,根本不知道此上还有境界,还曾一度认为,这条手串便是映照级的兽牙、鸟喙等打磨而成。 Now looks like, that guess is too laughable, differs the long distance, this hand string absolutely is the thing of Paramount, making All Heavens Evolver probably go crazy. 现在看来,那种猜测太可笑,相差十万八千里,这条手串绝对是究极之物,让诸天进化者都要发疯。 Chu Feng results in the stone box asylum, stabilizes gradually, has not trembled, but the heart intermittently is actually scared, always thought that has any matter to occur. 楚风石盒庇护,渐渐稳定下来,没有颤栗,但是却心头阵阵发毛,总觉得有什么事情要发生。 The care that he looks, this unpainted clay idol main body has not moved, although under crash many dust, is on True Body the dust is very as before thick, does not reveal the appearance/portrait, including is male is female is always little cannot see clearly. 他看的仔细,这泥胎本体真的没动,虽然坠落下很多尘埃,可是真身上依旧灰尘很厚,不显露真容,连是男是女是老是少都看不清。 Only has its left hand there, the beast fur lined robe sleeve stirs! 唯有它的左手那里,兽皮袍袖鼓荡! That bone string illumination too magnificently intense, and at this time, its lasing left together the variegated light beam, flew to Chu Feng, is unable to avoid. 那条骨串发光太盛烈了,并且在这个时候,它激射出一道斑斓光束,飞向楚风,根本无法躲避。 Is only tying a belt the aura of years, comprised of various types of Great Dao fragments, just like sacred Dharma Decree across the sky, the cover falls to Chu Feng. 光束带着岁月的气息,由各种大道碎片组成,宛若一张神圣法旨横空,罩落向楚风 No!” “不!” The Chu Feng low roar, he thought that heart wants to crack, soul light is startled to palpitate, approaches just like the judgment day, can this unpainted clay idol criticize with him really? 楚风低吼,他觉得心头欲裂,魂光惊悸,宛若世界末日来临,这泥胎真要跟他清算? Buzz, that ray of light covers him, the sacred and boundless variegated light beam can simply crush all, omnipotent, imprisons Chu Feng from head to foot, in a twinkling surges. 嗡的一声,那道光将他覆盖,神圣而磅礴的斑斓光束简直可以碾压一切,无所不能,将楚风从头到脚禁锢,霎时间激荡起来。 During this process, stone box clear, but shakes after slightly, it restores the original design, not the ray of light bunch that prevents the hand string lasing to come. 在此过程中,石盒晶莹,但是稍微一震后,它又恢复原样,并没有阻止手串激射过来的这道光束。 I passed by! Chu Feng wants to yell, but cannot shout, cannot move, seemed frozen including soul light. 我只是路过!楚风想大叫,但是却喊不出来,动弹不得,连魂光都仿佛被冷冻了。 Is the mountain torrent falls in torrents likely, gallops in Chu Feng's within the body, the sound is exceptionally great, deafening, making his flesh vibrate, soul light is resonating. 像是山洪倾泻,在楚风的体内奔腾,声音异常宏大,震耳欲聋,让他的血肉在抖动,魂光在共振。 What situation is this? 这是什么情况? Suddenly, he is aloof likely, can carefully examine own all, that variegated light beam has been attacking his whole body, from the blood and bone to the soul, each inch was combed. 忽然间,他像是超脱出来,能够审视自身的一切了,那斑斓光束在冲击他的全身上下,从血与骨到灵魂,每一寸都被梳理过去。 Then, Chu Feng saw lets his frightened picture, has two? 然后,楚风看到了一副让他惊悚的画面,怎么有两个自己? One is his oneself, does not have any issue. 一个是他自身,没什么问题。 There is still one, the both eyes drop blood, corners of the mouth are bringing strange smiling, almost superposes with his oneself. 还有一个,双目滴血,嘴角带着诡异的笑,跟他自身几乎重合。 He was frightened, first realized that is anything! 他惊悚了,第一时间意识到那是什么! Hasn't strange matter, cleaned out? 诡异物质,还没有除尽? "Áo...... ” “嗷……” Grating scream, just like evil spirit at wail, too to terrify person, was too fearful, sends out from Chu Feng own flesh and soul, breaks the Reincarnation Road end the tranquility. 刺耳的尖叫,宛若厉鬼在哭嚎,太瘆人了,也太可怕了,从楚风自己的血肉与灵魂中发出,打破轮回路尽头的宁静。 Was, Chu Feng oneself had a clear(ly) to become aware, this stone embryo sat here, was not pure closed eyes sinks the dormancy, but was guarding this road, did not allow certain things to step into Reincarnation. 是了,楚风自身有一种明悟,这石胎坐在这里,不是单纯的闭目沉眠,而是在看守这条路,不允许某些东西踏入轮回 Although the deathly stillness is motionless, but silently is actually overlooking all. 虽死寂不动,但却在默默俯视着一切。 Meanwhile, he also understood, is not the rough stone mill plate is weak, but is his flesh and soul light is ground throughout thoroughly, the formatting, he has not brought fleshly body to come, therefore also has the strange matter entanglement 同时,他也明白了,不是粗糙的石磨盘不够强,而是他的血肉与魂光始终没有被彻底碾碎,不曾格式化,他是带着肉身过来的,所以还有诡异物质纠缠 But here, the unpainted clay idol assumes personal command, no matter it is the dying thing is also good, living, that hand string on its wrist is carrying out some decree, purifies all, frightens this road. 而在这里,泥胎坐镇,不管它是死物也好,活着也罢,它腕子上的那条手串都在执行某种旨意,净化一切,震慑这条路。 This is carrying on final investigation, prevents a calamity! 这是在进行最后的排查,消弭祸患! Chu Feng knows should not rejoice, is this frightened, that strange matter compared with the fearfulness and complex that he imagines, unexpectedly has not cleaned out, needs unpainted clay idol take action. 楚风知道是该庆幸,还是该惊悚,那诡异物质远比他想象的可怕与复杂,居然还未除尽,需要泥胎出手 Exactly said that was the hand string on unpainted clay idol wrist is activated, obliterated the terrifying material in this, in Reincarnation does not allow the fog to appear! 确切的说是泥胎腕子上的手串被激活了,在此磨灭恐怖物质,轮回中不允许灰雾出现! Chu Feng thinks, past he also thinks under to rub this hand string appropriates to oneself, now looks like, but also is really...... Bold, the know-nothing party is dauntless. 楚风想到,昔日他还想撸下这条手串据为己有,现在看来,还真是……胆大包天,无知者无畏。 However, he also secretly sighed, if this thing can wear in own wrist/skill, but also feared any strange matter, displayed Small Six Paths Time Technique heartily, did not have the hidden danger. 不过,他也暗叹,这东西要是可以戴在自己手腕上,还怕什么诡异物质,尽情施展小六道时光术,根本无隐患。 Bang! 轰! With of his True Body entanglement Chu Feng, bleeds profusely from the head, is covered with cuts and bruises, now blasts out directly, was twisted to extinguish by the variegated light beam of clear hand string lasing thoroughly. 跟他真身纠缠的那个“楚风”,七窍流血,满身是伤,现在直接炸开,被晶莹的手串激射的斑斓光束彻底绞灭。 At this moment, Chu Feng is similar to a convict works loose from the gloomy shackles, the light and lively several fold continues from top to bottom. 这一刻,楚风如同一个囚徒从阴暗的牢笼中挣脱而出,浑身上下轻灵数倍不止。 This compared with after stone mill plate there purification, but also makes him be refreshing, his knows, these time completely eradicates the disaster. 这比在石磨盘那里净化后,还让他神清气爽,他知道,这一次才算是彻底铲除祸患。 spirituality is ignorant, is this how fearful matter? If not for cuts completely the fog here, how he can strive for hegemony with the World of the Living's talent in the future, congenitally deficient, oneself will be getting more and more gloomy! 灵性蒙昧,这是何其可怕的事?若不是在这里斩尽灰雾,他将来怎么能跟阳间的天才争霸,先天不足,自身会越来越暗淡! "Um? ” “嗯?” At the same time, Chu Feng discovered that that attaches after his bleeding profusely from the head in flesh and soul light Chu Feng was rumbled extinguishes, turns into grey fine powder, does not vanish thoroughly. 同一时间,楚风发现,那个附着在他血肉与魂光中的七窍流血的“楚风”被轰灭后,化成点点灰色齑粉,并非是彻底消失。 However, already not so-called strange, ominous, was purified after thoroughly, returns to original state one special material. 不过,已经没有所谓的诡异、不祥等,被彻底净化后,还原成一种特殊的物质。 At this time, his within the body thing moved, has been towing, will select the grey fine powder absorption of most source. 这时,他体内一物动了,在牵引,将点点最本源的灰色齑粉吸收。 This makes Chu Feng have a scare, but feels relaxed finally. 这让楚风吓了一大跳,但最后又释然。 Black and white Little Millstone rotates in his within the body slowly, this thing is very special, is very tenacious, Chu Feng had the inferior danger, fleshly body has rotted, even turns into the blood and bone, but it retains throughout, had not extinguished. 黑白小磨盘在他的体内缓缓转动,这东西很特别,也很坚韧,楚风曾经有过很多次危险,肉身都烂掉,甚至化成血与骨,但它始终跟着保留下来,一直未灭。 It between the material and energy, there is big using. 它介于物质与能量间,有大用。 Now, it absorbs most source grey fine powder, has the variation, no longer is in sharp contrast, was somewhat gloomy. 现在,它吸收最本源的灰色齑粉,发生变异,不再那么黑白分明,有些灰暗了。 The Chu Feng heart moves, where this world has any absolute black and white, many people walk in the gray area. 楚风心头一动,这世间哪里有什么绝对的黑与白,许多人都是行走在灰色地带。 He is very clear, this gloomy Little Millstone was more unusual than before, what here absorbed was one extremely special source material, visible nature that after is ominous and was purified strangely, remains. 他很清楚,这灰暗的小磨盘比以前更超凡,在这里吸收的可是一种极其特殊的本源物质,是不祥与诡异被净化后所留的有形之质。 Even, he once suspected, this is an astonishing thing, but was actually invaded, at the present returns this returns the source, this reappears form quality originally. 甚至,他一度怀疑,这本就是一种惊人的东西,但却被侵染了,而今返本还源,这才再现原本的形质。 He is very clear, black and white Little Millstone to he has big using, on World of the Living Great Desolate Earth the spirit essence, in the mountains has various mutated fruit dangerously, he needs Little Millstone to help him evolve. 他很清楚,黑白小磨盘对他有大用,阳间洪荒大地上多灵粹,山川中的危险地带有各种异果,他需要小磨盘帮他进化。 Originally, Evolver absorption pollen most suitable, but has Little Millstone to help him solve all, may purify mutated fruit. 原本,进化者吸收花粉最合宜,但是有小磨盘可帮他解决一切,可净化异果等。 Meanwhile, if he by the Domain method evolution, swallows the spirit essence of World of the Living famed scenery implication, the function of Little Millstone will be bigger. 同时,若是他以场域手段进化,吞食阳间名山大川蕴含的灵粹,小磨盘的作用会更大。 Buzz, the bone string on unpainted clay idol wrist no longer shines, gets down gloomily, the robe sleeve also no longer stirs, this place restores instantaneously tranquilly. 嗡的一声,泥胎腕子上的骨串不再发光,暗淡下去,袍袖也不再鼓荡,此地瞬间恢复宁静。 Chu Feng regains the freedom, no longer was imprisoned, his look is complex, this is unpainted clay idol take action, said that the rule of this place does make it so, purifies its? 楚风恢复自由,不再被禁锢,他神色复杂,这算是泥胎出手吗,还是说此地的规则使然,净化其身? He can only sigh, Land of Reincarnation is too mystical, perhaps this is not an evolution history can accomplish, has the huge secret, is connecting in the evolution history some important node! 他只能感叹,轮回之地太神秘,这或许不是一部进化史所能造就的,拥有天大的秘密,连接着进化史上一些非常重要的节点! Many people once went on an expedition, many Paramount characters obviously melt and resistance in Reincarnation. 多少人曾征战,多少究极人物显化与对抗于轮回间。 Actually to have how many many lifeforms to step in this bureau, in what level? 究竟有几多生物涉足这个局中,都在什么层次? Stone Fox to the emperor of walking strongest road he mentioned, during stepped, with lifeforms comparison some words, what level was? 石狐给他提及的走最强之路的帝,是否涉足当中,跟一些生物比较的话,算是什么层次? Chu Feng has too many questions, however, appointed he settles down, in the mouth muttered, could not get any response in this place. 楚风有太多的疑问,然而,任他驻足,口中喃喃,在此地也得不到任何回应。 This Land of Reincarnation is silent, perhaps is only representation, intense collision not knows where. 轮回之地寂静无声,或许只是表象,激烈的碰撞不知道在何方。 He understands, own level is insufficient. 他明白,自身层次不够。 Chu Feng starts off resolutely, leaves here, moves toward that incomparably mysterious Reincarnation Cave! 楚风毅然上路,离开这里,走向那无比神秘的轮回洞 That hole is Reincarnation extremely, has anything finally, his innermost feelings surge up, is unable to be tranquil, anticipation and disturbance. 那口洞是轮回的终极之地,到底有什么,他内心波澜起伏,无法宁静,期待而又忐忑。 Whiz, Chu Feng rises with a spring, turns into wipes the flowing light, submerges that ancient and is bringing in the cavern of motley Reincarnation mark. 嗖的一声,楚风一跃而起,化成一抹流光,没入那口古老而又带着斑驳轮回印记的洞穴中。
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