SR :: Volume #11

#1009: Obliterates new life

Dark boundless, only bunch of light fuzzily glitters in the earth end, slightly is dim. 黑暗无边,唯有一簇光在大地尽头模糊地闪烁,略显朦胧。 This is Purgatory, Chu Feng returns to here, looks into the bright horizon the death city, he sighed lightly, thinks it over, he steps this road eventually. 这是炼狱,楚风又回到这里,眺望光明天边的死城,他轻叹了一口气,思来想去,他终究是踏上这条路。 To be stronger, to take revenge, he can only choose to leave, since then enters World of the Living! 为了更强,为了复仇,他只能选择离开,从此进入阳间 Broken Universe that linked the World of the Living's path already to close, he did not have the means sneak crossing in the past. 残破宇宙那条连着阳间的道路早已关闭,他没有办法偷渡过去。 At present also only remaining this roads, although in his heart conflicts, is not willing to be reborn in paradise from here, meat embryo that does not want to discard this world, what means but there is? 眼下也只剩下这条路了,虽然他心中抵触,并不愿意从这里往生,不想舍弃这一世界的肉胎,可是有什么办法呢? At present also only then this road can go to World of the Living, beside shed this, is dead-end, Stone Fox does not have any clue, does not have the means. 眼下也只有这一条路可以去阳间了,舍此之外,并无出路,就连石狐都没有任何头绪,毫无办法。 Perhaps, puts down obsession in heart, this is also an extremely good choice, Chu Feng at present the path has the slight defect, is imperfect, happen to can revise, steps the road of most powerhouse. 或许,放下心中的执念,这也是一次极佳的选择,楚风目前所走的道路有瑕疵,非常不完善,藉此正好可以修正,踏上最强者之路。 Is eventually unwilling.” Chu Feng sighed, if there is a choice, who can be willing to finish this life, started in the strange world gravity head. “终究是不甘啊。”楚风叹气,若有选择,谁会愿意结束这一世的生命,在陌生的世界重头开始。 By his present skill, before one step starts to walk arrived at Shining Death City, easy, suddenly until, whiz leap arrives in the city wall. 以他的现在的身手来说,一步迈开就到了光明死城前,轻而易举,眨眼及至,嗖的跃到城墙上。 whole city is the corpse, some seem like Imperial Clan Princess, some pass is sending the top powerhouse elegant demeanor, some are Lord of the teaching...... It is strong, falls into that to occupy between the entire city one-third giant and rough stone mill plates unceasingly, by the mill, turned into bloody mud. 满城都是死尸,有的看起来为皇族公主,有的透发着至强者风采,有的为一教之主……都很强,不断落入那占据整座城池1的巨大而粗糙的石磨盘间,被碾磨,化成血泥 Perhaps Great Abyss there is also a road.” Chu Feng pondered over, he a little suspected, there has the strangeness, has the possibility to link so-called Great World of the Dead. “或许大渊那里也是一条路。”楚风思忖,他有点怀疑,那里有古怪,有可能连着所谓的大阴间 What a pity, he cannot take risk, that is a indefinite road, what is most important is his personal enemy in World of the Living, the person who he cares about is also reborn in paradise in World of the Living. 可惜,他不能去冒险,那是一条不确定的路,最为重要的是他的仇人在阳间,他所在意的人也都往生于阳间 Whiz! 嗖! Moves sideways, before he arrives at the rough stone mill plate, sees various types of corpses, even there is an Kun to be ground, has Undying Bird to turn into blood mist, is reincarnated low-spirited, his intermittent palpitation. 一闪身,他来到粗糙的石磨盘前,看到各种尸体,甚至有鲲在被磨碎,有不死鸟化成血雾,黯然去转世,他阵阵心悸。 Communicated in Land of Reincarnation lifeforms, was too strong, some races were the myths in myth! 来往于轮回之地生物,真的太强了,有些种族都是神话中的神话! Chu Feng knits the brows, the future stage will be very big, perhaps that is the center of All Heavens, the hardships that faces are many, needs to compete intensely. 楚风皱眉,未来的舞台会很大,或许那是诸天之中心,面对的艰难困苦很多,需要激烈竞逐。 Also precisely because of so, him wants to pass, World of the Living strives for hegemony, he must urge on itself to rise, on facing innumerable Heaven-Blessed Talent Great Desolate Earth works loose on. 正是因为如此,他才想过去,阳间争霸,他要鞭策自己崛起,在面对无数天纵奇才洪荒大地上挣脱而上。 When this time, he visits the stone mill plate take risks, because does not want to protect fleshly body to be well, but wants mill. 这一次,他踏足石磨盘时非常冒险,因为不想守护肉身无恙,而是要碾磨自己一番。 On him has the strangeness, has the disaster root, has the dangerous substance, that fog accumulated in his within the body too, needed the affiliation next best to cut is completely good. 他身上有诡异,有灾祸根源,有危险物质,那灰雾在他体内积淀太多了,需要藉次之地斩尽才好。 In order to probe, he is discrete and good, tries and adjustment unceasingly seeks for a balance point for a long time, is away from a distance with stone box. 为了试探,他谨慎而行,不断尝试与校正很长时间才寻找到一个平衡点,与石盒隔着一段距离。 Stuffy, Chu Feng's fleshly body disintegrates, in a twinkling, the ghost crying god is howling, to/clashes the big piece in his within the body the fog, turns into various lifeforms, yelled sad and shrill, fierce incomparable. 一声闷哼,楚风的肉身瓦解,霎时间,鬼哭神嚎,在他体内冲起大片的灰雾,化成各种生物,凄厉大叫,狰狞无比。 The fog is rich, just like billowing grey cloud, has six wing Heavenly Dragon to wail and both eyes drop blood in the middle of that clan ancestor level Evolver trembles, the wail continues. 灰雾浓郁,宛若滚滚灰云,在那当中有六翼天龙哀嚎并双目滴血,有一族祖先级进化者瑟瑟发抖,哭嚎不止。 Chī! 哧! The Chu Feng's flesh wriggling moves, charges into near at hand stone box, resists Power of Reincarnation by it, contends with the grinding pan, reorganizes rapidly. 楚风的血肉蠕蠕而动,冲向近在咫尺的石盒,以它抵挡轮回之力,抗衡磨盘,迅速重组起来。 He does not want to ruin oneself, but wants to obliterate the hidden danger in within the body, looks that not far away fog surges, is really intermittent fearful and apprehensive. 他不想真个毁掉自身,只是想磨灭掉体内的隐患,看着不远处灰雾激荡,真是让人阵阵心惊肉跳。 His within the body unexpectedly so many grey matter? Initially saw off Big Black Ox, Yellow Ox, (North-Eastern) Siberian Tiger and the others when compared with it, sees wants richly were too many. 他的体内居然有这么多的灰色物质?比之当初送别大黑牛黄牛东北虎等人时,看到的要浓郁的太多了。 The stone mill plate illumination, has the golden symbol sparkle, the lasing comes, suppresses grey matter. 石磨盘发光,有金色符号闪耀,激射过来,镇压灰色物质 Sad and shrill and scary pitiful yell sound Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, that fog ebullition, in the presence of everyone obviously various lifeforms phantom were more. 凄厉而吓人的惨叫声惊天动地,那灰雾沸腾,当众显化的各种生物虚影更多了。 Just like having the emperor being near dust, sits cross-legged there, accepts all living things to prostrate oneself, accepts in world powerhouses to kotow, but that person of both eyes drop blood, the facial expression is strange. 宛若有帝临尘,盘坐那里,接受众生膜拜,接受世间众强者叩首,但那人双目滴血,面部表情诡异。 Chu Feng coldly looks, grasps stone box, is staring at this, previous time has seen, although now he palpitation, but is also insufficient to shock. 楚风冷冷地看着,手持石盒,盯着这一幕,上一次就看到过,现在他虽然心悸,但也不至于过于震撼。 When all fog were shaken the powder, was obliterated, when the golden symbol crush is clean, Chu Feng once more stone box lets go, once again autonomy, accepts purification. 当所有灰雾被震散,被磨灭,被金色符号碾压干净时,楚风再次将石盒松手,又一次“自残”,接受“净化”。 Painful stuffy, he was pressed the muddy flesh by the rough grinding pan, is split up including soul light, in world, this was the pinnacle torture. 一声痛苦的闷哼,他被粗糙的磨盘压成肉泥,连魂光都四分五裂,在世间,这算是极致酷刑了。 Then is Chu Feng expensive is on Divine King, is very painful, the feeling is unendurable, but he actually on own initiative such does, to eliminate hidden danger. 便是楚风贵为上神王,也痛苦不堪,感觉难以忍受,可是他却主动这么做,一切都是为了清除隐患。 Roar......” “吼……” A large area of fog appears, the beast roar continuously, this time he saw various energy monsters, gnaws to nip Chu Feng that” both eyes bleed, silhouette of that fog center changed, is not such as the emperor being near dust, is he is stranded likely, was being worried. 大面积的灰雾浮现,兽吼声此起彼伏,这一次他看到了各种能量怪物,啃咬一个双目流血的“楚风”,那灰雾中心的身影变了,不是如帝临尘,像是他自己被困,在被撕咬。 His suspicion, what chaotic 7-8 bad phenomenon is this? 他一阵怀疑,这都是什么乱七八糟的异象? Grinding pan illumination, lasing golden color Order rune. 磨盘发光,激射金色秩序符文 After this strange matter was erased is clean, the gentle light submerges in the body that he reorganizes, making him feel that in the heart is lighter and livelier, is similar to eradicates one to smudge in mud. 当这一次诡异物质被抹除干净后,一点柔和的光没入他重组的身体中,让他觉得心中轻灵很多,如同破除一层涂抹在身上的泥浆。 Has the strangeness!” “有古怪!” When Chu Feng starts the third adjustment, once again after crushing own, in bloody mud floats many fog as before, this time he sees a shackles, oneself was stranded in middle, the whole body is the blood, is bringing the shackles, was interrogated and tortured likely. 楚风开始第三次调整,又一次粉碎自身后,血泥中依旧漂浮起不少灰雾,这一次他看到一个牢笼,自身被困在当中,浑身是血,带着枷锁,像是被拷问。 What situation is this? 这是什么情况? Bang! 轰! When the golden light on stone mill plate breaks some strange matter, after obliterating is clean, he noticed that oneself in shackles turns into light, return reorganization True Body. 当石磨盘上的金光震碎这部分诡异物质,磨灭干净后,他看到牢笼中的自身化成一点光,回归重组的真身 This time, he thought that own innermost feelings even more elusive, when the attempt ponders over some wonderful technique quick many. 这一次,他觉得自身内心越发的空灵,尝试琢磨一些妙术时都快了不少。 The Chu Feng shock, this did grey matter pester him to be too long, hoodwinks his mind to be inadequate? Currently really needs completely to eradicate cleanly, an effect on person was too big! 楚风震惊,这灰色物质纠缠他太久,蒙蔽了他的心灵不成?现在真的有必要彻底铲除干净,对一个人的影响太大了! This time and time again, he is undergoing in world most fearful pain. 就这样一次又一次,他经受着世间最可怕的痛苦。 He once thought, simply drops out stone box, grinds itself thoroughly, discards fleshly body to consider as finished, just like other Reincarnator, only takes paper talisman to be reborn in paradise. 他曾一度觉得,干脆抛下石盒,彻底碾碎自己,丢弃肉身算了,跟其他轮回者一样,只带上符纸去往生。 Like this grinds oneself, was too time and time again terrorist, is cruel, is really unendurable. 这样磨碎自身,一次又一次太恐怖了,也过于残忍,真的难以忍受。 However, Chu Feng insisted, one after several other times, his fleshly body and soul light Cheng Hua became the fragment, he in the stone box bank reorganization, the fog was getting fewer and fewer, until did not appear finally. 但是,楚风坚持下来了,接连十几次,他的肉身魂光都成化成碎片,他在石盒畔重组,灰雾越来越少,直到最后不出现。 Chu Feng does not dare to be negligent, has attempted several times. 楚风一点也不敢大意,又尝试了几次。 Until once again, fuzzy fog silhouette appears together, is sneering to him, revealing makes people think that sends smiling of to terrify, after this time obliterates, is thorough peacefully. 直到又一次,一道模糊的灰雾身影浮现,对着他冷笑,露出让人觉得发瘆的笑,这次磨灭后才彻底安宁。 Chu Feng after this, attempt many times, fleshly body and soul light broke to pieces have reorganized, again has not had the problem, he then grew the one breath. 楚风在此之后,尝试很多次,肉身魂光碎了又重组,都没有再出现问题,他这才长出一口气。 In this, he has to plant a experience, own is lighter and livelier, when the innermost feelings were spatial, comprehended various scrip­tures mystique method the speed quickly a big truncation! 于此之际,他有种一种体会,自身轻灵很多,内心空明,参悟各种经文秘法时速度快了一大截! This likely is new life, after obliterating the hidden danger, oneself transformed, True Self returns! 这像是一次新生,磨灭隐患后,自身蜕变了,真我回归! Without a doubt, this is of far-reaching influence, must go to World of the Living to strive for hegemony , his road of rising has put down a big barrier! 毫无疑问,这影响深远,真要去阳间争霸,他的崛起之路已经扫平一大障碍! This thing is really hard to deal with!” “这东西真难缠!” Chu Feng has a lingering fear, to revenge, is ready for any sacrifice thoroughly, in hundred years absorbs divine nature particles in Foreign Territory unceasingly, uses Small Six Paths Time Technique, causing oneself to integrate massive strange matter, really had the big problem. 楚风心有余悸,为了报仇,彻底豁出去,在异域百年中不断吸收神性粒子,动用小六道时光术,导致自身融入大量的诡异物质,果然出了大问题。 If not draw support from the stone mill plate solution future trouble here, in the future can leave the important matter, he could not live for several hundred years, early aging, thus tragic death. 如果不是在这里借助石磨盘解决后患,未来会出大事,他活不了几百年,就会早衰,从而惨死。 I am not the soul am reincarnated, my fleshly body also came, how reincarnation?” Chu Feng talked to oneself, decides to walk one step is one step, looks to the end of this road. “我不是灵魂去转世,我的肉身也过来了,怎么投胎?”楚风自语,决定走一步算一步,到这条路的尽头去看一看。 Really the incorrect words, he also can only the fleshly body rejection in Reincarnation Cave. 实在不行的话,他也只能将肉身舍弃在轮回洞中。 In addition, stone box, bringing it to be reincarnated the reincarnation? That must certainly leave the important matter. 此外,还有石盒,带着它转世投胎?那肯定要出大事。 He has the nod to be big, but he does not want to discard stone box really with three seeds, is indistinct thought, this thing concerns really in a big way, cannot easily speak to give up, this rushes to World of the Living more important than him solitarily. 他有点头大,可是他真不想舍弃石盒与三颗种子,隐约间觉得,这东西关乎甚大,不能轻言放弃,这比他只身赶到阳间还重要。 Actually is World of the Living what kind of? He anticipated very much! 阳间究竟怎样?他很期待! Chu Feng comes out from rough stone mill plate there, steps Reincarnation Road officially, if no accident/surprise, he did not prepare to turn head. 楚风从粗糙的石磨盘那里出来,正式踏上轮回路,若是没有意外,他不准备回头了。 This road, he is not first visit, but feels today differently, this time is he must be reincarnated, in light of this starting off. 这条路,他不是第一次踏足,但今天感受不同,此次是他自己要去转世,就此上路。 On the road, there are too many soul light, is Reincarnator, Chu Feng stares at them, if this road is not the world naturally produces, but is the artificial opening, then can come here lifeforms soul light not to be simple. 路上,有太多的魂光,都是转世者,楚风凝视他们,如果这条路不是天地自然生成,而是人为开辟,那么能够走到这里的生物魂光都不简单。 Therefore, he carves characters on the road decisively, leaves behind the soul pledge in some people! 所以,在路上他果断刻字,在一些人身上留下灵魂誓言! For example, he writes scrip­tures in the souls of some people, writes secret technique on the bodies of some people...... 比如,他在一些人的灵魂上写下一段经文,在一些人的身上撰写一篇秘术…… He needs some helpers, after World of the Living, the enemy who faces is too formidable, Dao Lineage disciple endless, now such does only to have a good reason, after convenience flickers. 他需要一些帮手,到了阳间后,面对的敌人太强大,道统弟子无尽,现在这么做只为结下一段善缘,也是为了方便以后忽悠。 Naturally, he has not left oneself name, carves the Chu Feng's words to leave the important matter again. 当然,他没有留下自己的名字,再刻楚风的话会出大事。 How knows initially did not leave behind that group of people who carves characters, expected that time will not have problems, in the future went to World of the Living, may recognize a big pile in secret relative. 知道当初留下刻字的那群人怎样了,料想那个时间段不会出问题,将来去了阳间,可能会暗中认出一大堆“亲戚”啊。 Chu Feng chooses is soul light specially formidable creature, the race is shocking, somewhat in the myth is only the legends. 楚风所选择的都是魂光特别强大的生灵,种族惊世,有些在神话中都只是传说。 He carves characters, finally arrived at the end of road, he grasps paper talisman, crosses black Abyss, to the opposite shore, the hand-held stone balustrade, looks on the dike sits cross-legged unpainted clay idol that! 他一路刻字,最后到了路的尽头,他手持符纸,越过黑色的深渊,到了对岸,手扶石栏杆,看着岩壁上盘坐的的泥胎! ! 噗! After here, has not waited for Chu Feng to begin to light paper talisman, it the self-ignition, turned into burns a joss stick, shines in this, burns down unceasingly. 到了这里后,还没有等楚风动手点燃身上的符纸,它已经自燃,化成一炷香,在此发光,不断焚烧。 He came more than once, once to witness the process, at this time the heart jumped, how can the self-ignition? 他来了不止一次,曾亲眼目睹过程,此时心头还是一跳,怎么会自燃? Chu Feng has not been similar to other people kneels, but looks at the unpainted clay idol, he always somewhat suspected, this also does have the sensation? Perhaps is really only the statue. 楚风没有如同其他人那么跪下去,而是看着泥胎,他始终有些怀疑,这位还有感知吗?或许真的只是塑像。 Hundred million years of years are motionless, sit alone in boredom silent, were initially is a live person, now also damn. 亿载岁月都不动,寂静枯坐,便是当初为活人,现在也该死掉了。 When paper talisman burns burns to end quickly, Chu Feng resolutely turns around, he walks toward Reincarnation Cave, soon must open the brand-new life. 符纸焚快烧到尽头时,楚风毅然转身,他向着轮回洞中走去,即将要开启崭新的人生。 Suddenly, he thinks to be scared, does not suit very much, turns head unexpectedly, any situation...... The unpainted clay idol moved!? 突然,他觉得发毛,很不对劲儿,蓦地回头,什么情况……泥胎动了!? Chu Feng can not startled, this absolutely is the big event, surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries, what was triggered it? 楚风怎会不惊,这绝对是大事件,震古烁今,到底是什么触发了它? The dust surges, rustle crashes, the unpainted clay idol of quiet over hundred million years years, actually knows does not have any origin, not knows whether is this evolution history, appointed the time circulation, Time River elapses, it silent, sits silently here, is overlooking the eternal common people likely. 尘埃激荡,簌簌坠落,沉寂亿载以上岁月的泥胎,不知道究竟有什么来历,不知道是否属于这部进化史,任时光流转,岁月长河逝去,它都无声,默默坐在这里,像是在俯视着万古苍生。 But now, it really had the sound! 可是现在,它竟然有了动静!
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