SR :: Volume #11

#1008: Finished World of the Dead all things to tread the journey

The Ji Hong relationship of form and spirit all dies young, half-step Heavenly Venerate True Body die! 纪鸿形神皆殇,一位半步天尊真身殒落 The world is silent, many phenomenon start presents, the black lightning surges, blood rain pouring, earth ruptured, magma dreadful...... 天地寂静,许多异象都开始呈现,黑色闪电激荡,血雨倾盆,大地崩开,岩浆滔天…… However, when void that black big hand wipes gently obsolete, all phenomenon vanish, world return initial, the blue sky such as washes, tranquil ten thousand li (0.5 km). 然而,当虚空中那只黑色大手轻轻抹过时,所有异象都消失,天地回归初始,碧空如洗,宁静万里。 Many God Level Evolver are hitting to tremble, this method...... Domineering suppression world rule, rewrites the Order path, cannot estimate, making the person not dare to go into seriously. 许多神级进化者都在打哆嗦,这种手段……强势压制天地规则,改写秩序轨迹,不可揣度,让人不敢深究。 All these are too terrifying. 这一切太恐怖。 The jet black big hand retreats, submerges in the chaos sea, draws back to the World of the Dead position. 漆黑的大手退走,没入混沌海中,退向阴间方位。 This really shocks, creature that numerous God Level Evolver and World of the Living arrive at fights the war in the double strand, from the beginning coolly arrives at the foot, that is one stretches across the jet black big hand of World of the Dead, the chaos sea and Broken Universe, pats half-step Heavenly Venerate livingly, obliterates Extreme Martial Dharma Decree, making people frightened. 这实在太震撼,众多神级进化者阳间降临的生灵都在双股战战,从头凉到脚,那是一只横跨阴间、混沌海、残破宇宙的漆黑大手啊,活生生拍死一位半步天尊,磨灭太武法旨,让人惊悚。 Even if in World of the Living, they have not experienced this matter, perhaps only has in the evolution history some unique times to present this Paramount to exist. 哪怕是在阳间,他们也没有经历过这种事,或许唯有进化史上一些特殊的年代才出现过这种究极存在。 Black big hand Lord strong, nobody can determine. 黑色大手的正主到底有多强,没有人可以确定。 On the same day, this news feeds in World of the Living, when initiates the great unrest, rank world eighth Divinity Chi Ming dies, many great people do not pay attention. 当日,这则消息传回阳间,引发轩然大波,排位天下第八的神祇赤铭死时,许多大人物根本不关注。 In their eyes, even if your heaven blessed genius, one day has not grown not to be regarded anything, on Evolution Road many tribulations, did not say that your talent different reported certainly can rise, the accident/surprise were too many. 在他们眼中,哪怕你天纵之资,一日没有成长起来也算不得什么,进化路上多磨难,不是说你天赋异禀就一定能崛起,意外太多了。 Chi Ming is the example, but also had natural talent more shocking creature in the past, premature die young. 赤铭就是实例,而在过去还有天资更惊艳的生灵,过早夭折。 However, half-step Heavenly Venerate die, this entirely different, moreover including Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree also with the window paper, bumps gently breaks, this really a little to terrify person. 但是,半步天尊殒落,这截然不同,况且连天尊法旨也跟窗户纸般,轻轻一碰就破掉,这实在有点瘆人。 World of the Living, many people pay attention! 阳间,不少人关注! Moreover, the name of this Chu Feng also finally passes on, when compared with killing Chi Ming affected mostly. 而且,这一次楚风之名也终于传出去,比杀赤铭时影响大多了。 Ji Hong to chase down him enters World of the Dead, therefore died, Chu Feng actually how? Nobody knows! 纪鸿是为追杀他而进阴间,因此死掉,楚风究竟怎样了?没有人知道 The World of the Living many people were guessing, was suspecting, World of the Dead has any secret, unexpectedly appears such black big hand, crush Ji Hong, lets some great people in the palpitation. 阳间多人都在猜测,都在怀疑,阴间到底有什么秘密,居然浮现那样一只黑色大手,碾压纪鸿,让一些大人物都在心悸。 On this day, is unstable including the World of the Living's channel, momentarily meets the avalanche, on the same day all people retreated, including these World of Death's Seed, was taken into World of the Living. 这一天,连着阳间的通道非常不稳定,随时会崩塌,当日所有人都退走了,包括那些阴间种,被带进阳间 All end in light of this, along with membrane closed, the channel avalanche, the chaos turn into vastly, separates two! 一切就此终结,随着界膜闭合,通道崩塌,混沌化成汪洋,隔断两界! The World of the Living person dreaded, fears to initiate accident, early starting off, cuts off two relations. 阳间人忌惮,怕引发变故,早早上路,断绝两界联系。 In fact, this channel can only maintain more than one year of time, has expired. 事实上,这条通道本就只能维持一年多的时间,已经到期了。 Insists on wanting to seek for the Paramount treasure several Dao Lineage, is having the regret, the unwillingness, as well as fearing intent in heart, had concluded the travel of World of the Dead. 执意想寻找究极瑰宝的几个道统,都带着遗憾,还有不甘,以及心中的惧意,结束了阴间之旅。 Two isolation! 两界隔绝! However, some World of the Dead legends have disseminated, spreads in World of the Living. 然而,部分阴间传说已经散播出去,在阳间流传。 In this year, various Great World of the Living group of troops initially hear the name of Chu Feng! 这一年,大阳间各路人马初闻楚风之名! Little World of the Dead universe, under Earth Kunlun Mountain, in Purgatory. 小阴间宇宙,地球昆仑山下,炼狱中。 Chu Feng hides in stone box, expression is somewhat stiff, that black big hand chases down, frightens half-step Heavenly Venerate Ji Hong to flee to the wilderness, lets his whole body is goosebumps. 楚风躲在石盒中,表情有些僵硬,那只黑色的大手追杀出,吓得半步天尊纪鸿落荒而逃,让他满身都是鸡皮疙瘩 His knows, Ji Hong affirmed! 知道,纪鸿肯定完了! Wants not to need to think, through Stone Fox he knows, the water on Reincarnation Road was too already deep, Supreme Being does not dare to participate, now this kind of hand has brandished, who with resists? 想都不用想,通过石狐他早已知道,轮回路上的水太深,大能都不怎么敢参与,如今这样一只手抡了出去,谁与相抗? The time is not very long, Chu Feng by the stone box slit saw that the black big hand takes back, he expression is wooden immediately. 时间并不是很长,楚风透过石盒的缝隙看到黑色的大手收回,他顿时表情木然。 In fact, on this day various World of the Dead universe clan Evolver are trembling, what did they see? The people compared with shock that Chu Feng sees. 事实上,这一天阴间宇宙各族进化者都在颤栗,他们看到了什么?众人比楚风看到的更为震撼。 The jet black arm crosses Star Sea, a hand shrouded the sky, connects universe Wasteland's border, has surpassed the understanding of all people. 漆黑的手臂横贯星海,一只大手遮天,连接到宇宙边荒,超出了所有人的理解。 At this time, Chu Feng saw the big hand to shrink, his scalp wood, the facial expression was also stiff. 这时,楚风见到大手缩回来,他头皮都木木的,面部表情也僵硬。 However, is quick he to be also stunned, when the black big hand passed by from Shining Death City, before returning to Reincarnation Road, it rustle the vibration, then disintegrated. 然而,很快他又愕然,黑色的大手从光明死城路过,回归轮回路前时,它簌簌抖动,而后解体了。 This is not the misconception, is not illusory, matter that but has. 这不是错觉,也不是虚幻,而是真实发生的事。 The jet black big hand is withered, experienced hundred million years of years to be so remote in the flash likely, made decent and obliterates, turns into fine powder, became the black ashes, crashed on Reincarnation Road. 漆黑的大手干枯,像是在一刹那经历了亿载岁月那么久远,风化并磨灭,化成齑粉,成为黑色灰烬,坠落在轮回路上。 What situation is this? Chu Feng is dumbfounded, fine body hair whiz whiz but actually vertical! 这是什么情况?楚风傻眼,寒毛嗖嗖的倒竖! Hung? That did Paramount exist dead? How is this possible?! 挂了?那位究极存在死去?这怎么可能?! But, that big hand was really decayed sky over Reincarnation Road, turns into the black ashes, sprinkles this road. 可是,那只大手真的在轮回路上空腐朽了,化成黑色灰烬,洒满这条路。 Chu Feng discrete opening stone box, then walked, he opens Discerning Eyes, sizes up nearby situation. 楚风谨慎的开启石盒,然后走了出来,他睁开火眼金睛,打量附近的情况。 The Chu Feng heart concentrates, before had not paid attention, now detected, on this road ashes, some are incessantly dusky, some are gloomy, is not same. 楚风心头一凝,以前没有注意过,现在才发觉,这条路上灰烬不止一处,有的灰蒙蒙,有的暗淡,都不相同。 This black ashes are newest, just appeared. 这黑色灰烬最新,是刚刚出现的。 What does this mean? On Reincarnation has great war, moreover is not simple, here water learns from Stone Fox there him is deeper than! 这意味着什么?轮回上有大战,而且不简单,这里的水比他从石狐那里得悉的还要深! His scalp becomes stiff, actually here is where, is really Reincarnation Road is so simple? 他头皮发僵,这里究竟是什么地方,真是轮回路那么简单吗? The Chu Feng careful observation, believes firmly has not misread, some ashes are the human form, some are the strange ferocious beast shapes. 楚风仔细观察,确信没有看错,有些灰烬是人形的,有些是奇异凶兽形。 Actually what's the matter, did take action one time, then die?!” “究竟怎么回事,出手一次,便死去了?!” Suddenly, the Chu Feng to go on a mental journey universe, is lost in thought. 一时间,楚风神游太虚,怔怔出神。 Most starts him to think, is that stone embryo take action of Reincarnation Road end, meets a palm of the hand to pat dead Ji Hong. 最开始他以为,是轮回路尽头的那个石胎出手,会一巴掌拍死纪鸿 Now looks like, on this road also has to sink dormancy to be inadequate? Or some rule and do the Order protection, leave behind the puppet remains, take action one time must melt the ash? 现在看来,这条路上还有沉眠者不成?或者说某种规则与秩序守护,留下傀儡遗骸,出手一次就要化灰? Chu Feng each inch flesh thinks ice-cold, drills the cold air to, this place was too strange, somewhat cannot think through. 楚风每一寸肌肤都觉得冰冷,向里钻寒气,这地方太诡异了,有些想不通。 His knows, this stretch of region , if the battlefield, is not he can interfere, the level was too high! 知道,这片地带若为战场,不是他所能干涉的,层次太高了! However, he favors, now this road is very silent, not having what regains consciousness or living the great person to fix the eyes on here, otherwise, living that stone box in his hand also guarantees? 不过,他倾向于,如今这条路很寂静,没有什么苏醒或者活着的大人物紧盯在这里,不然的话,他手中的石盒还保的住吗? Naturally, he does not rule out another possibility, some stone box people does not take intentionally, keeps in the outside. 当然,他也不排除另一种可能,石盒有人故意不取,留在外界中。 After all, initially Chu Feng picked stone box and three seeds, Kunlun Mountain outside Purgatory, strict, distance place was too near! 毕竟,当初楚风捡到石盒与三颗种子,就是在炼狱外的昆仑山脚下,严格来说,距离此地太近了! Suddenly, the Chu Feng body ice is cold, to the bone, he has thought coolly are too many, the innermost feelings are unable to be tranquil. 一时间,楚风身体冰寒,凉到骨子里,他想到了太多,内心无法宁静。 In what bureau he visited accidentally, ascended stone box by chance? 他是无意中踏足进了什么局中,还是碰巧拾到了石盒 Lets him do what he pleases!” “管他呢!” Chu Feng no longer worries over for nothing, thought that should not be odd. 楚风不再自寻烦恼,觉得应该没那么离谱。 His oneself favors, this road indeed deathly stillness, did not have any living creature, was the war traces that the past left. 他自身倾向于,这条路的确死寂了,没什么活物,都是昔日留下的战争痕迹。 Chu Feng talked to oneself: "Um, I even more thought that black big hand is a puppet, the disposable consumables, are not living existence. ” 楚风自语:“嗯,我越发觉得,那只黑色的大手是个傀儡,一次性消耗品,不是什么活着的存在。” Naturally, if believes like this that under the arrangement the person of black big hand was initially more fearful? 当然,若是这样认为,那当初布置下黑色大手的人岂不是更可怕? Today may hoodwink the public, if advocating True Body to jump, that meeting terrifying to what level?! 今天都可只手遮天,若是正主真身跳出来,那会恐怖到什么层次?! Chu Feng waited here for two days, to outside cooling time, he is the worry also has the danger, comes out from Shining Death City until the third talent, returns to Earth. 楚风在这里等了两天,给外界“冷却”时间,他是担心还有危险,直到第三天才从光明死城出来,回归到地球。 If some people of knows, he can such easily between the travelling dead city and Reincarnation Road, is certainly dumbfounded, shocks inexplicably. 如果有人知道,他能这么轻易游历死城与轮回路间,一定目瞪口呆,震撼莫名。 He does not want such to depart, oneself have fleshly body, the direct suicide is reincarnated, is really some are not willingly. 他不想这么离去,自己有肉身,直接自杀去转世,实在是有些不甘心。 Once is reincarnated, that also is really genuine? Perhaps has the memory, but in three years of embryo confuses, during that time must have a consciousness. 一旦转世,那还真是真正的自己吗?或许有记忆,但三年的胎中迷,那段时间也是要产生一段意识的。 He was even suspecting, this so-called reincarnation is body possession? 他甚至在怀疑,这种所谓的转世是否算是夺舍呢? More is pondered that is big, he suddenly sighed to make noise. 越是细想越是头大,他一时间叹气出声。 „It is not body possession, on Reincarnation Road is very simple, the reincarnation is also very clean.” Stone Fox informs. “不是夺舍,轮回路上很干脆,转世也很干净。”石狐告知。 Sees Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate once more, the Chu Feng look stares at it strangely, he was hearing Young Vermilion Bird to narrate, the thief who this old fogy couple of days ago jumped high, was taking to one's heels to run is quick, including Ji Hong by the shadow that it flung. 再次见石狐天尊,楚风眼神怪怪地盯着它,他已经听到小朱雀讲述,这老家伙前两天一蹦老高,撒丫子跑的贼快,连纪鸿都被它甩的影了。 Chu Feng speechless, this old fox also too can install, 100 years have not moved, black big hand, it then jumps to run, too...... Does not have the moral integrity. 楚风一阵无语,这老狐狸也太能装了,100年没动弹,黑色大手一出,它便跳起来跑,太……没节操。 He stayed for two months in Earth, goes all over each region, somewhat yearns for and fondly remembers, what are more was some past events not, he also wants to go to Broken Universe. 他在地球呆了两个月,走遍各地,有些留恋与怀念,更多的是有些旧事未了,他还想去残破宇宙一趟。 Holy Master and Uncle Ming...... These people have not seen! 圣师明叔……这些人都没有见到! Although he knows, initially went to Broken Universe that group of people to have many captures from World of the Dead , many people died , some people are taken prisoner World of the Living, but Chu Feng is having leaving things to chance, hopes that some people hide in Broken Universe, escaped. 尽管他已经知道,当初从阴间前往残破宇宙的那批人有不少被俘,也有许多人死去,也有部分人被掳进阳间,可楚风还是带着侥幸心理,希望有人躲在残破宇宙,逃过一劫。 Many people!” Chu Feng sigh. “许多人啊!”楚风叹息。 Not only there is Uncle Ming, Holy Master wait/etc., even also has the enemy and ourselves difficult minute of person of enemy , when for example the Yaoyao antiquity fiance, was known as Number Three Under the Starry Sky, as well as his teacher and others. 不仅有明叔圣师等,甚至也有对头与敌我难分的人,比如妖妖上古时的未婚夫,号称星空下第三,以及他的师尊等。 Chu Feng thought that this moment World of the Living channel has been closed, he crosses the chaos sea, goes to Broken Universe. 楚风觉得此刻阳间通道关闭了,他横渡混沌海,前往残破宇宙 Broken Universe is silent, World of the Living all people retreat, but these old friend Ying Wudi, Jiang Luoshen and Yuan Yuan, released great not. 残破宇宙寂静,阳间所有人都退走,而那些故人映无敌姜洛神、元媛、释宏等不在了。 Chu Feng searches for a long time, loses the trace including 12 snow white God Level small creature that he leaves behind, left. 楚风寻觅许久,连他留下的12只雪白的神级小动物也都失去踪影,离开了。 In the end he had not found the trace that Holy Master, Uncle Ming and the others left eventually. 到头来他终究是没有找到圣师明叔等人留下的痕迹。 Actually Exiled Immortal Cave, Amitabha Temple and Deity Palace look!” “却谪仙窟弥陀寺天神宫看一看!” Chu Feng has nothing to care, appears and disappears in the Broken Universe some most famous ethnic group quietly, reads their strongest breathing method scrip­tures. 楚风没什么可在意的,在残破宇宙一些最出名的族群中悄然出没,阅读他们的最强呼吸法经文等。 Some scrip­tures he already obtained, the World of the Dead universe then has. 有些经文他早已得到,阴间宇宙便具备。 All to include more ancient books, the inside story needs to accumulate, because he believes firmly that must leave! 一切都是为了收录更多的典籍,底蕴需要积淀,因为他确信要离开了! The free time of several days, Chu Feng glanced through the secrets of some Broken Universe formidable evolution ethnic groups. 数日的工夫,楚风残破宇宙一些强大的进化族群的秘笈都翻阅了个遍。 Shortly, he returns to World of the Dead, similarly also enters Dao Race, Monster Race, Primitive Demon Race, Buddha Race and other places, the view reads the most formidable scrip­tures and wonderful technique. 不久后,他回归阴间,同样也进入道族妖族始魔族佛族等地,观阅最强大的经文与妙术等。 What a pity, the big World of the Dead universe, old friend remaining several, many people have not entered World of the Living, the Evolver fault/chasm of same time! 可惜,偌大的阴间宇宙,故人没有剩下几个,很多人都进入阳间,同时代的进化者断层! After including secret book is enough, Chu Feng arrives at the Great Abyss near, he sat one day and one night peacefully, finally departs silent, returns to Earth. 收录秘册足够后,楚风来到大渊近前,他安静地坐了一天一夜,最后沉默地离去,回归地球。 Senior, you takes care, bye!” “前辈,你们保重,再见!” Chu Feng said goodbye with Stone Fox and Young Vermilion Bird, he must leave this piece of universe. 楚风石狐小朱雀告别,他要离开这片宇宙了。 But the final moment, he actually feels is very lonely, the whole world is boundless, sought less than several old friends unexpectedly, felt the life coldly extremely. 可是最后的关头,他却感觉很孤独,举世茫茫,竟寻不到几位故人了,感觉到人生之不胜寒。 Takes care!” Stone Fox nods. “保重!”石狐点头。 On this day, Chu Feng leaves resolutely, sets off the new journey! 这一天,楚风毅然离开,踏上新的征程!
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