SR :: Volume #11

#1007: Made Heavenly Venerate desperate

Can this be good? Young Vermilion Bird is quite speechless, this Grandpa Stone Fox were about for 100 years not to move, today unexpectedly such leg and foot agily jumps, running this called a thief to be quick! 这都能行?小朱雀相当无语,这位石狐爷爷都快100年没动弹过了,今天居然这么腿脚利索地跳起来,跑的这叫一个贼快! The strength is more formidable, to Land of Reincarnation is frightened, Young Vermilion Bird has not induced anything, but Stone Fox is not so, it is real creepy feeling. 实力越强大,对轮回之地越是恐惧,小朱雀没有感应到什么,但是石狐则不然,它是真的头皮发麻。 Scared to death your fox master, can only run away!” “吓死你狐爷了,只能逃啊!” Now, it binds to bring Young Vermilion Bird, is taking to one's heels to dash about wildly, moved sideways from Earth to the starry sky, moreover its saw Ji Hong another incarnation. 现在,它裹带着小朱雀,撒丫子狂奔,一闪身就从地球到了星空中,而且它一眼看到了纪鸿的另一具化身。 The one who enters Purgatory is only an incarnation, second outside. 炼狱的只是一具化身,第二具等在外面。 Unlucky!” Stone Fox called out, it is not feeling well very much, Ji Hong acts unreasonably, its what does Xu run? “晦气!”石狐叫道,它很不爽,要不是纪鸿乱来,它何需跑路? Ji Hong the incarnation has had the induction, the strain is rapid, displays strongest divine technique, turns around to run away, quite decisive. 纪鸿的这具化身已经生出感应,应变迅疾,施展最强神术,转身就逃,相当的果断。 Bang! 轰! Earth, Kunlun Mountains. 地球,昆仑。 A loud sound, the vibration world, the Great Dao fragment dances in the air, appears just like time River, is bringing the trace of years, howls is running out of Kunlun Mountains. 一声巨响,震动天地,大道碎片飞舞,宛若一条时间长河浮现出来,带着岁月的痕迹,呼啸着冲出昆仑。 That is all at once the breath, evolves the fearful phenomenon. 那是一股气息,演化出可怕的异象。 Actually, that is the supreme Evolver's aura is surging, has the Paramount character in the movement, has initiated various void miraculous scenes. 其实,那是无上进化者的气息在激荡,有究极人物在动作,引发了虚空中各种神异的景象。 Everywhere Golden Lotus appears, takes root in void, the day falls the auspicious color, wells up the fresh-tasting spring water, the immortal sound is faintly recognizable, the immortal palace palace of ancient time appears, hangs on 9th Heavenly Layer. 遍地金莲浮现,扎根在虚空中,天降瑞彩,地涌甘泉,还有仙音飘渺,古老时代的仙宫殿宇浮现,高悬九重天上。 A motley years picture scroll launches, as if some Prehistoric Era old scenery reappears. 一幅斑驳的岁月画卷展开,仿佛某一史前时代的旧景再现。 This is a potential, internal energy is rushing. 这是一种势,一种气机在澎湃。 Thus causes Ji Hong first incarnation nearly ruptured, he has hair dishevelled, the whole body is the blood, in a terrified way arrives at the extreme, ran away from Purgatory. 从而导致纪鸿第一具化身险些崩开,他披头散发,满身是血,惶恐到极点,从炼狱中逃了出来。 That big hand finding out slowly, pursued with him, the movement is not quick, has not touched him, but that type of aura is having the phenomenon, he of oppression must blast out. 那只大手缓缓的探出,跟着他追了出来,动作并不是很快,还没有触及到他呢,但是那种气息带着异象,就压迫的他要炸开了。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” The Ji Hong sad and shrill noisy wail, he thought that could not insist, let alone was patted by that black big hand, was the pressure that rear area transmitted must let his ruptured. 纪鸿凄厉长嚎,他觉得坚持不住了,别说被那只黑色大手拍中,就是后方传递来的这种压力就要让他崩开了。 Is this what kind of mighty force? 这是何等的伟力? He listens to Extreme Martial saying that the water on Reincarnation Road is too deep, is Heavenly Venerate is then alarmed and afraid, does not dare to step, in World of the Living Supreme Being including hearsay dreaded. 他听太武讲过,轮回路上的水太深,便是天尊都惊惧,不敢涉足,连传闻中的阳间大能都忌惮。 Dares to have lifeforms of idea on Reincarnation Road, cannot imagine, may leave a good name in the evolution history! 真敢在轮回路上有想法的生物,都不可想象,可在进化史上留名! His present scalp must blast out, that black big hand, is don't tell me some Paramount lifeforms in evolution history? 他现在头皮都要炸开了,那只黑色的大手,难道是进化史上的某位究极生物 Evolver of this level, already surpassed the understanding of common people, dares in powerhouse absolutely surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries that on Reincarnation Road gambles. 这一层面的进化者,早已超出世人的理解,敢于在轮回路上博弈的强者绝对震古烁今 Ji Hong remembers his teacher, mentioned Reincarnation Road each time, that was expression grave, the eyeground deep place has the awe, there is an inexplicable complex flavor. 纪鸿想起他师尊,每次提及轮回路,那都是神色凝重,眼底深处有敬畏,也有莫名的复杂味道。 Now he regretted, why can be like this rash? 现在他后悔了,为什么要这样莽撞? Ji Hong knows, only because of seeing Chu Feng must be reincarnated, in the hand holds Supreme Treasure to leave, he cannot sit still, wants to leave behind that stone box! 纪鸿知道,只因看到楚风要去转世,手中持着至宝离开,他才坐不住,想留下那石盒 But, how he can expect, has not been killed by shock Chu Feng, actually annoys to kill the body catastrophe for oneself! 可是,他怎能料到,没有震死楚风,却为自己惹出杀身大祸! However, he also a little rejoiced, this is only an incarnation, even if were struck to kill might also as well, True Body hides in the World of the Dead universe edge, in the hiding chaos, will have the induction ahead of time, flees directly. 不过,他也有点庆幸,这只是一具化身,哪怕被击杀也无妨,真身躲在阴间宇宙的边缘,藏身混沌中,会提前有感应,直接遁走。 "Ah...... ” “啊……” When Ji Hong thoughts phonograph, thinks, but he was also scared now, in the brain a blank, after running out of Purgatory, he behind that seems like the slow big hand actually covers him, closes slowly. 纪鸿心思电转时,想到很多,但现在他也发毛了,脑中一片空白,冲出炼狱后,他身后那看似缓慢的大手却将他覆盖,缓缓闭合。 The jet black big hand has not injured Kunlun Mountains every bit of property, searches into the outer space, grips Ji Hong the incarnation in the hand, , was too simple, was too crude, pinches fine powder directly. 漆黑的大手没有伤昆仑一草一木,探入太空中,一把将纪鸿的这具化身攥在手中,噗的一声,太简单了,也太粗暴了,直接捏成齑粉 Scared to death me!” “吓死我了!” In the starry sky, Stone Fox shivers, then turns around to run away again. 星空中,石狐打冷颤,而后转身再逃。 And, it shouts to front silhouette: Ji Hong, you give to halt!” 并且,它冲着前方的一道身影喊道:“纪鸿,你给站住!” The Ji Hong second incarnation, that may really be anxiously anxious such as the stray cur, flees flies to run away. 纪鸿的第二具化身,那可真是急急如丧家之犬,亡命飞逃。 What do you pursue me to run to make?!” Ji Hong this incarnation angrily roars. “你追着我跑做什么?!”纪鸿这具化身怒吼。 Stone Fox has not responded him, Evolver of their this progression were too conspicuous, it does not seek the speed to surpass the limit now, so long as surpasses Ji Hong then the line. 石狐没搭理他,它们这个级数的进化者太显眼了,它现在不求速度超越极限,只要超过纪鸿就行。 Whiz whiz whiz...... 嗖嗖嗖…… Stone Fox pursued, passing over gently and swiftly big piece starry sky. 石狐追了下去,掠过大片的星空。 Behind, that black big hand looks as before slowly, enters in Star Sea, has covered. 后方,那只黑色的大手依旧看着缓慢,进入星海中,覆盖了过去。 Almost in an instant, Stone Fox surmounts the Ji Hong that second incarnation. 几乎刹那间,石狐就超越纪鸿的那第二具化身。 Young Vermilion Bird is dumbfounded, is this fox grandfather who she knows? Usually is Clay Bodhisattva, let alone travelled, the in other words words are difficult, will not move. 小朱雀目瞪口呆,这还是她认识的狐爷爷吗?平日就是个“泥菩萨”,别说跑路了,就是说话都艰难,不会动弹。 Today, its this leg and foot is more agile than anyone, does not have the shadow that Ji Hong that incarnation flings. 今天,它这腿脚比谁都利索,将纪鸿的那具化身都甩的没影了。 Grandpa Stone Fox, we have not provoked that black big hand, what do you run?” Young Vermilion Bird asked. 石狐爷爷,我们又没有招惹那只黑色的大手,你跑什么?”小朱雀问道。 Does not run 10,000, fears the eventuality, first ran to win Ji Hong to say again.” Stone Fox replied. “不跑10000,就怕万一,先跑赢纪鸿再说。”石狐答道。 Whiz, he crosses Star Sea, did not have the shadow thoroughly. 嗖的一声,他横渡星海,彻底没影了。 shit! Ji Hong have one's hair stand on end, simultaneously wants to curse Stone Fox. 玛德!纪鸿毛骨悚然,同时想诅咒石狐 Bang! 轰! Behind, the black big hand searches into the starry sky deep place. 后方,黑色的大手探入星空深处。 On this day, the World of the Dead universe shocks, each region knows does not have many people to see that a black big hand blocks the sky, searches into Star Sea, anything cannot prevent. 这一天,阴间宇宙震撼,各地也不知道有多少人看到一只黑色的大手遮天蔽日,探入星海中,没什么可以阻挡。 It is hunting and killing that to come from World of the Living's fearful Evolver! 它在猎杀那来自阳间的可怕进化者 However, it actually has not damaged on the way planet, without the wound to lifeforms, such gentle extension, has not injured and innocent. 然而,在途中它却没有损坏一颗星球,没有伤到一个生物,就这么和缓的伸展,不曾伤及无辜。 Bang! 砰! The black big hand looks slowly, but is more terrifying, appointed Ji Hong promotes the limit the speed, entered into Heavenly Venerate Dominion, but did not escape. 黑色大手看着缓慢,但是更为恐怖,任纪鸿将速度提升到极限,迈入天尊领域中了,但还是逃脱不了。 In the black big hand closed instance, his second incarnation was gripped explodes, changes to the flying ash. 在黑色大手闭合的瞬间,他的第二具化身被攥爆,化作飞灰。 Moreover, it has not stopped as before , to continue to cover forward. 而且,它依旧没有停下,继续向前覆盖过去。 The Star Sea deep place, the Stone Fox whole body cold air/Qi whiz whiz, it feels frightened, did this also really stare at it to be inadequate? 星海深处,石狐浑身冷气嗖嗖,它感觉惊悚,这还真是盯上了它不成? It does not think right, the fast transfer position, then discovered that big hand has not changed, but is straight searches toward universe Wasteland's border, the goal is not it. 它觉得不对,快速转移方位,然后发现那只大手没有跟着变向,而是笔直才朝着宇宙边荒探去,目标不是它。 Injustice has the head, the debt has main, is not stares at me fortunately!” Stone Fox stops, is patting chest, a fear appearance. “冤有头,债有主,还好不是盯上我!”石狐停下来,拍着胸口,一副后怕的样子。 Is blurry to present Young Vermilion Bird . Moreover the key point of paying attention to is not that only sinister hand, but is Stone Fox. 到现在小朱雀还迷糊呢,而且关注的重点不是那只黑手,而是石狐 Grandpa Stone Fox, your sickness? Finally thoroughly restores, can move.” 石狐爷爷,你的病好啦?终于彻底恢复,能够行动了。” Stone Fox said: I have a scare, was frightened, then jumped, enters the starry sky, has not restored!” 石狐道:“我只是吓一跳而已,受到惊吓,然后跳了起来,进入星空,还没恢复!” Young Vermilion Bird is flashing the big eye, the color of face despising. 小朱雀扑闪着大眼,一脸鄙视之色。 After the moment, it turns into human form, the small face is pallid, stares to search into the starry sky the big hand, really moe dull, now clarifies the World of the Dead universe to have the how terrifying big event. 片刻后,它才化成人形,小脸煞白,盯着探入星空的大手,实在过于呆萌,现在才弄清楚阴间宇宙正在发生着何其恐怖的大事件。 The universe edge, in the chaos, Ji Hong True Body already had the induction to run away, grasps Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, opens the chaos, turns into stream of light, flees runs away. 宇宙边缘,混沌中,纪鸿真身早已生出感应逃走了,手持天尊法旨,开辟混沌,化成一道流光,亡命逃遁。 In fact in Purgatory presents the accident, he has a sleep/felt, first flees. 事实上在炼狱中出现变故时,他就有所觉了,第一时间遁走。 Even if the black big hand cannot imagine, can hoodwink the public, but has given his certain time, now almost must cross the chaos sea, ran into Broken Universe. 哪怕黑色大手不可想象,可以只手遮天,但还是给了他一定的时间,现在几乎要越过混沌海,逃进残破宇宙了。 lifeforms of this level, grasps Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, in the situation of particularly going all out, a blink can vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered arrive at the end of world. 这个层次的生物,手持天尊法旨,尤其是拼命的情况下,一眨眼就能纵横到天地的尽头。 This is...... Ji Hong Heavenly Venerate, he grasped Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree to return!” Defends is extremely shocking in Broken Universe this side person, the time is not very long, did Ji Hong return? “这是……纪鸿天尊,他手持天尊法旨回归了!”守在残破宇宙这一边的人非常震惊,时间不是很漫长,纪鸿就回归了? Also had God Level Evolver wait/etc. is very surprised in some time ago Divine King that caught up with from World of the Living, the don't tell me matter completed, did the Ji Hong Heavenly Venerate success belt/bring come back that Paramount treasure? 一些在不久前从阳间赶来的神王还有神级进化者等都很吃惊,难道事情办妥,纪鸿天尊成功带回来那件究极瑰宝? Teacher...... Saves me!” “师尊……救我!” However, what making them not think, after Ji Hong return, but also grasps Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, starts to summon loudly, exudes the praying for rescue sound. 然而,让他们没有想到的是,纪鸿回归后,还手持天尊法旨呢,就开始大声呼唤,发出求救声。 Then, all people see a fearful picture, making their soul tremble, forever the brand mark enters in the inner world, this lived this world to be hard to obliterate. 接着,所有人都看到一幅可怕的画面,让他们灵魂都在瑟瑟发抖,永远烙印进心海中,此生此世都难以磨灭了。 A black big hand obstructs day, finds out from the chaos of World of the Dead universe direction, Ji Hong True Body that one to that become a fugitive grasps. 一只黑色的大手遮天,从阴间宇宙方向的混沌中探出,一把向那正在逃亡的纪鸿真身抓去。 The Ji Hong heart and gall is all cold, usually he keeps aloof, meets the worship of audience god, is the present, he actually compared with stray cur might as well, but also fears. 纪鸿心胆皆寒,平日间他高高在上,接受众神的朝拜,可是是现在呢,他却比丧家之犬还不如,还恐惧。 Bang! 轰! Finally the moment, his took out that Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, gave his golden Dharma Decree to hit Extreme Martial, the bang to that black big hand, prevented. 最后关头,他祭出那张天尊法旨,将太武给予他的金色法旨打了出去,轰向那只黑色的大手,进行阻挡。 Let matter occurrence that the person trembles, after golden Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree touches that black big hand, an cuns (2.5 cm) break, the swift and violent annihilation, turns into the detritus to dissipate. 让人颤栗的事情发生,金色的天尊法旨触及那只黑色大手后,寸寸断裂,迅猛湮灭,化成碎屑消散开。 ! 噗! Ji Hong True Body was held by the black palm, then pinched to explode, became one group of blood mist, then burnt burn to ashes. 纪鸿真身被黑色手掌一把抓住,而后捏爆了,成为一团血雾,接着又焚烧成灰烬 Sad and shrill pitiful yell sound stops suddenly, lets all people such as in the falling icehouse, from the beginning coolly arrives at the foot, that is half-step Heavenly Venerate, such died? 凄厉的惨叫声戛然而止,让所有人都如坠冰窖中,从头凉到脚,那可是一位半步天尊啊,就这么死了? That is what kind of terrifying lifeforms, pursues from World of the Dead, a hand black big hand, easily grips dead Ji Hong. 那是何等恐怖的生物,从阴间追逐过来,一只手黑色的大手而已,就轻易攥死纪鸿 This was too terrifying! 这实在太恐怖了! Many person entire life are hard to forget before , the scene that see, frames in this flash. 许多人这一生一世都难以忘记以前所见到的景象,定格在这一瞬间。 Buzz! 嗡! The black big hand shakes gently, shakes to disperse and grind the flying ash one group of blood and soul light of distant place. 黑色大手轻轻一震,将远方的一团血与魂光震散、碾成飞灰。 That is subsequent hand who Ji Hong previously left behind, is one group of true blood and soul light, even if he in World of the Dead die, may come back to life. 那是纪鸿早先留下的后手,是一团真血魂光,即便他在阴间殒落,也可藉此复生。 But now, so-called resurrecting method ended, Ji Hong dies is very thorough, is very clean. 可是现在,所谓的复活手段完了,纪鸿死的很彻底,很干净。 Before Ji Hong final obsession dissipates, he had a clear(ly) to become aware, the so-called black big hand looks that the speed was very slow, chased down leisurely, actually must so, to write off his all! 纪鸿最后的一丝执念消散前,他有一种明悟,所谓的黑色大手看着速度很缓慢,悠悠追杀下来,其实就是要如此,为了抹杀他的一切! This...... Too frightened and to terrify person, terrifying to desperate. 这……太惊悚与瘆人,恐怖到让人绝望。
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