SR :: Volume #11

#1006: That sinister hand on Reincarnation Road is only born

Extreme Martial came, this is true Heavenly Venerate, on the World of the Living earth of length and breadth some regions have his temple to stand erect, are consecrating his Dharma Idol, making various clans consecrate. 太武来了,这可是一位真正的天尊啊,广袤的阳间大地上有些区域有他的神庙矗立,供奉着他的法相,让各族供奉。 Now, the character in this legend appears, making the will of the people tremble, the soul is trembling. 现在,这种传说中的人物出现,令人心颤,灵魂都在发抖。 Arrived Heavenly Venerate this progression, has been able to gamble in World of the Living, can let the powerhouse who the world wind and cloud surges truly, keeps aloof, has lived the long years, grasps the method of Paramount. 到了天尊这个级数,已经可以在阳间博弈,是真正可以让天下风云激荡的强者,高高在上,活过漫长岁月,掌握究极之法。 Let alone they, are disciple of these people arrive, is huge storm, may make dynasty prosperity and decline alternate. 别说他们,就是这些人的弟子亲临,都是一场天大的风暴,可让一个王朝兴衰更迭。 The person who in Mystic Realm has not died bows politely, lies prostrate in worship, is very reverent, some are Extreme Martial lineage/vein disciples and followers, saw that teaches First Ancestor to arrive, excited incomparable. 秘境中没死的人叩拜下去,顶礼膜拜,无比虔诚,有些就是太武一脉的徒子徒孙,见到开教鼻祖到来,激动无比。 Since the infinite years, world can see is only statue of this lifeforms in each region temple, the body of where obvious flesh? 无穷岁月以来,世间所能见到是只是这种生物在各地神庙中的塑像,哪里可见血肉之身? Extreme Martial unemotionally, in the right hand palm one group of blood and soul light are beating, then his lightly scolds, silhouette will remould together, precisely Ji Hong. 太武面无表情,右手掌心中一团血与魂光在跳动,而后他一声轻叱,将一道身影重塑出来,正是纪鸿 Ji Hong has not died, finally moment nearly destroy both body and soul, activated his teacher to leave his ancient symbol, summoned a Extreme Martial incarnation. 纪鸿还没有死,最后关头险些形神俱灭,激活了他师尊留给他的一枚古符,召唤来太武的一具化身。 This as before is not Extreme Martial True Body, he does not have the time to appear, for one year is confronting with the old enemy, is impossible to catch up personally. 这依旧不是太武真身,他没有时间出现,一年来都在跟宿敌对峙,不可能亲自赶来。 Master!” “师傅!” Ji Hong resurrecting, bends down immediately on the ground kotows, he is ashamed, is the anger. 纪鸿复活,顿时伏在地上叩首,他既是羞愧,又是愤怒。 He is half-step Heavenly Venerate, was almost killed, has no recourse to alarm his teacher, this makes his face chest cavity have a fever. 他可是半步天尊,几乎被杀死,迫不得已惊动他的师尊,这让他脸膛发烧。 Wants knows, this has not been the enemy of same step creates, but is only World of the Dead's small Indigenous, makes him barely escape unexpectedly, is loses face seriously proficiently. 知道,这并未是同阶的对头造成的,而只是阴间的一个小土著,竟让他险死还生,当真是丢脸到家。 Teacher, put to trouble to you!” Ji Hong kneels there, whispered apologizes. “师尊,给您添麻烦了!”纪鸿跪在那里,轻声低语请罪。 His knows, own teacher struggles intensified with that old enemy, otherwise incomparably will not earnestly seek to lose in World of the Dead's that Supreme Treasure, now has no time Avatar. 知道,自己的师尊跟那位宿敌斗争到白热化,不然也不会无比渴求失落在阴间的那件至宝,现在无暇分身 Today can obviously melt the incarnation to save him together, is not really easy. 今天能够显化一道化身来救他,着实不易。 Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate nodded, incomparable regret, because he knows, some time ago that Indigenous appeared, is bringing the World of the Living's Paramount treasure. 太武天尊点了点头,无比的遗憾,因为他已经知道,不久前那个土著出现了,带着阳间的究极瑰宝。 , This time was also what a pity bad little, brushed, missed as before! 可惜啊,这次又差了一点点,擦身而过,依旧无缘! Arrives at World of the Dead once more? He was said that anything such will not have done, if lost an incarnation again, his World of the Living's True Body can stably, not be ridden by the match. 再次亲临阴间?他是说什么也不会这么做了,如果再损失一具化身,他阳间的真身都会不稳固,会被对手所乘。 The people look that half-step Heavenly Venerate kneels to bend down on the ground, is so respectful to Extreme Martial, even more feels the pressure, is aloof teaches First Ancestor to be terrifying on. 众人看着半步天尊都跪伏在地上,对太武那么恭敬,越发感觉到压力,超然在上一教鼻祖过于恐怖。 Afterward, Extreme Martial vanishes, returns to World of the Living. 随后,太武消失,回归阳间 I kill the enemy!” “我去杀敌!” I will bring that treasure for the teacher!” “我会为师尊取来那件瑰宝!” The Ji Hong opens the mouth, said continually two words, he must go to the World of the Dead universe, was ready for any sacrifice thoroughly. 纪鸿开口,连说两句话,他要前往阴间宇宙,彻底豁出去了。 shuā! 刷! In sky landing next Dharma Decree, this is Extreme Martial leaves his, may shelter him to cross the World of the Dead's chaos sea, this was supports him to step onto in the past. 天空中降落下一张法旨,这是太武留给他的,可庇护他横渡阴间的混沌海,这是支持他过去走上一遭。 That rare treasure to Extreme Martial important. 那件秘宝对太武来说至关重要。 The people shock, no one has thought that will develop this step! 众人震撼,谁都没有想到会发展到这一步! Bang! 轰! Ji Hong left, vanishes from this piece of Mystic Realm, countless person palpitations, pursued crazily, wishes one could to go forward, wants to look at the final result. 纪鸿动身了,从这片秘境消失,无数人心悸,疯狂追了出去,恨不得跟着前进,想要看一看最终的结果。 However, depending on how they pursue on, only sees him to enter the starry sky, marches into to lead to the World of the Dead universe chaos. 但是,凭他们怎么追的上,只看到他进入星空,步入通向阴间宇宙的混沌中。 Chī! 哧! However before he leaves, he from since top of the head there flies one group of true blood and little soul light, he has also made the protection, feared that came across the accident/surprise dead thoroughly, leaves behind the subsequent hand. 不过在他离开前,他从的天灵盖那里飞起一团真血与几许魂光,他也是做了防备,怕遇到意外彻底死去,留下后手。 Ji Hong Heavenly Venerate waits, we are willing to accompany!” 纪鸿天尊等一等,我们愿意随行!” Some Divine King shouted, but already without enough time, this was just the powerhouse who came from World of the Living, wants big event that witnesses then has. 神王大喊,但是早已来不及,这是刚从阳间过来的强者,想要见证接下来发生的大事件。 Ji Hong crossed the chaos sea, succeeded, he pulled down own Realm, feared that detonated Great Abyss there crisis! 纪鸿渡过混沌海,成功过来了,他压低自身境界,怕引爆大渊那里的危机! His True Body in standing in chaos, the pupil is cloudy and cold, today met with the great shame, how he can endure, must kill that Indigenous, seizes Supreme Treasure. 他的真身在站在混沌中,眸子阴冷无比,今日遭逢奇耻大辱,他怎能忍受,必须要杀了那个土著,夺走至宝 You cannot get away, I have touched your source aura, I believe that goes all over this piece of universe to be able you to seek eventually, making you live to might as well die!” “你走不了,我已经触及过你的本源气息,我相信走遍这片宇宙终究是能将你寻到,让你生不如死!” On the Ji Hong handsome face writes all over cold and gloomy, he once pledged, must humiliate a Chu Feng ten thousand years, was impossible to let its simple dying, how otherwise to solve hate of heart. 纪鸿英俊的面庞上写满森冷,他曾发誓,要折辱楚风一万载,不可能让其简单的死去,不然何以解心头之恨。 half-step Heavenly Venerate came, has not visited World of the Dead truly, has initiated thundering of this piece of universe, big change, Order on many life planet with cry. 半步天尊来了,还没有真正踏足阴间,就已经引发这片宇宙的轰鸣,剧震不已,许多生命星球上的秩序在和鸣。 This is a very fearful accident, the Little World of the Dead universe compares the words compared to Great World of the Living, but is insignificant, is tiny, if still dust. 这是一种非常可怕的变故,小阴间宇宙相对于大阳间进行对比的话,不过是沧海一粟,非常渺小,犹若尘埃。 After Ji Hong catches up personally, he determined, this is only one buries the post randomly, not in Great World of the Dead like legend. 纪鸿亲自赶来后,他确定,这只是一处乱葬岗,不像传说中的大阴间 I came!” He smiles indifferently, is bringing boundless murderous intention. “我来了!”他冷漠地笑着,带着无边的杀机 , An incarnation runs out from his within the body, and was suppressed by him to the Shining Upon level, in World of the Dead Star Sea that like this walks into, must kill Chu Feng. 哧的一声,一具化身从他体内冲出,并被他压制到映照层次,就这样走入的阴间星海中,要去杀楚风 Buzz, the second incarnation appears, enters the Little World of the Dead universe, one step takes is the star shift, the desert starry sky backs up in the rear area. 嗡的一声,第二具化身出现,也进入小阴间宇宙,一步迈出便是星斗转移,瀚海星空倒退在后方。 His True Body stands erect in chaos sea, has not passed, he believes that even if there is accident, has the accident/surprise to occur, oneself will not have an accident. 他的真身屹立在混沌海中,没有过去,他相信,哪怕真有变故,有意外发生,自身也不会出事。 True Body is well, all are well! 真身无恙,一切就安好! In his heart has one group of fires to burn down, wants to conquer by killing World of the Dead very much, if not dreads Great Abyss, anything does not dare to do! 他心中有一团火在焚烧,很想血洗阴间,若非忌惮大渊,没什么不敢做的! Chu Feng comes out, I lost the patience, rather the rejection incarnation, today must slaughter, conquers by killing the four directions, only if you come out, otherwise I was ready for any sacrifice!” 楚风出来吧,我已经失去耐心,宁可舍弃化身,今天也要大开杀戒,血洗四方,除非你出来,不然我豁出去了!” Ji Hong shouted, vibrates the starry sky, his two incarnations walked in each region, presented the shadow mark on many life planet, its sound rumble. 纪鸿喝道,震动星空,他的两具化身在各地行走,在许多生命星球上出现影迹,其音隆隆。 In this, Great World of the Living world, even if place of corner has trillion li (0.5 km) territory, the length and breadth is boundless, the mountain is vigorous, the river is torrential. 于此之时,大阳间世界,即便是一隅之地都有亿万里疆土,广袤无垠,山岳雄浑,大河滔滔。 On this piece of Great Desolate Earth, Concise Essence flows, Dao Ancestral Matter occasionally sees, Immortal Vapours winds around, mountains and rivers incomparable grandness and rose beautiful. 这片洪荒大地上,精粹流淌,道祖物质偶见,仙雾缭绕,山河无比的壮丽与瑰美。 Today, a news comes, initiates in each region discusses. 今日,一则消息传来,在各地间引发热议。 The World of the Living rank died in eighth Divinity Chi Ming, the booklet falls on World of the Dead, was strangled by there Indigenous. 阳间排位在第八的神祇赤铭死了,折落在阴间,被那里的土著扼杀。 Moreover, Extreme Martial direct disciple half-step Heavenly Venerate Ji Hong nearly was also rumbled to kill, finally depends on his master to save the scene. 不仅如此,太武亲传弟子半步天尊纪鸿也险些被人轰杀,最后靠他师傅救场。 Real false, does not have the news to pass on, said that there is only one buries the post randomly? Unexpectedly can kill World of the Living God Level evolution talent, even suffered a loss including Ji Hong!” “真的假的,不是有消息传回来,说那里只是一处乱葬岗吗?居然能杀阳间神级进化天才,甚至连纪鸿都吃大亏了!” Some World of the Living places live it up. 阳间一些地方热闹起来。 Naturally, more regions are very tranquil, is this news has not been startled any storm, compared to does not have along and grand World of the Living boundlessly, this matter is not anything. 当然,更多的地带很平静,便是这种消息都没有惊起什么风浪,相对于无边无沿而又壮阔的阳间来说,这点事不算什么。 For example, somewhat formidable evolution Sect, does not care about this minor matter, they pay attention to the big grave that in some mountain scene river buries, possibly was the resting place of some prehistoric empress, perhaps in that underground inner and outer coffin some people were also living. 比如,有些强大的进化门派,根本不在意这点小事,他们关注某片山河中埋葬的大墓,可能是史前某位女帝的安息地,或许那地下的棺椁中还有人活着。 Also some people are paying attention, space that leaf of golden can Heavenly Gate open? This time will draw out what kind of big sound. 也有人在关注,天上那扇金色的天门又要开启了吗?这次会引出怎样一番大动静。 Also some people are focusing attention on the Supreme Being dwelling place, whether will have the Paramount war? 还有人在瞩目大能的栖居地,是否会有究极战? Also some people in paying attention to some World of the Living's lists, some famous evolution research agency, publish the article newly, a night mounts in the evolution academic report ranking top three, explains on Evolution Road a key issue, attacked and captured doubtful. 亦有人在关注阳间的一些榜单,某一负有盛名的进化研究机构,最新发表文章,一夜间登上进化学术报告排行榜前三甲内,阐释出进化路上一关键性问题,疑似攻克了。 World of the Living was colorful, has to have hundred million years of years the dynasty, has lived Supreme Being of long years, dares to attack the World of the Living restricted area evolution Sect, had oneself uniquely revolution path, and did not care about the World of the Dead's matter. 阳间多姿多彩,有存在亿载岁月的皇朝,有活过漫长岁月的大能,还有敢攻打阳间禁地的进化门派,都有自己独特的运转轨迹,并不在意阴间的事。 However, in certain specific areas, the World of the Living troops loses or causes in World of the Dead a fluctuation. 不过,在某些特定范围内,阳间人马在阴间折戟还是引起一番波动。 Chu Feng has not entered World of the Living, then initiates time mighty waves, in a small area had certain popularity. 楚风还未进阳间,便引发一次波澜,在小范围内有一定的知名度了。 In Broken Universe, all Evolver is paying attention. 残破宇宙内,各方进化者都在关注。 You said, Ji Hong Heavenly Venerate can succeed?” A Divinity opens the mouth. “你们说,纪鸿天尊能成功吗?”一位神祇开口。 Although Ji Hong is half-step Heavenly Venerate, when many people open the mouth to call to him, is very respectful, called Heavenly Venerate. 纪鸿虽为半步天尊,但是许多人对他开口称呼时,都很恭敬,直称天尊 Whether no matter to bring to come back Supreme Treasure, Ji Hong Heavenly Venerate will leave foul odor in World of the Dead mostly, will be unfriendly!” “不管能否带回来至宝,纪鸿天尊多半都会在阴间出一口恶气,不会善了!” When the people discussed that World of the Dead universe tense atmosphere. 在人们议论时,阴间宇宙气氛紧张。 Various clan knows, World of the Living some great people came. 各族都知道,阳间又有大人物来了。 However, Ji Hong Heavenly Venerate sends a punitive expedition to come, oneself also when frightened, passed by Great Abyss, his fine body hair is but actually vertical, maintains total silence, detours by far. 然而,纪鸿天尊兴师问罪而来,自身也在惊悚,路过大渊时,他寒毛倒竖,一语不发,远远地绕行而过。 Dao Body of his teacher dies there, now can he not be scared? 他师尊的一具道身就死在那里,现在他怎么能不发毛? Previously, he also wants to begin, conquered by killing some places, but came after truly, he was also silent, does not dare to have the previous thought again. 早先,他还想动手呢,血洗一些地地方,可是真正过来后他又沉默了,不敢再有早先的念头。 Earth, Chu Feng was speaking with Stone Fox, actually tells him to make what kind of noise. 地球,楚风正跟石狐说话,告诉他究竟闹出怎么样的动静。 Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate said: "Um , he if dares to come, even if his True Body does not visit, hides in the chaos sea also useless, once initiates in Great Abyss that take action, must die without doubt, destroy both body and soul. ” 石狐天尊道:“嗯,他要是敢过来,哪怕他的真身不踏足,藏在混沌海中也没用,一旦引发大渊中那位出手,必死无疑,形神俱灭。” Young Vermilion Bird is all over the body bright red, with Stone Fox on Earth, it very leisurely and carefree also was very satisfied recently, felt that this world does not have strange matter, was happy including the breath. 小朱雀通体鲜红,跟石狐都在地球上,最近它很悠闲也很惬意,感觉这片世界没有诡异物质,连呼吸都舒畅了。 He came to Earth, how doesn't Great Abyss have the sound?” Stone Fox is astonished, expression grave, its condition is awful. “他冲地球来了,大渊怎么没有动静?”石狐惊异,神色凝重,毕竟它状态糟糕。 Chu Feng sighed, the most awful matter occurred, the Great Abyss anything sound, he only cannot start off now, goes to Reincarnation! 楚风一叹,最糟糕的事情发生了,大渊没什么动静,他现在只能上路,去轮回 Senior said goodbye, perhaps I should go to World of the Living, didn't knows have the favorable turn!” Chu Feng sighed. “前辈就此别过,我或许该去阳间了,不知道还有没有转机!”楚风叹道。 Stone Fox said: Relax, although I was disabled, but faces half-step Heavenly Venerate also fearless, he does not dare to conquer by killing Earth.” 石狐道:“放心,我虽然残废了,但是面对一个半步天尊还无惧,他不敢血洗地球。” Chu Feng, you roll to me, does not come to me then to conquer by killing this life planet!” Ji Hong came, formidable incarnation passed over gently and swiftly Star Sea, arrives in the extraterrestrial outer space. 楚风,你给我滚出来,再不现身我便血洗这颗生命星球!”纪鸿来了,强大的化身掠过星海,抵达地球外太空中。 Moreover, his two incarnation simultaneously arrived, only come one by no means. 而且,他的两具化身齐至,并非只来一具。 „Can you conquer by killing here?” The Stone Fox opens the mouth, True Body in Kunlun Mountain, looks out the outer space. “你要血洗这里?”石狐开口,真身就在昆仑山上,遥望外太空。 "Um? Is you, fox Heavenly Venerate?! ” The Ji Hong shock, how can see this person here, the feeling is inconceivable, the information that in the middle of this contains were too many, was too terrifying. “嗯?是你,狐天尊?!”纪鸿震惊,怎么能在这里见到此人,感觉不可思议,这当中包含的信息太多了,也太恐怖了。 Quick, he discovered that the Stone Fox condition, the corners of the mouth reveal one wisp to smile, relaxed many. 很快,他发现石狐的状态,嘴角露出一缕笑,轻松了不少。 Looks in the fox Heavenly Venerate share, I will not conquer by killing this place, but that Indigenous, I must carry off!” “看在狐天尊的份上,我不会血洗此地,但是那个土著,我必须要带走!” Ji Hong, your grandfather here, rolls, otherwise the grandfather walked, did not play with you!” Chu Feng shouted, the sound spreads from the Purgatory space under that Kunlun Mountain. 纪鸿,你爷爷在这里,滚过来吧,不然爷爷走了,不和你玩了!”楚风大喊,声音从那昆仑山下的炼狱空间中传出。 Bang! 轰! A Ji Hong incarnation directly flushed, submerged in Purgatory, just came in he to think the whole body to feel cold, the ice was cold, he heart was serious immediately. 纪鸿的一道化身直接冲进去了,没入炼狱中,刚一进来他就觉得浑身发冷,冰寒刺骨,他顿时心头沉重。 Suddenly, before he arrives at Shining Death City, sees here all, suck in a cold breath. 瞬息间,他就来到光明死城前,看到这里的一切,倒吸冷气 Even if he does not have personally to experience, but has also heard Purgatory, does not want to come here unexpectedly. 即便他没有亲身经历过,但也听说过炼狱,不曾想居然来到这里。 Chu Feng grasps stone box, through the stone mill plate, has stood on Reincarnation Road, fleshly body is complete, there provocation, was saying: „The Ji Hong young child, the grandfather walked, another day our World of the Living fights again, but you are careful, my this is reincarnated, an auspicious day of your Extreme Martial lineage/vein must to the end, all probably die!” 楚风手持石盒,已经通过石磨盘,站在轮回路上,肉身完好,正在那里挑衅,道:“纪鸿小儿,爷爷走了,他日咱们阳间再战,不过你要小心啊,我此去转世,你们太武一脉的好日子都要到头了,全都要死!” The Ji Hong face darken, he dread regarding may Reincarnator, naturally willing does not look Chu Feng is reincarnated. 纪鸿脸色阴沉,他对于可转世者非常忌惮,自然不甘心看着楚风去转世。 Meanwhile, his very surprise, Chu Feng fleshly body is also well, this was reincarnated, a little said does not pass. 同时,他也很诧异,楚风肉身无恙,这就去转世了,有点讲不通。 Ji Hong pupil light gloomy and cold, saw that Chu Feng also stands in the stone mill plate near, thought that can try, could be killed by shock the opposite party while still alive, making the opposite party forsee the concomitant tragedy, dies without the burial ground, had better be able shake to fly stone box. 纪鸿眸光阴冷,看到楚风还站在石磨盘近前,觉得可以一试,或许能活活震死对方,让对方乐极生悲,死无葬身之地,最好能将石盒震飞出来。 Thinks of here, backs up enough far, even quickly was separated from the Purgatory space, that then, he rumbled attacked the stone mill plate in that Shining Death City, wants to cause its backlash, thus affected Chu Feng, shook fine powder him. 想到这里,倒退出去足够远,甚至都快脱离炼狱空间了,然后,他轰的一声攻击那光明死城中的石磨盘,想引起它反噬,从而波及楚风,将他震成齑粉 Idea of Ji Hong very evil and cruel, must make him succeed, Chu Feng is very naturally miserable. 纪鸿的想法很歹毒,真要让他成功,楚风自然很惨。 However, Ji Hong has underestimated this place, even if he is half-step Heavenly Venerate, are not many to Purgatory and Reincarnation Road understanding, considers fears including Stone Fox Heavenly Venerate this place, knows are not many. 但是,纪鸿低估了此地,哪怕他是半步天尊,也对炼狱轮回路了解不多,试想连石狐天尊都此地恐惧,知道的不多。 Thoroughness that half-step Heavenly Venerate can find out? If his master Extreme Martial here, does not certainly dare such to handle affairs. 一位半步天尊又怎能了解的透彻?若是他的师傅太武在这里,一定不敢这么行事。 This palm, he hits was happy, energy impact that flies endless rune and ray, seething with excitement on stone mill plate, vibrated entire Shining Death City, making Reincarnation Road have the inexplicable turbulence. 这一掌,他打的舒畅了,飞出去无尽的符文与光芒,沸腾的能量冲击在石磨盘上,震动了整座光明死城,让轮回路都出现莫名动荡。 The Chu Feng fine body hair is but actually vertical, first avoids in stone box, protects oneself. 楚风寒毛倒竖,第一时间躲避进石盒中,保护自身。 In fact, Ji Hong overestimated itself, the energy that his palm made cannot create damages slightly, but slightly shook lightly, Chu Feng there cannot affect. 事实上,纪鸿高估自己了,他一掌打出的能量并不能对此地造成丝毫损伤,只是稍微的轻震,连楚风那里都不能波及。 Consequence that but, finally causes is actually the terrifying level, the vibration past and present, occurred has scared to death the Divine Demon mutation sufficiently, a jet black big hand found out from Reincarnation Road, through Shining Death City, grasped slowly outward...... 可是,最终造成的后果的却是恐怖的级,震动古今,发生了足以吓死神魔的异变,一只漆黑大手从轮回路上探出,通过光明死城,缓缓向外抓去…… "Ah! ” “啊!” Ji Hong creepy feeling, turns around to run away! 纪鸿头皮发麻,转身就逃! At this moment, Chu Feng lifts stone box slightly, happen to sees this through a slit, the whole body is goosebumps. 这一刻,楚风稍微掀开石盒,通过一道缝隙正好看到这一幕,浑身都是鸡皮疙瘩 In Kunlun Mountain, Stone Fox was very gentle, but it suddenly all over the body is scared now, then...... Jumped decisively, starts to travel, it thought that the scalp must blast out, the innermost feelings are terrified. 昆仑山上,石狐原本很平和,但是现在它突然间通体发毛,然后……果断跳了起来,开始跑路,它觉得头皮都要炸开了,内心惶恐无比。 The dumbfoundedness that Young Vermilion Bird looks, sound transmission shouts: Grandpa Stone Fox, how you will move, moreover runs is so quick?” 小朱雀看的目瞪口呆,传音喊道:“石狐爷爷,你怎么会动了,而且跑的这么快?” Stone Fox holds it, carries off, running was quicker, shouts: trembling with fear, terrified, frightened me to move all of a sudden!” 石狐一把抓住它,一齐带走,跑的更快了,喊道:“战战兢兢,惶惶恐恐,吓得我一下子就会动弹了!” Young Vermilion Bird: „......” 小朱雀:“……”
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