SR :: Volume #11

#1005: God grave

Has not to end? Ji Hong heart startled anger, simultaneously big such as fights, the accident of today is above the imagination, a World of the Dead Indigenous even/including leaves two Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree unexpectedly, goes against heaven's will to letting the person must spit blood. 有完没完?纪鸿心头惊怒,同时头大如斗,今日之变故超乎想象,一个阴间土著居然连出两张天尊法旨,逆天到让人要吐血。 Ji Hong caused heavy losses, the first time is incomplete Dharma Decree, now presents one completely, how not to make his innermost feelings fear fear. 纪鸿原本就被重创了,头一次还是一张残缺的法旨而已,现在出现一张完整的,怎不让他内心惶惧。 Vertical is half-step Heavenly Venerate, has dreaded, the innermost feelings have a red line, the energy of knows anything level cannot provoke. 纵为半步天尊,也有所畏惧,内心有一条红线,知道什么层次的能量不可招惹。 Although he responded rapidly, first wants to flee, but without enough time, this Dharma Decree flew, blocked the sky, covers that channel. 虽然他反应迅速,第一时间就想遁走,但还是来不及了,这张法旨飞出去,遮天蔽日,覆盖那条通道。 Bang! 轰! Such the flash, golden Dharma Decree erupts, is indistinct can see that boundless silhouette appears, finds out big hand, strikes to Ji Hong! 就这么一瞬间,金色法旨爆发,隐约间可以看到磅礴身影浮现,探出一只大手,拍击向纪鸿 That is the Great Dao's carrier, regular manifestation, is accompanying rushing Primal Chaos Qi, that palm jet black like black ink, must crush the vacuum, writes off the myriad things. 那是大道的载体,规则的体现,伴着澎湃的混沌气,那只手掌漆黑如墨,要粉碎真空,抹杀万物。 Even if Ji Hong is very strong, furiously resistance, but he cannot withstand, the first bone breaks the muscle booklet, the big mouth coughs up blood, the whole person is flying upside down. 即便纪鸿很强,奋力对抗,但是他也承受不住,第一时间骨断筋折,大口咳血,整个人在倒飞。 What others see is the black big hand, is Heavenly Venerate palm that on Dharma Decree rune condenses, but Ji Hong sees is Order, is manifestation of Heavenly Venerate deep meaning. 别人看到的是黑色大手,是法旨符文凝聚成的天尊手掌,而纪鸿看到的则是秩序,是天尊奥义的体现。 This makes him frightened, cannot block, this struck him to disintegrate, complete Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree was really fearful! 这让他惊悚,真的挡不住,这才一击而已他就又要解体了,完整的天尊法旨果然可怕! Kills!” “杀!” Ji Hong goes all out, the body is disintegrating, but he does not think that soul light also ruptured, was too so big to his damage, might be cut Dao Foundation, even died. 纪鸿拼命,身体在瓦解,但他不想魂光崩开,那样对他的损伤太大了,有可能会被斩掉道基,甚至死亡。 A valuable link appears, shining, shines Between Heaven and Earth, this is his took out rare treasure, half-step Heavenly Venerate Level. 一枚宝环浮现,流光溢彩,照耀天地间,这是他祭出的秘宝,半步天尊级 Previously when he has not given up use, but now to maintain life, to go on living he can not stimulate to movement. 早先时他都没舍得使用,但现在了为了保命,为了活下去他不得被催动起来。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 However, in the end this blue sparkling bracelet just enlarged to break to pieces greatly to the grinding pan, is split up, the metallic luster is gloomy, becomes waste. 然而,到头来这枚蓝莹莹手环刚放大到磨盘大就碎掉了,四分五裂,金属光泽暗淡,成为废器。 Bang! 轰! The Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree illumination, is even more radiant, the golden light rushes, finds out black big hand terrifying that even more from the paper, horizontal flies, the body that Ji Hong strikes blasts out. 天尊法旨发光,越发璀璨,金光澎湃,从纸张中探出的黑色大手越发的恐怖,将纪鸿拍击的横飞,身体炸开。 He cannot block finally, several times reorganized the body to be useless, several times blasted out, bloody, encounters the unimaginable wound. 他终于是挡不住,数次重组身体都无用,数次炸开,血淋淋,遭遇不可想象的创伤。 Is his soul light is being split up, being doomed wound to the Great Dao foundation. 就是他的魂光都在四分五裂,注定伤到大道根基了。 Evil livestock, Indigenous!” Ji Hong angrily roars, how long can this time being wounded delay his to restore? Compared with several enemies, he must fall from now on leeward. “孽畜,土著!”纪鸿怒吼,这一次的负伤要耽搁他多久才能恢复?跟几个对头相比,他今后要落于下风了。 Meanwhile, his crisis has not relieved, the life and death tribulation is still continuing, he could die here. 同时,他的危机并未解除,生死磨难还在继续中,他可能会死在这里。 In golden Dharma Decree the big hand vanishes finally, but it danger even more, Dharma Decree burning down, the divine ability ebullition, above has the trace that the imperial seal stays behind, shines the dazzling light. 金色法旨中大手终于消失,但它却越发的危险,法旨焚烧,神能沸腾,上面有印玺留下的痕迹,照耀出刺目的光。 Bang! 砰! At this moment, the golden Dharma Decree cover falls, binds on body that in Ji Hong reorganizes once again, is broken exploding that he pulls out, soul light became the fragment. 这一刻,金色法旨罩落,裹在纪鸿又一次重组的身体上,将他抽的爆碎,魂光都成为碎片了。 The blood and bone splash in this place, the scene is very bloody. 血与骨在此地溅起,场面很血腥。 Ji Hong was calling out pitifully, he felt that oneself was dying, this really unimaginable disaster, his can don't tell me such aggrieved dying? 纪鸿惨叫着,他感觉自己要死了,这真是不可想象的灾难,他难道要这么憋屈的死去? But he is not really willingly, goes all out to struggle. 但他真的不甘心,拼命挣扎。 ka-cha! 喀嚓 Golden Dharma Decree is split up, but this is also it most dangerous time, when it disintegrates, sends out reddest one wave to the strong energy, is having the ruination. 金色法旨四分五裂,而这也是它最危险的时候,在它解体时,发出最红一波至强的能量,带着毁灭性。 Bang! 轰! Ji Hong by the golden Dharma Decree bombardment, blood mist was being burnt down, evaporation, his remnant broken soul light was calling out pitifully, was being wrapped by one group of golden light, suppressing, obliterating, was attacking to membrane there, passed through World of the Living. 纪鸿被金色法旨轰击,血雾都在焚烧,在蒸干,他的残碎魂光惨叫着,被一团金光包裹着,压制着,磨灭着,冲击向界膜那里,贯穿进阳间 All people shock inexplicably, Extreme Martial direct disciple Ji Hong falls to this step unexpectedly, was too pitiful! 所有人都震撼莫名,太武亲传弟子纪鸿竟落到这一步,太凄惨了! Can he live? Everyone not knows! 他能活下来吗?谁也不知道 Chu Feng knits the brows, he has not seen with one's own eyes Ji Hong dead, somewhat is throughout restless, then, the decisive preparation leaves, cannot delay. 楚风皱眉,他没有亲眼看到纪鸿死去,始终有些不安,然后,果断准备离开,不能耽搁下去了。 However, membrane there silent instantaneous, bang, appears Ji Hong incomplete soul light, faint trace blood mist, he has not died unexpectedly, however wound was too heavy, cannot the earliest possible time reorganize True Body. 然而,界膜那里寂静瞬间,轰的一声,浮现纪鸿的残缺魂光,还有丝丝血雾,他居然真的未死,但是伤的太重了,都没有能够第一时间重组真身 Ji Hong knows, he can live, is not because he is formidable enough, can with Heavenly Venerate compound, because this Dharma Decree has the issue, this is not Heavenly Venerate personally writing Dharma Decree, but has capped its imperial seal! 纪鸿知道,他能够活下来,不是因为他足够强大,可以跟天尊并列,而是因为这法旨有问题,这不是天尊亲手书写的法旨,只是加盖了其印玺! Therefore, he lived, however wound was too heavy. 所以,他活下来了,但是伤的太重。 Some people cheer, see membrane there, Ji Hong obviously, is once more excited, this Chu Feng's did Dharma Decree exhaust? Resists with anything! 一些人欢呼,看到界膜那里,纪鸿再次显化,全都激动起来,这次楚风的法旨耗尽了吧?拿什么对抗! Really never says die, Ji Hong, kneels to meet Dharma Decree once more!” Chu Feng shouted. “真是锲而不舍啊,纪鸿,再次跪下来接法旨!”楚风喝道。 Blustered, I have killed you!” The Ji Hong sound is indifferent, in any event he does not believe, Chu Feng also has third Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree. “虚张声势,我杀了你!”纪鸿的声音冷漠无比,无论如何他也不会相信,楚风还有第三张天尊法旨 However, next quarter he was scared, departs a golden paper in that stone box, shines to sell him to think that sends to terrify the formidable ray. 然而,下一刻他就傻眼了,在那石盒中又飞出一张金色的纸张,照耀出让他觉得发瘆的强大光芒。 Fuck!” He was cursing, was really absurd, went too far, his was too miserable, this time really also dying inadequately? 我X!”他在诅咒,真是岂有此理,欺人太甚,他也太悲催了,这次真的要死了不成? Is other people is also unbelievable, all trembles to kneel to bend down on the ground, was oppressed by that formidable power and influence, is hard to move. 就是其他人也都难以置信,全都瑟瑟发抖跪伏在地上,被那种强大的威势所压迫,难以动弹。 Chu Feng without hesitation threw this Dharma Decree, bang to Ji Hong. 楚风毫不犹豫的将这张法旨扔出去了,轰向纪鸿 "Ah...... ” “啊……” Ji Hong called out pitifully, by penetration of that Dharma Decree bang to membrane that time, had been ruined including the channel, he was calling out pitifully, became silent, the life and death does not know. 纪鸿惨叫,被那张法旨轰的贯穿到界膜那一次,连通道都毁掉了,他惨叫着,又变为寂静,生死不知。 Chu Feng sighed, this is incomplete very fierce Dharma Decree, after this fires off, he really did not have. 楚风叹了一口气,这是一张残缺的非常厉害的法旨,这一张打完后,他就真的没有了。 Initially, he when the World of the Dead universe, intercepted this incomplete Dharma Decree, intercepted the Divinity steamship in the chaos twice, obtained two relatively complete Dharma Decree. 当初,他在阴间宇宙时,截获此残缺法旨,在混沌中两次截杀神祇大船,获得两张相对完好的法旨 However, complete Dharma Decree when wooden city there exploration, was ruined the part. 但是,其中一张完好的法旨在木城那里探索时,被毁掉部分。 Now, three Dharma Decree exhausted. 现在,三张法旨都耗尽了。 ! 噗! Chu Feng is quite resolute, grasps Divine Sword take action, will kneel to bend down in ground world eighth god Chi Ming to cut to kill, chops the head, destroys completely his soul light. 楚风相当果决,手持神剑出手,将跪伏在地上天下第八神赤铭斩杀,劈掉头颅,灭掉他的魂光 Then, the blue maple tree is also killed violently, this ranks first hundred Divinity also to be beheaded by Chu Feng, destroy both body and soul. 接着,蓝枫也毙命,这位排名前百的神祇亦被楚风斩首,形神俱灭 Mainly after is Chu Feng took out Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, here all people kneel to bend down, if the body shakes chaff. Chu Feng including is activating three Heavenly Venerate Dharma Decree, in suppressed Mystic Realm numerous Evolver trembles, living that who can withstand? 主要是楚风祭出天尊法旨后,这里所有人都跪伏下去,体若筛糠。楚风连着激活三张天尊法旨,压制的秘境中众多进化者瑟瑟发抖,谁能承受的住? But Chu Feng oneself has the stone box asylum, not affected, therefore this homicide Divinity is very smooth, has not met the impedance. 楚风自身有石盒庇护,不受影响,所以这一次他杀神祇很顺利,没有遇到阻抗。 pū pū...... 噗噗噗…… Chu Feng slaughters, connects take action, kills the God Level talent specially! 楚风大开杀戒,接连出手,专杀神级天才! Suddenly, here divine blood scatters. 一时间,这里神血四溅。 You find the opportunity to enter World of the Living!” Chu Feng opens the mouth in secret, to 12 snow white God Level small creature sound transmission, this is his informer. “你们找机会进阳间!”楚风暗中开口,对12只雪白的神级小动物传音,这是他的“耳目”。 After simple urging, he goes far away instant, has not rushed to World of the Living, because an instinct intuition makes him frightened, always thought that that side is extremely dangerous, has not the good matter to occur. 简单叮嘱后,他刹那远去,没有强闯阳间,因为一种本能直觉让他惊悚,总觉得那边极度危险,有不好的事要发生。 Chu Feng fled, first rushes to the World of the Dead universe direction. 楚风遁走了,第一时间闯向阴间宇宙方向。 Bang! 轰! His speed was too fast, enters in the chaos, then submerges in stone box, crosses this piece of dangerous chaos sea. 他的速度太快了,进入混沌中,接着没入石盒内,横渡这片危险的混沌海。 Finally, he rushed in the World of the Dead universe successfully, the moment did not stay, hurried to toward a destination. 最终,他成功闯进了阴间宇宙,片刻不停留,朝着一个目的地赶去。 Broken Universe, in that piece of Mystic Realm, everywhere is divine blood, everywhere is the scarlets, God Level Evolver that arrives at almost dies certainly, this World of the Living loses seriously. 残破宇宙,那片秘境中,到处都是神血,到处都是猩红色,降临过来的神级进化者几乎死绝,这一次阳间损失惨重。 This stretch of region simply becomes god grave! 这片地带简直成为神墓! Bang! 轰! The membrane was punctured, terrifying silhouette appears together, the bird's eye view past and present in the future, will erupt immeasurable divine ability, this will be Heavenly Venerate, he caught up. 界膜被打穿,一道恐怖的身影出现,俯瞰古今未来,爆发无量神能,这是一位天尊,他赶过来了。 Extreme Martial Heavenly Venerate!” Some people shock, Extreme Martial appears! 太武天尊!”有人震撼,太武出现! His presses disciple Ji Hong is half-step Heavenly Venerate, was killed by the Chu Feng bang?! 他的难为弟子纪鸿乃是一位半步天尊,被楚风轰杀了?! His is the heart has the induction, therefore arrives?! 他这是心有感应,因此而降临?!
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